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Oddity High

● The Brash is your character that has more energy than sense. Their bullheaded
nature and unstoppable spirit makes them apt at fighting for what they believe
in, but this same rashness tends to get into problems just as easily as they can
withstand them. Play as the Brash if you’d rather solve problems through action
rather than needing to think through them. Examples of the Brash include Chie
Satonaka from Persona 4 and Tomo Takino from Azumanga Daioh.
● The Bystander is a character that isn’t there for themselves. Rather, someone
else - their Special Someone - has pulled them, metaphorically or literally, into
this crazy new life. Fortunately, they have something that so many seem to lack in
this sort of world - sense. Play as the Bystander if you want to be the sort of
character that makes snarky remarks as the world goes mad around them.
Examples of the Bystander include Kyon from The Melancholy of Haruhi
Suzumiya and Chiyo Sakura from Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun
● The Fanservice is a character who is defined by others by their physical
appearance. Whether it’s beauty, cuteness, or something harder to pinpoint,
other people get caught up in their looks - which can work for and against them
in equal measure. Play as the Fanservice if you want to be able to charm your way
through whatever life throws at you. Examples of the Fanservice include Mikuru
Asahina from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and the eponymous character
from Please Tell Me! Galko-chan.
● The Model Student is someone who has attained high standing through hard
work and effort. They are your student council president, your track star, your
class representative. The Model Student’s element is the school, and they’re
adept at using it to their own ends. Play as the Model Student if you want to be
the most respectable person in the room at all times. Examples of the Model
Student include Makoto Niijima from Persona 5 and Tenya Iida from My Hero
● The Noble is noble both in terms of their upbringing and their morals. They are
the upperclassmen and big siblings that their peers look up to, and they’re more
than capable of defending and assisting them in equal measure. Play as the
Noble if you want to be the senpai that everyone else wishes would notice them.
Examples of the Noble include Tamaki Suou from Ouran Highschool Host Club
and Mami Tomoe from Madoka Magica
● The Otaku defines themselves by their love of all things nerdy. From manga to
video games to programming, your passion for the things you love isn’t exactly
one that earns you many friends. Fortunately, what you lack in popularity, you
make up in a host of acquired skills. Play as the Otaku if you want to be just as
much of a nerd in-character as you are in real life. Examples of the Otaku include
Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 and Konata Izumi from Lucky Star.
Oddity High
● The Prodigy is the smartest student in the school, no contest. Their intellect has
opened many a door for them, but it makes connecting with others difficult.
There’s no such thing as a problem that they can’t find the solution for, but they
sometimes struggle with acting on their information. Play as the Prodigy if you
want to come up with the group’s solutions and have others follow through with
them. Examples of the Prodigy include Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 and the
title character of Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun.
● The Space Cadet, in a world of supernatural phenomena and strange characters,
defined by being strange. Whether this makes them unconventional geniuses or
simply oddballs can vary, but sometimes unconventional situations call for
unconventional minds. Play as the Space Cadet if you’re not in the mood to be
sensible. Examples of the Space Cadet include Ayuumu “Osaka” Kasuga from
Azumanga Daioh and Oko-san from Hatoful Boyfriend.
● The Supporter wants nothing more than the success and happiness of their
friends. They are skilled at healing their friends’ wounds and talking them
through their problems, but tend to do so at the expense of their own happiness
and well-being. Play as the Supporter if you want to make everyone happy, no
matter what happens to you. Examples of the Supporter include Josuke
Higashitaka from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable and Fuuka
Yamagishi from Persona 3.

● The Vanilla is special in that they aren’t special. They are completely human in
every way possible. They’d be utterly ordinary, if it wasn’t for the fact that they’re
being thrust into unconventional situations. Being human does have its perks,
but you’re definitely out of your element. Good luck out there… because you’re
probably going to need it. An (adult) example of the Vanilla is Reigen Arataka
from Mob Psycho 100.
● The Displaced is your classic fish out of water. Whether you’re from another
time or another planet, you’re new to life on Earth. You’re surrounded by new
and interesting things, and while it’s a bit confusing, you can’t wait to experience
everything that this place has to offer. An example of the Displaced is Sadou
Maou from The Devil is a Part-Timer!
● The Henshin lives a double life. Most of the time, they’re just an ordinary
student. But when danger calls, their alter ego is just a phrase and a
transformation sequence away. In this second form, they have the drive and the
capabilities to fight whatever evils life throws at them, including a powerful and
stylish finishing move. Examples of the Henshin are everywhere, from Kamen
Rider to Sailor Moon.

Oddity High
● The Interface is synthetic; literally built to serve. They are beholden to their
leader and their wishes, whoever that may be. Everything besides their purpose is
secondary; they couldn’t participate in school activities or make friends even if
they wanted to. However, they’re almost impossible to destroy and can
accomplish just about anything, provided the master wills it. Examples of the
Interface include the Attendants of the Velvet Room in the Persona series.
● The Leash doesn’t fight alone - another being fights with them. This creature -
their Servant - is powerful, temperamental, and often dangerous. Fortunately, it’s
also bound to its master, and will follow their every order (for the most part).
Having such a powerful and temperamental entity at their command makes the
Leash a force to be reckoned with. This is assuming, of course, that they can keep
their servant in check. Examples of the Leash include Stand users from Jojo’s
Bizarre Adventure, with the Stands serving as their Servants.
● The Mascot isn’t just inhuman - they’re so far from the human standard, they
don’t even take a Real-Life Playbook. Just because they’re not human doesn’t
mean they’re not capable, however. Between their otherworldly abilities and their
knowledge of the supernatural, they’re the one thing standing between these
humans and certain doom. Well, that’s what they think, anyway. An example of
the Mascot is Teddie from Persona 4.
● The Plainclothes is a part of something bigger. They are an agent of a larger
organization that has friends in every place, money to burn, and more resources
than anyone could wrap their head around. All that their agency asks for in return
is loyalty, information, and their role in keeping the status quo. An example of the
Plainclothes is Yuuya Sakuzaki from Hatoful Boyfriend.
● The Volatile is as strong as they are dangerous. At their strongest, they have
some of the most powerful abilities of any Playbook - but these strengths come
with their share of drawbacks that need to be worked around or overcome.
They’ve got great power, but responsibility’s only the tip of the iceberg. An
example of the Volatile is Mob from Mob Psycho 100.
● The Warper doesn’t exactly play by the rules of reality - in fact, a lot of the time,
they’re rewriting it for their own convenience. Fortunately for everyone around
them, their powers are completely unknown to them, and its invocation is always
subconscious. On a good day, bending the universe so things line up in your
favor is an incredible benefit. On a bad day, though… well, thank goodness you
have people who can keep things from falling apart too much. An example of the
Warper is Haruhi Suzumiya from her eponymous series.

● The Idol is a pop star - in addition to being a student (and whatever your Other-
Life is), you’re also putting on concerts, recording commercials, and doing
whatever else your managers require of you. Being as famous as you are is a

whatever else your managers require of you. Being as famous as you are is aHigh
powerful asset in your day-to-day life, and your starpower can build bridges and
help you do things that ordinary people couldn’t. However, the idol industry is
full of horror stories… and if you’re not careful, the latest one will be you. An
example of the Idol is Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4.
● The Experiment is the product of amoral science in hidden laboratories.
Whatever their goal of your creators was, you’re the fruit of their efforts, and
you’ve lived up to their expectations and then some. They’ve stripped out most
of your humanity and replaced it with amoral directives on how to act and
behave. But now that you’re out of the labs and in the real world, it won’t be long
before your humanity starts creeping back in.
● The Pragmatist is the Gang’s token asshole. You know that there are things that
need to be done that the rest of the group are too moral to consider - someone’s
got to do them, and it might as well be you. Threats, blackmail, dirty tricks and
more are at your disposal, and you’re not afraid to use them. Examples of the
Pragmatist include Kyoya Otori from Ouran Highschool Host Club and Sayaka
Kanamori from Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!.
● The Shadow is the master of stealth. Slipping into and out of sight is as easy for
you as opening a door. When you’re hidden, there’s nobody that could hope to
stop you from accomplishing your goals. But when your goals require you to be
in the light, your advantage is gone - and lord help you if you actually get caught.

Oddity High

Real-Life Playbooks
Your Real-Life Playbook is what sort of person your character is, and
what ‘archetype’ they hew closest to.
When you’re creating your character (whether from scratch or by
adapting an original character to the system), working with your Real-Life
Playbook is paramount. As you go through the Playbook and subsequent Deal
that interests you, ask yourself this; “Would these moves be courses of action that
my character would take?” Some of the moves assume that your character would
be inclined to take specific actions pertaining to the Playbook, such as the
Supporter reaching out or the Space Cadet being strange. Trying to pigeonhole a
character into a Deal - or worse, an entire Playbook - that doesn’t fit them can
very easily hamstring a character if using their moves would be out-of-character
for them.
For the above reason, it’s recommended that you lean into what your
Real-Life Playbook represents.

The Brash
“C’mon, c’mon! Are you for real right now? Look, I don’t know about you, but I
can’t stand by and watch that asshole get away with what he’s doing! If you want to just
sit and do nothing, I’m not gonna stop ya. But I’m gonna go kick his ass, and don’t think
for a second that you can stop me. Now, you with me? Good, let’s go.”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary, _____
● dyed hair, unkempt hair, chaotic styles, shaved style, sporty style, _____
● flashy clothes, dirty clothes, stylish clothes, punkish clothes, athletic wear, _____
● worrying grin, hollow grin, mirthful grin, malicious grin, shit-eating grin, _____
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: +2
● Strangeness: +1
● Brainpower: 0
● Sense: -1
Oddity High
● Manipulation: 0
● Empathy: 0

Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Rebel: You are deeply dissatisfied with the world as it is. Whether it’s too broken
or just too boring, the whole thing has to go. You don’t just want to rock the boat
- you want to flip it completely upside down, and you won’t let anything limit you
in that regard. Manipulation +1, Empathy -1.
● Hero: There are people out there that need help, and you’re going to go out and
help them. Fight the good fight. Beat the bad guys. Make the world a better
place. How hard can it be? Empathy +1, Brainpower -1.
● Ball of Energy: Your presence itself is like shouting. You are the lightning bolt, the
sugar high, caffeine manifested into a human form. It’ll be a miracle if anyone can
keep up with you, and if they can’t? They can eat your dust. Strangeness +1,
Sense -1.
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
● “…Or I’ll Kick Your Butt!”: Some call it “threatening your friends”; you call it
“aggressive motivational speeches”. When you motivate a member of the
gang with either sheer belligerence, or by threatening them with the
consequences of failure, you may either strain your Friendship with them or
inflict two Weak Conditions on them to give them Focus to their roll. If they get a
miss, you mark a Condition yourself.
● You Can’t Tell Me What To Do!: Once per scene, when someone tells you what
you should be doing (such as by targeting you to talk it out), you may ignore
what they say and do your own thing, no rolls required.
● Because I Am Here!: You never roll Guts at a penalty or with Friction, whether
from a Condition or from someone opposing you.
● How Can I Help?: When you get answers from someone, you may ask the
following question as well:
○ Why are you feeling (like) _____?
When you ask this question of a member of the Gang, you can get a sense of the
basis of a Condition they have. If you help them work through how they’re feeling,
you can clear said Condition.
Oddity High
Ball of Energy
● Give It 110%!: When you take on a problem with more energy and gusto
than anyone else could muster, you have a +2 to your rolls for the rest of the
scene. At the end of the scene, every member of the Gang that’s involved marks
Tired. When you’re forced to take a problem slow and steady, you roll with
● Speed Demon: You’re the master of getting somewhere quickly. When you’re
going from Point A to Point B, you reach your destination faster than anyone
else. If this would require a roll, you roll with Focus. This doesn’t work if your
opposition has a distinct advantage (for instance, if you’re on foot and they’re in
a car).
Flexible Moves
(You also begin with one of the following moves)
● Dynamic Entry: Once per session, when you enter a scene with energy and
flair, you may immediately face a threat head-on as if you rolled a 10+.
● Fiercely Independent: You can always go your own way with Guts, no matter who
is pressuring you or what leverage they have. The costs of failure go up, for sure,
but a successful attempt will always let you walk away, at least for the time being.
● Galactic Punt: Once per scene, when you take a person out by hitting them as
hard as you can with a physical blow, roll + Guts. On a hit, your target is non-
lethally, forcefully, and unequivocally removed from the scene (usually by being
knocked into the sky with a twinkle and a “ting!”). On a 7-9, the Lead Writer will
tell you what taking them out will cost you.
● Irrefusable: You can roll + Guts to talk it out when you sway them with
violence, threats, or with sheer force of personality.
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
● Do-Gooder: ...when you put doing the right thing over doing the “smart”
● Fleeting Interests: ...when you try out an activity for the first time.
● Schemer: ...when you drag someone into a scheme or antic that doesn’t need
(or want) to be a part of it
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
Oddity High
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Guts
● Indulge a Comfort
● Throw yourself into an unknown or dangerous situation without learning more or
thinking it through
(Answer at least two)
● What are you fighting for?
● What past experience haunts you to this day?
● Who, outside of the Gang, do you go to for help?

(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● I’ve known ____________ since middle school (or earlier)
● I feel like ____________ is someone important, but I’m not entirely sure why
● I once got into a fistfight with ____________ - but these days, we’re fast friends
● More than once, ____________ has told me to grow up
● I broke something that was important to ____________, and they have yet to
forgive me

Oddity High

The Bystander
“Ow, ow, OW! Let go of my arm, already! Look, Haru, you don’t need to physically
pull me into this. If I was going to bail on you, I wouldn’t be here (and if I had any sense, I
would have done so ages ago). I think we both know that I’m not going anywhere.”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● boyish hair, average hair, long hair, pigtails
● boring clothes, rumpled clothes, sharp clothes, whatever’s in your closet
● annoyed look, confused look, bored look, enraptured look, concerned look
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: 0
● Strangeness: -1
● Brainpower: +1
● Sense: +2
● Manipulation: 0
● Empathy: 0

Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Clinger: You’re always around your Special Someone because that’s exactly where
you want to be. Of course they get on your nerves sometimes, but that’s a small
price to pay for your time spent with them. Strangeness +2, Brainpower -2
● Guiding Hand: If there’s one thing you’re certain of, it’s that your Special
Someone is someone that you need to keep an eye on. Maybe they’re going to
get themselves hurt, or worse. Maybe it’s that they’re going to end up hurting
others. In any case, you’re only in on this whole mess because without you,
they’re going to do something really stupid. Manipulation +1, Strangeness - 1
● Tsundere: You’re the first in line to complain about what your Special Someone is
doing. You’re here because they wouldn’t let you get away with being absent.
You’re certainly not here because you want to be. It’s not like you like your
Special Someone or anything… Guts +1, Empathy -1

Oddity High

Your Special Someone

● Choose another member of the Gang - they are your Special Someone, and they
have an unbreakable Friendship with you. You’re close to them in some way -
best friend, significant other, or maybe fate’s just tied you to them. You have a
Patience track ( ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ), representing your relationship with them (and
your tolerance for their antics). You may mark your Patience track:
○ Whenever your Special Someone would strain the Friendship between you
or inflict a Weak Condition on you
○ Whenever they would get a Weak Condition (besides In Pain), if they
choose to pass it onto you
○ Whenever you’d mark a Weak Condition as a result of a scheme or
situation you’re only part of due to your Special Someone
When something tells you to mark your Patience track when all of its boxes
are full, you’ve had enough; you have a public breakdown with them at the
When you share an intimate moment with your Special Someone, you may
choose to clear a box of your Patience track instead of adjusting your Friendship
with them. Any move that would cause you to clear multiple Conditions (such as
having a public breakdown) can also clear your Patience track.
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
● Inseparable: If your Special Someone wants you by their side, you’re there, and
nothing can separate the two of you for more than a scene. If you don’t want to
be there, mark your Patience track; if you’re already there, you can only leave if
you successfully convince them to let you. When you are trying to reunite after
you are forcefully separated, you both roll with Focus.
● You’re So Amazing!: When your Special Someone impresses or wows
someone as the result of a move, you are also wowed or impressed; clear a
Condition or a box of your Patience track. Additionally, if they target you
directly, clear an additional Condition or box of Patience.
Guiding Hand
● “Oh No You Don’t”: When your Special Someone would wind up getting hurt
or causing a situation as a result of their own actions or error, you may
intervene before the make things worse for themselves. This can be used after
your Special Someone fails their roll but before the Lead Writer makes a Cut


your Special Someone fails their roll but before the Lead Writer makes a Cut
Oddity High
against them. When you intervene, roll + Sense. On a hit, you stop or save them
before they can suffer their consequences. On a 7-9, choose two. On a 10+,
choose one. On a miss, they drag you down with them, and you suffer the same
fate they do:
○ Mark your Patience track
○ Mark a Condition
○ You have to deal with the danger or situation that they almost wound up
● Voice of Reason: Your wisdom is the only thing keeping your friends alive at this
point. When you offer advice to another player and they ignore it, you have a
+1 for all rolls towards any attempts to bail them out of whatever mess they get
themselves into. If it’s your Special Someone, you roll with Focus instead.
Basically, if you could say “I told you so” after your action, you roll with Focus
to do it.
● Here’s a Better Plan: When a plan or opportunity created by an ally fails to
lead to success, you may attempt to find a “common sense” solution to the same
problem. When you try to find a simpler plan than one that just failed, roll +
Sense. If the plan was your Special Someone’s, you roll with Focus. On a hit, you
spot a new opportunity or route to success. On a 7-9, you’re the only person that
can do anything with it.
● Throwing Shade: Your disdain for your special someone is through the roof at
times, and boy, do you let them know it. When you call out or insult your
Special Someone to their face, you may clear a Weak Condition or a box of
your Patience track. If you do, they mark a Condition (and can’t pass it on to you),
and have +1 forward towards any attempts to prove you wrong.
Flexible Moves
(You also begin with one of the following moves)
● Down to Earth: Even if you don’t have a normal background, the fact that your
head’s on straight makes you more normal than many. Choose a move from the
Vanilla Other-Life Playbook, so long as it doesn’t require you to be something
you’re not.
● Gofer: When your Special Someone has you do a menial or demeaning task
for them, you have a +1 to rolls made for the purposes of completing it. If you
would mark a Condition as a result of your quest, you can mark your Patience
track instead. When you complete the task at hand, your Special Someone can
clear a Condition.

