International Herald Tribune 2011.04.01

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2nd defection jolts

Qaddafi’s regime
TRIPOLI, LIBYA security adviser. Like the Qaddafi fam-
ily, his whereabouts were unknown
Thursday, but there were no credible re-
U.S. looking to endgame ports that he had fled.
as top official departs Mr. Koussa was a confidant of Colonel
Qaddafi and was considered a pillar of
after foreign minister the Qaddafi government since the early
days of the 1969 revolution. He has been
BY DAVID KIRKPATRICK listed by the prosecutor of the Interna-
AND ALAN COWELL tional Criminal Court among those who
‘‘commanded and had control’’ over
The capital of Libya was alive with ru- Libyan security forces suspected of
mors of defections Thursday as British ‘‘crimes against humanity.’’
officials in London interrogated the most Mr. Koussa flew into a noncommercial
important defector yet, Foreign Minis- British airfield at Farnborough, south-
ter Moussa Koussa, and insisted that west of London, aboard an executive jet
they had made no promise of immunity Wednesday and, according to a state-
to encourage him to abandon the gov- ment released by the British authorit-
ernment of Col. Muammar el-Qadaffi. ies, said that he was resigning his post.
In another sign that the cracks in the In a speech in London on Thursday,
Libyan government may be widening, a Foreign Secretary William Hague said
second top Libyan official, Ali Abdus- Mr. Koussa, a former intelligence chief
salam el-Treki, defected to Egypt. In de- in the Libyan regime, had fled ‘‘of his
cades of service, Mr. Treki had served own free will.’’
as both foreign minister and United Na- ‘‘Moussa Koussa is not being offered
tions representative. any immunity from British or interna-
Opponents of Colonel Gadhafi were tional justice,’’ Mr. Hague said. ‘‘He is
knocked back by government troops for voluntarily talking to British officials, in-
a third straight day Thursday but took cluding members of the British Embassy
heart from the defections. in Tripoli now based in London, and our
‘‘We believe that the regime is crum- ambassador, Richard Northern.’’
bling from within,’’ the opposition The prosecutor of the International
spokesman Mustafa Gheriani told The Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo,
Associated Press in Benghazi, the said March 3 that he would investigate
rebels’ de facto capital. ‘‘alleged crimes against humanity com-
Among the other rumored defectors mitted in Libya since 15 February, as
New stage in Ivory Coast Fighters loyal to the strongman Laurent Gbagbo patrolling Abidjan on Thursday as forces supporting the internationally recognized the speaker of Parliament and the oil
president closed in. In a sign of Mr. Gbagbo’s steady loss of power, his army chief of staff sought refuge at the South African ambassador’s residence in the city. PAGE 5 minister. None of those reports could be
In Washington, officials also were
looking to the endgame in Libya. De-

Uncertain, Japan’s youth seek meaning

fense Secretary Robert M. Gates told a
congressional panel that he strongly op-
posed putting any U.S. forces in Libya.
Asked whether there would be Ameri-
can ‘‘boots on the ground’’ — that is,
TOKYO will test a generation reared in affluence Yo Miura had expected to enter a local friends’ example and volunteer to help uniformed members of the military —
and dismissed by its elders as full of bank in the Sendai area, counting on a people rebuild their homes. Never mind Mr. Gates swiftly replied, ‘‘Not as long
selfish materialists. steady income and a modest amount of that he has no experience as a car- as I’m in this job.’’
New generation tested April 1 is the traditional entrance day prestige. But his starting date at the penter. Mr. Miura hopes that by fixing At the same time, Mr. Gates declined
as triple crises transform for classes of new employees, who as-
sume adult responsibilities and values
bank has been put off indefinitely while
northeastern Japan struggles to re-
broken walls and retiling roofs, he can
repair people’s lives and bring deeper
to address reports that the Central In-
telligence Agency had sent clandestine MOISES SAMAN FOR NYT

nation and alter future along with the new suits and crisp white build. ‘‘My life has completely meaning to his own. operatives to Libya to gather intelli- Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa. British
shirts that are the uniforms of corporate changed,’’ he said while sitting in the job JAPAN, PAGE 8 gence for military airstrikes and to con- officials were interrogating him Thursday.
BY KEN BELSON Japan. But they face a landscape as un- office at Sendai University. ‘‘Before, my tact and vet the rebels.
certain as any in their young lives, with life was peaceful and predictable. Now, SCANT PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR CRISIS Other than the sons of Colonel Qad- REBELS WARNED ON KILLING OF CIVILIANS
As hundreds of thousands of young Japan’s economy hobbled and its nation- I’m not sure what the future holds.’’ Troublesomely high radiation readings dafi, the only other official as close to the NATO’s warning, and intense
people begin their working lives on Fri- al pride bruised by the triple disasters of While he awaits word from his em- reinforced fears that the disaster in Libyan leader as Mr. Koussa is Adbdul- consultations on just who is a civilian,
day, they face a transformed Japan that earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis. ployer, Mr. Miura plans to follow his Japan was far from ending. PAGE 8 lah Senussi, his brother-in-law and a top come as battle lines blur in Libya. PAGE 4

On occasion, amateur sports Egypt’s Islamic fundamentalists

spin a special kind of madness embrace potential of democracy
BOSTON IN THE ARENA NAHIA, EGYPT In its drive to create a perfect Islamic
state, his group, Gamaa Islamiya, or the
BY CHRISTOPHER CLAREY BY NEIL MACFARQUHAR Islamic Group, and others like it were
French substitutes for English phrases, once synonymous with some of the
There is nothing in the world quite like even use the term ‘‘le final four’’ in Abboud al-Zomor — the former intelli- bloodiest terrorist attacks in Egypt. But
the N.C.A.A. men’s basketball tourna- news media reports and have been gence officer who supplied the bullets they are now leaping aboard the democ-
ment, which is rather surprising in a known to write of ‘‘le March Madness’’ that killed President Anwar el-Sadat and racy bandwagon, alarming those who
world where good and, above all, lucra- on occasion (even in April, when the is Egypt’s most notorious newly released worry that religious radicals are seek-
tive sports concepts tend to make bor- tournament actually ends). For now at prisoner — waxes enthusiastic about ing to put in place strict Islamic law
ders irrelevant. least, no Gallic usage of ‘‘the Sweet 16’’ ending the violent jihad he once led. through ballots.
There has clearly been some crossov- or ‘‘the Big Dance’’ has been detected. ‘‘The ballot boxes will decide who will The public approval of the constitution-
er. The term Final Four has now been Though elite collegiate sports of the win at the end of the day,’’ Mr. Zomor al amendments on March 19 provided an
borrowed by European professional nominally amateur sort practiced in the said in an interview in his large family early example of Islamist political
basketball leagues, team handball tour- United States are a big exception to the compound in this hamlet on Cairo’s muscle, a victory achieved in no small
naments and Italian volleyball competi- global rule, the N.C.A.A. tournament is western edge. ‘‘There is no longer any part by framing the yes vote as a reli-
tions in describing their decisive not without company. ANDREA BRUCE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES need for me to use violence against those gious duty. But perhaps the most surpris-
phases. ‘‘There are quite popular and simil- Abboud al-Zomor, shown in his family home near Cairo last month, and other fundamental- who gave us our freedom and allowed us ing aspect of the Islamist campaign was
The French, inclined to search for ARENA, PAGE 11 ists talk of founding political parties and forging alliances to maximize the religious vote. to be part of political life.’’ EGYPT, PAGE 4


Infighting frays Afghan Taliban Irish banks need ¤24 billion Mercury comes into focus Roger Cohen
The Afghan Taliban are showing signs The Irish government said Thursday The Mercury Messenger is to spend American exceptionalism has always
of increasing strain after a number of that four banks needed to raise an at least a year in orbit. Its visit is the made President Obama uneasy. But
killings, arrests and internal disputes additional ¤24 billion to cover problem last frontier of planetary exploration speed in ousting Muammar el-Qaddafi,
that have reached them even in their real estate loans, part of the results of a for NASA for quite some time. the goal from which Western leaders
haven in Pakistan, Afghan security long-awaited stress test on the The first close-ups of Mercury. cannot retreat, is essential. PAGE 7
officials and Afghans with contacts in country’s failing financial institutions.
the Taliban say. The insurgents have While largely expected, the total aid Pakistan is also erupting

been under pressure since U.S. forces figure was still a jarring number. PAGE 14 President Obama’s policy is failing as
doubled their presence in southern resentment over drone strikes and anti-
Afghanistan last year and greatly Data signal patchy E.U. revival U.S. propaganda by Islamic militants
increased the number of special forces The uneven nature of the European take their toll, Peter Charles Choharis
raids aimed at Taliban commanders. economic recovery was underlined and Shamshek Asad write. PAGE 6
Thursday by figures that showed higher
WORLD NEWS prices and weak consumption across the COMING THIS WEEKEND
euro zone. The Portuguese budget
Tea Party’s corporate reach situation worsened even as the picture in Battling the superbugs
A conglomerate in Indonesia finds France and Germany improved. PAGE 14 After the discovery of penicillin, the
support as factions within the Tea Party first antibiotic, in 1928, the world
movement bear corporate messages Subsidy setback for Boeing assumed it had the chemicals to beat
wrapped in populist themes. PAGE 5 Boeing received at least $5.3 billion in bacteria. Now, though, the world’s drug
improper U.S. government subsidies to companies may be running out of road.
Book on Gandhi upsets Indians develop its 787 Dreamliner and other jet ‘‘You can’t win against evolution,’’ said
The book suggests that the father of models, giving it an unfair advantage a scientist who spends his days
modern India was bisexual. But the over Airbus, its European rival, the tracking the emergence of superbugs.
author, Joseph Lelyveld, denies that it World Trade Organization confirmed in ‘‘All you can seek to do is to stay a jump
makes any such argument. PAGE 8 a report published Thursday. PAGE 15 NASA ahead.’’


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page two
The politics
one member of his team doesn’t even
own a car.
These are revolutionary notions in

of change on
Calgary, a city that is spread across as
many acres as New York, but houses
just a tenth as many people. Calgarians

the prairie
love their cars — that’s how more than
two-thirds of them get to work — and
they are bullish on the oil industry that
not only puts gas in their tanks but also
is the lifeblood of their economy.
Yet these same Calgarians embraced
a geeky, Harvard-educated former
McKinsey consultant, who keeps
magazines like IFR and The Banker in
his foyer and loves technocratic solu-
tions to urban problems like ‘‘spot in-
Chrystia tensification’’ and containing sprawl by
charging developers more to build on
Freeland the outskirts of town.
Voters did so, Mr. Nenshi believes,
‘‘because we didn’t condescend to
WAY OF T H E WO R L D people.’’ Calgary, he told me, ‘‘is a city
of ideas,’’ proudly citing as evidence
the sell-out crowd of 1,700 the author
CALGARY, ALBERTA Conventional wis- Malcolm Gladwell drew on a recent
dom has it that the Internet is dumbing visit. (He has been topped only by the
us down and making politics more par- singer Sarah McLachlan.)
tisan. Sound bites are more effective ‘‘Calgarians were really interested in
than substance. The punditocracy that having a conversation about the future
shapes these truisms is, needless to of their city,’’ the mayor told me. But
say, pretty certain they apply most the province of Alberta is the closest
powerfully to people in the provinces, Canada comes to a one-party state —
especially those with a history of vot- ‘‘governments never change here’’ —
ing for the right. and until Mr. Nenshi and his pals came
That is why the election of Naheed along, no one had really bothered to
Nenshi, a 39-year-old former business bring people in to that discussion.
school professor, as mayor of Calgary, is This engagement with the community
a watershed event that should be of in- is the second important lesson of Mr.
terest far beyond Canada, where he has Nenshi’s win. Robert Putnam told us in
already become a political superstar. 1995 that Americans had started to bowl
When Mr. Nenshi earned his upset alone. And many of us worry that the
victory last October, the first flutter of advances in technology in the sub-
outside enthusiasm was around the sequent 15 years have served mostly to
fact that an Ismaili Muslim son of alienate us further from our real-life
South Asian immigrants who came to neighbors as we retreat ever deeper into
Canada from Tan- virtual communities of the like-minded.
A desire to be zania had been But what Mr. Nenshi found in Cal- MATIULLAH ACHAKZAI/EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY

chosen to lead the gary was a passionate desire to be in- Kojak Pass, the only route that connects the Afghan border town of Chaman with the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta, where three Taliban commanders were killed in February.
involved in
capital of Canada’s volved in the real, physical life of the
the real, phys- conservative heart- city — and one which could be most ef-

Infighting frays Afghan Taliban

ical life of the land. fectively tapped by using cybertools.
city could be The next wave of What Mr. Nenshi did, he told me — and
tapped by us- excitement was in- remember the guy is a former business
ing cybertools. spired by his cam- school professor — was to adapt the
paign’s sophisticated classic marketing and political adage
use of social media to that you have to ‘‘go to people where
overturn Calgary’s old-boy political es- they live’’ to the Internet age. KABUL numerous covert programs around the
tablishment. ‘‘One of the things we discussed is country. A Pakistani intelligence official
The Twitter revolutions, which we that a lot of people live online,’’ Mr. confirmed that C.I.A. operatives were us-
are now so familiar with thanks to the Nenshi said, including the 600,000 Cal- Killings and other losses ing their own local agents to target
oil states of North Africa, had first hit
the land of the blue-eyed sheiks thanks
garians, in a city of 1.3 million, who are
on Facebook. ‘‘Social media was the
unnerve insurgents Qaeda-linked militants with drones in Pa-
kistan’s tribal areas, and speculated that
to clever tactics like a comic YouTube tool that enabled our philosophy.’’ preparing to fight anew they could be trying to expand that cam-
video of people struggling with the When he first moved back home to paign to reach other Pakistani militants
mayor’s name, or providing simple on- Calgary after professional stints in BY CARLOTTA GALL and Afghan Taliban inside Pakistan.
line tools for supporters to color their Toronto and New York, Mr. Nenshi The C.I.A. has been formulating such
Facebook pages Nenshi purple. said, his East Coast friends were The Afghan Taliban are showing signs a plan for months, according to two
But when I spoke to Mr. Nenshi a few baffled: ‘‘The New York people and the of increasing strain after a number of former Afghan security officials who
days ago in the elegant 1911 sandstone Harvard people were like ‘Naheed, killings, arrests and internal disputes spoke on condition of anonymity be-
building that houses the mayor’s office, why are you in the middle of the Cana- that have reached them even in their cause of the covert nature of their work.
he told me that outsiders were missing dian prairies?’’’ haven in Pakistan, Afghan security offi- The Americans have been using tribes-
the point. The real significance of his But he thinks the ‘‘Four Seasons hotel cials and Afghans with contacts in the men, including members of the Taliban
victory, he said, was to prove that tribe’’ of globe-trotting superelites may Taliban say. they have turned, to attack other
voters care deeply about big ideas and be missing the fact that they inhabit a The killings, coming just as the insur- Taliban groups in the border areas, one
will elect the leaders who take the trou- world that is rather provincial itself. gents are mobilizing for the new fight- of the officials said. But others, includ-
ble to engage them. This is true, Mr. ‘‘When I lived in Toronto and New ing season in Afghanistan, have un- ing officials on both sides of the border,
Nenshi insisted, even outside political York — big, big cities — how come I nerved many in the Taliban and have said it could be the work of Pakistan’s
and media centers like New York, Lon- saw the same people all the time?’’ Mr. spread a climate of paranoia and dis- premier spy agency, the Directorate for
don or Toronto. Nenshi asked. ‘‘This so-called border- trust within the insurgent movement, Inter-Services Intelligence.
‘‘We called it politics in full sen- less world has become more insular. the Afghans said. ‘‘Their method is brutality,’’ Abdul
tences,’’ said Mr. Nenshi. He has curly, The number of times I hear from Three powerful Taliban commanders Rahim Mandokhail, a Pakistani senator
slightly greying hair, and wears rectan- people — ‘Oh, I ran into so and so on were killed in February in the south- BRIAN FERGUSON/U.S. AIR FORCE, VIA REUTERS from the southwestern border region
gular black glasses and a slightly the flight from J.F.K. to Dubai.’ western Pakistani city of Quetta, well Afghan police officers in Zabul Province lining up for inspection by local government of- near Quetta, said of the spy agency. ‘‘If
rumpled black suit. He talks not just in ‘‘I am very happy to let the Four Sea- known to be the command center of the ficials. Several Taliban commanders from Zabul have been arrested in Pakistan. there is only a little opposition, their
full sentences but in full paragraphs, sons tribe do their work on global Taliban leadership, according to an method is to kill the man,’’ he said. He
and has the energy and gregariousness prosperity,’’ Mr. Nenshi said. ‘‘I’ll do Afghan businessman and a mujahedeen had no specific information on recent
of a born politician. ‘‘We called it the my work on local prosperity.’’ commander from the region with links swer their phones at all. TAJIKISTAN killings, because it was too dangerous to
Better Ideas campaign.’’ to the Taliban. A fourth commander, a The Taliban have been under stress investigate such things, he said.
Those ideas were genuinely serious Chrystia Freeland is global editor at former Taliban minister, was wounded since U.S. forces doubled their presence A Pakistani government official work-
— and strongly against the current of large at Reuters. in the border town of Chaman in March. in southern Afghanistan last year and ing in the border region said both U.S.
what many had assumed to be the cul- There have also been several arrests greatly increased the number of special and Pakistani intelligence agencies
tural propensities of Calgarians. Mr. E-MAIL: in Pakistan of senior Taliban command- forces raids aimed at Taliban command- KABUL
favored different insurgent groups and
Nenshi is an evangelist of high-density TOMORROW: Alan Cowell on Europe’s ers, including those from the provinces ers. Yet they still control a number of re- HERAT were striking at each other’s.
living and of public transit — at least gambles in Libya. of Zabul and Kabul, and of the shadow mote districts, and in those areas the in- Kandahar The three commanders killed in
governor of Herat, Afghan officials said. surgents can still muster forces to storm Peshawar Quetta last month all led units fighting in
Mullah Agha Muhammad, a brother of government positions, as demonstrated Islamabad Marja, in Helmand, the southern Afghan
IN OUR PAGES ✴ 100, 75, 50 YEARS AGO Mullah Baradar, the former second in
command of the Taliban who was arres-
this week by their capture of a district in
the eastern Afghan province of Nuristan.
Marja Chaman province where U.S. marines have
struggled to establish security after
ted by Pakistan security forces over a While there is still some debate over more than a year of counterinsurgency
year ago to stop him negotiating with the the insurgents’ overall strength, operations. One of the commanders was
1911 J. O’Gorman Elected Senator refused to grant the necessary permis- Afghan government, was also detained Pakistanis with deep knowledge of the IRAN PAKISTAN Hajji Khalil, in his late 30s, who com-
NEW YORK Justice James A. O’Gorman, sion to fly over French territory, the briefly to send out the same warning, Afghan Taliban say that they have INDIA manded several groups of fighters in
of the New York Supreme Court, was Hindenburg followed the Rhine to the said the chief of the Afghan border police suffered heavy losses in the last year Marja, according to Baz Gul Khan, a pro-
elected United States Senator by the Leg- Dutch border, crossed Holland and the in Kandahar, Col. Abdul Razziq. and that they are struggling in some Karachi government militia leader in Marja. ‘‘He
While the arrests have been conduct- areas to continue the fight. 200 km was famous in all of Marja,’’ Mr. Khan
islature tonight [March 31]. The selection English Channel, skirted the southern
ed by Pakistan security forces, no one ‘‘The Afghan Taliban have, I think, said. ‘‘He had about 300 men or more.’’
was made on the first ballot taken at the coast of England and headed out into the seems to know for sure who is behind run into problems,’’ said Rustam Shah Hajji Khalil was killed in his own
night session, Justice O’Gorman receiv- Atlantic as thousands watched. Accord- the killings. Members of the Taliban at- Mohmand, a former Pakistani interior fronting U.S. and NATO forces in con- house, by two men who appeared to be
ing 112 votes. Negotiations for the settle- ing to official sources, there was nothing tribute them to American spies running minister who served as ambassador in ventional battles, said Samina Ahmed, Taliban who stayed the night with him
ment of the Senatorship fight had been political in the fact that French permis- Pakistani and Afghan agents, in an ex- Afghanistan after 2001 and as a peace director of the International Crisis in his guest room. The two men left un-
going on all day. Mr. Charles Murphy ar- sion failed to reach the Zeppelin owners tension of the U.S. campaigns that have negotiator with the Taliban. Group in Pakistan. seen by the street entrance, and the
rived in Albany early, accompanied by in time for this flight. It was simply said used night raids to track down and kill ‘‘So many of them have been killed in The Taliban have always been able to next morning Hajji Khalil’s family found
scores of midlevel Taliban commanders the last one to one and a half years as a survive temporary setbacks on the bat- him slain in the room, an Afghan busi-
Mr. Daniel Cohalan, intending to force that a German request arrived too late
in Afghanistan and drone strikes to kill consequence of targeted assassina- tlefield by pulling back to Pakistan, nessman who is close to the Taliban
the name of Justice O’Gorman before the for the necessary study to be completed militants with links to Al Qaeda in Paki- tions,’’ he said in an interview. ‘‘That where many have homes and busi- said. He did not want to be identified for
caucus. When the caucus met it was an- before the hour for the start of the flight. stan’s tribal areas. Others, including Pa- has depleted the strength, capacity and nesses. Fighters have also found sanctu- fear of his safety.
nounced the Justice O’Gorman was ac- kistani and Afghan Parliament mem- ability of the Taliban.’’ Commanders ary and medical care in the anonymity of Another commander, known as Man-
ceptable to the ‘‘insurgent’’ Democrats. 1961 Africa Cuts Off South Africa bers from the region, say that the were without communications and re- the refugee camps where over a million sour, was gunned down while riding his
His nomination followed. The election of N E W YO RK The 26-nation African group Pakistani intelligence agencies have Afghans have lived for a generation motorbike along Saryab Road west of
Justice O’Gorman ends a deadlock which agreed unanimously today [March 31] to long used threats, arrests and killings to ‘‘We’ve heard of infighting through Afghanistan’s various wars, and the city. He led up to five units of men in
control the Taliban and that they could in the outlying suburbs of Pakistani cit- Marja and operated out of a rented
had existed since the convening of the support Ghana’s call for a break in rela-
be doing so again to maintain their influ-
that reportedly has led to ies like Peshawar, Quetta and Karachi. house in Quetta, a clear sign that he en-
Legislature, early in January. Mr. Wil- tions with South Africa until that nation
ence over the insurgents. internal violence at several Yet Pakistan has become a much more joyed the patronage of Inter-Services In-
liam F. Sheehan was the nominee of the abandons its racist policies. A spokes- Afghan officials in Kabul denied any points in recent months.’’ uncertain environment for the Taliban telligence, the businessman said. He did
original Democrat caucus, but the ‘‘in- man for the African group said it decided involvement in attacks on the Taliban because the United States has increased not know the name of the third Taliban
surgents’’ refused to support him, and he in a private meeting to back a draft reso- inside Pakistan, as did U.S. and NATO its attacks in Pakistan, the new civilian commander who was killed but said that
was unable to win a majority of votes in lution by Ghana which would call on all military officials. ‘‘We’ve heard of in- sources and were struggling to find re- government is openly hostile to them he was also from Marja and that he was
the Legislature at any time. UN member states to sever diplomatic fighting that reportedly has led to in- cruits to replace those killed, he said. and the military is seeking to control responsible for communication between
and trade relations with the Union gov- ternal violence at several points in re- One Taliban commander from Kunar them and influence any future settle- the senior Taliban and the fighters.
cent months,’’ one senior U.S. military Province said losses had been so high ment they make with Kabul, Lakhdar Mr. Khan, the militia leader, said the
1936 Hindenburg Departs ernment, halt all postal and telegraph
official said of the Taliban, asking not to that he was considering going over to Brahimi and Thomas Pickering, who killings were a sign that the Taliban
PA RI S The Hindenburg, the world’s communications and close their ports be identified because of the sensitivity the side of the Afghan government in or- lead an International Task Force on Af- were in decline. ‘‘We have a saying that
largest dirigible and the latest of Ger- and airfields to South African ships and of discussing events in Pakistan. Mili- der to get assistance for his beleaguered ghanistan, reported last week. Mr. when a goat becomes sick, he attracts
many’s long series of Zeppelins, headed planes. Ghana called for the world-wide tary forces were not involved, he added. community. ‘‘This does not mean the Brahimi, an Algerian, is a former U.N. en- every disease,’’ he said. ‘‘I think the
out over the Atlantic on its maiden flight break with South Africa in a speech Whatever the case, Taliban com- Taliban will stop fighting, but maybe it voy, while Mr. Pickering, an American, Taliban have lost momentum, they are
to South America last night [March 31], Monday to the 99-nation Special Political manders and fighters, who used to be a will be at a reduced level,’’ Mr. has served as U.S. ambassador to several losing the fight and so the Pakistanis do
after taking off from Friedrichshafen at Committee debating the apartheid common sight in parts of Quetta, have Mohmand said. countries and the United Nations. not need them and so they will kill
5:30 a.m. The airship carried forty pas- policies of the Union government. Ire-
now gone underground and are not Insurgents have already switched In the anti-U.S. spy mania that seized them,’’ he said.
moving around openly as before. Two tactics to suicide attacks on soft targets Pakistan after an American working for
sengers, a crew of forty, more than fifty land yesterday opposed the imposition
members of the Taliban, including a se- — like recent attacks on a bank, an army the C.I.A., Raymond A. Davis, shot and Carlotta Gall also reported from Is-
tons of fuel and five tons of cargo, includ- of sanctions on South Africa as urged by nior official, declined to talk about the is- recruitment center and a construction killed two Pakistanis in the city of Lahore lamabad. Employees of The New York
ing an automobile. It is due in Brazil on Ghana and others to force the Union sue of killings on the telephone, saying it company that all caused high casualties on Jan. 27, Pakistani officials and politi- Times contributed reporting from Kabul
Saturday. Because French authorities government to relax its racial policies. was too dangerous. Many will not an- — because they are not capable of con- cians have accused the C.I.A. of running and from southern Afghanistan.

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World News

France gives its nuclear power industry a 2nd look

PARIS Sarkozy, who was the first foreign lead- month ordered a safety audit of the Areva warning the French ambassador
er to visit Japan since the March 11 country’s 58 nuclear power plants. Nu- about a potential risk of contamination
BY KATRIN BENNHOLD earthquake and tsunami devastated the clear experts will also review a decision in Tokyo if the wind turned and rain then
AND DAVID JOLLY coast north of Tokyo and set off the to keep a number of plants older than 30 deposited radioactivity from the dam-
crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear years running and will cooperate with aged reactors in the capital.
The Fukushima nuclear crisis has Power Station. the Interior Ministry to update accident (This week, the advice was somewhat
prompted anti-nuclear marches across He said global nuclear regulators, management and evacuation proce- relaxed, with the Foreign Ministry now
the world, persuaded the Chinese au- who are to gather under the auspices of dures, particularly in heavily populated advising people not to travel to Tokyo un-
thorities to delay the construction of new the International Atomic Energy areas around reactor clusters like those less they had an ‘‘imperative’’ reason.)
reactors and helped the German govern- Agency in June, should meet earlier, in near Dunkerque, in northern France. Whatever traces the current crisis
ment lose an important state election. May, to discuss the implications of the Finally, Mr. Lacoste said, cooling me- will leave, France is unlikely to entirely
In France, a country that obtains Japanese crisis. chanisms will be studied in more detail, turn its back on nuclear power, a legacy
nearly 80 percent of its electricity from A day earlier in Paris, the head of not least because their failure at of Charles de Gaulle, the former presi-
nuclear energy, compared with 24 per- France’s Nuclear Safety Authority, An- Fukushima. dent, as it has been broadly embraced
cent in Japan and 19 percent in the dré-Claude Lacoste, told members of Despite a number of minor accidents by politicians across the political main-
United States, there has been conspicu- Parliament that the country would draw (and some narrowly averted serious stream for decades.
ously little reaction. the necessary lessons from the Japa- ones) over the years, the anti-nuclear The nuclear industry in France is
So when the president of the French nese experience and upgrade safety movement in France has never been highly advanced and provides a major
nuclear safety watchdog stated the ob- procedures where needed. The most ur- able to develop a following resembling source of export revenue. Three par-
vious this week — ‘‘Nobody can guaran- gent task — and one so far neglected, he anything like that in Germany. tially state-owned French companies —
tee that there will never be a nuclear ac- acknowledged — is a re-evaluation of The industry’s history here is one rea- Areva, GDF Suez and EDF — are
cident in France’’ — it came as the potential impact of natural disasters TORU HANAI/REUTERS son that, when French officials talk of among the most important players in
something of a shock to a country that on nuclear safety. Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan, left, and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France in Tokyo tougher safety measures, the world is the sector globally. EDF operates its 58
has long prized its nuclear industry. The fact that more than one natural on Thursday. Mr. Sarkozy called for new nuclear safety guidelines for all G-20 nations. likely to listen. French nuclear reactors at 19 sites, the
France has quietly begun reassessing disaster can occur at the same time, as Other countries certainly took note largest pool of plants globally. It
the risks of nuclear power. happened in Japan, ‘‘is a subject that when France became the first to advise designs, maintains, operates and de-
President Nicholas Sarkozy under- until now we didn’t really take into ac- earthquakes, geologists estimate. Its necessarily a good guide to the future. its citizens to leave Tokyo and provided commissions plants.
scored the point Thursday, when he count,’’ he said, promising a fresh look nuclear reactors were built to withstand ‘‘Climate change is changing the situ- planes to repatriate those unable or un- In 2008, France produced 439 terawatt
traveled to Japan and called for new nu- at the risk that tectonic activity could five times the impact of the worst earth- ation,’’ he said, ‘‘Extreme events that so willing to travel south, just days after hours of nuclear power, representing 16
clear safety guidelines for all countries produce on French territory, particu- quake ever registered here. But with far happened every thousand years the earthquake struck. Many countries percent of global production.
in the Group of 20, over which he cur- larly along the coast. severe flooding incidents and bad along the coast now happen every hun- eventually followed suit. The recom-
rently presides. Over the last millennium, France has weather having intensified in recent dred years.’’ mendation was the result of nuclear ex- Matthew Saltmarsh contributed report-
‘‘Japan is not alone,’’ said Mr. been the site of about 1,700 noticeable years, Mr. Lacoste said, the past was not Prime Minister François Fillon last perts at the Japanese subsidiary of ing.


