Handout 8-Election Script For SSC 2015-2016 Rev 8 18 15

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Note: Review

bylaws prior to Election Script for School Site Council Officers (SSC) Handout 8-B
election. Members and Officers

I. In this order the Principal or designee will:

a. Welcome and call the meeting to order
b. Reviews the purpose of the council (Handout 10-A)
c. Introduces the electioneer (staff member)
d. Assigns or identify the person who will be taking notes (staff member)
e. Turns over the meeting to the electioneer for the purpose of conducting elections

II. Electioneer identifies the elected member from the following subgroups:
 Teachers
 Parents
 Students (secondary)
 Staff
a. Members will sit in a designated area and electioneer will review ground rules (Election
 No voting by proxy. Person must be present in order to participate.
 No sidebar conversations
 Electioneer may exclude any person who does not adhere to the rules
 No soliciting of votes
 If a member chooses not to vote, the ballot is marked void and must be turned in
 Electioneer marks all blank ballots as void
 Electioneer will recognize raised hands

III. Electioneer conducts the election process as in this order:

Good morning/afternoon,

My name is _________________

I will be conducting the election for the School Site Council, also referred to as SSC.

When you arrived this morning you received:

 An Agenda – Which will guide us through the order of the day
 Election Guidelines – which will guide us through the election process AND
 Operating Norms – which are the Code of Conduct
If you choose to become a member you will be asked to sign and submit the Operating Norms.

Prior to the election, you received an Orientation on the roles and responsibilities of the School Site Council.


 (State the number to be elected) parent members will be elected to serve on the SSC.
 Before conducting the election for parent members inquire with the parents present if they wish to
elect community to serve on the parent side. Parents voted (not/to) give up any seats to community
Any parent, not employed by this school is eligible to serve as a parent member.
Revised 8/18/2015
At this time I declare all seats vacant.

The floor is now open for nominations for SSC Parent membership.

You may nominate yourself or someone else.

Please raise your hand and I will recognize you.

I recognize……….I recognize…….

Any additional nominees?

I will ask three times to make sure that there are no more nominations

After the 3rd time I will entertain a motion to close nominations and accept the nominees.

(Repeat three times are there any more nominations)

Hearing none

I’d like to entertain a motion to close nominations and accept the nominees for SSC Parent membership.

I recognize………. I need a second I recognize……..

All in favor? Please raise your hand. Any opposed? Please raise your hand. Any abstentions? Please raise
your hand. Motion passed.

Each nominee will have an opportunity to give a brief speech with the use of a timer, as to why they would like
to be member on the SSC.

This will happen prior to distributing ballots and allow parents the opportunity to vote.

We will start with (call in the order of nomination.) Thank you, you may be seated.

Each one of you will receive a ballot.

Please write down a maximum of ___ names, from the nominee list shown.

Any ballot with more than 3 names will be marked void.

We will collect the ballots and count for the most votes.

The election results are as follows: (Call out name and # of votes)

Congratulations to the newly Elected SSC parent members.

Revised 8/18/2015

As you may know there are additional stakeholders that must participate on the School Site Council,
and have been elected by their peers prior to the parent elections.

Note: for Secondary schools only. I would like to introduce the Students:
I would like to introduce the teachers that provide direct instruction to our students they are:
I would like to introduce other staff who does not provide direct instruction to our students is:
And the Principal, who is the only automatic member.
I’d like the elected SSC members to take a seat in this designated area.
These members will be electing officers for the School Site Council.
All members have equal voting rights.
All officer seats are declared vacant.

The officers that we will be electing are the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Parliamentarian.


• Preside at all meeting of the SSC

 Signs all letters, reports and other communications
 Participate in planning of the agenda
 Perform all duties relevant to the office of the chairperson
If there is ONLY ONE candidate running for the office, we will close the floor for nomination and accept the
nominee by acclamation. I will ask a member to cast a “ballot of acclamation”.

If there is MORE than ONE candidate, each nominee will have an opportunity to give a brief speech with a use
of a timer. This will happen prior to distributing ballots and allow members the opportunity to vote.