Oddity High
● Only Sane One: Whenever you’re the most sensible person in the room by a
long shot, you have a +1 when you use your Sense. This doesn’t apply to
scenarios where being more sensible than your peers doesn’t matter as much,
such as combat.
● “So You Really Want to Know?”: When you answer an inquisitive NPC by being
perfectly honest about what’s going on, even (or especially) if some of the
facts are unbelievable, you have a +2 when you go your own way with Sense. On
a hit, they think it’s ridiculous, but let you go on your way anyway. On a 7-9,
they’re going to want to know more about a specific detail.
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
● Smartass: ...whenever you snark about a situation instead of doing anything
to fix it.
● B-baka!: ...whenever you react to the notion of having feelings for your
Special Someone with anger or comedic violence.
● Venting: ...when you complain at length about the Gang or its members to a
third party.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Sense.
● Indulge a Comfort.
● Mark two boxes of your Patience track
(Answer at least two)
● How did you meet your Special Someone? What ties you to them?
● Who, outside the Gang, do you spend your free time with?
● What’s the one line you’re not okay with anyone crossing?
(You start with a Friendship with your Special Someone and one other Friendship
- choose from the list below, or create your own)
● _____________ is my Special Someone. (See above)

Oddity High

● I’d like to be closer to _____________, but my Special Someone gets in the way
● I swear that ______________ is jealous of my closeness to my Special Someone
● _____________ is just as much of a problem as my Special Someone is
● Me and _____________ are kindred spirits - two sensible people in a world full of
● _____________ should be above all this - why haven’t they done the smart thing and
bailed on us?

Oddity High

The Fanservice
(Drafted and created by Word on the Wind)

"Erika-san, I know you're trying to help, but people always see at me and assume
I'm stupid because I look good. Really it doesn't matter how good looking or smart I am,
I'm a person and I deserve to be treated like it!"
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary, _____
● clean hair, dyed hair, high-maintenance hair, glamorous hair, _____
● flashy clothes, tight clothes, revealing clothes, prim and proper clothes, _____
● pleasant demeanor, inviting demeanor, irritable demeanor, scandalous demeanor,
tired demeanor, _____
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: 0
● Strangeness: 0
● Brainpower: 0
● Sense: 0
● Manipulation: +2
● Empathy: 0
Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Big Heart: Hugs, kisses, affections of all forms. You are famous for this, perhaps
even infamous. You’re a lover, not a fighter and all you need is love. You’re
particularly emotional and your smile is infectious. Empathy +1, Guts -1
● Sweet and Simple: The old adage is that simple is best. Well that’s you, so clearly
that’s best. It’s nice when things aren’t complicated, everything will work out just
fine! Strangeness +1, Brainpower -1
● More Than a Pretty Face: People know you for your figure. Unfortunately, they
don’t tend to be so knowledgeable about the figures you can produce on paper.
They even seem in denial about it. No way someone with a solid body could have
a solid mind, right? Wrong. Dealing with such people as that is so very tiresome.
Brainpower + 1, Empathy -1.
Oddity High

● When someone can see you in some manner, (in person, video-share, a photo)
they are Influenced by how attractive you are, whether or not they are attracted
to you. Thinking clearly like this is difficult; when you roll with Manipulation
against them to get them to do what you want, you can do so with Focus. If
you do, someone will become upset and make trouble for you or the one who
did your bidding. If it’s a member of the Gang, they hold 1 and may spend this
hold against the subject of their ire to gain a +1 when rolling against them. If it’s
an NPC, the Lead Writer can make a Hard Cut involving them. Those influenced
by your attractiveness however aren’t going to take you seriously; any time you
try to use Brainpower or Sense regarding them, you do so with Friction.
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
Big Heart
● Closeness: When you emotionally connect with someone in a positive way,
take +1 forward on the next interaction with them. Until you spend this +1, they
are not subject to your Influence.
● Comforting Embrace: Once per episode, you can try to help someone through a
problem by giving them a great big hug! If they are accept it, they feel the love
and choose one from the list.
○ Take +1 forward when dealing with what had them down.
○ They can clear a Condition.
○ They can make someone else upset or jealous
If they refuse the hug, mark Sad.
Sweet and Simple
● Compromising Position: When you take a condition as a result of a failure of
your own actions, you create an opportunity for your allies once towards any
one thing Influenced by you.
● At Least You’re Pretty: When you fail while trying to go your own way from
someone Influenced by you, you’ll still be stuck with the obligation, but the
person you tried to snub won’t hold it against you.
More than a Pretty Face
● Eyes Up Here: You’ve always got a plan, and you know how to ensure others
adhere to it. When an ally is suffering from a Condition that affects Sense,
you can roll to Keep a Level Head for them with Manipulation.
● Top Heavy: When you fail while when you think a situation through, the
● Top Heavy: When you fail while when you think a situation through, Odditythe High
answer will still take time, but you’ll still receive +1 forward when acting on that
Flexible Moves
(You begin with This Is Who I Am. Additionally, choose one)
● This Is Who I Am: Getting people to see you more than superficially is difficult.
Whenever you and another make an effort to get to know each other, you can
open up and be honest with them about yourself. If they accept this, they are
released from your influence, permanently. If they don’t, mark a strong condition
and they hold one against you. If they’re an NPC they can make a hard cut
against you. If they’re a player, they can spend this hold to roll against you with
Focus. If you have a friendship with this person you can instead strain the
friendship to release them from your influence.
● Strong Back: No one can accuse you of lacking a spine. When a situation has
not yet come to blows, you may attempt to keep a level head with Manipulation
instead of Sense.
● All the Right Places: When you voluntarily have a public breakdown, the Lead
Writer chooses one less option than they normally would.
● Low-Cut Expectations: No one expects a lot from you other than to stand there
and look pretty. When you juggle your obligations, you roll with Friction.
● Damsel In Distress.: Whenever you’re in trouble, like it or not everyone knows it
and flocks to help the pretty one. Whenever you are suffering from a Strong
Condition, anyone who attempts to remove it does so with Focus. If they
succeed, they can clear a Condition of their own.
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
● Public Exposure: ...when you give someone a strong showing of affection in a
public or very visible place.
● Hot and Bothered: …when you cause a room full of people under your
influence to get excited about something positive.
● Inner-Beauty: ...when you make a scene to get people to recognize your hard
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Manipulation on someone under your Influence
Oddity High
● Indulge a Comfort
● Release someone from your Influence
(Answer at least two)
● What’s your favorite outfit that you wear most often? Why is it your favorite?
● Someone goes out of their way to give you attention, who is it? Do you like it?
● What was your worst moment when all eyes were on you?

(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own.
These characters are immune to your Influence)
● I think that _____________ is pretty attractive, all things considered
● _____________ has seen past my pretty face ever since we met
● I’m pretty sure that _____________ takes advantage of my looks for their own gain
● I’ve got _____________ wrapped around my finger
● I look forward to the day that _____________ gets past my looks and sees the real

Oddity High

The Model Student

“Oh! Principal Kamoshida! What seems to be the problem? Oh, them? They were
just helping me with a little club project, that’s all. Now, we really must be going… guys,
what were you thinking? If I wasn’t here, you two would probably be suspended, or even
expelled! Seriously, I don’t know what you’d do without me…”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● boring hair, cute hair, stylish hair, curly hair
● prim clothes, fashionable clothes, bland clothes, upscale clothes
● stern face, kind face, smug face, cheerful face, calm face
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: 0
● Strangeness: -1
● Brainpower: +1
● Sense: +1
● Manipulation: +1
● Empathy: 0

Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Things Are Fine: You work hard and do your best, and you’ve been rewarded with
success and high regard. It’s honestly a little disappointing that no one else
seems to apply themselves like you do. Oh, well. As long as things carry on
smoothly, you have nothing to worry about. Empathy +1, Guts -1
● Things Aren’t Fine: All your hard work and dedication has gotten you to the top,
and it’s from this vantage point that you can see how broken the system is. There
are problems everywhere you look, and the people who could fix them aren’t
lifting a finger. It’s absolutely frustrating… but people say that change comes
from those in power, and there’s no student with more power than you. Guts +1,
Sense -1
● Writing My Way Out: You’re a paragon of academic integrity, but not of your own
● Writing My Way Out: You’re a paragon of academic integrity, but not of yourHigh
Oddity own
volition. Whether it’s because you need to break out of a bad situation, or
because your family has astronomic expectations of you, you do well because
you have to - and trying to keep from going under is your greatest struggle.
You’d kill for the chance to not have to worry about your responsibilities, but you
don’t have that luxury. Brainpower +1, Empathy -1
Whether it’s through academic success, club prestige, or the preferences
of the faculty, the school favors you - and you know how to make it work for you.
When you take advantage of your Standing, you mark it. Calling on Standing
means either pulling rank, or reminding those around you about the perks of
being in your good graces. When you mark Standing to boost a roll, add a +2
to the total (before or after the roll is made). If circumstances would result in you
rolling with Friction, you may choose to instead mark Standing to negate the
effects of Friction on your roll. You can mark your Standing up to three times
per session.
You can use Standing with following moves: talk it out, get answers from
someone, go your own way.
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
Things are Fine
● Star Pupil: It might not be professional for the school staff to pick favorites… but
everyone knows it’s you. You have a +2 to Manipulation rolls when dealing with
authority figures within the school, such as teachers, principals, and the student
council. When another player makes an excuse to the school’s authority, you
may provide an alibi. If you do, you roll for them, and your excuse covers anyone
it needs to.
● Tutor: When you help another student with their classwork or other non-
Other-Life Obligations, roll + Brainpower. On a 10+, they hold two. On a 7-9,
they hold one. On a miss, they’re hopeless. They may spend this Hold one-for-
one to juggle their obligations successfully.
Things Aren’t Fine
● Enough is Enough: When you have a public breakdown, you can use your
venting emotions to get the results of any move as if you rolled a 12+, even
against targets that normally would be too tough for the move. If you do, you
choose an additional option from the have a public breakdown list.
● Screw Being Polite: You’re a constant beacon of politeness and respect - which
makes it all the more surprising when you punch someone in the face. When you

makes it all the more surprising when you punch someone in the face. WhenHigh
Oddity you
surprise someone with a suitably “improper” remark or action, you may
mark Standing to roll with Focus. On a 7-9, mark a Condition or mark an
additional box of Standing.
Writing My Way Out
● A Moment’s Respite: Any chances you have to stop and relax are fleeting, so you’ll
make the most of them. When you rest after a stressful encounter, you and
others in the scene have a +2 toward clearing your Conditions. At the end of the
scene, however, you must juggle your obligations as your responsibilities come
● Club Paragon: You’re the platonic ideal of what a member of your club should be.
Thanks to you, the club you lead is prestigious and the pride of the school, and
the faculty and student council will make your club a priority. Additionally, when
you apply your club’s skill, you automatically succeed on whatever it is you’re
trying to do. However, there’s a lot of pressure on you: when you roll to juggle
your obligations where your club is concerned, you roll with Focus.
Flexible Moves
● (You start the game with Club Prez. Additionally, choose one.)
● Club Prez: You must be a part of a Favored Club. However, you’re not just the
face of the club you’re a part of - you run it outright. You’ll never need to roll to
talk it out with another club member to get them to do what you want, as long as
you can frame it as being for the good of the club. You’re also the best at doing
what your club does; whenever your primary Club would give you a +1 to a
roll, you roll with Focus instead. You’re never in danger of getting kicked out of
the club or losing the club’s benefits.
● Face of the Students: You’re the closest thing that the student body has to an
authority figure, and many - students and teachers alike - respect you for that.
When you mark Standing when dealing with someone who respects your
authority within the school, your Standing gives you a +3 to your roll instead of
a +2.
● On Top of Life: Keeping tabs on schoolwork, social life, and whatever else you do
is never easy, but you’ve mastered keeping all those plates spinning. You may use
Standing when you juggle your obligations to get a -2 to your roll.
● Now Listen Here!: When you face a threat head-on with nothing but stern
words and decorum, you may mark Standing to boost the roll, or to gain an
additional result on a hit.
● This Is My School: When you’re facing off against a supernatural threat that’s
directly assailing your school, you have a +1 to your rolls. When you’re


directly assailing your school, you have a +1 to your rolls. When you’re
Oddity High
directly defending other (NPC) students from said threat, you roll with Focus
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
● Academic: ...whenever you put substantial effort into your schoolwork or
● Make the School a Better Place: ...when your actions improve the conditions of
the school or the well-being of its students in a tangible way.
● I’m Superior: ...when someone is made acutely aware that you’re better,
smarter, or more well-liked than them.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Mark Standing twice in a single session
● Indulge a Comfort
● Solve a problem that the school or a (NPC) student is having
(Answer at least two)
● Why have you devoted yourself to being a good student?
● Who, outside the Gang, do you most want to impress?
● What do you desperately want to do, but could never get away with?
(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● I look up to ____________ - not that I’d ever admit it
● I’m sure ____________ is useful to me, but I’m not entirely sure how
● ____________ doesn’t live up to their full potential, and I know it
● I’m always willing to give ____________ a hand when they need it
● ____________ is the definition of the word “hopeless”

Oddity High

The Noble
“Friends, please. I understand that you both feel very strongly about the situation at
hand. But that does not mean that we should be fighting! I’m disappointed in you both…
we must stand as one, or we will fall apart, and the rest of the school will fall as well. You
understand, right?”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● regal hair, stylish hair, curly hair, elaborate styles, sharp hair, _____
● immaculate clothes, sharp clothes, flashy clothes, intricate clothing, simple
clothes, _____
● radiant smile, elegant smile, bewitching smile, friendly smile, never smiles, _____
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: +1
● Strangeness: -1
● Brainpower: 0
● Sense: +1
● Manipulation: 0
● Empathy: +1

Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Big Sibling: Whether you’re playing the role of guardian, mentor, confidant or
inspiration, you’re something of a role model to those that stay close to you. No
pressure, right? Sense +1, Manipulation -1
● Royal Charmer: It might be your kind spirit, your chivalrous nature, or your good
looks. Whatever it is, people look up to you, listen to you, and follow your lead.
Manipulation +1, Sense -1
● Yamato Nadeshiko: You embody a Japanese ideal of grace and dignity. Most
people see your public side - reserved, polite, and loyal. Anyone who mistakes
your soft-spoken nature for submissiveness, however, is in for a surprise. Beneath
your elegant exterior is an iron core, one that is unyielding, unbreakable, and not

your elegant exterior is an iron core, one that is unyielding, unbreakable,

Oddity andHigh
to be trifled with. Guts +1, Empathy -1
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
Big Sibling
● Iron Composure: You know you can’t get away with losing your cool or showing
weakness. You have a +1 towards keeping your emotions in check and hiding
your true feelings. Other members of the Gang who are trying to get an
emotional rise out of you have a -1 to their attempts to do so.
● Lead By Example: When you use a Basic Move in the presence of others who
are receptive to your lessons, you may choose to use the opportunity to show
them how it’s done. If you do, choose a member of the Gang, then roll for the
move. On a hit, they gain a +1 towards the next time they use that move in the
way that you just did. On a miss, your failure is disheartening; they mark a
Royal Charmer
● Groupies: You’re popular enough to have earned a collection of fans and lackeys -
usually female, always energetic, and willing to do anything for you. You can
freely get their help with anything you’d need (within reason), as long as you
remain popular and without scandal.
● Turn On The Charm: Saying the right words to the right people is as easy to you
as breathing. When you charm someone receptive to your wiles by telling
them exactly what they want to hear, roll + Manipulation. On a hit, you may
talk it out, get answers from someone, or go your own way as if you rolled a 10+.
On a 10+, take +1 forward against them. On a miss, you speak without thinking
and talk your way into an even bigger problem.
Yamato Nadeshiko
● Iaijutsu: You’re skilled at making decisive strikes from a neutral state. When you
surprise someone with an unexpected strike, remark, or show of force while
neither of you are in combat, you can roll to face a threat head-on with Focus.
On a 10+, you may damage an additional stat (if it’s an NPC threat) or inflict a
free Condition (if it’s a PC). If this does not take them out, the Lead Writer will
describe how you have escalated the conflict and how this is going to make the
upcoming confrontation even harder.
● Unbreakable: When you resist something by standing firm and holding your
position, you have a +1 to your rolls to do so.
Flexible Moves
(You begin with Senpai. Additionally, choose one)
Oddity High
● Senpai: You’re a third-year student, and the fact that you’re older than most gives
you a modicum of respect. When you talk it out with another student, you
may either treat a 7-9 as if you rolled a 10+, or hold one; you may spend this
hold to immediately succeed on another talk it out roll against them. Other
Playbooks cannot take this move via an Advancement.
● Best Face Forward: You’ve mastered the art of suppressing your emotions when
necessary, even though you know that bottling it all up isn’t good for you. When
you try to internalize your emotions and suppress a Condition, roll + Sense.
On a hit, you negate the effects of the Condition until the scene ends or you drop
your facade. When you stop internalizing it, mark a Condition. On a 7-9, replace a
Condition you have with its Strong variant; it must be the Condition you’re
ignoring if possible. On a miss, you try your best, but the mask breaks the
moment you’re pressed.
● Do You Know Who I Am?: You are part of a family whose name carries some
weight. Your prestigious name gives you benefits and responsibilities alike.
Choose up to two from the list below: increase your base Obligation by an equal
○ You live a luxurious lifestyle, with a giant mansion, the finest goods, and
more money than you ever could spend in your life. It’s not a matter of
whether you can get anything that money can buy, but whether you
should. When you’re at your mansion or other family holdings, the
staff will always follow your orders without question.
○ You have a squad of bodyguards at your service. It’s your call whether they
are accompanying you in a scene or not (though they might be present
anyway, if your parents think you’re in danger), and they are as covert or
obvious as you want them to be. At the first sign of danger, they’ll dive in
and usher you to safety - whether you want them to or not.
○ The head of your household has some serious sway in just about every
field imaginable. When you drop their name with someone who’d be
swayed by their clout, you roll to talk it out with Focus.
○ People already have their ideas about who you are and what you do -
which probably isn’t what you’re actually doing. Without indisputable
proof, people will be inclined to believe you’re not living any sort of other-
life, and attempts by others to convince them are doomed to fail.
● Grand Finale: When you attempt to end a fight or conflict with an excessive
amount of flair and panache, describe what you’re doing and what makes it
over the top, then roll. On a hit, on top of the move’s inherent benefits, you wow
everyone around you. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one:

