Fear Itself - Tests

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Suzie wants to climb a high wall to get a good view of the

librarian’s garden, where a cult meeting may be going
on. The GM needs the group to get to the other side of the
wall and therefore assigns the relatively low Difficulty
Number of 3 to the task. Suzie’s player, Kira, has a full
8 points in her Athletics pool. She decides that she really
needs a win on this one and decides to spend half of
them on the attempt. She rolls a 5. With the 4 points
from her pool, this gets a final result of 9. Displaying
impressive aerobatic grace, Suzie hauls herself
over the wall.

Fear Itself is meant to be a straight-up and brutal horror

game. Losing points is meant to hurt. To evoke that
spirit faithfully, the GM should never reveal Difficulty
Numbers. GMs running GUMSHOE in non-horror
environments, or who wish to water down the setting’s
intentional level of oppressive nastiness, may choose to
reveal Difficulties.

The test represents the character’s best chance to

succeed. Once you fail, you’ve shot your wad and cannot
retry unless you take some other supporting action that
would credibly increase your odds of success. If allowed
to do this, you must spend more pool points than you
did on the previous attempt. If you can’t afford it, you
can’t retry.

Simple Tests The player characters are traveling in a van, in hot

A simple test occurs when the character attempts an pursuit of a cultist in a stolen car. Lucy has just
action without active resistance from another person failed her Driving test to keep control of the van as
or entity. Examples include driving a treacherous road, it goes skidding toward the edge of a wet mountain
jumping a gorge, sneaking into an unguarded building, road. She spent 2 points from her Driving pool on
binding a wound, shooting a target, disconnecting this attempt. To justify a retest, Lucy says she’ll
a security system, or remaining sane in the face of slam on the brakes when she regains control –
creeping supernatural horror. abandoning any chance of catching the car they’re
chasing. Now she must spend at least 3 Driving
The GM determines how hard any given action is by points. Fortunately she has 4 points left in her
assigning it a Difficulty Number ranging from 2 to 8, pool. The Difficulty Number of the attempt to
where 2 offers only a slim chance of failure and 8 verges on regain control is 5. Lucy rolls a 6, adding 3 points
the impossible. The player rolls a single six-sided die; if the to get a final result of 9. She manages to bring the
result is equal to or higher than the Difficulty Number, the van around just in time, coming within inches
character succeeds. Before rolling the die, the player may of the edge.
choose to spend any number of points from the relevant
ability pool, adding these to the final die result. Players
who forget to specify the number of points they want to Piggybacking
spend before rolling are stuck with the unmodified result. When a group of characters act in concert to perform
a task together, they designate one to take the lead.
In the game world, expenditure of pool points in this That character makes a simple test, spending any
way represents special effort and concentration by the number of his own pool points toward the task, as
character, the kind you can muster only so many times usual. All other characters pay 1 point from their
during the course of an investigation. relevant pools in order to gain the benefits of the

leader’s action. These points are not added to
Difficulty Numbers and Story Pacing the leader’s die result. For every character who
is unable to pay this piggybacking cost, either
Just as the GUMSHOE system keeps the story
because he lacks pool points or does not have the
moving by making all crucial clues accessible to ability at all, the Difficulty Number of the attempt
the characters, GMs must ensure that tests and increases by 2.
contests essential to forward narrative momentum
can be easily overcome. Assign relatively low Suzie, Lucy, Russell, and Max attempt to sneak into
Difficulty Numbers of 4 or less to these crucial the principal’s house to root through his computer,
plot points. Reserve especially hard Difficulty which they are sure holds cult secrets. Russell, with
Numbers for obstacles that provide interesting but an Infiltration of 8, takes the lead. Suzie, Lucy, and
nonessential benefits. Max have 2, 0, and 4 points in their Infiltration pools,
respectively. Suzie and Max pay 1 point apiece; their
For example, if the characters have to sneak pools go down to 1 and 3. Because Lucy has no points
into the cultists’ house in order to stage the to spend, the Difficulty Number of the Infiltration
final confrontation, assign the relatively low increases from 4 to 6. (If the group left her behind,
it would be easier to sneak in, but she’s the one with
Difficulty Number of 4 to the task. If it seems to
the computing savvy.) Russell spends 3 points on
the characters that they ought to have a tougher
the attempt and rolls a 1. This would have overcome
time of it, insert a detail justifying their ease of the Difficulty if it wasn’t for Lucy’s presence.
success. The cultist assigned to patrol duty might Clearly, she’s knocked over one of the plant stands
be immersed in a popular novel, say. in the hall...

Success at a Cost In most instances, a group cannot logically act in concert.

