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Department of Agriculture
Cordillera Administrative Region
Department of Agriculture
Cordillera Administrative Region

A post-harvest guide coming from the experts in the

kitchen. Bringing high-end
cuisines to home recipes, the
Something Fishy is a compilations of
food recipes completing the protein
requirement of the populace.

Call everyone in the neighborhood, harvest your backyard vegetables, and try to
cook fresh fish with these simple guides. Happy cooking & eating!


3 Importance of fish in household nutrition

Composition of fish muscles

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Vitamins and Minerals
Resources-Cordillera Administrative What causes Fish Spoilage
Region Prevent fish from getting spoiled

Something Fishy. 5 Quality Table for Fresh Fish

(Sensory Evaluation)
Cooking Simple Fish Recipes, Completing
our protein requirement 6 Fish Drying
A compilation of fish recipes from 7Rellenong Bangus 14Grilled whole Tiilapia
Broiled Tilapia
the Fisheries Extension, Training, and
Communication Division (FETCD). All 8Hamonadong Bangus 15Grilled Marinted Tilapia
photographs are internet downloaded. Fish noodles Tilapia fillet
9Smoked soft-bone 16 Thai Grilled whole fish with
Cover Design: Rodelyn Q. Foronda
Layout: Elvy Taquio and Paul Nuval
10 Fish patties corriander-chilli sauce | Thai easy fish
Fish balls curry
Regional Office 11 Fish kikiam 17Ginataang Isda
Smoked fish (tinapa) Pinoy Paksiw na Bangus
Easter Road, Guisad, Baguio City
Telefax: (074) 443-6716 12 Fish embutido 18Filipino bangus croquettes
445-8499 Fish lumpia Filipino bagnus en tocho
13Spicy dillis 19 Pinoy Cardillong Bangus
Fish sisig Crispy fried whole catfish
Rice often constitutes up to 60% of the daily food intake of most Asians. It is often the
major source of energy and nutrients in our diet. However, only traces of some essential
nutrients like Vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, zinc, and iodine are found in rice. These
nutrients, therefore, must be supplied by other foods which fish has the potential to have a
quality diet.
The relationships among food, energy and essential nutrients must be seriously
considered in order to ensure food and nutrition security.
The problems of malnutrition and health, to a great extent, can be addressed by
improving access to quality and diverse food types which fish can suffice.


Water: 70-80% Protein: 20%

Lipids: 1-7% Non-protein: 2%
Inorganic salt: 1% Vitamins: traces

Composition variations may occur according to species, season, nutritional status, size and
individual differences within the species.

Fish Protein
• Fish protein is of high quality as it contains all the essential amino acids necessary for
physical growth and maintenance.
• It is highly digestible (85-95% digestibility) and has favorable taste.

Fish Oil
Most fish are low in total fat and relatively high in poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Poly-
unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, have been found to decrease
blood triglyceride and cholesterol in animals and humans. Thus, adequate consumption of
fish helps maintain a healthy heart and lowers the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Vitamins and Minerals

• Fish is a fairly good source of fat and water soluble vitamins. Vitamin A is present in fish
as retinol, which is readily absorbed and utilized by humans. In vegetables, Vitamin A comes
as B-carotene, which is not as readily absorbed as retinol and, to some-extent, is lost in
• Fish contributes enormously to the mineral supply in the diet. Minerals such as iron,
copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus are essential for several vital metabolic
functions of the body
- Iron is necessary for hemoglobin formation in the blood. It can address the problem
of iron deficiency, anemia.
- Calcium and Phosphorus are essential for bone formation. Small fish can be
consumed with their bones and heads, which constitute good sources of these minerals.
- Iodine is advised to be incorporated in the diet to protect against iodine deficiency
disorders like goiter. Marine fish and seaweeds are excellent sources of iodine.