Oddity High
○ It grabs the attention of the other combatants; the next person to move
against an enemy combatant rolls with Focus.
○ It raises the spirits of onlookers; another member of the Gang can clear a
○ It looks really cool: you surprise or impress someone who’s watching
If this doesn’t end the fight, it leaves you wide open: the Lead Writer can
immediately make a Hard Cut against you.
● I Am Your Shield: When you’re defending someone or something from an
imminent threat, you may mark a Condition to get a +1 to your roll after the
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
● Pacifist: …when you defuse a situation where violence is the easiest solution,
without anyone coming to blows
● Role Model: …when you inspire someone else to change their course or
follow your lead
● The Finer Things In Life: …when you enjoy high-quality or luxury goods and
services (fine tea, fancy tuna, a spa trip, etc.)
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll to directly aid a teammate
● Indulge a Comfort
● End a confrontation without anyone having more Conditions than they started
(Answer at least two)
● What responsibilities does your family place upon you?
● Why do you hold yourself to such a high standard?
● Who, outside of the Gang, has done the most to shape you into who you are
(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)

Oddity High

● _____________’s darker, more pragmatic nature is a distinct contrast to myself

● Hopefully I can live up to all of _____________’s expectations
● _____________ never fails to see the real me, no matter what I do
● I wish _____________ would listen to my advice more often
● I’m going to impress _____________ one day - I’m sure of it!

Oddity High

The Otaku
“Oh, cool! I never would have thought that anything like a Deus-Rebel could be
real. Hm? You’ve never heard of that? It’s like a super basic thing in CODE: Rebel Dancer.
Oh, you haven’t heard of that either? Well, have you read Kioku no Toumeido? The
anime’s garbage - seriously? It’s a masterpiece! I’m gonna sit you down and watch it with
you, okay? Er… once we make it out of here in one piece.”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● greasy hair, long hair, unkempt hair, dyed hair
● nerdy clothes, dirty clothes, boring clothes, comfy clothes, pretty sure that’s just
● chubby physique, lanky physique, ordinary physique, sickly physique, small
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to one stat of your choice)
● Guts: 0
● Strangeness: +1
● Brainpower: +1
● Sense: 0
● Manipulation: 0
● Empathy: -1
Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Extrovert: You enjoy nothing more than sharing your passion for the things you
love with others. From conventions to cosplay, you’re the social butterfly of nerd-
dom. Empathy +1, Sense -1.
● Gamer: You play a lot of video games - and I mean a lot of video games. This has
given you a lot of skills - everything from picking up how to fight from fighting
games to learning to talk to the opposite sex via dating sims. This will in no way
backfire or blow up in your face. Guts +1, Empathy -1
● Introvert: Dealing with people… well, it isn’t your thing, really. You’re not at “shut
● Introvert: Dealing with people… well, it isn’t your thing, really. You’reOddity
not at “shut
yourself in your room forever” levels, though - at least, not anymore. But you still
have issues with being social. Strangeness +1, Brainpower +1, Manipulation -1,
Empathy -1.
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
● Cosplayer: You don’t just dress up as your favorite characters - you do your own
costumes, wigs, and makeup. With a bit of time, you can create disguises, outfits,
or costumes for you and your friends, and you always have the available
resources to do so.
● Deal-Finder: You’re an expert at finding anything you’re looking for, and at a
good price to boot. If it could feasibly be sold at a local store or online, you can
get your hands on it. When you’re trying to talk someone into selling or
giving you something at a reasonable price, you roll with Focus.
● King of Games: When you’re playing a game of any sort, you can only lose the
game if you want to. If there are conditions that don’t make your victory assured
(I.e. if your opposition is cheating), you roll with Focus when playing against
● New Game Plus: When you purchase and play through a new game, tell the
group its name and its genre. Choose a stat relating to the game’s genre (such as
Brainpower for a puzzle game or Empathy for a dating sim). When you roll that
stat after playing through the game, you have a +2 to your rolls until you get a
miss with that stat. When that happens, the knowledge your game has given
you is laughably faulty; mark a Condition. You cannot get this bonus again until
you find a new game and have the time to play through it.
● “Don’t Tell Them I’m Here!”: When you’re avoiding or bailing from a social
situation you know you can’t handle, you can roll to make a break for it with
Strangeness. On a hit, once the person you’re avoiding has left, you may
immediately re-enter the scene by describing where you hid nearby and
emerging from your hiding place.
● I’m Behind Seven Proxies: You’re comfortable - skilled, even - when you’re talking
to people that can’t see your face. When you’re dealing with someone without
face-to-face contact (such as over the phone or over the web), you may roll with
Strangeness whenever you’d roll with Manipulation or Empathy.
Flexible Moves
Oddity High
(You begin with Hobbyist. Additionally, choose one.)
● Hobbyist: Choose an additional Comfort from any Playbook. When you indulge
a Comfort, you may always choose to clear an additional Condition. Other
Playbooks cannot take this move via an Advancement.
● All-Nighter: When you stay up incredibly late working on something, tell the
group what you’re working on. The next day, you mark Tired, and you’ve
completed whatever you were working on to a degree that you’re satisfied with.
You can mark Exhausted to either complete something that would ordinarily take
days, or to have the finished product be of a very high quality.
● Internet Friends: You’ve formed a sizable network of online contacts. They’re
always available as a source of outside help, and your attempts to get it are made
with Strangeness instead of Manipulation.
● It’s Just Like My Anime!: Sometimes, life imitates art - even when it’s not life as
you know it. When you first encounter an unusual supernatural phenomenon
(your call), roll + Brainpower. On a hit, tell the Gang one important detail you’ve
picked up from your media. The GM will tell you what, if anything seems different
from the fiction. On a 10+, ask the GM a follow-up question; they must answer
truthfully. On a miss, not only is your information wrong, but you don’t realize it
● Master Hacker: You know your way around a computer network to an impressive
degree. Your computing skills are effectively a superpower, and you can face a
threat head-on or unleash your true power with Brainpower when you use them.
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
● Recluse: ...when you willingly spend a significant amount of time totally
alone. When you rest after a stressful encounter, you roll with Focus if you’re
● Living the Dream: ...when you live out a moment resembling one from a work
of fiction you’ve seen. If it isn’t like something that you’ve talked about in the
fiction, established its existence in both reality and the fiction, or something
universal enough to certainly exist, it doesn’t qualify.
● “You’re Gonna Love It!”: ...whenever you convince someone to experience or
try out your favorite media with you.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
Oddity High
● Get a miss on a roll that uses your highest stat
● Indulge a Comfort
● Solve a problem using knowledge or skills that only you possess
(Answer at least two)
● What’s your favorite show, game, or comic?
● Who, outside the Gang, helps enable your hobbies?
● What’s the worst thing about life at school?
(You start with one Friendship - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● ____________ wants to hide it, but they’re just as much of a nerd as I am.
● I’m going to make ____________ fall in love with the things I love, no matter how
much they may protest.
● I sincerely think everything would be better if ____________ didn’t exist.
● My heart starts beating faster and I start feeling strange whenever I’m around
____________ - that’s bad, right?
● The fact that ____________ is actually a ____________ is the COOLEST THING EVER!

Oddity High

The Prodigy
“Fascinating. I always knew that Aristotle’s beliefs were outdated, but I didn’t think
that so much of them helped shape the modern psyche as we know it. Thank you so much,
Ayumi. You have no idea how much it means to me to be around someone who actually
understands what I’m talking about.”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● dark hair, well-kept hair, cropped hair, wild hair, _____
● immaculate clothes, casual clothes, eccentric clothes, signature style, unkempt
clothes, _____
● smug attitude, oblivious attitude, serious attitude, friendly attitude, quiet attitude,
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: -1
● Strangeness: 0
● Brainpower: +2
● Sense: 0
● Manipulation: +1
● Empathy: 0
Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Superior Intellect: Your genius has put you on a level above everyone else. It
hasn’t made you any friends, but why hide your talents? Manipulation +1,
Empathy -1
● Consultant: You don’t just know what you’re doing after high school - you’re
already doing it. Whether it’s law enforcement, the government, or being a
celebrity, you’re working at a job that many adults dream of having. Of course,
being between these two worlds means that you don’t really fit in either of them.
No stat change
● Young Genius: You’re a child prodigy - literally. You’ve skipped a few grades, while

● Young Genius: You’re a child prodigy - literally. You’ve skipped a fewOddity
grades, while
everyone else your age is in middle school at best. Empathy +1, Strangeness +1,
Manipulation -1, Guts -1
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
Superior Intellect
● “Bask In My Superiority”: Being the exact sort of smug asshole that you are is a
carefully honed talent of yours. When you deliberately enrage someone with
carefully-chosen words, roll + Manipulation. On a hit, you piss them off. If
they’re a PC, they mark Angry or Furious; if this triggers their public breakdown,
you are the sole target of it. If they’re an NPC, they lose their temper, whatever
that entails for them. While they’re angered, take +1 forward against them. On a
7-9, they can immediately lash out at you, with their fists or with their words.
● Just As Planned: You have plans upon plans working in the background. Once per
session, when you reveal the existence of a plan you’ve had running in the
background, describe the plan and roll + Brainpower. On a 10+, choose two; on
a 7-9, choose one.
○ You detail a glaring weakness of your enemies, as well as how the Gang
can take advantage of it
○ You and the Gang have a +2 to make a break for it for the rest of the
○ You subvert, take, or destroy an advantage had by the other party;
damage one of their stats.
○ Choose a target; you turn everyone else present against them in some way
On a miss, choose one, but your plan’s been subverted in some way - expect it to
be turned against you in an unpleasant manner.
(The Consultant gets Professional Experience for free upon taking the Angle)
● Professional Experience: Your work is as taxing as it is rewarding. You are not part
of any School Clubs; rather, your primary (Real-Life) Obligation is your job. It
behaves much the same as a Favored Club; it gives you a +1 to rolls pertaining to
its field of expertise, it gives you a +1 to a relevant stat, and you cannot neglect it
without increasing your Obligation.
● Aren’t You That Guy?: Your presence on TV or in the news means that there’s a
good chance that someone you meet on the street will know who you are. When
dealing with people who know you as a celebrity, you have a +2 to talk it out
or get answers from them, assuming that the public opinion of you is favorable.
● The Next Generation: You’re not just as good as the adults around you - you’re
● The Next Generation: You’re not just as good as the adults around you - you’re
Oddity High
better, and deep down, they know it too. When you outperform an adult at
something they’re ostensibly skilled at, you may damage one of their stats
alongside whatever other actions you take. You may only do this once per adult
per session.
Young Genius
● Hello, Sirs!: You’re small and cute, and people don’t take you seriously. When
you get answers from someone or talk it out in a suitably precocious
manner, you have a +2 to your rolls. However, you cannot go your own way
unless you’re doing so with Sense or you have outside help.
● How Does This Work?: When you ask for someone else’s guidance on how the
world works, they must tell you what they think you should do or how you
should act. If you follow their advice, clear a Condition. If it goes poorly, you may
mark Experience.
Flexible Moves
(You begin with Quick Thinker. Additionally, choose one.)
● Quick Thinker: When you get a miss on a think a situation through roll, you
may ask one question and get the answer immediately. However, you don’t get
the +1 for acting on that information. Other Playbooks cannot take this move via
an Advancement.
● Arcane Thought Processes: You reach conclusions with ease, but it’s not in a way
anyone else can understand. Increase your Brainpower by 1. When you try to
explain your reasoning or or help someone else think something through,
your explanations border on the nonsensical, and are incomprehensible to
anyone but you.
● Did I Eat Today?: When you throw yourself into a lengthy session of work on
a project (I.e. more than six hours), describe what you’re trying to accomplish
and how you neglect yourself in the process. Whatever you’re trying to do, you
do it. If you’d be required to roll, you roll with Focus. When you complete your
work session, roll + Sense. On a 10+, mark Tired or Confused. On a 7-9, mark
Exhausted, Delirious, or In Pain. On a miss, you’re perfectly fine - up until the
moment when you pass out or collapse (which is up to the Lead Writer).
● Exactly As I Thought: When you spend a length of time doing research about
a group or situation, roll + Brainpower. On a 10+, hold two. On a 7-9, hold one.
When you face up against said group or situation, you may spend your Hold
one-for-one to do one of the following:
○ Immediately give the Gang an Advantage over them.
○ Declare a fact about them or their operations. (The Lead Writer can elect
to tell you a fact themselves, if it’s inappropriate for you to declare things

to tell you a fact themselves, if it’s inappropriate for you to declare High
about them)
○ Get a result from the think a situation through or get answers from
someone list, if these answers could be found in outside sources.
● Reading Faces: When you assess someone by analyzing their reactions or
interpretation of something, you may get answers from them with Brainpower.
You indulge a comfort...
(choose one)
● Chessmaster: ...when you personally benefit from a largely neutral or
negative situation that you played a hand in.
● Finally, Someone Gets It: ...when you talk about intellectual things with
someone who understands them.
● Hunting for Validation: …when someone acknowledges your competence,
success, or intellect - either on their own or when goaded into it.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Brainpower
● Indulge a Comfort
● Learn the hard way that you had a misconception about what you knew or how
the world works
(Answer at least two)
● Why are you going here, instead of some prestigious prep school?
● What do you see yourself doing in five years’ time?
● Who, outside the Gang, do you consider your equal?
(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● _____________ is actually smarter than I am when it comes to some things.
● There’s a storm brewing, and I’m sure that _____________ will play a pivotal role in
the days to come
● I’m less than up to date on certain things - fortunately, _____________ is there to

● I’m less than up to date on certain things - fortunately, _____________Oddity
is there to

● _____________ knows me for what I do (or have done), not for who I am
● _____________ is an absolute wild card - which means I can’t keep my eyes off them

Oddity High

The Space Cadet

“Hey, I was thinking… you know how caterpillars turn into butterflies, right? Well,
why is it always one way? Why don’t butterflies ever go back to being caterpillars? Don’t
butterflies ever want to go back to laying around eating leaves all day? Why can’t they
change back? Why can’t my life just go back to… back to how... sorry, I zoned out. What
were you saying?”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● straight hair, “emo” hair, wild hair, different every day
● mismatched clothes, signature outfit, impeccable clothes, average clothes, school
uniform 24/7
● blank look, troubling look, brooding look, normal look, confused look, happy
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: 0
● Strangeness: +2
● Brainpower: 0
● Sense: -1
● Manipulation: +1
● Empathy: 0

Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● The Lost: You’re never on the same page as everyone else. Sometimes you’re a
step behind in the conversation, or you’re on a slightly different wavelength from
the others. Empathy +1, Guts -1
● The Found: Sometimes people accuse you of not being all there, but that’s
completely unfair. You’re as sharp and skilled as anyone - it’s just that your focus
is devoted to what’s important to you, which most people just don’t understand.
Brainpower +1, Empathy -1
Oddity High
● Wild Mind: Your strangeness is coupled with a certain energy. Not only do you
have weird thoughts and wild ideas, but you have the drive and motivation to
follow through with them. Guts +1, Brainpower -1
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
The Lost
● Makes Sense To Me: When someone is telling you something that nobody else
can understand, you can comprehend what they’re saying, no matter how
garbled, arcane, or incomprehensible it is. This only works for things that are
ostensibly in a language you can understand, and it doesn’t work if the target is
intentionally obscuring their meaning.
● Were You Saying Something?: You’re off in your own world so often, sometimes
what happens in reality passes right by you. Once per scene, you may ignore a
Weak Condition caused by someone’s words, or automatically get a 10+ on a
keep a level head roll, by revealing that you haven’t been paying attention to
what’s going on.
The Found
● Give Me One Moment: When you’re doing something that’s crucially
important to you, but far less so in the grand scheme of things, no force in
the universe can interrupt you or get in your way. (They can, however, hurt you)
● Unique Skill: Choose an activity, hobby, skill or talent - the sort of thing that there
could feasibly be a school club for. When you make use of that skill for a
move, you roll with Strangeness.
Wild Mind
● Harebrained Schemes: Your ideas and plans are always crazy - but sometimes,
they’re crazy enough to work. Once per session, when you come up with a
ludicrous plan with almost no regard for logic or logistics, present it to the
Gang. If they shoot all of your ideas down, mark a Condition; at the end of the
scene, mark Experience. If they somehow go along with one, you roll with Focus
while you’re following the plan. Whether the plan is sufficiently ludicrous is the
Lead Writer’s call.
● Melancholy, Sighs, and Boredom: You’re the sort of person that needs a lot of
excitement in your life. When time passes without something “interesting”
happening, mark a Condition. Whenever you throw yourself (and the Gang)
into an interesting new mystery or endeavor, immediately clear two
Flexible Moves
Oddity High
(You also begin with one of the following moves.)
● Chaotic Mindscape: Your strange thought process extends to your mind’s core.
Your mind can’t be read, controlled, or targeted by mental attacks. These attacks
may be ignored, reflected, or leave the assailant trapped - Lead Writer’s choice.
● Oddball: You’ve been considered “strange” all your life, and it’s served you just
fine. Whenever you would roll with Sense for a Basic Move, you roll with
Strangeness instead.
● Why Do You Have That?!: Once per scene, you may roll + Strangeness to be in
possession of just about any object you could theoretically get your hands on,
logic be damned. On a 10+, you have exactly what you need. On a 7-9, it’s almost
exactly what you needed. This can’t be something that’s absolutely impossible to
get (like the script for the ‘episode’), or something that’s in someone’s immediate
● Weirdness Pass: Your strangeness is so well-known, people just write you off as a
weirdo. When you go your own way, you can roll with Strangeness and you
have a +2 to do so, so long as your excuse or falsehood is strange, inane, or
nonsensical - in other words, if it’s sufficiently “you”.
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
● Broken Clocks and All That: ...when you turn out to be right about something,
after others have written you off
● Creative Soul: ...when you take the time to create a work of art you’re proud
● Esoteric Hobbies: …when you immerse yourself in an activity that most people
wouldn’t enjoy as much.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Strangeness
● Indulge a Comfort
● Catch the rest of the players off-guard with a sufficiently strange (but still in-
character) statement
(Answer at least two)

Oddity High
● You witnessed something that you don’t think is a big deal, despite everyone else
saying it should be. What was it?
● What are you fairly certain is real, despite everyone else saying it isn’t?
● Who, outside the gang, do you go to for advice?
(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● I look up to _____________, because I think they’ve got a handle on things.
● _____________ is the key to unlocking my inner greatness.
● Not gonna lie, I keep forgetting that _____________ even exists
● I feel like _____________ is trying too hard to keep me “on the right track”
● I get that _____________ dislikes me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not their friend

Oddity High

The Supporter
“Are you doing alright? You just seem like you’re not yourself, that’s all. You’re my
friend, Takashi, and I’m here for you, okay? You can always tell me what’s wrong. Huh?
How am I doing? ...don’t worry about it. That’s not what’s important.”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● long hair, frizzy hair, cute hair, fancy hair, ______
● nice clothes, shabby clothes, colorful clothes, average clothes, _____
● worried eyes, bright eyes, cheerful eyes, sad eyes, focused eyes, _____
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to a stat of your choice)
● Guts: 0
● Strangeness: 0
● Brainpower: 0
● Sense: 0
● Manipulation: 0
● Empathy: +2
Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Cheerleader: When it comes to providing encouragement, you’re the best out
there. Whether it’s what they want to hear or what they need to hear, you’re
there to say it. Whatever tribulations your friends face, you’ll be right beside
them, cheering them on. Manipulation +1, Brainpower -1
● Caretaker: You take a hands-on approach to supporting your friends. Whether it’s
cooking them dinner, making sure they’ve studied for their exams, or patching up
their wounds, you’re always looking out for their best interests. After all, if they
didn’t have you, they’d be absolutely hopeless. Sense +1, Strangeness -1
● Martyr: What would you give to help your friends? Everything, it turns out. So
long as it eases their pain or puts a smile on their face, there’s no such thing as a
sacrifice you’re unwilling to make. Guts +1, Sense - 1
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
Oddity High
● Rally The Crowd: When you rally a large group of people (at least a dozen or
more) to your cause, roll + Manipulation. On a 10+, hold two; on a 7-9, hold
one. You may spend your hold one-for-one to get one of the following effects:
○ They’ll help you cheer someone else on: you can roll your Supporter
moves or to directly assist with Focus.
○ They’ll help you do the impossible; get a result from the unleash your true
power list.
○ They’ll listen to you and do what you want: you can get their help with a
single task.
● You Can Do It!: When you aid a member of the Gang through emotional
support, you may grant them a +1 to a roll (after the fact) at will, as if you rolled
a 7-9 to directly assist them.
● Comforting Presence: Whether it’s you doing little things to help them, or you just
being a good sounding board or inspiration, just being near people is good for
their problems. When you’re sharing a scene with another member of the
Gang, they have a +1 towards their efforts to clear their own Conditions.
● Yes, Mom: When your care and support for your friends crosses over into
“parental” territory, whether that’s being excessively doting or being strict and
unyielding, you have a +1 when you use I’m Here For You. While you’re in
“parent” mode, the object of your care rolls with Friction when they try to go their
own way or make a break for it.
● To Hell And Back: Some problems are too big for you to solve, but that won’t
stop you from trying. When you declare that you’re going to help someone
solve a large problem of theirs, write it down. This must be a sizable problem -
heavy debts, abuse, missing family, a broken soul, desiring to be more human,
etc. You roll with Focus with all rolls directly towards solving the problem.
○ When you end a session without the problem being fixed, mark a
Condition. If you manage to help them solve the problem, you both
clear all of your Conditions.
○ If the problem escalates beyond the point of no return, or you have a
public breakdown before you solve the problem, you have failed: mark
In Despair, Terrified, Worthless, or Exhausted.
● Suffer the Slings: You’re willing to take blows, emotionally and otherwise, for your
friends. When a member of the Gang takes a Condition, you may choose to


friends. When a member of the Gang takes a Condition, you mayOddity
choose High
take the Condition instead.
Flexible Moves
(You start the game with I’m Here For You. You do not take an additional move.)
● I’m Here For You: When you comfort or support an ally, roll + Empathy. On a
hit, they can clear a Condition or mark Experience, their choice. On a 10+, you
may also clear a Condition or mark Experience. Other Playbooks cannot take this
move via an Advancement.
● Be Still My Heart: Your support for your friends has always come from the heart,
but for one of them, it’s different now. Choose a member of the Gang; you have
feelings for them, probably unrequited. When you’re present when they clear a
Condition, you may clear a Condition of your own. Whenever their direct
actions would have you mark a Weak Condition, you take its Strong version
● Don’t Worry, I’m Here: Your presence helps people stay calm and collected. When
another member of the Gang rolls to keep a level head in your presence,
they roll with Focus, so long as you yourself have a level head.
● Please, Listen to Me!: When another member of the Gang has a public
breakdown that involves hurting others or themselves, physically or
emotionally, you may attempt to intervene. You must do this before they actually
do anything that people would consider a breakdown. If you do, roll + Empathy;
they may directly oppose you if they wish. On a hit, you stop them, at least for
now. On a 10+, they clear all Conditions and lasting complications as if they
successfully had a public breakdown. On a miss, you’re only making it worse; they
have a +2 to their have a public breakdown roll. Additionally, they choose one:
○ They do as they were planning, and the fact that you couldn’t stop them
breaks your heart.
○ You’re the target of their breakdown, and it’s uglier than it would have
○ Your presence is treated by the public as complicity for whatever they do
● Trained Responder: You have some formal training in first aid, emotional support,
or anger management. Choose two Strong Conditions (which may include
Wounded); whenever you clear someone else’s Conditions, you may clear
those Strong Conditions as if they were Weak Conditions.
You indulge a comfort when...
(choose one)
Oddity High
● Behind Closed Doors: ...when you have a private moment where you let your
pent-up emotions out.
● Self-Improvement: ...when you take steps to become more assertive and
stronger, even if they don’t pan out.
● What’s Best For You: ...when you prioritize what’s “best” for the people around
you over their expressed wishes.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Empathy ☐
● Indulge a Comfort ☐
● Clear another player’s Condition when you rest after a stressful encounter with
them ☐
(Answer at least two)
● Who do you want to help the most, but can’t? Why can’t you help them?
● What problem do you feel like you have to tackle on your own?
● Who, outside the Gang, do you try and help the most?

(You start with three Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● _____________ needs someone like me, or else they’re doomed.
● _____________ is hiding something from me, and I really wish they wouldn’t.
● I don’t know about _____________’s secret, but I’ll stand with them to the end
● I’ll follow _____________ to the end, no matter how far they fall
● _____________ keeps saying that I’m working myself too hard - but they don’t know
what they’re talking about
(Write other Friendships you have or form below)

Oddity High

Other-Life Playbooks

Oddity High

The Vanilla
You aren’t anyone special, and you don’t really have anything going for you, either.
But when the rest of your ‘friends’ are either completely inhuman or just completely out
there, doesn’t that make you, in your own way, special? No. You’re utterly ordinary down
to the very fiber of your being - and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● No modifiers, and no powers - who you are in Real Life is who you are, period.
● Stat Modifications: Any Stat + 1, Strangeness - 1
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● Along For The Ride: All this weirdness just doesn’t faze you. When the
supernatural or the actions it takes would cause you to keep a level head,
you roll with Focus.
● Fight The Power: You may be “mundane”, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to
let humanity get taken advantage of. When you square off against opponents
whose strength relies on their supernatural power, you roll with Focus so long
as they are not directly opposing you with those powers.
● Why Can’t Life Be Normal?: Really, the most you would ask from the supernatural
is that it’d let you live through the semester - but you know that’s not in the
cards. When you’re just trying to survive, you have a +1 to your rolls to do so.
● Wide-Eyed: You can’t help but be wowed by every supernatural thing you see.
Once per session, when you run into a wondrous new object, individual,
place, or phenomenon for the first time, you may clear a Condition. If it’s
someone you could feasibly befriend that you’re being wowed by, you can
choose to form a friendship with them instead.
Custom Moves
(Choose two)
● Gut Feelings: When you have a bad feeling about a situation, you may ask the
Lead Writer “Am I in danger? If so, what are my instincts telling me is the best
way out of danger?” They will answer honestly.
● Hero’s Instinct: You occasionally have moments where your legs start moving on
their own, guiding you headlong into the fray. When you are made fully aware
of the stakes of a threat, if you immediately face the threat head-on without

of the stakes of a threat, if you immediately face the threat head-on withoutHigh
hesitation, before there’s any possibility for reason or strategy, you may choose
an extra option, even on a miss. This cannot be avoiding their retaliation.
● Just Another Human: When you’re trying to avoid getting the attention of a
major threat, they will never notice you, so long as there’s something else for
them to focus on and they aren’t already aware of who you are. If your presence
is announced, by you or someone else, you lose this ability for the rest of the
● “Nope, Not Today”: When you see a new, crazy thing and immediately turn
and make a break for it, you roll with Focus.
● Push Through: You’re powered by sheer determination, and that lets you break
through your own mental blocks. When you get a 10+ when you roll a stat
modified by a Condition, clear or scale back that Condition in addition to
whatever else you do.
● Stand Together: Your friends may be inhuman, but they’re still your friends. When
you comfort or support a member of the Gang directly after they have a
public breakdown, roll + Empathy. On a hit, you forge a new, unbreakable
Friendship between the two of you. On a 10+, either they clear a Strong
Condition, or you both mark Experience - their choice. On a miss, you can’t make
it through to them - strain any Friendship you had with them and mark a
● The Constant: You remember things exactly as they happen over the course of
play. Your memories cannot be altered or falsified, you remember any alternate
timelines you experience, and you see right through any large-scale cover-up.
● Who Am I?: When you spend time talking to someone that isn’t human
about what it means to be human, you can ask them which Stat they think best
represents humanity as represented by you; they must answer honestly. If you
agree with them, you get the benefits of a Comfort; if you disagree, the next
time you use that stat, you roll with Focus.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Square off against a dangerous threat and make it out in one piece.
● Get a hit on a juggle your obligations roll
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Oddity High
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from any Real-Life Playbook ☐
● Change your Deal ☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
● How did you first learn about the supernatural?
● What still draws you towards the other world?
● Whose powers or capabilities do you envy?

Oddity High

The Displaced
Life as you know it is far, far from here. For whatever reason - maybe intentional,
maybe by accident - this is your life now. This society is staggeringly different from your
own, and you haven’t felt like you’ve understood it since you’ve arrived. But the talents of
your home mean that you’ve got a lot to bring to the table. Who knows - maybe with a
little help, you can get the hang of this brave new world.
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● Tell us how your alien or otherworldly nature changes your appearance, if at all.
● Stat Modifications: Strangeness + 1, Sense - 1
● Additional Abilities (choose one): An elegant weapon, basic magic or psychic
abilities, basic technopathy, inhuman charm or charisma, tricky weapons or
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● Another Planet: You’re an alien, and regardless of how you got to this planet, you
brought something helpful with you. You are in possession of one of the
An almost-functional spaceship, a matter replicator, a suit of powered
armor, a ray gun or other alien weapon, medical technology far beyond this world’s own
● Another Setting: You’re a character from a video game (or similar fictional source)
that’s somehow managed to end up in the real world. Whenever you fill out
your Experience track, your level up comes with a full heal; you may
immediately clear up to three Strong Conditions or six Weak Conditions,
including In Pain/Wounded.
● Another Time: You’ve been pulled from another time - and whether you’re from
the distant past or the distant future, this time’s culture and technology is beyond
your understanding. Any Stat +1, Strangeness -1
● Another Realm: You’re some sort of monster, fey, demon, or youkai who’s doing
their best to fit into modern Japanese society. Instead of choosing your abilities
from the Additional Abilities list, choose two from the following:
Enhanced agility, elemental magic, wings and (basic) flight, enhanced
strength, intangibility, shapeshifting
Oddity High

Unless a move states that you do, you don’t take a Comfort. After all,
you’re too new to this world to have established hobbies for letting off steam here.
Instead, you find solace in discovering new things. Choose something that doesn’t exist
where you’re from for each category that you actively want to explore and understand:
● I can’t fathom how humanity ever came up with _______________ . ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
● I have no idea what _______________ is, and it scares me a little. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
● They have _______________ in this place? How terrible! ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
● _______________ is amazing and I must learn more about it! ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Once per scene, whenever you experience a Curiosity to the point
where it’s satiated, erase it, check its respective box and either clear a Condition
or mark Experience. Replace it with something else that embodies its category,
either immediately or when you discover something new. When all boxes for an
entry are struck out, strike out the entire category. When all categories are struck
out, you have successfully acclimated to this world; you may immediately take a
Finale Advancement.
Custom Moves
(Choose one)
● Contagious Wonder: People around you can’t help but experience the joy you get
from learning new things. When you mark a Curiosity that you’re
experiencing alongside a member of the Gang, they may clear a Condition or
mark Experience as if they were indulging a Comfort.
● Fancy Alien Titles: You’re someone important back home. When you first
interact with someone who’s aware of you or your people, roll + Strangeness.
On a hit, they know of you; take +1 to your interactions with them for the rest of
the scene. On a 10+, you also gain one hold; you may spend that hold one-to-
one to talk it out with them as if you rolled a 10+. On a miss, they know who you
are, alright - and your (negative) reputation precedes you.
● “I Don’t Know Any Better”: When you justify your actions or lack thereof by
leaning on your nature as the Displaced, whether or not your excuse is
legitimate, you roll to go your own way with Focus. This only works with someone
who knows that you’re an alien/time traveler/etc.
● Knowledge From Home: When you think a situation through, you may choose
to focus on how your experiences on your home planet/time/realm/etc. shaped
your knowledge and intuition instead of what you’ve picked up here. If you do,
you may ask one additional question, even on a miss. However if the answer
relies on anything unknown to you such as technology/etiquette/etc. then you
relies on anything unknown to you such as technology/etiquette/etc. then you
Oddity High
can expect the result to be unclear, or to not get an answer at all if it depends
entirely on knowledge of modern Japanese society.
● Martial Prowess: Back home, you knew some sort of martial art or fighting
technique. When you face a threat head-on using your specific fighting
techniques, you have a +1 to your roll.
● Phone Home: You’re not entirely cut off from your people. Once per session, you
may call them for aid, whether that’s for advice, information, or material goods.
When you do, you roll + Strangeness. On a hit, they’re willing to lend a hand. On
a 10+, choose one;
○ They will help out with a second endeavor or question
○ What they give you solves the problem at hand and then some
On a miss, your call gets the attention of someone it shouldn’t have.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Indulge a Curiosity ☐
● Form a friendship with an NPC ☐
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Choose a Comfort from any Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
● Choose another Additional Ability, or create your own ☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
● What was your home like?
● How did you end up here?

