MasterMind 2 Unit 11 Wordlist - Thai

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Unit 11  Music to my ears

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
bottom line ข้อเท็จจริง noun /ˈbɑtəm ˈlaɪn/ the most basic fact or The bottom line
issue in a situation is that he lied to
busker ขอทานเล่นดนตรี noun /ˈbʌskər/ someone who performs She started off as a
music in the streets and busker on the streets
other public places for of New York, but
money now she’s a world
famous singer.
classy มีระดับ adjective /ˈklæsi/ something that is We stayed in a classy
classy is attractive, hotel in the center
fashionable, and of of town.
excellent quality
copyright ลิขสิทธิ์ noun /ˈkɑpiˌraɪt/ the legal right to have The court case
control over the work was brought to
of a writer, artist, decide who holds
musician, etc. the copyright to
the music.
download ดาวน์โหลด noun /ˈdaʊnˌloʊd/ the process of My computer
downloading couldn’t complete
information to your the download,
computer because my internet
connection is not
very fast.
eloquently อย่างมีวาทศิลป์ adverb /ˈeləkwəntli/ in a way that expresses He argued eloquently
what you mean using against censorship.
clear and effective
file sharing ใช้ไฟล์ร่วมกัน noun /ˈfaɪl ˈʃerɪŋ/ the process of Some people
transferring data from consider file sharing
one computer to to be a way of illegally
another via the internet copying music and
have what it มีความสามารถพอ phrase /hæv wɑt ɪt ˈteɪks/ to have the right Do you think he has
takes qualities for success what it takes to make
it big in Hollywood
one day?
in the เบื้องหลัง phrase /ɪn ðə ˈbækˌɡraʊnd/ something behind or I could hear the
background in the distance from baby crying in the
the main focus of background, when
attention. A sound in I spoke to Ali on
the background can the phone.
be heard in addition to
the main thing you are
listening to

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masterMind LEVEL 2

Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
intricate ประณีต adjective /ˈɪntrɪkət/ very detailed in design The illustration
or structure / very showed an intricate
complicated and pattern of birds and
difficult to understand flowers.
or learn
off-key เพี้ยน adjective /ɑf ˈki/ music or singing that is Unfortunately the
off-key does not sound pianist played the
good because the song slightly off-key.
notes are slightly wrong
omit ข้าม verb /oʊˈmɪt/ to fail to include He decided to omit
someone or something, the part of the speech
either deliberately or about his early life.
because you forget
piracy การละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์ noun /ˈpaɪrəsi/ the crime of making The authorities
[non-count] and selling illegal have recently
copies of songs, cracked down on
computer programs, software piracy.
CDs, etc.
privilege สิทธิพิเศษ noun /ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ/ a special benefit that Cheap air travel is
is available only to a one of the privileges
particular person or of working for the
group airline.
stream สตรีม verb /strim/ to listen to or watch Users can stream
something directly on video over a wireless
the internet network.
subscribe สมัครสมาชิก verb /səbˈskraɪb/ to pay money regularly I subscribe to a
in order to receive a couple of movie
service channels.
take พิจารณา phrase /teɪk ɪntu əˈkaʊnt/ to consider something If you take inflation
(something) into when you are trying to into account, we
account make a decision actually spend
less now.
take ออกนอกเรื่อง phrase /teɪk aʊt əv to use only part What I said has been
(something) out ˈkɑnˌtekst/ of something that taken completely
of context someone said, so that out of context by
the original meaning the media.
is changed
take ละเลย phrase /teɪk fər ˈɡræntəd/ to expect something This is a reminder
(something) for always to happen or that we shouldn’t
granted exist in a particular way, take clean water for
and to not think about granted.
any possible problems
or difficulties
take เอาจริงเอาจัง phrase /teɪk ˈsɪriəsli/ to believe that Of course the
(something) something is important company takes data
seriously or worth your attention security seriously.
the music อุตสาหกรรม/ธุรกิจ noun /ðə ˈmjuzɪk ˈɪndəstri / the people and I have a few contacts
industry/ เพลง ˈbɪznəs/ companies involved in the music business.
business in making and selling
recorded music
think out of/ คิดนอกกรอบ phrase /θɪŋk aʊt əv/ ˈaʊtˌsaɪd to find new ways of Employees are
outside the box ðə ˈbɑks/ doing things, especially encouraged to think
of solving problems outside the box and
develop creative

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