There are three agents of spoilage:

a. Enzymes
It is either indigenous in the fish tissues, or produced by microorganisms during
growth. These enzymes are responsible for the metabolic processes of fish while it is alive
without harming it.

b. Microorganisms
It might be present in the surface slime, may come from water where the fish is caught
or may be obtained from post-harvest handling (i.e. fish comes in contact with the soil
and unclean surfaces).

c. Chemical reactions
It is not due to enzymes such as fat oxidation that result to rancidity of the fish.

As soon as fish dies, spoilage begins.


Spoilage of fish is inevitable. By nature, fish will eventually spoil when kept for a very
long time. However, the rate of spoilage may be slowed down to maintain freshness of
the fish as long as possible before consuming it.

A. Applying the Big 3Cs

CARE. Fish must be handled with care all times. Since unnecessary damage, such as
cuts and wounds, may provide access for the entry of spoilage of bacteria into the fish
flesh. Damaged fish will have lesser price than the undamaged. In worst cases, damaged
ones may end up trash. This is one of the major causes of losses in post-harvest handling.

CLEANLINESS. Fish cleanliness may be achieved by eliminating the sources of

contamination in fish after death such as by gutting and by washing to remove surface
microorganisms. Big fish should be gutted as soon as possible and then washed
thoroughly. Washing is said to remove 90% of the surface microorganisms. It is important
that only clean and potable water be used in washing of the fish to avoid further
contamination. All surfaces (e.g. chopping board, containers, tables, etc.) in contact
with the fish must be clean. Workers who handle the fish are also possible sources or
contamination and must observe proper personal hygiene.

COOLING. Cooling the fish quickly as possible is the most important. At low
temperature, all the agents of spoilage are slowed down, hence, spoilage rate is also
slowed down or temporarily stopped. Cooling the fish may be done with the use of ice to
chill fish to near 0°C, or with a machine to bring down further the temperature below 0°C,
as in freezing. Remember, the lower the temperature, the slower is the rate of spoilage
and the longer is the shelf-life. In short, cool the fish to near 0°C as quickly as possible and
avoid delays.
B. Applying post-harvest technologies

1. Control of temperature
o Use of low temperature (like chilling, super chilling, freezing)
o Use of high temperature (like canning, frying, steaming, boiling)
2. Removal of moisture (like salting, drying or smoking)
3. Use of additives
4. Use of appropriate packaging
5. Use of other technologies (like pH reduction as in picking, marinating, fermentation)


(Johnson and Clucas, 1996)


Dark red color; Bright, Natural colors;

5 Some thin clear metallic; Clear Iridescent; firm Firm

slime; Marine pupils; convex scales; little or no before or Excellent
smell slime in rigor

Red color; some Dull; pupils Natural colors;

4 slime, but still

thin and clear; no
cloudy; slightly
concave; blood
Iridescent; firm
scales; some slime Firm Good

Red-brown color; Dull; pupils Slight red color;

some thick slime; cloudy; slightly scales loose; more
beerly/ mousely/ concave; blood thick slime Firm Average
warm smell

Brown color; a Dull; pupils Red/yellow color;

2 lot of slime; slight

“off” smell
cloudy; slightly scales missing;
concave; bloody dry skin; a lot of
yellow slime
Soft Poor

Brown color; a lot Dull; pupils Red/yellow color;

Very soft,

of slime; very bad cloudy; concave few scales; dry
mark of
smell/ ammonia or bulging out; skin; a lot of Very Poor
finger left
smell with blood thick yellow
if pressed
Procedure: top of the brined fish to keep the fish below the
surface. For large fish, they may be repacked in
1. Washing/ Evisceration smaller pieces with the brine that had formed
-Wash thoroughly with clean water after 48 hours.

