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BC Alumni Newsletter

August 2021
A message from Janice Clark, BC Principal
This year marks an incredible milestone in the history of Burke Catholic. As
we prepare to welcome our first BC Academy students and all of our high
school students into the building this September, we cannot help but be
thankful for the blessings that have been bestowed upon the entire Burke
Catholic community.
The success of our students has always been our highest priority, and as we ex-
pand our student body, faculty and parent community, we will also be able to
expand the opportunities for our students. I am incredibly excited to be a part
of this new era at Burke Catholic and look forward to seeing our school contin-
ue to grow.
We would not be here today without the help of so many. I am especially
grateful to Cardinal Dolan, Mr. Michael Deegan, Superintendent of Schools,
our president Mr. Douthit, our faculty, staff, students and parents, our alumni
and donors and our BC Board of Trustees.
Those who have walked the halls of Burke Catholic in the past can be proud
and confident of its future as we continue to honor the BC commitment to
faith, family and academics for all of our present Eagles and those to follow.
“Non Vox, Sed Votum”
Rising Alumni I also participated in
varsity cheerleading my
Deidre Lahiff ‘16 first two years of high
school. Some of my
favorite memories from
high school were after
I am so hon-
school practices on the
ored to be
mat, working on new
writing for the
stunts or perfecting our
Burke Catholic
routines for competi-
Newsletter this
tions. It was so amazing
month, and I
to be part of the winning
am so grateful
Sectionals team my
to Mrs. Karen
freshman year, and it
Dwyer for
was such a wonderful
reaching out!
welcome to the excel-
I always look back on my years at Burke as a time of growth, friendship, lence and camaraderie
and immense learning. There were so many opportunities to try new things that so defines the Burke Catholic community. I am so grateful to
and explore different classes, and these opportunities allowed me to have Mrs. Sheehan and her daughter Kelsey, for all of their extra work to
a smooth transition into college upon my graduation. When I first started at make sure everything was perfect.
Burke, I knew I wanted to join as many musical groups as possible. One of
When I graduated from Burke, I decided to study music at Provi-
my biggest influences on my decision to pursue music in high school was
dence College. After initially deciding on a degree in Musical Thea-
Mrs. Sophia Bayno. Although she was not still teaching at Burke when I
tre, I soon realized that my heart was most happy singing opera. I
had the opportunity to work with her, Mrs. Bayno had a long and joyful
performed in my first opera, Dido and Aeneas, during my sopho-
history of encouraging children to pursue music during her teaching years
more year, and was so intrigued by the centuries’ old techniques
at Burke and St. John School. She is the reason I began singing when I
that are still so powerful and poignant to this day. I was so lucky
was a young child, and her loving spirit continues to inspire and uplift me
and blessed to perform Le nozze di Figaro at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln
as I begin my professional music career.
Center, and the National Opera Center during the summer of 2019.
During my time at Burke, I was in Chorus for four years, Jazz Band for two It was such a surreal experience, and working with such talented
years, and performed in drama productions every year. I am so grateful for singers, musicians, and conductors was the chance of a lifetime. I
Mrs. Dillon, Ms. Lattanzio, and Caitlin Dillon, who gave me so many valua- also sang with PC’s select chamber ensemble, I Cantori. It was so
ble lessons and resources which helped me both in high school and be- wonderful to have choral experience from Burke to lean on during
yond. They always made sure the shows were not just about the perfor- my first rehearsals. I am forever grateful to the music program at
mance itself, but also made it an educational experience for the cast. I am Burke Catholic which set me on my path to pursue opera as my
still friends with many of my fellow performers! One of my favorite memo- career.
ries was performing with the cast of No, No, Nanette at the Orange County
The arts were one of the many industries to feel the worst effects of
Art Council’s Musical Showcase in the Galleria Mall. It was so exciting to
the COVID-19 pandemic, and so along my graduation from Provi-
perform selections of our show for such a big audience, as well as see all
dence with a degree in Music in May of 2020 were mixed feelings
the other high schools’ performances! I also attended NYSTEA for three
of excitement, frustration, and confusion. It was difficult to know
