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Accomplishing Automation through IoT, creative way to improvise the Operational Efficiency

What is IoT and its importance for automation?

Internet of Things (IoT), which is a generic term for a connected device. Since their inception, IoT and Automation
have been terms that have complemented each other through a variety of technology-driven products and solutions,
ranging from steam-powered power generation to the conveyor belt-based industry revolution to automation via
electronic machinery to the era of cyber-physical integration of IT and electronic-based systems.

Why the devices are termed Smart Connected Devices?

The term "smart device" was used to describe the trend of linked gadgets being used in numerous capacities. There
was a simple concept of controlling an electronic system with short pieces of code to do a specified task in everyday
life or an industrial setting. The most basic version of such a smart gadget (the automatic vending machine) first
appeared in the late twentieth century. Smart gadgets have continued to evolve since then, by fine-tuning
communication methods, physical device types, and driving terminologies to operational outputs in multi-
dimensional forms.

In simplest terms, any device, gadget, sensor, the actuator having the feasibility to send the analytical data of
sensing or behavioral patterns to IoT applications are termed as Smart Devices or Connected Devices. These devices
can be deployed in Nemours applications to advance the operational performance and reliability in the business
outcome. The performance metric drive especially through the devices or applications having the capability to notify
the fault and basis of that most suitable troubleshooting method. It helps in automating the quick process of
troubleshooting any generic faults, which contributes to the majority of downtime in any of the business
automation. Resulting in to decay in operational efficiency.

How does Operational Efficiency Matter?

Operational efficiency is a metric that compares an operation's productivity to its desired performance outcome. In
other words, if a machine/process/automation is designed to complete 100 jobs in a minute but only completes 50
activities in that minute, the efficiency at which it operates is 50%. As we delve deeper, several elements influence
efficiency, one of which is the inappropriate operation of a specific device, which may be secondary or a subset of
the core process. Consider how the user would know what is causing the low efficiency if there was no remote
debugging or monitoring for all of these subtasks. Remote monitoring or debugging of any device, process, or a
subset of any system can greatly improve operational efficiency in this way.

Remote Debugging and Monitoring

Many times, devices are located in extremely remote places, making troubleshooting and commuting to or accessing
the area becomes quite challenging. Remote troubleshooting is a favor to the support team in these situations,
which saves lots of time, and the biggest benefit is an outcome that it would give to the efficiency of the process.

Remote monitoring via third-party apps was only recently launched in the early twenty-first century. It all started
with a simple application that needed effort from both the user and the debugger or monitoring person. While
technology evolves, it becomes an intrinsic element of many apps and devices, and today we have IoT gadgets on
the market that self-debug using scripted programs and discuss problems with parent hosts seated in different parts
of the world. It is now easy for both hosts and users to achieve high throughput efficiency in any process or business.
At the same time, it can save a lot of time, effort, and money for both users and hosts, ensuring system reliability.

Now is the age while we have the resources to solve problems at a client's machinery without even physically
commuting, and sometimes in fractions of seconds, potentially saving millions of seconds in terms of production
time and even financial loss owing to the time that the machine is just not operational.

So the with new IoT way, we quickly debug any connected device which is part of larger automation and ensure the
operational efficiency never decays and gets restored as soon it goes down. In some cases, we can also improvise it
by applying to create ideas of automation.
Let us explore such creative ideas to extemporize the active proficiency in IoT way for any automation, process, or
behavior of the system.

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