For small fish – remove viscera through the slit 3. Drying

made down the belly and wash for medium-sized -For small fish, spread the fish in layers on a wire
fish – split the fish down the back leaving the belly screen, coarsely woven rattan or bamboo racks to
wall intact. Remove gills and viscera, then wash dry. Heavily salted fish are first sun-dried for 3-4
with clean water. hours in the morning and then air-dried under
the shade to prevent casehardening. Turn fish
For large fish – fillet big fish ad cut into strips, over every 1-2 hours. At night, racks should be
3-6 inches wide, 8-10 inches ½ to 1 inch thick. stocked under the cover where air can circulate
Gut the strips if they are quite thick for an even but moisture cannot reach them.
distribution of salt. Remove also very tough skin.
-fish of 4 or more inches in length dry better if
2. Brine Soaking split down through the backbone or if they are
-small fish are soaked in 10% brine (1part salt to laid out on trays or racks. For the first day or so,
9 parts water by weight) for 30 minutes to leach they should not be exposed to the bright sun at
out blood. Soak in concentrated brine (60% all. After the first day, however, they may be put
salinity) for 3-6 hours. Dry the fish for 12-24 hours out for 3-6 hours each morning and towards the
depending on the size of the fish and the desired end of the drying period to be left out all day. The
fish salt concentration. best product is prepared by drying the fish in the
shade where there is a good breeze but with no
-for medium and large-sized fish, soak the fish direct exposure the sun at all.
filets or strips in 10% brine for 30 minutes to leach
out the blood and slime. Thoroughly rub salt on -if the fish are laid out on trays, they should be
the surface of the fish for even coating. Pack fish turned over 4-5 times a day top facilitate even
in vats, barrels or earthen pots with salt between drying. Medium-sized fish (1-3 lbs.) will dry in
layers and around the fishes. three days. Large fish strips will take from a week
to 10 days or more to dry.
-the ratio of the salt to fish averages about 1 part
to 4 parts by weight. For 1 to 3 lbs. fish, they are 4. Packing
generally soaked for 36 hours. Put weight on -Pack dried fish in clean boxes, baskets or in

Ingredients: 2 pcs. tomatoes, chopped
1 raw egg (large)
1 pc. bangus (large sized)
1 tsp. vetsin (monosodium glutamate)
1 pc. onion, chopped finely
1 tsp. salt
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. worcestershire sauce
1 pc. carrots (small sized), cut to small cubes
1 pc. green bell pepper, chopped finely
1 box raisins (optional)
2 tbsp. flour
Precedures cooking oil

1. Scrape fish scales. Clean. Gently pound fish the whole meat without cutting an opening
to loosen meat from the skin. Use flat side of a on the skin.
knife in pounding.
5. Marinate skin and head of fish with soy
2. Break the big bone at the nape and on sauce and calamansi (lime) juice. Set aside.
the tail. Insert the end of the handle of an Boil fish meat in a little water. Drain. Pick out
aluminum kitchen turner (sandok) through bones. Flake meat.
the fish neck.
6. Saute garlic until brown. Add onion and
3. Gently scrape down the handle between tomatoes. Stir in fish meat, carrot, and
the meat and the skin. Scrape down to the pepper. Season with salt, vetsin, ground
tail, going around and on the other side of the pepper, and worcestershire sauce. Add
fish. raisins.

4. If you feel the meat is entirely separated 7. Transfer cooked mixture to a plate. Cook,
from the skin, remove the handle, squeeze then add raw egg and flour. Fill in mixture in
and push out meat (with the big bone), bangus skin. Wrap bangus in wilted banana
starting from the tail going out through the leaves or in aluminum foil. Fry. Cool before
head. This way, you will be able to push out slicing.