Oddity High
● Who, outside the Gang, is helping you fit in here?

Oddity High

The Henshin
The word “henshin” translates to “transformation”, but it means a bit more than
that. You’ve been granted another form, one that comes with some pretty impressive
abilities. In your civilian guise, you’re ordinary, but with the right word and a short
transformation sequence, you’re someone new - someone powerful. Just be careful not to
forget who you are under the mask.
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● heroic alter-ego, gorgeous alter-ego, stylish alter-ego, cutesy alter-ego, grim
● Stat Modifications: None - you have an Embodied Stat instead.
● Additional Powers (choose two): martial prowess, flight, conjured weapons,
magical blasts and beams (or something like it), enhanced agility and reflexes,
conjured barriers and shields
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● Mahou Kishi: The sparkles and the pastels are optional; the impressive magical
powers aren’t. Your Embodied Stat is Empathy. When you clear a Condition
alongside or with the help of another member of the Gang, clear an
additional Condition.
● Masked Fighter: You’ve got a sweet costume and a desire to see justice in the
world. Your Embodied Stat is Guts. You’ve also got your hands on a vehicle for
when it’s truly needed. It might not always be on hand, and it might be hard to
hide depending on what it is, but when you’re in your vehicle and utilize its
strengths, you roll with Focus. Your vehicle is (choose one): motorcycle,
sportscar, mech (truck sized), small VTOL craft, power armor
● Phantom Thief: You strike back at the world’s injustice with a stylish outfit, a little
bit of magic, and a ludicrous amount of panache and style. Your Embodied Stat is
Manipulation. You can make a break for it using smoke bombs, other tools, or
just sheer sneakiness by rolling Manipulation; on a hit, people only notice your
exit if you want them to.
Your Other Self
Oddity High
You’ve been given supernatural powers which grant you another, more powerful
form. You can only use your Henshin moves while in this form. You can transform
in and out of your other form form at will. When you are knocked unconscious,
fall asleep, or die, you immediately revert back into your normal form. You have
the following abilities while transformed:
● What You Embody: Your other form has an Embodied Stat, determined by your
Deal. In your other form, you wield this stat with supernatural effectiveness.
While you are in your transformed state, you have a +1 to your Embodied
Stat, and you can unleash your true power with your Embodied Stat as well.
● Finishing Move: You’re of the opinion that every masked hero needs a good
finishing move. Describe and name your finisher. When you take advantage of
an opportunity to unleash your finisher, roll + your Embodied Stat. On a hit,
you finish them off with style, taking them out completely. On a 7-9, choose one:
○ Mark a Strong Condition
○ The remaining opposition gets an advantage over you
○ Someone else gets caught in the crossfire
○ The collateral damage is staggering
Custom Moves
(Choose one)
● Beneath The Mask: Something within you - maybe your powers, maybe your
inner self - motivates you to do things while transformed you’d never otherwise
do, for good and for ill. When you do something while transformed that you
otherwise would never do, you have a +1 to your roll; if you do this, mark a
Condition when you transform back.
● Henshin-a-Go-Go!: You’ve mastered the art of the stylish transformation. When
you surprise or impress someone with a well-timed transformation, your
opponent is frightened, stunned or impressed, and your allies immediately gain
an opportunity.
● Hidden Darkness: There’s something dark and insidious at the edges of your
power - a caveat, a consequence, or a source that you may or may not be aware
of. When you tap into your powers more than what you’d consider safe, you
can mark two Conditions to roll with Focus. When you have a public
breakdown as a result of taking Conditions, the darkness behind your powers
comes crashing down on you, and it’s going to be ugly for you and anyone
around you.
● The Mask Becomes You: The line between your two lives has blurred irreversibly.
You can always use your Henshin moves and you always roll your embodied stat

You can always use your Henshin moves and you always roll your embodied stat
Oddity High
at a +1, even out of costume. Any effects that occur upon transforming back
affect you immediately when you’re out of costume.
● Moral Guidance: When you ask another person if they think you are doing
the right thing with your course of action, choose one.
○ If they say that you are, clear a Condition. You may clear another
Condition; if you do, the Lead Writer can make a free Hard Cut against
you the next time you attempt to do good.
○ If they say that you’re not, mark a Condition and take +1 forward towards
your next attempt to do good.
● Who Is This Masked Hero?: Nobody’s going to recognize you as your alter-ego.
Unless somebody sees you transform or learns your secret, they’ll never tie your
actions in one identity to another. When you escape attention by switching in
or out of your Henshin form, you can go your own way with either Strangeness
or your Embodied Stat.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Successfully land your Finishing Move on a dangerous threat ☐
● Get a miss on a roll that uses your Embodied Stat. ☐
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from any Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from your Real-Life Playbook ☐
○ Get an upgraded form - choose two more powers from the list, or create your
own ☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
Oddity High
● How did you get into the “hero with a secret identity” business?
● Who, outside the Gang, knows about your double life?
● What scenario haunts your nightmares?

Oddity High

The Interface
You were built to serve. Whether it’s a higher power, or just your higher-ups, you
aren’t anything more than a link between them and the rest of the world. Friendships,
schoolwork, the life outside your circle - if it doesn’t advance the plan, it may as well not
exist. You’re nothing but an emissary, a spokesperson, a tool. It’s not like you could get
away with saying otherwise.
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● oddly-colored eyes, dead eyes, glowing eyes, intricate eyes, reflective eyes,
● Stat Modifications: Strangeness + 1, Manipulation - 1
● Additional Powers (choose three): energy barriers, superhuman speed,
superhuman strength, manipulating the properties of objects, weapons built into
your body, telekinesis, flight
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● Sociability: Whether it’s infiltration or researching these humans, you’re built to fit
in to society. Cross out No Social Existence.
● Power: You are designed to last, to endure, to survive. Being Wounded has no
effect on you mechanically, and no physical attack short of obliteration can
damage you enough to take you out.
● Utility: Whether you’re a compendium of magic or built with all sorts of hidden
gadgets, you have more secret functions than is strictly necessary. When you
reveal a new function or ability to deal with a problem your powers can’t
already solve, roll + nothing. On a hit, you gain the new ability for the rest of the
scene. On a 10+, write it down; you may use that power freely from this point
forward. On a miss, your new function isn’t exactly helpful.
Your Leader
You exist to serve the interests of your Leader. They can be anything from a
particularly driven roboticist, to an alien civilization, to an entity beyond the stars that’s
beyond human understanding. Regardless of what they are, they’re the one that has
built, birthed, or empowered you, and their word is law to you. Thanks to them, you
built, birthed, or empowered you, and their word is law to you. Thanks to them,
have the following:
● Administrative Permissions: Your Leader has bolstered you beyond what any
human can do, but with their blessing, you can do the truly impossible. When
you call upon your Leader for a boost or favor, roll + nothing. If you’re acting
in your Leader’s direct interest, you roll with Focus. On a hit, choose a benefit.
On a 7-9, the Leader will interpret your request in an unintended way; the Lead
Writer will tell you how. On a miss, it’s going to come with a substantial catch.
○ Gain a power from any Playbook for the rest of the scene
○ Get a meeting with any entity, anywhere
○ Travel (alone or with a group) to any place or time, even across dimensions
○ Become immune to any single psychic, magical, or otherwise paranormal
○ Supercharge your body for a time; you roll with Focus while your charge
remains. When your extra power runs out (which is the Lead Writer’s
call), you roll with Friction for the rest of the scene.
● No Social Existence: You cannot join a Standard or Focused School Club, or form
any meaningful Friendships outside of the Gang. After all, your sole Obligation is
to your Leader. You can’t go your own way with your Leader, period - they know.
However, you only have to roll to juggle your obligations when your Leader is
disappointed with you.
● No Patience for Defects: It’s your purpose to work perfectly, and your Leader
often doesn’t understand that that won’t happen all the time. When you have a
public breakdown, you (and the Lead Writer) have access to the following
option; the Lead Writer must pick it as an option if they’re choosing any results:
○ Your Leader isn’t happy with you, and they are en route to make their
displeasure clear and pass their judgment
Custom Moves
(You start the game with Feel No Pain. Mark an additional move)
● Feel No Pain: You don’t feel pain, ever. You can never be In Pain, and it takes a
particularly strong attack to leave you Wounded. However, your body still takes
damage as normal - it’s just that it won’t stop you.
● Backup Unit: You have a second Interface at the school whose job is to back you
up. When time passes, gain 1 Hold; you may spend it one-for-one to get their
assistance with any task.
● Compendium of Knowledge: Your Leader knows nearly everything, and the
fraction of that knowledge you possess is leagues past what your peers would
know. When you consult your databanks to learn more about a


know. When you consult your databanks to learn more about aOddity High
phenomenon, power, or supernatural entity, roll + Brainpower. On a hit, the
Lead Writer will give you the profile of what the phenomenon is and what it does,
as well as any notes the Leader themselves have on it. On a 10+, they will also tell
you a detail about it that’s relevant to the situation at hand. On a miss, the
information is either irrelevant or nonexistent.
● Effortless Strength: Your powers are built into the fiber of your being, and using
them is as easy as breathing. When you enter battle, roll + Strangeness. On a
10+, hold three. On a 7-9, hold two. On a miss hold one; additionally, you roll
with Friction until the fight is over. You may spend your hold one-for-one to:
○ Destroy, disarm or disable (your choice) an NPC involved in the conflict
○ Name a character involved in the conflict: until the fight is over, you
intercept any attack directed at them
○ Redirect an attack you can affect to another character it could feasibly hit,
or else to a different target (including inert ones such as the sky or the
○ Move any character (including yourself) instantly to anywhere in the scene
that you can see
● The Purpose: You weren’t just made to sit around and watch people - there is a
capital-R Reason for your existence. Choose a purpose - something with some
heft, such as averting a future catastrophe or making sure that somebody
survives. When you act towards that purpose, you roll with Focus. When
you’re prevented from acting towards it, you must either discard diplomacy
and face the threat head-on, or roll with Friction for the rest of the scene. If you
completely fail at your Purpose (for example, if it was to protect someone and
they die), you must have a public breakdown; it does not clear any of your
● Self-Destruct: The fact that you can be rebuilt means that your destruction is a
valid tactic. When you are under attack and Wounded, you may choose to
destroy both yourself and your opponent. Both you and your opponent are taken
out of the battle: until time passes and your Leader has an opportunity to rebuild
you, you cannot take any actions that would require a roll.
● Unstoppable Object: When you need to get from Point A to Point B, there isn’t
a force in the universe that can prevent you from getting there - it’s just a matter
of how long it takes and who you piss off along the way.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
Oddity High
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Form a friendship with another member of the Gang ☐
● Get a miss when you use Administrative Permissions ☐
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from any Real-Life Playbook ☐
○ Choose a stat: you roll Administrative Permissions with it instead of + nothing
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
● What exactly are you?
● Who, or what, is your Leader?
● What do you dream of having/doing, but the Leader would never permit?

Oddity High

The Leash
There are beings out there that are mighty, capricious, and dangerous; the sort of
things that you wouldn’t want to be alone in a room with, lest they decide to obliterate
you. Somehow, you’ve managed to get one bound to yourself. This would be an issue to
say the least, except for the fact that it’s completely at your service. Having such a
powerful and temperamental entity at your command makes the two of you a force to be
reckoned with. That is, if you can keep your Servant in line…
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● stylish Servant, beautiful Servant, beastly Servant, eldritch Servant, regal Servant
● Stat Modifications: None
● Servant’s Powers (choose two): elemental control, healing and bodily
enhancement, martial prowess, knowledge of (almost) all things, inhuman speed
and agility, magical mastery (or the equivalent), nigh-invulnerability, can surround
and transport you
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● Contracted: Your Servant is an independent being that’s been bound to you via
magic, honor, or some other contract. They can (and will) leave your side and be
wherever they please. They’ll still do your bidding, and you may play as them if
you’re absent from a scene they are in.
● Landlord: You have the ability to recruit or press-gang other beings into your
service. When you successfully finish off an inhuman entity in a way that
earns their servitude, you may recruit them as a Servant. The means of this
varies based on your power and the entity - anything from diplomacy to feats of
strength to capturing their souls - and is ultimately up to the Lead Writer. What
their (and by extension, your) powers are directly depends on what they are and
what they could logically do. You can have a maximum of three entities in your
service at a given time. When you create your character, you have a “starter”
Servant - generally a smaller, cuter entity such as an imp, pixie, slime, et cetera.
● Tenant: Your Servant exists as part of you, and you have control over when it
physically manifests. You can summon and dismiss your Servant at will.

physically manifests. You can summon and dismiss your Servant at Oddity
will. High
Additionally, your Servant will never pull at the leash unless you’re doing
something completely against its ethics, or that directly threatens either of your
● Roommate: Your Servant doesn’t have a body or form of its own - but yours
serves it well enough. Your Servant cannot interact with the physical world unless
it is taking over your body. When your Servant takes control of your body,
describe how it visually transforms you, if at all. Whenever you roll while
transformed, you roll with Focus - unless you’re rolling to pull at the leash. On a
10+, choose one from the list below. On a 7-9, choose two. On a miss, you do
exactly what you intended to do, and the Lead Writer tells you how Servant
warps or corrupts your intentions.
○ You escalate or exacerbate the current situation
○ You struggle against them; mark a Condition
○ It hurts, frightens, or angers another member of the Gang; they mark a
Your Servant
Your soul is irreversibly linked to a being, as powerful as it is stubborn; this is your
Servant. They grant you the following abilities:
● “I Am Thou, Thou Art I”: Your Servant can act and serve while you stay safely out
of harm’s way. When your Servant acts independently of you, you can
command it telepathically, and it is inclined to follow your orders. If it needs to
roll, it does so using your stats. Your Servant itself cannot take Conditions. For
mechanical purposes, you are considered to have an unbreakable Friendship with
your Servant; you cannot strain this Friendship in order to use a friendship.
● Pull At The Leash: Your Servant has their own wants and desires, and it’s almost
never a good idea to let them go against you. When you’re pushing back
against your Servant’s desire to do something, roll + Sense. On a hit, you keep
them in check. On a 7-9, mark a Condition. On a miss, either mark a Strong
Condition or let your Servant do what it wants.
Custom Moves
(Choose one)
● Divergent Spirit: Your Servant isn’t exactly like you; it’s better at some things and
worse at others. Choose two stats; when your Servant is acting on its own
volition, it has +2 to one stat and -1 to the other. You cannot choose stats that
this move would put above a +3 or below a -2.
● Fight As One: When you work in tandem with your Servant, you may have
them directly assist on your rolls (or can directly assist them) as if you were a

them directly assist on your rolls (or can directly assist them) as if you were a High
● Guardian “Angel”: (☐☐☐) Your Servant is durable, and can take harm for you.
When you would be hit by an attack that would damage you, you may
instead choose to have your Servant take the blow for you. When it does, mark
this move: when your Servant is taking a blow that would leave you
Wounded, mark two. If this move would take a third mark, the situation is too
much for your Servant: it will attempt to leave the scene and take you with it
(after all, if the situation’s that bad, it can’t have you getting caught up in it).
Erase all marks on this move at the end of the scene.
● Imp of the Perverse: Whenever you roll and are not satisfied with the result,
you can take a dubious suggestion from your Servant to upgrade your result to
the next level of success. Your success will come at a cost to be determined by
the Lead Writer.
● Navigator: Your Servant’s power is a godsend when it comes to analyzing
situations and finding solutions. When your Servant uses its powers to expand
your senses and assess a situation, roll + Strangeness. On a 10+, hold three. On
a 7-9, hold one. On a miss, hold one, but you are left open to danger or
retaliation. You may spend your hold to ask questions from the list below. When
the Gang acts on these answers, they have a +1 to their rolls.
○ What is _____ weak to?
○ What’s the best way in/out?
○ What’s the most dangerous thing that _____ can do?
○ Where is _____, and what’s the best way to get to it/them quickly?
○ What’s the best way to protect my allies from _____?
○ Are there any threats that we don’t know about? If so, what are they?
● This is My Power!: Your Servant has an ability that only it is capable of. Choose a
creative and esoteric power that your Servant has; this could be absolutely
anything, so long as it’s not something that overlaps with what another present
Playbook can do (and it gets the Lead Writer’s approval).
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses a stat your Servant gives you a bonus to.
● Successfully keep your Servant from getting you into major trouble.

Oddity High

(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from any Real-Life Playbook ☐
○ Your Servant grows in power - choose two more powers from the list, or create
your own ☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
● What exactly is your Servant? How did it get bound to you?
● What does your Servant want, and why is them having it a bad idea?
● What scares you about your Servant?

