Hyperprolactinemia Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Approach 2015

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ISSN: 0951-3590 (print), 1473-0766 (electronic)

Gynecol Endocrinol, Early Online: 1–5

! 2015 Informa UK Ltd. DOI: 10.3109/09513590.2015.1017810


Hyperprolactinemia: pathophysiology and therapeutic approach

Anna Capozzi1,2, Giovanni Scambia2, Alfredo Pontecorvi1, and Stefano Lello2
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism and 2Department of Woman and Child Health, Catholic University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Abstract Keywords
Prolactin (PRL) is a hormone, mainly secreted by lactotroph cells of the anterior pituitary gland. Cabergoline, dopamine agonist,
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Recent studies have shown it may also be produced by many extrapituitary cells. Its well- hyperprolactinemia, oligomenorrhea
recognized PRL plays an important role in lactation during pregnancy, but it is involved in other
biological functions such as angiogenesis, immunoregulation and osmoregulation. History
Hyperprolactinemia is a typical condition producing reproductive dysfunction in both sexes,
resulting in hypogonadism, infertility and galactorrhea. It may be also asymptomatic. Received 8 January 2015
Lactotroph adenomas (prolactinoma) is one of the most common cause of PRL excess, Accepted 8 February 2015
representing approximately 40% of all pituitary tumors. Several other conditions should be Published online 6 July 2015
excluded before a clear diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia is made. Hyperprolactinemia may be
secondary to pharmacological or pathological interruption of hypothalamic–pituitary dopa-
minergic pathways or idiopathic. Stress, renal failure or hypothyroidism are other frequent
conditions to exclude in patients with hyperprolactinemia. We will review biochemical
characteristics and physiological functions of that hormone. Clinical and pharmacological
approach to hyperprolactinemia will also be discussed.
For personal use only.

Introduction In this article, molecular characteristics and biological actions

of PRL are summarized. Clinical presentation, diagnosis and
Prolactin (PRL) is a pituitary hormone firstly identified in
treatment of hyperprolactinemia are also reviewed.
lactotroph cells, which mainly regulate mammalian glands
secretion during postpartum period [1]. However, PRL was
PRL: molecular characteristics
found to produce ‘‘pleiotropic’’ effects, on metabolism, osmo-
regulation and immune and the nervous systems [2]. Excess of Prolactin (PRL) is a peptide hormone mainly secreted by the
PRL called ‘‘hyperprolactinemia’’ is a common syndrome lactotrophs cells of the anterior pituitary gland. It is a 23 kDa
affecting both sexes. It is characterized by the classical amenor- single-chain polypeptide of 199 aminoacids [7], with three
rhea–galactorrhea and symptoms of hypogonadotrophic hypo- intramolecular disulphide bonds between six cysteine residues
gonadism [3]. There are two types of hyperprolactinemias, [7]. Human PRL gene, located on chromosome 6, is composed of
according to etiopathogenesis: the organic and functional 5 exons and 5 introns [4] and encodes a single PRL in humans [7].
hyperprolactinemia [4]. Organic hyperprolactinemia is mainly The transcription of this gene is regulated by two independent
due to pituitary gland tumors secreting only PRL or PRL- promoter regions. In pituitary gland, transcription starts from the
associated with other pituitary tropins, such as growth hormone promoter of the 1b exon and PRL gene expression depends on the
(GH). Another possible cause of organic hyperprolactinemia is pituitary-specific transcription factor Pit-1 [8]. Acting together
the damage to the dopaminergic neurons of the hypothalamus or with Pit-1, other transcription factors such as the complex of the
non-functioning pituitary adenomas or masses compressing the estradiol-estrogen receptor or the nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) were
pituitary stalk [5]. Functional hyperprolactinemia occurs in such found to activate PRL gene transcription in the 1b exon promoter
endocrinopathies, as primary hypothyroidism and primary [8]. There are also many extrapituitary sources of PRL, including
adrenocortical insufficiency, or in hepatic cirrhosis and renal lymphocytes, skin fibroblasts, brain, breast, decidua and prostate
failure. Hyperprolactinemia may be due to medications, for and adipose tissue cells. In these sites, gene expression is driven
example neuroleptics or antidepressants, or be idiopathic [1,6]. As by an alternative upstream promoter, that of the 1a non-coding
other biological functions of PRL have been identified in many exon (also named the ‘‘0’’ exon). While transcriptional regulation
aspects of physiological and metabolic processes, it is not of PRL expression is important, a large part of the differential
surprising that hyperprolactinemia can also be considered a effects of PRL variants result also from either post-translational
systemic condition which may pre-dispose to numerous cardio- modifications or from the alternative splicing of mRNA [4].
vascular and immune-mediated reactions [4]. These aspects are very important to explain the pleiotropic actions
of PRL.
Address for correspondence: Dr Stefano Lello, Department of Woman
Prolactin receptor (PRL-R) is a transmembrane protein of the
and Child Health, Catholic University of Rome, Largo Agostino Gemelli, cytokine/hematopoetin receptor superfamily, structurally related
1, Rome 00168, Italy. E-mail: lello.stefano@gmail.com to the GH, the granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor
2 A. Capozzi et al. Gynecol Endocrinol, Early Online: 1–5

