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I am responding to your request in relation to aspects of terrorism legislation.

  You will appreciate that

the University does not maintain files specifically addressing this topic, and we have therefore done
what we can to pull together information from a variety of sources within the time available.  If you
have any follow-up queries, please advise.

1             Does the institution provide any information or advice to students or staff on any potential
liability under terrorism legislation which might result from accessing materials for teaching or

Staff and students are advised under the general rules for use of computing facilities
that activities must be within the law: these rules are included in every new staff
contract and staff and students are asked to refresh their awareness and formally sign-
up to the rules on a regular basis.  The relevant sections of the Rules state, inter alia,
10 Unauthorised viewing, storage, or transmission of offensive or illegal material is
prohibited.  Written authorisation must be obtained from the appropriate authorities
(those responsible for management of the computing facilities)  if there is a genuine
requirement to view, store or transmit such material.  
13 The University retains the right to monitor network activity.. …Users are expected to
be aware of and comply with University policies, JANET Acceptable Use Policy and all
exuisting UK legislation  including although not limited to…Terrorism Act 2006

However, the University does not provide specific advice in relation to terrorism.  

2              Does the institution have procedures to review or access reading lists,, module descriptors or
other teaching materials which explicitly or in practice consider questions of safety and risk under
terrorism legislation                
                                Not specifically.  Module content is of course reviewed in the context of programme
approval but is not subject to further specific scrutiny focused on terrorism

3              Does the institution have any system, policy or procedure in place for dealing with any
potential actions taken by the authorities against the institution, its students or staff under terrorism
                                No, since any institutional response would necessarily depend on the circumstances of
an individual case and the actions taken

4              Does the institution have any system, policy or procedure in place for ‘preventing violent
extremism’ as recommended in ‘Promoting Good Campus Relations’
                                The University is an active member of the Plymouth City ‘Prevent’ delivery group
                                A number of staff have attended Prevent training
                                The issues have been raised at the University’s Community Safety Group           


Jane Hopkinson
University Secretary and Registrar
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
18 Portland Villas
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus
Plymouth PL4 8AA

Tel: 01752 582013

Fax: 01752 582011

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