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IBM Software Lab 07 – BLU and Cognos Business Intelligence

Lab 07 BLU and Cognos Business Intelligence

7.1 Configure Cognos Gateway and Data Store
__1. In GNOME Command window, type cd7 to change the directory to the Lab 07.
$ cd7

__2. Login as root. Type su – and specify password as password.

$ su -

__3. Type cd9 to change the directory to Cognos bin64 folder..

$ cd9

__4. Type to launch the IBM Cognos Configuration.

# ./

__5. Click Environment.

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__6. Please notice that the name localhost is used in seven properties. We need to change
localhost to to allow remote access to the Cognos web console. Please
click on each field and change localhost to

__7. Please note that in second and seventh fields, you will need to click the pencil icon towards the
end of the field to change localhost to

__8. Click Data Access  Notification. Delete entry for the SMTP mail server as we did not
setup the SMTP server.

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__9. Click Save configuration.

__10. Click Close.

__11. Click IBM Cognos Content Store (Under Data Access  Content Manager)

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__12. Right click IBM Cognos Content Store and click Delete. Click Yes when asked to

__13. Right click Content Manager and click New Resource  Database.

__14. Write name IBM DB2 and click OK.

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__15. In the Database Server port field, type

__16. Click User ID and password field. Click the pencil icon which is towards the end of the field.
Type-in db2psc in User ID field and password is password. Click OK.

__17. Specify DB2DB in the Database name field.

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__18. Right click IBM DB2 and click Test to verify if connection succeeds.

__19. Click Close.

__20. Click Save configuration.

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__21. Click Close.

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7.2 Start IBM Cognos Service

__22. Click Actions  Start.

__23. Please be patient as it will take few minutes to start the service.

__24. After the IBM Cognos service is started successfully, you will see the following message. Click

Note: If IBM Cognos service does not start successfully, please do the cleanup
as shown and try to start it again.

1. Open a separate GNOME Terminal window.

2. $ cd10
3. $ db2 connect to db2db
4. $ db2 –tvf dbClean_db2.sql
5. $ exit
Go back to the previous GNOME Terminal and run
1. # ./

Click File  Exit and click Yes to start the service.

__25. Click File  Exit to close the IBM Cognos Configuration.

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7.3 Enable 32 Bit Client

__26. Even though we are using 64 bit DB2, some applications in Cognos still require 32 bit library for
it to connect to DB2.

__27. From the GNOME Terminal window, type the following commands (as root).
# cd /etc/
# cat ibm.conf  We created this file which has reference to the DB2 32 bit library.
# ldconfig  To activate DB2 32 bit library

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7.4 Enter UNITY Mode

__28. Henceforth, we will be working from the Windows host machine but still need access to the
command line prompt of the VMware SuSe Linux guest machine. To avoid going back and forth
between Windows host and the Linux guest, we will enter in the Unity mode of the
VMware workstation.

__29. From the VMware Workstation, click View  Unity.

__30. The VMware workstation will get minimized automatically in the Unity mode but the
GNOME Terminal will stay as a standalone application in the Windows host machine. We will
use this terminal window as and when needed during this lab.

__31. You should be now in the Windows host machine desktop.

7.5 Create Data Source Connections

__32. Launch Internet Explorer (IE) or Firefox from the Windows host.

 For Internet Explorer, the following settings are required.

 Allow Cookies
 Active Scripting
 Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
 Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
 Binary and script behaviors
 Allow programmatic clipboard access
 Userdata persistence
 Enable pop-ups for the IBM Cognos BI server
 For Firefox, the following settings are required.
 Allow Cookies
 Enable Java
 Enable JavaScript
 Load Images
 Enable pop-ups for the IBM Cognos BI server

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__33. In the address bar, type to launch the web console of the
Cognos BI server.

__34. From the welcome page, click Administer IBM Cognos Content

__35. Click Configuration. [This is the 3rd tab.]

__36. Click New Data Source icon. [The database icon with a plus sign.]

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__37. Type COLDB in the Name field and click Next.

__38. Choose IBM DB2 from the Type drop down. Click Next.

__39. This screen is for defining connection information for 32 bit clients. Type COLDB in the DB2
Database Name field and scroll all the way down.

