Grade 6 (2020-21) April Notes

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Unit 1 Jest for Fun

Section- III Dear Mum

Summary : When the mother wasn't at home, the boy engaged himself in various mischievous
activities. Since he knows his mother will be upset when she returns home, he has gone to his
grandfather’s house.

Poetic Device: Personification : The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to

something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. For Example: The lonely

1. What happened to the following things at home? Complete the table.

a. The cup went and broke itself.

b. The blue vase appeared with a crack.

c. The sink was mysteriously overflowed.

d. The washing machine turned on by itself.

e. The flour managed to self raise.

f. The new white carpet appeared with a series of muddy footprints.

2. The child in the poem says: …Without me even turning on the tap, the sink mysteriously overflowed.

a. Is this possible?

Ans: No, it is not possible.

b. What might have caused the sink to overflow?

Ans: Turning on the tap might cause the sink to overflow.

C. Explain the meaning of ‘mysterious’ in this line.

Ans: The word ‘mysterious’ means strangely in the poem. We know that it was impossible for a tap to turn
on by itself and that our protagonist was responsible for it.

3.a. Which phrase suggests that the child might have caused the jam stain on the Kitchen wall?

Ans: The phrase ‘about the size of a boy’s hand’ suggested that the child might have caused the jam stain on
the kitchen wall.

b. Which lines suggest that the child is scared of his mother’s reaction?

Ans: The lines “So, knowing you’re going to have a fit, I’ve gone over to Gran’s for a bit” suggested that the
child was scared of his mother’s reaction.

c. Which four words create a sense of mystery in the poem?

Ans c. Strange, mysteriously, scared and haunted were the words that create a sense of mystery in the poem.

4. Which of the things that the boy describes is most unbelievable?

Ans: Self breaking cup, magically appearing jam stains and self cracking vases were the things that the boy
describes was most unbelievable.

II. Read the extracts and answer the following questions:

1.“A strange jam stain

about the size of a boy’s hand,

appeared on the kitchen wall.”

a) From where has the above line been taken?

Ans: The above line has been taken from the poem ‘Dear Mum’.

b) Name the poet.

Ans: Brian Patten

b) Who is the speaker of the above line? Describe him in two sentences?

Ans: A child is the speaker of the above line. It is about a child who gets up to mischief when his mum is out
but doesn’t take blame.

c) Explain the above line.

Ans: In the above line the child was informing his mother that an unusual mark of a jam was found on the
kitchen wall. It was about the size of a boy’s hand.


Definition : Tenses play a crucial role in the English language. It denotes the time an action takes place,
whether sometime in the past, in the present or will take place sometime in the future.

There are three types of tenses:

1. Past Tense

2. Present Tense

3. Future Tense

Past Tense : It indicates an action that took place before the present moment.
For example - He danced in the function.
Past Continuous Tense : It Indicates an action going on at some time in the past or an action in the past that
is longer in duration than another action in the past.

For example: It was getting darker.

Past Perfect Tense : It Indicates an action in the past that had been completed before another time or event in
the past.
For example - He had exercised before it started to rain.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense : It Indicates an action in the past that took place before another time or event
in the past and continued during the second event/time point in the past.
For example - At that time, he had been writing a novel for two months.

Present Tense : It indicates an action that is generally true or habitual. That is, it took place in the past ,
continues to take place in the present, and will take place in the future. For Example: The sun rises in the

Present Continuous Tense : It Indicates an action that is taking place at the moment of speaking.
For example - She is walking.

Present Perfect Tense : It Indicates an action that has been completed sometime before the present moment,
with a result that affects the present situation.
For example - He has finished the work.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense : It Indicates an action that started in the past and is continuing at the
present time.
For example - He has been sleeping for an hour.

Future Tense : It Indicates an action that will take place after the present time and that has no real connection
with the present time.
For example - She will visit her ailing grandmother soon.

Future Continuous Tense : It Indicates an action in the future that is longer in duration than another action in
the future.
For example - He will be walking when it starts to rain.

Future Perfect Tense : It Indicates an action in the future that will have been completed before another time
or event in the future. For example - By the time we arrive, he will have studied.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense : We use the future perfect continuous to show that something will
continue up until a particular event or time in the future.
For example - He will have been talking for an hour.


