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NAME ____________________________________________GRADE & SECTION _______________

1. Collects data on two variables using any source.
2. Organizes data in tabular form and presents them in a single/double horizontal or vertical
bar graph.

Every statistical investigation begins with a question to be answered or a guess to be tested or

proved. The question should draw out all the information needed. To investigate the problem, surveys
and questionnaires are used to collect data or pieces of information.

Category data are described in words such as “favorite colors” or “favorite food.” Discrete data are
described using numbers such as “number of marbles” or “quiz scores.”

Characteristics of interest such as “favorite subjects” or “quiz scores” are called statistical variables.
Some survey questions that may be used in statistical investigations are given below. They may yield
answers that are easy to manage.
1. What subject is the most favorite?
2. Which day of the week is the warmest?

The data that Jeremy gathered is a list of temperature readings each day at noontime in his
classroom from Monday to Friday.

Monday: 30℃ Wednesday: 28℃ Friday: 27℃

Tuesday: 28℃ Thursday: 29℃

If you analyze the data, you can conclude that Monday has the warmest temperature and Friday has
the lowest temperature.

Tables, tally charts, or frequency tables may be used to organize and display data. Tallies are
counted to find the total number of times a number occurs.

Example: John examined his 10 quiz scores in Math, as shown in the table below.
8 10 9 7 5 6 8 10 8 7
He organized his scores into a tally chart and frequency table, as shown below.

Scores Tallies Frequencies

5 / 1
6 / 1
7 // 2
8 /// 3
9 / 1
10 // 2

Mathematics 4
Worksheets No. 5
4th Quarter
When the data that you have collected are discrete or of category type you may display them using
bar graphs. It is easier to look for patterns and trends when the data presented in this manner.

A bar graph is a chart with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the value that they represent.
It shows the differences in the elements clearly but tells us less about the range and variations of
individual results than a line graph.

A bar graph has several parts.

Graph Title – This gives an overview of the kind of information being presented and is usually written
on top of the graph.
Vertical and Horizontal Axes – These tell us about the information presented on each axis. One
axis represents the data groups, or the objects being counted. The other axis represents the
frequency of data groups. The frequency needs to be chosen carefully, so that the maximum
frequency fits on the graph.
Bar Labels – These describe the data group and the unit of measurement used.
Scale – This tells how many or how much. It contains evenly distributed numbers that represents
some unit of measure.
Legend – This explains other information presented in the graph.

Five teams of a Grade 4 class collected empty cans and plastic bottles for recycling.
The record shows their collection.
Maganda – 60 kg Masaya – 60 kg Matiyaga – 85 kg
Masipag – 73 kg Masinop – 73 kg

The given data can be organized in a table as shown below:

Number of teams Empty Cans and Plastic Bottles Collection (in kg)
Maganda 60 kg
Masipag 73 kg
Masaya 60 kg
Masinop 73 kg
Matiyaga 85 kg

Empty Cans and Plastic Bottles Collection

Weight in Kilograms

Maganda Masipag Masaya Masinop Matiyaga
Name of Section

The set of data can be presented in a bar to show comparison among the collections.

Mathematics 4
Worksheets No. 5
4th Quarter
It is easy to see from the length of the bars that Matiyaga team collected the greatest amount of used
empty cans and plastic bottles.
A double-bar graph is used when you want to show or compare more than one kind of information,
situation, or event. Hence, two or more bars are used to present the data.
The scores of two quizzes of 6 pupils are shown on the chart. The vertical double-ba graph below
presents the data in a different way.
Pupils Quiz 1 Quiz 2
Hannah 6 8
Vincent 10 9
Leigh 9 10
Francis 4 6
Michael 7 8
Michelle 5 6

Quiz Scores of 6 Pupils

Quiz Scores

Hannah Vincent Leigh Francis Michael Michelle
Name of Pupils

Quiz1 Quiz 2

Make a double-bar graph for the given data.
Favorite Drinks of 30 pupils
Pupils Mango Juice Iced Tea Milkshake
Boys 4 5 6
Girls 7 3 5

Present each set of data in a table or chart. Then, make a bar graph to present the given data.
Andrei asked his 20 classmates about their favorite pet. The data are shown below.
Mathematics 4
Worksheets No. 5
4th Quarter
Name of Pupils Favorite Pets

Adam Dog

Nico Dog

Biel Dog

Kyla Cat

Andrea Parrot

Jay Rabbit

Arlene Cat

Raphael Dog

Nelie Cat

Denise Parrot

Renz Goldfish

Glen Parrot

Alyssa Cat

Tina Cat

Vincent Goldfish

Michael Dog

Marc Bird

Nicole Dog

Danielle Cat

Gabriel Dog

Mathematics 4
Worksheets No. 5
4th Quarter

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