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__40. Check Password field. Specify db2psc, password and password in User ID, Password and
Confirm password fields. Click Test the connection…

__41. Click Test.

__42. The connection should succeed. This is a test of the DB2 32 bit library connection. Click Close.

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__43. Click Close again.

__44. Click Next to go to the JDBC connection screen (for dynamic query mode required by some
Cognos applications.)

__45. Specify, 50001, COLDB as shown. Click Test the connection…

__46. Click Test.

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__47. The JDBC connection should succeed. Click Close.

__48. Click Close again.

__49. Click Next and Finish.

__50. Now a data source COLDB is created and tested. We will now clone this connection with other
data source name for use by our sample applications that we will work later in this lab exercise.
Click More…

__51. Click Copy…

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__52. Replace Copy of COLDB with great_outdoors_sales. [No typo please]. Click OK.

__53. Click More… again in COLDB.

__54. Click Copy.

__55. Replace Copy of COLDB with great_outdoors_warehouse. [No typo please]. Click OK.

__56. You should have 3 data sources.

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__57. Now we will create a data source for testing IBM Cognos Cubes.

__58. Click New Data Source icon. [The database icon with a plus sign.]

__59. Specify sales_and_marketing [No typo please] in the Name field and click Next.

__60. Select IBM Cognos PowerCube from the Type dropdown. Click Next.

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__61. Specify dummy in Windows location. In Unix or Linux location, type

/home/db2psc/pot_blu/07cognos/sales_and_marketing.mdc and click
Test the connection…

__62. Click Test.

__63. Click Close.

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__64. Click Close again.

__65. Click Finish.

__66. Click OK.

__67. We will have four data sources.

__68. Please do not close the web browser as we will need it in later sections.

__69. In the next section, we will use IBM Cognos Configuration Manager to model the data.

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7.6 Cognos Configuration

__70. Click Start  IBM Cognos  IBM Cognos Configuration from the Windows desktop
to create the database metadata package.

__71. Click Environment and change localhost to in two places as shown.

__72. Click Save configuration.

__73. Click Close when configurations are saved.

__74. Click File  Exit to close the IBM Cognos Configuration.

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7.7 Create a Project

__75. Note for users on Apple Mac: Please skip the following section and jump to Import Sample
Content Packages.

__76. Click Start  IBM Cognos  IBM Cognos Framework Manager from the Windows

__77. If you are familiar with the IBM Cognos Framework Manager and want to skip the modelling
exercise given below, please go to the C:\CogProjects in Windows Explorer and unzip You can double click C:\CogProjects\BLU_COGNOS\BLU_COGNOS.cpf
and go to the Publish Package section directly.

__78. Click Create a new project…

__79. In the Location field, remove the default entry and type C:\CogProjects\BLU_COGNOS and
click OK. [The project name gets populated automatically].

__80. Click OK for the language English.

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__81. Data Sources will be selected by default. Click Next.

__82. Select COLDB and click Next.

__83. Select schema BLU and click Next.

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__84. Click Import.

__85. Click Finish.

7.7.1 Learn Components

__86. In the Project Viewer, expand COLDB and Data Sources. The following components are

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__87. Components

 Namespace - is an object that uniquely identifies stored and organized objects that are
found in our model.

 Data Sources - references to data sources defined in Cognos Manager

 Parameter Maps - key-value pairs that link query items to relational data sources.

 Packages - collections of objects from the project's namespace that is published for
business users to query.

__88. A Namespace can contain

 Query Subjects - they're like tables in relational data sources and usually contains Query
Items (which are like columns in a table).

 Relationships - join and cardinality between two Query Items; similar to relationships in our
DB2 database.

 Folders - nothing special. Just for organization.

 And more namespaces

__89. Right click on the COLDB namespace and rename it as Columnar Store.

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__90. We will implement three tier design

 Physical View - holds the query subjects and relationships used to build the model. Query
subjects should be unmodified views of the source tables.

 Business View - contains optimized query subjects for use by business users. Query
subjects can be by renamed, moved around, consolidated, merged, etc.

 Presentation View - this view will be presented to the business user. Query subjects are
organized in a way that business users can understand.

__91. Right click on the Columnar Store name space and click Create  Namespace.

__92. Type Physical View.

__93. Similarly create name space Business View and Presentation View.

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__94. Drag all 4 query subjects to the Physical View.

