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Activity No. 2
Thermochemistry: Heat of Solution

Learning Outcome:
 For a physical process, determine the relationship among the amount of substance involved,,
the temperature change, and the amount of heat exchanged, ΔH.
 Associate the ΔHrxn with whether a physical process or chemical reaction is exothermic or
 For a chemical reaction, determine the relationship among the amount of reactant involved in
a reaction, the temperature change, and the value of ΔHrxn.
 Calculate the quantity of heat involved in in a reaction given the quantity of reactants and the
enthalpy change for the reaction.
 Design and perform a series of calorimeter experiments.

Material and Methods

The following resources are needed for this activity:
Laptop/ computers
1. Open the simulation site.
2. Click on the Overview and Learning Outcomes tabs to see an overview and the target learning
outcomes of the experiment.
3. Click on the Experiment tab. Choose “Run Demonstration” to see a demo of the activity before
running the experiment. Follow instructions in the demo to get an overview of a calorimetry
experiment. A quiz is included as part of the demonstration to test your understanding.
4. After running the demonstration, you may choose to run it again if you like.
5. After the demonstration, choose “Run Experiment” and play around the features of the
6. Design an experiment to able to determine the amount of heat released when a substance is
dissolved, also called heat of solution, ΔHsoln of the salt. Write your procedure in paragraph form.
7. In the Experiments tab, click “Run Experiment” and conduct your designed experiment to
determine the , ΔHsoln for the following substances.
a. sodium hydroxide,
b. lithium chloride,
c. ammonium nitrate,
d. potassium chloride, and
e. sodium chloride.
8. Present all data collected and all calculations for ΔHsoln

NOTE: Use the given format below for your lab report. Groups should have maximum of three students
Department of Chemical Enginering
Course Code: Course Name
SY 2020-2021, _____ semester

(2 line spaces)
Experiment Title, Times New Roman, Font Size 16
Group members’ names (First Name Middle Initial. Last Name)
separated by comma, TNR 14
( 2 line spaces)

I. Introduction
(Single space after every section title)
Text, TNR 12, paragraphs indented, justified alignment, single column, single spacing; space
after every paragraph
(Single space after every section)
II. Learning Outcomes
(Single space after every section title)
Text, TNR 12, paragraphs indented, justified alignment, single column, single spacing space after
every paragraph
(Single space after every section)
III. Materials and Methods
(Single space after every section title)
Text, TNR 12, paragraphs indented, justified alignment, single column, single spacing space after
every paragraph
(Single space after every section)
IV. Results and Discussion
(Single space after every section title)
Text, TNR 12, paragraphs indented, justified alignment, single column, single spacing space after
every paragraph
Figures, tables and photos included should be center-aligned, with labels at the bottom, text for
label is TNR 10.
(Single space after every section)
V. Conclusion
(Single space after every section title)
Text, TNR 12, paragraphs indented, justified alignment, single column, single spacing space after
every paragraph
VI. References
(Single space after every section title)
Follow APA format in citing references.

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