Italy clearing

a burdened
Sicilian isle

Letter bomb slightly wounds 2

of migrants
at Swiss nuclear lobby group
A letter bomb exploded Thursday at
the office of a Swiss nuclear industry
lobby group, slightly wounding two em- After Berlusconi pledge,
ployees, a local police spokesman said.
The letter bomb exploded at the
some 2,000 people are
fourth floor office of the group, Swiss- shipped to the mainland
nuclear, in the northern town of Olten
at 7:45 a.m. as employees were opening THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
mail, said the spokesman, Andreas
Mock. He said that one employee had Italy shipped more than 2,000 migrants
suffered wounds to her hands and arms to detention camps on its mainland
and that another reported of hearing Thursday, relieving pressure on a tiny
problems as a result of the explosion. island off Sicily that has been over-
No group has taken responsibility for whelmed by a relentless stream of boats
the blast, Mr. Mock said. full of illegal arrivals from North Africa.
Controversy in Switzerland over nu- Lampedusa, a fishing and tourist is-
clear power has increased since the nu- land with a population of 5,000, ran out
clear crisis in Japan began after the of shelters days ago when migrant num-
earthquake and the tsunami that struck bers peaked at more than 6,000, forcing
there March 11. The Japanese disaster many of the Tunisians and others to
has prompted the Swiss energy minis- sleep in the open air on docksides and in
ter, Doris Leuthard, to suspend re- fields.
quests to build two new plants and to On Thursday, Italian soldiers joined
order a review of safety at the five oper- local sanitation workers in ridding the
ating nuclear power stations in island of piles of rubbish left by the de-
Switzerland. parting migrants.
There was concern about the minors
among the migrants, which a Save the
Children representative on the island,
Filippo Ungaro, estimated number
about 350.
Under international conventions, the
minors cannot be deported and should
be put into temporary foster homes
while asylum paperwork is processed,
Ungaro told Sky TG24 TV.
The government, at a cabinet meeting
FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP Thursday, authorized funding for unac-
The Swissnuclear office in Olten on Thursday. companied minors so they could be
placed in temporary homes.
DUBLIN Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi,
Britain and Ireland close pressured by anti-immigrant coalition
allies, promised while touring the island
Ulster terrorism panel on Wednesday that all of the migrants
The governments of Britain and Ire- would be either deported to Tunisia or
land on Thursday closed an expert pan- transferred to mainland detention cen-
el that had provided assessments of ters within two to three days. Most of
terrorism trends in Northern Ireland. the arrivals are Tunisians who fled un-
The move concludes seven years of rest in their homeland in the hope of
investigations by the panel into the ac- finding family members or jobs in
tivities of the Irish Republican Army, its France.
splinter groups and varied anti-Catholic Mr. Berlusconi complained Thursday
gangs in Northern Ireland. The group that Tunisia should have stopped the
included a former C.I.A. director and a boats from setting out from its waters.
former commander of the anti-terror- Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has
ism unit of Scotland Yard. Analysts say voiced frustration that other European
its early reports blaming the I.R.A. for Union countries have done little or noth-
major crimes spurred the group to re- ing to help relieve Rome of the migrant
nounce violence and disarm in 2005. burden.
Britain’s senior official in Northern The illegal arrivals ‘‘must be depor-
Ireland, Owen Paterson, said the ex- ted either to Tunisia or be spread
perts’ final report would be published around to other European countries,’’
after the May 5 election of the Northern Mr. Frattini said on an Italian TV news
Ireland Assembly. (AP) show on Thursday.
‘‘It’s stunning that there is no solidar-
P RAG U E ity from any of the European countries,
Czech Constitutional Court including those which many Tunisians
would want to reach,’’ such as France.
eases phone and Internet law Italian TV has added fuel to his argu-
The Constitutional Court of the Czech ment by running video footage of
Republic on Thursday overturned Tunisians being sent back from Italy’s
parts of a law that require telephone border with France, near the Italian
operators to retain data on telephone seaside town of Ventimiglia. On Thurs-
calls and Internet traffic. day, local workers set up a temporary
The court ruled that the practice was 100-bed shelter with toilets and showers
unconstitutional. It said the provisions in an empty barracks in Ventimiglia for
ordering data on all calls, faxes, text Tunisians flocking to the town.
messages and e-mail exchanges to be The Lampedusa mayor, Bernardino
retained for six months enabled a De Rubeis, said that before dawn 690
‘‘massive’’ invasion into citizens’ rights migrants were shipped on a chartered
and were not in line with the rule of law. ferry to the region of Apulia, with anoth-
Fifty-one members of Parliament ap- er 600 transported hours later.
pealed to the court to overturn the law, A tent camp for some 4,000 migrants
which was passed as part of anti-terror- was being hastily set up in the town of
ism efforts. Manduria in the southeastern Italian re-
In Germany, the Federal Constitution gion. Other ships, including a naval ves- Haute Joaillerie collection
Court issued a similar ruling last year. sel, were anchored off Lampedusa’s
The law stems from a European Union ports, waiting to transfer more mi-
directive. (AP) grants to the mainland.

world news region in revolt

As battle lines blur in Libya, who’s a civilian? Assad moves

to quell

As NATO takes over control of airstrikes
in Libya and the Obama administration
considers new steps to tip the balance of
before rally
power there, members of the allied coali- DAMASCUS
tion have issued stern warnings to rebel
fighters not to attack civilians as they FROM NEWS REPORTS
push against the regime of Col. Muam-
mar el-Qaddafi, according to senior mil- Facing a huge protest movement de-
itary and government officials. manding reform, President Bashar al-
Otherwise, the fog of war will not Assad on Thursday set up committees
shield them from possible bombardment to look into the deaths of civilians during
by NATO planes and missiles, just as the nearly two weeks of unrest and into re-
regime’s forces have been punished. placing decades-old emergency laws.
‘‘We’ve been conveying a message to The moves appear to be a carefully
the rebels that we will be compelled to designed attempt by Mr. Assad to head
defend civilians, whether pro-Qaddafi off protests planned for Friday while
or pro-opposition,’’ a senior Obama ad- showing that he would not be pressured
ministration official said. ‘‘We are work- to implement changes but rather would
ing very hard behind the scenes with make them at his own pace.
the rebels so we don’t confront a situ- On Wednesday, during his first com-
ation where we face a decision to strike ments since the protests began, he
the rebels to defend civilians.’’ dashed expectations that he would an-
The warnings, and intense consulta- nounce sweeping changes, instead
tions within the NATO-led coalition on blaming a foreign conspiracy for two
its rules for attacking anyone who en- weeks of popular fury.
dangers innocent civilians, come at a It was not immediately clear whether
time when the civil war in Libya is be- the overtures Thursday would succeed
coming ever more chaotic and the battle in pacifying a growing protest move-
lines ever less distinct. They raise a fun- ment in one of the Middle East’s most
damental question with which the mili- autocratic regimes.
tary is grappling: What is a civilian? Activists have called for demonstra-
In the early days of the campaign, the tions across Syrian provinces on Friday,
civilian population needing protection dubbing it ‘‘Martyrs Day,’’ in what could
was hunkered down in cities like prove to be a turning point in the coun-
Benghazi, behind a thin line of rebel try’s future.
fighters who were playing a defensive Syrian television said the ruling
role, and so were easily distinguishable Baath Party’s regional command had
from the attacking government forces. formed a committee made up of legal
That’s no longer always the case. experts to study legislation that would
Armed rebels — some in organized mili- NASSER NASSER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ‘‘guarantee the country’s security and
tias, along with other young men who A rebel shelling forces loyal to Col. Qaddafi outside the eastern town of Brega, Libya. NATO members have issued stern warnings to rebel fighters not to attack pro-Qaddafi civilians. dignity of Syrians and combat terror-
have picked up rifles to fight them — ism.’’
have moved out of Benghazi in an effort ‘‘This would pave the way for lifting
to take control of other population cen- protect rebels who are no longer simply striking,’’ an Obama administration offi- flight zone and other steps to protect ci- to return home for whatever reason, the state of emergency laws,’’ it said.
ters en route, they hope, to seizing defending civilian populated areas like cial briefed on the intelligence said. vilians makes no distinction between thus transitioning back to civilian non- The widely despised, decades-old emer-
Tripoli. Benghazi but are on the offensive. The civil war has seen repeated ad- pro-rebel and pro-Qaddafi civilians. combatants.’’ gency laws give the regime a free hand
Fresh intelligence this week showed ‘‘This is a challenge,’’ a senior alli- vances and retreats by both sides, and Senior legal advisers to the military As the fighting draws closer to tribal to arrest people without charge.
that Libyan government forces were ance military officer said. ‘‘The problem that is expected to continue. The highest campaign say that unarmed civilians, areas that are more likely to be pro-Qad- The state-run news agency said the
supplying assault rifles to civilians in of discriminating between combatant concern is not how to deal with fighters whether living in towns or fleeing the dafi, the allies fear that the rebels them- committee would complete its study by
Surt, a town populated by Qaddafi loyal- and civilian is never easy, and it is com- loyal to the regime, but how NATO fighting, are protected by the U.N. reso- selves will inevitably be trying to take April 25.
ists. These civilian Qaddafi sympath- pounded when you have Libyan regime would respond to rebels firing on a town lution, while opposition forces taking an cities by force and could end up endan- Syrian TV also said Mr. Assad had set
izers, freshly armed by the government forces fighting irregular forces, like the of Qaddafi sympathizers as they move active part in combat away from cities gering or even killing civilians, too. up a judicial committee tasked with ur-
and accompanied by Libyan troops, rebel militias, in urban areas populated toward Tripoli. are currently seen as falling outside of it. That fear, Obama administration offi- gently investigating the circumstances
were seen chasing rebel forces in non- by civilians.’’ Calls by some NATO members to But one such official acknowledged that cials said, has driven the warnings to that led to the death of Syrian civilians
military vehicles like sedans and trucks, Oana Lungescu, the senior NATO provide heavier weapons to the rebels other situations are much less clear. the rebels that they must not attack ci- and security forces in the southern city
according to U.S. military officers. spokesperson, emphasized that the alli- suggest that these worries will only in- Noncombatants and the various vilians and that they could find them- of Daraa and the Mediterranean city of
The increasing murkiness of the battle- ance was taking action because Mr. tensify. The deliberations about where shades of opposition, resistance and re- selves under attack by the allies if they Latakia.
field, as the freewheeling rebels advance Qaddafi’s forces were attacking civil- to draw the line, going on at the highest bellion ‘‘are so intermixed that it is not disregarded the warnings. Elsewhere in the region Thursday,
and retreat and fighters from both sides ians, including shelling cities with artil- levels of allied nations and among se- feasible to discern where the boundary The laws of war are vague about how tens of thousands of Yemenis commem-
mingle among civilians, has prompted lery. But, she said, if the rebels did like- nior U.S. officials, show how an inter- between the civilians and opposition to categorize internal rebels. And the orated dozens of people killed in weeks
NATO members to issue new rules of en- wise, NATO would move to stop them, vention to stop a potential massacre is forces lies,’’ the official said. ‘‘There are recognized government of a country — of street protests while demanding that
gagement spelling out when the coalition too, because the U.N. Security Council evolving into a much more complex, also those civilians entitled to protec- even an internationally despised one — President Ali Abdullah Saleh resign, as
may attack units on the ground in the resolution ‘‘applies to both sides.’’ and perhaps open-ended, role in poli- tion that may be armed in order to pro- is generally acknowledged to have a efforts continued to negotiate his exit
name of protecting civilians. But it is no simple matter to follow cing the Libyan chaos. tect their families, homes, businesses, right to use force to put down an armed from power within the next year.
It is unclear how the rules are chan- that logic. ‘‘Qaddafi is trying to take ad- The situation is as complicated legally and communities. Other civilians may insurrection, said David Glazier, a pro- Protests in the capital, Sana, and else-
ging, especially on the critical questions vantage of this mixing of combatants as it is militarily. The U.N. Security join the rebels at certain stages, becom- fessor of national security law at Loyola where have brought Mr. Saleh’s long
surrounding NATO’s legal mandate to and noncombatants to deter NATO from Council resolution that authorized a no- ing armed combatants, and then decide Law School Los Angeles. rule to the brink of collapse. (AP, REUTERS)

A 2nd defection jolts Qaddafi’s regime Egyptian fundamentalists see ballot boon
LIBYA, FROM PAGE 1 announced by the British government. In regrouped on the road to Brega to con- EGYPT, FROM PAGE 1 Zomor as a kind of bogeyman — to to the observant, he said, and those who
peaceful demonstrators were attacked addition to his long service with the Liby- front the loyalist advance, suggesting the energy invested by religious organi- frighten the country about the possible object can immigrate to North America.
by security forces.’’ He placed Mr. an leader, Mr. Koussa had been closely that they had been emboldened by al- zations that once damned the democratic downside of democracy. Mr. Zomor said He later claimed that he was joking,
Koussa second after Colonel Qaddafi on involved in the rehabilitation of Colonel lied airstrikes. Other reports said pro- process as a Western, infidel innovation Salafist violence was only a reaction to but such attitudes are easy to find
a list of ‘‘some individuals with formal Qaddafi, playing a major role in turning Qaddafi forces were still present in the masterminded to undermine God’s laws. the repression of the Mubarak govern- among Salafi foot soldiers. At the Uni-
or de facto authority, who commanded over nuclear equipment and designs to oil port. Mr. Zomor, 64, with his bushy gray ment, but he shocked many Egyptians versity of Alexandria, within sight of the
and had control over the forces that al- the United States when Libya agreed to In the testimony in Washington, Mr. beard and nearly 30 years in prison, has by advocating punishments like ampu- sparkling Mediterranean, five bearded
legedly committed the crimes.’’ end its nuclear program in 2003. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, the chair- emerged as a high-profile spokesman tating thieves’ hands. Salafi students set up a small table at
In a news conference in Tripoli, Presumably, British and other West- man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, faced for that sea change since he was re- In an example of fundamentalists who the Faculty of Commerce this week to
Moussa Ibrahim, the Qaddafi govern- ern intelligence officials have a broad tough questions from members of Con- leased on March 12. are now emerging into public light, the advocate the benefits of an Islamic
ment spokesman, said Mr. Koussa had agenda of matters to discuss with him, gress who are angry about the adminis- He and other Salafis, or Islamic fun- sons of Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind state.
sought leave of a few days to receive including the structure of Colonel Qad- tration’s push into Libya and deeply damentalists, rhapsodize about found- sheik who is serving a life sentence in the When a Christian student objected,
medical care outside the country and dafi’s forces. The focus of his debriefing skeptical about President Barack ing political parties and forging alli- United States, convicted in a conspiracy one fundamentalist argued his point.
had not contacted the Qaddafi govern- seemed likely to be on his knowledge of Obama’s plans to end the conflict. ances with a more mainstream to bomb the World Trade Center in 1993, ‘‘When we launch wars, we do it to
ment since the day after he crossed the current issues rather than past inci- ‘‘History has demonstrated that an organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, recently addressed a conference at a strengthen our religion,’’ he said. ‘‘Will
border into Tunisia. dents like the Lockerbie bombing. But entrenched enemy like the Libyan re- to maximize the religious vote. you fight alongside us to spread our re-
‘‘I don’t think his sick leave included the BBC reported that Scottish officials gime can be resilient to air power,’’ Rep- Several reasons lie behind this re- ligion?’’
London,’’ Mr. Ibrahim said wryly, said they did want to talk to him about resentative Howard P. McKeon, Repub- markable turnabout, according to se- ‘‘I will be angry,’’ replied the other
adding: ‘‘This is not like a happy piece the bombing. lican of California and chairman of the nior religious sheiks, junior members student.
of news, is it? But people are saying, ‘So The only person convicted in the at- House Armed Services Committee, said and experts. ‘‘We cannot put God’s orders to a ref-
what, if someone wants to step down? tack, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, a at the start of daylong hearings in both Foremost is the desire to protect, if erendum,’’ said Ibrahim Mohamed, 21,
That is their decision. The fight contin- former Libyan intelligence operative, houses of Congress concerning the al- not strengthen, the Second Amendment one of the Salafi students. ‘‘Islam says
ues.’’’ was released on compassionate lied assault on pro-Qaddafi forces. ‘‘If to the Constitution, which enshrines adulterers must be stoned. Can we
Mr. Ibrahim declined to comment on grounds in 2009 while serving a life sen- Qaddafi does not face an imminent mil- Shariah, or Islamic law, as the main really put this up to a referendum and
the confirmed resignation of Mr. Treki tence in Scotland after doctors said he itary defeat or refuses to abdicate, it source of Egyptian law. The Parliament allow people to say whether adulterers
or myriad other rumors coursing had terminal cancer. seems that NATO could be expected to to be elected in September will guide the should be stoned or not?’’
through the capital about other officials But for those who have long insisted support decade-long no-fly zone en- drafting of a new constitution. Various Salafi groups have been tak-
fleeing the country. that responsibility for the Lockerbie forcement like the one over Iraq in the ‘‘If the constitution is a liberal one, ing the law on social issues into their
‘‘Colonel Qaddafi is surrounded by bombing reached far higher than Mr. 1990s.’’ this will be catastrophic,’’ Sheik Abdel own hands, including severing a school-
many people who admire him and are Megrahi, Mr. Koussa’s knowledge Democrats, too, were circumspect. Moneim el-Shahat said, scoffing at new ANDREA BRUCE FOR THE NYT teacher’s ear about 10 days ago in Upper
prepared to work with him and under would yield invaluable insights, British ‘‘Many have asked, ‘Why Libya?’’’ said demands for minority rights at a night Worshipers attending prayers last month Egypt after accusing him of renting an
his leadership,’’ Mr. Ibrahim said. He analysts said. Representative Adam Smith of Wash- class he teaches at a recently reopened at a Salafi mosque in Alexandria, Egypt. apartment to prostitutes.
said that Mr. Koussa would be replaced What is unclear is whether his defec- ington, the top Democrat on the House Salafi mosque in Alexandria. ‘‘I think On Monday, the Egyptian Army inter-
by ‘‘someone good and efficient,’’ but he tion will lead to others. panel. next they will tell us that Christians vened in Fayoum to calm violence that
declined to identify a successor. ‘‘We think he could be the beginning In response, Mr. Gates said in his must lead Muslims in the prayers!’’ five-star Cairo hotel, demanding that the broke out after Salafists destroyed
Mr. Koussa served as head of external of a stream of Libyans who think stick- opening statement to the House com- Second, the Salafis arrived late to the United States release their ailing father. places selling beer and the owners shot
intelligence in the 1980s, when Colonel mittee that American involvement revolution, with many clerics emphatic- ‘‘Somebody wants to give the impres- and killed a Salafi. Critics say the Salafi
Qaddafi drew U.S. and Western con- ‘‘Colonel Qaddafi is would be limited, and that in his view, ally supporting President Hosni sion that democracy will bring about the program is too religious to have broad
demnation for attacks like the 1988 the conflict would probably end with Mubarak and condemning the protest- worst in Egypt,’’ said Hossam appeal; while the Muslim Brotherhood
bombing of an American passenger
surrounded by many people Colonel Qaddafi’s removal from power, ers. Young Salafis rebelled — extremely Tammam, an expert on Salafi groups frames its arguments in policy terms,
plane over Lockerbie, Scotland. The who admire him and are either by economic and political pres- rare for a group that reveres tradition whose essays appear frequently in Al- the Salafis emphasize spiritual benefits
bombing killed 270 people, most of them prepared to work with him.’’ sures or by his own people. and hierarchy. Ahram Weekly. that play well among the poor.
Americans. In the past, U.S. officials But under questioning from Mr. Mc- ‘‘The majority of the Salafi youth He finds the threat exaggerated, but Alarmed by the violence, Ali Gomaa,
have said they suspect Mr. Koussa of re- Keon, Mr. Gates said he did not have a were the people who actually said, ‘No, noted that the Salafis would be Egypt’s grand mufti, is planning a con-
sponsibility for arranging the attacks. ing with Qaddafi is a losing game,’’ one time frame for Colonel Qaddafi’s ouster. this is impossible, we have to be part of hampered in political participation be- ference of Muslim clerics and other spir-
Mr. Hague described him Thursday as senior American official said. ‘‘But we ‘‘The bottom line is, no one can pre- this, it is a just cause,’’’ said Sherif Ab- cause they did not accept the idea that itual leaders this month to try to estab-
‘‘one of the most senior members of the don’t know.’’ dict for you how long it will take for that del Naser, a 24-year-old Egyptian- all Egyptian citizens should enjoy equal lish consensual guidelines for
Qaddafi regime,’’ and said that Britain On the ground Thursday in Libya, to happen,’’ he said. American who now attends political rights. The Salafi model is based on me- separating religious and political dis-
had been in previously undisclosed con- rebel forces in Libya began a cautious Mr. Gates and Admiral Mullen both classes three nights a week at Sheik dieval Islamic caliphates where minor- course — for both Muslims and Christi-
tact with Tripoli through Mr. Koussa. regrouping after a panicked retreat. suggested that the rebels should look Shahat’s cramped mosque. ities were protected but had to pay a tax ans.
‘‘I have spoken to him several times The government advance Wednesday beyond the United States for direct mil- The Salafi movement is inspired by for the privilege, and were barred from Some experts hope that the emer-
on the telephone, most recently last Fri- appeared to return control of the east’s itary aid. the puritan Wahhabi school of Islam the military and many government po- gence of the Salafis will create a healthy
day,’’ Mr. Hague said, citing Mr. most important oil regions to Colonel ‘‘What the opposition needs as much that dominates Saudi Arabia, whose sitions, he said. attempt to reconcile Islam with democ-
Koussa’s departure as evidence that the Qaddafi’s forces, giving the isolated as anything right now is some training, grand mufti churned out a fatwa con- Some famous Salafi clerics have been racy.
Qaddafi government was ‘‘fragmented, government, at least for the day, the re- some command and control and some demning the Arab uprisings as a West- preaching national unity and have said ‘‘The Salafis have realized that the
under pressure and already crumbling gion’s most valuable economic prize. organization,’’ Mr. Gates said. ‘‘It’s ern conspiracy to destroy the Islamic they would preserve the peace treaty only way for them to survive is to be po-
from within.’’ The rout also put into sharp relief the pretty much a pick-up ballgame at this world. But an array of philosophies ex- with Israel. But more exclusionary litically engaged,’’ said Mr. Tammam,
He added, ‘‘Qaddafi must be asking rebels’ absence of discipline and tactical point.’’ ists under the Salafi umbrella, ranging thinking also emerges in sharp relief. the expert on Salafi groups. ‘‘If the
himself who will be the next to go.’’ sense, confronting the United States Yet, he said, ‘‘that’s not a unique capa- from apolitical groups that merely pros- Sheik Mohamed Hussein Yacoub, a Salafis are absorbed into the political
The defection of Mr. Koussa showed with a conundrum: how to persuade bility for the United States, and as far as elytize on the benefits of being a good prominent Cairo cleric, generated out- system here, they can be reformed, but
that at least one longtime associate Colonel Qaddafi to step down while sup- I’m concerned, somebody else can do Muslim to Al Qaeda. Ayman al-Zawahri, rage by labeling the referendum results this will not eliminate radical thinking
seemed to be calculating that Colonel porting a rebel force that has been un- that.’’ chief deputy to Osama bin Laden, is an as a ‘‘gazwa al-sanadiq,’’ or ‘‘conquest for good.’’
Qaddafi could not last. The news of his able to hold on to military gains. Egyptian Salafist. of the ballot boxes,’’ using a freighted
defection sent shock waves through On Thursday, as NATO formally took Elisabeth Bumiller and Thom Shanker Some Egyptians are convinced that Arabic word for conquest associated Amr Emam and Lara El Gibaly contrib-
Tripoli on Wednesday night after it was full control of the campaign, rebel forces contributed reporting from Washington. the government released the likes of Mr. with Islam’s early wars. Egypt belongs uted reporting.

africa united states world news

Tea Party’s corporate reach

with a Washington public affairs firm Americans for Prosperity, the institute
An allied lobbyist group known for creating corporate cam- co-sponsored early Tea Party events in
wages tax battle for paigns presented as grass-roots efforts.
For the institute, the embrace of a for-
Washington and published a guide
called ‘‘How to Brew a Tea Party.’’
Indonesian company eign conglomerate’s agenda is a venture Because the institute is a tax-exempt
into new territory — and distinguishes it group, its filings with the Internal Rev-
BY MIKE MCINTIRE among Tea Party advocacy groups. The enue Service are supposed to be pub-
issue, Mr. Langer asserted, is important licly available, but Mr. Langer said re-
The Tea Party movement does not have to working Americans who might have to turns for the past couple of years were
a presence in Indonesia, where the term pay more for products as varied as chil- being amended and refiled. The last
evokes cups of orange pekoe and sweet dren’s books and fried-chicken buckets available filing showed it took in $92,500
cakes rather than angry citizens in made of coated paper from Asia. He said in 2007 — a fraction of what it has spent
‘‘Don’t Tread on Me’’ T-shirts. the institute had not accepted money di- since on several major campaigns.
But a Tea Party group in the United rectly from Asia Pulp & Paper, although it Mr. Langer’s latest initiative, defend-
States, the Institute for Liberty, has vig- was possible the company had paid oth- ing Asian paper imports, is the central
orously defended the freedom of a giant ers who then contributed to the institute. theme of his project called the Con-
Indonesian paper company to sell its Those on the receiving end of the in- sumers Alliance for Global Prosperity,
wares to Americans without paying tar- stitute’s attacks — strange bedfellows started with Frontiers of Freedom.
iffs. The institute set up Web sites, pub- like Greenpeace, Staples and Asia Pulp Domestic paper companies and their
lished reports and organized a petition & Paper’s U.S. competitors — are uni- employee unions, complaining that
drive attacking U.S. businesses, unions fied in their skepticism of its motives. China and Indonesia were subsidizing
and environmentalists critical of the ‘‘If you can spend as much money as exported paper products, petitioned
company, Asia Pulp & Paper. you want and remain anonymous, then U.S. trade officials several years ago to
Last autumn, the institute’s president, it doesn’t matter if you’re an overseas slap tariffs on them. The main target,
Andrew Langer, had himself videotaped company or the Koch brothers, you pay Asia Pulp & Paper, is also under attack
on Long Wharf in Boston holding a copy the same network of anti-regulatory over its logging practices.
of the Declaration of Independence as he front groups,’’ said Scott Paul, director Last year, with a tariff decision loom-
compared Washington’s proposed tariff of Greenpeace’s forest campaign. ing, Asia Pulp & Paper went on the offen-
on paper from Indonesia and China to Like many other nonprofit organiza- sive. It deployed lobbyists and retained
JEAN-PHILIPPE KSIAZEK/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Britain’s colonial trade policies in 1776. tions on the Tea Party bandwagon, the Mr. Oxley, the Australian former diplo-
A fighter loyal to the strongman Laurent Gbagbo in Abidjan on Thursday as supporters of his rival were said to be moving in. Tariff-free Asian paper may seem an mat, who runs a policy group in Washing-
unlikely cause for a nonprofit Tea Party Tariff-free Asian paper may ton, World Growth International, which
group. But it is in keeping with a succes- has long defended commercial forestry
seem an unlikely cause.

Ivory Coast rebels near big prize

sion of pro-business campaigns — pro- and palm oil interests in Southeast Asia.
moting commercial space flight, palm World Growth issued a report in June,
oil imports and genetically modified al- Institute of Liberty predates the move- ‘‘Green Protectionism,’’ asserting that
falfa — that have occupied the recent ment. It was created in 2005 by Jason groups like Greenpeace colluded with
DAKAR, SENEGAL Mr. Gbagbo’s loyalists. Mr. Gbagbo’s terrain. agenda of the Institute for Liberty. Wright, an author of best-selling inspir- U.S. labor unions and paper manufac-
By late afternoon Wednesday, Mr. Ou- ‘‘If they can do this today, it’s really The Tea Party movement is as deeply ational novels who had worked for Fron- turers to hobble Asian paper imports. In
attara’s troops had taken the administra- tough for Gbagbo,’’ Rinaldo Depagne, an skeptical of big business as it is of big tiers of Freedom, a conservative policy September, Asia Pulp & Paper released
Army chief of staff quits tive capital, Yamoussoukro, amid wel- Ivory Coast specialist with the West government. Yet an examination of the group. In his three years at the institute, a review by Mr. Oxley criticizing a
as main city is encircled coming greetings and celebratory
gunfire from citizens, two residents there
Africa office of the International Crisis
Group, said Wednesday. ‘‘It’s the second
Institute for Liberty shows how the in-
fluence industry in Washington has ad-
Mr. Wright said during an interview, he
was often approached by public rela-
Greenpeace study of the company’s log-
ging practices.
and fierce fight is feared said. Meanwhile, Mr. Soro delivered an city, the city of the founding father.’’ apted itself to the Tea Party era. tions consultants pitching projects for Three days later, Mr. Langer came
ultimatum to Mr. Gbagbo on French ra- There was further evidence of deterio- In a quietly arranged marriage of clients. out with his own detailed report that
BY ADAM NOSSITER dio and television, saying he had only rating conditions in the country on Wed- seemingly disparate interests, the insti- One of his most visible stands was op- hewed to these same themes and put up
‘‘several hours’’ to give up power. nesday. Residents reported gunfire ex- tute and kindred groups are increas- posing net neutrality, a tenet of Internet a Web site, Pulp Wars, to promote it.
The battle for the presidency in Ivory Spokesmen for Mr. Ouattara said the changes, and the French government ingly the bearers of corporate messages policy criticized by broadband suppliers Although some of his material cites
Coast neared a decisive phase Thurs- taking of Yamoussoukro had been ac- said its ambassador’s motorcade had wrapped in populist Tea Party themes. who want the right to charge for differ- Asia Pulp & Paper, Mr. Langer insists
day as opposition forces reached the complished with hardly a shot fired. ‘‘It been fired on by Mr. Gbagbo’s forces. In a few instances, their corporate ent levels of service. With the rise of the that he had not even heard of the com-
outskirts of Abidjan, the country’s com- was like butter,’’ said Capt. Léon Alla, the The French Foreign Ministry said this partners are known — as with the bil- Tea Party movement in 2009, the insti- pany when he was setting up Con-
mercial center, and the government’s spokesman for Mr. Ouattara’s military. was ‘‘suggesting once more that Laurent lionaire Koch brothers’ support of tute, by then under Mr. Langer, helped sumers Alliance in August to call atten-
army chief fled his post. The capture of Yamoussoukro was Gbagbo no longer respects anything.’’ Americans for Prosperity. More often, inject the issue into the national dia- tion to free trade and affordability of
The army chief of staff, Gen. Phillippe mostly a symbolic victory for Mr. The next stage is likely to be the their nonprofit tax status means they do logue; soon signs equating net neutral- products. He decided to do its first cam-
Mangou, sought refuge for himself and Gbagbo’s opponents, as the country’s toughest of a four-month fight by Mr. not have to reveal who pays the bills. ity with government oppression be- paign on paper imports, he said, be-
his wife and five children in the home of government and economy operate from Ouattara to accede to office after the No- Mr. Langer would not say who fi- came a staple at Tea Party rallies. cause the tariffs — which were ap-
the South African ambassador in Abid- the commercial capital, Abidjan. Still, vember election. While a series of stra- nanced his Indonesian paper initiative. Mr. Langer had arrived the previous proved in October — could raise
jan, the South African Department of In- Yamoussoukro, with a population of tegic towns in the cocoa belt have fallen But his sudden interest in the issue coin- year from the National Federation of In- textbook prices.
ternational Relations said. about 200,000, has resonance for Ivori- with surprising ease this week to Mr. cided with a public relations push by dependent Business, a small-business Internet domain records, however,
His flight appeared to deal a significant ans. It was both the birthplace and the Ouattara’s forces — with several re- Asia Pulp & Paper. And the institute’s lobbying group. An enthusiastic, talk- show that Pulp Wars was created
blow to Laurent Gbagbo, the strongman brainchild of the country’s founder, Fé- ports of Gbagbo forces’ giving up, sur- work is remarkably similar to that pro- ative man of 40 who dabbles in Republi- shortly before the Consumers Alliance
whose forces have crumbled from east to lix Houphouët-Boigny, who led Ivory rendering or simply shedding their uni- duced by one of the company’s consult- can politics in Maryland, he quickly saw Web site began in mid-August, suggest-
west in Ivory Coast. A string of cities, in- Coast to independence in 1960. forms — the taking of Abidjan is likely to ants, a former Australian diplomat potential in the Tea Party phenomenon. ing that the paper issue was driving the
cluding the strategic cocoa-exporting Mr. Houphouët-Boigny built a giant be much more difficult. named Alan Oxley, who works closely Working with FreedomWorks and project from the start.
city of San Pedro, have fallen to forces basilica there, and Mr. Gbagbo has con- A sprawling metropolis of some four
loyal to Mr. Gbagbo’s rival, Alassane Ou- tinued his policy of designing grandiose million in normal times — though as
attara, as they have swooped south to- projects for what had been a simple vil- many as a million have already fled, ac-

sa d Ear
ward Abidjan. The city is the crucial lage until recent times. Capturing the cording to the United Nations — it is
stake in what has now become an open city showed a clear rebel advance on home to the core of Mr. Gbagbo’s resis-
war for the presidency in French-speak- tance. Some analysts are predicting ve isc ly
ing Africa’s former economic leader. MALI BURKINA that he will not give it up without a
up ou bir
to nt d
Mr. Ouattara, who has been recog- FASO tough fight. ‘‘I think there will be a
nized internationally as the winner of battle for Abidjan,’’ said Mr. Depagne,
the presidential election in November,
said Thursday in a televised speech that
the Ivory Coast specialist.
But Mr. Ouattara’s camp sought to
£4 -
his forces had reached Abidjan, march-
minimize such talk on Wednesday, ap- 00
ing across the country ‘‘to re-establish parently in a bid to speed the military
democracy and to ensure that the defections that have already occurred.
people’s vote is respected.’’ ‘‘I don’t think there will be a fight,’’
‘‘To all those who are still hesitant,’’ said Captain Alla, the Ouattara military
he said, addressing Mr. Gbagbo’s mili- spokesman. ‘‘The barracks are deser-
tary officers and fighters, ‘‘I ask you to Abidjan ted. We’re asking our brothers-in-arms
serve your country and to return to the not to expose their lives.’’ But he added
lawful side.’’ San Pedro a warning: ‘‘For those who think their
Mr. Ouattara’s forces were surround- IVORY lives depend on defending Mr. Gbagbo,
ing the city, according to his prime min- COAST they will realize the consequences.’’
ister, Guillaume Soro. Abidjan is divided Gulf of Guinea
neighborhood by neighborhood be- J. David Goodman contributed reporting
tween supporters of Mr. Ouattara and 200 km from New York.