__95. The project view should look like the following.

7.7.2 Create Relationships

__96. Let’s define the relationship between tables.

__97. In the Project Viewer, click on + sign to expand all 4 tables under Physical View

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__98. Hold the CTRL key and select PERSON_ID from FACT_DX and PERSON_ID from PERSON table.

__99. Right click on any PERSON_ID. Click Create  Relationship.

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__100. Change 1:1 to 1:n for the FACT_DX table and click OK.

__101. Similarly create the following relationships.



__102. Click Explorer.

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__103. Double click Physical View.

__104. You should see the following three relationships.

__105. Click second tab Diagram and the Physical View diagram should look the following.

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7.7.3 Build Business View

__106. Let’s work with the Business View, which contains optimized query subjects for use by business
users. Query subjects can be by renamed, moved around, consolidated, merged, etc.

__107. Collapse Physical View.

__108. Right click Business View, and Create  Query Subject.

__109. Name the subject query Person and mark it as model (Query.Subjects and Query
Items). Click OK.

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__110. Expand PERSON in the Physical View and drag all columns to the right pane.

Note: The subject queries that were created at the beginning of this lab exercise
are known as data source query subject which is comparable to a table in
SQL. In the other hand, model query subjects are made from one or more
data source subject queries. This means the query subjects in Physical
View should be data source while the query subjects in Business View
should be model.

__111. Change the query items (column names) to meaningful business names as shown.

__112. Click Test tab, and click Test Sample to see 25 rows from the table.

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__113. Click Query Information and check Cognos and Native SQL

__114. Click OK.

__115. Right click Business View, and Create  Query Subject. Name the subject query Product
and click OK.

__116. Expand PRODUCT in the Physical View and drag columns as shown to the right pane.

__117. Change column names to meaningful business names as shown.

__118. Click Test  Test Sample to view test data and click Query Information to see SQLs.

__119. Click OK.

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__120. Right click Business View, and Create  Query Subject. Name the subject query Fact RX
and click OK.

__121. Expand FACT_RX in the Physical View and drag columns as shown to the right pane.

__122. Change column names to meaningful business names as shown.

__123. Click Test  Test Sample to view test data and click Query Information to see SQLs.

__124. Click OK.

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__125. Right click Business View, Name the subject query Fact DX and click OK.

__126. Expand FACT_DX in the Physical View and drag columns as shown to the right pane.

__127. Change column names to meaningful business names as shown.

__128. Click Test  Test Sample to view test data and click Query Information to see SQLs.

__129. Click OK.

__130. Let’s define the relationship between query subjects in the Business View.

__131. Click on + sign to expand all 4 query subjects under Business View namespace.

__132. Hold the CTRL key and select Person ID from Person. and Person ID from Fact RX.

__133. Right click Person ID and Create  Relationship.

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__134. Change 1:1 to 1:n for the Fact RX query subject and click OK.

__135. Similarly create the following relationships.

 Product ID of Product (1.1) to Product ID of Fact RX(1.n)

 Person ID of Person (1.1) to Person ID of Fact DX(1.n)

__136. Collapse and double click Business View.

__137. In the Explorer view, you should see the following three relationships.

__138. Click Diagram tab.

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__139. The Business View diagram should look the following.

__140. Let’s fix the properties for the query items in our Business View. We will focus on one property
setting for query item which is Usage. A query item can have one of four different usage types:

Icon Type When to use

Identifier Database key, date

Fact Numeric value that can be calculated

Attribute / Is not an Identifier or Fact, it's an attribute like name

Unknown or description

__141. In the Business View, click on + sign to expand all 4 tables under COLDB namespace.

__142. Hold the CTRL key and click following columns to select.

Query Subjects Query Items

Person Person ID

Product Product ID

Fact RX Month ID, Date of Service, Product ID, Person ID

Fact DX Month ID, Date of Service, Person ID, Procedure Code

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__143. We will define Usage for the following selected query items as Identifier.

__144. In the Properties pane, scroll towards right so that Usage column is visible.

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__145. For the Person ID, click Usage drop down and change Identifier to the Identifier.

__146. You will notice a down arrow key. Drag this down arrow key all the way towards the bottom so
that all selected columns have Identifier attribute.