8. Garnish with sliced fresh tomato, spring
onions or parsely. Serve with catsup.


Hamunadong Fish
bangus noodles
Ingredients: Ingredients:
Milkfish 1 cup minced fish (bisugo,
250 g. brown sugar dalagang bukid)
5 g. bay leaves 3 cups flour, sifted
5 g. black pepper
10 g. nutmeg 1 cup flour for dusting
10 g. prague powder (curing salt) 1 pc. egg yolk
20 g. paprika 1 1/2 tsp. lye
2 tsp. salt

1. Wash milkfish, split and remove all
internal organ and false kidney. 1. Sift flour, add minced fish and mix.
2. Wash and debone. Cool until needed. 2. Add egg yolk, lye and salt. Mix and
3. Mix all the ingredients of the curing form into balls.
solution. 3. Cut mixture into four.
4. Simmer the curing solution for 1 hour 4. Knead and cut through the noodle
and cool. machine.
5. Soak the deboned milkfish in the cool 5. Blanch in boiling water for 1
curing solution. minute or until the noodles float.
6. Store in a chill room overnight. 6. Immerse in cold water or running
7. Remove milkfish from solution and water, then drain.
wash surface. Remove excess salt. 7. Toss with cooking oil if necessary.
8. Spread on smoking trays and surface
dry. *Note: add 1 tsp. oil to water (10
9. Smoke until golden brown. Cool cups) before it reaches boiling
before packing in boxes.
10. Keep refrigerated or store at 20°C.

Smoked soft-boned
Procedure: minutes (Processing time varies according
to size of fish).
1. Clean the fish by removing the gills and
internal organs through the gill opening 5. After processing, dry under the sun for
taking precaution not to destroy the soft 30-45 minutes to remove excess moisture
belly. from the skin.

2. Wash the fish thoroughly. Soak in 10% 6. Smoke the processed fish in a suitable
brine solution (1part salt to 9 parts water) smoke house for 1 ½ to 2 hours until
or salt for 30-50 minutes depending on the golden brown in color.
size of the fish.
7. Smear coconut oil on the skin to create
3. Drain brine from fish. Rub a small luster or sheen.
amount of salt with soy sauce and vetsin
inside the belly cavity. 8. Pack the finished product in
polyethylene or cellophane bags in such a
4. Wrap about 4 pieces bangus in clean way that the presentation is inviting, but
banana leaves and arrange in a pressure still maintaining minimal airspace inside
cooker. Pressure cooker at 10 lbs. for 90 the packaging.

Cooking tip!
To scale the whole fish such as bream,
hold it by the tail end on a board and
scrape with broads-bladed knife or
cleaver, working towards the head.
1992. Hamlyn All Colour Chinese Cookbook.
Reed International Book Ltd. Hongkong.

Fish Fish
Ingredients: Ingredients:

1 kg. fish meat 1 kg. surimi Oil

3 tbsp. flour 2 tbsp. salt Ice water
1 tbsp. salt 1 cup flour Breadcrumbs
1 tbsp. baking powder 2 tbsp. sugar
3/4 cup water 1 cup starch
Seasonings/ spices
Chopped onion

1. Chop fish meat and add salt.
2. Dissolve flour and baking powder in 1. Mix starch and salt with the
water. prepared surimi in the mixer.
3. Add to fish meat and mix well. 2. Add ice water and sugar.
4. Form into balls. 3. Continue mixing for 2 minutes.
5. Cook in boiling water until the ball 4. Add chopped onion and all
floats. seasonings.
6. Remove from water. Drain. 5. Mold mixture into patties (use
7. Fry in deep hot oil. molder if available) and roll over the
8. Serve while hot with sweet or sour breadcrumbs.
sauce. 6. Pack using plastic bag and freeze.

*Note: When cooking, deep fry.