1. I…………. his address, (know)

2. She ……….her work sincerely, (do)
3. We……….. things a bit too seriously, (take)
4. Someone ………..some crockery, (break)
5. I………. never……… the Taj (see)
6. I………… not……….. him so far. (meet)
7. I…….. not………. the work even now. (finish)
8. My friend………… his purse, (lose)
9. We………… English for two years (study)
10. He………. in this school for several years, (teach)
11. I………… in this flat since 2000. (live)
12. It……….. for three hours, (rain)
13. They………….. for seven hours, (work).
14. I ………….hungry. Can I have something to eat? (be)
15. She thanked me for what I…………. (have done, had done, have been doing).
16. When we went to the cinema, the film ……….. (already started, had already started, would already
17. Did your think you …………. me, somewhere before? (have seen, had seen, were seeing.)
18. I ……………….. to Mumbai Once before. (have gone, had gone, have been going)
19. I ………………………. To the park tomorrow.(go)
20. He………………………….. for three hours now. (work)

वह चिड़िया जो
कवव-केदारनाथ अग्रवाल



जुंडीके दाने:ज्वारके दाने – एकप्रकारकाअन्‍न(Sorghum grains)

रुचि:इच्छासे (interest)


सुंतोषी:बहुतधैर्थ‍रखनेवाली (satisfied)

अन्‍न:अनाज (grains)

रसउँ डेलकर:बहुतमीठे स्वरमेंगाना(singing sweetly)

बूढेवन-बाबा:बहुतघनाजुंगल (dense forest)

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प्रश्न-(2)चनम्नचलचखत‍प्रश्नों‍के ‍उत्तर‍चलचखए?‍


उत्तर- नीलेपुंखोवालीछोटीचिचिर्ासुंतोषीहैचजसेअन्नसेबहुतप्र्ारहै| वहवनमेंघूमकरऊँिेऔरमधरस्वरमेंगातीहै,

उसेस्वछुंदतापसुंदहै| वहउफनतीनदीसेपानीपीनेजैसासाहसीकार्थभीकरतीहैचजसके चलएउसेस्वर्ुंपरगवथहै|

प्रश्न-)ख(इसकचवताके माध्र्मसेकचवक्र्ासन्देशदेनािाहताहै?

उत्तर- इसकचवताके माध्र्मसेकचवर्ह‍सुंदेशदेनािाहताहैककहमेंसुंतोषीस्वभावकाहोनािाचहए,

ज्र्ादालालिनहींकरनािाचहए| इसकचवता‍में‍अके ले‍रहकर‍भी‍उमुंग‍से‍जीने‍का‍सुंदेश‍कदर्ा‍गर्ा‍है।‍|



प्रश्न-)ग(कचवनेचिचिर्ाकोछोटी, सुंतोषी, मह
ँ बोली, गरबीलीचिचिर्ाक्र्ोंकहाहै?
चिचिर्ाआकारमेंछोटीहैइसचलएकचवनेउसेछोटीकहाहै।वहअन्नके दानेमेंहीसुंतष्टहैइसचलएउसेसुंतोषीबतार्ागर्ा


(क) बूढेवन-बाबाकीखाचतर

रसउँ डेलकरगालेतीहै

उसके सारेगीतअपनेवनर्ानीअपनेघरकोसमर्पथतहैंजहाँवहस्वछुंदतासेरहतीहै|

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(ख) िढीनदीकाकदलटोटलकर


छोटीचिचिर्ाजलसेभरीउफनतीनदीके बीिसेजलकामोतीर्ानीपानीकीबूुंदकोअपनीिोंिमेंभरकरलातीहैऔरअपनीप्र्ा

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)क(कचवता‍का‍कें द्रीर्‍भाव)summary)‍अपने‍शब्दों‍में‍चलचखए।






)ग(कदए‍गए‍शब्दों‍के ‍दो-दो‍पर्ाथर्वािी‍शब्द‍चलचखए-






----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
)घ(कदए‍गए‍शब्दों‍के ‍चवलोम‍शब्द‍चलचखए-