years, and this educational trip helped me learn so much about the theatre
what the right next step was, but in those moments I leaned on my
industry and pre-
family and my faith. Burke’s religion program not only strengthened
pared me for my
my faith, but provided the opportunity to ask questions and have
college and gradu-
discussions that solidified my understanding of Catholicism.
ate school audi-
tions. I cantored After deferring my graduate degree until in-person classes re-
for school Masses, sumed, I began studying with a voice teacher to continue my stud-
and it was so won- ies. In April of this year I performed in La Traviata with the Taconic
derful to work with Opera Company, and in a few days I will be starting my Masters of
Mr. Yates as we Music in Classical Voice at NYU Steinhardt School of School of
prepared and per- Culture, Education, and Human Development. I will always be
formed music for thankful that I had the opportunity to attend Burke Catholic High
Masses, retreats, School. My years there gave me a solid foundation of faith, hard
and even one work, and tradition to build on in college and in my future. I am
alumni wedding in forever proud to be an Eagle!
the chapel!
Voice of Eagles Past At every event, I
Dawn Ferriolo was always
blown away by
BC Math Department
the athletic, ar-
2006-2020 tistic, or musical
talent of Burke
Catholic stu-
“Welcome to the Burke Catholic family.” These were
dents. I espe-
some of the first words I heard as Burke Catholic teacher.
cially enjoyed
These words made me feel like I was home and part of
the Baccalaure-
something special. Over the fourteen years I taught at
ate Mass and
Burke Catholic I felt that this place was more than a
dinner and
school, it really was and still is a family. I treasure my
graduation. It was amazing to see how much
memories of my Burke Catholic family and miss the facul-
they grew and matured by senior year, how
ty, staff, students, parents, and alumni. Many who have
much they accomplished throughout their
become valued friends.
time at Burke Catholic and what they planned
I have many memories of teaching at Burke Catho- for the future.
lic. I enjoyed seeing the look on a student’s face when
I am in awe of many graduates as I see the
they began to understand a math concept and admired
great impact they have on the world. Many
the hard work and dedication of many of my students.
have chosen careers in education, healthcare,
Often teaching students for multiple years, I was able to
or law enforcement. Burke Catholic graduates
better know them and who they were as young men and
understand service to others. I am gratified
women as well as students. I was constantly inspired by
that I am able to stay in touch with many of
the amazing teachers at Burke Catholic, who in addition
my former students and celebrate their career
to being fantastic educators, were always willing to give of
success, weddings, and birth announcements.
their time for their students. I learned so much from all
of them and in particular, my colleagues in the math de- I left Burke Catholic when my husband
and I made the decision to relocate to Florida.
partment, Mrs. Tudrej and Mrs. Breitfeller.
We live about an hour south of Orlando and
As much I loved teaching, I enjoyed being have enjoyed the warm climate, as well as the
involved in the extra events and activities over the years. theme parks and Florida wildlife. It was been
Fashion Shows and Basketball Tournaments with Ms. an adjustment, but after a year we have both
Nemeth, NHS induction ceremonies with Mrs. Ross, dec- adjusted to being Floridians. I am now teach-
orating for homecoming dances with Mrs. Clark and Mrs. ing at a small public school with grade 6 – 12.
Morgan and working on the yearbook with Mrs. Ruiz. All It is a nice school, but I do miss my Burke
these events and activities were made so much better be- Catholic
cause of the dedication and hard work of our Burke Cath- family.
olic students. Always willing to give of their own time Burke Cath-
and energy. Giving up a Saturday to decorate the gym for olic is a
a Fashion Show or a Dance, play in a basketball tourna- special
ment or performing random acts of kindness. I enjoyed place and I
attending many other events: football and basketball was truly
games; the variety shows; Christmas concerts; the Spring blessed to
Musicals; and Princess Tea parties. have been
an eagle..
BC In The News No one measures their success by the dollars in
their paycheck. They measure it by their commit-
ment to their Catholic faith, their commitment to
Academy-Bound Middle-Schoolers Already a Wel- the children and the building. Our folks in the
come Addition to John S. Burke Catholic Campus building have done an incredible job making sure
Catholic New York, By Dan Pietrafesa we can be successful.”