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editorial opinion

International Herald Tribune

Pakistan is also erupting — against the U.S.
protesting the murder, they marched in killing of two alleged attackers by the but they remain sound. Skeptics con-
STEPHEN DUNBAR-JOHNSON Publisher Obama’s Peter Charles Choharis support of the law and the assassin. Pa- C.I.A. contractor Raymond Davis, and tend that the United States has failed to
MARTIN GOTTLIEB Editor, Global Edition
policy is Shamshek Asad kistani lawyers — a group that was in- the claims of his diplomatic immunity bolster President Asif Ali Zardari’s gov-
strumental in toppling the Musharraf by the United States, have further in- ernment, despite billions of dollars in
ALISON SMALE Executive Editor failing as regime — threw rose petals at the ac- flamed public opinion. While payments military and civilian aid, and that Amer-
TOM REDBURN Managing Editor resentment cused killer and hailed him as a hero. to the dead men’s families recently ica’s efforts have yielded more anti-
PHILIP McCLELLAN Deputy Managing Editor over drone As U.S. forces were firing hundreds of A few weeks later, another opponent gained Davis’s release, even moderate pathy than gratitude.
URSULA LIU Deputy Managing Editor missiles to establish a Libyan no flight of the blasphemy law and Pakistan’s opposition politicians and journalists Two years ago, the Af-Pak Strategy
KATHERINE KNORR Assistant Managing Editor
strikes and zone, Pakistani newspaper headlines only Christian cabinet member was have criticized the settlement, even answered Pakistani criticism that Amer-
RICHARD BERRY Editor, Continuous News anti-U.S. were consumed by a different missile gunned down. Although the culprits es- though the payment of ‘‘blood money’’ ica had historically abandoned both
RICHARD ALLEN News Editor propa- strike: ‘‘Pakistan furious as U.S. drone caped, Rafi Usmani, the grand mufti of is sanctioned by Shariah law. countries by committing ‘‘all elements
strike kills civilians,’’ blared The Ex- Pakistan, told the Associated Press, ‘‘I As for the United States promoting of international power — diplomatic, in-
ganda take press Tribune; ‘‘38 killed in drone am afraid that this could be an Ameri- stability within Pakistan, the Obama formational, military and economic’’ to
SERGE SCHMEMANN Editor of the Editorial Page
their toll. strike on NWA tribal jirga,’’ declared can conspiracy to defame the govern- administration’s expanded use of the region. It is time to assess whether
the Daily Times. ment of Pakistan, Muslims and Islam.’’ drones appears to be having the oppos- this ambitious strategy is working.
PHILIPPE MONTJOLIN Senior Vice President, Operations
This week marks the second an- Far from a U.S.-Pakistani ‘‘partner- ite effect. As early as 2009, according to The Obama administration should
ACHILLES TSALTAS Vice President, Circulation and Development
niversary of the Obama administra- ship,’’ anti-Americanism is rampant. a leaked cable, a former U.S. ambassa- conduct an independent review of U.S.
CHANTAL BONETTI Vice President, Human Resources
tion’s ‘‘Af-Pak strategy’’ to confront the Last fall, 29.5 percent dor to Pakistan, Anne Patterson, policy toward Pakistan. The questions it
JEAN-CHRISTOPHE DEMARTA Vice President, International Advertising
‘‘security threats posed by extremists Would a of students in post- warned that America’s unilateral tar- should address include: Is the core goal
CHARLOTTE GORDON Director of Strategy and Marketing
in Afghanistan and Pakistan.’’ But graduate colleges geting of militants risks ‘‘destabilizing of the United States — to disrupt, dis-
lower U.S.
RANDY WEDDLE Managing Director, Asia-Pacific while the United States scrambles to and universities iden- the Pakistani state, alienating both the mantle, and defeat Al Qaeda and its safe
SUZANNE YVERNÈS Chief Financial Officer develop a response to protests in North profile and tified the United civilian government and military lead- havens in Pakistan — distorting Ameri-
Africa and the Middle East, its policy more modest States as the greatest ership, and provoking a broader gov- can policy toward Pakistan? Would a
Stephen Dunbar-Johnson, Président et Directeur de la Publication toward Pakistan is crumbling — with agenda be threat to Pakistan, ernance crisis in Pakistan without fi- lower U.S. profile and more modest
no clear fix in sight. more effec- according to a survey nally achieving the goal.’’ agenda be more effective and sustain-
Last December, the administration’s tive and sus- by the Pak Institute One of the authors of this article, able? Do the tactical benefits of drone
‘‘2010 Afghanistan and Pakistan Annual tainable? for Peace Studies. Shamshek Asad, was raised in Pakistan. strikes further long-term, strategic
THE WRONG PRIORITIES Review’’ reported positive develop- That number was During a trip to Karachi a week ago, he goals? And should the U.S. abandon the
ments throughout the region. Accord- more than twice as experienced greater anti-Americanism ‘‘Af-Pak’’ regional approach in favor of
ing to the unclassified version, the U.S.- many as the next greatest threat, India, than ever before at all levels of society. more tailored policies for each country?
While Americans struggle to recover Pakistani ‘‘renewed bilateral partner- with whom Pakistan has fought four More than 60 years after independence There are no easy answers. But after
from the financial crisis, the Federal ship is helping promote stability in Pa- wars. Only 6.8 percent of Pakistan’s and 40 years after the loss of Bangla- two years of limited progress in an in-
kistan’’ and defeat Islamic radicalism. young elites identified the Taliban as the desh, Pakistan remains extraordinarily creasingly radicalized, nuclear Paki-
Reserve has decided to reward bankers. But today, the facts are otherwise. greatest threat; 6.5 percent said it was leery of foreign influence. Coupled with stan, tough questions are the least of
Pakistan is deeply divided and radic- Al Qaeda. In perhaps the most troubling a remarkable belief in foreign conspir- our worries.
The banks may have weathered the financial crisis, but the rest alism is spreading even among the na- response for America’s strategic en- acies and a decade of anti-U.S. propa-
of America hasn’t. Taxpayers are still on the hook for federally tion’s most privileged classes. After the gagement, 68.3 percent thought Paki- ganda by Islamists, this generates not PETER CHARLES CHOHARIS, a visiting fellow
guaranteed bank debt. Homeowners’ equity continues to erode governor of Punjab was murdered in stan should not support the ‘‘U.S.-led only resentment, but near paranoia at the American Security Project, prac-
and savers are still getting hammered by near zero interest January for supporting the repeal of War on Terror,’’ while only 21 percent about U.S. intentions in Pakistan. tices international law in Washington.
Pakistan’s blasphemy law, thousands thought it should. Optimists argue that U.S.-Pakistani SHAMSHEK ASAD is an international energy
rates. Joblessness remains high. State budgets are ravaged.
took to the streets. But instead of Since then, ongoing drone strikes, the relations may have hit a rough patch, consultant.
So whom have Washington policy makers singled out for
help? Bank shareholders, including bank executives who are
invariably big holders of stock in their banks.

How assertive should a great power be?

The Federal Reserve recently gave the all-clear for several
banks to increase dividends and expand share buybacks,
among them JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and
Goldman Sachs. That’s good news for bank investors, but it is
a dubious development for everyone else. world power, it must act like a great Guanglie publicly offered possible mili- ment learned that international respon-
The dividend-boosting banks that were too big to fail be- Now that Yan Xuetong world power. tary rescue help. The Chinese media sibility is mainly defined by political re-
fore the crisis are even bigger now, while reforms to rein China is a Our group of thinkers draws inspira- has been flooded with sympathetic ac- sponses to international crises,
them in are under political attack even before they have been tion from ancient Chinese philosophy, counts of Japanese civility in the midst especially security issues, rather than
major which regards both material capability of disasters. simply economic aid to poor countries.
implemented. Sheer size and inadequate regulation — the
combination that led to the crisis — argue for banks to use
world BEIJING Since the 2008 Olympic and morality as necessary conditions China’s response to the Libya crisis is For much of the 20th century,
their earnings to build bigger capital cushions, not to pay div- power, Games in Beijing, Chinese analysts for building strong and durable global an even more striking example. On Chinese Marxists and liberals looked to
have been debating whether China leadership. For the sake of making it- Feb. 26, the Chinese representative to the West for inspiration. Such Western
idends and repurchase shares. should it should take on more international re- self a rising power that is welcomed by the United Unions quickly voted for the values as state sovereignty were adopt-
Yet Fed officials have concluded that many banks are abandon its sponsibility. Two opposite schools of the rest of the world, China should act U.N. sanctions against the Qaddafi gov- ed as part of the government discourse
sound enough to pay out cash and still withstand a severe traditional thought have emerged within China. as a humane authority (wang in ernment. Although because China had to build up its do-
shock should one occur again. It’s hard to share their confi- On the one hand, a growing chorus of Chinese) and take on more internation- I’m firmly in China reverted to its mestic power free from bullying by out-
low profile? critics question China’s decades-old al responsibilities to improve its stra- normal posture by side powers. But today, there is in-
dence. Before it approved new dividends, the Fed required the camp of
banks to test their crisis-readiness against several criteria, foreign policy doctrine, first put forth tegic credibility. abstaining from the creased recognition of the fact that
by Deng Xiaoping, that stresses the im- The idea for a more assertive role ap- those who U.N. vote on taking China must exercise positive influence
but it did not release detailed results of the tests. Public data want to take
portance of keeping a low profile on the pears to be gaining influence. A few military action on international affairs.
do not inspire confidence either. There is much debate over on more
world stage. These analysts say the na- years ago, almost no Chinese scholar against Libya, the en- Of course, several factors explain
whether banks are valuing their mortgage assets correctly, tion needs to be more bold and assert- challenged the principle of noninterven- responsibili- dorsement of sanc- China’s shift from a self-absorbed
and, by extension, whether they are adequately capitalized. ive in international affairs in a way that tion, of infringing on the sovereignty of ties abroad. tions showed opposi- power obsessed with sovereignty to an
What is known is that recent bank profits have been boosted matches China’s newfound status as a other nations. Recently there are more tion to the Libyan influential international actor, not least
not by increasing revenues, but by downward revisions to ex- major world power. and more debates on this issue. Both government’s harsh of which is China’s growing economic
pected future losses. With house prices falling anew, further On the other hand is the Chinese the academic and the policy community military response to the people’s re- might. But traditional Chinese values
reducing the value of mortgage assets, how reasonable is that? mainstream, which says that the inter- debated sanctions on North Korea, the quest that Qaddafi step down. help Chinese leaders to make sense of
Big banks that plan to increase payouts still hold nearly national calls for China to take on more no-fly zone in Libya, and the proper Moreover, for the first time China dis- the new emphasis on international re-
international responsibilities is a con- government response to the 2009 at- patched a warship and four military sponsibility and to channel China’s
$120 billion in government-backed debt. The subsidized
spiracy by Western countries intended tacks on ethnic Chinese in Myanmar. aircraft to evacuate Chinese citizens policies in morally desirable ways.
bonds come due between now and the end of 2012. Paying to exhaust our economic resources by The new debate on China’s interna- from Libya. From Feb. 22 to March 5, There is evidence to support this
shareholders before the bonds are retired puts bank in- saddling it with more obligations tional role has coincided with changes China evacuated 35,860 nationals and analysis. Many years after Marx’s pic-
vestors before taxpayers — talk about skewed priorities. abroad. An example of this philosophy in policy. 2,100 foreigners from 12 other countries. ture was moved from Tiananmen
When it comes to redress and reward, bank shareholders is the fact that since the Cold War Soon after Japan’s devastating earth- China’s policy on Libya is clearly a Square, the statue of Confucius was set
should be at the back of the line, behind taxpayers who stand ended the Chinese representative to quake, Chinese Prime Minister Wen break from the principle of keeping-low- up there.
behind too-big-to-fail banks and behind homeowners who are the United Nations often abstains from Jiabao expressed deep sympathy and profile. Sending military forces to Libya
voting at the U.N. Security Council. solicitude to the Japanese government for evacuation implied that China has YAN XUETONG is professor of political sci-
bearing the brunt of a housing debacle for which banks bear
I’m firmly in the first camp, the and the people. Chinese rescue teams learned how to improve its internation- ence and dean of the Institute of Modern
considerable responsibility. For the Fed to allow new dividends minority of thinkers who think it is nec- were mobilized and sent to help with al image. Even those Chinese who think International Relations at Tsinghua Uni-
and bigger buybacks before these issues are settled is a dis- essary for China to take on more re- the recovery process, and the Chinese we should continue to keep a low profile versity in Beijing. He is the author of ‘‘An-
play of the same type of ‘‘banks first’’ favoritism that got us in- sponsibilities abroad. If China wants to Red Cross donated funds to Japan. did not oppose sending military forces cient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese
to this mess to start. regain its historical status as a great Even Chinese Defense Minister Liang to Libya. It seems the Chinese govern- Power.’’

Dandy Yankee noodle

tually to replace Benjamin Franklin as tryside with its precious agricultural drain it on a sieve, sprinkle a little salt
Pierangelo Castagneto American ambassador in Paris, Jeffer- crops: the rice fields outside Novara, over it, put a layer in your dish, then
son had arrived in the French capital in the Nebbiolo wine of Piedmont, and the cheese and butter, and bake it.’’
1784. Between official duties and Parisi- Parmesean cheese produced in the The macaroni supplier for the White
an pleasures, dinners at the house of small village of Rozzano, near Milan. House was Giovanni Battista Sartori,
On Feb. 6, 1802, a group of notable Lafayette, preparation of long letters to But macaroni — the word used then who in the early 18th century had es-
guests were invited by Thomas Jeffer- keep his government informed of the as a general term for any kind of pasta tablished a pasta factory in Trenton,
son for dinner at the White House. One situation in Europe, and lovely country — was the product that Jefferson stud- New Jersey, believed to be the first of
of them, Manasseh Cutler, a Federalist strolls with his new acquaintance ied, and liked, the most. Several items in its kind in America.
representative from Massachusetts, Maria Cosway, Jefferson was a very the Jefferson Papers reveal the enthusi- So, was Jefferson the first to cele-
described the extensive menu offered: busy man indeed. asm that the Virginian had for macaroni. brate the wedding of macaroni and
‘‘Rice soup, round of beef, turkey, mut- Macaroni Nevertheless, he In Paris, Jefferson took note of a re- cheese — a dish that would later be a fa-
ton, ham, loin of veal, cutlets of mutton found time to escape cipe for making the dish he called vorite of another president, Ronald
was the
or beef, fried eggs, fried beef.’’ from Paris on three Nouilly macaroni. But a document even Reagan? Probably not, but certainly he
At some point during the dinner, product that different occasions to more interesting is a drawing that he contributed in a significant way to put-
however, a taste controversy ensued. Thomas see something of very likely made in Genoa, of a macar- ting pasta on American tables.
Cutler was negatively impressed by ‘‘a Jefferson France and other oni machine, including detailed infor- Macaroni and Parmesan cheese,
pie called macaroni, which appeared to studied, parts of Europe. In mation concerning its production: along with Nebbiolo wine, were
be a rich crust filled with the strillions and liked, 1786, he visited Eng- ‘‘The best macaroni in Italy is made products that Jefferson appreciated
of onions, or shallots, which I took it to the most. land; in the following with a particular sort of flour called Se- throughout much of his life, and he of-
be, tasted very strong, and not very year he traveled in mola, in Naples,’’ Jefferson wrote, ‘‘but ten imported them from Italy.
agreeable.’’ France and Italy, and in almost every shop a different sort of Two letters show his prolonged pref-
After a whispered murmuring with finally on to Holland and the Rhine re- flour is commonly used; for, provided erence for these Italian specialties. In
Meriwether Lewis, the secretary to the gion shortly before returning in Virgin- the flour be of a good quality, and not late 1803, Thomas Kuhn Jr., at that time
President who was about to become, ia. ground extremely fine, it will always do American consul in Genoa, refers to a
with William Clark, the leader of the Jefferson was not the typical 18th- very well. A paste is made with flour, purchase of Nebbiolo wine — 200 hun-
celebrated Corps of Discovery, the mys- century traveler: He found the Grand water and less yeast than is used for dred bottles and 3 barrels — to be
tery was disclosed: ‘‘Mr Lewis told me Tour unappealing. The journals he kept making bread.’’ shipped to Monticello for a sum of more
there were none in it; it was an Italian during his travels reveal a kind of purit- Back in Paris in the fall of 1788, Jeffer- than 1,000 pounds. The second letter
dish, and what appeared like onions anical distrust for any purely aesthetic son commissioned his friend William from Kuhn, sent shortly afterward, con-
was made of flour and butter, with a enjoyments. Ignoring the usual tourist Short, then visiting Naples, to purchase tained a request not only for ‘‘50 Lb.
particularly strong liquor mixed with sites, it was in Italy especially that he a machine for making macaroni. The Naples Maccaroni,’’ but also ‘‘50 Lb.
them.’’ satisfied his utilitarian attitude search- machine arrived in Marseille, as the the meanwhile appointed chargé d’af- third president of the United States. In Bales de Genes,’’ the typical blue fabric
Despite Cutler’s gastronomic dissat- ing for different kinds of pleasures. American consul there, Stephen Cath- faires in Paris. The long awaited tool ar- her book ‘‘The Virginia Housewife’’ produced in Genoa. But whether
isfaction, by that time macaroni had be- On April 10, 1787, Jefferson crossed alan Jr., confirmed in a letter dated rived, but only after Jefferson had left (1824), Mary Randolph (whose brother Thomas Jefferson also invented blue
come a habitual serving at the White the Var River, France’s border with the Aug. 2, 1789. for the United States, and very likely Thomas married Jefferson’s daughter jeans is another story.
House, a gastronomic innovation Kingdom of Sardinia, and proceeded to Jefferson, who was preparing his de- was shipped to America later on. Martha) provided a recipe for cooking
brought back from Europe by Jefferson. Nice and northern Italy. During his stay parture, suggested to Cathalan that he We know nothing about its utilization macaroni, as it were, Monticello style: PIERANGELO CASTAGNETO is an assistant
Called to invigorate the diplomatic of less than one month, it was not urban ‘‘send the Maccaroni machine you have at Monticello, but it is clear that macar- ‘‘Boil as much macaroni as will fill your professor of history at the American Uni-
action of the young republic, and even- life that attracted him but the coun- received for me to William Short,’’ in oni became a must on the table of the dish, in milk and water, till quite tender; versity in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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commentary letters views

Liz Taylor, magician’s assistant

do Elizabeth Taylor justice. by the time Liz got to the studio, Richard
Meanwhile Suddenly I was all thumbs, but would be too drunk to continue work,
figured she was probably used to having while her own hearty imbibing disquali-
that effect, and that relaxed me. Some. fied her by the time he sobered up. A di-
DI C K C AV E T T What was nice was that she seemed lemma because they had scenes togeth-
to be enjoying the moment, fascinated er and simultaneous sobriety was rare.
by the trick and earnestly following my At the risk of sudden change of tone,
The scene is some sort of upscale fancy instructions. A less-classy celebrity you can be sure that legions envied
dinner party at the Starlight Roof — might have tried to screw me up. them their fabulous, in the true sense of
sometime in the late ‘80s? — and I’m in Then I said something I regretted. the word, lives. (For astonishing de-
the spotlight doing my trophy-winning On about the fourth cut-and-restore, tails, see the page-turner ‘‘Furious
rope routine from my old magic act, she had some trouble severing the rope Love.’’)
just as I’ve done it countless times and I heard myself say, ‘‘You can cut it, Think how many folks would say
since learning it from a master magi- Miss Taylor. Just think of it as the mar- they’d trade their own dreary lives in
cian in my high school days. ital bond.’’ She was so concentrated I an instant to have been one of Those
At the point of completing one cut hoped she might have missed it. Two. The glamour, the celebrity, the ad-
and restoration, I would toss the rope There was a noticeable murmur of oring (and often life-and-limb-threaten-
into the audience to lure the person disapproval from a few, but before I had ing) throngs, the caviar and cham-
who catches it up to the stage to do the completed a wince, she laughed. pagne, the travel, the passel of dogs and
rest of the cuttings, with me miracu- Heartily is hardly the word. The children hauled along, the sex, the
lously restoring the rope each time to Taylor laugh wasn’t that of a refined yachts, the mansions and castles and
astonished gasps and applause. lady. She gave out with the great full- whole floors of hotels, the walnut-sized
That night, about halfway back throated guffaw known to her friends. It diamonds and rubies.…
among the dimly lit diners, I’d glimpsed was robust and delightfully bawdy, more But before making that somewhat
a female figure who, in the near-dark- appropriate to a stevedore than a beauty. Mephistophelean bargain, I would cau-
ness, could almost have passed for The renowned Liz Laugh was surely tion those who’d readily shed their own

Obama’s exceptionalism
Elizabeth Taylor, if you squinted. part of what endeared her to crews and drab existence to be Liz or Dick to think
In a merry jest, something made me stagehands, with whom she liked to ex- twice. You’re talking about a woman
say, ‘‘I’ve done this trick a hundred change ribald humor. plagued all her life with 10 people’s med-
times and I keep having this fantasy that My late wife, the actress Carrie Nye, ical horrors, heroically endured. He too
some day the person who comes up and made a dreadful movie called ‘‘Divorce had awful illnesses, some not publicly
pearing jobs of the home front were his name. Speed in ousting Qaddafi, the ob- helps me will be some famous, luminous His, Divorce Hers’’ with the Burtons in known. Like hemophilia and epilepsy.
domain. jective from which Western leaders movie star. Like Elizabeth Taylor.’’ 1973. She was a gifted writer and when We’re also talking about two greatly
And yet, and yet, this cautious presi- cannot retreat, is essential. We all know Just before tossing the rope out front, she got back from Germany — where gifted people, of course. Also about two
dent, who has been subtly talking down what happens if this Mad Max war I detected movement in the dark. I the movie was made for some Burton- drunks, constant smokers, spouse-
American power — with reason — has festers: The coalition fractures, could see a striking apparition in white, related tax reasons — she penned, for dumpers and pill-takers, reckless with
involved the nation in a new conflict in jihadists seep into a failed state of por- gliding smoothly like a Rose Bowl float friends’ amusement, a comic piece their health and, often, with their ca-
Libya, one in which his own defense ous borders, mission creep begins. toward the floor-level stage. called ‘‘Making It In Munich.’’ It’s reers; with Richard — who at one point
Roger secretary holds that the United States
has no ‘‘vital interest.’’ He has joined a
Qaddafi can go three ways: through
military defeat, the least likely given
It was.
And it was true what’s been said so
laugh-out-loud funny.
Carrie liked both Burtons, saying she
could put away three bottles of vodka a
day — dead in his 50s.
Cohen long line of U.S. leaders in discovering the chaotic rebel traffic-jam on the often. Her beauty would take your felt sorry for Elizabeth, and that, being I feel lucky to have crossed paths
the moral imperative indivisible from coastal highway; through a negotiated breath away. from the South, she knew the problems with them. She was wonderful and he
the American idea. departure, a long shot despite Turkey’s First gazing upon that sublimely gor- of women married to alcoholics. We nev- was wonderful.
G LO B A L I ST There were many good reasons for efforts; or though his inner circle geous face, you were struck by the fact er knew if either of them read ‘‘Making To envy them you have to be nuts.
staying out of Libya. A chief strength of deserting him, the most promising av- that she was even more beautiful in It In Munich.’’ The piece’s humor de-
the Arab Spring is that it was enue. person. Yes, the camera and screen did rived from such matters as the direc- DICK CAVETT is a former television talk-
LONDON Near Carthage, in Tunisia, homegrown. The Levant’s suspicion of Moussa Koussa, the foreign minister, not — and how silly it sounds to say — tor’s awful dilemmas, like the fact that show host.
there’s an American cemetery where the West is bottomless. Obama needs no has just fled to London. He’s the biggest
2,841 military dead rest, victims of the tutoring in colonialism. Its lessons were prize yet from an intense U.S. and Brit-
North African campaign in World War bred into him. But could he, the nation’s ish effort to turn top aides. ‘‘We’re doing
II. Among them is a young man from first African-American president, have a ton in that regard, golden parachutes
Stillwater, Minnesota, named Robert sat passive as the etc.,’’ one person involved told me. LE T T E R S TO T H E E DI TO R
Lund. He was 25 when he was killed on Speed in forces of Muammar The tone of the Qaddafi entourage
March 29, 1943. A long time ago, I would el-Qaddafi delivered keeps changing: first panicked, then The U.S. in the new Middle East heartened that United States is losing But whenever the United States was
sit on a porch in the pretty town of Still- a massacre in ebullient tirades, now plaintiff. That’s Bernard Avishai’s ‘‘Next, an Israeli-Pal- its appeal to the Arab masses. mentioned, the reaction was dismissive.
water and wonder at the gale that could Qaddafi, the Benghazi on the encouraging. Do whatever it takes. This estinian peace plan’’ (Views, March 30) On a recent visit to Egypt, it was ex- A sense of disappointment in America
lift a young man from the middle of a objective North African shore? regime reeks of ricketiness. Talks with envisions a continued leading role for the hilarating to observe the optimism was prevailing. Washington’s long his-
placid continent to death on a faraway from which Maybe there Libya in recent years mean top Western United States in the region. But the chan- shared by all. Doormen, taxi drivers, tory of support for Arab dictators and its
shore. Western wouldn’t have been a officials have relations with the core ging political landscape across the Arab educated professionals, businesspeople, hypocritical claims of being an ‘‘honest
America is a restless nation. It was leaders can- massacre, just anoth- people who must, like Koussa, be turned. world suggests a different picture: maids, students, young and old, all peace broker’’ have now rendered the
built by taking in the people of the not retreat, er modest Qaddafi Abdullah Al-Sanousi is one prime target. America is becoming irrelevant. shared fresh, albeit guarded, feelings of U.S. irrelevant in the eyes of many.
world and so it cannot turn its back on is essential. bloodbath. Qaddafi is Obama, having embraced in extremis As an Egyptian-American, I am dis- pride in the country. MOHSEN MOUSTAFA, DOHA, QATAR
the world. Decades after he was killed, not Hitler, not even the radical idea that ‘‘the United States
Lund’s death still haunted the family of Saddam. But his of America is different,’’ having taken a
my first wife. With the return of the res- nature is murderous. And so I say shot at nations that ‘‘may be able to
onant datelines of the ‘‘Desert War’’ Obama was right to draw a line in the turn a blind eye to atrocities in other
against Hitler — Tobruk, Benghazi, Libyan sand. countries’’ (the rising powers — Brazil,
Tripoli — and the return of U.S. forces I was against a Libyan no-fly zone, Russia, India, China — all abstained on
to Libya, I’ve been thinking about Lund having seen its uselessness in Bosnia. the Libya vote) must now deliver on his
and American power. My condition for going in was ruthless- honed interpretation of American ex-
The limits of that power confronted ness. The one unforgivable thing would ceptionalism. On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition
President Barack Obama. He was al- have been to involve America in look- As it happens, his deputy national se-

ways a realist onto whom idealism was ing virtuous from the sky. I think curity adviser, Denis McDonough, is
thrust. He adheres, by instinct and ex- Obama has met, with bombs, that initial also from Stillwater. That’s a coinci-
perience, to the middle ground. Taking standard; and done so with a strong dence, but a link exists: The United

a Royal Court in India

office in a nation drained by war, he United Nations mandate reflecting his States is strongest when it aligns its val-
found arguments aplenty to bolster his diplomacy of repair these past years. ues and interests and is not itself when
inclination for ending conflicts. (The U.N., as its former Secretary Gen- it turns its back on the meaning of

XVIIIth –XIXth century

American exceptionalism — the no- eral Dag Hammarskjöld noted, ‘‘Was Lund’s sacrifice. Americans understand
tion of the United States as a transfor- not created to take mankind to heaven, that. Which is why the moral imperative
mative moral beacon to the world — but to save humanity from hell.’’) is not only indivisible from the Ameri-
made him uneasy. Atlanticism, the fruit But now what? There was an Allied can idea, it’s indivisible from re-election.
of the war that took Lund’s life, had offensive during the North African
little emotional hold on a man not yet 30 campaign called ‘‘Operation Brevity.’’ You can follow Roger Cohen on Twitter at
when the Cold War ended. The disap- It had mixed results, but I’d borrow the

Democracy is messy M ARQUARDT & M ARQUARDT

lamic extremist groups that lose steam him of illicit sexual activity and cutting
when the more moderate Muslim off his ear. Beyond Influence
Brotherhood joins the system. Order is breaking down somewhat.
‘‘There is a determined effort to stop When Egyptians celebrated Interna-
the revolution in its tracks,’’ notes Prof. tional Women’s Day on March 8, gangs
Khaled Fahmy of the American Univer- of men harassed them. When Mohamed
sity in Cairo. That’s disappointing for ElBaradei, the Nobel Peace Prize-win-
Nicholas D. democracy activists like him, but reas-
suring to those who fear upheaval.
ner who is running for president, tried
to vote in a recent referendum, a mob
Kristof Based on my third trip to Cairo since
the protests began, here’s my guess as
attacked him. When foreign reporters
show up to cover news that might por- A special edition of
to how events unfold: tray Egypt in a bad light, angry mobs

CAIRO Egypt is a mess.

Nearly two months after street
protests inspired a democratic revolu-
• Post-revolution Egypt will look a lot
like pre-revolution Egypt, but modestly
less repressive and with a more power-
ful civil society. The army will continue
sometimes chase them away. Fortu-
nately, terrified reporters have so far
proved to be swifter runners than
Egyptian xenophobes.
The Atlantic Dinners
tion, the transitional military-backed to run the show and ensure continuity. Yet we have to be realistic: Roads to
government has proposed — you • People will continue to be tortured, democracy are always bumpy — and,
guessed it — a law banning protests. but will complain about it more. Peace frankly, I feel pretty good about Egypt.
That’s partly because everybody is with Israel will continue, but Egyptian Despite some excesses, the Muslim In partnership with the Guimet Museum
protesting, even the police. The cops officials will speak up more forcefully Brotherhood has been tamed by being
want more money, perhaps because about suffering in Gaza. brought into the system. It says it won’t Paris, April 5th, 2011
their diminished authority means that • The best bet for the next president is field a candidate for president and will
they can now extract less in bribes. Amr Moussa. He’s a former foreign contest only a bit more than one-third
With the police out of commission, minister who has led the Arab League: of parliamentary seats. Its Web site With the participation of the writers
the army uses thugs to intimidate its a veteran politician and pragmatist suggests that its aim is ‘‘a civil state’’
critics. And, when it really gets irrit- who would constitute a breath of fresh rather than ‘‘a religious state,’’ and it Kenizé Mourad and Anand Giridharadas
ated, it arrests and tortures democracy air but not a gust of it. emphasizes the importance of respect
activists. As I wrote in my previous • Islamists will play a greater role in so- for the Christian minority.
column, it has even tried to humiliate ciety and government, as they do in The big loser from the Muslim Broth-
female activists by subjecting them to Turkey. But this will also mean that erhood’s rise is probably its enemy, Al
forced ‘‘virginity exams.’’ they are trying to build things rather Qaeda, which wasn’t a part of the de-
The Muslim Brotherhood, once than blow them up. mocracy protests and always argued
banned, has been brought into the Islamic groups are certainly more ac- that the only path to change was vio-
power structure. Instead of denouncing tive than before. Mohammed Alaiwa, a lence. Partners:
the system, it is becoming part of it — professor of literary criticism at Cairo All in all, Egypt today reminds me of
and some of its activists are rampaging University, told me that he was in a other countries in transitions to democ-
around Cairo University. dean’s office recently when a Muslim racy — Spain after Franco, South Korea
Yet for Americans, what is unfolding Brotherhood student burst in, pulled in 1987, Romania or Ukraine in the 1990s,
is perhaps a reassuring mess. Western- out a pistol and threatened to shoot the and, most of all, of Indonesia after the
ers have mostly worried that Egypt dean unless he resigned then and there ouster of its dictator in 1998. Indonesia
might plunge into Iran-style Islamic (the student eventually backed down). was dodgy for a while — I once en-
fundamentalism — and, to me, that Professor Alaiwa said that he now fears countered Javanese mobs beheading
seems a reflection of our own hobgob- the Muslim Brotherhood students. people — but it settled down, the extrem-
lins more than Egypt’s. Indeed, it Meanwhile, the up-and-comer Islam- ist threat diminished, and Indonesia is
seems increasingly likely that Egypt ists are Salafis, who think the Muslim now a stable (if unfinished) democracy.
won’t change as much as many had ex- Brotherhood is far too moderate. A So, yes, Egypt is messy. A young de-
pected. Moreover, the biggest losers of group of Salafis recently attacked a mocracy almost always is. Let’s get To become partner of the event please contact us at or by phone at + 33 1 53 30 53 30
the revolution are likely to be violent Is- Coptic Christian, apparently accusing used to it.