Smoked Fish
fish kikiam
Ingredients: Ingredients:
2 (500) g. bangus, cleaned but 1/2 kg. minced fish meat
with scales intact and sliced into 1 pc. egg (well beaten)
butterfly fillet 1/2 cup chopped onion
4 tsp. rock salt 1/2 cup chopped carrots
1 tbsp. calamansi juice 1 1/4 tsp. nguyong powder
1 tea bag (contents only) 1 1/2 tbsp. salt
3 tbsp. uncooked rice 1/4 kg. shrimp meat
3 tbsp. brown sugar 1/2 cup chopped singkamas
1 tbsp. oil 1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup flour
Procedure: 1/2 tsp pepper
3 pcs. taupee wrappers
1. Rub the fish with salt and calamansi
juice inside and out.
2. Steam for 30 minutes. Procedure:
3. Remove from the pan and allow to cool.
4. Set aside. 1. Separate fish meat from the
5. Line a deep saucepan with aluminum foil.
skin and bones.
6. Mix together the tea, rice, and brown sugar
then arrange on the aluminum foil. 2. Grind or chop fish meat and
7. Place a wire rack inside the saucepan, shrimp.
over the rice mixture. 3. Combine all ingredients thor-
8. Lay the bangus on the rack. oughly.
9. Cover the pan tightly and turn on the heat. 4. Pack in taupee wrapper or
10. Smoke the fish for 15-20 minutes. aluminum foil.
11. Remove from the pan. 5. Fry in hot cooking oil.
12. Brush the scales of the fish with 6. Serve with sweet and sour
cooking oil for a glossy finish.

Fish Fish
Ingredients: Ingredients:
2 kg. fish meat, chopped 1 kg. fish flakes (any species of fish)
1 small bottle prickles relish (270g)
1 head garlic chopped
1 pc. medium sized onion, chopped
1 pc. onion bulb, chopped (fine) 2 seg. garlic, chopped
250 g. seedless raisins 1/2 cup pickle relish
1 1/2 tbsp. iodized salt 5 tsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. soy sauce 1/2 kls. ubod (bamboo shoot) or
8 pcs. buttered toasted loaf bread/
bread crumbs
1/2 cup powdered milk (any kind) 2 pcs. tomatoes (optional)
2 pcs. eggs (hard boiled-small size) lumpia wrapper
30 pcs. hot dog jumbo Oil for frying
1 box cheese

1. Crush garlic, chop onion and
1. Mix all ingredients together and tomatoes.
spread on foil. 2. Steam the fish and flakes.
2. Lay sliced eggs, sliced cheese, hotdog 3. Saute garlic, onions, tomatoes and
and raisins inside and roll. prickle relish.
3. Steam or baked for about 25-30 4. Add the fish flakes, season with soy
minutes. sauce. Let it cook.
5. Remove from fire and cool. Wrap in
limpia wrapper and deep fry.
6. Drain. Serve with sweet and sour

Spicy Fish
dilis sisig
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1/4 kg. dried dilis 1 kilo fresh fish
7 tsp. cornstarch 1/2 kg. calamansi
1 pc. Egg 3 pcs. Onion
1/4 cup brown sugar 2 tbsp. sliced ginger
1 tsp. salt 2 pcs. Chopped sili
1 tsp. chili labuyo (chopped) 1 tbsp. black pepper
Red bell pepper for garnishing
MSG (optional)
1. Select clean dried dilis and place
in mixing bowl. Procedure:
2. Beat egg and blend all seasoning.
3. Add cornstarch and mix well. 1. Wash and clean fish.
4. Por mixture over dried dilis and stir 2. Separate fish skin.
until fish is all coated with the mix. 3. Cut/ slice into chunks.
5. Deep fry. 4. Add ginger, salt, and wrap with
6. Place into colander to remove aluminum foil or polyethylene.
excess oil. 5. Steam for atleast 15 minuntes.
6. In another bowl, mix all
remaining ingredients and
steamed fish. Serve.

