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Clay Minerals, (2015) 50, 593–606

Occurrences of kaolin in Koutaba

(west Cameroon): Mineralogical and
physicochemical characterization for use in
ceramic products
A . N K A L I H M E F I R E 1 , 2 , * , A . N J OYA 3 , R . YO N G U E FO U AT E U 2 , J . R . M AC H E 4 ,
N . A . TA PO N 5 , A . N Z E U KO U N Z E U G A N G 4 , U . M E LO C H I N J E 4 , P. P I L AT E 6 ,
P. F L A M E N T 6 , S . S I N I A P K I N E 1 , A . N G O N O 2 A N D N . FA G E L 1
Laboratory of Clays, Geochemistry and Sedimentary Environments, Department of Geology, University of Liège,
Quartier Agora, 14 Allée du 6 Août, Bât. B18, Sart Tilman - 4000, Liège, Belgium
Laboratory of Applied Geology-Metallogeny, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Yaoundé I, P.O. Box. 812,
Yaoundé, Cameroon
Fine Arts Institute of Foumban, University of Dschang, P.O. Box 31, Foumban, Cameroon
Local Material Promotion Authority, P.O. Box, 2396 Yaoundé, Cameroon
Architecture, Geology, Environment and Construction, Sart Tilman Chemin des Chevreuils (B52), University of Liège,
4000 Liège, Belgium
Belgian Ceramic Research Center, 4, Avenue Gouverneur Cornez - B-7000 Mons, Belgium

(Received 20 April 2015; revised 12 September 2015; Associate Editor: Eric Ferrage)

A B S T R AC T : Thirty clay samples collected from three hills in Koutaba (west Cameroon) were
characterized in order to evaluate their potential use as raw materials for ceramics. After preliminary
mineralogical identification by X-ray diffraction, three representative samples from the three different
hills, referred to hereafter as K1M, K2M and K3M, were selected for further investigation by X-ray
fluorescence, plasticity, granularity and thermogravimetric analysis. The main clay minerals are kaolinite
(32–51%) and illite (up to 12%). Additional major phases are quartz (32–52%), goethite (6–7%) and
feldspars (0–4%). The chemical composition showed variable amounts of SiO2 (60–72%), Al2O3 (15–
20%) and Fe2O3 (1–9%), in accordance with the quartz abundance in all of the samples studied. The
particle-size distribution showed a large proportion of silty fraction (64–88%) with moderate sandy (9–
19%) and clayey fractions ( < 5% for K2M, 12% for K1M and 20% for K3M). All of the clays showed
moderate plasticity-index values (8–11%). Because of these characteristics, K1M and K3M may be
suitable for use in common bricks and hollow ceramic products. Sieving or the addition of ball clays is
recommended to increase the plasticity of sample K2M for use in common bricks.

KEYWORDS: kaolin, clays, mineralogy, thermal properties, geotechnical properties, ceramics, Cameroon.

Clayey materials are widespread in Cameroon, and alluvial clays (Nzeukou et al., 2013; Ndjigui et al.,
various types of clay deposits have been studied in 2014; Fadil-Djenabou et al., 2014) and residual clays
detail (Diko & Ekosse, 2012; Ngon Ngon et al., 2014), (Njoya et al., 2001). Residual clays are most abundant
in large areas of the humid, tropical region of southern
Cameroon. Their mineralogical composition is
*Email: dominated by kaolinite as the result of monosiallitiza-
DOI: 10.1180/claymin.2015.050.5.04 tion (geochemical) processes (Yongue et al., 2009).

