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Batangas City


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“He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Write your answers CLEARLY and LEGIBLY.
Focus on your own test papers and DO NOT CHEAT.
Good luck.


Select the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write your answer on the blank provided. Use UPPER
CASE LETTER for your answer.

___________1. He is an endocrinologist, who made the first scientific study on stress to refer to the
body’s reaction to perceived threats or tension that affects our body’s balance.
A. Dr. Hans Seyle C. Richard Lazarus
B. Erik Erikson D. Sigmund Freud

___________2. It is one of the phase in Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome wherein you recognize the
stressor. It could be a problem, a difficulty, or threat stirring reactions in your body. The nervous system
is activated. Your hormones act up, producing a surge of energy intended to allow you to handle the
stressful situation.
A. The Alarm Phase C. The Paranoid Phase

B. The Exhaustion Phase D. The Resistance Phase

___________3. He is considered as the “Father of Stress Research.”

A. Erik Erikson C. Jean Piaget
B. Hans Seyle D. Richard Lazarus

___________4. Which of the following tips is not true about in finding your inner smile?
A. Smile with the thought of it.
B. Let the smile shine all over your face and glisten in your eyes.
C. Put your hands on your abdomen to feel the movement as you breathe.
D. Think about something good that just happened, or something that makes you happy.
___________5. In China, it is interesting to note that there is no direct translation for the word stress.
What seems to be the closest word for stress?
A. Anger C. Danger
B. Crisis D. Opportunity

___________6. One of the phases in Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome wherein if the stressful
situation persists and you are no longer able to neither adjust nor hold up, exhaustion sets in that can
seriously affect your body. Burnout, fatigue, dysfunction, or health problems can occur.
A. The Alarm Phase C. The Paranoid Phase

B. The Exhaustion Phase D. The Resistance Phase

___________7. It is an aspect of emotion that refers to your evaluation of the event or situation. It is your
personal interpretation; hence it is subjective.
A. Behavioral aspect C. Moral aspect
B. Cognitive aspect D. Physical aspect

___________8. They are less specific, have longer duration, but less intense than emotions.
A. emotion C. misery
B. empathy D. moods

___________9. It is a conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as a strong feeling usually

directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in
the body.
A. emotion C. misery
B. empathy D. moods

__________10. It is an aspect of emotion which is considered as the outward expression of emotion.

Being surprised might lead you to drop your jaw, widen your eyes, or scream.
A. Behavioral aspect C. Moral aspect
B. Cognitive aspect D. Physical aspect

__________11. It is the awareness of one’s emotions and ability to understand the emotions of others. It
involves managing emotions and applying them to enhance good thinking processes like reasoning,
solving problems, and even handling stress.
A. Emotional intelligence C. Intellectual quotient
B. Emotional quotient D. Moral quotient

__________12. This is handling emotions effectively. For Goleman, troubling emotions cause stress.
Managing distressing emotions allows you to do something so they won’t badly affect you or your
functioning. With positive emotions, managing them makes you more actively involved, excited, and
passionate in your undertakings.
A. Empathy C. Self-awareness
B. Motivation D. Self-management

__________13. He popularized and expanded the theory developed by Salovey and Mayer in his book,
Emotional Intelligence. He included the role of social skills in the process of establishing meaningful
relationships and recognized meaningful relationships as having a good effect on an individual’s growth.
A. Daniel Goleman C. John D. Mayer
B. Hans Seyle D. Peter Salovey

__________14. This is awareness of your emotions: knowing what you feel and why you are feeling it.
Being aware gives you a basis for making decisions. It is also a good source of intuition and lets you
know what to do based on what you feel.
A. Empathy C. Self-awareness
B. Motivation D. Self-management
__________15. It is the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and
others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and use this information to guide one’s
thinking and actions.
A. Emotional intelligence C. Intellectual quotient
B. Emotional quotient D. Moral quotient

__________16. This is the traditional type of family. Two parents and their children are living together as
one family.
A. Blended family C. Nuclear family
B. Extended Family D. Single-parent family