Grilled Broiled
whole tilapia with mushrooms

Ingredients: Ingredients:
1 whole tilapia 4-6 tilapia fillets (about 170 grams each)
1 onion 330 g stewed tomatoes, drained and chopped
1 sweet green pepper or bell pepper 1/4 cup chopped onion
1 lemon 4 cups dry white wine
1 tbsp vinegar 3 tsp butter
1 cup vegetable oil 1 tsp cornstarch
Red pepper flakes and/ or cayenne pepper 300 g mushrooms, chopped
Salt 1 small shallot, minced
1 1/2 cup whipping cream, whipped

1. Chop the onion into fine pieces.
2. Chop the sweet green pepper or bell pepper.
1. Combine tomatoes and onions.
3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a
2. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes
3. Poach tilapia in wine about 6-8 minutes.
4. Add onion, sweet green pepper of bell
4. Transfer to serving dish to keep warm.
pepper, vinegar, oil, red pepper flakes and/ or
5. Reduce wine to one cup. Combine 1 tsp
cayenne pepper and salt to the bowl.
butter and cornstarch, whisk into wine
5. Stir until the ingredients are well mixed.
reduction until smooth and mixture thicken.
6. Clean the tilapia.
6. Sauté mushrooms and shallots in remaining
7. Cut three slits across the tilapia and make
2 tsp butter about 3 minutes.
sure a lot of mixture enters through the slits. If
7. Stir in tomato mixture, spoon over fish.
you have time, you can let the tilapia marinate
8. Fold in whipped cream into wine mixture
in the bowl for 30-60 minutes.
and season to taste.
8. Grill the whole tilapia over a charcoal fire or
9. Spread over fish.
boil it in the oven. Turn the tilapia over one or
10. Broil until golden, about 1-2 minutes.
two times when you cook it to make it evenly
This recipe for Broiled tilapia with mushroom
serves 4-6.

with lemon

Ingredients: Ingredients:
4-6 fillets (about 170 grams each) 4 tilapia fillets
Marinade: 3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
3/4 cup olive oil 1 tbsp butter, melted
1/2 lemon, juiced 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp oregano 1 tsp dried, finely chopped
1/2 tsp black pepper Pepper to taste shopping list
1/4 cup red wine/ balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup finely chopped parsley
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 dashes Tabasco Procedure:
1. Preheat the oven to 375
Procedure: 2. Spray baking dish with cooking
1. Combine all ingredients, except 3. Rinse tilapia fillets under cool
tilapia fillets, in a large jar and shake water, and pat dry with paper
well. towels.
2. Marinate the tilapia fillets in the 4. Place fillets in baking dish.
marinade for 30 minutes. 5. Pour lemon juice over the fillets.
3. Remove the tilapia fillets from the 6. Drizzle with butter on top.
marinade. 7. Sprinkle with garlic, parsley and
4. Place the tilapia fillets on hot grill pepper.
elevated above coals. 8. Bake for about 30 minutes until
5. Cook 2-3 minutes per side. flaky when pulled apart with a

