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Ester Claudino Gomes da Silva


1 8:00 - It's eight o’clock

2 11:10 - It's ten past eleven
3 3:15 - It's three fifteen / It's a quarter past three.
4 4:50 - It's ten to five
5 6:35 - It's six thirty-five
6 9:25 - twenty five past nine
7 1: 05 - It’s one oh five
8 12:30 - It’s half past twelve
9 6: 55 - It's five to seven
10 2:45 It's a quarter to three
11 10:20 - It's ten twenty / It's twenty past ten
12 3:40 - It's twenty to four

1 A I’m cold. Close the window, please.

2 A What time is the exam?

B Tomorrow at 9:00. Don’t be late!

3 A Don't take photos!

B Why not?
A Look at that sign - “ No photographs in the museum”

4 A Sh! Be quiet and listen to the teacher.

B Sorry

5 A Don't stop here

B Why not?
A It 's a bus stop.

6 A Turn off the TV and finish your homework!

B OK, Dad.

7 A Have a good weekend.

B You too. See you on Monday.

8 A Be careful! The coffee is very hot.

B OK. Thank you.

9 A Sign your name here, please.

B Sure. Can I have a pen?

10 A Slow down! The speed limit is 60 kph on this road

B I know, but we’re very late.

1 A I’m tired.
B Ok. Let's stop and sit down.

2 A I’m really thirsty.

B Me too. Let's go to a cafe and have a drink.

3 A I’m hungry
B Me too! Let's have a sandwich.

4 A Let's cross the road here.

B not! It's really dangerous.

5 A Where’s the bus station?

B I don’t know. Let's ask that man.

6 A What’s the capital of Turkey?

B I think it’s Ankara, but I’m not sure. Let’s check on the internet.


2 Are you a vegetarian?

3 Where are your parents from?
4 What phone do you have?
5 How do you speak many languages?
6 Do you need a new phone?
7 How do you spell your surname?
8 When do you listen to the radio?
9 Where do you do your homework?
10 Who is your favorite singer?
11 What do you do at the weekend?
12 What tv programs do you watch?

1 A I’m bored.
B Read a book.

2 A Me puedes dar una fotocopia, por favor?

B This is an English class. Please don’t speak Spanish.

3 A I tired.
B It’s late.Go to bed.

4 A Is this programme good?

B No, it isn't. Don’t watch it.

5 A I’m hungry.
B Have a sandwich.

6 A It’s a dangerous street.

B Yes. Be careful.

7 A It 's raining.
B Take an umbrella.

8 A It’s dark. I’m frightened.

B Be frightened. I’m here with you.

1 Come on, it’s late. Let 's Go.
2 It 's 11:00 pm. Let’s watch the tv and go to bed.
3 This exercise is difficult. Let 's do it together.
4 Let 's not go a taxi. They’re very expensive. The bus is fine.
5 There's a service station. Let 's stop and have a coffee
6 It 's very cold. Let 's take to the cinema. Let 's turn off a DVD at home.

1 How many children do you have?
2 Is your job interesting?
3 What is his color car?
4 Where does your brother work?
5 With computer do you work?
6 What kind of magazines do you read?
7 What does he do at the weekend?
8 Are you stressed in your job?
9 Where does your sister live?
10 How do you say that in English?

A Who do you live with?
B I live with my parents.
A What does your father have?
B He 's tired. My mother a doctor.
A Where is your job?
B In Bristol. She works in a hospital there.
A Does your mother like her job?
B Yes she loves it. She doesn’t want to retire.
A What does your father do during the day?
B He works in the garden, and he cooks in the evening.
A is he a good cook?
B Yes, fantastic. He makes very good curries.
A Does he also do housework?
B Yes, he does. I help too.
A What do you do?
B I make breakfast and I clean the bathrooms.


Ester Gomes

I’m from São Paulo, but I live in Pernambuco.

I’m a student geographer and I'm a researcher at CNPq.

I speak Spanish.


Music - I like almost everything. MPB, Indie Rock, Pagode, Old Brega, Rap.. I don’t
like Sertanejo or Death Metal.

Films - I like Brazilian films and Japanese animation. I really love Copacabana Mon
Amour and FullMetal Alchemist or films from Studio Ghibli.
TV - I don’t watch TV. I watch more streamings.

Sport - I don’t watch football or other sports.

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