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(क) 'वह‍चिचिर्ाजो' कचवता'श्रीके दारनार्जी' के ‍द्वाराचलखी‍गई‍है।‍इसकचवतामें कचव‍ने‍

नीले पुंखोवालीछोटीचिचिर्ा के ‍बारे‍में‍बतार्ा है।‍उन्होंनेबतार्ाहै‍ककछोटीचिचिर्ा‍को अन्न‍से‍बहुत‍प्र्ार‍ है।‍वह‍
रूचि‍से‍दूध-भरेज्वारके ‍दानों‍को‍खाती‍है।‍वह‍बहुत‍सुंतोषी‍है।‍छोटीचिचिर्ावन‍में‍घूमकर‍अपनेकुंठों‍से‍मीठे स्वर‍

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(ख) अनस्वार,‍अननाचसक-

कुं ठ
उँ डेलकर
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
(ग) पर्ाथर्वािीशब्द:
खग, चवहग
जुंगल, कानन
सठरता, तठटनी
दग्ध, पर्

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
(घ) चवलोमशब्द:




The term Geometry comes from two Greek words (geo means “Earth”, metron means

Geometry is the branch of mathematics which deals with the measurement, properties and relationships of
points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids.


The most basic shape in geometry is the Point. In geometry, dots are used to represent points. A point is
used to represent any specific location or position. A point can be denoted by a capital letter of the English
alphabet. Points can be joined in different ways.

A point has no dimensions such as length, breadth or thickness. Some examples are: the tip of a compass,
the sharpened end of a pencil, the pointed end of a needle. These points will be read as point A, point B,
point C and point D.

Line Segment

A line segment is defined as the shortest distance between two points. These points are called the end
points. Some examples of a line segment are: an edge of a box, the edge of a post card etc.

For example, if we mark any two points A and B on a sheet of paper, then the shortest way to join A to B is
a line segment. It is denoted by . The points A and B are called the end points of the segment.


A line segment is a part of a line. A line has arrows at both ends as it can extend indefinitely in both
directions. Line is made up of an infinite number of points. For example, if a line segment from M to N is
extended beyond M in one direction and beyond N in the other, then we get a line, MN. It is denoted by


A ray is a portion of a line. It starts at one point (called starting point) and goes endlessly in one direction.
Examples of a ray are: Beam of light from a light house, ray of light from a torch, sun rays etc.

For example, if a line from M to N is extended endlessly in the direction of N, then we get a ray, MN. It is
denoted by and can be read as ray MN.

Intersecting Lines

Two distinct lines meeting at a point are called intersecting lines. More than two lines can also intersect at
one point.

Examples of intersecting lines are: two adjacent edges of your notebook, the letter X of the English alphabet,
crossing-roads etc.
In the figure, two lines pass though point P. These two lines are called intersecting lines.

Parallel Lines

Two lines in a plane are said to be parallel if they do not meet.

Examples of parallel lines are: the opposite edges of ruler (scale), the cross-bars of a window, the lines on a
page of the notebook, rail lines etc.

In the figure, it can be observed that two lines are parallel. We write .


You can draw some drawings without lifting the pencil from the paper. These are all curves. In Mathematics
a curve can be straight also. A line is also a curve, and is called a straight curve. Line can be straight or

Simple Curve:

The curve which does not cross itself is known as simple curve. In the above picture (1) and (2) are simple

Closed Curve:

The curve which form a closed path is known as closed curve. In the above picture (2) and (4) are closed

In a closed curve, there are three parts.

(i) interior (‘inside’) of the curve
(ii) boundary (‘on’) of the curve
(iii) exterior (‘outside’) of the curve

Interior of the curve, here, point P lies inside the circle.

Boundary of the curve, here, point P is on the circle.

Exterior of the curve, here, point P lies outside the circle.

Open Curve:

The curve which does not form a closed path is known as open curve.



A polygon is a 2-D closed figure bounded by three or more line-segments that intersect exactly to form a
closed curve.
Some examples of polygon,

NOTE :A polygon with two sides are not possible; as a polygon is a closed figure so minimum three sides
are required to form closed diagram.

Side: It refers to the line segments which form the polygon, as in the below figure AB, BC, CD, DA are it’s

Vertex:The meeting point of a pair of sides is called it’s vertex. The plural of vertex is vertices. In the above
figure A, B, C and D are it’s vertices.