Thai easy
fish curry

Ginataang Ingredients:
1/2 cup fresh coriander stems and leaves, chopped
1 can good-quality coconut milk
4 green onions, sliced (including green stem)
1 thumb-size piece galangal or ginger, grated
4 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp. fish sauce (available at Asian food stores)
1 Tbsp. regular chili powder (use only 1 tsp. if using
Thai or East Indian chili powder)
Ingredients: 2 Tsp. ground cumin
2 Tsp. ground coriander
2-3 pieces milkfish (tilapia) about 1 kg. 2 Tsp. brown sugar (or more to taste)
2/2 Tsp. turmeric
1 can cocout milk 1 Tsp. shrimp paste
3 long green peppers 1 fresh red chili, minced, or 1/2 tsp. cayenne or dried
1 large eggplant, sliced crushed chili, or 1-2 tsp. chili sauce
1 tbsp. garlic
10 string beans, cut into 2-inch length Curry:
3-4 fillets of fresh or frozen fish 1/2 any type, from
Salt and pepper
sole to salmon
Handful fresh mushrooms, sliced
1 red bell pepper, de-seeded and diced
1 medium tomato, cut into small pieces
Procedure: Handful of fresh basil
Handful of fresh coriander
Fresh lime of lemon wedges for garnish
1. Prepare the fish for Optional: 2-3 kaffir lime leaves, left whole
cooking. Cut the fish in
desirable pieces.
2. Boil the coconut milk, 1. Place all ‘Thai Curry Sauce’ ingredients in a food processor,
garlic, salt and pepper until chopper, or blender. Process well to form a smooth curry sauce.
oily. 2. Pour the sauce into a wok (or large frying pan) and place
3. Add the fish and continue medium over to high heat. If you have kaffir lime leaves, add
them too. Bring to a boil.
cooking until fish is light 3. Add fish, mushrooms and red pepper. Stir well. Reduce heat
done. to medium-high, or until it is simmering nicely. Cover and cook
4. Add the long green 6-8 minutes.
peppers, eggplant, and string 4. Add the tomatoes and gently stir in. Continue simmering
(covered) for another 2-3 minutes.
beans. 5. Do a taste test for salt and sweetness, adding more fish sauce
5. Cook until all vegetables (instead of salt) until salty enough. If too sour for your taste, add
are done. a little more sugar. If too salty or sweet, add 1-2 Tbsp. fresh lime
6. Serve the Ginataang Isda (or lemon) juice.
6. Spoon the fish with curry sauce and vegetables onto a
hot with steamed rice. serving platter or into a serving bowl. Sprinkle with fresh basil
and coriander. Garnish with lime or lemon wedges and serve
hot with Thai jasmine rice.

Thai Grilled
whole fish
with corriander-chilli sauce

aksiw bangus
1 small or medium-sized whole fish gutted (e.g. trout,
snapper, sea bass, sea perch, sea bream, or other white fish,
tilapia); Sea salt & 2 limes (3-4 key limes)
1/3 cup water
1/2 tbsp tamarind paste or substitute 1 tbsp lime juice 1/2
tsp dark soy sauce
3 cloves garlic
1 heaping tsp brown sugar Ingredients:
1 thumb-size piece galangal or ginger, peeled and sliced
1 cup fresh coriander leaves and stems 2 medium whole milkfish (bangus)
2 tbsp fish sauce & 1/2 red chilies, minced 1 medium onion, sliced
Garnish: fresh coriander, sliced limes
5 cloves garlic, crushed
Optional garnish: slices of fresh cucumber and tomato
If frying fish: 1 cup canola or other vegetable oil for deep
Ginger, skinned and thinly sliced
frying 4-5 sili pangsigang (green finger pepper)
1 big eggplant, cut into squares
10-12 black peppercorns
Procedure: 6 tbsp. sugar cane vinegar
1. Prepare fish by rinsing it, then patting it dry. Make 2-3 Water
diagonal cuts into the side of the fish (with the blade of 1 tsp. patis (fish sauce)
the knife on an angle facing the head). The cuts should be
several inches apart (this will make the fish easie4r to eat and
give it more flavor).
2. Squeeze the juice of 1-2 limes over and inside fish. Sprinkle
surface with sea salt and set aside while you prepare the
3. Place water, tamarind (or lime juice + soy sauce), garlic, 1. Clean the milkfish of its innards. Do
sugar, galangal or ginger, coriander, chili, and fish sauce in a not remove the scales. Cut into 3 pieces.
food processor. Process well or chop and mix by hand.
4. Pour the sauce into a sauce pan. Add the diced pepper and
2. Place the garlic and ginger into the
simmer over medium-low heat for 5-8 minutes. Taste test the pot. Add the milkfish.
sauce for salt and sour sweetness) note that it should taste 3. Add the sili pang sigang, eggplant,
tangy), adding more fish sauce if not salty enough, and more onion, and black peppercorns. Pour in
sugar if you found it too sour. Cover and keep warm while
you cook the fish. Tip: the bell pepper should retain some of
the vinegar.
its crunchiness. 4. Pour in the water which should
5. Grill the fish on the barbecue or on a stove-top grill, or submerge the fish about halfway.
deep fry it in a work or large frying pan with 1 cup canola or 5. Cover the pot, turn on stove to
other vegetable oil (oil should be at least 1 inch deep). Allow
to fry about 5 minutes on each side, or until the flesh has
medium high flame, and simmer about
browned and flakes easily. 10-15 minutes until fish is cooked.
6. To serve, plate the fish and pour the sauce over. Garnish 6. Season with patis and serve.
with sprigs of fresh coriander and wedges of lime. Serve with 7. Serve the Pinoy Paksiw na Bangus
plenty of Thai jasmine rice and enjoy with a cold lager or
glass of white wine.
hot with steamed rice.