Liam Drumgoole, a 2016 Burke Catholic graduate,

will teach math at the high school for a second
year. He said he’s “excited” about having the mid-
dle school students in the same building and of-
fered why Burke Catholic is a great place for stu-
dents and teachers. “Definitely the sense of com-
munity is a big part of it. I always felt welcomed
there,” he said.
Burke Catholic dates to 1899 when it was known
as St. John’s Academic School. In 1904, the
school moved and became known as the Garr In-
stitute, which remained the school’s name until it
John S. Burke Catholic High School will begin a new was renamed St. John’s High School in 1946.
era in the 2021-2022 school year by opening Burke
Catholic Academy for middle school students that will The current school building opened with 400 stu-
nearly fill the building on its 62-acre Goshen campus to dents in December 1964 and was dedicated by
capacity. Cardinal Francis Spellman in May 1965 with its
current name of Burke Catholic. An addition to the
The first full day of school for both the academy and the school opened in 1982.
high school is Sept. 8. “I think having the new students The middle school students will have their own
in the building will not only be incredible for us—a new wing in the building, but will share rooms such as
opportunity for our administration and faculty—but our art and music with the high school students. High
high school students are very excited because having a school and middle school students will have the
younger generation of students in the building will make opportunity to participate together in school clubs
them more responsible and will make them understand and activities, and a modified sports program for
our mission more,” said Janice Clark, high school and middle-school children is being added.
academy principal.
A personalized education is offered, said Mrs.
Burke Catholic Academy had 159 students, 57 coming Clark. “So every student that walks into the build-
from public schools, enrolled in late July for grades six ing is not a number, they’re a person with a
through eight, and a waiting list existed for seventh- name. “When parents leave here, often they tell us
graders still hoping to enter the academy. School offi- this was the best decision they ever made for their
cials were expecting between 75 and 90 students and child.”
one class for each grade during the academy’s first year
when the announcement of its formation came in Febru- The school received assistance from the archdio-
ary. With the added students, each grade will have two cese to upgrade the building’s structure with new
classes. With 340 students enrolled as of late July in the windows and a new roof, among other enhance-
high school, the campus will be close to its capacity of ments. The school also has improved its campus
550 students. by adding a new outdoor track, and new bleachers
in the gymnasium, and converted the library into a
“I’m super excited, especially for the academy,” said student union center.
Allie Gesztesi, a 17-year-old Burke Catholic rising sen-
ior and parishioner of St. John the Evangelist in Goshen. “Our commitment to the parents is we're going to
“It’ll make our family at Burke even bigger.\“It’s going hold your child accountable in the building, then
to be a great year.” you as a parent we’re asking to make a significant
financial commitment to us but you get to hold us
John Douthit and Mrs. Clark will serve as president and accountable,” Douthit said.
principal of both the high school and middle school, re-
spectively. They are two of the many school administra- “Our challenge is delivering on what we spoke to
tors, faculty and staff who attended Burke Catholic. our families about; it’s delivering on that account-
ability, delivering the great product, delivering of
“It is incredibly exciting,” Douthit said of the added value to the middle school and high school stu-
middle school and student enrollment being higher than dents.”
anticipated. “That’s a testament to our team here. We
have an incredible group that works here.
Alumni Business Spotlight
Colleen & Bobby Cappadora ‘08
My brother Bobby and I both graduated from Burke in 2008. Not
only did he play Horton in "Seussical the Musical," but he was al-
so a two time offensive lineman of the year and the Section 9
Class B Coaches Impact Player of the year choice. I played soccer
and lacrosse for Burke... not many awards like him! BUT I went to
Mount Saint Mary College (I played soccer for their team all four years) and graduated with my
BA in History/ Political Science. My minors were Psychology and Business as well. In order to
help pay for my schooling I worked in some amazing food establishments. My brother had kitch-
en experience from some local places as well. It was really our dad's dream ( he was a Football
coach at Burke as well) to have a small Italian Ice business once he retired from the FDNY.
Welp! Right before the shutdown of 2020, and with my children's best interest at heart, I decided
we were opening Ice Capps FINALLY. It's not exactly the small push cart my dad had originally
envisioned. My brother and I have big plans for our small company. We are grateful to be able to
make this start right here in the town that we grew up in with the hope that our business will
continue to grow as well. We love being part of a great community and were happy to have been
selected to share our ice cream with your new middle school families at the 1st BCA Ice Cream
Things don’t slow down in the
summer at BCHS...
BCHS Administration never stops working to create a
“cutting-edge” learning environment for our students.
Innovative and challenging programs set BCHS
apart while giving our students every advantage.
The Bleacher Project Complete!
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