Adjacent sides: Any two sides with a common end point are called the adjacent sides of the polygon. In the
above figure AB and BC, BC and CD, CD and DA, DA and AB are adjacent sides.

Adjacent vertices: The end points of the same side of a polygon are called the adjacent vertices. In the
above figure A and B, B and C, C and D, D and A are adjacent vertices.

Diagonals: It refers to the joins of the vertices which are not adjacent to each other. As in the above figure,
AC and BD are diagonals of the polygon.

An angle is made up of two rays starting from a common

Ex- ∠AOB or ∠O or ∠BOA

The two rays forming the angle are called arms or sides of
the angle. Ex- OA and OB

Common end point is the vertex of the angle.

Ex- vertex O.

Interior is the inside part of the angle. It is not a restricted area. It extends indefinitely as the rays
extends indefinitely.

Triangle is a three-sided polygon.

In the above triangle, AB, BC and CA are the sides.

A, B, C are the vertices.

∠A,∠B,∠C are the angles. (∠ABC, ∠BCA, ∠BAC)

Mathematics- NCERT solutions
Chapter-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas

(Ex. 4.1)
Question 1.Use the figure to name:

(a)Five points

(b)A line

(c)Four rays

(d)Five line segments

(a) Five points are: O, B, C, D, E

(b) A line: DE,DB,OE, OB

(c) Four rays: OD, OE,OC, OB

(d) Four line segments: DE,OE,OC,OB, OD

Question 2.Name the line given in all possible (twelve) ways, choosing only two letters at a time from
the four given.


Question 3.Use the figure to name:

(a)Line containing point E.

(b)Line passing through A.

(c)Line on which O lies.

(d)Two pairs of intersecting lines.

Answer: (a) A line containing E = AE or FE

(b) A line passing through A = AE or DE
(c) A line on which O lies = CO or OC
(d) Two pairs of intersecting lines are : AD,COand AE, FE

Question 4.How many lines can pass though:

(a) one given point?

(b) two given points

Answer: (a) Infinite number of lines can pass through one given point.

(b) Only one line can pass through two given points.

Question 5.Draw a rough figure and label suitably in each of the following cases:
(a)Point P lies on AB.
(b) XY and PQ intersect at M.
(c) Line l contains E and F but not D.
(d) OP and OQ meet at O.
Answer: Sol.

Question 6.Consider the following figure of line MN. Say whether following statements are true or
false in the context of the given figure:

(a)Q, M, O, N, P are points on the line MN.
(b)M, O, N are points on a line segment MN.
(c)M and N are end points of line segmentMN.
(d)O and N are end points of line segment OP.
(e)M is one of the end points of line segment QO.
(f)M is point on ray OP.
(g)Ray OP is different from ray QP.
(h)Ray OP is same as ray OM.
(i)Ray OM is not opposite to rayOP.
(j)O is not an initial point of NP and NM.
Answer: (a) True, (b) True, (c) True, (d) False, (e) False, (f) False, (g) True, (h) False, (i) False, (j) False,
(k) True

(Ex. 4.2)
Question 1.Classify the following curves as (i) Open or (ii) Closed.

Answer: (a) Open curve

(b) Closed curve

(c) Open curve

(d) Closed curve

(e) Closed curve

Question 2.Draw rough diagrams to illustrate the following:

(a)Open curve

(b)Closed curve

Answer: Open curves:

Closed curves
Question 3.Draw any polygon and shade its interior.
Answer: Polygon ABCDEF

Question 4.Consider the given figure and answer the questions:

(a)Is it a curve?

(b)Is it closed?

Answer: (a) Yes, it is a curve.

(b) Yes, it is closed.

Question 5.Illustrate, if possible, each one of the following with a rough diagram:
(a)A closed curve that is not a polygon.

(b)An open curve made up entirely of line segments.

(c)A polygon with two sides.

Answer: (a)


(c) Polygon with two sides cannot be drawn.

(Ex. 4.3)
Question 1.Name the angles in the given figure:

Answer: There are four angles in given figure:

Question 2.In the given diagram, name the point(s):
(a)In the interior of ∠DOE.
(b)In the exterior of ∠EOF.
(c)On ∠EOF.