world news disaster in japan

No swift progress as radiation remains high Youth find

meaning in
TOKYO is providing technical advice and tons of

material as the authorities grapple with
BY DAVID JOLLY the biggest nuclear incident since
AND MATTHEW L. WALD Chernobyl in 1986. On Thursday the

triple crises
French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, be-
Workers made more incremental pro- came the first world leader to visit Ja-
gress at the stricken Fukushima nucle- pan since the earthquake and the ensu-
ar plant Thursday, but troublesomely ing disasters.
high radiation readings at the plant, as Prime Minister Kan, appearing in a JAPAN, FROM PAGE 1
well as kilometers away, reinforced somber suit instead of the blue work ‘‘So many houses are shattered, I will
fears that the disaster was far from end- uniform in which he has usually ap- feel good helping out,’’ he said.
ing. peared since the quake, thanked Mr. Surprising many of the elders who
The crisis continued to add to Japan’s Sarkozy for visiting, saying, ‘‘A friend wrote them off as too coddled to live up
difficulties as it struggled to cope with who visits on a rainy day is truly a to traditional Japanese values of self-
widespread death, destruction and dis- friend.’’ sacrifice and hard work, many young
placement from the earthquake and The two leaders pledged to people have found meaning in the crisis.
tsunami that battered its northeastern strengthen international standards on Even before the earthquake, this gener-
coast three weeks ago and left the nuclear safety. ation was already struggling with a
Fukushima plant crippled. The death ‘‘We have to thoroughly investigate sense of thwarted opportunities in a
toll rose to 11,417 on Thursday, with an- the incident to understand how it oc- stagnant economy. With the erosion of
other 16,273 people listed as missing, curred,’’ Mr. Kan said. ‘‘We want to the postwar compact that traded a slav-
and hundreds of thousands have been make nuclear power safer.’’ ish devotion to work for stable wages
displaced, including tens of thousands Mr. Sarkozy, whose country gener- and benefits, many young people felt
from the area around the nuclear plant. ates about 80 percent of its electricity alienated and adrift.
The economic toll — including the dam- from nuclear power, arrived in Tokyo Now, nonprofit groups are being
age to exports and international trade for a one-day visit after attending a flooded with young volunteers. Stu-
— defies a full reckoning. Group of 20 function in Nanjing, China. dents have taken to the streets to collect
Workers have been dousing reactors He said he wanted to work in his capa- donations for those in need. Blogs and
and spent-fuel pools at the plant with city as the current G-20 head to help the social networking sites are full of com-
water to prevent full meltdowns while international community agree on bet- ments from young people asking what
they frantically try to restore power and ter guidelines. they can do to help. Some students are
restart the cooling systems, but the re- ‘‘Japan is not alone,’’ Mr. Sarkozy even turning down full-time job offers.
sulting floods of dangerously contami- said. ‘‘In the face of this calamity, all of ‘‘Before the earthquake, I thought
nated water have complicated their ef- the G-20 nations wish to aid Japan. about myself and what I can do for my
forts. KIM KYUNG-HOON/REUTERS France, as current leader of the group, new company,’’ said Miki Kamiyama,
On Thursday, workers prepared more An infant born 50 kilometers from the crippled nuclear reactor was tested for radiation contamination in Koriyama, Japan, on Thursday. wants to express our solidarity.’’ who just graduated from Meiji Universi-
tanks for transferring the water from But both countries are seeing domes- ty and will start working at a small cable
turbine buildings at Reactor Nos. 1, 2 tic support for nuclear expansion company in Yokohama on Friday. ‘‘But
and 3 in a quest to keep the radioactive Using a measure of radioactivity of Japan’s power, faces billions of dol- waver. now I think what I can do for all of soci-
water from flooding into the ocean. Levels of radioactive called the becquerel, the tests found as lars in losses and liabilities from the dis- Earlier Thursday, the Kyodo news ety.’’
But readings taken in the sea near the iodine 131 rose for another day. much as 3.7 million becquerels per aster. It has confirmed that Reactor agency cited a Japanese Communist In the spirit of the times, companies in
plant showed that levels of radioactive square meter; the standard used at Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 will have to be Party official, Kazuo Shii, as saying that Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan have can-
iodine 131 had risen for another day, A new focus of concern stems from Chernobyl was 1.48 million. scrapped, and Prime Minister Naoto Mr. Kan had agreed that the country celed the yearly ceremonies where ex-
testing at 4,385 times the statutory limit, readings of a long-lasting radioactive In contrast to iodine 131, which decays Kan was quoted Thursday as saying should completely reconsider its plan to ecutives greet new workers on their
according to Hidehiko Nishiyama, element at levels that pose a long-term rapidly, cesium 137 persists in the envir- that Reactor Nos. 5 and 6 should also be build 14 new nuclear plants by 2030. first day on the job. Moments of silence
deputy director general of the Nuclear danger at one spot 40 kilometers, or 25 onment for centuries. The reported decommissioned. Those two were far Asked by reporters about Japan’s nucle- are now the norm. Late-night drinking
and Industrial Safety Agency. miles, from the Fukushima plant, rais- measurements would not be high less damaged since they were already ar future, Mr. Kan evaded the question. sessions with superiors that mix bond-
The rise increases the likelihood that ing questions about whether the evacu- enough to cause acute radiation illness, offline when the disaster struck. Kyodo also reported Thursday that ing and hazing are being shunned. Of-
contaminants from the plant are con- ation zone should be expanded, and but far exceed standards for the general Moody’s Investors Service, the rat- the bodies of hundreds of people killed fice cherry blossom parties, usually ac-
tinuously leaking into the sea, he said. even whether the land might need to be public designed to cut the risks of can- ings agency, on Thursday cut its credit by the quake and tsunami lay uncollec- companied by drinking bouts, have
On Wednesday the water tested at 3,355 abandoned. cer. rating on Tokyo Electric debt to Baa1 ted in the area near the plant because been canceled.
times the safety standard for the iso- Residents within 20 kilometers of the The Japanese authorities and the from A1, saying that the expectation of they were contaminated by radiation, But none of this austerity will ease the
tope, up from the reading on Sunday of plant have already been ordered to anti-nuclear environmental group government support justified leaving leaving the police and morgue workers anxiety of some of the new hires at
1,150 times the maximum level. evacuate, and those up to 30 kilometers Greenpeace have reported similar read- the debt rating above junk levels. The unable to safely handle them. Tokyo Electric Power Co., or Tepco,
The same isotope was detected at away have been encouraged to leave. ings from the area; Greenpeace and company’s shares have declined nearly The authorities are considering the which owns the disabled nuclear power
levels 10,000 times the safety limit at Re- The isotope cesium 137 was measured some other groups are pressing for the 80 percent since the quake. use of mobile decontamination units to plants in Fukushima. Once one of Ja-
actor No. 1, Bloomberg News reported, in one village by the International affected area to be evacuated. President Barack Obama, in a letter clean the bodies on the spot, Kyodo re- pan’s most prestigious companies,
citing a report by the plant’s operator, Atomic Energy Agency at a level ex- Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secre- to Emperor Akihito sent March 24 but ported. Tokyo Electric has become the target of
the Tokyo Electric Power Company. ceeding the standard that the Soviet Un- tary, said Thursday that officials were disclosed only Thursday, conveyed ‘‘the anger and contempt, and some people
Sakae Muto, a Tokyo Electric vice ion used as a gauge to recommend studying the contamination levels, but deep sympathy felt by all Americans for Matthew L. Wald reported from Wash- are openly wondering if it will need gov-
president, said the company was con- abandoning land surrounding the that there were currently no plans to ex- the suffering of the people of Japan,’’ ington. Ken Iichi, Ayasa Aizawa and ernment aid.
tracting with Japanese companies to Chernobyl reactor, and at another loca- pand the evacuation zone. and added that ‘‘our prayers are with Moshe Komata contributed reporting Tokyo Electric is so consumed with
build a range of facilities for handling tion not precisely identified by the Tokyo Electric, an enormous and in- you in this time of grief.’’ from Tokyo, and Kevin Drew from Hong shutting down its reactors in Fukushi-
the contaminated water. agency. fluential company that supplies a third France, along with the United States, Kong. ma that is unlikely to have many free
workers to train the 1,100 or so people
who start work this week, and many
new construction projects have been

U.S. book about Gandhi

put off. Still, some new hires sense an
opportunity to fix a broken company.
‘‘In a way, I feel fortunate that I will be

provokes outrage in India

on the front line to help the people and

Japan’s society,’’ said one new entrant
who asked that his name not be used so
as not to alienate his employer. ‘‘I feel
KOCHI, INDIA not spend much time studying him. And that people who work for companies like
many of his ideas, like the development Tepco want to help in some way.’’
of small-scale village industries, have In time, of course, life will return to

AND JULIE BOSMAN faded almost completely. normal, even at companies like Tokyo
Le diabolique Barbier The controversy also highlights In- Electric. The deeper question is wheth-
Mahatma Gandhi is still so revered in In- dia’s highly circumscribed right to free er the traumatic events this month will
de Fleet Street dia that a book about him that few Indi- speech. Under Indian law, any citizen reorient people’s lives in any lasting
Comédie Musicale ans have read and that has not even been can petition to have a work banned, and way. In a country where changing jobs
published here has been banned in one activists and political leaders have fre- invites suspicion and moving to a new
state and may yet be banned nationwide. quently exercised that right. home is prohibitively expensive, it is un-
The problem, say critics who have Certain subjects, like Mohandas reasonable to think that many young
fanned the flames of popular outrage Karamchand Gandhi, who is often re- adults will change their lifestyles in any
this week, is that the book suggests that ferred to as mahatma, or great soul, are substantial way.
the father of modern India was bisexual. particularly guarded. Gandhi is widely ‘‘It’s premature to say what the im-
The book’s author, Joseph Lelyveld, admired not only in India but also pact of the earthquake and tsunami will
does write extensively about the close re- around the world for his advocacy of
lationship Gandhi had with a German ar- nonviolent struggle and the austere and ‘‘In a way, I feel fortunate that
chitect but denies that the book, ‘‘Great celibate life he led when he was fighting
Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle for India’s freedom from the British.
I will be on the front line to
With India,’’ makes any such argument. Using documents, letters and other help the people and Japan’s
During an interview, Mr. Lelyveld, a research, Mr. Lelyveld writes about society.’’
former executive editor of The New how Gandhi came to his particular so-
York Times, of which the International cial vision, first as a lawyer in South
Herald Tribune is the global edition, Africa and later as a freedom fighter, be,’’ said Hiroshi Sakurai, who teaches
said he thought that he had ‘‘treaded and how he tried to spread that vision in sociology at the School of International
very carefully’’ with the information, India, with mixed results. Liberal Studies at Waseda University.
which he knew was delicate. The controversy appears to have star- ‘‘Japanese have gotten used to these
‘‘I lived in India and there’s an Indian ted because of reviews in publications in things.’’
word called tamasha,’’ he said, which the United States and Britain, including The personal transformations are
translates to ‘‘spectacle.’’ one in The Wall Street Journal asserting more subtle outside Iwate, Miyagi and
‘‘I’m surprised to find myself at the that the book provides evidence that Fukushima, the three prefectures that
center of one, because I think this is a Gandhi was ‘‘a sexual weirdo, a political have suffered the most. Without any ob-
careful book,’’ he said, ‘‘and I consider incompetent and a fanatical faddist.’’ vious damage to fix, young people are
myself a friend of India.’’ That review, by Andrew Roberts, a instead grappling with a silent threat
Still, this week, Gujarat State, where British historian, argued that Gandhi from airborne radioactive particles, as
Gandhi was born and grew up, banned was in love with Hermann Kallenbach, a well as rolling blackouts that have
the book after reviews and news articles German-Jewish architect with whom forced Japanese to do without many of
about it appeared in Indian newspa- Gandhi lived in Johannesburg, and it the electronic gadgets that were their
pers. Gujarat is a particularly conserva- cited letters from Gandhi to Mr. Kallen- constant companions.
tive state — alcohol cannot be sold in the bach, which are quoted in ‘‘Great Soul.’’ Still, young people are making con-
state, for instance — and the state is Gandhi expresses fondness and nections and doing what they can. Shota
governed by a Hindu nationalist party. yearning for Mr. Kallenbach in the let- Kitanishi, a student at Kwansei Gakuin
‘‘The writing is perverse in nature,’’ ters, telling him that his was the only por- University in Nishinomiya, near Kobe,
Narendra Modi, the chief minister of trait on Gandhi’s mantelpiece, opposite was 4 years old when the earthquake of
Gujarat, said after the ban. ‘‘It has hurt the bed, and that cotton wool and Vasel- 1995 destroyed parts of that city. He
the sentiments of those with capacity ine were ‘‘a constant reminder’’ of him. grew up watching the city being rebuilt.
for sane and logical thinking.’’ The letters were acquired by the Na- In solidarity, he is asking other stu-
On Tuesday, India’s law and justice tional Archives of India in an auction dents to make a monthly pledge of
minister, M. Veerappa Moily, said that and have been available to scholars; ¥1,000, or about $12, for a year and to
Un thriller Musique et lyrics

Basé sur la pièce de
Christopher Bond
David Charles Abell ‘‘the book denigrates the national pride
and leadership,’’ which he said could not
they were sold by descendants of Mr.
Kallenbach. Gandhi destroyed Mr. Kal-
send the money to groups helping vic-
tims in northeastern Japan.
musical ! Sondheim
Mis en scène
Mise en scène
Lee Blakeley
be tolerated. He said officials ‘‘will con-
sider prohibiting the book.’’
lenbach’s letters to him early on, ac-
cording to the book.
‘‘You just can’t think of the disaster as
someone else’s disaster,’’ he said.
à Broadway par
The crux of the controversy seems to The situation is complicated by the ‘‘We’re all Japanese. When you get to-
Hugh Harold Prince Ensemble Orchestral
be the intersection of two subjects on fact that the book is not yet available for gether, you feel like you can do any-
Wheeler Orchestrations de
de Paris /
Orchestre Pasdeloup which Indians have strong views: sexu- sale in India, and very few people have thing.’’
Jonathan Tunick ality and Gandhi. seen or read it.
du 22 avril Nouvelle production On the first point, India is quite con- In the interview, Mr. Lelyveld said the Hiroko Tabuchi, Ken Ijichi and Moshe
au 21 mai 2011 Création en France En anglais, surtitré servative, although there has been information about Gandhi’s relation- Komata contributed reporting.
change in recent years with the coun- ship with Mr. Kallenbach was not his
try’s fast growth and young people own discovery, and was never intended CORRECTION
T. 01 40 28 28 40 | moving out on their own in greater num- to be the main point of his book.
FNAC : 0 892 68 36 22 (0,34 €/mn) |
• An article Monday about the extent to
bers. In 2009, the high court in Delhi ‘‘All I can claim is that I dealt with that which cellphone companies track and
struck down a British-era law against material more extensively with an eye to save customer location data misstated
sodomy. The ruling was seen as a water- the general public than anyone previ- the relationship between AT&T and
shed for gay rights. Nevertheless, most ously,’’ he said. ‘‘But it’s not a central pre- Sense Networks, which makes applica-
Indians who are gay would not feel com- occupation. My book is about Gandhi’s tions that serve ads to cellphone users
Direct Matin fortable coming out. struggle for social justice, not his inti- based on their location. Sense Networks
On the second point, Gandhi is mate relationships. But he was a compli- uses data from AT&T; the companies do
revered even by the young, but they do cated man and the two are linked.’’ not work together.

art music

Chinese master, modern brush


Zao Wou-ki’s works

are increasingly sought
by collectors and galleries

As Chinese collectors continue to buy

back their heritage, attention has
turned to Zao Wou-ki, a 20th-century
master who has lived in France since
fleeing China the year before Mao’s 1949
Part of the interest is driven by the
rarity of Mr. Zao’s works. Now 90, he has
long stopped producing new pieces, and
most of his best paintings were pur-
chased decades ago by Western collect-
ors who have been loath to part with
Pascal de Sarthe, who has been deal-
ing in Zao works for about 15 years, had
to ask longtime clients for loans to
cobble together 10 Zao paintings for the
debut of his new gallery, de Sarthe Fine
Art, in Hong Kong last month. The night
before the opening, only three were left
‘‘It’s nearly impossible for a gallery to
put together a show like this,’’ said Mr.
de Sarthe, a French-born dealer who
was based in the United States before
his recent move to Asia. ‘‘Demand is
very strong. Once collectors have them,
they keep them.’’ The show, ‘‘Zao Wou-
ki Paintings: 1950s-1960s,’’ will be on
view at the gallery through April 29.
More Zao works will be showcased at
Sotheby’s spring sale in Hong Kong on
April 4. Originally, the auction house was
offering five paintings from what is re-
ferred to as Mr. Zao’s ‘‘Paul Klee peri-
od,’’ between 1950 and 1955, when Mr.
Zao was greatly influenced by the works
of the Swiss-German artist Paul Klee.
The paintings have been in the hands of
a private American collection for a half-
century. Sotheby’s recently announced
that it had increased the offering to 13,
including oils, ink-and-watercolor works
and a lithograph print from European
and Asian collections, as well as from the
Redfern Gallery in London.
‘‘He’s the only Chinese artist whose
name you will find in books about West-
ern modern art,’’ said David Clarke, a

Kong’s department of fine arts. ‘‘He was

one of the most significant figures in
post-1945 European abstraction. Zao by’s are also from the earlier part of Mr. Zao Wou-ki’s
Wou-ki played a greater part in Western Zao’s life. ‘‘4.1.62’’ (1962),
artistic modernism than any other Sylvie Chen, Sotheby’s senior director above, and ‘‘Nu et
Chinese artist.’’ of 20th-century Chinese art, picked out Tapis Jaune’’
Mr. Zao’s combination of Western ab- ‘‘Nu et Tapis Jaune’’ (1953) as an ex- (1953), detail
straction and Chinese elements, like calli- ample. According to Ms. Chen, who was shown at far right,
graphic brush strokes, was unusual dur- speaking from Taipei during a traveling are among 13
ing that era. ‘‘Western artists of that time preview exhibition of Mr. Zao’s works works by the artist
were looking to East Asian art and philo- there, the oil of a nude woman standing that will go on sale
sophy for inspiration, but Zao was able to against a yellow carpet recalls a more at Sotheby’s in
draw on it more directly because of his realistic style he used when he was based Hong Kong on
cultural heritage,’’ Prof. Clarke said. in Hangzhou, before he left for France. April 4. The artist,
‘‘Artists in mainland China at that time ‘‘He revisited portraiture in his early seen at right in
could not even begin to experiment with years in Paris,’’ she said. ‘‘It is a very Paris in 1958, fled
international modernist styles, of course, rare offering and it is the first time a to France a year
but in Paris he was well-placed to do so.’’ work such as this has been seen at auc- before Mao’s 1949
The de Sarthe show tracks Mr. Zao’s tion.’’ It is estimated at 2 million to 3.1 revolution and is
evolution through the 1950s and ’60s. million Hong Kong dollars, or about one of the few 20th-
Two of the earlier pieces, ‘‘Bateaux au $250,000 to $400,000. century Chinese
Port’’ (1952) and ‘‘Corrida’’ (1953), are Ms. Chen added that many of the artists recognized
still clearly figurative, showing the sketches and smaller works that Mr. Zao in the West.
sketched outlines of sailing ships and created in China were later destroyed
bullfighting. These are also from Mr. during the political turmoil of the 1960s, ‘‘Zao played a greater part in
Zao’s ‘‘Klee period.’’ making earlier pieces scarcer still. Western artistic modernism
Mr. de Sarthe has one of four known Other top-priced works include ab- than any other Chinese artist.’’
surviving paintings that Mr. Zao cre- stract landscapes: The shimmering, ver-
ated on his 1958 trip to Hong Kong, then tical ‘‘Pins Landais’’ (1955), inspired by
a British colony, marking his first return the pines of the Landes region in south- Paris have opened galleries. But de
to a Chinese city since his departure in west France, is estimated at 3.2 million to Sarthe is the first to open with a signifi-
1948. He did not set foot in mainland 4 million Hong Kong dollars. The au- cant show by an Asian artist.
China until 1972. The untitled canvas is tumn-hued ‘‘4.1.62’’ (1962) is the most ex- Mr. de Sarthe, whose next show will
covered in thick layers of red, from pensive work on offer, estimated at 4 mil- feature the glossy pop photography of
bright poppy shades to deep crimson. lion to 6 million Hong Kong dollars. David LaChapelle, said he did not dis-
There are rough black marks that look According to Ms. Chen, Mr. Zao’s by collectors there,’’ she said. ‘‘Asian seem more interested in the post-1970 The de Sarthe gallery joins a parade tinguish between Western and Eastern
like the primitive ideograms that would works only came onto the auction mar- buyers began to take an interest in the period,’’ Ms. Chen said. of new foreign-run galleries in Hong artists. His goal, he said, was to bring
later form Chinese characters, though ket in the 1990s, with more pieces be- 1990s.’’ Last year, all 17 of the Zao works Kong’s Central district that specialize in top-end works that would otherwise be
they are far from actual words. In the coming available around 2003. ‘‘Generally speaking, collectors from offered during Christie’s spring sales blue-chip modern and contemporary hard to find in Hong Kong.
background, one might see the vague ‘‘Zao’s early exhibitions were held in Europe, America and Asia are more in- surpassed the auction house’s esti- artists. In the last year and a half, Ben ‘‘He was never prolific,’’ Mr. de Sarthe
outline of the Middle Kingdom. Europe and America, therefore the ma- terested in his pre-1970 work, whereas mates, fetching a total of 323.3 million Brown of London, Larry Gagosian of said of Mr. Zao. ‘‘There may be more Pi-
Most of the pieces offered by Sothe- jority of his earlier works were bought newly emerging collectors from China Hong Kong dollars. New York and Edouard Malingue of cassos in the market than Zaos.’’

Clyde who? You’ve heard his drums, but not his name
has been used hundreds of times, be- ‘‘There have been faster, and there ring to himself and his fellow Brown
The man behind coming part of hip-hop’s DNA, and in the have been stronger, but Clyde Stubble- drummer, John Starks, better known as
the most sampled beats late 1980s and early ’90s it was the go-to
sample for anyone looking to borrow
field has a marksman’s left hand unlike
any drummer in the 20th century,’’ said
Jabo. (Brown died in 2006.) ‘‘We just put
down what we think it should be.
hasn’t had much credit some of hip-hop’s sass, hence Kenny G. Ahmir Thompson, aka Questlove of the Nobody directs me.’’
But Mr. Stubblefield’s name almost fell Roots. ‘‘It is he who defined funk music.’’ You might expect Mr. Stubblefield,
BY BEN SISARIO through the cracks of history. The early Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Mr. who has appeared on some of the
rappers almost never gave credit or paid Stubblefield was first inspired by the in- greatest drum recordings in history, to
Aside from those of musicians, record for the sample, and if they did, acknow- dustrial rhythms of the factories and have gone on to fame, or at least to a lu-
collectors and D.J.’s, not many ears perk ledgement, and any royalties, went to trains around him, and he got his start crative career playing sessions. But for
up at the mention of Clyde Stubblefield. Brown, who is listed as the songwriter. playing with regional bands. In 1965, 40 years he has happily remained in
But no matter who you are, you prob- ‘‘All my life I’ve been wondering about Madison, Wisconsin, playing gigs there
ably know his drumming. my money,’’ Mr. Stubblefield, now 67 and The ‘‘Funky Drummer’’ solo with his own group and, since the early
If you’ve heard Public Enemy’s still drumming, said with a chuckle. 1990s, playing on the public radio show
‘‘Bring the Noise’’ or ‘‘Fight the A new project tries to capture at least
is part of hip-hop’s DNA. ‘‘Michael Feldman’s Whad’Ya Know?’’
Power,’’ you know his drumming. If some royalties for him. Mr. Stubblefield Alan Leeds, whose time as Brown’s
you’ve heard LL Cool J’s ‘‘Mama Said was interviewed for ‘‘Copyright Crimin- James Brown saw him at a club in Ma- tour director overlapped with Mr.
Knock You Out,’’ or any number of als,’’ a documentary by Benjamin Fran- con, Georgia, and hired him on the spot. Stubblefield’s time in the band, remem-
songs by Prince, the Beastie Boys, zen and Kembrew McLeod about the Through 1971, Mr. Stubblefield was one bers him as a gifted but not terribly am-
N.W.A., Run-D.M.C., Sinead O’Connor gray areas of music copyright law, and of Brown’s principal drummers, and on bitious musician. ‘‘He was a fun guy,’’
or even Kenny G., you definitely know for a special ‘‘Funky Drummer Edition’’ songs like ‘‘Cold Sweat’’ and ‘‘Mother Mr. Leeds said. ‘‘But if one guy was go-
his drumming, even though Mr. DVD of the film that was released Tues- Popcorn’’ he perfected a light-touch ing to be late for the sound check, it was
Stubblefield wasn’t in the studio for the day, Mr. Stubblefield recorded a set of style filled with the off-kilter syncopa- Clyde.’’
recording of any of them. ready-to-sample beats. By filling out a tions sometimes called ghost notes. The technology and conventions of
That is because he was the featured basic licensing form, anyone willing to Mr. Thompson said Mr. Stubblefield’s sampling — isolating a musical snippet
player on ‘‘Funky Drummer,’’ a 1970 pay royalties of 15 percent on any com- ‘‘softest notes defined a generation.’’ from one recording and reusing it for
single by James Brown whose 20- mercial sales — and give credit — can ‘‘We just played what we wanted to another — also kept him from greater
BENJAMIN FRANZEN second drum solo has become, by most borrow the sound of one of the archi- play on a song,’’ Mr. Stubblefield said in recognition. ‘‘Funky Drummer’’ didn’t
Clyde Stubblefield, who played with James Brown in the late 1960s, performing last year. counts, the most sampled of all beats. It tects of modern percussion. a telephone interview last week, refer- STUBBLEFIELD, PAGE 10

books music culture

A literary relic is not gone after all As his beat

goes on,

A piece of ‘Gone With

the Wind’ resurfaces,
famed lines neatly typed
wants credit
BY CHARLES MCGRATH appear on an album until 1986, when it
was on ‘‘In the Jungle Groove,’’ a Brown
Long thought to have been burned the collection that was heavily picked over
way the North set fire to the cotton at by sampler-producers.
Tara, the final typescript of the last four The lack of recognition has bothered
chapters of Margaret Mitchell’s ‘‘Gone Mr. Stubblefield more than the lack of
With the Wind’’ has turned up in the royalties, he said, though that stings,
Pequot Library in this Yankee seaport. too.
If not quite a spoil of war, the manu- ‘‘People use my drum patterns on a
script is a relic of some publishing skir- lot of these songs,’’ he said. ‘‘They never
mishes, and it will go on exhibit starting gave me credit, never paid me. It didn’t
Saturday, before traveling to Atlanta, PEQUOT LIBRARY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES bug me or disturb me, but I think it’s dis-
Mitchell’s hometown, in time for the A page from the final typescript of the last respectful not to pay people for what
75th anniversary of the novel’s publica- four chapters of ‘‘Gone With the Wind,’’ they use.’’
tion in June. by Margaret Mitchell, above. The chapters In 2002 Mr. Stubblefield had a tumor
The chapters, which contain some of are housed at the Pequot Library in South- in his kidney removed, and now he suf-
the novel’s most memorable lines — port, Connecticut, and are part of an ex- fers from end-stage renal disease. He
like, ‘‘My dear, I don’t give a damn’’ and hibit for the 75th anniversary of the book. qualifies for Medicare but has no addi-
‘‘After all, tomorrow is another day’’ — tional health insurance.
were given to the Pequot in the early The ‘‘Funky Drummer Edition’’ of
1950s by George Brett Jr., the president didn’t even know he had them. That was ‘‘Copyright Criminals’’ includes Mr.
of Macmillan, Mitchell’s publisher, and in 1936, when he wrote to Mitchell ask- Stubblefield’s beats both on vinyl and as
a longtime benefactor of the library. ing if he could have a couple of manu- electronic files, and in addition to any li-
Some pages from the manuscript were script pages to display at The New York censing, he also gets a small royalty
actually displayed at the Pequot twice Times Book Fair that year. Mitchell from the DVD, said Mr. McLeod, an as-
before — in a 1979 exhibition of Macmil- wrote back, irritated, to say that the sociate professor of communications at
lan first editions, also donated by Brett, manuscript had never been returned to the University of Iowa. As in his days
and in 1991 for a show honoring ‘‘Scar- her. Abashed, Macmillan found it in a with Brown, Mr. Stubblefield was also
lett,’’ Alexandra Ripley’s authorized, if vault and, insuring it for $1,000, sent it paid a fee for the recording session.
not very good, sequel to ‘‘Gone With the all back, or so everyone believed until ‘‘Breaks’’ albums with ready-made
Wind.’’ just recently. beats are nothing new in hip-hop. By his
But Dan Snydacker, executive direc- Mr. Snydacker said there were only a reckoning, Mr. Stubblefield has done
tor of the library, said nobody back then few explanations. Either Brett held onto four or five such collections, but not all
paid the manuscript much attention or part of the manuscript deliberately, or of those have paid him royalties either.
recognized its importance. some of the chapters became separated
The pages went back into storage and — one of the pages, dusty and with a ‘‘A lot of people should have
resurfaced only in response to a query rusty paperclip mark, looks as if it had gotten a lot of credit from
from Ellen F. Brown, who was working been stored on a windowsill somewhere
with her co-author, John Wiley Jr., on — or Mitchell asked him to hold onto the
James Brown, but he only
‘‘Margaret Mitchell’s ‘Gone With the chapters for safekeeping. talked about himself.’’
Wind’: A Bestseller’s Odyssey From At- ‘‘It’s easy to give him the benefit of
lanta to Hollywood,’’ published in Febru- the doubt,’’ said Joan Youngken, the
ary by Taylor Trade Publishing. Ms. guest curator of the Pequot exhibit. ‘‘If ‘‘They sent us royalty papers, but no
Brown was interested in the Brett col- he kept it improperly, he wouldn’t be checks,’’ he said of one such album
lection at the Pequot and curious to passing it along to a public library.’’ made for a Japanese company.
know whether any of the library’s many Ms. Brown said: ‘‘I think those chap- For Mr. Stubblefield, lack of credit is
foreign editions of ‘‘Gone With the ters must have been a gift. The story has not only an issue with D.J.s and produc-
Wind,’’ yet another bequest, had inscrip- always been that Mitchell and Brett ers sampling his beats. It was also a
tions from the author to her publisher. didn’t get along because she felt he bone of contention with Brown, who was
They do, but most, it turns out, are didn’t make a good enough deal for the famous for running a tight ship — he
pretty tepid. For at least part of the time, movie rights. And it’s true that he fined his musicians for missing a beat or
the relationship between Mitchell and didn’t. There are some angry letters and having scuffed shoes — and also for not
Brett was somewhat frosty, and why there was a period when they weren’t giving his musicians more credit.
Brett had the manuscript in the first speaking. But I’ve found plenty of evi- ‘‘A lot of people should have gotten a
place remains a mystery. dence that by the end they had a very lot of credit from James Brown,’’ Mr.
The manuscript itself is remarkably warm relationship.’’ Stubblefield said, ‘‘but he only talked
clean, typed on a Royal portable with Carefully turning over the pages of about himself. He may call your name
just a few handwritten corrections fix- the manuscript last week, Mr. Snydack- on a song or something, but that’s it.’’
ing a typo, adding a word or changing a WENDY CARLSON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES er said: ‘‘I think it’s amazing that we That raises the question of whether
‘‘that’’ to a ‘‘which,’’ often incorrectly. have this. I love the book even though Mr. Stubblefield is himself violating any
That it is in this condition suggests them or even knew what she was doing. tially rewrote and retyped the entire Mitchell’s husband, following her in- it’s inexcusably racist. It wasn’t written of Brown’s copyrights by recording
something about Mitchell’s perfection- In April 1935, however, while on a book, cutting, refining, straightening structions, after her death in 1949. in the 1860s but the 1930s, for God’s sake. beats in the style of those original re-
ist nature and something about the un- scouting trip to Atlanta, Harold Latham, out inconsistencies and fixing historical Mitchell always insisted that books In some ways it’s pretty sympathetic to cordings in Brown’s band. Mr. McLeod
usual way ‘‘Gone With the Wind’’ was the editor in chief of Macmillan, some- inaccuracies. Until fairly late in the pro- should be judged by their final versions, the K.K.K. But it’s a great work in spite dismissed the suggestion, saying that
written and published. how pried the pile of envelopes loose cess, the heroine was called Pansy, and not their drafts, and had grown weary of of that. It’s a very powerful antiwar the beats are not identical, and that the
Mitchell worked on the novel, which from Mitchell and sent them to New when Mitchell changed the name to people and institutions pestering her for book, among other things. As a Vietnam original copyright registration forms
was originally to be called either ‘‘To- York for evaluation. Ms. Brown said the Scarlett, thank goodness, she paid 50 manuscript pages to be kept as souve- vet, that part has always rung true to for Brown’s songs mention melody and
morrow Is Another Day’’ or ‘‘Tote the draft at that point was a mess, with cents an hour to have every page men- nirs or put on display. me, and I think that’s why it was so pop- lyrics but not rhythm.
Weary Load,’’ in fits and starts from some chapters missing and duplicate tioning Pansy retyped. Marsh also burned, or so it was ular in Europe.’’ And besides, Mr. McLeod added,
1925 to 1935. versions of others, and yet Macmillan As each chapter was finished, it was thought, most of the final typescript. He He added: ‘‘No question, ‘Gone With what you’re getting is simply a great
She wrote on blank newsprint and reacted enthusiastically and decided, sent off to New York, and that kept back two chapters, 44 and 47, the Wind’ is a part of the fabric of Amer- drummer doing his thing.
composed the book out of order, begin- with unusual haste, to bring the novel typescript, with very few alterations, which, along with some of the earlier ican life, and not just the movie, either. ‘‘This differs from buying a sample
ning with the last chapter and picking out the following spring. became the final text of the novel. The material, are now stored in a vault in At- The book still sells something like pack for GarageBand,’’ he said, referring
up other sections as her mood suited From August 1935 to January 1936, manuscript you would really like to see lanta, to be opened only if a question 250,000 copies a year.’’ to Apple’s home-recording program,
her. The finished chapters she put in in- Mitchell, with the help of John Marsh, is that jumble of newsprint pages ever arises about the authorship of ‘‘because you know that what you are
dividual manila envelopes, sometimes her second husband — and best man at stuffed into envelopes — what Macmil- ‘‘Gone With the Wind.’’ ONLINE: MORE ON BOOKS listening to and what you are sampling is
with grocery lists scrawled on them, and her marriage to the first — and some lan called ‘‘MS of the Old South’’ — but So what was George Brett doing with Reviews, news and features about the genius labor of this incredible musi-
stored in a closet. Very few people saw hired typists and stenographers, essen- most of that was destroyed by the last four chapters? At one point he books. cian. It’s Clyde Stubblefield.’’