© 2016 The Mineralogical Society

594 A. Mefire et al.

Generally, the profiles display various morphologies materials. The study area is located between the Noun
and thicknesses. From the bottom to the top, four layers Plain and Foumban Plateau near Mount Mbapit; it
can be distinguished: a saprolite, a mottled clay horizon, consists of migmatites and basalts, strongly myloni-
a nodular horizon and a soft clayey horizon known as tized quartzites and numerous quartzo-feldspathic
lateritic clayey deposit (Nguetnkam et al., 2008). veins (Fig. 1) which seem to be linked to the northern
In western Cameroon, a number of studies have been Foumban mylonitic shear zone (Njonfang et al., 1998).
carried out to characterize and valorize kaolinitic clays Geophysical studies indicate the presence of a N68°E-
of Bana, Bangou and Lembo (Wouatong et al., 1996, striking deep fault, dipping towards the southeast of the
2013; Pialy et al., 2008) and Mayouom (Njoya et al., Foumban area (Tatchum et al., 2011). The deep
2001, 2006; Kamseu et al., 2007) for use in ceramics. weathering of these rocks led to the formation of the
Clays have numerous industrial and technological residuals soils at the surface.
applications (Christidis, 2011), but their usage as raw
materials is influenced by their functional properties.
Thus, the assessment of clay deposits beginning with
the determination of their properties, is the first step Materials and sampling
towards valorization. The aim of the present study was
to evaluate the physicochemical and mineralogical Three hills (K1, K2 and K3) near Koutaba were
features of the kaolin material discovered recently at surveyed using a hand auger from the hilltops
Koutaba (a village located ∼27 km south of Foumban) downslope. Road trenches and banking were observed
in order to predict its potential applications. and their morphology was characterized for colour
(Munsell code), texture and thickness (Fig. 1). The
clayey materials in the three hills display similar
organization. A vertical cross-section along the slope
shows a succession of different layers (Fig. 2): namely
The Koutaba area is located in the Noun Division, in a gravelly breccia layer with rock fragments (∼1 m
the West Region of Cameroon (latitude 5°30–5°40 N thick); a more or less nodular red lateritic soil layer (up
and longitude 10°30–10°50 E), between the Bamoun to 2 m thick); a yellow whitish transitional layer (1 m
Plateau (height: 1200–1100 m to the north, and 900 m thick of mixed lateritic soil and whitish clays) and a
to the south) and the Noun Plain (average height of white clayey layer (5YR8/1) with quartzo-feldspatic
900 m) and has an equatorial climate. Three volcanic rocks fragments (4 m thick). Thirty samples were
massifs (rhyolitic and/or basaltic), >2000 m in height, collected (Table 1) from the different soil horizons of
dominate the landscape. The Bamoun Plateau consists the three profiles and were analyzed by X-ray
of Precambrian gneiss extruded by syntectonic pluto- diffraction (XRD) to determine their mineralogical
nism and affected in places by the Foumban Shear composition (Fig. 3). The samples are denoted
Zone (FSZ) (Njonfang et al., 1998) and overlain by hereafter as KX#n, where X = 1, 2 or 3 denotes the
Eocene basalts (Moundi et al., 2007). The plateau was hill sampled, # = a, b or c for the sample location on the
formed by a period of effusive volcanism at between hill (a: top, b: mid-slope and c: down slope, Fig. 1) and
51.8 ± 1.2 and 46.7 ± 1.1 Ma. The western part of the n = 1, …11 refers to the different sample depths. Based
plateau is covered with Cenozoic volcanic ashes on the similarity of the qualitative mineralogical
(Moundi et al., 2007). composition, the samples collected were homogenized
The Noun Plain is the natural border between the to form one sample per hill referred to as KXM. Thus,
Bamileke Plateau in the southwest and the Bamoun K1M, K2M and K3M are the three representative
plateau in the northwest (Wandji et al., 2008). Similar samples. Chemical and thermal analyses, particle-size
to the Bamoun Plateau, it consists of a Precambrian distribution (PSD) and plasticity analysis were carried
granite-gneiss basement, overlain by basaltic rocks. out on these three samples.
Mount Mbapit is found in the Noun Plain, one of the
oldest mountains of the Cameroon Volcanic Line
(40K/40Ar age of 45.5–44.0 Ma) (Wandji et al., 2008).
A recent explosive volcanic eruption (>0.4 Ma) The XRD patterns were obtained using a Bruker
occurred at the centre of the plain and produced D8-Advance Eco 1Kw diffractometer (CuKα radi-
basaltic lava flows and pozzolanic tuffs (Wotchoko ation, λ = 1.5418 Å, 40 kV, 25 mA) with a Lynxeye Xe
et al., 2005) which are currently mined as building energy-dispersive detector in the laboratory of
Occurrences of kaolin in Koutaba (west Cameroon) 595

FIG. 1. Geological setting of the study area (after Wandji, 1995; Moundi et al., 2007) and sampling at top (a), mid-slope
(b) and down-slope (c) of three hills K1, K2 and K3 (adapted from Google Earth, 2014).