(GM-CSF), the erythropoietin and the interleukin (IL)-2, IL-3, capacity, in contrast to the normal adaptive increases in glucose-
IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, IL-13 and IL-15 receptors [9]. PRL- stimulated insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity realized with
R is encoded by a single gene located on chromosome 5, close to moderately increased PRL levels. PRL enhances also androgens,
the GH receptor gene [9]. It is expressed in different tissues dihydroepiandorsterone (DHEA), together with cortisol and
including gonads, uterus, breast, liver, kidney, adrenal gland, aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex cells [14].
brain, heart, pituitary gland, skin and the immune system cells.
PRLR gene contains 11 exons, including the five alternative first Effects on cardiovascular system
exons E11 to E15. Each of them has its own tissue-specific
Prolactin presents vasoconstrictive actions, best established in
promoter [4]. The difference of PRL actions is made possible not
pregnancy but also demonstrated in other conditions [15,16].
only through the post-translational modification of the molecule
Many studies demonstrated high-serum PRL levels in pregnancy-
but also to the diversity of the PRL receptors.
induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia, but this association
Prolactin secretion is pulsatile and follows a circadian rhythm
remains controversal. However, Leanos-Miranda et al. [17]
with the highest plasma concentration reached during sleep, and
showed that urinary PRL excretion was markedly elevated in
the lowest observed in the morning about 2–3 h after waking up
pre-eclampsia and that this parameter can be considered a reliable
[5]. The level of that hormone increases during ovulation.
biomarker for pre-eclampsia in pregnancy. PRL blood levels were
Dopamine produced in the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei of
found higher in patients with essential hypertension [16]. PRL
the hypothalamus is the main PRL inhibitory factor by binding to
may play a role in accelerated arteriosclerosis in early menopause,
the D2 receptor of the pituitary lactotroph cells, while neuropep-
by affecting blood pressure and arterial stiffness [18]. In early
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tides such as thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH), estradiol,

post-menopause, PRL level correlated with the arterial blood
oxytocin, vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide pro-
pressure, and also with the central aortic systolic and diastolic
mote PRL secretion [10].
blood pressures and the pulse wave velocity, a marker of aortic
stiffness [19]. Other studies described the influence of PRL on
PRL: Biological effects
heart rhythm and chronic heart failure [20]. These aspects are
Lactotrophic and reproductive actions probably explained by the effect of PRL in decreasing NO
bioavailability and substrate for endothelial nitric oxide synthase
The main role of PRL is promoting milk synthesis (lactogenic
(eNOS), and increasing production of oxygen-derived free
effect) and maintaining lactation (galactopoietic effect) in
radicals [20].
postpartum [11]. In the lactation period, each nipple stimulation
by the suckling infant produces a substantial, short-term increase
Effects on central nervous system
of PRL secretion which is based on a neuro-humoral axis. In
For personal use only.