(a) Point interior of ∠DOE : A
(b) Points exterior of ∠EOF : C, A, D
(c) Points on ∠EOF : E, O, B, F

Question 3.Draw rough diagrams of two angles such that they have:
(a)One point in common.

(b)Two points in common.

(c)Three points in common.

(d)Four points in common.

(e)One ray in common.









o Anything that an animal, plant, or human eat to nourish their body for proper growth and maintenance is
called food.
o To cook food we need different kind of ingredients. For example: to cook boiled rice, you need only two
ingredient water and rice. On the other hand to prepare vegetable curry, you need vegetable, spices, salt,
oil and other ingredients.
o Ingredients are components used to prepare food.

Food materials and sources

o The food that we consume is obtained from mainly two sources: plants and animals.
o Food obtained from plants: Fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, cereals.
o Food obtained from animals: Egg, meat, milk, beef, fish, chicken, pork, prawns.
Plant parts as food
o We eat many leafy vegetables. We eat fruits, stem, roots, and flowers, seeds of some plants.
o Some plants have two or more edible (eatable) parts. For example: seeds of mustard plants give us oil
and the leaves are used as a vegetable.

o Not all the plants are edible, some may be poisonous too. For example: Oleander, Castor bean,Datura
Stramonium, Dieffenbachia.

o Sprouts of moong dal and chana is eaten as a healthy-snacks.

o Sprouts is the white root like structure coming out of seeds when soaked in water overnight.
o Carrot, Ginger, Radish, Onion, Beet root etc. are the example of edible root of plants.
o Cinnamon is an example in which bark of tree is used as a spice.

Animal product as food
o Honey is an edible viscous liquid formed by bees in bee hive.
o Bees collect nectar, which is sweet juice from flowers and convert it into honey and store in their hive.

o Milk and products of milk like cheese, yogurt, butter milk, ghee is obtained from milk producing
animals cow and buffalo.

What do animals eat?

o Classification of animals based on nutrition: Herbivorous, Carnivorous, and Omnivorous.
o Herbivorous: Animals which eats only plants and products of plants. For example: Cow, Buffalo, Goat,
Sheep, Donkey, Elephant, Giraffe, Deer, Camel etc.
o Carnivorous: Animals which eats other animals as food. For example: Lion, Tiger, Fox, Wolf, Shark
o Omnivorous: Animal which eats both plants and animals as food. For example: Dog, rat, Crow, Pigs,
Hens etc.
o Human beings can be herbivorous or omnivorous.

Food chain is the sequence of transfers of energy in the form of food from organism to organism.A food
chain shows how each living thing gets food, and how nutrients and energy are passed from creature to
creature. Food chains begin with plant and end with decomposer.

Food web is a connection of multiple food chains.


o Malnutrition is a condition in which a person does not get enough

nutrients for proper function of its body.
o This may be due to, if a person does not get enough food, or not eating
enough food in right amount, or the body of a person is unable to utilize the
food causing lack of proper nutrition.

Why we should stop wastage of food

o Food is a fuel to our body; without food we cannot perform any physical and mental act.
o Have you ever realized even a day without food? Billions of people in India, Bangladesh, Africa and
many other countries were still starving.
o Loss and wastage occur in all steps in the food supply chain. In developing countries like India,
Bangladesh, most loss occurs during production, while in developed countries like USA, European
countries much food is wasted at the consumption stage.
o In 2013, we disposed more than 35 million tons of food waste.
o Wastage of food also cause load on agriculture to produce more amount of food.

Benefits of not wasting food
o Saves money from buying less food.
o Due to disposal of food large amount of methane is released and methane gas contributes in global
o Conserves energy and resources, preventing pollution involved in the growing, manufacturing,
transporting, and selling food.
o Supports community by providing donated food that would have otherwise gone to waste.


