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English A1

Task 5- Digital

Prepared by:
María Natalia


Liliana Lozano Zapata
Lucia and Jesús.

These are my brothers Lucia and Jesus. Lucia is 24 years old. Jesus is 28; Lucia
is shorter than Jesus. Lucia is 1.50 tall. Jesus is 1.60. Lucia is fatter than Jesus.
He is taller than she; Lucia is more intelligen and calmer than Jesus. Lucia and
Jesus are kinder than mys other brothers. I am very happy to have them.
Activities in progress
My friend and our daughters

My Friend Adriana is to get up early every day. She is studying

economics and takes virtual classes while work at the hospital. She gets
up 6:00 sharp, then has breakfast.
Escarleth and Albita are biking while exercising and chatting.
The routine of Jesus.

My brother is file auxiliary and there working in the town hall the Potosi- Nariño. He has a very strict routine. He
wakes up at 5. 30 am. He takes a bath and then helps Mom make breakfast. 6:15 am he wakes up his daughter for
breakfast. At 7:00 am he leaves for his work. He has a motorcycle so he can get to work on time. At 12:00 pm he
goes out for lunch, my mother is waiting for him. Right away, he reviews my niece's homework, they rest for a
moment and go out again. At 5:45 pm he leaves his work, gets to wash the clothes of the two. 7:00 pm the whole
family has dinner and they go to rest. He and his daughter in the room watch movies and share a while before going
to sleep. at 9:00 pm he sits down to read for a while in the living room and at 10:00 he gets ready to rest.

Talking about a town
Pasto is a larger city than Ipiales. In Pasto there are colonial places such as the Plaza de
Nariño in it there is a monumet of Antonio Nariño, around it are the main banks and the
temple of San Juan Bautista. The library of the "Banco de la Republica" also the Pandiaco
Cultural Center. There are many places to visit in the so called "surprise city"


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