‘Argiles, Géochimie et Environments sedimentaire (1997). The XRD patterns were recorded over the 2–
(AGEs)’ at the University of Liège (Belgium). The 70°2θ range for the bulk material and between 2° and
analyses were carried out on the bulk materials 30°2θ for the clay fraction. The step sizes used were
(random powders <250 μm in size) and on the clay 0.02° and 0.009°2θ, whereas the time per step was 0.25
fraction (<2 μm) according to Moore & Reynolds and 0.5 s for the bulk sample and the clay fraction,
596 A. Mefire et al.

FIG. 2. Vertical organization of the clay materials from the top of hill K1 into four layers: (a) gravelly brecchia layer;
(b) red soil layer (2, 5YR7/4); (c) transitional layer (5YR8/4); and (d) white clayey layer (5YR8/1).

respectively. The primary optics is motorized in order to heating rate of 20°C/min from ambient temperature to
illuminate a fixed sample length whatever the angular 1200°C. Thermodilatometric analyses were carried out
position (16 mm for bulk samples, 12 mm for clays). on ∼45 mg of the <250 μm fraction of clay samples
Further tests for detailed identification were ethylene using a SETARAM equipment at a heating rate of
glycol (EG) solvated overnight and heated (500°C for 10°C/min from ambient temperature to 1200°C and
4 h). The identification of mineral phases was carried up to 1450°C. Length changes were recorded every
out using Eva software (Bruker: https://www.bruker. minute during the heating stage.
com/products/x-ray-diffraction-and-elemental-analysis/ Chemical analyses were obtained using X-ray
x-ray-diffraction/xrd-software/eva/overview.html). Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry (Bruker S8 Tiger
Thermal and chemical analyses were carried out in 4 kW spectrometer). The samples were fused in a
the Belgian Ceramic Research Center (INISMa-CRIBC, borax flux and the determination of major elements
Mons, Belgium). Thermogravimetric (TG) analyses derived according to calibration against standards.
were performed on ∼45 mg of the <250 μm fractions Particle-size analysis was performed at the
of samples using a microbalance Cahn TG 171 with a Laboratory of Geotechnologies at the University of
Occurrences of kaolin in Koutaba (west Cameroon) 597

