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Statement of the Problem

This study wanted to find out whether or not there was a significant

relationship between operational readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk

Reduction Management Operational Center and the level of effectiveness of its

personnel towards search and rescue. Specifically, it answered the following sub-


1. What is the level of operational readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster

Risk Reduction Management Operational Center in times of


2. What is the level of effectiveness of its personnel towards search and


3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of operational

readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Operational Center in times of disaster/emergency and the level of

effectiveness of its personnel towards search and rescue?

Chapter 4


This chapter consists of the presentation of findings, analysis and

interpretation of the gathered data.

Table 1
Operational Readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Operational Center in Times of Disaster/Emergency

Indicator Mean Description

1. The designed program and coordinate risk reduction and
management activities consistent with the national council’s 4.05 Moderately Ready
standards and guidelines
2. Develop, strengthen and operationalize mechanism for
4.40 Moderately Ready
partnership with volunteer groups in the community
3. Coordination of the purok officials to the Municipal
4.31 Moderately Ready
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
4. The rescue team inform the community about disaster
4.16 Moderately Ready
prone areas
5. Hotline numbers are widely inform 4.38 Moderately Ready
6. Training programs and activities of search and rescue
4.37 Moderately Ready
are well conducted
7. Attentiveness of the Search and Rescue Team is
3.8 Moderately Ready
8. Coordination of the barangay council to the Municipal
4.03 Moderately Ready
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
9. Community is assured of their services 4.12 Moderately Ready
10. Community is assured of their safety 4.27 Moderately Ready
Weighted Mean 4.16 Moderately Ready

As shown in Table 1, the level of readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster

Risk Reduction and Management Operational Center (KMDRRMOC) in terms of

disaster/emergency obtained has a weighted mean value of 4.16, which means

that KMDRRMOC is moderately ready in terms of responding to disaster or

emergency situations.
More specifically, the Center is moderately ready in all 10 indicators being

surveyed, but the top three indicators where they are moderately ready are:

developing, strengthening and operationalizing mechanism for partnership with

volunteer groups in the community; creating hotline numbers to widely inform the

people, and conducting training programs and activities on search and rescue

with obtained mean values of 4.40, 4.38, and 4.37, respectively. Being

moderately ready in all 10-indicator-surveyed, this implies that the KMDRRMOC

is often prepared for disaster/emergency situations.

This article will support the findings of the study as written in the article of

Mindanews (2016): the overview noticed that 71% individuals had information

and attention to storms because of the notification given by the media.

Concerning family unit arrangements for crises, most respondent’s referenced

electric lamps and different wellsprings of light, trailed by food and water, and

tuning in to news reports on the radio. Just 45% know about catastrophe early

notice frameworks while 52% guaranteed they know about calamity reaction

frameworks, 76% are unconscious of the crisis departure drill, and about a

quarter really went to debacle readiness preparing, said the overview. Nine of

every 10 respondents firmly concurred that with regards to environmental change

that there ought to be participation inside nearby activities.

Table 2
Operational Readiness of KMDRRMOC Personnel on Search and Rescue

Indicator Mean Description

1. Hotlines numbers are available 3.92 Moderately Ready

2. Emergency alarms are available 3.92 Moderately Ready

3. search and rescue team are available 3.83 Moderately Ready
4. Emergency kits and equipment are available 4.16 Moderately Ready
5.Vehicles are readily available for responding to an
emergency 3.86 Moderately Ready

6. There is a close coordination with the PNP in the

area 3.87 Moderately Ready

7. In the event of flood, a rescue boat is available 4.10 Moderately Ready

8. Equipment for communication available are enough
for team responders 4.03 Moderately Ready

9. There is close coordination with barangay officials in

the area 4.07 Moderately Ready

10. Evacuation centres and open spaces in case of a

disaster are available 4.04 Moderately Ready

Weighted Mean 3.98 Moderately Ready

As shown in Table 2, the KMDRRMOC personnel’s operational readiness

on search and rescue has obtained a weighted mean values of 3.98 which

means that they are moderately ready in terms of performing search and rescue

operations in their area of responsibility.

Specifically, they are moderately ready in all 10 indicators being surveyed,

but the top three (3) areas where they are moderately ready are: emergency kits

and equipment are available; in the event of flood, a rescue boat is available;
and there is close coordination with barangay officials in the area with obtained

mean values of 4.16, 4.10, and 4.07, respectively. This implies that they are

moderately ready in conducting search and rescue in their area of responsibility

during emergency situations.