eventually take over at the movies. At a
In Egypt, abrupt regime change is an old story
A 370-year-old painting that belonged digital film panel in Las Vegas this week The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt. By Toby ries — Thutmose III at the Battle of
to a Jewish art dealer who fled the Neth- with the director JAMES CAMERON and the Wilkinson. Illustrated. 611 pages. Random Megiddo, Ramesses II at the Battle of
erlands around the time of the Nazi inva- head of DreamWorks Animation, JEFFREY House, $35; Bloomsbury, £30. Kadesh — without pausing too long to
sion in 1940 will be returned to his family KATZENBERG, Mr. Lucas said: ‘‘Now when reflect on the brutality of warfare in the
by the J. Paul Getty Museum, The Asso- you’re watching a movie and it’s not in 3- BY MICHIKO KAKUTANI ancient world. We thrill at the weirdness
ciated Press reported. The painting, D, it’s like watching in black and white.’’ of the heretic king Akhenaten and all his
‘‘Landscape With Cottage and Figures,’’ He added ‘‘I totally believe now that 3-D An emotionally fraught transition from works, but do not question what it is like
done by PIETER MOLIJN around 1640, be- will completely take over.’’ (AP) one regime to the next, with no clear-cut to live under a despotic, fanatical ruler.’’
longed to JACQUES GOUDSTIKKER, a promi- successor to the previous ruler. Worries Arguing that the ancient Egyptians
nent dealer who died while fleeing the A Texas judge has rejected the idea about stability and the maintenance of ‘‘invented the concept of the nation-
Nazis. His collection was looted, and that WILLIE NELSON could sing his way out law and order. Fears about foreign med- state that still dominates our planet,’’
some of the art ended up in the hands of of a recent arrest for marijuana posses- dling and influence. The army at least Mr. Wilkinson writes that the country’s
the Nazi leader HERMANN GOERING. The sion. KIT BRAMBLETT, a Hudspeth County earliest kings not only ‘‘formulated and
Getty bought the painting at a 1972 auc- lawyer, had suggested that Mr. Nelson BOOK REVIEW harnessed’’ traditional tools of leader-
tion and has never exhibited the work. pay a small fine and sing ‘‘Blue Eyes ship — like using ideology and ceremo-
temporarily filling the political vacuum ny to unite a disparate population and
and overseeing a transition. bind it to the state — but also used more
This sequence of events — which may malign instruments like police surveil-
sound familiar to those who followed JANE PHILIPPI lance, xenophobia and the brutal repres-
the recent overthrow of President Toby Wilkinson says he became more aware of ‘‘the darker side of pharaonic civilization.’’ sion of dissent to cement their power.
Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s ruler of nearly In fact this book draws a sobering
three decades — actually occurred, the portrait of what daily life was like for
scholar Toby Wilkinson said in a recent er could possibly want to know, Mr. archaeologists and historians have ordinary Egyptians. Foot soldiers (who
essay in The Wall Street Journal, more Wilkinson — a fellow of Clare College at pieced together portraits of ancient actually fought barefoot) were subject
than 3,000 years ago, after the death of Cambridge University — writes with Egypt’s kings, including Narmer, the to frequent beatings and had to subsist
the boy-king King Tutankhamen, when considerable verve, and his narrative first ruler of a united Egypt (whose on meager rations, which were sup-
the army stepped in to maintain order provides an acute understanding of reign began around 2950 B.C.) ; the posed to be supplemented ‘‘by foraging
and act as power broker. how the Egyptian brand of divine king- warrior king Thutmose III, who se- and stealing.’’ And peasants, who did
As its title indicates, Mr. Wilkinson’s ship evolved over the centuries, how its cured Egypt’s control over the Trans- not have access to the doctors and dent-
JENNIFER ANISTON is making good on Crying in the Rain’’ at the courthouse as new book, ‘‘The Rise and Fall of Ancient pharaohs used their mastery of the ar- jordan; the eccentric Akhenaten, who ists available to the wealthy, suffered
her promise to direct, The Los Angeles punishment after his arrest at a border Egypt,’’ is about those long-ago days of chitectural and decorative arts to glori- declared himself a co-regent with the from a range of debilitating diseases
Times reported. Ms. Aniston has been stop in Sierra Blanca, Texas, on Nov. 26. the pharaohs and does not grapple with fy themselves (and cement their histor- sun; and Ramesses II, who ruled for an like tuberculosis and parasitical infec-
tapped to participate in a short film proj- Judge BECKY DEAN-WALKER said that Mr. developments in that country after the ical reputations) and how intertwined astonishing 67 years and would be im- tions. To make matters worse, high
ect with the singer ALICIA KEYS, the act- Nelson could plead guilty without going death of Cleopatra in 30 B.C. But the the monarchy’s power became with re- mortalized in Shelley’s poem ‘‘Ozy- taxes, the uncertain nature of agricul-
ress DEMI MOORE, and the director PATTY to court, and added that she believed Mr. volume does shed light on patterns in ligion and the military. mandias.’’ ture in the Nile Valley (either too much
JENKINS. They will each direct a short Bramblett had been making a joke. Egyptian history and the ways in which Mr. Wilkinson is nimble at conveying After studying ancient Egypt for water or too little) and the constant
film, which will be presented as ‘‘Project the country’s geography (which made it the sumptuous pageantry and cultural more than 20 years, Mr. Wilkinson says threat of famine combined to make
Five,’’ a Lifetime Networks initiative to ‘‘Mad Men’’ will not return to televi- susceptible to invasion and attack) and sophistication of pharaonic Egypt. He he found himself growing ‘‘increasingly daily life feel perennially precarious.
spotlight breast cancer. sion until sometime early next year, AMC ‘‘the sharp dichotomies of nature in the deconstructs the elaborate writings uneasy about the subject of my re- Finally, Mr. Wilkinson says, ‘‘The last
confirmed, because of a dispute with the Nile Valley’’ (flood and drought, fertile and funerary iconography, noting that search’’ — increasingly aware of ‘‘the act of Egypt’s great drama was played
CHRIS BROWN’s outburst on ‘‘Good show’s creator, MATTHEW WEINER. Mr. land and arid desert) amplified what ‘‘the Egyptians were adept at record- darker side of pharaonic civilization,’’ out in the streets of Alexandria with a
Morning America’’ last Tuesday does not Weiner is unhappy with a proposal to Mr. Wilkinson sees as a national pro- ing things as they wished them to be which has often been glossed over, he cast of characters as famous as any:
appear to have lost him album sales. The shorten each episode by two minutes (to clivity to view ‘‘the world as a constant seen, not as they actually were,’’ and says, by the ‘‘misty-eyed reverence’’ Caesar, Mark Antony, and Cleopatra.
singer’s new album, ‘‘F.A.M.E.’’ (Jive), add commercial time) and to cut the cast battle between order and chaos’’ — a that tomb decoration was ‘‘designed, that many scholars have shared with With her death, in 30, Egypt became a
sold 270,000 copies last week, according budget. He said the changes would make tendency that he says the country’s above all, to reinforce the established tourists. Roman possession and its 3,000-year-
to Nielsen SoundScan, becoming his first ‘‘Mad Men’’ a ‘‘different show.’’ The new leaders often played upon to justify social order,’’ for instance, showing a ‘‘We marvel at the pyramids,’’ he old pharaonic tradition came to an end.’’
No. 1 on the Billboard album chart. season of the series, which stars JON their domineering, autocratic rule. tomb’s owner dominating every scene, writes, ‘‘without stopping to think too
HAMM and CHRISTINA HENDRICKS, had been Although the book offers far more de- towering in size over his family and much about the political system that ONLINE: DIVINE KINGSHIP
The ‘‘Star Wars’’ creator GEORGE LUCAS set for broadcast in July. tail about lesser-known pharaohs and workers. In addition, Mr. Wilkinson made them possible. We take vicarious An excerpt from ‘‘The Rise and Fall of
has predicted that 3-D filmmaking will PHOTOGRAPHS: REUTERS, GETTY-AFP, AP, AP lesser-known battles than the lay read- provides an intriguing account of how pleasure in the pharaohs’ military victo- Ancient Egypt.’’

cricket basketball

Loss ends
a career
marred by


A career that began so promisingly 14

years ago, when Shoaib Akhtar refused
to take off his first Pakistan uniform for
three days, ended with disappointment,
with the fast bowler reduced to carrying
drinks for his teammates as they lost to
India in the World Cup semifinals.
The man who was nicknamed the
Rawalpindi Express for his ability to
bowl at high speeds had been hoping for
one last hurrah in the match Wednes-
day. However, Pakistan’s loss brought
one of the most divisive careers in crick-
et to a screeching halt.
For Akhtar, there will be no more highs
from taking wickets or winning matches
for his country, just memories.
‘‘The best moment was when I got the
first kit for the test match and there was
a huge star on my chest,’’ an emotional
Akhtar told reporters after announcing
his decision to quit two weeks ago. ‘‘I
wore that kit and I slept in that kit, and I
just couldn’t believe that I was going to
wake up in that kit. I didn’t take if off for
three days.’’
Akhtar, 35, appeared in 46 tests and
163 one-day internationals during his
decade and a half with his team. He
made his debut in a test match against
West Indies in 1997 and immediately
caught everyone’s attention as the fast-

Considered by many to be the heir to Muttiah Muralitharan of Sri Lanka, left, has a unique bowling form because of a deformed arm and double-jointed wrist. Sachin Tendulkar of India holds the scoring record for both five-day tests and one-day internationals.
the Pakistan greats Imran Khan, Wasim
Akram and Waqar Younis, Akhtar dis-

For 2 legends, a chance at lasting glory

appointed most with a career blighted
by injuries and controversies stemming
from his indiscipline.
His pace was a threat to many bats-
man, but his statistics failed to reflect
his immense talent. He finished with 178
test wickets and 247 O.D.I. wickets. CRICKET Sri Lankans can imagine an alterna- India. ‘‘Going back to Mumbai, espe- ferent. He has had to reckon with con- will need to be at the top of our game,’’
Ball-tampering allegations, numer- tive. Their version features the spin cially for this event, is a wonderful occa- stant sniping about the legality of a Kirsten said.
ous disciplinary issues — he hit his bowler Muttiah Muralitharan. sion. All I want to say is we will be fo- unique bowling action that results from But while Sri Lanka’s apparent weak
teammate Mohammad Asif with a bat in Cup victory could cement ‘‘The team is determined to give Mur- cused on our job and get the job done,’’ a double-jointed wrist and a deformed point — a fallible middle order batting —
2007 — doping accusations and injuries
took the focus away from his often dev-
the legacy of Sri Lanka ali — a great team player, a great friend
and a really special man in every sense
Tendulkar said.
Muralitharan already has his win-
arm. Representing a nation torn by eth-
nic conflict during most of his career, he
plagued the team again even when it
beat New Zealand, India looked strong in
astating bowling. bowler or India batsman — a great farewell by winning the World ner’s medal, from Sri Lanka’s victory in has usually been the only Tamil on the every aspect against Pakistan. ‘‘Every-
Even at this World Cup, reports Cup once again for him,’’ Sri Lanka’s 1996. But where Tendulkar, a year team. ‘‘He is an icon of Sri Lanka as a body has been saying that India’s bowl-
emerged that Akhtar had angrily kicked BY HUW RICHARDS opening batsman, Tillakaratne Dilshan, younger at 37, may yet add to his stag- champion on the field and off the field, as ing is not up to the mark, but in the
his teammate Kamran Akmal after the told the BBC Sinhala Service this week. gering list of achievements — he in- a human being and as a cricketer,’’ said crunch they really did well,’’ a former In-
wicketkeeper dropped shots by Ross Cricket’s World Cup final between India Tendulkar and Muralitharan would tends to keep playing internationally — Sri Lanka captain Kumar Sangakkara. dia player, Agit Agarkar, told Sky Sports.
Taylor of New Zealand twice within and Sri Lanka on Saturday will produce both be, if cricket had the same com- Muralitharan’s international career Pakistan did not help itself Wednes-
three deliveries during a group stage the perfect ending for a living legend of memorative institutions as U.S. sports, ends Saturday. He has already shown a No home team has yet won a day as it pursued 261 to win. Two senior
match March 8. Pakistan downplayed the game. certain first-ballot Hall of Famers. Ten- knack for memorable farewells. players, Younis Khan and Misbah ul
the event, but that match proved to be The question is, which legend? dulkar is the all-time leading run scorer Last year, with his final delivery in
World Cup final. Haq, scored so slowly that an achievable
Shoaib’s last international appearance. Ever since the tournament schedule in international cricket, atop the scoring five-day tests, he became the first man target was made impossible. But India’s
He was reduced to carrying drinks to was released, cricket fans have been list in both five-day tests and the one- ever to take 800 test wickets. On Tues- That India is favored to win the first bowling and fielding was the best it has
his teammates on the field Wednesday. discussing the possibility that India day format in which the World Cup is day, as Sri Lanka beat New Zealand in all-Asian final reflects not so much been, justifying a description by former
Akhtar’s obsession with pace during batsman Sachin Tendulkar will win the played. Muralitharan similarly sits atop its semifinals, he took a wicket with his home-field advantage — no home team India captain Ravi Shastri as ‘‘thor-
his career was often detrimental to the title on his home ground in Mumbai. the all-time wicket-taking lists. final ball on home soil. has yet won a World Cup final — as its oughly professional and disciplined.’’
team’s cause, as he often lost control. His That scenario may even have contrib- A World Cup winner’s medal is about Each has withstood exceptional pres- impressive performance in beating Pa- Against Pakistan, Tendulkar had
long run-up often put Pakistan at risk of a uted to the selection of Wankhede Stadi- the only honor Tendulkar, who played on sures. Tendulkar has for 20 years been kistan. ‘‘The players have been fantast- provided the substance of India’s in-
penalty for a slow over rate, and it irked um, smaller than three other Indian the team beaten by Australia in the 2003 the focus for the cricketing passions of a ic and are playing exceptional cricket at nings. When he was reprieved on re-
many of his coaches over the years. tournament venues, with a capacity of final, still lacks. The perfect conclusion billion Indians. He may be as ego-free a the moment,’’ said India’s coach, Gary view after being given out leg before
On a number of occasions, he was ac- 45,000, to hold the final. for his millions of admirers in India and superstar as any sport has ever seen, but Kirsten, a South African who leaves wicket, then dropped four times by Pa-
cused of putting himself over his team, ‘‘Can you imagine a fairytale ending around the world would be for him also to like the baseball immortal Joe DiMaggio, after the World Cup. kistan fielders, fate seemed to be push-
and he was portrayed as the problem with Sachin Tendulkar getting a hun- mark the occasion by becoming the first he ‘‘leads the league in room service’’ — Sri Lanka will be a tough opponent. It ing him toward his 100th century. The
child of Pakistan cricket. But at his peak, dred in the final and India winning at the player ever to play 100 innings of scoring he often can’t do something as simple as leads India, 4-2, in head-to-head stunned silence when was dismissed for
the strongly built Akhtar could catch the Wankhede, which is his home ground?’’ 100 or more in international cricket. eat breakfast with teammates in a hotel matches in the World Cups and com- 85 reflected not only disappointment at
imagination of cricket lovers across the asked Haroon Lorgat, chief executive of He was characteristically low-key for fears of the mob scene that would re- bines awesome top-order batting with a seeing history postponed, but real fear
world as he ran in from 35 yards out, his the sport’s governing body, the Interna- after India beat Pakistan by 29 runs sult from any public appearance. beguiling range of unorthodox bowlers. that India might lose. It did not, so the
long hair furling in the wind. tional Cricket Council. Wednesday in the semifinal in Mohali, Muralitharan’s burden has been dif- ‘‘We are playing a very good team and perfect ending looms.

On occasion, amateur sports can spin their special kind of madness

ARENA, FROM PAGE 1 like Virginia Commonwealth Universi-
arly structured college basketball com- ty, have continued to swallow sharks.
petitions that get good attendances and For the first time since seedings began
media coverage in Japan, South Korea, in 1979, there is not a No. 1 or No. 2 seed
the Philippines, Canada and Mexico,’’ to be found in the Final Four, which will
Andrew Robotham of FIBA, interna- begin Saturday in Houston.
tional basketball’s governing body, Such shenanigans have done little
wrote in an e-mail. good for the average fan’s bracket, but
But to examine just one of those ex- plenty of good for piquing interest. Tele-
amples, the Canadian Interuniversity vision ratings for the tournament have
Sport championship in men’s basket- been at their highest since 2005 in a year
ball, involves a mere eight teams in a when, for the first time, all of the games
single site, lasts just a few days and is were broadcast in their entirety, with
not about to rival a Grey Cup or Stanley four different channels sharing the
Cup for buzz factor. load.
Meanwhile, south of the border, the International broadcasters are prolif-
N.C.A.A. men’s tournament now in- erating, too, with the N.C.A.A. saying
volves the even, yet still odd, number of that the number of nations televising
68 teams, lasts three weeks at venues the Final Four grew from 115 in 2004 to
nearly as far-flung as the country itself 178 last year.
Having traveled in quite a few of those
The N.C.A.A. tournament is nations, it is difficult to imagine that
many of their citizens were paying close
short enough to not be boring, attention. Some American diversions
‘‘long enough to be fulfilling. translate well, like the N.B.A. playoffs or
And it’s got a logical ending.’’ Facebook.
But college sports, with their fast-ro-
tating casts and amateur status, are not
and is a national talking (and gambling) among them, although adding some in-
point that cuts across most walks of ternational content doesn’t hurt. EUGENE HOSHIKO/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

peripatetic American life. Coverage in France spiked in 2006 and An evacuee from the recent disaster in Japan watching the national high school baseball tournament at a gymnasium in Yamagata. The event, known as Koshien, features 32 teams.
‘‘The Super Bowl is this huge winner- 2007 when Joakim Noah, the New-York-
take-all, one-game event, this extraordi- born son of the tennis star-turned-
nary one-night stand,’’ Robert chanteur Yannick Noah, was a force of it was just amazing.’’ baseball tournaments, spring Koshien many a less gifted player has earned a inception by rival newspapers that con-
Thompson, a Syracuse University pro- nature for Florida. Australians took So is there anywhere else in the world and summer Koshien. Baseball is even more ephemeral measure of fame for a tinue to ensure their extensive cover-
fessor of popular culture, told the news- more interest when Andrew Gaze where student-athletes (or at least ath- more popular in Japan than basketball quirk or a timely hit. age, predate the N.C.A.A.’s, which
paper USA Today last year. ‘‘The helped Seton Hall to the final in 1989 and letes registered as students) can leave a is in the United States, and like the The spring Koshien is an invitational began in 1939.
N.C.A.A. tournament is more like a took more interest again when towering nation — and just one nation — rapt for N.C.A.A.’s, the tournaments draw na- event that involves 32 teams, with the fi- But the decisive phase of the summer
short relationship — short enough to not Luke Schenscher helped Georgia Tech three entire weeks? In Britain, there is tional television coverage and the occa- nal set for Sunday; the summer Koshi- Koshien lasts only two weeks, not three,
be bored, long enough to be fulfilling. into the final in 2004. the Boat Race between Oxford and sional controversy over amateur eligib- en, which features extensive regional and for all the passion, the national
And it’s got a rational, logical ending.’’ ‘‘You do feel like a rock star,’’ Cambridge, which has been generating ility and spark many a pilgrimage from qualifying, concludes in August with a broadcaster NHK probably did not have
That depends on the year, professor, Schenscher told the Adelaide newspa- considerable attention for more than a students and alumnae. Like the championship phase involving 49 to pay anything remotely close to the
in this single-elimination tournament. per The Advertiser in February. ‘‘There century but which lasted less than 18 N.C.A.A.’s, they are also star makers: teams. nearly $11 billion that the U.S. broad-
In 2008, the No. 1 seeds in all four re- were 10,000 screaming fans in the lobby minutes when Oxford upset Cambridge future major league baseball luminaries Both final phases are played in volu- casters CBS and Turner Sports agreed
gions reached the Final Four. This year spilling out onto the streets, and it was on Saturday. Hideki Matsui and Daisuke Matsuzaka minous Hanshin Koshien Stadium in to pay last year for 14 years of television
has not been nearly as rational and lo- almost impossible to get to the team Perhaps the closest equivalent is in both rose to prominence in the more Nishinomiya, near Kobe, and both tour- rights to the N.C.A.A. tournament.
gical as minnows, or at least sardines bus. They’re singing the school song — Japan, with its national high school prestigious summer tournament, and naments, which were sponsored at their Le March Madness indeed.

basketball baseball sports


Long climb to top for women’s team Roundup

BASKETBALL games. Nobody cared.’’ D E AT H S

When Lynn Hickey became the wom-
en’s basketball coach in 1984, Texas
Austrian silver medalist dies
Texas A&M, which A&M began charging admission, Lang- after jumping from a window
banned female students ston said, because Hickey believed ‘‘if
you don’t charge, you’re not worth com-
Claudia Heill, an Olympic silver medal-
ist in judo, has committed suicide by
until 1963, in Final Four ing to see.’’ jumping out of a window in Vienna, the
Change at Texas A&M, and every oth- Austrian federation said. She was 29.
BY JERÉ LONGMAN er university, was accelerated by Title Heill won silver in the under-63 kilo-
IX, the 1972 U.S. law that prohibited sex gram category at the 2004 Athens
When Penny King began working in the discrimination in matters of education. Olympics. She also won silver at the
ticket office at Texas A&M in 1972, she In 1999, school officials began a campaign European championships in 2001 and
could not imagine that the university’s to become one of the nation’s top public 2005. The Austrian athlete retired one
women’s basketball team would ever universities by 2020. Robert Gates, the year after finishing fifth at the 2008
reach the Final Four. university’s president from 2002 to 2006 Beijing Games. She had been working
‘‘I couldn’t imagine women having a and now the U.S. secretary of defense, as a coach of juniors.
basketball team,’’ King, now the deputy envisioned athletics as Texas A&M’s The federation said in a statement
MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS athletic director, said with a laugh Wed- ‘‘front porch,’’ providing national expo- that ‘‘nobody could foresee this act of
The answer is a Giant San Francisco closer Brian Wilson has an interest in nesday morning. sure and a shared campus experience. desperation.’’ It did not provide more
crossword puzzles, and now he is an answer to one: He was No. 30 down in the cross- It would be difficult to make up a more He hired a new athletic director from details. (AP)
word that ran in the International Herald Tribune on Thursday. extreme turnabout in the acceptance TIM SHARP/REUTERS Nebraska, Bill Byrne, whose first hire
and appreciation and celebration of Danielle Adams is the first All-American was Blair. He had coached Arkansas to SOCCER
women as students and athletes than at for the Aggies’ women’s basketball team. the 1998 women’s Final Four but said he
Too little time left for Chilean
SCOREBOARD Texas A&M, which was founded in 1876
as a men’s military institution.
got the Texas A&M job in 2003 only after
higher-profile coaches turned it down. to challenge Blatter for post
When the Aggies (31-5) face Stanford versity’s aspirations for women’s sports ‘‘Gates did a tremendous job realizing Elias Figueroa, a former defender for
(33-2) in the national semifinals Sunday are no less determined than Stanford’s. what traditions were in place and what Chile, will not run against Sepp Blatter
BASKETBALL ICE HOCKEY in Indianapolis, they will make their The Aggies won the 2009 and 2010 needed to change,’’ Blair said on a con- for the presidency of soccer’s govern-
first appearance in the Final Four. And N.C.A.A. outdoor track and field cham- ference call, adding that one of those ing body.
N.B.A. N.H.L. Danielle Adams, a Charles Barkley- pionships. The equestrian team is necessary changes was a commitment Figueroa, who played in three World
esque forward, will start the game as ranked No. 1 in the country. The soccer, to women’s athletics, including basket- Cups, was considering a campaign
y-Boston 51 22 .699 — x-Philadelphia 76 46 20 10 102 243 202 the team’s first all-American, the de- softball and swimming and diving ball. ‘‘No one would touch it until they against the incumbent, but he said that
Philadelphia 39 36 .520 13
New York 37 38 .493 15
N.Y. Rangers
scendant of basketball pioneers whose teams are national powers. were committed.’’ he did not have time to organize before
New Jersey 23 51 .311 28› New Jersey 76 35 36 5 75 158 191 struggles she seemed startled to learn On Tuesday night, the women’s basket- He built a flailing team into a national the June 1 vote. His decision means Mo-
Toronto 20 54 .270 31›
N.Y. Islanders
77 29 36 12 70 212 244 about in this far more equitable era. ball team played before 11,508 fans in Dal- power, reaching the regional semifinals hamed Bin Hamman, the head of Asia’s
x-Miami 52 23 .693 — x-Boston 76 43 23 10 96 229 178 ‘‘I can’t imagine when women had to las. While a majority of fans cheered on in 2008 and now the Final Four with a governing body, is the only declared
x-Orlando 47 28 .627 5
x-Atlanta 43 32 .573 9
wash their own uniforms or they got 25 Baylor, Texas A&M had its rousing share philosophy built on constricting de- candidate running against Blatter for
Charlotte 32 42 .432 19› Toronto 77 35 32 10 80 205 235 fans a game and had to use a men’s lock- of supporters, including three busloads of fense. All four of Texas A&M’s oppo- FIFA president.
Washington 18 56 .243 33› Ottawa 77 29 38 10 68 177 238
er room,’’ Adams said in a telephone in- fans who traveled seven hours round-trip nents in this N.C.A.A. tournament were The time remaining to get nominated
y-Chicago 54 20 .730 — x-Washington 77 44 22 11 99 207 185 terview a day after the second-seeded held below 50 points. and campaign ‘‘was insufficient,’’
Indiana 34 42 .447 21 Tampa Bay 76 41 24 11 93 228 230
Milwaukee 30 44 .405 24 Carolina 77 37 30 10 84 220 228
Texas A&M defeated the top-seeded ‘‘When Aggie basketball is the ‘‘We’re aggressive and we have great Figueroa, 64, said Wednesday in an
Detroit 26 48 .351 28 Baylor, 58-46, in the final of the Dallas technique, so we don’t foul all the time,’’ e-mail. (BLOOMBERG)
Cleveland 15 59 .203 39
Region. ‘‘A lot has changed. We appreci-
leading topic on the farm in said Adams, a 6-foot-1, or 1.85-meter, for-
CENTRAL DIVISION ate what those women went through and Direct, Texas, you know it is a ward. ‘‘Teams get frustrated when our O LY M P I CS
x-San Antonio

77 44 23 10
77 41 26 10
thank them for what the sport is today.’’ big deal.’’ guards are pressuring 30 feet from the
German city schedules vote
New Orleans 43 32 .573 14› Chicago 76 41 27 8 90 242 209 Women were not admitted to Texas basket.’’
St. Louis 77 35 32 10 80 224 225
A&M as full students until 1963. When Last season, Adams’s renewed dedic- on taking part in 2018 Games
Columbus 76 34 31 11 79 203 232
NORTHWEST DIVISION W L Pct GB NORTHWEST they were allowed to join the Corps of from the campus in College Station. ation led her to lose nearly 40 pounds, or The people of Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
x-Oklahoma City 50 24 .676 — z-Vancouver 77 51 17 9 111 250 176
Denver 45 29 .608 5 Calgary 78 38 29 11 87 237 230
Cadets in 1974, stories of harassment be- ‘‘We’ve come from having 30 parents 18 kilograms, and develop a deft shoot- Germany, will vote May 8 on whether
Portland 43 32 .573 7› Minnesota 76 36 32 8 80 191 215 came widespread. One cadet, Melanie in the stands to sending buses of people ing and passing touch both inside and their community should host Alpine
Utah 36 39 .480 14› Colorado 75 28 39 8 64 211 267
Minnesota 17 58 .227 33› Edmonton 76 23 42 11 57 180 251
Zentgraf, became so frustrated by a to Dallas for a ballgame,’’ King said. on the perimeter. This season, she aver- skiing if Munich wins its bid for the 2018
PACIFIC DIVISION W L Pct GB PACIFIC sense of exclusion that she filed a dis- ‘‘Words can’t explain the turnaround.’’ aged 22.7 points and 8.7 rebounds and Winter Olympics.
y-L.A. Lakers 53 20 .726 — San Jose 76 44 23 9 97 224 199
Phoenix 36 38 .486 17› Phoenix 78 42 25 11 95 221 213
crimination lawsuit. When she gradu- When the women’s team got its own was named first team all-American by Officials in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Golden State
L.A. Clippers
Los Angeles 76 44 26 6 94 209 181 ated in 1980, the university president re- locker room in 1977, it was a converted The Associated Press. said two referendums — one for and
Anaheim 77 44 28 5 93 223 223
Sacramento 21 53 .284 32› Dallas 75 38 26 11 87 209 212 fused to shake her hand. Five years men’s dressing area with artificial After the game Tuesday in Dallas, one against taking part in the Olympics
x-clinched playoff spot; y-clinched division
x-clinched playoff spot; z-clinched conference later, a U.S. court order ushered women flowers placed in the urinal. In the 1980s, Trigg Crawford, who played at Texas — had been accepted Wednesday.
Atlanta 85, Orlando 82 WEDNESDAY into the marching band. players performed aerobics outside the A&M in the late 1970s, drove two hours A group of farmers and landowners
Buffalo 1, N.Y. Rangers 0
Charlotte 98, Cleveland 97
Indiana 111, Detroit 101 New Jersey 3, N.Y. Islanders 2
‘‘I got out of high school in 1963 and basketball arena in a desperate and fu- home to the family farm that she oper- in the community are refusing to cede
Milwaukee 104, Toronto 98 Carolina 6, Montreal 2 my dad wanted me to go to A&M,’’ said tile attempt to attract fans, said Lisa ates. Wednesday morning, when a local their land for use in the Winter
Philadelphia 108, Houston 97
Miami 123, Washington 107
St. Louis 10, Detroit 3 Gary Blair, now the women’s basketball Langston, who became the university’s farmer offered to haul her tractor into Olympics despite having given it up for
Anaheim 4, Calgary 2
New York 120, New Jersey 116
coach. Instead, he chose to play baseball career leading scorer from 1982 to 1986. town for repairs, the first thing he wanted other events. Munich is running
Memphis 110, Golden State 91
Chicago 108, Minnesota 91
at Texas Tech. ‘‘I didn’t want to go to an ‘‘It was sad,’’ said Langston, who is to discuss was the victory over Baylor. against Annecy, France, and Pyeong-
New Orleans 95, Portland 91 all-male school,’’ he said. now assistant athletic director of the ‘‘When Aggie basketball is the leading chang, South Korea. The International
Denver 104, Sacramento 90
Oklahoma City 116, Phoenix 98
ONLINE: COMPLETE SPORTS RESULTS Today, nearly half of Texas A&M’s Fort Worth school district. ‘‘I had topic on the farm in Direct, Texas, you Olympic Committee will select the host
Dallas 106, L.A. Clippers 100 (AP) 46,500 students are women. And the uni- friends who didn’t even come to the know it is a big deal,’’ Crawford said. city on July 6 in South Africa. (AP)



SUDOKU No. 401

(c) Distributed by The New York Times syndicate

5 9 8
Created by Peter Ritmeester/Presented by Will Shortz

7 8 3 1 5
6 2
5 1 3 6
7 9
5 7 4
BRIDGE | Frank Stewart CROSSWORD | Edited by Will Shortz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fill the grid so that Solution No. 331
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2 1 9 3 6 4 8 7 5 West Dealer
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1 7 6 8 9 3 5 2 4 West East locales, for short
and won with his ten. He next led a ä8 äQ96532 16 Not at all eager 38 Rule 38 39 40
trump, and East took the ace and gave × K Q 10 9 7 5 2 ×863 17 Major Peruvian 61 Repetition
39 Behind
West a spade ruff. East’s ace of clubs µ75 µA6 export 62 “Uh-uh!” 41 42 43
å842 åA5 40 Praise
scored for down one. 18 Mail letters, in the 63 Japan Airlines
‘‘Partner said that if I was going to play past 41 Spill a little? competitor 44 45 46

like that, I should have doubled four South 19 Lock holders 42 Giant #4 64 Drop 47 48 49
hearts,’’ South said. ä A 10 20 Brand in the frozen 43 Serving in John 65 Hunky-dory
Singleton: North-South could be plus × None food section Betjeman’s poem 66 Go for 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
µ Q J 10 9 8 3 2 21 Place for a spring “How to Get on in
300 against four hearts doubled (not that å Q 10 9 7 67 Refreshers
Society” 57 58 59 60 61
South could have doubled) but should be 22 Range grp.
44 Baltic feeder
plus 600 at five diamonds. Since West’s West North East South 23 Hip-hop singer with Down 62 63 64
lead is a sure singleton, South must win 3× 3NT 4× 5µ the 2008 hit “Paper 45 Head-slapper’s cry
1 Look (over) 65 66 67
the first spade with the king and discard All Pass Planes” 46 Available, in a way
2 First: Abbr.
his ace on the ace of hearts. Solution to March 31 puzzle 3 Hammer PUZZLE BY ELIZABETH A. LONG THE NEW YORK TIMES

Dummy then leads a trump. When East Opening lead - ä 8 E L K P U B P E D I C A B accompanier

12 Southeastern Conf. 30 Go around for 43 Spare items in
wins and returns a spade, South ruffs V I E S N L I N A C O M A 4 Passing preventer
I N N S L I P C O V E R E D team rounds? garages
high, draws trumps and loses one club. 5 They’re subject to
T E N S T O N E E R A S E 13 Date 31 Brand in the frozen 48 Trunk part
Daily Question: You hold: ä K J 7 4 ; × A J 4 ; µ K 4 ; å K J 6 3. E N Y A A I R K I S S rapid inflation
Your partner opens one spade, you respond 2NT (a conventional forcing raise) and he R U E D F O N T B A M 24 ___ instant food section 52 About
6 Plenteous
bids three hearts. What do you say? 26 ___ Bell 32 Rob on a set 54 Love overseas
R I G I D C H A W I O N 7 Conventional
Answer: In the framework most pairs use after your 2NT response, opener’s bid of a E V E I T A T A G A V E 27 2002 Katherine 39 Everything 55 Some bread
8 Lincoln, maybe
new suit shows a singleton there. (A bid of three spades would show slam interest but A S S F O C I S T O W 9 Yen for Frank political 40 Twain hero, 56 Gait
no singleton.) Since most of your honors look useful, slam is likely. Cue-bid four hearts R I S O T T O D I M S biography informally 57 Econ. figure
10 Half of almost any
to show your ace. odd-numbered 28 Helmsley and 42 It starts “Tell me, 58 Salmon ___
A L L H E R E G T O O D E Interstate highway others muse, of the man 59 Org. with a Seal of
Tribune Media Services, Inc. L A T E R A L H E S N E T 11 Bow 29 Some schoolwork of many resources” Acceptance



Skiers and snowboarders cruising down to the Whistler Village ski resort, left, in British Columbia. Sales at the resort town have slowed as buyers from the United States have retreated, unlike the turnover in cosmopolitan Vancouver, right, which is popular with Asians.