1. Do you find that all living beings need the same kind of food?
No, all living beings do not need same kind of food. The food requirements of living organisms vary. On the
basis of food requirement animals (consumers) are classified into four categories:
(i) Herbivore: Herbivore is an animal or insect that only eats vegetation, such as grasses, fruits,
leaves, vegetables, roots and bulbs. This includes cow, deer, elephants, horse, etc.
(ii) Carnivore: A carnivore is an animal that gets food from killing and eating other
animals. Carnivores generally eat herbivores. This includes lion, tiger, wolf, vulture etc.
(iii) Omnivore: An omnivore is an animal that has the ability to eat and survive on both plant and
animal. This includes human, bear, crow, cockroach, etc.
(iv) Scavengers: Some carnivores and omnivores consume dead animals. They are known as
scavengers. This includes crow, vulture, jackal, etc.
2. Name five plants and their parts that we eat.
Names of five plants and their parts that we eat are:
(i) Wheat plant: seeds
(ii) Brinjal plant: fruits
(iii) Potato plant: stems
(iv) Mustard plant: seeds and leaves
(v) Cauliflower: Flower

3. Match the items given in column A with those in column B.
Column I Column II
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee eat other animals
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot eat plants and plant products
Lions and tigers are vegetables
Herbivores are all animal products
Column I Column II
Milk, curd, paneer, ghee are all animal products
Spinach, cauliflower, carrot are vegetables
Lions and tigers eat other animals
Herbivores eat plants and plant products

4. Fill up the blanks with the words given:

herbivore, plant, milk, sugarcane, carnivore.
(a) Tiger is a__________ because it eats only meat.
(b) Deer eats only plant products and so is called__________.
(c) Parrot eats only__________.
(d) The_________ that we drink, which comes from cows, buffaloes and goats is an animal product.
(e) We get sugar from___________.
(a) carnivore
(b) herbivore
(c) plant
(d) milk
(e) sugarcane


1. i. The _______ of the lotus flower is consumed as food.

ii. ___________ and__________ are used to produce sugar.
iii. _________is a non-green plant that we consume as food.
iv. _____ and _____ are the two common sources of most of the ingredients of food items that we eat.
v. We generally eat _______ from most of the plants.

2. Name a food item which we can be prepared from honey.

3. From where does baby plant get food?
4. Which food are more nutritious sprouts or pulses?
5. Who prepares honey and how?
6. On skipping breakfast we feel tired and exhausted. Why?
7. Why do we cook food? Does food loss its nutrition value when they are cooked?
8. Why is India facing food problem today? How can it be solved?
9. Differentiate among the following:
i) Herbivores and Carnivores
ii)Carnivores and Omnivores
iii) Parasites and Scavengers


1. A,B,C and D all are living organisms. A,B and C need readymade food whereas D can make its own
food by a natural process E. The organism A can eat B as well as D. The organism B eats only D or its
products, whereas organism C eats only B.
(i) What are the general names of organisms like A, B, C and D? Give one example of A, B, C and D.
(ii) Name the process E.
(iii) Frame three food chains using A, B, C and D.
(iv) Construct a food web using those three food chains.
(v) Identify the primary and secondary consumers in that food web.

Answer Key (Worksheet):


i. stem/seed/leaf
ii. Sugarcane and sugar beet
iii. Mushroom
iv. Plants and animals
v. Fruits

2. Honey – Jams and Jellies.

3. Baby plant or seedling depends upon the food stored in the seed.

4. Sprouts contain high levels of fibre, vitamins and protein as compared to pulses. That is why sprouts are
more nutritious than pulses.

5. Honey bees prepare honey. Honey bees collect nectar from the flower and store it in their hives and
convert it into honey.

6. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and it is taken after a long period of time. That’s why we feel tired
and exhausted if we miss our breakfast.

7. We cook food to make it tastier and easy to digest. But while cooking some of the nutrients such as
vitamin C get destroyed. That is why we eat some fruits and vegetables without cooking.

8. India is facing food problems today because India is not able to produce food to meet the increasing
requirement of the growing population.
It can be solved by:
i. Storing the food properly.
ii. Growing better crops.
iii. Better management of left-over food in the parties and functions.
iv. Avoiding wastage of food.
9. (i)
Herbivores Carnivores
They eat flesh and meat of other
1. They eat only plant products.
They have sharp tearing teeth or
2. They have strong grinding teeth.