TABLE 1. Sample descriptions and locations. Each sample The first method (‘Method A’, Table 2) uses the
is referred to as KX#n, where X = 1, 2 or 3 denotes the hill height of a diagnostic peak multiplied by a correction
sampled, # = a, b or c for the sampling location on the hill factor (Cook et al., 1975; Boski et al., 1998) and the
(a: top, b: mid-slope and c: down-slope, Fig. 1) and n = 1, mineral abundances are normalized to 100%. The
…11 refers to the different sample depths. common reflection of clays at 4.47 Å is multiplied by a
corrective factor of 20 to give an estimate of the total
Sample GPS Thickness clays in the bulk sample (Table 2). For semi-
name coordinate (m) Colour quantification of the different clay minerals, estimates
of kaolinite and illite were based on the height of 001
K1b1 N 05° 35’ 0.10 Yellowish clays reflections (at ∼7 and ∼10 Å, respectively) with
K1b2 27.2’’ 0.50 (5YR8/4)
correction factors of 0.7 and 1.0, respectively (Fagel
K1b3 E 010° 41’ 1.20
17.13’’ et al., 2003) on glycolated specimens.
K1b4 1.50
The second method (‘Method B’, Table 2) is based
K1b5 1.60
on chemical analysis by XRF using the equation
K1b6 1.95
proposed by Yvon et al. (1982):
K1b7 2.00
K1b8 2.10 X
K1b9 2.40 T (x) ¼ Mi x Pi (x)
K1b10 2.50 1
K1b11 2.80 where T(x) is the percentage of oxide of chemical
K2a1 N 05° 35’ 1.00 Yellowish clays element x; Mi the percentage of mineral i in sample
K2a2 27.83’’ 1.50 (5YR8/4) containing chemical element x and Pi (x) the proportion
K2a3 E 010° 41’ 1.70
53.7’’ of element x in mineral i (calculated from the ideal
K2a4 1.95 mineral formula).
K2a5 0.50
This calculation is based on the results of qualitative
K2a6 0.50
mineralogical identification (XRD and differential
K2a7 2.60
thermal analysis-thermogravimetric analysis – DTA-
K2b1 N 05° 35’ 1.00
52.9’’ TG) and the chemical composition of the samples
K2b2 0.70
K2b3 E 010° 41’ 0.80 reported in Table 2.
52.7’’ The following chemical assignments were made:
K3a1 1.10 Reddish clays (1) K2O was assigned to illite or feldspars (detected
K3b1 N 05° 35’ 0.25 (5YR814) by XRD); (2) Fe2O3 was assigned to goethite (detected
K3b2 42.07’’ 1.60 by XRD); (3) Al2O3 was used to calculate the
E 010° 41’ contribution of kaolinite (detected by XRD) after
subtracting the contribution for illite or feldspars; and
K3a11 N 05° 35’ 2.40
55.4’’ (4) SiO2 was used to calculate the contribution of
K3b12 3.00
E 010° 41’ quartz (detected by XRD) after subtracting the
K3b13 3.50
K3b14 53.8’’ 4.00 contribution from kaolinite, illite or feldspars.
K3b15 4.30
K3b16 4.70
Mineralogical composition
Liège (Belgium), with dry-sieving used for the
≥74 µm fraction and gravity sedimentation for fraction The XRD traces of the bulk samples showed the
<74 µm, according to the Stoke’s law. The Atterberg predominance of kaolinite and quartz in all the samples
Limits were obtained by the Casagrande method and the presence of minor goethite and feldspars
according to ASTM norm D-4318. (Fig. 4). The presence of kaolinite and/or other clay
minerals was confirmed in EG-solvated and heated
<2 µm fractions of oriented samples (Fig. 4). The
Semi-quantitative mineralogical analysis
reflection at 7.1 Å was not affected by EG solvation,
Semi-quantitative mineralogical analyses of the bulk and heating resulted in the disappearance of this peak
samples were done using two methods. as well as its harmonics, suggesting the presence of
598 A. Mefire et al.

TABLE 2. Mineralogical composition of the representative materials of the K1, K2 and K3 hills using two methods. The
first method uses the height of a diagnostic peak multiplied by a corrective factor together with the so-called 100%
approach (‘Method A’). The second method is based on the results of qualitative mineralogical identification (XRD and
DTA-TG analyses) and the chemical composition (XRF, ‘Method B’).

‘Method A’

Samples Minerals Diagnostic peak (Å) Correction factor References Mineralogical

composition (%)


Powder Quartz 3.37–3.31 1.00 Cook et al. (1975) 50.0 52.0 38.9
K-feldspar 3.21–3.26 4.30 – – 4.3
Goethite 2.46–2.43 7.00 6.1 6.9 5.4
Total clay 4.47 20.00 Boski et al. (1998) 43.9 41.2 51.5
Clay Kaolinite (EG) 7.1–7.2 0.70 Fagel et al. (2003) 31.9 32.1 51.5
Illite (EG) 10.00 1.00 12.1 9.1 –
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0

“Method B”

Samples Minerals Diagnostic peak (Å) Correction factor References Mineralogical

composition (%)