Filipino Bangus Filipino Bangus
en tocho
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1 cup smoked bangus (milkfish), flaked 1 kg. milkfish (bangus)
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. fresh ginger, chopped
1 pinch black pepper 1 medium onion, sliced
10 small potatoes, boiled, peeled and mashed 1 small tomato, chopped
3/4 cup milk 1 Tbsp. Oriental black bean sauce
2 Tbsp. butter 1 Tbsp. white vinegar
2 Tbsp. chopped green onion 3/4 cup water
2 eggs 2tsp. sugar
6 Tbsp. breadcrumbs 1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. oil

1. Sauté the garlic and add the flaked
smoked bangus (milkfish). Season with 1. Heat oil in nonstick skillet and brown
salt and pepper. fish on both sides. Remove the fried fish
2. Add the mashed potatoes and milk from pan and drain on paper towels.
and cook until mixture is almost dry. 2. Heat to moderate temperature and
3. Add the butter and green onions and add garlic, onions, and ginger. Sauté
mix well. until the onion is soft.
4. Shape into oval croquettes. 3. Add the tomato and cook until soft.
Roll in lightly beaten eggs then in Add the bean sauce, vinegar, water, and
breadcrumbs, egg and breadcrumbs sugar.
again. Pan fry until brown. 4. Simmer for 2 minutes. Add salt to
5. Serve the Filipino Bangus En Tocho
with hot steamed rice.

Pinoy Cardillong Crispy fried whole

Bangus catfish
Ingredients: Ingredients:
1 kg. (about 2-3 pieces) bangus, 2 kgs. Catfish about 6 pieces, cleaned
sliced 3 pieces and skinned with head
1 large onion, sliced 1/2 cup potato starch
2-3 tomatoes, sliced Corn oil, for frying
3 cloves garlic, minced Salt and pepper, to taste
1 Tbsp. patis (fish sauce) SAUCE: 1 cup sugar
1 cup water 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1 egg 2 Tbsp. soy sauce
Cooking oil 3 dried hot chili peppers
GARNISH: 2 green onions
2 60g cooked snow peas
1/2 cup baby pear tomatoes
1. Sprinkle a little salt on bangus.
Set aside for 1 hour. Fry until 1. Score fish diagonally. Wash and dry the fish.
golden brown. (Drying is important to prevent splashing).
2. Sauté garlic until brown, add Season with salt and pepper and roll in potato
onion and tomatoes then add starch. Fry for 10 to 12 minutes (5 minutes per
patis. pound) at 350°F (180°C) in corn oil.
3. Stir for 3 minutes and pour in 2. While fish is frying, make the sauce by
water. Season with vetsin. reducing the sugar, red wine vinegar, soy and
4. When it boils, add fried bangus chilies in a saucepan.
and cook for five minutes, then 3. Place sauce on plate. Place catfish on the
stir in slightly beaten egg. plate with sauce.
5. Serve the Pinoy Cardillong 4. Garnish the Crispy Fried Whole Catfish with
Bangus hot. snow peas, green onions and pear tomatoes.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agriculture
Cordillera Administrative Region
Easter Road, Guisad, Baguio City 2600
Telefax: (074) 445 8499 | 443 6716

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