Only one character can drive a car at one time. Two
Another approach is to have tests where victory is characters with Preparedness check their individual
assumed, and the purpose of the test is to see how kits in sequence, rather than checking a single kit at the
costly that success is. For example, if the characters same time.
have to get past a high wall, the GM could declare
that the characters automatically scale the wall,
but must still make Athletics tests to see if they Cooperation
get over it without injury. Those who pass the When two characters cooperate toward a single goal,
Athletics test get through without a scrape; those they agree which of them is undertaking the task
who fail lose a few points of Health. Similarly, directly, and which is assisting. The leader may spend
any number of points from her pool, adding them
you might allow the characters to automatically
to the die roll. The assistant may pay any number of
sneak into a building regardless of the results of points from his pool. All but one of these is applied to
their Infiltration check, but those who fail leave the die roll.
fingerprints behind or get spotted by a security
camera. Russell and Max are trying to fix their broken-down
car so they can escape in it before the flesh-hungry
Investigative Spends mountain cannibals catch up with them. Russell has
3 points left in his Mechanics pool. Max has 2 points.
Reducing the Difficulty Number of a test is a great They decide that Russell is the main mechanic, and Max
reward for an Investigative spend. Impersonate his assistant. Both choose to spend all of their remaining
might make it easier to sneak in with Infiltration; points on the attempt. Russell adds 3 points to the die
Notice might spot the perfect sniper’s nest to make roll. Max spends 2 points, but adds only 1 to the die
a shot with Shooting. Science could help with a roll. Russell’s player rolls a 3, for a result of 7. This
Medic test. beats the Difficulty Number of 6, allowing them to start
the engine and pull away as a crowd of ragged, dusty
men come running down the slope, waving femurs and
shouting angrily.


Typically each character attempts to beat a Difficulty

Making Hiding Tense Number of 4.
Mechanically, hiding from danger is a Hiding test.
Suzie flees through the empty school from the gym
The character needs something to hide behind or
teacher, a cultist who is pursuing her with a nail-
under. A good hiding place (possibly found with
studded baseball bat. Her Athletics pool is 6; the gym
an Investigative Ability like Notice or Outdoor
teacher’s is 7. As the fleeing character initiating the
Survival) reduces the Difficulty of the Hiding
chase sequence, she’s the first character to act. She rolls
test by 1.
against a Difficulty of 4, spending 1 point. She rolls a 4,
The Difficulty is also modified by the opponent’s and manages to advance toward the dining hall.
Awareness Modifier (see p. 81), and the player
doesn’t know the value of this modifier. That The gym teacher spends 1 point as well, rolling a 3. He
means that the player may not be sure whether or lumbers through the echoing corridors, swinging his bat.
not the test was successful on a middling result —
for example, if the base Difficulty was 4 and the Suzie spends another point, taking her Athletics pool to
player got a total of 5, then the hiding attempt is 4. She rolls a 2. That’s not enough to get away. Suzie
only successful as long as the hunter’s Awareness has backed herself into a corner, pinned between rows of
Modifier is +0 or less. lockers. The gym teacher advances on her. Now she has
no choice but to stand and fight.
In such a situation, before revealing whether or
not the player hid successfully, the GM should Where the odds of success are skewed in favor of one
offer the opportunity to flee. If the player chooses contestant, the GM may assign different Difficulties
to leave the hiding place and flee, it starts a chase. to each. A character with a significant advantage
If the player stays hidden, and the test failed, then gets a lower Difficulty Number. A character facing
the character is discovered and is now in combat. a major handicap gets a higher Difficulty Number.
When in doubt, the GM assigns the lower number to
the advantaged participant – for example, a character
running through a swamp finds it harder to move
Contests occur when two characters, often a player
quickly than the marsh creature pursuing him. In this
case he might face a Difficulty Number of 4, while the
character and a supporting character controlled by the marsh beast gets the lower Difficulty of 3.
GM, actively attempt to thwart one another. Although
contests can resolve various physical match-ups, in a Throughout the contest, GM and players should
horror game the most common contest is the chase, in collaborate to add flavor to each result, explaining what
which the investigators run away from slavering entities the characters do to remain in the contest. That way,
intent on ripping them limb from limb. instead of dropping out of the narration to engage in
arithmetical recitation, you keep the fictional world
In a contest, each character acts in turn. The first to fail a verbally alive.
roll of the contested ability loses. The GM decides who
acts first. In a chase, the character who bolts from the
scene acts first. Where the characters seem to be acting
at the same time, the one with the lowest rating in
the relevant ability acts first. In the event of a tie, GM
Fights are slightly more complicated contests involving
characters act before player characters. In the event of the following abilities:
a tie between PCs, the player who arrived last for the
current session goes first in the contest. ––Scuffling: the characters are fighting in close quarters.
––Shooting: the characters are apart from one another
The first character to act makes a test of the ability in and trying to hit each other with guns or other
question. If he fails, he loses the contest. If he succeeds, missile weapons.
the second character then makes a test. This continues
until one character loses, at which point the other The aggressor is the first character to move
one wins. against the other. When the status of


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