Kata Penghubung Bahasa English

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For = untuk
Contoh: I do it for you.
2. And = dan
Contoh: You and I should have dinner.
3. But = tapi
Contoh: It’s sad, but true.
4. Or = atau
Contoh: Choose me or her.
5. Nor = maupun (digunakan untuk menyatakan makna tidak)
Contoh: My father neither smokes nor drinks.
6. Yet = namun
Contoh: The book is small, yet the text is large.
7. So = jadi
Contoh: She has lived in New York, so he can spek English well.
Kata penghubung di atas disebut dengan coordinating conjunctions.
Artinya kata hubung yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan dua
konstruksi gramatikal yang sama. Selain itu, ada lagi yang disebut
sebagai subordinating conjunctions. Maksudnya adalah kata
penghubung ini digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara anak
kalimat dengan induk kalimat. Berikut detailnya :
8. After = setelah
Contoh: After he finished the job, he went home.
9. Although = meskipun
Contoh: Although it is raining, I must go.
10. As = sebagai
Contoh: He did as I had asked.
11. As long as = selama
Contoh: You can stay here as long as you like.
12. As much as = sebanyak
Contoh: Take as much as you want to.
13. As soon as = segera setelah
Contoh: He plans to leave the city as soon as he can.
14. As though = seolah-olah
Contoh: She talks as though she knew everything.
15. Because = karena
Contoh: I do it because I love you.
16. Before = sebelum
Contoh: Brush your teeth before you go to bed!
17. Even if= meskipun
Contoh: Even if you win a thousand dollars, it doesn’t mean you’ll be
18. If = jika
Contoh: I’ll go if you will.
19. If only = seandainya
Contoh: If only I had studied longer, I would have graduated.
20. If then = jika kemudian
Contoh: I can’t say I’m staying here forever if then there is a big
21. Rather than = daripada
Contoh: We should finish the jobs rather than wasting time worrying
about that.
22. So that = sehingga
Contoh: The rule was changed so that I could vote.
23. Than = daripada
Contoh: She is much older than she looks.
24. That = bahwa
Contoh: Do you know that I love you more than I could ever explain?
25. Tough = meskipun
Contoh: Though the bus was destroyed, no one was injured in the
26. Unless = kecuali jika
Contoh: I can’t do that unless you help me.
27. Until = sampai
Contoh: No one left the class until the lesson ended.
28. When = ketika
Contoh: When my parent was young, there were no houses here.
29. Whenever = kapan saja
Contoh: I can leave whenever she wants.
30. Where = dimana
Contoh: Where you have to pay a deposit, be sure to get a receipt.
31. Whereas = sedangkan
Contoh: Netflix sees its future as a premium channel play, whereas
Amazon wants to be a platform.
32. Wherever = dimanapun
Contoh: Wherever you go, you will find the same kind of people.
33. Whether = apakah
Contoh: You have to do it, whether you like it or not.
34. Which = yang
Contoh: I said nothing, which made him more furious.
35. While = sementara
Contoh: It happened while I wasn’t looking.
36. Who = siapa
Contoh: The teacher who came was a friend of my mother’s.
37. Whoever = siapapun
Contoh: Whoever you ask, you will get the same answer.
38. Why = mengapa
Contoh: I know why he got sick.

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