pregnant women, increasing estrogen secretion stimulates prolif- Prolactin contributes to neurogenesis. It can stimulate prolifer-
eration of the lactotrophs; as a result, PRL secretion increases. ation, differentiation and migration of neuronal stem cells (NSCs)
PRL stimulates mammary gland growth together with estradiol, [21]. It was observed a proliferative effect of PRL on glial
progesterone, placental lactogen, insulin and cortisol [1,4], progenitors and oligodendrocyte precursor cells, leading to
preparing breast for postpartum lactation. At the same time, the myelination of central nervous system (CNS) [21]. A role of
high estrogens concentration inhibits the lactotropic effect of PRL PRL in the context of possible implications in demyelinative
in the mammary gland. This results in the initiation of lactation diseases like multiple sclerosis was discussed [21].
after delivery when estrogens fall to non-pregnant levels.
Prolactin exerts its action by binding to membrane bound Effects on the immunological system
receptor isoforms broadly classified as the long form and the short
Prolactin is also produced by lymphocytes and some other
form receptors. Both receptor isoforms are highly expressed in the
immune cells. PRL-R was found on T-lymphocytes, B-cells and
ovary as well as in the uterus. Although signaling through the long
macrophages [22]. It acts as a cytokine and plays an important
form is believed to be more predominant, it remains unclear
role in human immune responses. PRL effects on immunological
whether activation of this isoform alone is sufficient to support
system may depend on concentration, resulting in immunostimu-
reproductive functions or whether both types of receptor are
lation at modest levels and inhibition at high levels. For example,
required [11].
in many cases of autoimmune diseases, the severity of the disease
Reproductive processes represent the largest group of func-
is lower or even remitted during pregnancy [23], when serum PRL
tions attributed to PRL [12]. PRL influences the gonads either
level is more elevated. On the other side, in vitro PRL was found
directly or indirectly. It decreases sensitivity of the luteinizing
to act as a co-stimulating factor for T lymphocytes, activated by
hormone (LH) and of the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
an unspecific mitogen or by antigen presentations [4,22]. Thus,
receptors in the gonads [12]. The indirect effect is exerted by a
PRL can be secreted locally by activated and proliferating T-cells
reduction of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion,
modulating the proliferation on the basis of a positive reciprocal
more specifically by its pulsatile secretion inhibition caused by
circuit [22]. It may explain the association between autoimmune
opiate system stimulation. Consequently, suppressed LH and FSH
diseases and moderate hyperprolactinemia, and suggests PRL is
secretion inhibits ovulation [12].
implicated in the initiation of the autoimmune reactions, rather
than at later stages of the clinical diseases [24].
Effects on other hormones
Other functions
Apart from the effects on of pituitary–gonadal axis, PRL
influences also other hormones. Direct effects of PRL on Prolactin is involved in osmoregulation, increasing water and salt
pancreas and adrenal gland were been reported [13,14]. PRL absorption in all segments of the bowel and reducing renal Na+
improves glucose homeostasis by increasing b-cell mass under and K+ excretion [25]. It was showed PRL may be associated with
certain conditions such as pregnancy, whereas hyperprolactinemia increased risk of ovarian cancer, particularly in overweight and
due to a pituitary gland adenoma tumor exacerbates insulin obese women [26]. Even if in animal models raised PRL was
resistance. In diabetic rats, it was observed high levels of PRL recognized a risk factor also for breast cancer [27], and prostate
exacerbate insulin resistance and impair the insulin-secretory cancer [28], such evidence need further clarification in humans.
DOI: 10.3109/09513590.2015.1017810 Hyperprolactinemia 3