__________17. It is the kind of parenting wherein parents of this nature are very giving to the point of
spoiling their children. They tend to be warm and loving. They have few expectations and minimal
limitations. They allow their children to be part in making decisions in the family.
A. Authoritarian C. Neglectful
B. Authoritative D. Permissive

__________18. The family serves important functions that are integral to the development of a person.
Significantly, the family shapes a child’s behaviour through experiences gained through the years. Which
of the following is not included in its functions?
A. Economic provision C. Sense of insecurity
B. Love D. Socialization

__________19. It is the foremost unit that gave you the first experience of the world.
A. church C. peer
B. family D. school

__________20. This kind of parenting is considered balanced. Parents are authority figures who set clear
expectations from their children. They set reasonable limitations, yet they also give them room for
independence, provide them emotional support, and respect their point of view. They likewise empower
their children to exercise decision-making.
A. Authoritarian C. Neglectful
B. Authoritative D. Permissive

__________21. It is a visual representation of a family. It is like a family tree, only it shows more details
or gives more information regarding relationships and patterns within the family.
A. angiogram C. mammogram
B. genogram D. nanogram

__________22. This is characterized by rigid and/or demanding parenting style. Parents are very strict.
They expect their children to follow them without question. They do not misbehave and do not hesitate to
apply punishment to control behaviour.
A. Authoritarian C. Neglectful
B. Authoritative D. Permissive

__________23. This type of family refers to the setup in which either the mother or father alone tasks the
responsibility of caring for the child or children. In cases of divorce or separation of parents, children are
usually left either to one of parents (usually the mother). Another situation resulting in single-parent
family is having a child without having gotten married.
A. Blended family C. Nuclear family
B. Extended Family D. Single-parent family

__________24. One of the phases in Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome wherein you are able to
handle stress or adapt to the situation, you are able to restore a sense of balance again. Your defences may
still be up, though. Your body is still in a state of arousal to resist any effects of stress in you.
A. The Alarm Phase C. The Paranoid Phase

B. The Exhaustion Phase D. The Resistance Phase

__________25. He is a psychologist, considered stress as perceived threat, harm, or challenge believed to

affect the individual and carries future implications .
A. Erik Erikson C. Richard Lazarus
B. Jean Piaget D. Sigmund Freud

__________26. Below are some specific strategies to handle stress. Which of the following is not
A. Abuse your health. C. Do relaxation exercises.
B. Do some physical activities. D. Identify support group.

__________27. Aspect of emotion is what goes on inside your body. It is physiological. In the language
of the psychologists, it is an automatic arousal or response .
A. Behavioral aspect C. Moral aspect
B. Cognitive aspect D. Physical aspect

__________28. It is making use of your emotions to continue what you are doing to achieve your goals,
even in the face of difficulties.
A. Empathy C. Self-awareness
B. Motivation D. Self-management

__________29. He identified primary emotions but in terms of opposites.

A. Daniel Goleman C. Peter Salovey
B. John D. Mayer D. Robert Plutchik

__________30. It means understanding and mirroring what others are feeling.

A. Empathy C. Self-awareness
B. Motivation D. Self-management

____________31. It is not involved in child-rearing. They may provide for their child’s needs, but are
emotionally detached, unsupportive to their children, inconsistent, or unpredictable.
A. Authoritarian C. Neglectful
B. Authoritative D. Permissive

___________32. It is the caring for children that includes taking care of their needs over and above the
basics: food, shelter, and clothing. It may sound like an old cliché, but education remains of the perfect
legacies of parents to their children.
A. Economic provision C. Procreation
B. Love D. Socialization

___________33. Family structure which is, aside from the two parents and their children, the family is
joined in by relatives who live with them, like grandparents, cousins or aunties/uncles. They generally
share common goals at home.
A. Blended family
B. Childless family
C. Extended family
D. Nuclear family

___________34. It is an aspect of emotion that refers to your evaluation of the event or situation. It is
your personal interpretation; hence it is subjective.
A. Behavioral aspect C. Moral aspect
B. Cognitive aspect D. Physical aspect