Examples: lion, tiger, hyena,
3. Examples: giraffe, goat, cow,
leopard, etc.
deer, etc.
They eat both meat and plants.
1. They eat flesh and meat of other
They have a combination of sharp
2. They have sharp tearing teeth or
front teeth and molars for grinding.
Examples: human, bear, dog, etc.
3. Examples: lion, tiger, hyena,
leopard, etc.
Parasites Scavengers

They feed on dead and decaying

1. They live inside or on the body of
the host and feed from host body.
Their organ systems are well
2. Their organ systems are not well
They clean the environment.
3. They harm their host. Examples:
Examples: crow, vulture, jackal.
threadworm, hookworm

Answer Key (Homework):

1. (i) A -> omnivore, example - human

B -> herbivore, example - goat

C -> carnivore, example – lion

D -> producer, example – plant

(ii) E -> photosynthesis.

(iii) Food chains:

plant -> human

plant -> goat -> lion
plant -> goat -> human
(iv) Food web:


Human 25


(v) For the food chain, plant -> human, human is primary consumer.
For the food chain, plant -> goat -> lion, goat is primary consumer and lion is secondary consumer.

For the food chain, plant -> goat -> human, goat is primary consumer and human is secondary consumer.




1. Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared
by members of different regional and religious communities?


List of the different festivals with regional and religious communities:

• Holi: Hindus (mainly in North India, North-east India, Orrisa, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu etc.)

• Diwali: Hindus (mainly in Central India, North India, North-east India, South India etc.)

• Id-ul-Fitr: Muslims (mainly in Central India, North India, North-east India, South India etc.)

• Christmas: Christians (mainly in Central India, North India, South India etc.)

• Pongal: Hindus (Tamil Nadu, Kerala)

• Chhath : Hindus (Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand)

• Lhori : Sikhs, Hindus (Punjab, Chandigarh)

• Mahavir Jayanti : Jains, Hindus (Chhattisgarh, U.P., Bihar)

• Buddha Jayanti : Buddhists, Hindus (U.P., Maharashtra, M.P.)

2. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?


Things which rich heritage of diversity adds to your life:

• We met people with different languages.

• We have large variety in foods.

• Celebrate different festivals and respect their cultures.

• Different dance and music forms.

• Variety of dressing styles and clothes of the regions.


1. Choose the correct answer

Samir do used to sell

a. vegetables b. clothes

c. bicycle d. newspaper

2. Samir Ek knows English (True/False)

3. Write one similarity and one difference between Samir Ek and Samir Do.

4 . Mention two festivals that might have been celebrated by

Samir Ek-

Samir Do

5. Why did Samir Do, the paper boy, think the author did not know Hindi?

6. Identify the differences in the following picture


1. d. Newspaper
2. True
3. Similarity: Both are of same gender.
Difference: Samir Ek goes to schoolbut Samir Do sells newspaper.
4. Samir Ek: Diwali, Holi
Samir Do:Muharram, Eid

5.By observing author’s appearance, the paper selling boy thought that he does not know Hindi.

6. The well-dressed person seems rich but the person sitting next to him seems very poor who does not
have access to the basic amenities to lead a decent life.


1.Identify the two main factors influencing diversity in our country. Explain about them.

2. Write a short note on Ladakh.

3. Write a short note on Kerala.

4. After completing the case study of Ladakh and Kerala, write an account of comparison between them.

5. Explain the meaning of the term Diversity.

6. What do you mean by unity.

7. Give an example of negative aspect of diversity in our country.

8.Explain the concept of unity in diversity in our country.


1Ans: The factors influencing diversity are historical factors and geographical factors.

Historical Factors:

iIn the past people used to travel from one part of the worldto another in ships, on horses, on camels and on

ii. Often they went in search of new lands or new places to settlein, or for people to trade with.

iii. Sometimes, as they began to make their homes in new places, they were influenced by the culture,
language, foodof the new place and at the same time they kept on doing things in their old ways as well, and
out of this inter-mixing of cultures, came something new and different.

iv. The history of many places shows us how many different cultural influenceshave helped to shape life and
culture there.

v.Thus regions became very diverse because of their unique histories.

Geographical Factors:

i..Diversity also comes about when people adapt their lives to the geographical area in which they live.

ii..Geeography or physical features of a place influence clothing, eating habits and even the kinds of works
people do.

