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New York Times Opinion Column Comparison

Article 1: How Blackface Feeds White Supremacy

Main Idea and Purpose (thesis)

To inform how black face causes damage to black people and makes people forget it's cruel

Evidence & Commentary

Uses examples of how black face was used in inappropriate times when people when using
the stereotype such as using blackface in comedic acts and Halloween costumes.

Style & Language (choices, appeals, tone)

The tone is serious due to how much damage it has caused to the black community.

Article 2: The Racist Trope That Won’t Die

Main Idea and Purpose (thesis)

To inform people of the racist slander of black people being very similar to apes.

Evidence & Commentary

He uses a couple studies like that which found that black children were more likely to be
thought as older and more culpable for committing crimes. He also describes stories in which
black men were characterized as bigger and more intimidating, ending up in police killing the
men in what they called defense.

Style & Language (choices, appeals, tone)

The article uses both pathos and logos, it backs up its stance with a couple studies done by
colleges like Stanford. It has a pathos aspect to it because it also uses loaded words like
toxically, indelible imprint, and oldest and most profoundly.
Article 3: African-Americans and the Strains of the National Anthem

Main Idea and Purpose (thesis)

The national anthem does not include all Americans and is deeply rooted in racism. It has a
different meaning than many people think it has.

Evidence & Commentary

He mentions th third verse of the national anthem and how it is not widely recognised, but
clearly embraces slavery. Additionally, in times of segregation many people celebrated it as a
time of freedom while black people were not free.

Style & Language (choices, appeals, tone)

Very serious and is used to make a point, however he does not attack people while making his

Article 4: How the Suffrage Movement Betrayed Black Women

Main Idea and Purpose (thesis)

Inform people of the different ideas black women had during the women’s suffrage

Evidence & Commentary

Mentioned many names that are not put in history books of documentaries and what these
people’s ideas were in the suffrage movement.
Style & Language (choices, appeals, tone)

Very serious and informative tone, trie to inform people about the important black women in
the suffrage movement.

Finally, Assessing the language, which do you find most persuasive despite your
personal point of view? Why? Put your opinions on the shelf and analyze these articles
for elements of effective writing.

I would argue that the second article is most convincing because it uses both studies
and stories to prove a point and to inform the reader that, despite the stereotype that
black people are closely related to the apes, many black people are not as menacing as
the ape stereotype paints them as.

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