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Year & Section:______________________________

_______________________1. An Approach to the study of politics that focuses on formal institutions of gov’t.
_______________________2. These are culturally-specific practices akin to the myths and ceremonies devised by many
_______________________3. It is a social and political movement which unites environmentalism and feminism.
_______________________4. It is a movement that believes sexism is deeply rooted in society that the only cure is to
Eliminate the concept of gender completely.
_______________________5. It is developed from radical feminism but they hold many opposing views.
_______________________6. It rejects radical feminists’ main skim that patriarchy is the only primary source of
Oppression of women.
_______________________7. It is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.
_______________________8. It argues that equality for women can be achieved through legal means.
_______________________9. It looks at gender inequalities in society and the way that gender structures the social
_______________________10. An alternative that includes all possibilities.
_______________________11. An alternative that is limiting and uses a single individual or group.
_______________________12. It is an economic principle that states that an individual always make prudent and logical
_______________________13.It is an assumption that states that all pairs of alternatives can be compared.
_______________________14. It occurs when an individual prefers one over another and does not view them as equally
_______________________15. An assumption when alternative A is preferred to B and alternative B is preferred to C.
_______________________16. It implies that an individual either strictly prefers A over B or is indifferent between
_______________________17. It occurs when an individual neither prefers A to B nor B to A.
_______________________18. An ability that identifies and weighs each alternative against every other and may take
time, effort and mental capacity.
_______________________19. It is where decisions affects choices at different points in time.
_______________________20. A choice that involves uncertainty about how choices lead to eventful outcomes.
_______________________21. Its origin of institutions is to realize or maximize actor’s value for survival of the fittest.
_______________________22.It’s institutions do the formal or informal procedures, norms and conventions embedded
In the organizational structures of the policy or political economy.
_______________________23. It is a social theory that focuses on developing a sociological view of institutions, the wat
They interact and the effects of institutions on society.
_______________________24. It is a kind of feminism that suggests the use of technology to allow babies to grow
Outside of the womb for equality.
_______________________25.It is a kind of feminism whose main aim is gender equality in the public sphere like equal
Access to education, equal pay, ending job sex segregation and the like.
_______________________26.It is a kind of feminism who asserted that women are unable to be free due to their
Financial dependence on males in the society.
_______________________27. It is a theory that assumes all people try to actively maximize their advantage in any
Situation and constantly minimize their loses.
_______________________28. It is a type of feminism that died out as a movement.
_______________________29. Its standpoint is the idea that a person’s location in the social world impacts how they
See, understand and interact in the social world.
_______________________30. This theory is based on the idea that all humans vase their decisions on rational

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