PRL is proposed to be associated with the severity of psoriasis the presence of a molecular mass of PRL greater than 150 kDa as
although data reported different results [29]. In one study, in male the predominant molecular form of circulating PRL [35].
patients affected by psoriasis, PRL levels are higher in compari- Macroprolactin is mostly a complex of PRL with IgG, especially
son with control group and returns to the same level as healthy anti-PRL autoantibodies. Anti-PRL autoantibodies bind to PRL
controls after treatment of psoriasis. However, no significant (molecular mass of 23 kDa), forming a large immune complex of
differences were observed between PRL levels and improvement PRL with IgG (macroprolactin) which tends to increase serum
of severity index of psoriasis (PASI score). The association of PRL concentrations [35]. Macroprolactinemia is present in 3.68%
PRL levels with the severity of psoriasis is still controversal [29]. in general population and in 10–25% in patients with hyperpro-
lactinemia [35]. Hyperprolactinemia tends to develop in patients
Hyperprolactinemia with macroprolactinemia due to the delayed clearance of
macroprolactin [35]. Patients presenting macroprolactinemia
The term ‘‘hyperprolactinemia’’ refers to an increase in circulat-
often lack typical clinical symptoms of hyperprolactinemia [1].
ing PRL levels, usually producing reproductive problems in both
Neither medications nor further examinations are recommended if
sexes particularly anovulatory infertility in women [5,6].
free PRL concentrations are normal because the biological
activity of macroprolactin is low and in women pregnancy is
Causes of hyperprolactinemia
possible without any treatment [35]. Although macroprolactine-
Hyperprolactinemia is classified in two types: the functional or mia is considered a benign condition, pituitary imaging, dopamine
organic hyperprolactinemia. The most common reasons of agonists (DA) treatment and prolonged follow-up were suggested
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functional mild to moderate hyperprolactinemia are a variety of in certain cases, like in patients affected by prolactinomas [35].
pharmacotherapeutic agents that reduce hypothalamic secretion of If hyperprolactinemia does not present discernible reason is
dopamine or its action in the pituitary (Table 1) [6,30]. Functional considered an idiopathic functional hyperprolactinemia [4].
hyperprolactinemia is typically observed in pregnancy but it often
occurs in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), renal failure, Clinical presentation
hepatic cirrhosis and renal and lung cancers [31,32]. Pathological
Clinical manifestations of hyperprolactinemia are gender-specific
functional hyperprolactinemia also recurs in endocrinopathies
[4]. Hyperprolactinemia is associated to hypogonadotrophic
such as primary hypothyroidism and primary adrenocortical
hypogonadism in both sexes [36].
insufficiency [32]. Mild stress, including that of venipuncture, can
Women generally present oligo- and amenorrhea and anovula-
induce transient elevations in serum PRL [1,4].
tory cycles (due to inhibition of LH and FSH pulsatile secretion),
Organic hyperprolactinemia is mainly due to sellar and
galactorrhea (due to lactotropic effect of PRL) and infertility
parasellar lesions, including pituitary adenomas (prolactinoma,
For personal use only.

(caused by hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism). They are often

growth hormone/PRL-secreting and adrenocorticotropic hor-
affected by premenstrual syndrome, dyspareunia, hirsutism and
mone/PRL-secreting adenomas), non-pituitary tumors and infil-
tendency to anxiety and depression [4,32,33].
trative conditions (such as sarcoidosis, craniopharyngioma, empty
Male hyperprolactinemia is usually characterized by impo-
sella syndrome, vascular malformations, pituitary metastases or
tence and loss of libido, gynecomastia and galactorrhea (due to
non-functioning adenomas compressing the pituitary stalk) [33].
mammotropic action of PRL) and infertility [4]. However, in men,
They frequently cause raised serum PRL levels through a
symptoms can be subtle and often only diagnosed at advanced
disconnection that interrupts the normal dopaminergic inhibition
stage [36]. Bone loss and progressive atherosclerosis due to an
of lactotroph cells.
indirect decrease in estrogens secretion can also occur as a
Prolactinomas are the most frequent organic cause of PRL
consequence of hypogonadism in both sexes [37]. Besides,
excess and the most common hormone-secreting pituitary tumors.
patients with hyperprolactinemia have an altered body compos-
They represent approximately 40% of all pituitary tumors with an
ition with increased fat mass and reduced lean mass [3]. This
estimated prevalence of 100 per 1 million populations [3,5].
latter finding is also in line with the well-known incidence
Prolactinomas are mainly diagnosed in women aged 20–40 years.
of osteoporosis and osteopenia mainly due to secondary hypo-
After the fifth decade of life, frequency of prolactinomas becomes
gonadism [37].
similar in both sexes. Prolactinomas may infrequently present as a
When hyperprolactinemia is caused by a pituitary macro-
component of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1). In
adenoma additional condition should be considered in differential
that case, they seem to be more aggressive than sporadic
diagnosis: the presence of signs and symptoms of hypopituitar-
prolactinomas [34]. In women, microadenomas (51 cm in size)
ism, headaches induced by elevated intracranial pressure, optic
were more common than macroadenomas (41 cm in size), while
chiasm compression accompanied by visual field defects and
in men the latter were more frequent [5].
compression of intracavernous segments of the cranial nerves (III,
In asymptomatic subjects with mild hyperprolactinemia and
IV, ophthalmic V1, maxillary V2, VI) with consequent diplopia
negative pituitary imaging, the presence of macroprolactinemia
and sella enlargement [4]. Colao et al. found in 219 patients with
should be excluded [1]. Macroprolactinemia is characterized by
prolactinoma at diagnosis, a difference in clinical presentation
between men and women as men generally were admitted due to
Table 1. Drugs causing functional hyperprolactinemia. symptoms of tumor compression, while women for gonadal
dysfunction and galactorrhea. Infertility and weight gain were
Drugs complained by women more than by men [5].