Location, location, location in Canadian markets

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA dollar asking price. in Whistler, down from a norm of 10 per- captivated by Whistler, perhaps because Mr. McCredie, of Sotheby’s, said that tion, according to a report in March
Overseas buyers are playing signifi- cent to 12 percent, said Pat Kelly, owner skiing has only recently started to catch in the past six months, the ‘‘vast major- from the Real Estate Board of Greater
cant roles in both real estate markets, but of Whistler Real Estate Co. on in popularity with mainland Chinese. ity’’ of sales of Vancouver-area homes Vancouver.
While Vancouver sizzles producing markedly different results. To prospective U.S. buyers, Canadian Instead, buyers from Pacific Rim lo- priced at 2 million dollars or more have In 2010, a record 375 Vancouver
with interest from Asia, In Vancouver, Asian purchasers,
most from mainland China, are snap-
properties no longer look like the bar-
gain they were in 2002, when the Cana-
cations like Hong Kong, Singapore, Ko-
rea and Taiwan make up the second-
been to foreign buyers, most from main-
land China. ‘‘Foreign buyers have driv-
houses and condos sold for more than 3
million dollars, according to Multiple
sporty Whistler withers ping up high-end houses and condos, dian dollar was worth just 62 U.S. cents, biggest group of foreign investors in the en up price points here, and they have Listing Service records, including one
keeping sales brisk and prices high. or even just a year ago, when it was at 79 resort community, Mr. Kelly said, heavily influenced local buyers,’’ he single-family home that sold for 17.5 mil-
BY JOANNE BLAIN While in Whistler, sales have slowed, in U.S. cents. though they have not filled the void left said, adding that from a sales perspec- lion dollars.
part because the pool of U.S. buyers, tra- ‘‘The enthusiasm for Whistler prop- by U.S. buyers. tive, ‘‘if we did not have foreign buyers, ‘‘From a global investment perspec-
With a golf course designed by Jack ditionally the dominant foreign pres- erty has declined a bit as the currency ‘‘We would certainly define this as a we’d be in a lot of trouble.’’ tive, the real estate market in Canada is
Nicklaus outside its door and views of ence at the resort, has shrunk and other exchange rate has reversed itself,’’ Mr. buyers’ market right now,’’ Mr. Kelly British Columbia gets about 55 per- seen as relatively stable, not with the
Olympic-caliber ski slopes from its mas- foreign investors have not picked up the Kelly said. The drop has been exacer- said. But with interest rates near histor- cent of all ‘‘investor-class’’ immigrants kind of volatility we’ve seen in the
ter suite, the five-bedroom home in slack. bated by a perception among U.S. buy- ic lows, many prospective sellers are to Canada, Mr. Muir said, and the major- United States,’’ Mr. Muir said.
Whistler, British Columbia, could be a ‘‘Whistler is having the perfect ers that real estate, particularly resort willing and able to wait for an upturn. ity settle in the Vancouver area. To qual- One high-profile project that has ben-
perfect fit for a well-heeled buyer. storm,’’ said Ross McCredie, president property, is not a good investment right That means U.S. buyers, who have ify as an investor-class immigrant, an efited from the strength of the Van-
But the house, listed at 3.5 million Ca- of Sotheby’s International Realty now, he added. seen ‘‘fire sale’’ prices at some resort individual needs to have a minimum net couver market is the Private Resi-
nadian dollars, or $3.5 million, has lan- Canada. There has been a province- Cameron Muir, chief economist for communities in Arizona, Florida and worth of 1.6 million dollars and be pre- dences at Hotel Georgia, a luxury
guished on the market for more than a wide decline in sales of recreational the British Columbia Real Estate Asso- California ‘‘come up here expecting the pared to invest 800,000 dollars in downtown condominium development
year. Other pricey properties in the ski property, which is Whistler’s main at- ciation, said, ‘‘It’s going to be a little same thing is happening in Canada, and Canada. still under construction that is attached
resort area have a similar history. traction; many Americans do not want while before we see recreational real es- it’s not,’’ Mr. Kelly said. ‘‘That usually Many make that investment — and to a refurbished heritage hotel.
There is a different story just two to face the bureaucracy of frequent tate buyers and investors return to the catches them a little off guard.’’ more — in real estate, which has helped Since sales began in 2007, more than
hours south in Vancouver, where a cross-border trips, and the Canadian kind of numbers they were at prior to In Vancouver, U.S. investors have al- drive the price of a typical single-family 60 percent of its 156 suites have sold at
5,985-square-foot, or 556-square-meter, dollar is almost at par with the U.S. cur- the recession.’’ ways been a small part of the market, house up to 1.85 million dollars on Van- prices ranging from 1.3 million to 9.6 mil-
house recently sold to a mainland rency. Despite their sharp interest in the but mainland Chinese buyers have a couver’s west side and close to 1.1 mil- lion, and interest from international
Chinese buyer less than a month after it American buyers now account for 7 Vancouver real estate market, buyers more recent, and rapidly growing, influ- lion dollars in Richmond, a southern buyers has been particularly brisk in re-
was listed, and at close to its 5.3 million percent to 8 percent of residential sales from mainland China have not been as ence, Mr. Muir said. suburb that has a large Asian popula- cent months, sales agents say.

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Business W ITH

4 Irish banks
are pushed
Even Catalonia falters in Spain’s financial crisis


¤24 billion
The city of Barcelona recently finished
building four care centers to house 154
mentally and physically disabled people.
Instead of opening, however, the cen-
LONDON ters, which were built at a cost of ¤14.5
million, or $21 million, are among 10 social
and health infrastructure projects in the
New stress tests uncover city that have been mothballed. The re-
deeper problems from gional government of Catalonia, of which
Barcelona is the vibrant, seaside capital,
real estate lending does not have the funds to operate them.
Despite its reputation for economic
BY LANDON THOMAS JR. dynamism and the international allure of
its golden beaches, Catalonia is facing a
The Irish government said Thursday financing shortfall that has not only up-
that four banks needed to raise an addi- set its drive toward greater autonomy
tional ¤24 billion to cover problem real from the rest of Spain, but also deepened
estate loans, part of the results of a long- market concerns about faltering fiscal
awaited stress test on the country’s fail- discipline among Spain’s 17 regions.
ing financial institutions. Indeed, the failure of Catalonia and
While largely expected by the market, eight other regions to meet their 2010
the total aid figure was still a jarring deficit targets has helped to keep wor-
number — one that increases the total ries about Spain’s long-term financial
bill for bailing out Ireland’s banks to footing alive, despite significant im-
about ¤70 billion, or about $99 billion, provement at the national level.
and increases government control of Catalonia, which has traditionally
the banking sector. been one of the wealthiest and most in-
The Irish bank losses come amid fresh dustrialized regions in Spain, is now
concerns that Europe’s banking prob- among its worst performers.
lems are getting worse, not better. In Its recently elected government faces
Spain, which is experiencing a real es- the daunting task of having to cut its
tate collapse similar to Ireland’s, a plan budget deficit by two-thirds this year to
for four troubled savings banks, or ca- fall back in line with targets set by the
jas, to merge fell through Wednesday, central government. At the same time,
raising concerns there that, as was the borrowing costs are rising, adding to an
case in Ireland, Spain might be underes- already heavy debt pile.
timating the depth of its banking crisis. ‘‘For the general population, there
‘‘This has been one of the costliest has been surprise and even shock at the
banking crises in history,’’ said Patrick state of our finances,’’ Andreu Mas-
Honohan, the governor of the Central Colell, the finance minister of Catalonia,
Bank of Ireland, which oversaw the said during an interview.
stress tests. ‘‘There was a need for the He is planning to cut public spending PHOTOGRAPHS BY STEFANO BUONAMICI FOR THE INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE

banks to have ample capital to meet the 10 percent this year, but still expects to Commuters traveling to Barcelona. Catalonia has rebelled against central government measures to cut train fares 5 percent, saying that the cost of operating public transport is rising.
markets gloomy prognostications.’’ have to borrow about ¤11 billion.
The market’s reaction was for the With an economy the size of Por-
most part muted. The yield on 10-year tugal’s, Catalonia accounts for 16 per-
Irish bonds rose 0.1 percent point Thurs- cent of the Spanish population, 19 per-
day, to 10 percent, just off the all-time cent of the country’s gross domestic
high of 10.3 percent. product and 27 percent of its exports.
Expected or not, the large figure will Catalonia’s ¤30.3 billion of debt,
give the new Irish government fresh however, represents 28 percent of
ammunition to push more forcefully its Spain’s combined regional debt pile, ac-
view that holders of senior, unsecured cording to figures published in Decem-
bank debt — a security that is riskier in ber by the Bank of Spain.
nature than one that is currently guar- Its budget deficit reached 3.9 percent
anteed by the government — should of its regional output last year, compared
with a target of 2.4 percent. As a propor-
tion of output, Catalonia now has the
fourth-highest deficit and the second-
biggest debt ratio among the 17 regions.
Warning of ‘‘challenges that will per-
sist throughout this year,’’ Moody’s last
month downgraded Catalan debt, along-
side that of three other regions and the The seat of the Catalan government. It has to cut its budget deficit by two-thirds in 2011. A center for the handicapped stands empty in Barcelona, which cannot afford to operate it.
sovereign debt of Spain. The credit rat-
ing agency also cut the rating for the
Barcelona city hall. Rodríguez Zapatero introduced energy- across Spain that the mathematics of fi- business school. ‘‘The problem with
Bay of
Catalonia’s difficulties are no differ- saving measures to offset rising oil nancing regionalism don’t work out,’’ Catalonia is not so much its bad num- 200 km
CATHAL MCNAUGHTON/REUTERS ent from those that have brought pain to prices that included ordering regions to said Salvador Garcia Ruiz, one of the bers but a loss of credibility and the
An Allied Irish branch in Dublin. The the whole of Spain, with a credit crunch cut fares on commuter trains 5 percent founders of Emma Initiative, an associ- weak control that the central govern-
company will have to raise ¤13.3 billion. resulting from the worldwide financial to encourage more use of public trans- ation promoting Catalan interests. ‘‘And ment has over the regions.’’ CATALONIA
crisis coinciding with a bursting of the port. Catalonia has led a campaign we’re the first to agree because we’re the Last October, just before being ousted
real estate bubble that has left banks against the measures, refusing to ones who’ve been paying for this party.’’ from office, the Catalan coalition gov- Madrid Barcelona

take a loss on their position to ease the struggling to provision for bad loans. shoulder the financial burden at a time Still, some industrialists predict that ernment sold ¤3 billion of bonds to its
state’s punishing debt burden. Furthermore, Mr. Mas-Colell and oth- when transport operating costs are Catalonia will rebound faster than the citizens. The sale met with strong de-
So far the European Union and the In- ers suggested that in the months before rising. rest of Spain because of its exposure to mand, but also drew criticism from SPAIN
ternational Monetary Fund have resist- the election last year, governing politi- Mr. Mas-Colell accused Mr. Zapa- foreign markets. economists because of its pricing. The Mediterranean
ed such a move, arguing that to restruc- cians took their eye off the ball in an ul- tero’s government of setting double ‘‘As an industrial hub, we got hit one-year bonds were sold with a 4.75 Sea
ture any amount of debt would be more timately unsuccessful effort to keep standards. ‘‘We get scolded in the morn- harder in the recession, but we also percent interest rate, on top of which the
a political than a practical measure. their fragile, three-way party coalition have the capacity to recover faster and government paid a fee to the issuing
They also contend that restructuring in power. The troubles in the region, benefit more from the stronger mo- banks of about 3 percent. Such generous ALGERIA
would create a broader market panic as ‘‘The fiscal adjustments that any sen- mentum of Germany and others,’’ said terms set ‘‘a precedent that I would MOROCCO
investors unload not just their Irish sible person should have seen as neces-
one of the wealthiest in Spain, Joaquim Boixareu, chief executive of prefer not to have,’’ Mr. Mas-Colell said.
holdings, but similar exposure in other sary two years ago didn’t start then, and have deepened concerns about Irestal, a stainless steel company based With municipal elections scheduled
weak economies like Greece, Spain and some of them are only starting now,’’ the country’s fiscal discipline. on the outskirts of Barcelona. for May, his party’s austerity drive has team of new directors abandoned a
Portugal. Mr. Mas-Colell said. In the wake of the downgrade by had a direct effect on city halls like Bar- planned revamp of the Camp Nou stadi-
Ireland’s banks relied on the Euro- The new Catalan government, Moody’s, Catalonia’s most immediate celona’s, since the regional government um after concluding that the club could
pean Central Bank for ¤88.7 billion of fi- however, has not allowed financial ing for spending too much and a mea- concern is how to secure additional fi- runs services like health and education not afford the ¤300 million project,
nancing at the end of February, the cen- squeezing to undermine its push for sure is then taken in the afternoon nancing on affordable terms. In March, — hence the shelving of projects like which was designed by the British ar-
tral bank said. The Irish finance more autonomy, from efforts to keep which has to be paid by us.’’ the regional government had to aban- those for the handicapped. chitect Norman Foster.
minister, Michael Noonan, said Thurs- some ailing savings banks under The problem, many local commenta- don a planned sale of as much as ¤500 ‘‘The problem used to be that we ‘‘Barcelona wants to have the status
day that the E.C.B. had agreed to extend Catalan control to a recent ¤10.5 million tors claim, lies not with past extrava- million of debt to institutions after fail- didn’t have enough infrastructure,’’ of a capital city, but to maintain such a
its financing over the medium term to emergency loan to Spanair, a struggling gance or mismanagement but with a na- ing to attract sufficient demand. said Jordi William Carnes i Ayats, Bar- status, you need to spend a lot,’’ said
give Ireland’s banks more time to work airline based in Barcelona. tional financing system that has left ‘‘Catalonia recently borrowed at a celona’s deputy mayor responsible for François Badelon, a French fund man-
through their problems. The financial difficulties have Catalonia contributing the equivalent of cost that was close to Greece’s and that the treasury. Now, he said, there was a ager who has worked in Barcelona for
The ¤24 billion figure comprises ¤13.3 heightened the tensions that flare fre- 10 percent of its G.D.P. to support poorer is not sustainable,’’ said Luis de Guin- lack of funds to put it into operation. the past three years. ‘‘The infrastruc-
billion for Allied Irish Banks, ¤5.2 billion quently in the decentralized Spanish regions through taxes collected by the dos, director of the Center for the Finan- The belt-tightening has extended as ture here is great, but I’m not sure that
for Bank of Ireland, and the rest for two political system. central government in Madrid. cial Sector, a Madrid-based institute run far as F.C. Barcelona, a soccer club idol- there are enough people using it to justi-
smaller institutions, Irish Life & Perma- Last month, Prime Minister José Luis ‘‘There is increasing recognition by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the IE ized by most Catalans. Last autumn, a fy it all.’’
nent and EBS Building Society. EBS will
be folded into Allied Irish, the central
bank said.

Germany uncovers euro-coin scam Economic data highlight

Also on Thursday, another fallen Irish
bank, Anglo Irish, announced the
largest loss in the country’s corporate

uneven European recovery

history — ¤17.7 billion. Anglo Irish,
which is expected to receive ¤34 billion LONDON The reassembled coins were then
from the state, was not included in the probably flown to Germany with the
stress test as it is being gradually sold. help of four flight attendants, who did
Officials of the central bank said the 6 arrested in fraud case not have any weight restrictions for PARIS according to an initial estimate.
stress test, which was conducted with
the U.S. money management firm
involving the recycling their luggage, the prosecutor said in a
Analysts said higher oil and food
prices remained the main factors be-
BlackRock, had come as close as possi- of scrap metal for cash Lufthansa, the biggest German air-
hind the rise. But they added that a
ble to exposing the extent of bad loans line, was informed that some of its em- The uneven nature of the European eco- tightening labor market in countries
still remaining in the system. BY JULIA WERDIGIER ployees were part of the investigation, nomic recovery was underlined by data like Germany, and potential price in-
Officials said the process of reducing Claudia Lange, a spokeswoman for the released Thursday, which showed prices creases by companies facing higher
the Irish funding gap, or the difference German prosecutors on Thursday un- airline, said Thursday. She declined to rising and weak consumption across the commodity costs, were likely to push up
between bank deposits and loans, will covered a multimillion-euro scam that give any more details. MARKUS SCHOLZ/EPA euro zone. Portugal’s budget situation core inflation over the coming months.
take years and will require the write-off stretched over three years and involved Once in Germany, the prosecutor Prosecutors say the scam involving worsened even as the economic picture Core inflation excludes the more vola-
and disposal of ¤72 billion in problem shredded euro coins, China, flight at- said, the coins were mixed with real ¤1 scrapped coins generated ¤6 million. in France and Germany improved. tile energy and food categories.
loans by 2013. tendants and the German central bank. and ¤2 coins, put in official bags and Officials in Portugal attributed the The Federal Labor Agency in Ger-
It will also require a revival of depos- The Frankfurt prosecutor said six taken to be exchanged for cash at the deficit figure for 2010, which was higher many, the largest economy in Europe,
itor and investor confidence, neither of men, four of them Chinese, had been ar- Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank, bank employees were being investigat- than expected, on changes in account- reported that the country continued to
which seems imminent. rested and 10 locations in Frankfurt and in Frankfurt. ed. The Bundesbank said that it was fa- ing rules. But coming on the heels of a add jobs in March. German unemploy-
The gap, also known as the loan-to-de- its vicinity searched in a peculiar case of The Bundesbank is the only central miliar with the investigation and that it government collapse and two down- ment dropped by a seasonally adjusted
posit ratio, now stands at 171 percent fraud to turn scrap metal into cash. bank in Europe that exchanges old or was not involved in the destroying of the grades, the figure sent yields on 10-year 55,000 people for the month, lowering the
against a government goal of 122 per- The scam generated a total of ¤6 mil- damaged euro coins without a fee and coins or the recycling of the metal. The Portuguese bonds soaring to a new high jobless rate to 7.1 percent from 7.3 per-
cent. The shortfall is being financed by lion, or $8.5 million, from 2007 to Novem- then transfers the amount to any bank bank would not comment further. since it adopted the euro, increasing cent in February. It was the lowest un-
the European Central Bank and the Ir- ber 2010 for the suspects, the prosecutor account. During the raids, the prosecutor con- pressure on the country as it struggles employment rate since German reunifi-
ish Central Bank to the tune of about said. The bank generally weighs the bags fiscated some documents, laptops and to avoid a financial rescue. cation in 1990, according to economists.
¤150 billion, an amount that is about The suspects worked with groups in of coins it receives to determine the desktop computers and found about A weak economy and rising prices At the same time, a separate report
equal to the country’s gross domestic China that reassembled shredded ¤1 and value. Trying to exchange such reas- three tons of coin parts as well as a ma- have worsened Portugal’s troubles. from the Federal Statistical Office
product. ¤2 coins, according to the prosecutor. sembled coins at the bank is legally seen chine to reassemble coins. For the entire euro area, the Euro- showed that German retail sales fell 0.3
Repaying this obligation will be one of The euro coins were probably shred- as fraud and distributing counterfeit Five of the six arrested were men who pean Union’s statistics agency reported percent in February from January,
the central challenges for the govern- ded in Europe and then sold to China as money, the prosecutor said. handed in the damaged coins at the cen- that annual inflation rose to 2.6 percent when they rose 0.4 percent.
ment in the years ahead. scrap metal, the prosecutor said. The prosecutor said that no Bundes- tral bank, according to the prosecutor. in March from 2.4 percent in February, ECONOMY, PAGE 16

economy companies business WITH

E.U. banks Claim against Google puts

drew heavily Microsoft in unusual spot
on Fed funds BRUSSELS chael A. Cusumano, a professor at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy’s Sloan School of Management who
WASHINGTON has studied Microsoft.
Google played down a new European The Microsoft complaint, Mr. Cusu-
REUTERS antitrust complaint filed Thursday mano notes, is also a reminder of the
against it by a chief rival, Microsoft, and comparative speed with which fortunes
A bevy of European banks, including said discussions to resolve earlier com- can shift in fast-moving technology
Dexia and Depfa, took out tens of bil- plaints were continuing with European markets. ‘‘It doesn’t happen instantly,
lions of dollars in emergency loans from Union regulators. but it does happen faster than in most
the U.S. Federal Reserve as the finan- The new complaint focuses on wheth- industries,’’ he said. ‘‘It took Google
cial crisis exploded in 2008, documents er Google is denying a major rival access about a decade to really turn the tables
released Thursday showed. to key technologies that facilitate access on Microsoft.’’
The Fed’s lending data, included to Google’s products and services. Bradford L. Smith, Microsoft’s gener-
among more than 25,000 pages of docu- In particular, Microsoft claimed that al counsel, filed the complaint in Europe
ments that a court ordered the central anti-competitive practices by Google on partly because the European Union
bank to release, show that Dexia and De- the Web and in smartphone software already has a broad antitrust investiga-
pfa accounted for nearly half of all bor- were aimed at hindering it and other tion of Google under way. In Washing-
rowing on Oct. 29, 2008, the day that lend- rivals from examining and indexing in- ton, antitrust reviews of Google have fo-
ing through the Fed’s discount window formation that Google controls, like its cused on individual business deals
peaked at $111 billion. Dexia, a Belgian- popular YouTube video clip service. rather than a pattern of conduct.
French bank, borrowed $26.5 billion, Al Verney, a spokesman for Google in But Mr. Smith noted that Google’s
while Depfa, a Dublin-based subsidiary Brussels, said the company was ‘‘not market share in Internet search in
of the German lender Hypo Real Estate surprised that Microsoft has done this, Europe was higher than in the United
Holding, borrowed $24.6 billion. since one of their subsidiaries was one States — about 90 percent in most coun-
The collapse of Lehman Brothers in of the original complainants.’’ tries in the European Union, compared
September 2008 sent the global econo- The existing inquiry into Google’s with 65 percent in the United States.
my into a tailspin and caused the finan- practices in Europe was prompted by ‘‘The search market in Europe is sub-
cial system to seize up. The Fed’s docu- complaints filed by several European stantially less competitive than it is in
ments illustrate how widely the damage companies and groups, including Ciao, a the U.S.,’’ Mr. Smith said.
spread, obliging banks around the MARK RALSTON/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE price-comparison site that Microsoft Google’s large market share in
world to seek emergency help. The European Union based its complaint on U.S. research contracts to Boeing for development of material used in the Dreamliner. owns. Microsoft also helps finance a lob- search, legal experts say, does invite
In the days and weeks after Lehman’s bying group in Brussels that has given antitrust scrutiny. Still, antitrust regula-
bankruptcy, the Fed also made multibil- legal assistance to at least one other tors look for evidence of not only an un-

Subsidy setback for Boeing

lion-dollar loans to other foreign banks company that has complained in the fair advantage but also of less consumer
through its discount window. Those case. choice and higher prices.
banks included Erste Group of Austria, Amelia Torres, a spokeswoman for ‘‘You do need to show consumer
Bank of Scotland and Société Générale the E.U. competition commissioner, Joa- harm,’’ said Herbert Hovenkamp, an
of France. quín Almunia, said Google would be giv- antitrust expert at the University of
The discount window is the Fed’s regu- PARIS ment of Defense since the late 1970s to the W.T.O. stopped short of a wholesale en ‘‘an opportunity to comment and to Iowa College of Law. ‘‘That becomes
lar facility for providing emergency cash develop lightweight carbon composite condemnation of government loans — give its own version of the facts’’ on the more difficult with search engines,
to banks in difficulty. In normal times it is materials that the manufacturer sub- known as launch aid — that are repaid new Microsoft complaint. where it is easy for consumers to switch
rarely used, in part because banks fear But W.T.O. ruling finds sequently used in the design of the largely through export sales. For years, Microsoft, the swaggering to another search engine. That is differ-
the stigma of having sought emergency
help. The Fed resisted releasing the iden-
improper aid was less Dreamliner. As much as 50 percent of
the 787’s primary structure, including
The W.T.O. is expected to rule on that
appeal next month.
giant of personal computer software,
battled competitors and antitrust regu-
ent than in PC operating systems in the
Microsoft case, where the technological
tities of banks that tapped the discount than Brussels claimed the fuselage and wing, is made of com- Airbus said Thursday that it was lators in Europe and the United States, lock-in was more obvious.’’
window on the grounds that doing so posite materials, more than any other pleased with the findings of the W.T.O. parrying their claims that it had bullied Though it is making an antitrust claim,
might discourage lenders from seeking BY NICOLA CLARK large civil aircraft. report, but said it expected the Euro- rivals and abused its market muscle. Microsoft is also claiming a bit of hypo-
help in the future. It released the names In its report, which was submitted pean Union to appeal a number of issues In the United States, it received rul- crisy on Google’s part. In an interview,
only after running out of legal appeals. Boeing received at least $5.3 billion in confidentially to U.S. and European relating to legal interpretation. ings against it and in 2001 reached a set- Mr. Smith, the Microsoft general coun-
The documents detail lending from improper U.S. government subsidies to trade negotiators at the end of January, Analysts said they hoped the publica- tlement that prohibited Microsoft from sel, cited Google’s stated mission to ‘‘or-
the Fed’s discount window for the peri- develop its 787 Dreamliner and other jet the W.T.O. largely agreed that, ‘‘absent tion of the report would bring an epic using certain strong-arm tactics. In ganize the world’s information and make
od of Aug. 8, 2007, to March 1, 2010. models, giving it an unfair advantage the aeronautics R.&D. subsidies, Boeing battle over subsidies in the aircraft in- Europe, Microsoft absorbed setbacks it universally accessible and useful.’’
Bloomberg, the parent of Bloomberg over Airbus, its European rival, the would not have been able to launch an dustry to a climax and eventually pave and record fines from regulators and ‘‘That is a laudable goal,’’ Mr. Smith
News, and Fox News Network, owned World Trade Organization confirmed in aircraft incorporating all of the technol- the way for new set of ground rules judges. said. ‘‘But it appears Google’s practice
by News Corp., had sought the bailout a report published Thursday. ogies that are incorporated in the 787.’’ among the world’s makers of large civil Microsoft, still immensely wealthy, is is to prevent others from doing the same
details under the U.S. Freedom of Infor- Washington said it was considering It also found that Boeing’s start of the aircraft, a field that has grown substan- pouring billions into smartphones and thing. That is unlawful, and it raises se-
mation Act, which requires government appealing the ruling, the latest in a long- 787 program in 2004 had led Airbus to tially since the United States and Euro- the Internet, especially Internet search. rious antitrust issues.’’
agencies to make certain documents running dispute between the world’s lower the price of its A330 wide-body air- pean governments began their dispute Yet the champion of the personal com- Google’s strategy, he added, seems to
public. two largest commercial plane makers. craft to maintain market share. But it re- nearly seven years ago. puter era trails well behind Google. be to ‘‘wall off content so that it cannot
The lending facility is an important In an 850-page report, the trade body, jected that the 787 had any effect on the Embraer of Brazil and Bombardier of ‘‘The company that was the 800- be crawled and searched by competing
tool the Fed has at its disposal to ensure based in Geneva, accepted a claim by the price that Airbus was able to command Canada, which for decades have special- pound gorilla is now resorting to anti- companies.’’
banks remain liquid in times of stress. European Union that research and de- for its forthcoming challenger to the 787, ized in smaller jets with less than 100 trust, where it is always the case that
‘‘It should be emphasized that confiden- velopment grants provided by U.S. the A350-XWB. seats, have begun to develop larger the also-rans sue the winners,’’ said Mi- Steve Lohr reported from New York.
tiality is not meant to protect the identit- space programs contributed substan- The trade panel’s ruling comes sever- planes with the range and capacity ap-
ies of individual banks per se, but rather tially to the technologies used in building al weeks after the Pentagon awarded proaching that of the Airbus A320 and
to make the discount window more effec- the 787, Boeing’s latest flagship. Boeing a $35 billion contract to supply the Boeing 737 — single-aisle planes that
tive in dealing with market disturb- But the W.T.O. said the amount of pro- the U.S. Air Force with new aerial refuel- are the bread and butter of most of the
ances,’’ two economists from the Federal hibited support amounted to a fraction ing tankers. Analysts said Boeing’s vic- world’s airlines. Mitsubishi of Japan and
Reserve Bank of New York, João Santos of the more than $19 billion dating from tory in that contest was likely to blunt United Aircraft of Russia also expect to
and Stavros Peristiani, wrote Wednes- the late 1980s that Brussels had original- the sting of the W.T.O.’s findings for Boe- field planes that can carry up to 200 pas-
day on the regional central bank’s blog. ly challenged. ing’s supporters in Washington, and sengers around the middle of this de-
A law passed last year to overhaul fi- Ron Kirk, the U.S. Trade Representa- they expressed hope that the two sides cade, while China’s C919 jet is projected
nancial regulation required the Fed to tive, said Washington disagreed with would eventually move beyond this dis- to enter commercial service in 2016.
divulge borrowing from special emer- the W.T.O. panel’s findings and was pute toward a negotiated settlement. Last month, the Irish low-cost carrier
gency programs that it set up to stabilize studying options for appeal. He empha- ‘‘It has not been a very edifying spec- Ryanair, which currently operates a
financial markets during the economic sized that roughly half of the subsidies tacle,’’ said Nick Cunningham, an fleet of 250 Boeing 737s, — confirmed it
meltdown, but that did not apply to the condemned by the W.T.O. had been pre- aerospace analyst and managing part- was talking with the Chinese and Rus-
Fed’s regular discount window. The new viously remedied by changes in Ameri- ner at Agency Partners, a consulting sians, as well as Boeing and Airbus,
law does, however, require the Fed to re- can policy, noting that the panel had re- firm based in London. ‘‘It’s a lot of about future jet orders.
lease of details of future discount win- commended the United States withdraw sound and fury signifying very little.’’ ‘‘It’s no longer a bipolar world,’’ Mr.
dow borrowing, but with a two-year lag. just $2.7 billion in aid to Boeing. In a case decided last June, the W.T.O. Cunningham said. ‘‘You can’t go down
A release of data in December revealed The European Union hailed the found that Airbus had benefited from this puritanical road of no government
that major banks had been big beneficia- W.T.O’s decision as a ‘‘landmark rul- four decades of improper subsidies to funding for aerospace. You have five up-
ries from some of the special emergency ing.’’ Karel De Gucht, the E.U. trade vault past Boeing to become the world’s and-coming competitors who aren’t go-
programs the Fed set up during the crisis commissioner, called on Washington to top jet builder. ing to play that game.’’
from 2007 to 2009. The combined usage of ‘‘take the appropriate steps that may That ruling, which has been appealed Single-aisle jets are expected to rep-
those emergency lending facilities assist to achieve a mutually agreed by both sides, concluded that Airbus resent more than half of the roughly $3.6
peaked at $600 billion on Nov. 5, 2008. The solution to this dispute.’’ had received the subsidies, including trillion in anticipated new aircraft sales
discount window is a facility central European supporters of Airbus had $15 billion in loans from European gov- over the next 20 years, according to in-
banks offer as part of their role as lender focused much of their complaint on re- ernments at below-market interest dustry estimates. MICROSOFT, VIA BLOOMBERG NEWS

of last resort, based on the idea that dur- search contracts that Boeing received rates and several billion dollars in Happier days In a memoir due out next month, Paul G. Allen, left, accuses his co-
ing a crisis, even healthy banks can have from the U.S. National Aeronautics and grants, to produce the A380 superjumbo Christopher Drew contributed reporting founder at Microsoft, Bill Gates, of whittling down his ownership in the company and
trouble getting short-term funds. Space Administration and the Depart- and five other best-selling models. But from New York. taking credit for some of his contributions.