__147. All selected columns should look like the following.

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__148. In the Business View, hold the CTRL key and select the following query items. We will change
the Usage of these to Attribute.

Table Name Column Names

Person Year of Birth, Gender

Product Product Name, Description
Fact DX Zip Code

__149. From the Property view, change the usage of the first column to Attribute in the drop down and
drag the down arrow key all the way down towards the bottom to change usage to Attribute for
selected columns.

__150. In the Business View, hold the CTRL key and select the following columns and check the Usage
of these query items should be Fact.

Table Name Column Names

Fact RX Total Amount Paid

Fact DX Service Change Amount

150.1.1 Build Presentation View

__151. Now that we have created all query subjects for Business View, let’s finish up by creating the
Presentation View.

__152. There will only be shortcut links that point to the query subjects in Business View. Then we’ll
group the shortcut links in a star schema. This allows you to easily modify what business users
see without modifying any of the query subjects, and when query subjects are modified in the
Business View, changes take effect in the Presentation View as well.

__153. Collapse all query subjects in the Business View. Hold CTRL key and click all query subjects in
the Business View.

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__154. Right click anywhere in selected query subjects and click Create Star Schema Grouping.

__155. Accept default values and name the namespace Test Results. Click OK.

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__156. Drag Test Results to the Presentation View.

__157. All three views are now complete.

__158. The content is now ready for the business users to use in the form of a start schema grouping.
Let’s publish the Presentation View.

7.8 Publish Package

__159. Right click Packages and Create  Package.

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__160. Name BLU Cognos and click Next.

__161. Click arrow on Physical and Business Views to hide them. The green checkmark means the
object will be included, red X means it will be excluded, and the third option means it’s included,
but it’s hidden. We only want business users to have access to Presentation View, not Physical
or Business View, but we cannot exclude Physical or Business because Presentation depends
on it. Your setting should look like the following. Click Next.

__162. By default, they’re all included. Let’s just keep DB2 specific functions. Click the top most option
in the list, Shift + Click the bottom most option in the list, Ctrl + Click DB2. Then click
the arrow pointing to the left. The lists should look like the following image and click Finish.

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__163. You should see the following message. Click Yes.

__164. Accept default values and click Next.

__165. Click Next again and click Publish.

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__166. Click Finish.

__167. Click Close and ignore warnings.

7.9 Explore Sample Models

__168. In the previous sections, we did a very simple exercise to demonstrate modelling. Now, we will
explore some sample models which are elaborate.

__169. From the IBM Cognos Framework Manager, click File  Close All. Click OK if prompted to
save the project.

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__170. Click Open a project…

__171. Go one level up to C:\CogProjects.

__172. Double click SALES folder, select SALES.cpf and click Open.

__173. Expand go_sales.

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__174. Explore Database view, Business view and Dimensional view.

__175. For example, double click Inventory in the Business view.

__176. Click tab Test. Click Test Sample [At the bottom on the screen.]

__177. Click Query Information and check Cognos and Native SQL. Click OK.

__178. Expand Packages and you will notice two packages Go Sales (analysis) and Go Sales
(query). We will not deploy these packages as we will import these deployments in the next
section which will also deploy these packages.

__179. Click File  Close All

__180. Please repeat the same process to open the WAREHOUSE project and explore the model.

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7.10 Import Sample Content Packages

__181. We already copied the and from
the /opt/ibm/cognos/webcontent/samples/content to the
/opt/ibm/cognos/deployment directory so that we could import these sample packages.

__182. Go back to the web browser and click Content Administration.

__183. Click New Import. (It is the 4th icon from the left.)

__184. Select IBM_Cognos_Samples and click Next.

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__185. Click Next

__186. Check the default folder for importing the content. Click Next.

__187. Click Next two times and click Finish.

__188. Click Run.

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__189. Check View the details… and click OK.

__190. The import job is now running. Click Refresh to check the status.

__191. When the job is complete, you will see the Succeed message.

__192. Scroll down and click Close.

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__193. Click New Import and select import IBM_Cognos_DrillThroughSamples.

