Oral Comm Monthly Test

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Name:________________________________________ Date:___________________________________


TEST I. IDENTIFICATION. Read the following statements and identify what is being described.

_____________________1. It is the use of simple yet precise and powerful words when communicating.
_____________________2. It is the process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to
_____________________3. It is the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the
speaker understands.
_____________________4. These are the reactions, responses or information that is provided by the receiver.
_____________________5. This is what the receiver sends or provides.
_____________________6. This is a type of barrier that comes from inside or occurring within a person’s body.
_____________________7. It adds color and spice to communication through the use of creative words to describe
Things or feelings.
_____________________8. The use of this will help you vary your speaking style and avoid a monotonous delivery.
_____________________9. It is a kind of communication that refers to an interaction in which words are used to
relay a message.
_____________________10. It is a type of barrier that is located or that comes from outside source like noise.

TEST II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write true on the blank provided if the statement is true and write false if the statement
is not true.
____________________1. The communication process is complete even without the feedback.
____________________2. The Transaction model and the Shannon-Weaver Model are basically the same.
____________________3. When a person talks to another person and that person did not get the message
properly because he is heartbroken is an example of external barrier.
____________________4. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words and action.
____________________5. Barriers are factors that affect the communication flow.
____________________6. The sender decodes or interprets the message based on the context.
____________________7. Communication allows individuals to interact with others is termed social interaction.
____________________8. Conciseness means keeping the message short making it direct or straight to the point.
____________________9. Correctness in grammar eliminates negative impact on the audience and increases the
Credibility and effectiveness of the message.
____________________10. Being concrete means that the message is based from hearsay and creative stories.
____________________11. The transaction model is the mother of all communication models.
____________________12. Transaction model is a two way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.
____________________13. For effective and successful verbal communication, use words to express ideas which
can be easily understood by the person you are talking to.
____________________14. All kinds of human responses that are not expressed in words are classified as non-
verbal communication.
____________________15.Verbal communication makes you a credible speaker.
_____________________16. Speakers who use complicated and powerful words are found to be more credible.
_____________________17. Nonverbal communication makes you appear dynamic and animated in your delivery.
____________________18. When communicating with people, the language used should be appropriate to the
environment or occasion.
____________________19. Foreign or technical words are usually used when talking with students.
____________________20. Communication is important to build better relationships with others.



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