Powder Quartz 3.37–3.31 – Yvon et al. (1982) 60.0 57.1 36.9

K-feldspar 3.21–3.26 – – 6.9 –
Goethite 2.68 – 1.6 1.2 9.9
Total clay 4.47 – 37.0 33.9 49.4
Kaolinite (EG) 7.1–7.2 – 28.1 33.9 49.4
Illite (EG) 10.00 – 8.9 – –
Total reconstitution 98.6 99.1 96.2

kaolinite (Moore & Reynolds, 1997). At ∼500°C, Mayouom area (Njoya et al., 2006), some 60 km away,
kaolinite was effectively dehydroxylated and trans- due to the absence of pyrite, hydroxyl apatite and/or
formed into metakaolinite. In addition, the basal hematite.
spacing at 10.1 Å remained unaffected after EG
solvation and heating and was assigned to illite. The
Thermal behaviour
kaolinite content according to method A (Cook et al.,
1975; Boski et al. 1998) was estimated at >30 to >50% The TG curves show two events of major weight loss
with ∼40–50% of quartz (Table 2). The largest (Fig. 5). The first event at ∼200°C (0–1%) is attributed
kaolinite content >50% and the smallest quartz to the loss of absorbed water. The second event at
content <40%) was found in sample K3M (‘Method ∼500°C (4–8%) corresponds to the dehydroxylation of
A’, Table 2). The illite content was estimated at ∼10% kaolinite due to its transformation to metakaolinite
for K2M and K1M. The results for kaolinite are (Wang et al., 2011). Sample K3M displays greater
comparable with those of ‘Method B’ (Yvon et al., weight loss (8%) due to its larger proportion of kaolinite
1982) (Table 2). For quartz, the difference between the compared to K1M and K2M (4%). An additional
two methods was up to 10% (K1M). The mineralogical weight-loss event at 200–300°C (0–2%), better
compositions are comparable to those obtained for the expressed in K3, is attributed to the dehydration of
residual kaolin clayey materials from Lembo in the goethite identified by XRD (Hajjaji et al., 2001). The
West Region (Pialy et al., 2008; Wouatong et al., 1996, total weight loss of all the samples studied is smaller
2013) and differ from the sandy kaolins from the than the theoretical value for pure kaolinite by 4–8%
Occurrences of kaolin in Koutaba (west Cameroon) 599

FIG. 3. Relative abundance by semi-quantitative method (using ‘Method A’, see text for details) for 30 clay materials
from Koutaba: (a) bulk powder; (b) aggregates on the oriented <2 µm clay fraction.

(13.96 wt.%, Ptáček et al., 2010) reflecting the presence from the shrinkage observed at 573°C (transformation of
of impurities, especially quartz. These results were quartz) in all samples. In these curves, the shrinkage
confirmed by the thermodilatometric curves (Fig. 6) observed at 980°C (2% for K3M and 0.2% for K1M and
600 A. Mefire et al.

FIG. 4. XRD patterns of clay materials. (Upper) Bulk XRD (<250 µm) pattern with Ill: illite/mica, Kao: kaolinite, Ct:
total clay, Qtz: Quartz, Fp: feldspar and Goe: goethite. (Lower) <2 μm clay fraction pattern for K1M and K3M samples,
with N: air-dried condition, EG: solvation with ethylene-glycol for <24 h and H: heated at 500°C for 4 h.
Occurrences of kaolin in Koutaba (west Cameroon) 601

FIG. 5. TG (solid lines) and DTG (dotted lines) for sample K1M (left) and K3M (right).