__194. Click Next two times.

__195. Check default folder and click Next.

__196. Click Next three times and then click Finish.

__197. Click Run. Check View Details and click OK.

__198. Click Refresh to check the status.

__199. Click Close.

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7.11 Create a Crosstab Report

__200. Click the Home button in the Cognos web console.

__201. Please notice BLU Cognos package which we deployed previously after creating a model. The
folders Samples and Samples_Drillthrough were created when we imported two content
packages in the previous section.

__202. Click BLU Cognos and there is nothing in it as we have not used the model yet to create any
reports or any other Cognos artifacts.

__203. Click Launch  Report Studio.

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__204. Click BLU Cognos package.

__205. Please make sure that pop-up is not blocked, if you get the message.

__206. Click Create new.

__207. Check Crosstab and click OK.

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__208. Expand Product and Fact RX

__209. Drag Product Name to the drop area Rows.

__210. Drag Month ID from Fact RX to the drop area Columns.

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__211. Drag Total Amount Paid from Fact RX to the drop area Measure.

__212. Click Filters . Edit Filters…

__213. Click Add

__214. Click Advanced  OK.

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__215. Drag Month ID of Fact RX to the Expression Definition area and then type "= 200709" to
complete the expression. Click OK.

__216. Click OK

__217. Click Run Report.

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__218. Report opens in the IBM Cognos Viewer.

__219. After viewing the report, close the IBM Cognos Viewer.

__220. Go back to the Report Studio.

__221. Hover your mouse to the Query Explorer.

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__222. The Query Explorer pane will slide out. Click Query 1.

__223. In Properties – Query, click Generated SQL. Click … (ellipses).

__224. Click OK.

__225. Please notice the Native SQL that will be sent to the database server. Click Close.

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__226. Click Save.

__227. Type name of the report – Total Amount Paid 200907 and click Save.

Note: Cognos is a very versatile software and we are just exploring only few
capabilities. We have a separate proof of technology that goes deep in the
various capabilities of the software.

The intent here is to show that Cognos, which is an industry standard

analytics software is best suited to an optimized ANALYTICS DB2
database with BLU acceleration.

No need of indexes and thus best suited for analytics workload using DB2

__228. Click File  close the IBM Cognos Report Studio.

__229. In the next section, we will explore Cognos samples to view different capabilities.

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7.12 Explore the Dimensional Report

__230. If you are not in the Home, click to go to the IBM Cognos Connection.

__231. Click down arrow next to the Launch and click Report Studio.

__232. Click Samples  Models  GO Sales(analysis).

__233. Click Create New.

__234. Click CrossTab and then OK.

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__235. Expand Sales (analysis) name space. Expand Time hierarchy. Expand Time dimension
and click Time level.

__236. Please pay attention to the icons and associated keywords as shown in the source view.

__237. Drag Time level to the Rows drop zone of the report.

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__238. Similarly drag Products line (from Products hierarchy  Products dimension) to the
Columns drop zone of the report.

__239. From the Sales measure dimension, drag Revenue measure to the Measures drop zone of the

__240. Click Run Report.

__241. The report shows top level hierarchy from both the Time and Product hierarchy.

__242. Close IBM Cognos Viewer tab in the browser and go back to the Report Studio.

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__243. We will swap rows with columns. Click Swap Rows and Column.

__244. In the Reports Studio, click <#Time#> and press Delete.

__245. Drag Year level to the Columns drop zone.

__246. From the Products hierarchy, Products dimension, drag Product line level above
<#Product#>. [Note: While you are still holding mouse button and when drag point shows as a
line floating above <#Products#>, drop it.

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__247. The cross tab should look like the following.

__248. Click Run Report.

__249. The report shows the child members of the Product and Time hierarchy. The values shown for
each child roll-up to the values shown at the parent member which is Products.

__250. Go back to the Report Studio.

__251. Click <#Product line#>, Ctrl click <#Products#>, and then press Delete.

__252. From the Products dimension, drag Products hierarchy to the Rows drop zone.

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__253. Accept the default selection of the Root members, and click OK.

__254. Click Run Report.

__255. You see the roll up of Products since we selected the root members.

__256. Go back to the Report Studio.

__257. Click <#Products#>, and press Delete.

__258. From the Products dimension, drag Products hierarchy to the Rows drop zone.

__259. Select All members, and click OK.

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__260. The report now shows hierarchy set for the Product hierarchy in indented form.