Oddity High

The Mascot
You’re not human - maybe once before, or maybe in the future, but right now
you’re hardly different than what your friends are up against. But you’re not like your
“brethren”. Sure, you might look “goofy” or “cuddly”, but you’re capable, you’re cunning,
and people like you, dammit. You might not be human, but you’re just as deep in it as the
rest of them. There’s a lot you’re uncertain of, but one thing’s for sure; without your help,
these humans don’t stand a chance.
Appearance and Powers
● You’re no bigger than a person, and you’d describe yourself as ‘cute’. Other than
that, it’s up to you.
● Additional Powers (choose two): invisibility, telepathy, flight or hovering, adept
fighting skills, limited teleportation, possession, magic or something like it, all
sorts of toys and gadgets
Starting Stats
(When you create your character, add +1 to two stats of your choice and -1 to
● Guts: -1
● Strangeness: +2
● Brainpower: +1
● Sense: 0
● Manipulation: +1
● Empathy: 0
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● A Talking Cat!?: As much as it annoys you, everyone else thinks you’re just
another animal. You can go anywhere that the animal you resemble could
reasonably go, and ordinary people will deal with you in the same way that they’d
deal with said animal.
● Cute and Cuddly: You basically look like a mascot, doll or stuffed animal, and
sometimes that’s advantageous. As long as you stay perfectly still, people will
treat you like part of the furniture.
Oddity High
● What Is That?!: Alright, you can’t really pass yourself off as anything mundane.
But your odd or monstrous look has its own advantages. When you’re first
discovered by someone unaware of the supernatural, choose 1:
○ You have +1 forward against them for the rest of the scene.
○ The next move made against them is rolled with Focus
○ You can pass yourself off as them ‘seeing things’ if you successfully make a
break for it.
Core Moves
● Not a Human: The Mascot isn’t a human, much less a student. You don’t take a
Real-Life Playbook. You can take any Comfort from any Playbook as your starting
Comfort, and you cannot take Moves from a Real-Life Playbook by default. Your
attempts to talk to normal humans are troubled (if it’s not outright impossible),
and if you’re a member of a School Club, you’re not a member - you’re literally its
● One With The Supernatural: You’re attuned with the supernatural world, since
you’re a part of it and all. When you’re dealing with a supernatural happening
that your character has heard about or dealt with, you may ask a question
from the think a situation through list; it’s something that you already know or
can identify by instinct. If you wish to think the situation through further, you have
a +1 to your roll.
● Helper Figure: Some people can use your assistance more than others. Choose a
member of the Gang: you give them a benefit based on their Other-Life
Playbook. When you acquire additional targets for this move, you gain the
respective bonus for each.
○ Vanilla: You might not be the most responsible, but you’re good at
helping others manage their lives. When the Vanilla rolls when
managing their time or day-to-day life (such as for juggling their
obligations), you may directly assist or oppose their rolls.
○ Displaced: You know just how tough social mores can be, and you can
always lend a hand to pave over a social faux pas. When the Displaced
gets a miss on a roll that uses Manipulation, you may roll
+Manipulation. On a hit, you salvage the situation and prevent any Cuts
from happening. On a 10+, the Displaced can treat their original roll as a
○ Henshin: You know their powers better than they do, and you can always
help them out. When you educate the Henshin on their powers, you
may roll + Brainpower to grant them Hold as if you were using the Expert

may roll + Brainpower to grant them Hold as if you were using the Expert
Oddity High
Tutelage move; they may spend it to roll their Embodied Stat with Focus. If
you also have Expert Tutelage, you grant them an additional point of
○ Interface: You are the liaison between the Interface and their Leader. You
may use Administrative Permission, and you and the Interface may directly
assist one another when you use it. Additionally, you may choose to alter
the terms of the Interface’s request or bar them from seeking
Administrative Permission entirely.
○ Leash: You’re familiar with Servants and can speak to them in terms they’d
understand. When you directly assist the Leash in directing or
controlling their Servant, you have a +2 to your roll. On a miss, the
Servant takes its frustrations out on you.
○ Plainclothes: You’re an honorary member of the Agency. You can gain and
spend Hold in the same way as the Plainclothes; additionally, when either
of you roll to persuade the Agency to help the other, you roll with
○ Volatile: Your teachings can’t help them control their powers better, but
you can help them keep a level head when things go wrong. When the
Volatile takes a Condition (that isn’t In Pain/Wounded) as a result of
their Powers or Drawbacks while in your presence, they may always try
and keep a level head to resist it, and you have a +2 to directly assist them
in doing so.
○ Warper: You know exactly how strong their powers can be if applied right,
and you know how to make the most of it. Once per scene, when you
manipulate them into subconsciously using their powers, roll +
Manipulation. On a hit, you may use one of their abilities that uses
Serendipity, even if it’s a move they don’t have. On a 10+, they don’t
spend Serendipity as a result. On a miss, they both spend a point of
Serendipity (to no effect) and mark a Condition.
○ Experiment: You know the directives that drive them, and you know how to
manipulate those drives for the good of… well, mostly yourself. When you
talk about the Experiment’s Directives with them, you may take one of
their Directives and add a qualifier; an “except when”, a “this includes”, a
“this doesn’t count”, et cetera. Then, roll: what you use depends on how
you’re phrasing it and corresponds with what you’d use to talk it out. On a
hit, the Experiment modifies their Directive to accommodate for this edge
case. On a 7-9, the modifier goes away at the end of the scene. On a miss,
they mark a Condition along with whatever Cut the Lead Writer makes.

Oddity High
○ Shadow: You’re the only thing around that can keep to the shadows as well
as they can. You can use any of the Stealth moves that the Shadow has
access to, and can directly assist or oppose their efforts to keep hidden.
Custom Moves
(Choose two)
● Disposable Shell: Your body is just a vessel, and like any vessel, occasionally it
gets broken. You can never be knocked unconscious or killed by physical attacks.
Whenever you would be Wounded, your body is destroyed instead. You are
removed from the scene unless another member of the Gang can commune with
your spirit via their powers. You have a means of restoring your body within
hours: when time passes, you may return no worse for wear.
● Expert Tutelage: You’ve got a few tips for these humans, since they so clearly
don’t know what they’re doing. When you work with another member of the
Gang to train their powers, roll + Brainpower. On a 10+, they hold two. On a
7-9, they hold one. On a 6-, they hold one, but either you take a Condition or
strain your Friendship with them. They may spend their Hold one-for-one to
unleash their true power with Focus.
● Gatekeeper: You can open portals across space and between dimensions. When
you open a portal with your powers, tell the group where the portal is
supposed to go and roll + Strangeness. If you’re unfamiliar with the destination,
you roll with Friction. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. On a miss,
your portal causes more issues than it solves.
○ The portal is close to your destination
○ The portal doesn’t attract immediate attention from either side
○ You and those you choose are the only ones who can pass through the
● Human Disguise: Through magic, science, or maybe just a good hat, you can pass
yourself off as a student. While you’re in your human form, you can talk to
people and form Friendships with NPCs as normal, and you can go anywhere a
student can go without raising eyebrows.
● Pungeon Master: Your jokes are often unbearable, but sometimes it’s just what
the doctor ordered. When you tell a terrible joke or pun to a strategic end,
roll + Empathy. If the joke you tell makes the rest of the group laugh, you roll
with Focus: if it’s a bad time for jokes, you roll with Friction. On a 10+, choose
two; on a 7-9, choose one:
○ You keep things from getting too dark: you and the rest of the Gang have
a +1 to keep a level head for the rest of the scene
Oddity High
○ You brighten someone’s mood: if they’re a member of the Gang, they can
clear a Condition
○ It gets to someone in just the right way: pick an option from the talk it out
list (that isn’t “You persuade them to act in line with your interests”)
○ You avoid any and all retribution for your crimes against comedy
On a miss, your joke falls flat: mark a Condition in addition to whatever Cut the
Lead Writer makes against you. You may only use this move once per scene (though
you can tell as many jokes and puns as you like - they just don’t trigger the move)
● Tag-along: You’ve taken a fondness to the rest of the Gang, and you tend to go
where they go. You may use a friendship with a member of the Gang that’s
present in a scene to instantly appear at their side. Whether this is teleportation
or just having been surreptitiously present is up to you (and the Lead Writer).
● Utility Form: You can transform between your current form and something that
people would consider useful. Choose one: vehicle, weapon, shield, means of
flight, book of knowledge, advanced computer. You may transform to and from
this form at will. You may move around while in this form, even if what you’d
transform into has no means of locomotion. However, your means of assisting
your friends is generally limited to them using you like equipment. When you
are used or wielded by another in your utility form, you may directly assist
them with Focus, with no cost to you should you fail the roll.
● Witness My True Self!: The cuddly form you’re stuck in isn’t what you’d consider
your default - your actual form is something to be reckoned with. Once per
session, you may unleash your true power to transform into your ‘true’ form.
When you are in your true form, you roll with Focus when you face a threat
head-on or unleash your true power. Unfortunately, you can’t do it forever; when
you return to your default form (either at the end of the scene, or at the Lead
Writer’s call), you roll with Friction for the rest of the session. Once you use this
move, you cannot use it again until you get a 10+ on a rest after a stressful
encounter roll.
The way my true form looks and acts is (choose two): regal, beautiful,
badass, cool and collected, terrifying, truly alien
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Strangeness
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Brainpower
Oddity High
● Indulge a Comfort
● Create a plan of action for the Gang, and have them follow through on it
● Help a member of the Gang properly use their powers
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
● Take an Angle and an Angle Move from a Real-Life Playbook ☐
● Take a move from a Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
● Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐☐
● Take a Deal and any default moves from another member of the Gang’s Other-
Life Playbooks (besides the Vanilla) ☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
○ Choose two more powers from any Other-Life Playbook ☐
● Choose an additional member of the Gang as a target for Helper Figure ☐☐☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from any Real-Life Playbook ☐
● Form an unbreakable Friendship with another member of the Gang ☐☐
○ Switch Angles (if you’ve taken one) ☐
(Answer at least two)
● What are you? Do you even know?
● Why are you working with the Gang to begin with?
● What’s your biggest power fantasy?
● Who, outside the Gang, do you think is worth your time?
● Unbeknownst to them, I’m deeply connected with _____’s other life.
● The only way _____ can be anything close to competent is with my help.
● _____ is essential to my plan, and I need them on my side
● Being with _____ makes me almost feel human.
● My unrequited feelings for _____ glow brighter than the sun

Oddity High

The Plainclothes
You’re a part of something bigger. Others like you have seen what the world has
lurking in its shadows, and humanity’s always found strength in numbers. Your superiors -
the Agency - have given you all the resources you could ever need. All they ask in return is
for you to report on everything that happens in your circle. Surely there’s nothing wrong
with that.
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● stoic facade, friendly facade, quiet facade, smug facade
● Stat Modifications: Manipulation + 1, Guts - 1
● Additional Powers (choose one): improbable gadgets, an exotic weapon, martial
arts training, exceptional stealth, near-superhuman driving skills
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● Men In Black: You’re an agent of a secret branch of the government, with their
own special tricks. Once per session, you may wipe the memory of a human
NPC, making them forget everything they’ve seen during the scene. Additional
consequences of this are up to the Lead Writer.
● Secret Society: You’re part of a society of espers, mages, alchemists, or some
other empowered sort. Choose a Power Suite from the Volatile’s Playbook; you
have its Basic Ability, you may take the unique Advancements from the Volatile’s
Playbook and you can choose to take an additional Power alongside a Drawback.
● The Family: You’re an important member of a family with deep, dark connections
- the heir to a Yakuza family, the daughter of a corrupt politician, etc. When you
invoke your connections to intimidate, coerce, or frighten someone, you get
a +1 to your roll. If you miss and they try and call your “bluff”, you may call the
Family in to get that result within 48 hours, as if you rolled a 7-9 with Outside
The Agency
You’re a member of an Agency, whose connections and resources are as
extensive as they are mysterious. When time passes, gain 1 Hold; you may
spend it one-for-one to get one of the following from the list below (beyond
that, you will need to persuade them more directly):
Oddity High
○ An airtight excuse, alibi, or cover story.
○ An agent’s presence at the right place, at the right time.
○ A tangible object or large sum of money
○ A way to get in touch with another person or group
○ Everything the Agency knows about something
● Proceeding Like Clockwork: Your Agency prefers things to be the way that they
have been, if it can be helped. When things return to the status quo, mark
Experience or clear a Condition. When the status quo changes past the point
of no return, roll to juggle your Obligations with the Agency with Focus at the
start of the next scene.
● We’re Everywhere: You are by no means the only Agent at your school. During
character creation, choose or create two NPCs; they are fellow Agents, with all
the resources and Agency contacts that you have. An Agent’s overall goals align
with your own, though their personal goals may not. You may spend the Hold
you use for your Agency to have them do what you ask to the best of their
abilities. They will also help out you and the Gang if official Agency business
requires it. NPCs that already have an established connection to the supernatural
cannot be Agents, and you cannot declare that more than one NPC within a
given social group or school club is a member of the Agency.
Custom Moves
(Choose one)
● No, Seriously, Everywhere: Once per session, you may declare that a minor NPC
present in a scene is a member of your Agency, or at the very least has close ties
with them. You cannot use this move if someone in the scene is already a
member of the Agency, or if they’re invalid targets for We’re Everywhere.
● Our Ride Is Here: Your Agency has a fleet of vehicles and a knack for timing. You
may spend the Hold you have with the Agency to declare that there is a car,
unmarked van, truck or limousine ready and waiting for you and any guests you
might have. If you make a break for it via a convenient Agency vehicle, you
roll with Focus. While you are in an Agency vehicle with someone who isn’t a
member of the Agency, you have a +1 to your attempts to convince, sway, or
intimidate them.
● Outside “Motivation”: Whatever makes the world go ‘round - money, favors,
violence, or just a strong name - the Agency has it, and they’re willing to help you
grease some wheels. When you “motivate” someone with the help of your
Agency, its resources, or its reputation, explain how you’re doing so and roll +
Manipulation. On a hit, you may talk it out, get answers from someone, or go your
Manipulation. On a hit, you may talk it out, get answers from someone, or go High
Oddity your
own way as if you rolled a 10+. On a 10+, it goes smoothly, and they don’t ask
questions about your connections. On a miss, it doesn’t go well, your target’s
going to have a lot of questions, and things might get messy.
● Stronghold: Your Agency has a location where you can hole up in and be safe.
Detail it and choose 3:
○ Armed guards, surveillance, and other security systems
○ An access tunnel leading into your school
○ Wards against the supernatural
○ A “no questions asked” policy
○ A secure prison or vault
● Slip Into the Crowd: When you make a break for it by getting lost in a large
crowd of people, if you’re escaping from a mundane target, you just do it, no
questions asked. If you’re fleeing from something that has expanded ways to
sense or track you, you roll with Focus instead.
● That’s Enough Questions: When you stop someone from asking you questions
or investigating something further, tell us how and roll + Manipulation. On a
hit, they’ll stop looking into it. On a 7-9, they’ll ask one last question before
they’re sated. On a miss, they’re going to push back and get some sort of answer,
here and now.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Successfully lie about the actions of the Gang to your Agency (or vice versa)
● Solve a problem in a way that helps to keep the status quo
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from your Real-Life Playbook ☐

Oddity High
○ Increase the amount of Hold you get from your Agency by 1 ☐
● Gain two of the Plainclothes’ Additional Powers ☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
● How did you become a part of the Agency? Why?
● What’s the “nightmare scenario” for the Agency?
● What’s your biggest problem with the Agency?