K2M) is related to the formation of spinel (Traoré et al., 77%), Al2O3 (14–20%) and Fe2O3 (1–9%). The greater
2001). The shrinkage event above 1200°C (4%) for iron content in K3 (9%) is consistent with the thermal
sample K3M and up to 1400°C (12%) for K1M and K2M behaviour observed. As the iron content can modify the
corresponds to the formation of mullite, a final crystalline colour of the ceramic ware products, sample K3 cannot
phase of densification. The rapid densification of K3M is be recommended for production of fine ceramics but
due to its chemical composition (presence of fluxing may be considered as raw material in structural
species including iron) and/or its mineralogy (impurities). ceramics such as pavement bricks and some roofing
Dilatometric analysis indicated that clays from Koutaba tiles (Ngun et al., 2011). The SiO2/Al2O3 ratios range
might yield high-temperature minerals during firing from 3 to 5 and are related to the large amount of quartz
(spinel, mullite) and that the firing temperature of the and the small abundances of K2O (1%) are related to
clays from Koutaba would be >1200°C. the small illite/mica content in the clays studied. The
small total amount of alkali and alkaline earth elements
(<1.5%) suggests that the clays are suitable for use in
Major-element composition
porcelain, sanitary ware and tableware (Reeves et al.,
The chemical compositions of the clays are shown in 2006). The small alkali content accounts for the
Table 3. The clays consist predominantly of SiO2 (60– absence of vitreous phases at low firing temperatures

FIG. 6. Thermodilatometric curves of samples K1M, K2M and K3M.

602 A. Mefire et al.

TABLE 3. Physical (grain-size distribution, plasticity) and observed in the thermodilatometric curves of both
chemical properties (major elemental compositions) of K1M and K2M. The small MgO content is consistent
clay materials. with the absence of chlorite-group minerals. Finally,
the small loss on ignition value (5–8%) compared to
Representative samples that of pure kaolinitic clays (14%) reflects the
dominance of impurities such as quartz. This quartz
K1M K2M K3M content in the clay materials may impart high abrasion
to the finished products such as bricks and tiles
Physical properties
(Kormann et al., 2005).
Clay <2 μm 12 3 20
Silt : 2–20 µm 51 60 52
Silt: (2–64 μm) % 69 88 64
Sand: (>20 µm) % 37 37 28 Physical properties
Sand: (>64 μm) % 19 9 11
Liquid limit (Wl ) (%) 42 60 42 The particle-size distribution of clays is a key factor
Plastic limit (Wp) (%) 34 51 31 in determining their suitability for various applications.
Plastic index (Ip) (%) 8 9 11 In the case of ceramic products, particular attention is
Major chemistry (wt.%) paid to the finer (<2 μm) fraction (Mahmoudi et al.,
SiO2 77.25 77.47 60.07 2008). The particle-size distribution of the clays shows
Al2O3 14.67 14.80 19.75 that the clays are rich in terms of the silt fraction
Fe2O3 1.40 1.08 8.87 (64–88%), whereas the clay and the sand fractions are
K2O 1.08 1.17 0.80 less abundant (3–20%, and 9–19%, respectively)
MgO 0.08 0.11 0.52 (Table 3). The K3M sample has the largest and the
TiO2 0.16 0.11 1.51 K2M sample the smallest clay-fraction contents. In the
CaO 0.06 0.06 0.12 ternary diagram used widely in the ceramics industry
Mn2O3 0.01 0.01 0.05 (Dondi et al., 1992), the clay materials studied were
Cr2O3 0.01 0.01 0.02 classified as silty sand (i.e. for the K1M and K2M
ZrO2 0.07 0.07 0.12 samples) and sand silt clay (K3M sample, Fig. 7).
P2O5 0.02 0.01 0.16 When the clay materials from Koutaba were plotted on
L.O.I. (1000°C) 5.20 5.11 8.05 the ternary diagram of Winkler (1954) to evaluate their
Total 100.01 100.00 100.04 suitability for building products, samples K1M and
SiO2/Al2O3 5.27 5.24 3.04
K3M were found to be suitable for use in building

FIG. 7. Ternary classification of clay materials based on sand-silt-clay ratios (after Dondi et al., 1992).
Occurrences of kaolin in Koutaba (west Cameroon) 603

kaolinitic clays (Fig. 9). With PI values of <10%,

samples K1M and K2M were found to be unsuitable
for building-related ceramics production due to the risk
of inappropriate dimensional characteristics and even
cracks during extrusion (Nyakairu et al., 2002).
Sample K3M has PI values >10% and it might,
therefore, be used to produce structural clay products
by extrusion. The addition of polymers to K1M and
K2M will increase plasticity and prevent cracking
during extrusion.