__________35. Goleman points out that every emotion has a function. Generally, emotions help you
make connections and establish relationships. You develop skills needed in being with people to have
meaningful relationships. You get to inspire other people and lift them up as well.
A. Motivation C. Self-management
B. Self-awareness D. Social skills

__________36. From what used to be ‘only the father working for the family’, and mother tending the
home and children, both parents now work to support the family.
A. Childless family C. Family with working parents
B. Extended family D. Nuclear family

__________37. In the mid-1980s, genogram was developed and popularized by whom?

A. Erik Erikson & Sigmund Freud
B. Hans Seyle & Richard Lazarus
C. Jean Piaget & Robert Plutchik
D. Monica McGoldrick & Randy Gerson

__________38. This holds the greatest importance in the family. It is what most needed. It encompasses
A. Care C. Love
B. Communication D. Respect

__________39. This setup consists of couple wherein one or both of them have children from a previous
marriage or relationship. In many instances, it happens when separation, annulment/divorce, or death of
spouse eventually leads to remarriage.
A. Blended family
B. Childless family
C. Extended family
D. Nuclear family

__________40. The family provides immediate opportunities for the children to grow through the
interactions an individual experiences with the members of the family, with other people that the family
associates with, and through engagement with various activities.
A. Economic provision C. Procreation
B. Love D. Socialization


Write TRUE if the statement is correct then write FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Analyze all the
statements and write your answers at the blank provided.

____________________1. Child-rearing reflects the kind of parenting style exercised by parents. These
are patterns or ways with which parents raise their children.

____________________2. The angiogram is widely used to source information that aids in understanding
patterns, practices, or dynamics within the family that possibly affect or influence certain human
conditions. F

____________________3. Peer is your primary source of security and support.

____________________4. Love holds the greatest importance in the family. It is what most needed. It is
the best gift. It encompasses everything. It is what can drive members of the family to do anything for the
welfare of another.

____________________5. The government is an institution recognized to perform the duty to procreate

that is, to have children. Along with it is the duty of the parents to provide other life-giving and loving
ways of raising them.

____________________6. Nuclear family consists of couple wherein one or both of them have children
from a previous marriage or relationship. In many instances, it happens when separation,
annulment/divorce, or death of spouse eventually leads to remarriage.
___________________7. Authoritarian is characterized by permissive parenting style. Parents are very
strict. They expect their children to follow them without question. They do not misbehave and do not
hesitate to apply punishment to control behaviour.

____________________8. The genogram is widely used to source information that aids in understanding
patterns, practices, or dynamics within the family that possibly affect or influence certain human

____________________9. Emotion is an unconscious mental reaction objectively experienced as a

strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and
behavioral changes in the body.

____________________10. Moods are more specific, have shorter duration, but more intense than

____________________11. Empathy means understanding and mirroring what others are feeling.

____________________12. The physical aspect of emotion is what goes on inside your body. It is
physiological. In the language of the psychologists, it is an automatic arousal or response.

____________________13. Moods are more intense and more specific, but last longer compared to
emotions. Mood swings would mean that fast shifting of moods.

____________________14. Emotional Quotient (EQ) is awareness of one’s emotions and ability to

understand the emotions of others.

____________________15. Self-managemant means knowing what you feel and why you are feeling it.
Being aware gives you a basis for making decisions. It is also a good source of intuition and lets you
know what to do base on what you feel.

____________________16. Well-being is multidimensional that covers different aspects. It also refers to

a number of positive psychological functioning like self-acceptance, positive relations, autonomy,
environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth.

____________________17. Robert Plutchik (in Hasson, 2012) also identified primary emotions but in
terms of opposites. T

____________________18. Richard Lazarus, a psychologist, considered stress as perceived threat, harm,

or challenge believed to affect the individual and carries future implications.

____________________19. In China, it is interesting to note that there is no direct translation for the
word stress. What seems to be the closest word apparently is danger.

____________________20. The Resistance Phase, you recognize the stressor. It could be a problem, a
difficulty, or threat stirring reactions in your body. The nervous system is activated. Your hormones act
up, producing a surge of energy intended to allow you to handle the stressful situation.

Good job.

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