The result will support the findings of the study of Gillard, (2015): the

Philippine Government, International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs)

and local NGOs are all making attempts to address the impact of disasters and

climate change at various levels. The Philippine Government has made

significant strides in the implementation of disaster risk reduction (DRR) planning

and activities through the development of the National Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management Council (NDRRMC) which acts as the lead agency for DRR in

the Philippines. The disaster focal points are the NDRRMC and the Office of Civil

Defence (OCD). The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) is

responsible for leading immediate disaster relief efforts.

Table 3

Pearson-r on the Relationship between the Operational Readiness of

Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Operational Center and the Effectiveness of Its Personnel
on Search and Rescue

Variable Df Level of Computed Tabular r- Decision Remarks

Significance r-Value Value

Operational 98 0.05 0.6526 0.1967 Reject H0 Significant @

readiness 0.05 level of
& Level of

As shown in Table 3, using Pearson Product Moment of Coefficient of

Correlation (r), at 0.05 level of significance and 98 degrees of freedom, the result

of the relationship between the level of operational readiness and level of

effectiveness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Operational Center obtained an r-computed value of 0.6526 and an r-tabular

value of 0.1967. This finding calls for the rejection of the null hypothesis in favor

of the research alternative hypothesis. This means that there is a significant

relationship between the two variables.

The result will support the findings of the study of Jasper, (2013): disaster

preparedness training is a critical component of a student education. Despite

recent natural and man-made disasters, there is no national consensus on a

disaster preparedness curriculum. The authors designed a survey to assess prior

disaster preparedness training among incoming interns at an academic teaching

hospital. In 2010, the authors surveyed incoming interns regarding the number of

hours of training in disaster preparedness received during medical school,

including formal didactic sessions and simulation, and their level of self-perceived

proficiency in disaster management. Survey respondents represented 42 medical

schools located in 20 states. Results demonstrated that 47% of interns received

formal training in disaster preparedness in medical school; 64% of these training

programs included some type of simulation. There is a need to improve the level

of disaster preparedness training in medical school. A national curriculum should

be developed with aspects that promote knowledge retention

Chapter 5


This chapter deals with the summary, conclusions and recommendations

made for the study.


This study wanted to find out whether or not there was a significant

relationship between operational readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk

Reduction Management Operational Center and the level of effectiveness of its

personnel towards search and rescue. Specifically, it answered the following sub-


1. What is the level of operational readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster

Risk Reduction Management Operational Center in times of


2. What is the level of effectiveness of its personnel towards search and


3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of operational

readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Operational Center in times of disaster/emergency and the level of

effectiveness of its personnel towards search and rescue?

It employed the 100 residents of Kiamba, Sarangani Province as

respondents of the study using a convenient sampling technique. It also used the

descriptive - correlational survey research method. Weighted mean, and ranking

were used to determine the level of operational readiness and level of

effectiveness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Operational Center. Pearson r was used to determine the significant relationship

between the two (2) variables.

Hence, the following are the findings of the study:

1. The level of readiness of KMDRRMOC in terms of disaster/emergency

obtained weighted mean value of 4.16, which means that they are highly ready in

terms of responding to disaster or emergency situations .

2. KMDRRMOC personnel’s level of effectiveness towards search and

rescue obtained weighted mean value of 3.98, which means that they are highly

effective in terms of performing search and rescue operations in their area of


3. There is a significant relationship between the operational readiness of

Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Management Operational Center and

their level of effectiveness towards search and rescue


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were made:

1. The KMDRRMOC is highly ready in terms of responding to disaster or

emergency situations.

2. Likewise, KMDRRMOC personnel are highly effective in terms of

performing search and rescue operations in their area of responsibility.

3. It was found out that there is a significant relationship between the

operational readiness of Kiamba Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction

Management Operational Center and their level of effectiveness towards search

and rescue.


From the results of the study, the following are recommended:

1. The KMDRRMOC may enhance the attentiveness of its Search and

Rescue Team during emergency situations to improve its

work/performance efficiency.

2. The KMDRRMOC may improve the availability of its search and rescue

team during emergency situations so that the community will feel secured

and cared of; and

Not panic nor the situation will not be worsen; and

3. The KMDRRMOC may ensure that vehicles are readily available for

responding to emergency situations so that the team can proceed

immediately to their target destinations.

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