G-20 ministers advance toward global monetary reform CAPITAL ITALIA

Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable
31, Z.A. Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange
R.C.S. Luxembourg B. 8458
NANJING, CHINA counting for some 85 percent of global Studies along those lines could start The People’s Bank of China is far from
(the « Company »)
output. soon, she said. autonomous, as the most important de-
China, despite being asked to host the As much as Beijing would like the cisions concerning the exchange rate ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY
forum, has not shown great enthusiasm kudos that being a component of the and monetary policy are made by Com-
Finance ministers from the Group of 20 for Mr. Sarkozy’s initiative. S.D.R. would entail, Chinese officials munist Party leaders. We are pleased to invite you to attend the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGM”) of the
Company, which will be held at its registered office on Tuesday 26 April 2011 at 10:00 am CET, with the
nations made modest progress Thurs- ‘‘The reform process will be long- bristled at the idea of strict conditions. ‘‘It will take time for the RMB to be following agenda:
day toward an overhaul of the global term and complex,’’ Wang Qishan, Yi Gang, a deputy governor of the cen- part of S.D.R.,’’ Mr. Yu said, referring to
monetary system that the French pres- deputy prime minister of China, said in tral bank, disputed the notion — voiced the renminbi. AGM AGENDA
ident, Nicolas Sarkozy, said was so un- his opening remarks. Nevertheless, the German finance 1. Review of the report of the Board of Directors and of the Independent Auditors (“Réviseurs d’Entreprises”)
stable that it could tip the world econo- China suspects that the West is look- minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, said he of the Company for the financial year ended 31 December 2010.
2. Approval of the Audited annual report of the Company for the financial year ended
my back into crisis. ing for new levers to require Beijing to expected more headway on the issue in 31 December 2010.
Ministers and central bankers from let the renminbi, now tightly managed coming months. 3. Decision on the allocation of net results.
the G-20 leading economies edged to- by the central bank, trade more freely ‘‘I believe we made a lot of progress in 4. Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company for the financial year ended
ward a consensus on the need to include and to dismantle its capital controls this direction today,’’ he said. ‘‘I am con- 31 December 2010.
the renminbi in the basket of currencies more quickly than it wants. fident that a lot will be achieved in this 5. Renewal of director’s mandates for Mr. Giordano LOMBARDO, Mr. Attilio MOLENDI,
that makes up the Special Drawing These conflicting interests crystal- direction in the French presidency.’’ Mr. Luis FREITAS DE OLIVEIRA, Mr. Stephen GOSZTONY, Mr. Marco PIRONDINI,
Ms. Nilly SIKORSKY, Mr. Antonio VEGEZZI, Mr. Sandro PIERRI and Mr. Simon LEVELL until
Right, the International Monetary lized in Nanjing over the conditions for In his prepared remarks for the sem- the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2012.
Fund’s in-house money. including the renminbi in the S.D.R. inar, Mr. Geithner questioned whether 6. Renewal of Independent Auditors’ mandate for PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS S.À R.L. until
Adding the Chinese currency to the The S.D.R., now comprised of the dol- an international effort was really needed the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in 2012.
S.D.R.’s would be a recognition of China’s lar, euro, yen and pound, is a synthetic to cure the ills in the global monetary 7. Miscellaneous.
growing economic clout and would be a quasicurrency that is mainly used as an JOSHUA ROBERTS/REUTERS system. Inconsistency in exchange rate ATTENDANCE
concrete step toward making the global accounting tool for the I.M.F.’s internal Mr. Geithner, the U.S. Treasury secretary. policies was the biggest flaw, he said. - Proxy form: If you cannot be present in person and wish to be represented at the AGM, you are
monetary order more representative operations. Its reach is limited — Libya Without naming China, he said some entitled to appoint a Proxy holder to vote for you. A Proxy holder need not be a Shareholder of the
and, the ministers hope, more solid. pegs its currency to the S.D.R. and trans- emerging countries ran tightly man- Company. The proxy form will remain in force if the AGM, for any reason, is postponed. You can
‘‘Without rules, the international mon- it fees through the Suez Canal are calcu- ‘‘This asymmetry in exchange aged currency regimes that fueled infla- return the Proxy form, which is included; by fax to +352 45 14 14 439 marked for the attention of
Ms. Carole BENINGER or Mr. Olivier LANSAC, or by mail to the following address:
etary and financial system is incapable lated in the unit — but some experts say rate policies creates a lot of tion risks in their own economies, mag- 31, Z.A. Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange using the reply paid envelope. To be valid, the proxy form
of forestalling crises, financial bubbles the S.D.R. could evolve over time into an tension. This is the most nified appreciation pressures in others must be completed and received at the registered office of the Company prior to 5:00 pm CET on
and the widening of imbalances,’’ Mr. important international reserve asset and generated calls for protectionism. Thursday 21 April 2011.
important problem to solve.’’ - Shareholders wishing to attend to the AGM shall notify the Company of their intent to do so at least
Sarkozy said in opening a daylong G-20 alongside the dollar. ‘‘This asymmetry in exchange rate
by 5:00 pm CET on Thursday 21 April 2011.
seminar in this eastern Chinese city. The French finance minister, policies creates a lot of tension,’’ Mr.
‘‘Without rules and supervision, the Christine Lagarde, said there was no by the European Central Bank presi- Geithner said. ‘‘This is the most impor- - Blocking Certificate: Holders of bearer shares, for which a physical certificate has been issued, will
be admitted to take part and vote at the AGM by providing a blocking certificate. This document
world runs the risk of being condemned particular timetable for adding the ren- dent, Jean-Claude Trichet, among others tant problem to solve in the internation- (to be sent with the proxy form if you intend to be represented) shall be issued by the bank, the
to increasingly serious and severe minbi to the S.D.R., a step that would — that a currency must be freely floating al monetary system today.’’ professional securities’ depositary or the financial institution where the physical share certificate is
crises,’’ he told an audience that included come with strings attached. before it can be included in the S.D.R. But he said the solution was not com- on deposit. It must indicate the number mentioned on the share certificate and confirm that the share
certificate itself is kept in a vault until midnight of the AGM date.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing ‘‘We discussed the conditions that ap- Yu Yongding, a former central bank plicated. ‘‘It does not require a new
director of the International Monetary ply to belonging to the S.D.R. basket and policy adviser, took issue with the de- treaty, or a new institution,’’ he said. ‘‘It No quorum is required and decisions will be passed by a simple majority of the shares present or
represented at the AGM.
Fund, who is widely expected to run for in particular we focused on the convert- mand that an S.D.R. component cur- can be achieved by national actions to
president against Mr. Sarkozy next year. ibility and flexibility of the currency and rency must be managed by an inde- follow through on the work we have The Audited Annual Report can be obtained on request at the registered office of the Company.
France holds the chairmanship this the relative independence of the central pendent central bank, a demand most already begun in the G-20 to promote The Board of Directors
year of the G-20, which brings together bank,’’ she said at a closing news confer- forcefully articulated by the U.S. Treas- more balanced growth and address ex- Capital Italia
developed and emerging economies ac- ence. ury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner. cessive imbalances.’’

dealbook finance companies business WITH

Hedge funds discover Brazil’s appeal The price

viewed as safe and those considered
risky have widened in a self-reinfor-
cing spiral that makes taking emer-

of punishing
gency help more likely, which in itself
is cause for yet more selling of govern-
ment bonds.
Window on
the creditors
Don’t get me wrong — people who
Wall Street lent money in an attempt to cash in on
the moral hazard trade deserve their
losses, as do earlier lenders who failed
to do their due diligence. But I can’t
AZAM AHM E D help feeling this will spin out of the orbit
of burden-sharing and into something
more chaotic. German taxpayers also
NEW YORK Ten years ago, Goldman seem to think this is looking like a ‘‘be-
Sachs proclaimed that Brazil was careful-what-you-wish-for’’ moment.
among the new economic powerhouses. New stress test results released
Now, it is the next frontier for hedge
James Thursday showed that four Irish banks
needed to raise an additional ¤24 bil-
Looking to capitalize on fast-growing Saft lion, or $34 billion, to cover problem
Latin American economies, global real estate loans, increasing the total
hedge fund managers have started to bill for bailing out Ireland’s lenders to
descend on Brazil. The industry’s IN S IDE T H E M A RK E T S about ¤70 billion.
biggest players are wooing top talent, That is a staggering amount, and giv-
opening offices and buying local firms en that austerity will only further erode
— all part of a broader effort to expand It looks just about possible that credit- the value of the assets Irish banks have
their investment reach. ors are going to be paying something lent against, there is no guarantee that
Late last year, Highbridge Capital, a like their share of the euro zone debt that will be where it ends.
J.P. Morgan unit, purchased a majority disaster after all. Ireland’s new government appears
stake in Gávea Investimentos, a top This could be a little patch of justice to be taking a harder line about requir-
Brazilian hedge fund. Brevan Howard, in an unfair world, but like most justice ing lenders to Irish banks to take a por-
one of Europe’s largest hedge funds, it promises long-term benefits but tion of the losses. Subordinated credit-
has set up shop in São Paulo. The first short-term pain, both for those dis- ors are sure to have their loans
Hedge Fund Brazil Forum, an industry pensing and receiving it. restructured, and senior creditors may
conference held this week, drew hun- First, people with money and a well face losses, too.
dreds of attendees, including represen- choice are already voting with their To be clear, it is right that the banks
tatives from major hedge funds like feet, choosing not to lend to the ailing that fed the Irish banking beast with
Paulson & Co. and S.A.C. Capital Ad- governments on Europe’s periphery. easy loans take losses as a means of
visors. Second, some of these creditors to easing the hardships that are falling on
In all, hedge fund assets devoted to Ireland, Greece and Portugal and their the Irish people. Ire-
Latin America rose 75 percent in 2010, banks are very likely to find that their Like most land’s banking sys-
to $21.4 billion, according to data from share of the damage exceeds their cap- tem, like Iceland’s
justice, it
Hedge Fund Research. Oscar Decotelli of Vision Brazil Investments said Brazil’s economic growth and opportunity for investment were still in their infancy. ital, an inconvenient reality for both the and arguably Brit-
‘‘Latin America suffered because it banks involved and the sovereign hosts promises ain’s, was way out of
was always believed that ‘Brazil is the who will have to pick up the pieces. long-term proportion to the size
man of the future and always will be,’’’ hunt, opportunities for great returns try’s central bank, to run its new re- The E.U. summit meeting last week benefits but of its economy.
said Marko Dimitrijevi, founder of ‘‘Brazil is not just a could shrink. search operations in Brazil. ended with a set of policies that told short-term This may be a ne-
Everest Capital, an emerging-market commodity story, but a very ‘‘What’s the famous saying? ‘If the The expansion into the region is also creditors that their heads would be on pain. gotiating ploy by the
hedge fund based in Florida. ‘‘But it strong domestic story.’’ taxi driver is talking about an invest- about tapping into newfound wealth as the block when the European Stability Irish government, as
looks like the future is now.’’ ment, you know it’s time to sell,’’’ said a source of investor money. In April Mechanism, a bailout conduit, kicked a substantial write-
The strategy follows a well-worn Oscar Decotelli, partner at Vision Brazil 2010, Morgan Stanley opened a hedge in. down of Irish bank debts would spread
playbook for hedge funds. Just as firms ready to burst. Asia accounts for half of Investments, a firm based in São Paulo. fund office for its Latin American cli- All European government bonds is- losses — and, more important, fear —
moved into Hong Kong to gain entry to hedge fund assets dedicated to emerg- But Mr. Decotelli said he believed ents in São Paulo. sued beginning in July 2013 will include across Europe’s banking system.
the lucrative mainland Chinese market ing markets. By comparison, Latin that Brazil’s growth and opportunity In some ways, hedge funds are taking a provision that makes buyers vulner- A rescheduling by Ireland, Greece or
a decade ago, they are using Brazil as a America represents 11 percent. were still in their infancy and that the a more measured approach than in the able to forced extensions of the bonds, Portugal would be highly disruptive for
beachhead for the rest of Latin Amer- ‘‘People were a lot more bullish on new institutional players would help past. After rushing into the Asian mar- reductions in interest rates and, ulti- global markets, and you can bet that
ica. The Hedge Fund Association Asian markets over the last two to the market evolve. ket, many funds had to fold their opera- mately, write-downs of principle in the the European Central Bank and the
planted an official industry flag Wed- three years because everything ‘‘In the past five years, about 34 mil- tions in Hong Kong and Singapore as event of a crisis. European Union are under tremendous
nesday, with the announcement that it seemed to be going one way,’’ said lion Brazilians entered the middle returns slumped during the global fi- Once the European Stability Mechan- pressure to make sure it does not hap-
was opening a regional chapter in the Anurag Bhardwaj, head of strategic class,’’ he said. ‘‘This for a population of nancial crisis. ism takes effect, garden-variety lenders pen.
market. consulting at Barclays Capital, which is 200 million is very, very significant. ‘‘Some people built too much too fast like banks and pension funds will be There is, though, a sense that there is
The appeal is obvious. While many set to publish a survey on investor sen- Brazil is not just a commodity story, but in Hong Kong, so as a general matter, subordinated, meaning the government no political will or capacity to bring
developed countries have sputtered timent this month. ‘‘Investors are look- a very strong domestic story.’’ they are going to approach Brazil with bailout fund gets its money back first. about a solution that keeps Greece, Ire-
amid weak economic growth, Brazil has ing to other markets less correlated but Hedge funds are looking to well- more of a ‘Hey, let’s try this out’ rather Countries that want access to the fund land and Portugal all on board and can
continued to thrive, given its rich re- with good fundamentals, and Brazil def- placed executives to help them navi- than ‘Let’s put 16 people on the ground may require a debt restructuring, a po- also be sold to the German electorate.
serve of natural resources and growing initely falls into that category.’’ gate the new territory. As in Asia, firms right away,’’’ said Daniel Hunter, a part- lite term for a partial default. It has been a long first three months
middle class. Last year, the Brazilian Economic growth in Latin America are tapping high-profile names to lead ner at the law firm Schulte Roth & Zabel. While that may be just — and is politi- of the year. Egypt, Japan and Libya
gross domestic product increased 7.5 faces potential obstacles. While Brazil their efforts, giving them much-needed ‘‘All I can tell you is that there is def- cally expedient for the politicians trying have distracted attention, while the
percent, helping to catapult Brazil has been strong coming out of the glob- political and business contacts in the initely a desire in parts of the hedge to sell the bailout back in Berlin and Par- long-running and procedural nature of
ahead of Britain and France to become al economic crisis, analysts are becom- country. fund space to find out what’s going on is — it is also the equivalent of ringing a the euro zone’s problems make them a
the fifth-largest economy in the world ing increasingly concerned about infla- When Highbridge purchased a ma- in Brazil and find out how to tap into it,’’ fire alarm in a crowded theater. Every- pleasure to ignore.
last year, after the United States, China, tion. Goldman Sachs recently cut its jority stake in Gávea Investimentos he added. one is going to head for the exits. Stan- Things could move rapidly in the
Japan and Germany. Brazilian growth forecasts for 2011 and last year, the deal came with the firm’s dard & Poor’s downgraded Portugal and next week, and perhaps upend wide-
Brazil is also a standout among de- 2012. marquee founder, Arminio Fraga, the ONLINE: DEALBOOK Greece, citing the new rules, this week. spread expectations of an E.C.B. in-
veloping countries. Money has poured There are also worries of crowding in former president of the Central Bank of Read more about deals There is every reason to expect that Ire- terest rate increase April 7.
into China and the rest of Asia, prompt- the market, as more investors pile into Brazil. Brevan Howard hired Mario and the deal makers. land will not be far behind.
ing fears that the region is a bubble the region. With more money on the Mesquita, former deputy of the coun- Credit spreads between countries James Saft is a Reuters columnist.

Sudden exit for an heir apparent at Berkshire

NEW YORK Mr. Sokol had pitched the acquisition He also said he had on other occasions One leading candidate is Ajit Jain, the
to Berkshire’s board. invested in companies that he suggest- head of the company’s reinsurance op-
‘‘Neither Dave nor I feel his Lubrizol ed Mr. Buffett buy, noting as one ex- erations. In his February letter to in-
Questions are raised purchases were in any way unlawful,’’ ample a bank that Mr. Buffett did not ul- vestors, Mr. Buffett praised a number of
about executive’s stake Mr. Buffett said in the statement. ‘‘He
has told me that they were not a factor
timately acquire.
He also said that other Berkshire ex-
other Berkshire managers, including
Tad Montross of General Re, Matthew
in target of acquisition in his decision to resign.’’ ecutives had in the past held stock in K. Rose at Burlington Northern Santa
Yet the disclosure raises questions companies that they then identified for Fe and Tony Nicely of Geico.
BY BEN PROTESS about the timing of Mr. Sokol’s share investment or acquisition, citing the ex- In late November, Berkshire hired
AND SUSANNE CRAIG purchases — and whether he may face ample of the Berkshire vice chairman Todd Combs, manager of a hedge fund in
any legal repercussions. Charlie Munger owning a stake in BYD, Connecticut, as a potential successor to
David Sokol has abruptly resigned from Mr. Sokol could not be reached for the Chinese automaker, before suggest- Mr. Buffett as chief investment officer.
Berkshire Hathaway, the company run comment. But on Thursday he said on ing it for an investment. (Mr. Buffett has said the plan is to divide
by the billionaire Warren E. Buffett, CNBC that if he had it all to do again, he The disclosure about Mr. Sokol’s the chief executive and investment jobs.)
raising major questions about the future stake in Lubrizol appears to be a rare Mr. Buffett praised Mr. Sokol, saying
LUKE MACGREGOR/REUTERS stewardship of the conglomerate. mark on Berkshire’s squeaky-clean im- his ‘‘contributions have been extraordi-
Vodafone will buy Essar’s stake for $5 billion, raising its exposure in the thriving market. Mr. Sokol, 54, had long been considered age. Meyer Shields, an analyst who fol- nary.’’
a leading candidate to take over from Mr. lows Berkshire at the brokerage firm On Wednesday, Mr. Buffett said that
Buffett, now 80. The question of succes- Stifel Nicolaus, said Mr. Sokol’s depar- he had not asked for Mr. Sokol’s resig-

Vodafone and Essar end

sion has been a concern to Berkshire’s in- ture went ‘‘deep into the question’’ of nation, which had been a ‘‘total surprise
vestors and the many avid followers of Berkshire’s culture. ‘‘This is a company to me.’’ Mr. Sokol had twice before men-
Mr. Buffett, who has said he has no plans that has spent a lot of energy building its tioned resigning, but Mr. Buffett was

dispute over India venture

to step aside anytime soon. The company reputation, and as a result it makes it able to persuade him to stay, he said.
has given few clues about its plan other more vulnerable to news like this.’’ Mr. Buffett said he had spoken with
than to say it has identified four current Still, regulators have not announced Mr. Sokol the previous day and had ‘‘re-
Berkshire managers who could become JONATHAN FICKIES/BLOOMBERG any plans to scrutinize Mr. Sokol’s shares ceived no hint of his intention to resign.’’
PARIS mentary put for 22 percent of the shares. the next chief executive. Now that game David Sokol’s resignation was a surprise. in Lubrizol, and he has not been accused Mr. Buffett said he had not attempted to
The transaction is expected to be plan may have to be tweaked. of any wrongdoing. A spokesman for the talk Mr. Sokol out of the decision.
BY CHRIS V. NICHOLSON completed by November, but it will not The resignation also raises deeper U.S. Securities and Exchange Commis- Mr. Sokol told Mr. Buffett: ‘‘As I have
affect Vodafone’s recently published net questions about Mr. Sokol’s stake in a would have invested in Lubrizol for him- sion, which investigates allegations of in- mentioned to you in the past, it is my
Vodafone, the giant British mobile phone debt figures, the company said. company that Berkshire is acquiring. self and not passed the recommendation sider trading, declined to comment. goal to utilize the time remaining in my
company, said Thursday that it would Vodafone currently has a direct In a statement Wednesday announ- on to Mr. Buffett, Reuters reported from Mr. Sokol’s resignation shocked some career to invest my family’s resources
pay $5 billion in cash for Essar Group’s equity interest in 42 percent of the com- cing the departure, Mr. Buffett said that New York. He said he did not expect Mr. Berkshire Hathaway employees, ac- in such a way as to create enduring
one-third stake of an Indian joint venture pany, and the Essar deal will give it 75 Mr. Sokol had bought thousands of Buffett to want to buy the company and cording to people at the company who equity value.’’
owned by the two companies. percent, Mr. Padovan said. shares in the company, Lubrizol, a was surprised at how quickly Mr. Buf- were not authorized to speak publicly. The resignation, however, comes un-
The deal will increase Vodafone’s ex- The rest is in the hands of entities con- maker of lubricants, two months before fett moved to make a deal. During the in- Even Mr. Buffett acknowledged that Mr. der a cloud of suspicion about the stake
posure to one of its most important and trolled by Indian partners. Berkshire announced a $9 billion deal terview, Mr. Sokol insisted he never had Sokol’s statement was ‘‘unusual.’’ in Lubrizol.
fastest-growing markets. Indian regulations prohibit foreign in- for the company. Shares of Lubrizol any inside information on Lubrizol and The departure immediately recasts
‘‘We’re adding about three million vestors from owning more than 74 per- have risen 27 percent since the deal was that he bought the shares solely as a the field of candidates in the race to be Geraldine Fabrikant and Edward Wyatt
customers a month,’’ said Ben Padovan, cent of domestic telecommunications announced two weeks ago. good investment for his family. the next chief executive of Berkshire. contributed reporting.
a Vodafone spokesman. ‘‘India has a companies, and Vodafone plans to re-
population of 1.2 billion, and penetration duce its stake by about 1.3 percent to re-
is about 60 percent, so there’s a lot of main within the law.
market share to go for.’’
The deal resolves many months of
conflict between the companies, as Es-
Vodafone has also been embroiled in a
tax dispute regarding its initial stake in
the joint venture, which it acquired in
Rising inflation and Portugal’s woes complicate European recovery
sar, a conglomerate with interests in 2007 from the Hutchison Telecommuni- ECONOMY, FROM PAGE 14 ing expectation that such an increase counts would be limited to 2010 and that G.D.P. last year, down from 7.5 percent
steel, power and shipping, has sought to cations International, controlled by the Carsten Brzeski, an analyst in Brus- might be repeated. the 2011 budget goal would not be at risk. in 2009, a level that fell beneath the gov-
determine the value of its interest in the Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing. sels for ING, said the data ‘‘again illus- Chiara Corsa, an economist at Uni- He also said that the caretaker govern- ernment’s own target, which had ini-
venture, Vodafone Essar, and explored The case is to come before the Su- trated the German economy’s main di- Credit Bank in Milan, said euro zone in- ment would have enough funds to meet tially stood at 8.5 percent.
the possibility of an initial public offer- preme Court of India in July and could lemma: While the labor market remains flation was likely to pick up throughout its obligations until a new government President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was
ing for its shares. leave the company on the hook for up to the showcase of the recovery, private the summer, before starting to decline took office. traveling in Asia, was quick to claim
This year, the companies quarreled $2.5 billion in capital gains, in a deal consumption is still sluggish.’’ at the end of the year. UniCredit expects Yields on Portuguese government credit for the better-than-expected per-
over Essar’s plans to reverse list its where, paradoxically, it was the buyer. The strong job market is only gradu- average inflation of 2.6 percent in 2011 bonds pushed to fresh records as in- formance in France, which is likely to
stake in the venture by merging some of Last May, Vodafone took a $3.5 billion ally lifting consumption because many and 2 percent next year. vestors bet on a near-term bailout. The feature as a central theme in the 2012
its shares into India Securities, a public write-down on the value of its Indian of the positions created pay low wages, In Lisbon, the national statistical of- benchmark 10-year issue rose 0.3 per- presidential election. His office issued a
company — a deal that Vodafone argued business, which has been battered by while higher energy prices have fice said that the Portuguese budget centage point, to 8.2 percent. The yield statement saying that the data con-
would have inflated the value of its fierce competition from rivals like Bharti dampened spending, he said. deficit last year was 8.6 percent of gross on the two-year note shot up 0.7 point, firmed the effectiveness of a government
stake. A reverse listing is accomplished Airtel and Reliance Communications. The latest data have solidified expec- domestic product, well above the target showing that high returns were being strategy that was based on economic
by putting all or part of a private com- The Indian mobile telecommunica- tations that the European Central Bank of 7.3 percent. Fernando Teixeira dos demanded for holding Portuguese pa- change and strict spending control.
pany into a public one, thus bypassing tions market is the second-largest in the next week will raise borrowing costs for Santos, the finance minister, said that per of all maturities. Yields on Spanish The ratings agency Fitch was less op-
an initial public offering. world, after China’s, and one of the fast- the euro area, given that inflation is rid- the difference stemmed from new E.U. and Irish debt also climbed. timistic. It cut its G.D.P forecast for the
Vodafone said it would exercise a call est growing. But the sector is crowded, ing well above its comfort zone of just accounting rules, and not from unrepor- And the French statistics agency re- euro zone by 0.4 percentage point to 1.2
option on 11 percent of the joint venture, with more than a dozen companies vying below 2 percent. Analysts at Barclays ted items, Reuters reported. ported Thursday that the country had a percent for this year, and by 0.3 percent-
while Essar would exercise a comple- for customers and driving down prices. Capital said that there was also a grow- He added that the impact on public ac- narrower budget deficit of 7 percent of age point to 1.8 percent for 2012.

companies markets business WITH

World markets
United States
Thursday, March 31
Last Chg 12 mo.%
Interest rates
10-year govt. Ask yield Chg 12 mo. ago 3-month gov’t Ask yield Chg 12 mo. ago
U.S. Dow Jones indus. 12,354.05 +3.44 +13.3 Britain 3.678% +0.025 3.975% Britain 0.658% +0.006 0.537%
U.S. S.&P. 500 1,328.67 +0.41 +13.2 France 3.697 +0.021 3.435 France 0.727 +0.016 0.289
U.S. S.&P. 100 594.29 –0.03 +10.7 Germany 3.351 +0.014 3.115 Germany 0.565 –0.029 0.190
U.S. Nasdaq composite 2,778.14 +1.35 +15.2 Japan 1.242 +0.008 3.115 Japan 0.118 +0.001 n.a.
U.S. NYSE composite 8,423.49 +6.80 +12.9 United States 3.455 –0.017 3.857 United States 0.095 –0.008 0.153
U.S. Russell 2000 841.80 +1.43 +23.1
1-year gov’t Benchmark rates Last Latest chg NEW YORK
The Americas
Britain 0.634% –0.041 0.633% Britain (bank) 0.50% –0.50 (Mar. 5) 0.50%
Mexico IPC 37,413.65 +203.38 +12.0
France 1.287 +0.016 0.573 Canada (overnight) 1.00 0.25 (Sep. 8) 0.25 BAILED-OUT LENDER PLANS RETURN
Canada S.&P./TSX 14,137.37 +53.79 +17.4
Germany 1.169 +0.028 0.505 Euro zone (refinancing) 1.00 –0.25 (May. 12) 1.00
Brazil Bovespa 68,499.09 +502.03 –2.1
Japan 0.150 +0.009 0.505 Japanese (overnight) 0.109999401.10 (Jun. 25) 0.10
Argent. Merval 3,373.90 –2.54 +40.3
United States 0.256 –0.012 0.390 United States (prime) 3.25 –0.75 (Dec. 16) 3.25
Chile Stock Market select 4,605.04 +10.85 +22.4
Ally Financial, the auto and mortgage
Europe and Middle East Futures Cross rates lender in which the U.S. government
Euro zone DJ Stoxx 50 2,910.91 –25.53 –1.0
Britain FTSE 100 5,908.76 –39.54 +4.2 Agricultural City Units Delivery Last Chg
One One
Swiss Can.
has a majority stake, on Thursday filed
Germany DAX 7,041.31 –15.84 +14.6 Corn Chicago $/bu May 6.93 +0.30
France CAC 40 3,989.18 –35.26 unch. Cotton N.Y. $/lb. May 2.00 +0.07
$1 €1 £1 ¥100 ruble franc doll. to raise up to $100 million in an initial
Italy FTSE MIB 21,727.44 –273.75 –5.5 Soybeans Chicago $/bu May 14.14 +0.42
1.163 0.034
1.960 0.057
1.052 0.995
1.774 1.677
public offering.
Spain IBEX 35 10,576.50 –155.80 –3.7
Switzerland SIX 6,357.55 –40.87 –7.5
Wheat Chicago $/bu May 7.64 +0.37
Britain 0.622 0.883 - 0.750 0.022 0.678 0.641 U.S. taxpayers bailed out Ally several
Rice Chicago $/cwt May 13.98 +0.20
Sweden OMX 30 1,134.87 –3.19 +11.0 Cocoa N.Y. $/ton May 2,951.00 –36.00
Canada 0.969 1.376 1.559 1.168 0.341 1.058 - times in 2008 and 2009, investing more
China 6.548 9.299 10.530 7.893 0.166 7.144 6.754
Russia RTS
Czech Rep. Prague Stock Exch.
Coffee N.Y. $/lb. May 2.66 +0.01
Denmark 5.248 7.454 8.442 6.327 0.185 5.727 5.414
than $17 billion in the company, which
Sugar N.Y. cts/lb. May 27.07 –0.14
Israel TA-25 1,320.13 –0.31 +7.1
Orange juice N.Y. cts/lb. May 162.35 +0.85
Euro zone 0.704 - 1.132 0.849 0.025 0.768 0.726 was formerly known as GMAC. The fil-
Metals, energy
53.793 1.570 48.685 45.895
- 2.917 90.470 85.550
ing did not specify the number of shares
Japan Nikkei 225 9,755.10 +46.31 –12.1
H.K. Hang Seng 23,527.52 +76.09 +10.1 Aluminum London $/m. ton 3 mo. 262,900 –1900 Mexico 11.889 16.883 19.117 14.300 0.000 12.971 12.262 to be sold, the price range, or the ex-
Australia All Ordinaries 4,928.61 +15.93 unch. Copper N.Y. cts/lb. May 430.95 +3.55 Russia 28.401 40.317 45.652 34.200 - 30.970 29.281 change on which the shares would trade.
China Shanghai composite 2,928.11 –27.66 –6.4 Gold N.Y. $/tr.oz. June 1,438.60 +13.70 Singapore 1.260 1.790 2.026 1.519 0.044 1.375 1.300
S. Korea Kospi 2,106.70 +15.32 +23.9 Palladium N.Y. $/tr.oz. June 763.50 +5.40 S. Africa 6.762 9.587 10.856 8.100 0.238 7.365 6.963
The I.P.O. will be the latest in a hand-
India S.&P. CNX Nifty 5,787.30 –0.35 +10.0 Platinum N.Y. $/tr.oz. July 1,775.40 +1.30 S. Korea 1096.50 1557.14 1763.17 1321.70 38.577 1196.27 1130.90 ful of offerings by government-rescued
Silver N.Y. $/tr.oz. May 37.81 +0.29
Straits Times
+5.9 Brent crude London $/bbl. May 117.17 +2.04
Sweden 6.295
Switzerland 0.916
7.586 0.222
1.105 0.032
6.869 6.493
- 0.945
companies that include General Motors,
Thailand SET 1,048.30 –2.37 +32.9 Light sw.crude N.Y. $/bbl. May 106.34 +2.07 Taiwan 29.400 41.740 47.275 35.400 1.036 32.070 30.317 which has already completed its offer-
Indonesia Jakarta composite 3,678.67 +37.70 +31.5 Natural gas N.Y. $/mln.BTUs 3 mo. 4.40 +0.05 U.S. - 1.420 1.608 1.206 0.035 1.092 1.032 ing, and American International Group, ANDREW BIRAJ/REUTERS