All ballots will stay in the room and be counted in front of you. The candidate with the most votes will be
elected to the vacant position.

Now, the floor is open for nominations for the position of Chairperson…

You can nominate yourself or nominate someone else.

Please raise your hand to be recognized.

I recognize… I recognize…

Any additional nominations?

I will ask three times to make sure that there are no more nominations.

After the 3rd time I will entertain a motion to close nominations and accept the nominees.

(Repeat three times are there any more nominations)

Hearing none…….

3 Revised 8/18/2015
At this time I would like to entertain a motion to close nominations and accept the nominees for the
Chairperson position.

I recognize….

I need a second…. I recognize….

All in favor? Please raise your hand. Any oppose? Please raise your hand. Any abstain? Please raise your
hand. Motion carries.

And now, I would like to ask our nominees to come forward to give a brief speech, stating why they would like
to be the Chairperson. Thank you.

You may be seated.

Now, that we have heard from our nominees, it is time to vote.

Each one of you will receive a ballot. Please write down only one name from the nominee list shown.

We will collect the ballots and count for the most votes.

The Election Results are as follows:

(Call out name and # of votes.)


__________ is the new Chairperson of School Site Council.

This process will be repeated for the remaining 3 officers’ position.

IV. Certification Form:

a. The SSC chairperson, electioneer, and principal must complete and sign the certification form.
b. The form is to be electronically submitted no later than five business days following the
completion of the election via Principal Portal/Parent, Community and Student Services. The
original hard copy with all required signatures remains at the school site.
c. Every school must retain the SSC certification forms and election documentation for five years.

4 Revised 8/18/2015
Handout 8-A

California Education Code 64001(a) requires districts receiving state, federal and other applicable funding
through the Consolidated Application (ConApp) process ensure that participating schools prepare a Single
Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The SPSA is a blueprint to improve the academic performance of all
students to the level of the targeted performance goals of the School Quality Improvement System (SQIS)
and the LAUSD District Scorecard.

Pursuant to California Education Code 52852 and 32281(2), every school shall establish a School Site Council
(SSC) as the decision-making council for all programs funded through the Consolidated Application. Further,
the SSC is responsible for developing, revising and adopting the comprehensive school safety plan and the
SPSA with its proposed expenditure of all categorical funds, as well as ensuring that a school meets all federal
parental involvement mandates, specifically, the development and approval of the school level Title I Parent
Involvement Policy, the Title I School-Parent Compact, and the Title I parental involvement budget.

Elementary schools/Primary centers:
 Councils will consist of no fewer than ten (10) members and be constituted to ensure parity.
 Half the membership will be staff, including the principal. Classroom teachers must be the majority.
 Other school personnel.
 The other half will be parents or legal guardians and may be a community member, if the parents vote
to assign their parent member seats to community members and subsequently elect the community
members. This composition must be recorded in the bylaws.
Middle/High and Option schools:
 Councils will consist of no fewer than twelve (12) members
 Half of the membership will be staff including the principal. Classroom teachers must be the majority.
 Other school personnel.
 The other half will be students and parents or legal guardians and may be a community member, if the
parents vote to assign their parent member seats to community members and subsequently elect the
community members. This composition must be recorded in the bylaws.
o There must be parity between parents and students on the parent/community/student portion
of the council.
 Ensure that all federal parental involvement mandates are met, specifically:
o The development and approval of the school-level Title I Parent Involvement Policy.
o The development and approval of the Title I School-Parent Compact.
 Develop, review and adopt the SPSA in consultation with relevant stakeholders and, where
applicable, with the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).
 Respond in writing to written (Bulletin 6541.0 Attachment A) recommendations from ELAC within 30
calendar days or at the next School Site Council meeting.
 Review the school’s SPSA, data and proposed categorical budget expenditures at every meeting.
 Review and revise the SPSA annually to align all goals, strategies and categorical funds to the
identified instructional needs of students and to the District’s priorities.
 Develop the comprehensive school safe plan.

Revised 8/18/2015

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