Oddity High

The Volatile
You have abilities that go well beyond what an ordinary human can do. You’ve got
power and potential to spare, and when everything goes well, you are nigh-unstoppable.
But there’s almost never a time when it all works out. Whether it’s unforeseen
consequences, improper applications or just the natural costs to your powers, almost every
weapon in your arsenal is a double-edged sword. But you’re still young and you’re still
learning, and once you get the hang of it, you’re going to be amazing. Eventually.
Appearance and stats
● Your powers also came with a ‘brand’ signifying that you’re in possession of your
powers: unnatural hair color; unnatural eye color; heterochromia; mysterious
brand, scar or marking; something you’re not even aware of
● Stat Modifications: None
Your Powers
You’ve got some sort of superhuman ability - if only you had the ability to control
it. Instead of choosing a Deal, you choose a Power Suite when you create your
character. You gain its basic ability and are limited to powers from that Suite.
During character creation, choose either two or three Powers. If you choose two
Powers, pick one Drawback; if you choose three, take two Drawbacks.
Power Suites
● Esper: You’ve got psychic powers. You can communicate with anyone nonverbally,
over large distances. They may also communicate with you, if they know how or
you allow them to do so. Your powers also work on animals and other creatures.
○ Mind Reading: You can get inside someone’s head, though everyone has
some degree of resistance to it. When you get answers from someone,
you may ask an additional question, even on a miss. Additionally, you can
do so non-verbally, without your target’s knowledge (though they’re likely
to realize something’s up on a miss).
○ Control Thoughts: Forcing your own will into someone’s brain and having
them act on it - what could go wrong? You can unleash your true power to
implant suggestions into someone’s brain and have them act on it as if it
were their own thoughts for as long as you channel the ability. When the


were their own thoughts for as long as you channel the ability. When the
Oddity High
effect wears off or fails to manifest, it leaves the target upset, disturbed, or
traumatized; if a member of the Gang is targeted by this ability, they
mark a Strong Condition unless they can keep a level head.
○ Telekinesis: You can lift things with your mind. Depending on how much
oomph you put into it, this can be anything from the size of a pencil, up to
the size of a semi truck.
○ Emotion Manipulation: You can tweak how others are feeling. You can
unleash your true powers to clear or inflict Weak Conditions on other
members of the Gang. Anything that isn’t a subtle nudge is likely to get
noticed, and it’s not exactly pleasant to have your emotions toyed with.
Additionally, if you attempt to clear a Weak Condition and miss, your
target marks the Strong version of that Condition.
○ Teleportation: You can use your power to instantly move to anywhere you
need to be. When you make a break for it by teleporting away from a
problem that can’t follow you, you may choose to roll with Focus; if you
do, on a hit you choose an additional result from the 7-9 list, even on a
● Spellcaster: Yer a wizard, - or a witch, alchemist, or some other sort of magic-user.
You’re gifted with a wide array of small but convenient magical tricks. You can
accomplish any small magical effect of your choosing, so long as the stakes aren’t
high enough to make it require a roll.
○ Animate Object: You can bring objects to life, gifting them with an innate
intelligence. When you animate an object, tell the group what task
you’re animating it for and roll + Strangeness. On a hit, it springs to life
and does your bidding. On a 7-9, it’ll keep doing what you told it to do
after the task is completed, and it won’t stop until it’s put down.
○ Divination: Taking a peek into the future can be extremely helpful… except
for when misfortune’s in the cards, that is. When you use magic to peer
into the future, roll + Sense. On a 10+, hold 1. On a 7-9, you may mark a
Condition to hold 1. You may spend your Hold one-for-one to do the
○ Ask a question about an upcoming event: the Lead Writer will
answer it as honestly as they can
○ Declare whether another member of the Gang’s short-term course
of action is destined for success or failure: they roll with Focus or
Friction, respectively, when trying to see it through
○ Get a result from the Warper’s basic abilities list as if you were
spending one point of Serendipity; you may mark a Condition to

spending one point of Serendipity; you may mark a Condition
Oddity toHigh
use one of their Moves that use Serendipity instead
On a miss, there’s misfortune in your future, and your attempts to
prevent it are made with Friction.
○ Flight: You have an object which you can use to fly - broomstick, carpet,
magic charm, levitation spell, something along those lines. You still have
trouble with control, speed, or staying up in the air - but hey, you can fly!
○ Polymorph: You can turn things into other things. When you attempt to
end a fight by transforming something into a harmless form, roll +
Strangeness. On a hit, you successfully transform them. On a 7-9, there’s a
substantial catch; the Lead Writer will tell you what it is and whether the
fight is over or not
○ Pyromancy: From lighting candles to flinging fireballs, you know how to
turn up the heat. When you solve a problem by setting it on fire, you
may use more fire than is safe to have a +2 to your roll. If you do, you
immolate more than what you intended to, and the resulting blaze is
certainly going to be an issue.
● Monster-kin: Whether it’s an infection, a turning gone wrong, or just your
heritage, you’re half human and half monster. You can communicate with similar
monsters as a peer, and they will at the very least be able to comprehend you.
The usage of your powers often coincides with transforming your body, growing
new parts, et cetera; these are not subtle, but can always be hidden or retracted
when not in use.
○ Bulletproof: Whether it bounces off or passes through, conventional
weaponry does nothing to you. You are immune to fists, swords, bullets -
basically anything short of hitting you with a truck or an RPG won’t shake
you. Non-conventional weapons, such as magic, blessed weapons, etc. will
work just fine on you, though.
○ Game Face: Revealing your inhumanity is a shock to just about anyone.
When you reveal your monstrous form or attributes to someone
unaware of them, you immediately frighten or surprise them and create
an opportunity for yourself or an ally.
○ Inhuman Mobility: You have the power to move in ways humans really
shouldn’t. Choose one: amorphous form, wings and flight, phasing
through walls, inhuman climbing, superhuman speed
○ Overpowering: You can tear through ordinary people like they're wet tissue
paper. When you get physical with an ordinary human, they are no
match for you, and you roll with Focus for all rolls regarding your
engagement. You haven't gotten the hang of pulling your punches,

engagement. You haven't gotten the hang of pulling your punches,

Oddity High
though - expect to hurt them more than you intended, even at the best of
○ Unleash the Beast: When you have succumbed to one of your
Drawbacks and are trying to indulge or satisfy it, you have a +1 when
you roll to face a threat head-on or unleash your true power, and a -1 when
you roll to keep a level head or make a break for it. When the Drawback is
contained or satisfied, the effect ends. The following Drawbacks trigger
this move; if you don’t have any of them, you cannot take Unleash the
Beast: The Hunger, Lack of Control, Sentient Power, Walking Nova
● Emotion-linked: Your powers require something - a clear head or a calm mind -
that you can’t always manifest. Choose two Conditions other than In Pain /
Wounded. When you roll to make use of your powers while you have either
of those Conditions, your roll has a -1 and/or Friction as if you had a Condition
affecting the stat you’re rolling with.
● The Hunger: With great power comes a great appetite. If you’re lucky, it’s
something like a rare soft drink or battery acid. If you’re unlucky… well, human
flesh basically tastes like pork, right?
● Kryptonite Factor: There’s something that hurts you, a lot. When you are
exposed to your weakness, you roll with Friction as if you were Wounded.
● Lack of Control: Your powers turning off at random is a nuisance. Your powers
turning on at random is an issue.
● Sentient Power: Your power has a mind of its own - literally. At the best of times,
it’s stubborn, argumentative, and it has its own ideas for what you should be
doing with it. At the worst of times, it’s going to be using your body to act on
those ideas, which is kind of like being in a car that’s driving itself into a crowded
● Ticking Time Bomb: As strong as you are, you’re nowhere close to your full
potential - and for everyone else’s sake, pray that you’re never pushed to your
limit. When you have a public breakdown, your powers explode in strength,
and you become unto a god. Regardless of your public breakdown roll, your
breakdown is going to be blatant, it’s going to cause collateral damage, and
anyone that isn’t careful is going to get hurt (yourself included)
● Walking Nova: It’s not the powers that make you special - it’s that they’re
stronger than they have any right to be. When you face a threat head-on with
your powers, on a 12+, you immediately destroy, kill, or seriously injure them -
whether you wanted to or not.

Oddity High

Custom Moves
● (The Volatile does not start with any Custom Moves)
● The Benefactor: There’s somebody mysterious that’s looking out for you. Who
they are, how they help you, and their ulterior motivations are up to the Lead
Writer. However, they’re almost always able and willing to help you when they
think you need it. When that is, and the price for it, is a mystery to you.
● Crowd Controller: Extending your powers to larger groups or areas really isn’t
different from doing it on a smaller scale. When you engage with multiple
threats or targets, your attacks and moves can target all of them as if they were
a single target.
● Material Focus: Whether it channels your energies, keeps the demons at bay, or
maybe it’s a placebo thing, you have an object that helps control or boost your
powers. Your focus only works while it’s in your possession, and if it’s lost or
destroyed, it’s gone. Describe your focus, how it helps you, and choose one:
○ Choose a Drawback: while the focus is on your person, the Drawback does
not affect you. If your focus is removed from your person, mark a
Condition as the Drawback rears its head.
○ You have a +1 to unleash your true power when you channel your energy
through your focus.
○ Your focus acts like a power battery. You can expend the charge within
your focus to roll with Focus when utilizing your powers. You can’t use this
more than once per scene, and recharging your focus takes time, effort, a
sacrifice, or some combination of the three.
● Volatile Powers: You don’t know what you’re capable of and you surprise yourself
every day. When you’re facing an obstacle or threat that your current powers
would be unable to handle, you may roll + Strangeness to attempt to manifest
a new ability in line with your Power Suite until the danger has passed. On 10+,
you manifest exactly what you need. On a 7-9, choose one.
○ Your new power is what you had in mind, but it manifests in a way that
makes its application complicated
○ You manifest something completely out of left field, but that will probably
be helpful
On a miss, you manifest… well, you certainly manifest something, that’s for sure.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
Oddity High
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Trigger (and overcome) your Drawback
● Get a miss on an unleash your true powers roll
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take two more moves from any Power Suite and take another Drawback ☐
○ Take a Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
○ Cross out a Drawback (you cannot cross out your last Drawback) ☐☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
● What was the event that led to you discovering your powers?
● What do you want to use your powers for?
● Who thinks your powers would serve them well? Do you know about them?

Oddity High

The Warper
Your life has always been full of convenient coincidences. Maybe it’s always rained
when you’ve felt down, or maybe you’ve always managed to be in the same class as your
crush. Maybe that bastard of a teacher that you wished would drop dead got caught in a
“mysterious” car accident. Truth is, those aren’t just coincidences - they’re the subconscious
invocations of your power to shape reality. Of course, you don’t have the slightest clue that
you have this power - and everyone that knows your secret would agree that that’s for the
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● You look about as ordinary as they come.
● Stat Modifications: None
● Your powers are wide-reaching, but out of your control. They rely entirely on your
use of Serendipity.
What’s Your Deal?
(Choose one)
● Almighty Fool: The things that you do often defy the laws of reality - but,
fortunately for you, you’ve never studied law. Your Real-Life Playbook moves that
would be limited by what is logically and logistically feasible, aren’t.
● Kami-san: You’re a deity in human form - not a major deity, but divine all the
same. Choose a domain, such as a location, type of weather, or some other
relatively narrow focus. You get Reality Shift for free and can use it without
spending Serendipity, so long as you’re only manipulating what is within the
scope of your domain.
● God Knows…: You’re the single most powerful being in the universe, and
everyone around you is glad that you’re unaware of that fact. When you have a
public breakdown, you or the Lead Writer may choose to throw the world into
an apocalyptic situation instead. You clear your Conditions and complications as
normal; the Lead Writer will tell you what the world-threatening situation entails.
You are attuned to the world… or maybe it’s the other way around. Serendipity is
representative of your ability to subtly change the world in your favor. You start with 2
representative of your ability to subtly change the world in your favor. YouOddity
start withHigh
Serendipity, and can hold up to 3. You may spend Serendipity one-for-one for the
following effects:
● Get the results of a talk it out roll from a target that would be willing to help you
“on their own volition”
● Have a random chance or probability with a minor outcome happen exactly as
you want it to
● Change a mundane environmental condition (such as weather, temperature, or
how crowded somewhere is) to what you want it to be, regardless of if it’s
ordinary for the time or place
● Have a minor theory or assumption about a situation or person become the truth
● Add an unlikely detail to a scene that works to your character’s advantage
Your character is never consciously aware of your use of Serendipity, and you can
only warp reality via spending Serendipity. Only those that know what to look for will
realize that these results are your doing.
At the start of a session, reset your Serendipity to 2. When you mark a
Condition, you may choose to regain a point of Serendipity. If you do, the world
changes in response to your sudden flare of emotions, and almost never in a positive
Custom Moves
(You start the game with Cognitive Dissonance. Additionally, choose one.)
● Cognitive Dissonance: The very idea that you have powers, much less reality-
warping ones, is an idea you’ll never entertain. When someone tries to
convince you that you can warp reality or that you’ve done so before, they
are doomed to fail. When you are faced with claims or proof of your power,
you can disprove it with ease, but it bugs you; mark a Condition unless you can
keep a level head. You cannot regain Serendipity as a result of this move.
● Achievements in Ignorance: When you do something that you don’t know you
shouldn’t be able to do, you can spend one Serendipity to pull it off. So long as
you’re in the dark about the difficulty of something, you can use anything you
find, end up just about anywhere, and get results that really should be
impossible. When you’re informed that what you’re doing should be
impossible, it becomes so; you can’t do it again, and you roll with Friction if you
try to salvage your task.
● Blue Skies: When you clear a Condition, you may choose to gain a point of
Serendipity along with clearing the condition. If you do, the world changes in line
with your cleared head; skies clear, things start making sense again, and overall,
life is good.
● Hex: When someone inflicts a Condition on you, you may spend up to three
points of Serendipity to subconsciously sabotage or hurt them. The exact turn of

points of Serendipity to subconsciously sabotage or hurt them. TheOddity High
exact turn of
events is up to the Lead Writer to decide. This will happen at some point in the
near future, will be a “random” act of bad luck, and won’t be associated with you.
For each point of Serendipity you spend, choose one:
○ You cause them to fail at a critical moment
○ You hurt them, physically or emotionally
○ The effect will only trigger at a convenient time
○ The effect is only as strong as it needs to be
● Reality Shift: Sometimes your powers manifest in exceptionally productive ways.
You may spend a point of Serendipity to unleash your true powers. On a 7-9,
choose one from the list below.
○ The effect is unmistakably a warp of reality, even to you
○ The effect is larger than you intended
○ The warp of reality will cause unexpected complications down the line
● Self-Actualization: Learning comes easily to you - well, you think it does, anyway,
and your powers do the rest. You may spend a point of Serendipity to
immediately learn a new skill or subject - anything from baseball to biochemistry
to blood magic - so long as you have access to a way to first learn or pick up
your skill.
● The Whims Of Fate: You find probability tends to work in your favor. You may
spend Serendipity to reroll a single die of a roll (after the fact).
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Spend Serendipity on three different outcomes (☐☐☐)
● Have the Gang successfully solve a problem caused by your powers
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
Oddity High
● Choose an additional Comfort from your Real-Life Playbook ☐
○ Increase your maximum Serendipity to 5 and increase your start-of-session
Serendipity to 3.
○ Switch Angles ☐
● What do you want to change about the world?
● What do you find particularly frustrating?
● Who, outside the Gang, is aware of your power?

Oddity High

The Idol
“Are you kidding me? Of course I enjoy being famous! I wouldn’t trade this life for
anything! The sound of the crowd cheering my name, the joy I see on the faces of my fans,
seeing my face in half the stores in Tokyo - there’s nothing like that feeling! …No, I don’t
have any comments on the actions of my former manager. No, I’ve already made my
thoughts known about the sudden and tragic passing of Kujikawa-san. Yes, I’ve heard
about - no, I’m not responsible for the actions my fans take in my name… No more
questions. Please.”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● bubbly persona, edgy persona, elegant persona, flashy persona, ‘kawaii’ persona
● What your hair and clothes look like in your day-to-day life is determined by your
stage persona - after all, you’ve got to perfectly fit the look even when off the stage
● Guts: -1
● Strangeness: 0
● Brainpower: 0
● Sense: 0
● Manipulation: +2
● Empathy: +1

Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Jaded: You’re young, but the system’s already worn you down. Maybe it’s just
more work than you expected, or maybe you’ve already been burned. But the
one silver lining about being crushed by the system is that you’re like a diamond
- all this pressure has made you nigh-unbreakable. Guts +1, Empathy -1
● Living The Dream: Ever since you were a child, you’ve wanted to be an idol singer
- and here you are! Most days you can’t even believe that you’re here, doing
what you’re doing. Sure, it’s a lot of work, and more than once you’ve been called
“naive”, but there isn’t anything about this life that you don’t love. Empathy +1,
Sense -1
Oddity High
● Sellout: You’re a pop star because you love the celebrity side of things - the
adoring fandom, the doors that are opened for you, and of course, the money.
Naturally, this line of thinking isn’t exactly popular with the fans, so it’s best you
keep it secret. Manipulation +1, Guts -1
You’re a famous pop star, and and that fame has a tangible result on
your every interaction. You don’t have Obligation, and you can’t be part of any
School Clubs or take moves that would directly increase your Obligation. Instead,
you have Starpower, which represents how famous you are and how much you
need to do to maintain your stardom. Your starting Starpower is +2 and cannot
be increased via Advancements. Starpower is used by default for the following:
● Your Starpower doesn’t increase based on the obligations you take on. Instead,
whenever your actions would cause your Obligation to increase, hold one.
When you hold three, you have a public breakdown. (☐☐☐)
● When you use your fame or resources to solve a problem, you may roll to
unleash your true power, go your own way or talk it out with Starpower, so long as
the relevant parties would care about your fame and prestige.
● Instead of needing to juggle your obligations (since you don’t have Obligation to
juggle), you instead need to deal with the idol life. Whenever your fame
would cause you trouble or complications, whether it’s from issues with being
out in public or dealing with contracts or business, roll + Starpower. On a miss,
life is good. On a 7-9, the issue is either minor or non-disruptive. On a 10+, it’s
something that you’re going to need to deal with right here, right now, and
you’re not going to like it.
Perks of Fame
By default, you have a legion of fans and a manager that sets up your
gigs and helps manage the business side of things. Additionally, choose two
Benefits and two Downsides:
Benefits Downsides
● You’re a household name, known ● Your fans are devoted to you to an
to just about anyone unhealthy degree
● Your fans are devoted and would do almost ● You’re working yourself to the bone trying to
anything for you stay afloat - and burnout’s not far away…
● Anything you do and anyone you interact
● You have a PR person on staff to help with is going to be on the web and in the
handle your public image tabloids almost instantly
● People in your day-to-day life are willing to ● You’re of great interest to the paparazzi, and
bend the rules for a celebrity like you they’ll stop at nothing to get what they want
● You have a degree of control over how ● Your job constantly involves you doing

