III - Effects of Palm Oil Production in Sumatra Form - Viernes 13

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Destruction, devastation, extinction, 1) d edeath


In Sumatra tens of 2) t h o thousands

u s a n d s of square kilometers of forest 3) h a vhave e been
destroyed. Often under central government concessions given to palm oil companies
to remove the forest. The 4) p a l m o i n d u s t r y is growing an industry need
i loil industry

and output and palm oil, and palm-based ingredients are found in 5) m o rmore e than
50% of common 6) c o n s u consumer p r o d u c t s : from shampoo and lipstick to
m e r products
packaged bread and ice cream.

Indonesia is the largest producer of 7) p a lpalm

m oilo i l across the world and is rapidly
expanding its plantations and workforce t o tofface
8) a c e growing global demand.

Deforestation had massive 9) e n v i renvironmental

o n m e n t a l and social impacts. Two and a
half metric tons of affluent, or liquid waste, is made for every 10) m e t metric
r i c tonne
t o ofn o f
palm oil that is produced. T h i s a f f l u e n t affects freshwater; furthermore,
11) This affluent

affecting downstream 12) w i lwildlife

d l i f e and humans. The drainage, burning and
plantation building on former peat lands releases 13) l a r g e q ua
large n t i tofi e s o f

carbon dioxide so negating their value as so-called “carbon sinks”.

The carbon sinks store more carbon per unit area 14) t h a n than a nanyyother
ecosystem in the world. One study found 15) t h a t that s t r o y i n g the carbon sink
d edestroying
peat bogs in Southeast Asia 16) c o u l could e l e a s e as much carbon as nine years of
d rrelease
fossil fuel that i s u s e d globally.
17) is used

Many animals, native to Sumatra, 18) a r e i m

are p a c t by
impacted e d b y the effects of the palm
oil industry and deforestation often f a c i n g t h r e of
19) facing threats a t s o f extinction.

Deforestation 20) e n entails

t a i l s a reduction in biodiversity and an alteration of
ecosystems 21) w h i cwhich c a u s e s the destruction of the habitats of endangered
h causes
species, such as Sumatran elephants, Sumatran tigers, Sumatran rhinoceros and the
various species of orangutan that 22) c a n can f o u n d only in the forests of
b ebe found
Sumatra. Some of these animals s u such
23) c h asa s the orangutan are arboreal and try to
stay in the trees often being 24) b u r nburned a l i v e during the slashing and burning of
e d alive

Will we save the animals? Will we save 25) t h etheeearth

a r t h ? Will we survive?

Vocabulary and collocations: (some words or collocations are omitted; the ones studied in class)

burned alive that destroying which causes

entails the earth wildlife
facing threats of This affluent
large quantities of to face

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