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Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

Once there was a little girl who used to make a living by selling matches on the street. It was
New Year's Eve and people all around were merrymaking and celebrating.

The little girl was sitting beside a fountain in the freezing cold. She was wearing torn and ragged
clothes and had no shoes on her feet. No one had bought her matchboxes and she was
frightened to go home because she knew her father would scold her for coming back without
selling anything. She wanted to light a match to keep herself warm but was scared that her
father would scold her for wasting a matchstick. Finally, unable to bear the cold anymore, she
took out one matchstick and lit it. Wow! She was sitting in front of a warm
stove. She reached out her hands to feel the heat but the fire soon died.
Then she lit another match and saw a dining table with a roast goose on it.
She chuckled in delight but after a while this match also died. She looked up
at the sky and saw a falling star. Her grandmother used to say, "A falling star
is a soul that has reached the sky." When she struck another match, she saw
her grandmother.

That night, she burnt all her matchsticks, wishing to keep her grandmother
with her. Finally, together they few up to Heaven. The following morning, the
little match girl laid frozen to death, with a smile on her lips. No one would
ever know the wonderful dreams she had had the previous night.

1. What is the story mainly about ?v

2. What is social function of the text ?
3. What is the reason for the death of the little match girl ?
4. One of the irresponsible actions of the little match girl’s father is ?
5. What can you infer from the child’s characters ?
6. If the child’s father had seen the child take out all the matchsticks and light them to keep her
body warm, what would he have done ?
7. Write 5 words to describe the positive personality traits of the main character !
8. Write the structure of the text!
a. Orientation : _____________________________________________
b. Complication : _____________________________________________
Resolution : _____________________________________________
Answer room:

1. The first story is mainly about a poor girl who sells matches for a living
2. One of the morals, or lessons, of The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen is to behave
charitably toward those who are less fortunate. Despite her dire circumstances, the little girl
dreams of warmth and food as she tries to earn money for her family
3. The little girl in the story was out on the street on a terribly cold winter night. She did not have
enough warm clothes or shoes to protect herself from the cold. Her hands and feet became numb
with cold, and ultimately, she froze to death because of being exposed to such terrible weather
condition(wishing to keep her grandmother with her. Finally, together they few up to
4. It is seen that the girl is the victim of child abuse. Her father,
5. The tree grows until the lights are like stars. When one falls from the sky, the little match girl
thinks it means that someone has died because her deceased grandmother once told her that 'when
a star falls, a soul ascends to God. ' The little match girl is no longer thinking about her sad,
miserable existence
6. his father would be furious
7. (1. A Match Seller 2. Her Suffering and Poverty3. A Hard Working, Obedient and Her Having
No Grudge to Anyone4. Her Longing for Love5. Her Being Brave, Courageous, and Hopeful)
8. A.Once there was a little girl who used to make a living by selling matches on the street. It was
New Year's Eve and people all around were merrymaking and celebrating
B. The little girl was sitting beside a fountain in the freezing cold. She was wearing torn and
ragged clothes and had no shoes on her feet. No one had bought her matchboxes and she was
frightened to go home because she knew her father would scold her for coming back without
selling anything

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