2Ans:Ladakh is a desert in the mountains in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir.

Very little agriculture is possible as the region does not receive any rain and is covered in snow for a
large part of the year.
There are very few treesin the region.
For drinking water, people depend on the melting snowduring the summer months.
People keep sheep and the sheep are special of this region as they produce pashmina wool.
The people eat meat and milk products like cheese and butter.
Each family owns goats, cows and dzos((yak-cows).
It was considered a good trade route as it had many passes .
Buddhism reached Tibet via ladakh. ladakh is also called little Tibet.
Islam was introduced in this region more than four hundred years ago.
Ladakh has very rich oral tradition of songs and poems.

3. Ans:Kerala is a state in the south west corner of India.

It is surrounded by the sea on one side and hills on the other.

A number of spices like pepper, cloves and cardamoms are grown on the hills and it is spices that
made this region is an attractive place for traders.
Jewish and Arab traders were the first to come here.
The apostle of Christ, St.Thomas is believed to have come here nearly 2ooo years ago and he is
credited with bringing Christianity in India.
Many Arab traders also came and settled down here.
Ibn Battuta, who travelled here a little less than seven hundred years ago wrote a travelogue in which
he describe the lives of Muslims.
The Portuguese discovered the sea route to India from Europe when Vasco da Gama landed with his
ship here.
People in Kerala practice different religions such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity Hinduism and
The boat race is an important part of Onam festival celebrated in Kerala.
The fishing nets used here looks exactly like Chinese fishing nets and are called cheena-vala.
The utensils used for frying are called cheenachatti and it is believed that the word cheencoud have
come from China.
The fertile land and climate are suited to grow rice and a majority of people eat here rice,fish and


While Kerala and Ladakh are quite different in terms of their geographical features, the
history of both the regions has seen similar cultural influences.
Both the regions were influenced by Chinese and Arab traders
It was the geography of Kerala which allowed for the cultivation of the spices and the special
geographical location of Ladakh and its wool drew traders to this region.


.Diversity means variety and being different

It is a product of different geography, culture and history.
.Diversity is more than tolerating the differences.
It is respecting and understanding the varying differences among individuals in society.

Unity is the state of different areas or groups being joined together to form a single country or organisation.
When there is unity, people are in agreement and act together for a particular purpose.


The social tension and conflicts arising from diversity leading to growth of divisive tendencies like
communalism, regionalism etc.


India’s diversity has always been recognized as its source of strength.

India’s freedom movement is the best example of unity in diversity.
Songs and symbols that emerged during freedom movement serve as a constant reminder of our
country’s rich tradition of respect for diversity.
Jawaharlal Nehru coined the phrase ‘’unity in diversity’’.
In his book ‘the discovery of India’ Jawaharlal Nehru says that Indian unity is is not something
imposed from outside but rather, it was something deeper and within its fold.
India’s national anthem composed by Rabindranath Tagore ,is another expression of the unity of


E. Answer the following questions.

1.What is machine Language?
Ans1)- Computer can only understand a language known as machine language.
Machine language consists of 0s and 1s.

2. How are high-level languages translate into machine language?

Ans2)-High-level languages translated into machine language by compiler or interpreters and passed on to
the CPU for processing.

3. What advantages did the 3GLs have over the previous generation of languages?
Ans3) – Advantages of the 3GLs have over the previous generation of languages are:
3GLs are programming language that are simple to learn, write and understand.
The size of program is greatly reduced.
A program once written can be run on different types of processors simply by using the
corresponding compilers(translators).

4. What are the various categories of software?

Ans4)- The various categories of software are: system software, application software and programming

5. Define a system software.
Ans5) – A system software comprises of a set of one or more programs that are designed to control the
internal functioning of a computer and its associated hardware. It forms a link between the user and the
hardware of a computer.

6.What is an operating system? Give some examples of operating systems.

Ans6)- An operating system (OS) is a special set of programs that controls various hardware devices of a
computer. Some of the common OS used today are Microsoft Windows, Linux, UNIX and Mac OS.

7. What is application software?

Ans7)- An application software allows the users to perform one or more specific tasks without having any
knowledge of computer programming. It can be used for personal or business purposes.


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