We are just getting started! With your help, we

continue to Redefine the Possible at BCHS.
Christmas Boutique - December 4, 2021
Looking for vendors!

Contact Sue Kless for information and an application.
A Treasured BC Tradition

BCHS New Parent Cocktail Party

We are blessed to have alumni who

are also new BC parents!
Looking forward to a fabulous
Please let us know you are coming.
Burke Catholic Golf Outing

Our Golf
Outing may
be sold out
but you can
still join us
for dinner.

It is going to
be a great
BC Ugly Sweater Cash & Cocktails
Save the Date!

Who doesn’t love an Ugly

Sweater Party?
Especially one with prizes!
Save the Date and join the BC
Family for a fashion night-
mare before Christmas.
Tickets on sale soon!
Attention Class of ‘04, ‘05 & ‘06
Who doesn’t love a challenge...

To make a donation to Professor Gilmore’s challenge visit

or contact Karen at

Katie Mahoney ‘ 15 - Started as Production As-
sistant at Nick Cannon Show.
Burke Catholic Athletic Dept: Coaches Needed:
Patrick Douthit ‘17 - Started as Client Relation-
For listing of openings contact Adam Kless at ak-
ship Associate, Vanguard, Malvern, PA.
Andrea Pepe ‘ 18 - Promoted to Phonathon Su-
Kyle Kennedy (BC Class of ’98) - looking for Di- pervisor at Fairfield University.
rector of Human Resources, and Converge Specialist Alyssa Barone ‘ 19 – Named Research Assistant
Sales Associate , Travelers, Glens Falls NY . Contact at New York University.
Kyle at

Camden Olivero (BC Class of ‘18)- sign up to be a Engagements:

ClothesLyner. Must live in Orange County NY. Visit
Meaghan L. Ruiz ‘ 16 and Dr. Michael W. Bayer for information/application.
Mary Leahy ‘15 and Joe Grasso ‘15
Derek Zhou (BC Class of ‘15) - looking for Data
Analyst, Discover Financial Services, Shanghai , Chi-
na. Apply at (99+) Data Analyst - Shanghai 2022 Campus | Dis-
cover Financial Services | LinkedIn

We are working to expand our BC

Alumni Network to make mean-
ingful BC connections. Our goal
is to have a platform where alum-
ni can recruit from a diverse pool
of candidates seeking internships,
part-time and full-time positions.
Alumni can create a complete
employer profile to help students
and other alumni learn about your
company or organization. Con-
nect with rising alumni and offer
mentorship in a field where you
have experience. Stay tuned !
BCHS Upcoming Events
We have many wonderful events in the works for the 2021-2022 school
year. All of them need our BC Family! We would love to see you this
year, so mark your calendar!
Burke Catholic Hall of Fame
BC Alumni Newsletter
2020- 2021

ReVitalize, ReEngage, ReConnect

Office of Alumni and Advancement

Your gift will have an immediate impact on all BCHS students.

Light the way for today’s students, so that they can find their way to impact
the world.

To make your gift today, please visit

To double the impact of your donation check to see if your company participates in a matching
gift program - please visit
If you would like to be in-
cluded in the next news-
letter or have a Milestone
or story you would like to
share, contact Karen Dwyer:

Contact Information
John S. Burke Catholic High School
Office of Admissions, Alumni and Advancement
80 Fletcher St, Goshen, NY 10924
(845) 294-5481 ext 132

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