Antipsychotics Phenothiazines, haloperidol, Diagnosis

Risperidone, reserpine
Antidepressants Tricyclic and tetracyclic agents, A careful anamnesis is the first step to study hyperprolactinemia:
MAO inhibitors, SSRI by a detailed history, it is possible to include or exclude
Antihypertensives a-Methyldopa, verapamil, reserpine physiological, pharmacological and pathological causes of
Anti-emetics Metoclopramide, domperidone
Opiates Morphine, methadone
hyperprolactinemia. If the patient’s medical history includes
Others Estrogens, Cocaine, Cimetidine drug use, an unhealthy lifestyle and the occurrence of kidney
and liver diseases, these should be taken into consideration.
4 A. Capozzi et al. Gynecol Endocrinol, Early Online: 1–5

Table 2. Comparison between Bromocriptine and Carbergoline in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia (modified from Ref. [39]).

Bromocriptine Cabergoline
Dopamine receptor target sites D1 and D2 D1 (low affinity) and D2 (high affinity)
Duration of action 8–12 h 7–14 days
Half-life (h) 3.3 65
Available doses 1.0 and 2.5 mg scored tablets; 5 and 10 mg capsules 0.5 mg scored tablets
Typical dose 2.5 mg/day in divided doses 0.5 mg/week or twice-weekly
Dosing regimens, starter Start on 1.25–2.5 mg/day at bedtime. Gradually increase Start at 0.25–0.5 mg twice-weekly. Adjust by
packs, dosage to a median of 5.0–7.5 mg/day and a maximum of 0.25 mg twice-weekly up to 1 mg twice-weekly
15–20 mg/day every 2–4 months according to serum prolactin
Advantages Long history of use; does not appear to be teratogenic; Good efficacy; low frequency of adverse events;
inexpensive may be useful in bromocriptine-resistant patients;
weekly or twice-weekly dose
Disadvantages Tolerance; recurrence; resistance; multiple daily dosing Not yet indicated for use during pregnancy
Common side effects Nausea, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, syncope, Milder and less frequent compared with
orthostatic hypotension, fatigue bromocriptine
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The physical examination should be directed towards evaluation relevant cause. For example, it may involve suspension of a
of signs of hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, renal failure and particular medication for 3 days or substitution of an alternative
visual field defects. drug, followed by reassessment of PRL or measures to reduce
The main investigations in the diagnosis of a hyperprolacti- stress levels [1,39].
nemia are hormonal and radiological. As PRL is a pulsatile Medical therapy is of first choice in patients with prolactino-
hormone, a single measurement of serum level resulting above the mas and consists of use of DAs as first-line treatment to reduce
upper limit of normal obtained without excessive venipuncture tumor size and PRL levels [1,3]. In patients with asymptomatic
stress is sufficient for the diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia [1]. microprolactinoma, no treatment needs to be given and a regular
Blood samples should be collected in the morning from the follow-up with serial PRL measurements and pituitary imaging
patient in a fasting state, who should be in a comfortable setting should be organized [1]. The majority of patients with
For personal use only.

