IV - Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU)

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Time: 2:17

Carbon dioxide is 1) oone n of o f t h e main drivers of climate 2) cchange

e the h a n g e . Its effects
can 3) bbeeseen
s e e n everywhere from the hastened 4) m e l t i n g of the polar ice caps
to 5) hheat t w a v e s across the world. To mitigate these effects, carbon capture and
e awaves
utilization technologies are being 6) ddeveloped
e v e l o p e d . These technologies capture CO2
from concentrated ssources
7) o u r c e s ; all from diffused sources directly from the atmos-

The extracted CO2 is then used as 8) rraw aw m a t e r i a l to synthesize mainly fuels

and other carbon c o n t a i n i n g products. Once used for societal services these
9) containing
products 10) wwilli l l generate again CO2 at the 11) e n of
end o flifet h e i r l i f e which
d their
leads to three 12) ppossible i b l e s c e n a r i o s : CO2 can either be re-emitted into the
o s s scenarios
13) a t m o s p h e r e , generating a positive CO2 emission, or it 14) ccan
atmosphere a nbe b e recap-
tured and stored on the ground, thus creating a negative 15) C CO2 2 e m i s s i o n . Ide-
O emission
ally CO2 is captured again, and C-atoms a r e r e c y c l e d and reused indefi-
16) are recycled
nitely. A circular economy is thus 17) ggenerated
e n e r a t e d , creating a net zero carbon emis-

However, 18) C t e c h n o l o g i e s are still facing a range of technical and envi-

C Utechnologies
ronmental 19) cchallenges
h a l l e n g e s such as: the collection and purification of CO2 directly
from air, the availability of 20) llarge e a m o u n t of carbon-free renewable energy,
a r gamount
the energy iinefficiency
21) n e f f i c i e n c y of the process to convert CO2 into products.

Clearly the 22) EEUU needs to develop a regulatory and investment 23) fframework
for CCU i n o r d e r t o facilitate the development of CCU applications and to
24) in order to
achieve 25) tthe e g ofo a l s o f a carbon-free economy and eventually tackle climate
h goals

Vocabulary and collocations: no vocabulary is provided this time. Watch the video and repeat as many times as possi-
ble. Vocabulary you have to fill in the blanks was studied in one of the classes or is included in the PDF document. So
practice is important to identify these words. Watching is also necessary.

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