Genesis of the kaolin clays

Kaolin deposits and their occurrence result from
primary (residual and hydrothermal) or secondary
processes or by a combination of both processes
FIG. 8. Grain-size classification of Koutaba clay materials (Fernandez-Caliani et al., 2010). At Koutaba, the
according to Winkler’s (1954) diagram: (I) common mineral paragenesis dominated by kaolinite and
bricks; (II) vertically perforated bricks; (III) roofing tiles quartz, associated with illite ± feldspar ± goethite,
and masonry bricks; and (IV) hollow products. indicates that clay materials have been derived from
weathering of the Pan African granite-gneiss base-
products whereas K2M was not (Fig. 8). Sample K1M ment. Kaolinite is the alteration product of feldspar and
is suitable for use in common bricks whereas K3M illite. The absence of minerals typical of hydrothermal
could be used to produce hollow ceramic products. activity underlines the residual origin of the clay
Clay materials are characterized by a moderate deposits of Koutaba (Njoya et al., 2006; Mache et al.,
plasticity index (PI) of between 8 and 12% (Table 3). 2013). The almost complete leaching of MnO, CaO
According to Leonards (1968), they may be classified and Na2O, however, is also compatible with advanced
as clays with medium plasticity, defined by PI values argillic alteration systems associated with hydrother-
ranging between 5 and 15%. In the diagram proposed mal kaolin deposits (Inoue, 1995). In humid tropical
by Holtz & Kovacs (1981), the samples plot as climates, clayey materials are widespread in lateritic

FIG. 9. Position of clay samples K1M, K2M and K3M on the Holtz and Kovacs diagram (Holtz & Kovacs, 1981).
604 A. Mefire et al.

mantles and appear homogeneous despite their ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

variable thicknesses and iron content (Tardy, 1993).
Their location on the interfluves, their spatial organ- The present study was carried out within the framework of a
ization with rock fragments along the profiles of the Research and Development Project funded by Ares-CCD
/PRD “Characterisation et valorisation des Matériaux
area, and the homogeneity of clay materials similar to
Argileux de Foumban (Ouest-Cameroun)-MAFO” of The
that observed in southern Cameroon (Nguetnkam ‘Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement Supérieur
et al., 2008; Yongue et al., 2009) suggest a strong (ARES), Belgium’. The study was made possible thanks to
dependence between the weathering clay products and a 4-month mobility grant from the University of Liège
the substratum, which is possible only if the products combined with 8 months of a PhD grant from the ARES-
remained in situ. CCD. The authors are grateful to Joel Otten for his technical
The compositions of the kaolin clay materials support and to Dr Murielle Perronnet for constructive
studied are similar to the kaolinitic clay materials in comments which improved the manuscript.
the Lembo area (Pialy et al., 2008), formed in a well-
drained hilly environment from weathering of orthog-
neiss, and the sand-poor kaolin from the Mayouom REFERENCES
area formed from magmatic intrusive-shaped veins in
ASTM-American Society for Testing Materials (2000)
the West Region of Cameroon (Njoya et al., 2006). In Standard test method for liquid limit, plastic limit, and
contrast, the Koutaba clays differ from white and plasticity index of soils. ASTM D-4318, 14 pp.
yellowish Bana clays characterized by smectite (Mache Boski T., Pessoa J., Pedro P., Thorez J., Dias J.M.A. &
et al., 2013). On an African scale, the composition of Hall I.R. (1998) Factors governing abundance of
the Koutaba kaolinitic clays are similar to those of the hydrolysable amino acids in the sediments from the
residual kaolin from Bombowha in Ethiopia, which N.W. European Continental Margin (47–50°N).
formed from hydrothermal and in situ weathering of Progress in Oceanography, 42, 145–164.
pegmatites and granites (Ekosse et al., 2010). Christidis G.E. (2011) Industrial clays. Pp. 341–414 in:
Advances in the Characterization of Industrial Clays
(G.E. Christidis, editor). EMU Notes in Mineralogy, 9,
CONCLUSIONS European Mineralogical Union and the Mineralogical
Society of Great Britain & Ireland, London.
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