Sample of Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan 1- Raindrop Arts Painting

THEME : Nature
TOPIC : Raindrop Arts Painting
DATE : 13 March 2021, Time: 11- 11.25am
AGE GROUP : 4 - 5 Years Old
DURATION : 25 minutes
LEARNING : 1) Creativity and Aesthetics - Visual Arts
STRAND IN 2) Science and Technology- Science process skills
OBJECTIVE/ : 1) Children to explore rain as media in visual art creation
OUTCOME 2) Children to observe the rain drop environment using eye
sense to create the rain drop art (SA2.1.1).
TEACHING : 1) A rainy day.
MATERIAL 2) Heavy white paper.
3) Powdered tempera paint (various colours) or hard
watercolour paint that can break apart into little pieces.
4) Shaker bottles (old spice shakers, salt shakers, or used
empty glitter shakers with the shake top in place)
5) Smocks or some other slip-on garment to help protect
LOCATION : 1) Indoor – class room
2) Outdoor- raining ground
INTRODUCTION : This activity shows children on how they can work with
Mother Nature to create original works of raindrop art.

The activity will be explained in small group. Teacher first

greet and interact with children, create warm atmosphere.
Having ask children: “What is available in our mother earth?
What is function of rain? What will the colour texture look
like after it expose to rain drop?” Throughout the art
painting activity and expose it on raining floor, the child will
paint, mix the colour on the white paper on their own. Child
will also choose their own colours, drawing, design ideas on
their own creativity.
LEARNING : Procedures:
ACTIVITY 1) Children to lay out newspaper on a flat surface such as
EXPERIENCE floor or table.
2) Children to have different colours of powdered paint set
out in the shaker containers. (Or, break apart dry
watercolour cakes by placing them in plastic baggies and
hitting them with a rolling pin).
3) Teacher to give each child a piece of the paper.
4) Children gently shake a colour of their choice onto the
plain paper. Sprinkle it randomly around the paper using
a light hand with the colour.
5) Children can choose another colour or two and repeat
step 4.
6) After children finish their paint, teacher to give some
plastic such as large trash bags or old vinyl table cloth to
lay on the ground outside in the rain.
7) Children to lay the pictures paint face up in the rain on
the plastic.
8) Depending on how hard it is raining, let the pictures stay
out in the rain till desired effect is achieved.
9) The raindrops will pitter-pat on the dry paint and will
create designs when the water and paint mix.
10) Children will be very excited about this fun project even
got in the act.
11) Children to bring in painting to dry flat overnight.
12) When dry, spray with some hairspray before putting on
bulletin board to help keep paint adhered.
1) Paint a watercolour picture of a flower, butterfly or fun
and wild abstract shape (make sure use paper that’s nice
and thick).
2) When finished, take the painting into the rain, secure it
down with a couple of rocks and let Mother Nature add
her own special raindrop signature.
3) Display it up to the bulletin board with letters spelling
out “Raindrop Pictures”.

Teacher observe children while performing the task, both
individually and a small group. Children are encouraged to
shake a colour, or add additional materials base on their own
understanding of beauty and creativity and visualise how
Mother Nature add her own special raindrop signature.
Teacher praise children if children are able to observe the
rain drop environment using eye sense to create the desired
rain drop art. Teacher praises children for being able to
complete the task confidently and creatively.
CONCLUSION : Teacher asks children to repeat the process task again in
order to strengthen their skills and understanding on rain
drop art. Children are encouraged to share their feelings,
share their artistic elements on their drawing, to share what
they have learnt from the mother nature. At the end of
session, children and teacher say thank you to each other,
and children help teacher to clean up the areas, equipment
and return the equipment to the original place.
Lesson Plan 2- Colourful Walking Stick Craft

THEME : Nature
TOPIC : Colourful Walking Stick Craft
DATE : 15 March 2021, Time: 11- 11.30am
AGE GROUP : 5 - 6 Years Old
DURATION : 30 minutes
LEARNING : 1) Creativity and Aesthetics - Visual Arts
STRAND IN 2) Physical Development – Fine Motor Development
OBJECTIVE/ : 1) Create patterns and designs using one’s own creativity
LEARNING on stick (KE3.3.3).
OUTCOME 2) Children can use tools to demonstrate fine motor skills
TEACHING : 1) Large branch or stick (Look for sturdy sticks, but be sure
MATERIAL to check them carefully, making sure there aren’t any
bugs living in them.)
2) Colourful tape
3) Feathers
4) Twine
5) Pony beads
6) Tape
LOCATION : 1) Indoor – class room
2) Outdoor- raining ground
INTRODUCTION : Children to decorate a walking stick with colourful tape for
fun hikes in the woods or on nature trails.

The activity will be explained in small group. Teacher first

greet and interact with children, create warm atmosphere.
Having ask children: “What is available in our mother earth?
What is function of stick? What will the design look like
after the decoration?” Throughout the art decoration, the
child will place the colourful tap, insert feathers, twine,
beads on their own hands. Child will also choose their own
colours, drawing, design ideas on their own creativity.
LEARNING : Procedures:
ACTIVITY 1) Children to cut strips of tape in different widths, long
EXPERIENCE enough to wrap around the stick 1 ½ times. Wrap
different strips around the top of the stick in whatever
colour patterns they like.

2) Children to tie twine around the end of a feather. Use

tape to secure the end of the twine around the feather.
Then thread several pony beads onto the twine above the
feather. Repeat this process to create two hanging

3) Children to lay the twine onto the stick and secure in

place with one or two more colourful strips of tape.
(note: Instead of colourful tape, children can use strips of
4) Children can now get outside and go for a walk with
their new designed stick!

Teacher observe children while performing the task, both
individually and a small group. Children are encouraged to
use different colour tapes, or strings base on their own
understanding of beauty and creativity and visualise how the
environment can add the special designed stick. Teacher
praise children if they are able use tools to demonstrate their
fine motor skills. Teacher then go for a walk with children
with their new designed stick.
CONCLUSION : Teacher asks children to repeat the process task again in
order to strengthen their motor skills and understanding on
decoration. Children are encouraged to share their feelings,
share their artistic elements on their decoration, to share
what they have learnt from the mother nature. At the end of
session, children and teacher say thank you to each other,
and children help teacher to clean up the areas, equipment
and return the equipment to the original place.

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