Exchange rates which is preparing a share sale of more Backlash A rally by members of the Islami Oikya Jote party in Dhaka, Bangladesh,
Major currencies $1 Chg. €1 Chg. £1 Chg. Asia (cont.) $1 Chg. €1 Chg. £1 Chg. The Americas $1 Chg. €1 Chg. £1 Chg.
than $10 billion for mid-May. (REUTERS) on Thursday. It has called a national strike Monday to protest equality for women.
Euro 0.704 –0.003 - - 1.132 –0.006 Singapore dollar 1.260 –0.002 1.790 0.008 2.026 –0.002 Argentine peso 4.053 0.005 5.755 0.035 6.517 0.012
Dollar - - 1.420 0.007 1.608 0.001 South Korean won 1096.50 –5.950 1557.14 –0.180 1763.17 –9.240 Brazilian real 1.626 –0.002 2.309 0.009 2.614 –0.004 MIL AN
Taiwan dollar 29.400 –0.080 41.740 0.110 47.275 –0.120 Canadian dollar 0.969 –0.002 1.376 0.004 1.559 –0.003
Pound 0.622 unch. 0.883 0.005 - -
Thursday that pretax profit fell 30 per- The divestiture is part of a broader
Swiss franc 0.916 –0.003 1.301 0.004 1.473 –0.003 Thai baht 30.240 –0.070 42.941 0.113 48.626 –0.082 Chilean peso 477.50 –4.350 678.05 –2.804 767.82 –6.513
Yen 82.920 0.050 117.76 0.700 133.34 0.130
Mexican peso 11.889 –0.036 16.883 0.043 19.117 –0.048 cent to 3.54 billion Swedish kronor, or effort to refocus on the British market,
Asia Czech koruna 17.263 –0.086 24.513 –0.001 27.759 –0.121
Venezuelan bolivar 4.289 unch. 6.090 0.030 6.897 0.004 AGAINST FOREIGN TAKEOVERS $558 million, in the three months ended improve the company’s financial posi-
Australian dollar 0.964 –0.005 1.370 0.002 1.551 –0.005 Danish krone 5.248 –0.031 7.454 –0.002 8.442 –0.040 Middle East and Africa
Chinese renminbi 6.548 –0.008 9.299 0.039 10.530 –0.008 Hungarian forint 187.21 –0.930 265.84 –0.004 301.03 –1.307 Egyptian pound 5.957 –0.007 8.459 0.032 9.579 –0.005 The Italian government on Thursday February. Analysts’ average forecast tion and cut its pension deficit. At the
Hong Kong dollar 7.775 –0.008 11.041 0.043 12.502 –0.005 Norwegian krone 5.518 –0.057 7.836 –0.042 8.873 –0.086 Israeli shekel 3.474 –0.025 4.933 –0.011 5.586 –0.037 authorized the purchase of stakes in was 3.84 billion kronor. Sales were end of 2010, Taylor Wimpey had debt of
Indian rupee 44.500 –0.110 63.350 0.148 71.735 –0.202 Polish zloty 2.835 –0.006 4.026 0.011 4.559 –0.007 Saudi riyal 3.750 unch. 5.325 0.026 6.030 0.004
Indonesian rupiah 8705.00 –11.000 12361.1 45.392 13997.6 –8.972 Russian ruble 28.401 –0.121 40.317 0.030 45.652 –0.194 South African rand 6.762 –0.060 9.587 –0.050 10.856 –0.113 companies it considers strategic — in- broadly flat, at 24.5 billion kronor. about £654.5 million, or $1 billion.
Malaysian ringgit 3.025 –0.001 4.296 0.020 4.864 0.001 Swedish krona
Turkish lira
cluding Parmalat, the dairy company in H&M, the world’s largest clothing Taylor Wimpey operates under the
Philippine peso 43.300 –0.100 61.486 0.162 69.626 –0.117
which a French rival has acquired a 29 chain after Inditex of Spain, said the Taylor Morrison brand in the United
World 100 The companies with the largest market capitalization, listed alphabetically by region. Prices shown are for regular trading. percent shareholding. drop was mainly due to its decision not States and Monarch in Canada.
A+‡ or −
‡ indicates stocks that reached a new 52-week high or low.
Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti will to pass on higher cotton costs and negat-
U.S. Last
52-wk price range
Chg 12 mo.% Low Last ( ‡) High
Company (Country)
The Americas Last
52-wk price range
Chg 12 mo.% Low Last ( ‡) High
Company (Country)
Europe (cont.) Last
52-wk price range
Chg 12 mo.% Low Last ( ‡) High
be able to adopt measures ‘‘analogous to ive currency effects to shoppers. (REUTERS) NEW YORK
Abbott Laborat. 49.40 +0.44 –5.9 45.16 54.34 AmBev (BR) 45.26 –0.13 –72.7 42.30 244.98 Santander (ES) 8.19 –0.20 –17.8 7.30 10.79 those that exist in other European coun-
AIR FRANCE MAY DIVIDE ORDER 180.8 +1.4 +32.4 108.6 191.3 Amer. Movil (MX) 34.38 +0.14 +9.3 30.11 36.33 Sberbank (RU) 106.7 –0.3 +25.3 64.3 109.6 tries’’ to acquire stakes in companies TAIPEI
Apple 348.5 –0.1 +47.8 224.8 363.1 Bradesco (BR) 33.25 +0.80 +3.0 28.11 37.10 Siemens (DE) 96.71 +0.40 +32.3 68.25 98.00
deemed strategic by the government, Air France-KLM Group, the biggest
AT&T 30.63 –0.08 +18.0 24.13 29.98 Ecopetrol (BR) 3,875 –5 +44.3 2,630 4,660 StatoilHydro (NO) 153.3 +0.5 +11.9 117.6 155.3 ACER CHIEF EXECUTIVE LEAVES
Bank of America 13.37 –0.08 –24.7 10.95 19.48 Itau Unibanco (BR) 38.62 +1.01 +0.2 32.11 43.53 Telefonica (ES) 17.67 –0.15 –0.3 14.88 19.60 according to a statement released after a European airline, might split an order
Berkshite Hath. 125,326 –2777 +2.3 104,950 131,300 Petrobras (BR) 32.46 +0.04 –17.4 26.68 40.59 Total (FR) 42.96 +0.04 +0.2 35.88 44.41 meeting of Prime Minister Silvio Ber- AFTER SHARES TAKE A DIVE for about 100 wide-body aircraft be-
Chevron 108.1 +0.1 +43.6 67.3 106.8 R. Bk of Can. (CA) 60.31 +0.15 +0.9 48.95 62.42 UBS Inv. Bk (CH) 16.48 –0.29 –3.6 14.02 18.93
Cisco Systems 17.18 –0.15 –35.5 17.00 27.57 Vale (BR) 47.26 +0.19 –4.6 37.50 53.41 Unilever (GB) 1,906 +7 –0.3 1,677 1,998
lusconi’s cabinet. Parmalat is considered Acer, the second-largest seller of per- tween Airbus and Boeing, the com-
Citigroup 4.43 –0.02 +8.4 3.63 5.13 Vodafone (GB) 177.8 –2.1 +16.8 129.5 181.6 strategic, according to the statement. sonal computers, replaced its chief ex- pany’s secretary general said Thursday.
Coca-Cola 66.53 +0.49 +21.3 50.03 65.77 Middle East and Africa Volkswagen (DE) 114.5 –0.9 +68.5 66.1 136.9
Lactalis, a French dairy company, ecutive Thursday, barely a week after A decision on a possible order for Air-
ConocoPhillips 80.79 +0.10 +57.6 48.82 80.24 Saudi Basic In. (SA)105.3 closed +5.8 76.8 112.3
Exxon Mobil 84.40 –0.09 +25.9 56.57 87.07 Asia bought the Parmalat shares from a the company gave a downbeat outlook bus A350 and Boeing 787 passenger
General Electric 20.04 –0.07 +9.5 13.88 21.52 Europe Agric. Bank (CN) 2.76 +0.01 –95.9 2.53 2.95 group of foreign investors who had been that wiped more than $1 billion off its planes will probably come ‘‘before the
Goldman Sachs
A-B InBev (BE) 40.20
AstraZeneca (GB) 2,892
Bank of China (CN) 3.33
BHP Billiton (AU) 46.56
pressuring the Parmalat chief executive, market value in four days. end of the year, maybe during the sum-
Hewlett-Packard 41.12 –0.18 –22.8 38.00 54.52 BASF (DE) 61.03 +0.57 +33.5 40.71 61.73 CBA (AU) 52.40 –0.13 –7.7 47.47 59.83 Enrico Bondi, to use a ¤1.4 billion, or $2 Acer said Gianfranco Lanci would mer,’’ Bertrand Lebel said. The need for
IBM 163.6 unch. +27.0 121.9 166.1 BG Group (GB) 1,559 –6 +37.8 980 1,539 CCB (HK) 4.97 –0.06 –13.3 4.51 5.73 billion, war chest to make acquisitions or leave the company immediately due to delivery slots from the manufacturers
Intel 20.06 –0.40 –10.2 17.67 24.22 BNP Paribas (FR) 51.61 –1.69 –11.5 41.48 58.97 China Life (CN) 20.99 –0.11 –26.9 20.77 29.28
J&J 59.37 –0.01 –8.5 57.02 66.03 BP (GB) 456.3 –2.2 –26.9 300.3 656.2 China Mobile (HK) 71.65 –0.20 –4.7 69.30 84.35
pay out bigger dividends. (BLOOMBERG) differences over the strategy needed to affects the timing, he said. Neither mod-
JPMorgan Chase 46.30 –0.15 +3.9 35.63 48.00 Brit. Am. Tob. (GB) 2,529 +8 +10.6 1,964 2,521 China Shenhua (HK)29.09 +0.11 –0.8 20.75 30.04 counter the success of tablet computers, el has yet entered service. (BLOOMBERG)
Daimler (DE)
ALGIERS which has eaten into Acer’s profits. The
Microsoft 25.41 –0.20 –14.6 23.01 31.39 ENI (IT) 17.33 –0.07 –0.5 14.61 18.42 NTT (JP) 3,735 unch. –4.5 3,435 4,130 Acer chairman, J.T. Wang, will take SANTIAGO
Occidental Petrol. 104.9 +1.1 +24.5 72.2 107.4 Gazprom (RU) 229.1 –0.2 +34.4 143.0 225.5 NTT DoCoMo (JP)146,200 –2600 +2.9 131,500 158,900 over as acting chief executive.
Oracle 33.33 +0.28 +30.5 21.46 33.68 GDF Suez (FR) 28.75 –0.05 –0.7 22.80 29.94 PetroChina (HK) 11.90 –0.04 –7.9 9.94 13.23 DETER FOREIGN ENERGY FIRMS LATIN AMERICAN BOURSES TO JOIN
P&G 61.78 –0.20 –3.0 59.34 66.70 Glaxo (GB) 1,194 –1 –6.2 1,095 1,318 Ping An Ins. (HK) 49.46 –0.53 –2.7 44.28 66.98
Acer, second only to Hewlett-Packard
Pepsico 65.04 –0.01 –2.6 60.77 68.11 HSBC (GB) 644.7 –11.3 –4.8 599.0 733.2 Reliance Ind. (IN) 1,039 +6 –4.5 896 1,129 The lackluster interest from major en- in the PC market and a dominant force Chile, Peru and Colombia have finished
Pfizer 20.48 +0.14 +18.7 14.14 20.38 L’Oreal (FR) 82.20 –0.84 +4.7 71.37 89.50 Rio Tinto (AU) 84.75 +0.47 +6.9 61.70 88.68 ergy companies in Algerian oil and gas in the low-cost notebook segment, said testing the integration of their stock ex-
Philip Morris 65.55 –0.15 +24.9 43.17 64.35 Lloyds Bank. (GB) 58.70 +0.15 –4.3 50.52 78.40 Samsung El. (KR)932,000 +6000 +14.5 740,000 1,010,000
Qualcomm 54.61 +0.10 +29.6 31.96 59.58 LVMH (FR) 111.7 +0.1 +28.6 79.5 128.0 Sinopec Corp (HK) 8.78 +0.05 –11.9 7.33 10.15 tracts is due to the country’s tax rules, it would now focus on the tablet sector changes and will begin live trading in the
Schlumberger 94.07 +0.42 +49.2 51.75 95.04 Nestle (CH) 52.65 –0.50 –2.5 49.14 56.60 Toyota Motor (JP) 3,350 +20 –11.1 2,812 3,910 a senior energy official said Thursday. as well. (REUTERS) next three months, the chief executive of
United Technol.
Novartis (CH) 49.82
R. Bk of Scot. (GB)41.20
Westpac Ban. (AU) 24.33 +0.06 –13.5 20.79 28.25
In a licensing round this month, Alge- the Santiago bourse said Thursday.
Verizon 38.60 +0.14 +23.6 26.49 37.67 R. Dutch Shell (GB)2,264 +16 +17.4 1,636 2,268 ria awarded only 2 out of 10 oil and gas The chief executive, José Antonio
Wal-Mart 52.19 –0.17 –6.7 48.00 57.57 Roche (CH) 131.2 –0.6 –23.2 125.3 177.5
Data are at 1800 U.T.C. Prices are in local currencies. permits offered, raising questions about Martínez, also said at the Reuters Latin
Walt Disney 43.17 –0.18 +23.0 31.38 44.07 Rosneft (RU) 260.0 –4.4 +10.5 183.6 274.2
Wells Fargo 31.69 –0.22 +2.8 23.25 34.10 Sanofi-Aventis (FR) 49.48 –0.25 –10.7 44.57 56.33 Source: Reuters Custom Flow solutions
whether it has enough new projects in American Investment Summit in Santi-
the works to maintain output. The bid ago that his exchange’s integration
round was the third in a row to generate with the São Paulo bourse in the first
little interest among investors. half of next year would open Chile to
‘‘We know that they are unhappy global derivatives trading. (REUTERS)

Globalnews,delivereddaily with our tax system,’’ said the energy

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cause he was not authorized to speak to
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business WITH

Q.R.M.’s, as they are called, had to be investors should have monitored the
very conservative, with 20 percent quality of the loans — just as Fannie +10%
down payments and strict limits on and Freddie should have — but they

are missing
leverage. That is good. If mortgage did not. Lower rungs of those securities
loans do not meet the highest stan-
dards, somebody involved in making
would take losses if there were a lot of
defaults, but senior portions were
0 Propping up a caja is not the answer in Spain

the point
the loan should be on the hook if a lot of deemed completely safe by bond rating The break-up of Banco Base has put the with the small but healthy Cajastur run-
the loans blow up. agencies that assumed losses would –10 Bank of Spain on the spot. The collapse ning the show, while the Caja Mediter-
Much of the criticism of the proposed never rise to those levels. of the merger involving four savings ráneo chairman stayed on as nonexec-
new rules seems to assume that there This worked for so long that it be- banks has highlighted the limits of utive chairman. When it became clear
will be no mortgage loans made at all if came possible to package together a –20 Spain’s strategy of combining healthy that the state was likely to become a
lenders have to keep some of the risk. bunch of those clearly risky portions of and weak lenders. The central bank has shareholder in the bank, others decided
‘‘By mandating a 20 percent down mortgage-backed securities and sell 2010 2011
little choice but to nationalize the weak- they wanted out.
payment on qualified residential mort- new securities backed by them. These est savings bank, Caja Mediterráneo. The Banco Base fiasco should not af-
gages, the administration and U.S. reg- were called collateralized debt obliga- UNITED STATES S&P 500 52-week Alarm bells went off this week when fect Spain’s 16 other Caja mergers, all of
1,328.65 +0.39 +13.2%
ulators are excluding those without tions, and the top tier of those also Banco Base said it was seeking ¤2.8 bil- which have been completed. But it
huge cash reserves — which consti- were deemed super-safe. EUROPE DJ Stoxx 50 lion, or $3.2 billion, of state capital, dou- leaves the Bank of Spain holding a hot
Floyd tutes most first-time home buyers and
many middle-class households — from
You know what happened.
The easy money led to excessive
JAPAN Nikkei 225
–14.44 –0.6 ble the amount the Bank of Spain had
said the lender would need to raise its
potato in the form of Caja Mediter-
ráneo. While the lender is not systemic,
Norris a chance to buy a home,’’ said Robert F. lending and soaring home prices. That 9,755.10 +46.31 –12.1 core Tier 1 capital ratio to 10 percent. its ¤70 billion of assets make it bigger
Nielsen, a home builder from Nevada led to overbuilding. Mortgages were People close to Cajastur, one of the than the two minnows that failed.
and president of the National Associ- written on terms that lenders knew other banks involved in the merger, say Nationalization looks inevitable,
H I GH & LO W F INA N CE ation of Home Builders. home buyers could not really afford. there was a bigger-than-expected hole though it’s not yet clear how big the
Regrettably, some consumer advo- The borrower would, for a while, pay in Caja Mediterráneo’s accounts. The state’s stake would be. Depending on
cates have joined in that chorus. less than the interest owed, and then additional funds were necessary to en- Caja Mediterráneo’s valuation, and the
NEW YORK If you want to get the U.S. What should happen, said Sheila C. the payments would soar. It was as- sure the merged lender would pass condition of its balance sheet, the state
government out of financing normal Bair, the chairwoman of the Federal sumed that a homeowner facing those Europe’s bank stress tests. will probably end up with a controlling
home mortgages, you have to find a Deposit Insurance Corp. and one of the high payments would either sell the Yet the criteria for the stress tests are share. If that is the case, the Bank of
way to bring in private capital — and regulators involved in the proposal, is home or refinance the mortgage, creat- not yet clear. And Caja Mediterráneo Spain should clear out the management
on terms that do not make govern- that ‘‘Q.R.M. loans will be a small part ing more fees and more mortgages to 0 says its partners have known the state and restructure the lender before re-
ment-guaranteed mortgages a clearly of the market,’’ and other loans will be securitize. of its balance sheet for months. Pre- turning it to the private sector. Simply
superior product. made by lenders who do have ‘‘skin in Then in all collapsed. It turned out sumably, the Bank of Spain was aware propping up a troubled caja would dent
That fact was central to the propos- the game,’’ or a per- that people who cannot afford pay- of it, too. the central bank’s credibility — and un-
als of the administration of President sonal stake. The pro- ments do not make them. House prices –10 Politics no doubt played a part. The dermine its broader efforts to clean up
Giving the
Barack Obama to fix the housing fi- posal asks for discus- began to fall, and refinancing or selling merger looked awkward from the start, the financial system. FIONA MAHARG-BRAVO
nance market a couple of months ago, sion of ways that can at a profit became impossible. In- 2010 2011
but it seems to have been forgotten by run mortgage be accomplished vestors wanted no part of private-label EURO 52-week
arms another
the collection of regulators that this
week proposed rules on when banks competitive
without banks tying
up excessive
mortgages, and banks wanted to lend
to only the safest borrowers. Fannie
€1= $1.42 +0.007 +5.1% Medvedev takes business into his own hands
will not have to retain risks for loans edge is exactly amounts of capital. and Freddie would have gone bankrupt ¥100= $1.21 +0.001 +12.8 Democratic countries tend to let voters vest and Aeroflot.
they make. what they ‘‘Economic incen- but for the government stepping in to
decide who governs. Russia prefers to The president’s initiative is a busi-
Inadvertently perhaps, they gave don’t need. tives,’’ she said, ‘‘are rescue them. Now the government is resolve the question ahead of time, be- ness-friendly gesture that will help re-
£1= $1.61 –0.001 +5.8
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the gov- the best check on the hook for something like 95 per- fore elections actually happen. At the duce the constant politicization of Rus-
ernment-run mortgage arms, another against lax under- cent of all new mortgages issued. moment, President Dmitri A. Medve- sian business. True, the short-term
competitive advantage. That is exactly writing standards.’’ The banking system is unlikely to COMMODITIES dev is determined to show that he, and effect on the companies targeted by Mr.
the opposite of what needs to be done. Consider how absurd this debate want to keep enough loans to allow the not his prime minister, Vladimir V. Medvedev may be negative: they won’t
The proposals are generally good. would have seemed a few decades ago. government market share to shrink as Putin, is the real ruler of Russia. He is have ministers on board to care for
They require lenders to maintain some Then you got a mortgage loan from a much as is needed. To accomplish that, sending forceful signals that he has their interests. But on the other hand,
risk when they securitize all but the bank, which stood to profit if you made +75% every intention of staying in office after this should help reduce competition dis-
it will be necessary to reestablish a
safest mortgages. That is what the your payments and risked loss if you private securitization market. the 2012 presidential election. His order tortions in the wider economy.
Dodd-Frank law required, and for good did not. Imagine arguing that no bank What will it take to get a private se- +50 this week to remove government minis- The big question is whether Mr. Med-
reason. One of the big problems lead- would lend if it had to take a risk. What curitization market going? ters from the boards of state-owned vedev can get away with this latest
ing up to the crisis was that many business, people would have asked, did First you need investors who are +25 companies is a direct attack on close as- power play. The officials in question are
lenders believed they could profit by banks think they were in? willing to believe that this time is dif- sociates of his former mentor — and in- already hinting at resistance. Much will
making loans while leaving it to others Over the decades banks got out of ferent. Second, you need to make Fan- 0 directly on Mr. Putin. depend on Mr. Putin’s reaction. So far,
to suffer if the loans went bad. the habit of actually owning loans. nie and Freddie less competitive, with- Mr. Medvedev’s move comes days the prime minister has been remark-
But where is that risk to be main- They sold them to Fannie Mae and out destroying the market. after he had publicly disavowed the ably quiescent in reaction to Mr. Med-
tained? The law says lenders or secur- Freddie Mac, which then issued securi- To get a private securitization mar- prime minister over Libya, and firmly vedev’s assertive moves, suggesting
2010 2011
itizers, and leaves it up to an unwieldy ties to private investors. Those in- ket going, the need is to both make that put his stamp on Russian foreign policy. that he’s resigned to his emancipated
group of regulators to fill in the details. vestors were protected against loss, market more attractive to investors OIL Nymex light sw. crude 52-week The latest initiative is even more signif- protégé’s new role.
The regulators are also supposed to de- and therefore would accept relatively and make Fannie and Freddie less — $106.24 a barrel +1.97 +27.5% icant. It could durably alter the rela- But if he isn’t, there’s a chance that
cree just how safe a mortgage has to be low returns. The system helped make not more — attractive to banks trying GOLD New York tionship between business and govern- Mr. Medvedev will one day discover
to be deemed a ‘‘qualified residential mortgage loans less expensive than to dispose of loans. This proposal un- $1,439.70 a tr. oz.+20.30 +29.2 ment. that he has bitten off more than he can
mortgage’’ that does not need to have they otherwise would have been. fortunately does one but not the other. CORN Chicago Senior government officials routinely chew. JASON BUSH
the lender maintain some of the risk. A private-label mortgage security $6.60 a bushel –0.14 +90.9 sit on the boards of, and sometimes
It was those issues that the regula- market also developed. There, banks ONLINE: HIGH & LOW FINANCE chair, major state companies, among
Data as of 1545 U.T.C.
tors addressed this week. They decided put together pools of mortgages and Read Floyd Norris’s blog on financial Source: Reuters them the oil company Rosneft, VTB For more independent commentary and
that qualified residential mortgages, or sold interests in them to investors. The topics online. Graphs: Custom Flow Solutions Bank, Gazprom, the telecom Svyazin- analysis, visit

Worried about cellphone radiation? Switch to speaker mode and stay put
next best option is a wireless Bluetooth gram. A kilogram is about 2.2 pounds. gineering at Rice University in Houston.
Health officials offer tips headset or earpiece, which emits radi- The SAR number is not displayed Moreover, your cellphone emits less
for reducing exposure ation at far lower levels. If a headset is
not feasible, holding your phone just
when you compare cellphones at your
local wireless store, and trying to find it
when you are stationary because when
you are moving rapidly — say, in a car or
amid conflicting studies slightly away from your ear can make a in the fine print of your user manual is train — it must repeatedly issue little
big difference; the intensity of radiation an exercise in frustration. The F.C.C. bursts of radiation to make digital hand-
BY KATE MURPHY diminishes sharply with distance. maintains that SAR values ‘‘do not shakes with different towers as it moves
‘‘Every millimeter counts,’’ said provide sufficient information’’ to reli- in and out of range.
In a culture where people cradle their Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, ably compare cellphone radiation emis- Any situation where your cellphone
cellphones next to their heads with the an online newsletter covering health sions because certain phones might has a weak signal indicates it has to
same constancy and affection that tod- and safety issues related to exposure to rarely operate at maximum power. work harder and thus will emit more ra-
dlers hold their security blankets, it was electromagnetic radiation. Still, the Environmental Working diation.
unsettling in February when a study So crushing your cellphone into your Group, a nonprofit organization, has a Of course, parents using their
published in The Journal of the Ameri- ear to hear better in a crowded bar is comprehensive list of the SAR values iPhones to pacify cranky kids might
can Medical Association indicated that probably a bad idea. Go outside if you for most cellphones available from ma- want to reconsider rattles. Children’s
doing so could alter brain activity. have to take or make a call. And you jor carriers on its Web site. developing brains and tissues are
The report said it was unclear wheth- might not want to put your cellphone in But more important than looking for a thought to be most vulnerable to cell-
er the changes in the brain — an in- your breast or pants pocket either, be- low-SAR phone is how you use it. Many phone radiation. The health authorities
crease in glucose metabolism after us- cause that also puts it right up against cellphones emit the most radiation in Britain, France, Germany and Russia
ing the phone for less than an hour — your body. Carry it in a purse or when they initially establish contact have all issued warnings against allow-
had any negative health or behavioral briefcase or get a nonmetallic belt clip with the cell tower, making their ‘‘digit- ing small children to use cellphones for
effects. But it has many people wonder- that orients it away from your body. al handshake.’’ To reduce exposure, it is extended periods, if at all.
ing what they can do to protect them- Some studies have suggested a link ERIC THAYER/REUTERS best to wait until after your call has been There are cellphone attachments that
selves short of (gasp) using a landline. between cellphone use and cancer, lower A model texting before a fashion show in New York. A recent study found that using a cell- connected before putting your cell- purport to shield users from radiation,
‘‘Cellphones are fantastic and have bone density and infertility in men. But phone can alter brain activity, something that may make texting a safer option than calling. phone next to your ear. but most are ‘‘hoaxes,’’ said Om P.
done much to increase productivity,’’ other studies show no effect at all. Given During the ensuing conversation, it is Gandhi, a professor of electrical engi-
said Dr. Nora D. Volkow, the lead inves- the mixed messages and continuing re- advisable to tilt the phone away from neering at the University of Utah.
tigator of the study and director of the search, Robert Kenny, a spokesman for when she began planning her experi- SAR, or specific absorption rate. That your ear when you are talking and only Using text messages, instead of talk-
National Institute of Drug Abuse at the the U.S. Federal Communications Com- ments two and half years ago. But number indicates how much radiation is bring it in close to your ear when you are ing, might be safer. ‘‘The whole trend to-
National Institutes of Health. ‘‘I’d never mission, wrote in an e-mail, ‘‘As always, today’s ubiquitous smartphones emit absorbed by the body when using the listening. That bit of teeter-totter works ward texting instead of talking on cell-
tell people to stop using them entirely.’’ we will continue to study this issue and even more radiation as they transmit handset at maximum power. A cellphone because the emission of radiation is phones is probably a good thing,’’ said
Yet, in light of her findings, she advises coordinate with our federal partners.’’ more, and more complex, data. cannot be sold in the United States unless ‘‘significantly less when a cellphone is Mr. Slesin at Microwave News.
users to keep cellphones at a distance by The phone used in Dr. Volkow’s study You can get an idea of the relative an F.C.C.-approved laboratory says its receiving signals than when it is trans- That is, if you don’t rest your cell-
putting them on speaker mode or using a was a Samsung Knack, model SCH- amounts of radiation various cellphone SAR is less than 1.6 watts per kilogram. In mitting,’’ said Lin Zhong, an assistant phone against your body while typing
wired headset whenever possible. The U310, a flip phone that was in wide use models emit by looking at each model’s Europe, the maximum is 2 watts per kilo- professor of electrical and computer en- out your message.

Traveler’s forecast
High/low temperatures, in degrees Celsius and
degrees Fahrenheit, and expected conditions. FLURRIES WARM
5-10 COLD
C ..................... Clouds Sh ................. Showers SNOW
F .......................... Fog S .......................... Sun RAIN
MOSTLY the country would cost as much as 14 tril-
H ........................ Haze Sn ...................... Snow CLOUDY TOKYO LOS ANGELES lion won, or $13 billion, and may not at-
I.............................. Ice SS....... Snow showers ICE
PC.......... Partly cloudy T ........ Thunderstorms
10-15 5-10
0-5 AIRLINES ADDING CATERING STOPS ARCHIVISTS AT NIXON LIBRARY tract as many passengers as initially ex-
R ......................... Rain W ...................... Windy HIGH pected, the Ministry of Land, Transport
Friday Saturday LOW BRITAIN AccuWeather. and Maritime Affairs said Thursday.
Weather shown
˚C ˚F ˚C ˚F 15-20 5-1
as expected
At least three major airlines have added History is being restored at the Richard President Lee Myung-bak, who
Abu Dhabi 30/24 86/75 S 31/25 88/77 S
UKRAINE at noon on a stop in Seoul for flights in and out of Ja- Nixon Library, where the Watergate pledged during his election campaign
Almaty 10/4 50/39 Sh 11/5 52/41 Sh
Athens 17/12 63/54 R 15/11 59/52 Sh
Friday. pan because of staffing and supply con- exhibit once told visitors that the scan- to build the airport, said dropping the
Bangkok 32/26 90/79 C 32/25 90/77 PC FRANCE cerns. Japan has experienced fuel, food dal that led to the president’s resigna- project was an ‘‘unavoidable choice for
Barcelona 20/12 68/54 PC 19/11 66/52 S
and power shortages since the March 11 tion was really a ‘‘coup’’ by his rivals. the national interest.’’ (BLOOMBERG)
Beijing 9/3 48/37 R 16/4 61/39 S
Belgrade 18/9 64/48 PC 18/7 64/45 PC
15-20 earthquake and ensuing tsunami. It is For years the library exhibit that re-
Berlin 17/9 63/48 C 20/11 68/52 S ITALY also grappling with serious problems at traces the Nixon story was a target of L AS VEGAS
Boston 7/1 45/34 R 8/1 46/34 W SPAIN ALB. its Fukushima nuclear plant. ridicule, panned for omissions and edit-
Brussels 18/11 64/52 Sh 23/12 73/54 S 2 NEW TOURIST ATTRACTIONS
25-30 The airlines — British Airways, Air ing that academics and critics said
Buenos Aires 27/16 81/61 S 26/14 79/57 S HIGHLIGHT CITY’S MOB HISTORY
Cairo 32/19 90/66 S 27/17 81/63 S France-KLM and Lufthansa — have shaped a legacy favorable to the tainted
Chicago 8/-1 46/30 Sn 10/1 50/34 PC
moved crews to Seoul and are using ca- president. Speakeasies, bootleggers, gun-wielding
Frankfurt 19/12 66/54 Sh 24/15 75/59 S tering services out of Incheon airport, On Thursday, archivists were to crime bosses and tough-guy accents
Geneva 18/11 64/52 H 22/8 72/46 S MOROCCO
Hong Kong 24/19 75/66 S 27/21 81/70 S
TUNISIA ISRAEL adding a stop in the country for flights present a revamped and expanded ver- pay homage to Las Vegas’ mob roots in
20-25 JORDAN
Istanbul 13/11 55/52 C 12/9 54/48 R through Japan, a Seoul Regional Avi- sion of the exhibit at the library in Yorba, a pair of new attractions showcasing
Jakarta 29/24 84/75 R 29/24 84/75 R ALGERIA SAUDI
ation Administration official said. The California, a $500,000 makeover that the city’s criminal history.
Johannesburg 26/12 79/54 PC 22/12 72/54 T
Karachi 36/24 97/75 S 36/23 97/73 S EGYPT
stopover in Seoul adds at least two they said was faithful to fact, balanced An interactive attraction featuring
Kiev 12/7 54/45 PC 13/3 55/37 C LIBYA 25-30 hours to long-haul flights. and devoid of political judgment. (AP) gangster memorabilia and commen-
Lagos 32/25 90/77 PC 31/24 88/75 T 25-30 Air France’s sister airline, KLM, has tary from film actors who played mob-
Lisbon 24/13 75/55 PC 20/11 68/52 PC added an intermediate stop on flights SEOUL sters opens Wednesday on the Las Ve-
London 18/10 64/50 PC 18/9 64/48 Sh
Los Angeles 28/14 82/57 S 22/12 72/54 PC Nice 18/14 64/57 PC 23/13 73/55 S Stockholm 7/2 45/36 Sh 9/4 48/39 PC out of Tokyo at Kansai airport, near gas Strip. Oscar Goodman, the Las
Madrid 24/8 75/46 S 25/10 77/50 PC Osaka 19/8 66/46 S 9/4 48/39 C Sydney 26/15 79/59 PC 24/13 75/55 PC Osaka in Japan, until April 8, a spokes- Vegas mayor and a former defense law-
Manila 33/24 91/75 S 31/24 88/75 S Paris 19/9 66/48 C 23/12 73/54 S Taipei 25/18 77/64 PC 24/18 75/64 PC woman said. The carriers share a par- TO BUILD A NEW AIRPORT IN BUSAN yer, also plans to open his Las Vegas
Mexico City 28/11 82/52 PC 28/11 82/52 S Riyadh 28/19 82/66 S 32/19 90/66 S Tel Aviv 29/21 84/70 S 24/16 75/61 S
Miami 30/18 86/64 PC 30/19 86/66 S Rome 19/11 66/52 S 23/12 73/54 PC Tokyo 15/12 59/54 S 14/5 57/41 C
ent company but operate independ- South Korea scrapped plans to build a Museum of Organized Crime and Law
Moscow 1/-1 34/30 PC 7/1 45/34 C San Francisco 20/12 68/54 PC 17/7 63/45 C Toronto 7/0 45/32 PC 6/1 43/34 PC ently. Other carriers serving Asia- new international airport for Busan Enforcement this year.
Mumbai 34/22 93/72 S 33/23 91/73 S Sao Paulo 25/17 77/63 Sh 26/17 79/63 T Tunis 21/8 70/46 S 22/11 72/52 PC Pacific, including Qantas, have added after concluding that the project would ‘‘What differentiates us from any oth-
Nairobi 30/15 86/59 PC 31/15 88/59 PC Seoul 13/3 55/37 S 16/1 61/34 C Vienna 18/11 64/52 C 20/13 68/55 S
New Delhi 35/19 95/66 S 35/18 95/64 PC Shanghai 20/13 68/55 S 14/7 57/45 PC Warsaw 14/6 57/43 Sh 14/3 57/37 S
stopovers in Hong Kong, according to be too costly. er city is our history,’’ Mr. Goodman
New York 7/2 45/36 R 11/2 52/36 PC Singapore 31/25 88/77 R 31/25 88/77 Sh Washington 12/3 54/37 Sh 14/4 57/39 PC industry data. (REUTERS) Building the airfield in the southeast of said. ‘‘This is the story of America.’’ (AP)

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