after a good night’s sleep at least 2–3 h after waking up [4]. prolactinomas, both micro- and macroprolactinomas, can be
Assay-specific normal values are higher in women than in men successfully treated with DAs, with normalization of PRL
and generally lower than 25 mg/l. Many dynamic functional tests secretion and gonadal function, and significant tumor shrinkage
have been proposed to differentiate idiopathic from tumoral in a high percentage of cases [3]. Currently, the most commonly
hyperprolactinemia but actually none is recommended for the used DAs are cabergoline (CAB), bromocriptine (BRC), pergolide
diagnosis [1,38]. Macroprolactinemia should be considered in all (PER) and quinagolide (QG). CAB seems to have the most
serum samples of patients with asymptomatic hyperprolactinemia favorable profile according to plasma half-life, efficacy and
for the differential diagnosis as it is one of the major causes of tolerability among all Das (Table 2). CAB normalizes PRL levels
hyperprolactinemia. The screening of macroprolactinemia is and decreases tumor size, restoring gonadal function in 95% of
performed by polyethyleneglycol- (PEG-) precipitation method, microprolactinomas and 80% of macroprolactinomas, generally at
and the confirmative and qualitative examinations include gel the median dose of 0.5 mg per week and 1 mg per week,
chromatography, protein A/G column and 125I-PRL binding respectively [3]. BRC has the longest history of use and is a safe,
studies [35]. In patients with clinical symptoms of hyperprolacti- inexpensive and effective therapy option, with the therapeutic
nemia but PRL in the normal range, the high-dose ‘‘hook effect’’ doses in the range of 2.5–15 mg per day (median: 7.5 mg). Doses
needs to be excluded. It may occur if large quantities of antigen as high as 20–30 mg per day may be necessary in approximately
(PRL) in the immunoassay system impair antigen–antibody 30% of patients. However, BRC requires multiple daily dosing
binding, resulting in a low antigen (PRL) determination. In that and some patients are resistant or intolerant to this therapy [39]. If
case, the correct measurement of PRL is obtained after a dilution PRL levels are well controlled with DAs, gradual tapering of the
of the serum sample [1]. PRL levels greater than 500 mg/l are dose to the lowest effective amount is recommended, and
commonly considered diagnostic for a macroprolactinoma. PRL sometimes medication can be stopped after several years [1].
levels 250 mg/l usually indicate the presence of a prolactinoma; Patients resistant to DAs should benefit of a trial of an alternative
however, prolactinoma cannot be excluded in the presence of DA, an increase of the DA beyond conventional doses [1] or
lower levels, and PRL levels 4100 mg/l are present in some experimental treatments [3]. A number of experimental therapies
patients with idiopathic hyperprolactinemia. Several drugs may (somatostatin analogues, nerve growth factor, interferon-a and
cause PRL elevations above 200 mg/l [1,30]. After hyperprolacti- dopastatins) in various phases of development are available, but
nemia is confirmed, imaging with magnetic resonance imaging none of these approaches has received approval or a clear
(MRI) or computerized tomography (CT) are necessary to define demonstration to be beneficial [40].
the presence of a lesion compatible with a pituitary tumor [3]. Trans-sphenoidal surgical resection of the prolactinoma
remains the main option for patients who may refuse or do not
respond to long-term pharmacological therapy [1]. Radiotherapy
Treatment of hyperprolactinemia
and/or estrogens are also reasonable choices if surgery fails.
For the right management of hyperprolactinemia, it is firstly Chemotherapy with temozolamide is limited to resistant and
suggested to differentiate pathological form from physiological malignant prolactinomas [1].
increase in PRL levels, excluding pregnancy or assumption of In pregnant patients with prolactinomas, DA therapy should be
anti-dopaminergic drugs. The preferred treatment for patients immediately stopped, unless growth of a macroprolactinoma or
with functional asymptomatic hyperprolactinemia is removing the pressure symptoms occur. Current data suggest CAB and QG have
DOI: 10.3109/09513590.2015.1017810 Hyperprolactinemia 5

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