__261. Go back to the Report Studio.

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7.13 Drill Up and Down Report

__262. Click <#Products#>, and press Delete.

__263. Drag Retailers hierarchy  Retailers Dimension  Retailers level to the Rows drop

__264. Click Data  Drill Behavior.

__265. Check Allow drill-up and drill-down and click OK.

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__266. Click Run Report.

__267. Click Retailers to drill-down.

__268. Click Americas to drill-down.

__269. Click inside the table to enable Drill-Down and Drill-Up. Use Drill-Down and Drill-
Up to navigate through the hierarchy and underneath details on the children.

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__270. Go back to the Report Studio.

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7.14 Gauge Chart Report

__271. Click File  New.

__272. Click No.

__273. Click Chart and then OK.

__274. Click Gauge and then OK.

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__275. Drag Sales measure  Revenue measure to the y-axis.

__276. Drag Products dimension  Products hierarchy  Product line level to the x-axis.

__277. Click Run Report.

__278. Notice total Revenue by the Product line.

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__279. Go back to the Report Studio.

__280. Now we will make it interactive by using a prompt to search and use a Retailer name.

__281. Hover mouse over the vertical toolbar on Page Explorer. Click Prompt Pages.

__282. Double click Page to add to the Prompt Page.

__283. Double click Prompt Page1 to open it.

__284. Scroll down and double click Select and Search prompt.

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__285. Click Next.

__286. Click Ellipses (…).

__287. Expand Sales (Analysis) namespace, Retailers hierarchy, Retailers dimension,

Retailer level. Click Retailer name (multiscript) and click OK.

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__288. Click Next and Finish.

__289. Click Run Report.

__290. Type ex and click Search.

__291. Click Extreme Outdoors and click Finish.

__292. Click Run Report. The report is for a selected retailer.

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__293. Go back to the Report Studio. Click File  Exit to close it. Do not save the report if
prompted for.

7.15 Explore the Cognos Workspace

__294. Go to the IBM Cognos Connection (Also Home page).

__295. Click Samples  Models  Cognos Workspace Samples.

__296. Click Employee Satisfaction Workspace.

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__297. The Employee Satisfaction Workspace opens.

__298. Slide Country slider and check how Bonus list updates. This is an example of event listener and
application of filters.

__299. Click Go Accessories to drill down.

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__300. Notice the change in Course Cost by organization and in Training crosstab.

__301. Click Down Arrow  Open.

__302. Click No.

__303. Click Samples  Models  Cognos Workspace Samples

__304. Click Marketing Workspace and click Open.

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__305. Explore this workspace by selecting different values from the left side of the workspace.

__306. Click Down Arrow  Open. Do not save the workspace if prompted.

__307. Click Samples  Models  Cognos Workspace Samples

__308. Click Recruitment Workspace and click Open.

__309. Explore this workspace by selecting different values from the left side of the workspace.

__310. Click Down Arrow  Open. Do not save the workspace if prompted.

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__311. Click Samples  Models  Cognos Workspace Samples

__312. Click Revenue Data Workspace and click Open.

__313. Explore this workspace by selecting different values from the left side of the workspace.

__314. Click Down Arrow  Open. Do not save the workspace if prompted.

__315. Click Samples  Models  Cognos Workspace Samples

__316. Click Sales by Year Workspace and click Open.

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__317. Explore this workspace by selecting different years.

__318. Click Down Arrow  Open. Do not save the workspace if prompted.

__319. Click Samples  Models  Cognos Workspace Samples

__320. Click Sales Workspace (Interactive) and click Open.

__321. Click Down Arrow  Open. Do not save the workspace if prompted.

__322. Click Samples  Models  Cognos Workspace Samples

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__323. Click Tabbed Workspace and click Open.

__324. Explore Human Resources and Financial Data tabs at the bottom or buttons on the left

__325. Similarly from IBM Cognos Connection, explore reports from the folder - Samples 
Models  Interactive Samples

__326. Click Samples  Models  GO Sales(query)  Report Studio Report Samples.

__327. Click Briefing Book to open the report.

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__328. Click Page Down to go to the different pages of the book.

** End of Lab 07: BLU and Cognos Business Intelligence

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