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Le Hong Phong Highschool

Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)


1. A/ An/ The / My / Your/ His / Her / Our / Their / John’s / This / That + noun
e.g. The book is about the inequality between men and women in the feudal society. (equal)
We look forward to receiving your response (respond)
Thanks to John’s generosity, we have collected the money we need. (generous)
Like other celebrities, she wishes to publish her memoirs (memory)
An argument broke out between the drivers. (argue)
The restaurateur got into debt after the lockdown. (restaurant)
2. One of /A lot of /Many /Several /The number of/ A number of /These / Those + Noun
e.g. One of the findings is that the majority of teenagers prefer fast food. (find)
Ha Long Bay attracts a large number of sightseers sightseeing)
Over two hundred competitors entered the race. (competition)
She receives a lot of encouragements from her parents. (encourage)
One of the by-products of unemployment is an increase in crime. (produce)
3. Subject (Noun/Verb/V-ing) + verb
e.g. Absentees are to attend another lecture. (absent)
Legalizing same-sex marriages takes time. (legal)
To fly into space is her dream. (flight)
4. Subject + be + noun/adj
e.g. What old people fear most is loneliness (lone)
Graham is knowledgeable about gardening. (know)
Our firm is understaffed. We need to take on more workers. (staff)
5. Adj + noun
e.g. Too much stress can have a bad effect on your mental health. (mind)
Since the city center became a traffic-free pedestrian area, shopping has been a more pleasant experience.
Willy’s sense of humor is one of his most endearing qualities. (dear)
Cancer is a deadly disease. (die)
The storm caused widespread damage. (spread)
There was (un)sufficient evidence to bring charges against the man. (suffice)
If you are a sports enthusiast, visit for up-ro-the-minute results and sports news. (minute)
6. Verb + adj + noun
e.g. The girl’s got appealing big brown eyes. (appeal)
7. be / look / seem / get / become / remain / taste / sound / appear / turn / smell / feel / grow + adj
e.g. There's something in the fridge that smells mouldy (mould)
In today's world, technology quickly becomes outdated (date)
Not many beaches in Vietnam still remain unspoiled (spoil)
The center is 20 years old and will need improvements to remain state-of-art state)
8. make / keep / leave / find (cảm thấy) + Object + adj
e.g. We find his remark encouraging We all like it. (courage)
Police tried to keep the two rival groups apart (part)
Listening to the news just makes me furious these days. (fury)
9. adv + adj + noun e.g. The report shows negligibly different results. (neglect)
10. adv + adj e.g. The services in the restaurant are incredibly poor. (credible)
She tried to be financially independent of her parents. (finance)
In comparison to country life, life in the city is more expensive, but salaries are correspondingly higher. (correspond)
11. Verb + adv
e.g. Melon grows abundantly in this region. (abound)
She speaks English very unnaturally but we never laugh at her. (nature)
Liz didn’t dress suitably for the party. (suit)
12. be + adv + P.P (passive voice)
e.g. Teenagers are now fashionably dressed. (fashion)
Angkor Wat was originally built to honor a Hindu God. (origin)
Le Hong Phong Highschool
Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)
13. adv, S+V
e.g. Admittedly, I can’t speak French very well. (admit)
Apparently, the company is losing a lot of money. (appear)
Theoretically, it’s likely to happen. (theory)
14. Preposition + noun/ adj
e.g. He said with conviction that he had changed. (convince)
The audience burst into applause at the end of the play. (applaude)
He showcased his wealth by surrounding himself with overpriced designer items. (round)
15. SV + too + adj/adv + (for Sb) + to do Sth
e.g. The tea was too hot for us to drink. (heat)
16. SV + so + adj/adv + that + SV
e.g. He drove so carelessly that he often had accidents. (care)
17. SV + adj/adv + enough + (for Sb) + to do Sth
e.g. They played impressively enough to win the championship. (impress)
18. SV + enough + noun
e.g. He didn’t have enough courage to tell her the truth. (encourage)
19. V + to + verb
e.g. We have a special program to better your English. (good)
In the past women had no opportunity to further their education. (far)
Several campaigns have been launched to decriminalize minor offences. (crime)
20. ADJ + AND/OR + verb
NOUN + AND/OR + adj
ADV + AND/OR + adv
VERB + AND/OR + noun
e.g. Films entertain and enlighten people. (light)
His lecture was long and repetitive (repeat)
He always answers my questions quickly and intelligently (intelligence)
They fought a long battle against prejudice and ignorance (ignore)
21. V + noun
e.g. The editor welcomes correspondence from readers on any subject. (correspond)
We take pride in being students of one of the most famous schools in this city. (proud)
The teacher always checks attendance first. (attend)
We have difficulty in using chopsticks. (difficult)
We should make the most efforts to stop deforestation (forest)
Fluency takes precedence over grammar when it comes to communication. (precede)
22. It is + adj + of Sb to do Sth
e.g. It was careless of you to leave matches where children could get them. (care)
23. How + adj/adv + SV! (exclamation sentence)
e.g. How disheartened the coach felt when his team was defeated! (heart)
How badly the boys behaved at the party! (bad)
How evasively you are speaking! I can hardly make out what you mean. (evade)
24. noun + N → COMPOUND NOUN
e.g. leadership skill is necessary for a manager. (leader)
Bill Gates is a success story of an entrepreneur. (succeed)
I remember being taken to Dam sen amusement park every weekend. (amuse)
His drug trafficking results in his life imprisonment (traffic / prison)
Entrance exams are getting more and more challenging nowadays. (enter)

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