● You have a degree of control over how ● Your job constantly involvesOddity
you doingHigh
you’re presented and when and where you demeaning or otherwise soul-draining
perform roles/shoots/etc.
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
● Eyes Up, Smile On: You know that the ultimate sin of the idol is being anything
less than perfect. When you hide your feelings in favor of keeping the
“perfect” idol persona up, you may choose to ignore a Condition for a scene.
You may invoke this move as many times as you like during a scene. Other
players and the Lead Writer can still affect the Condition with moves or Cuts. At
the end of the scene, choose one; if you’ve used this move more than once
during the scene, choose as many times as you used the move:
○ If it’s a Weak Condition, upgrade it to a Strong Condition.
○ If it’s a Strong Condition, roll + Guts. On a hit, you keep your cool. On a
7-9, you either lash out at someone you have a Friendship with or mark
another Strong Condition. On a miss, the Lead Writer holds one; they may
spend it at any point to force you to either leave the scene or break down
● Get Lost, Creep: You’ve mastered the art of shutting someone down and walking
away. When you go your own way by shutting them down outright, you may
roll with Guts; if you do, you roll with Focus. If it’s a fan, paparazzi, or someone
else interested in your public persona, you have an additional +2 to your roll.
Living The Dream
● I’ve Got A Gig: When you go your own way by invoking your fame or your
busy schedule, you may roll with Starpower. Additionally, when you do so
when you’re neglecting other responsibilities in favor of performing or
other “idol business”, you may roll with Focus.
● The Roar of the Crowd: When you perform to a large audience (at least 100
people or more - shouldn’t be too hard for an Idol like you), roll + Starpower. On
a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. On a miss, something bad happens
during the concert.
○ You feel great about your performance: mark Experience or clear a
Condition as if you’ve indulged a comfort.
○ Your performance gets you an important opportunity
○ You impress someone watching: you have a +1 forward against them for
the rest of the session

Oddity High
● Callout Culture: Taking advantage of your fame to throw people you don’t like to
the mob is a terrible thing to do… but then again, you have no issues with doing
terrible things. When you publicly slam someone’s actions or character, roll +
Manipulation. On a hit, your words spread, and people turn against your target.
On a 9-, choose one from the list below:
○ You come out of it looking just as bad
○ The target or their allies strike back soon after
○ Someone hears your words and takes your intentions too far
● Would You Like An Autograph?: When you would have to give up ground or
owe a favor to a fan or a peer, whether due to dealing with the idol life or as the
result of another move, you may choose to give them something relating to your
idol persona, (an autograph, a selfie with them, backstage passes, etc.) instead.
What exactly you give them is up to the Lead Writer, but is almost always trivial
in comparison to what they would normally ask for.
Flexible Moves
(You also begin with one of the following moves)

● Captive Audience: When you attempt to captivate someone with your singing
or performance, roll + Starpower. On a hit, they’re enraptured and their
attention is on you until you stop performing. On a 7-9, this only lasts until the
first sign of trouble.
● Rival Idol: There’s another idol in the business, and they’re your number-one rival
when it comes to getting roles and reaching the spotlight. By default, you have a
Friendship with them. Additionally, choose two:
○ When you (begrudgingly) go to them for aid, you may mark a
Condition to get their help with an issue until the problem is solved. When
they come to you for aid, you roll to go your own way with Friction.
○ Whenever you publicly one-up your rival (such as snatching a role out
from under them or beating them in a popularity poll), mark Experience or
clear a Condition as if you indulged a comfort. If they do the same to
you, mark a Condition.
○ When you’re present when they overcome an emotional hurdle (I.e.
the equivalent of them clearing a Condition), you may clear a Condition of
a similar magnitude. Whenever their direct actions would have you
mark a Weak Condition, you take its Strong version instead.
○ When you are actively trying to one-up or beat your rival, you have a
+1 to your rolls. They go just as hard, though: when another member of

+1 to your rolls. They go just as hard, though: when anotherOddity
the Gang is working against or actively being contested by your rival,
they have a -1 to their rolls.
● Sonic Boom: When you use equipment or powers (such as magic music or an
excessively loud speaker) to channel your singing ability into an offensive
strike, you may roll to face a threat head-on with Starpower.
● Superstar: You’re one of the most famous people in Japan, period. Take +1
Starpower, and take an additional Benefit and Downside.
Mark Experience or clear a Condition when…
(choose one)
● Break the Camera: …when you lash out at the paparazzi, obnoxious fans, or
someone else interested only in your public persona
● Bringing Smiles to the Masses: …when you help an NPC or lift their spirits via
your fame or connections.
● Out of the Limelight: …when you share a peaceful moment with someone
without idol business coming up
(When you mark all of your experience boxes across both playbooks, clear them
and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that uses Starpower (that isn’t to deal with the idol life) ☐
● Indulge a Comfort ☐
● Solve a problem of another member of the Gang with your idol clout or
connections ☐
(Answer at least two)
● How did you become an idol?
● What’s your favorite thing about the idol life?
● What “horror story” about the industry still sticks with you to this day?
(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● _____________ is a fan - nothing more, and nothing less.
I’ve known _____________ since way before I got into the idol business.
I made a thoughtless promise towards _____________, and they intend to make
sure I keep it.
Oddity High
● _____________ was there for me the last time the spotlight was too much for me.
● I’d love to get closer to _____________, but my fame gets in the way big-time.
Special Playbook Interactions
The Idol interacts with some Other-Life Playbooks in interesting ways.
After all, the idol part of someone’s life is big enough to edge into their Other-
Life by necessity. If a Playbook isn’t listed below, no changes need to be made:
● Henshin: You have access to the following Deal.
○ Pop Star by Night: There’s an entirely different ‘you’ that all the attention is
on - and when you’re in idol mode, ‘stage magic’ almost seems to take on
a whole new meaning. Your Embodied Stat is Starpower. When you are
trying to avoid the attention of the media or the general population
while not in your idol identity, you have a +2 to your rolls. Your
Starpower is effectively +0 when out of your idol form, unless dealing with
a situation where what you are at a given moment is irrelevant.
● Interface: You’re an artificial pop star - think Hatsune Miku, but less holographic.
You are required to take the Sociability Deal. Additionally, your Leader and your
record company are required to be one and the same.
● Plainclothes: Your Agency and the organization that manages your Idol life are
one and the same.

Oddity High

The Pragmatist
“Nice view from up here, isn’t it? Y’know, I know that Kiba-san has a soft spot for
people like you. I think I understand why. He likes the idea that people can change - that
they can get better. And as different as we are, I think I’d agree with him. But Kiba-san
thinks that people changing is a thing that people just decide to do. Good for him. I, on
the other hand, believe that people won’t change until they’re given a push to do so. So,
which of us is right? Are you going to change on your own accord? Or are you going to
need a push?”
● ambiguous, feminine, genderfluid, masculine, nonbinary
● well-kept hair, dark hair, unique hair, long hair, _____
● precise clothes, unusual clothes, dark clothes, fashionable clothes, _____
● innocuous conduct, blunt conduct, business-like conduct, sadistic conduct,
unpleasantly friendly conduct, _____
● Guts: +1
● Strangeness: 0
● Brainpower: +1
● Sense: 0
● Manipulation: +1
● Empathy: -2

Your Angle
(When you create your character, choose one)
● Perfectly Practical: You’re a realist with your eye on what’s really important.
You’ve just so happened to surround yourself with a bunch of dimwits with their
heads in the clouds. Truly, a match made in heaven. Sense +1, Strangeness -1.
● Prince of Darkness: Whether you’re a person of wealth and taste or just gifted
with a silver tongue, you conduct your misconduct with carefully calculated style.
Manipulation +1, Guts -1
● Shadow Operative: You’re acutely aware that what has to be done pushes well
● Shadow Operative: You’re acutely aware that what has to be done pushes wellHigh
past the moral boundaries of those around you. So, you’re not going to tell them
anything. You’re going to get your hands dirty, do what’s necessary, and they
don’t need to worry about it. Strangeness +1, Manipulation -1
Angle Moves
(You begin with one of the following moves, taken from your Angle)
Perfectly Practical
● “So, That Didn’t Work”: Whenever a member of the Gang fails to successfully
accomplish a task, you have a +1 to your next roll to accomplish the same task.
This effect stacks to a maximum of +3, and resets when you make your attempt
or the opportunity to make the move passes.
● Reality Check: When another member of the Gang suggests a plan of action,
you may ask the Lead Writer “What are the obvious flaws with this plan?” They
will answer honestly. If you bluntly inform the plan’s creator of said flaws and
they take your criticism into account, they may choose to mark a Condition to roll
with Focus when executing their plan.
Prince of Darkness
● Impeccable: You never roll Manipulation at a penalty or with Friction, whether
from a Condition or from someone opposing you.
● “We’re Friends, Aren’t We?”: When you get answers from someone with
seduction, flattery, or implied threats, you may do so with Manipulation
instead of Empathy.
Shadow Operative
● Black Ops: When you’re using your Other-Life’s abilities or resources to do a
task that the rest of the Gang would object to, you have a +1 to your rolls
while they’re kept in the dark. If a member of the Gang finds out, mark
Experience; the Lead Writer can immediately make a Hard Cut against you.
● Cleaning Up Loose Ends: When you or a member of the Gang decisively beat
an antagonist, hold one. At the end of the scene, you may spend that Hold to
have a follow-up scene with the defeated target, either immediately afterwards or
at a point where it fits into the narrative. At the start of the scene, choose two
(the Lead Writer may veto options from the list as they see fit):
○ All rolls you make during the scene are with Focus
○ Your opposition cannot successfully act against you during the scene.
○ You are guaranteed that nobody will eavesdrop or walk in on you
○ You may ask up to three questions and receive honest answers
○ At the end of the scene, you decide what fate lies in store for the target, at
○ At the end of the scene, you decide what fate lies in store forOddity
the target,
least for the time being
Flexible Moves
(You begin with People Are Pawns. Additionally, choose one)
● People Are Pawns: When you use a friendship with the help of something to
ease the process, whether that’s bribes, blackmail, or brute force, you may
choose to either avoid marking a Condition/straining the Friendship, or choose
an additional result from the list.
● Aid From The Shadows: Whenever you directly assist a member of the Gang
in a way you know they’d object to, give them an extra +1 to their roll on a hit.
If you roll a 7-9, you may avoid direct danger, entanglement or cost to yourself
by revealing yourself to who you’re aiding.
● Dirty Trick: Once per scene, when you pull out a cheap, underhanded, or
outright illegal move in a conflict when you face a threat head-on, you may
increase a miss to a 7-9, or a 7-9 to a 10+.
● Good Cop, Bad Cop: When you present yourself as an unpleasant alternative
to a more positive ally’s plan or suggestion, you and your ally have a +2 to
directly assist one another.
● The Yang to My Yin: There’s one person you’re close to whose natural brightness
complements you perfectly. Choose a member of the Gang: they are your Special
Someone. Take a Patience track ( ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ): you may mark it when dealing
with your Special Someone as if you were the Bystander.
You indulge a comfort…
(choose one)
● “Fine, I’ll Do It”: …when you take action while the rest of the group is
debating the “right” course of action.
● Hidden Heart of Gold: …when you do an outright selfless act without
(knowingly) getting caught.
● Mastermind: …when you come up with a plan and see it executed to
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll made in direct response to the actions of the Gang
● Indulge a Comfort
Oddity High
● Use a friendship to successfully solve a problem you’re facing
(Answer at least two)
● What’s caused you to be so cynical?
● What means or methods do you usually use to get people to do what you want?
● Who, outside of the Gang, do you help in your own special way?
(You start with two Friendships - choose from the list below, or create your own)
● _____________’s sunny disposition, as annoying as it is, is something I privately
● Social mores are the only thing that keeps me from throwing _____________ out a
● I have some major dirt on _____________, which they don’t know I have (yet).
● _____________ doesn’t seem to be concerned with what I could do to them.
● Whenever I think _____________ has run out of ways to surprise me, they’re quick
to prove me wrong.

Oddity High

The Experiment
For as long as you can remember, you life has been spent in laboratories. People in
lab coats putting things in, or taking things out, or just changing things about you to see
what happens. You became something else, something more, and you had absolutely no
say in the matter. But it’s over - at least for now. Now, you’re trying to readjust to society,
but shaking off the old programming is a task that’s harder than you’d ever imagine.
Appearance, Stats and purpose
● haunted eyes, mesmerizing eyes, frightening eyes, inhuman eyes, deceptively
normal eyes, _____
● Stat Modifications: Strangeness +1, Any Stat -1
● Your additional powers are as numerous as they are nebulous, but the purpose you
were made for is not. You were built to be (choose one, or create your own): a
weapon of mass destruction, a one-man army, the perfect infiltrator, a master
assassin, the “perfect human”, _____
What’s Your Deal?
● Plant: You never had a falling out with your creators - in fact, this school is exactly
where they want you to be. Take Proceeding like Clockwork and We’re Everywhere
from the Plainclothes, with the Institute functioning as your Agency.
● Reject: Halfway through your creation, they decided they didn’t want you, and
you were thrown out like so much garbage. You start with Dominant Emotion,
with Insecure/Worthless as the related condition.
● Runaway: They used to have you contained, but not anymore. Now, you’re free -
well, as free as anyone with a team of operatives searching for them can be.
Replace one of your starting Directives with “Do everything you can to remain
free and unmolested”.
Your Directives
You were built for a specific goal, and to that end, you’ve had certain goals baked
into the very structure of your brain. These are your Directives. You start with a Prime
Directive: “You are, and always will be, _____”, with the blank being your Purpose as
chosen above. Additionally, choose four Directives from the list below:
Oddity High

Destroy your opposition utterly when conflicts arise; exploit interpersonal

relationships for as many advantages as they can give; prioritize your goals and
mission, regardless of if it hurts others; serve those with legal authority over you
without question; show no love or mercy towards the ‘enemy’; your doubts or
insecurities are worthless and are to be kept hidden; never let an ally come to harm
if you can take the blow instead

When you are acting directly in line with one of your Directives, you have a +1 to
your rolls. When your direct wishes bring you into conflict with a Directive,
mark a Condition. If you successfully resolve this conflict in favor of your desires,
mark Experience or clear the Condition.
Whenever you take an Advancement, erase one of your Directives and replace it with
something you’ve learned from life/your friends/etc. You cannot change your
Prime Directive until you’ve erased all of your other starting Directives.
My directives are:

Custom Moves
(You start with The Institute. Additionally, choose one.)
● The Institute: The organization that changed you is still out there and still going
strong. Once per scene, when you would mark a Weak Condition as a result
of dealing with the Institute, you may upgrade it to a Strong Condition. If you
do, mark Experience.
In addition to money and manpower, the Institute has (choose two): a bulletproof public
image, other units like you on their payroll, hidden facilities in unlikely places,
elite hunter-killer operatives, an uncomfortably close connection with the school
● Back to Basics: When you let your base instincts or programming take over,
increase the bonus you gain from following your Directives by 1, and you may
ignore the mechanical effects of any Conditions you have for as long as you’re
suppressing your current personality. When you initially succumb to your old
ways, roll + Sense. On a 10+, choose one. On a 7-9, choose two.
○ You mark a Strong Condition immediately once the move ends.
○ You have a -3 towards any roll made that isn’t following your Prime
○ You end up gravely hurting another member of the Gang, physically or
On a miss, your old programming is stronger than your current will. When
you take an action while this move is in effect, the Lead Writer can choose to
you take an action while this move is in effect, the Lead Writer can Oddity
tell you what your body does instead. When this happens, mark a Condition
unless you can successfully keep a level head: on a hit, you immediately return to
● Dominant Emotion: In your time in the labs, you had one emotional state that
you always fell back on, and old habits die hard. Choose a Condition (besides In
Pain/Wounded): whenever you would take a specific Condition, you may
choose to take your selected Condition instead.
● Faceless Fodder: Whether they’re townspeople, soldiers, or the student body, if
they don’t stand out, they don’t stand a chance. When you are up against an
unnamed or ordinary character in a way that aligns with your Prime
Directive, you may automatically succeed at all rolls you make against them as if
you rolled a 10+. Succeeding on a roll this way means you cannot mark
Experience, clear a Condition, or gain +1 forward as a result of the roll.
● I Will Not Be Chained: When you’re trying to avoid getting captured or
detained (by any source), you may mark a Condition to roll with Focus for the
rest of the scene.
● Weapon of War: Choose a result from the face a threat head-on list; you can
always choose that option when you face a threat head-on, even on a miss.
● The World Outside The Lab: Take Curiosities from the Displaced’s Playbook.
When you strike out a category of Curiosities, you may erase and replace a
Directive as if you had Advanced.
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on a roll that has a bonus as a result of your Directives ☐
● Successfully resolve a conflict caused as a result of clashing with your Directives
(this only triggers once per scene) ☐
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
○ Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐

Oddity High
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Increase the bonus you get from following your Directives to +2 ☐
○ Replace or modify an additional Directive ☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from your Real-Life Playbook ☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
● What did they do to you?
● How did you end up going to this school?
● Who, outside of the Gang, knows about what the Institute is up to?

Oddity High

The Shadow
You take to the shadows like a fish takes to water. You are a master of becoming
and remaining hidden, having spent your life honing your stealth. Of course, such a focus
means that, if someone catches you flat-footed, you’re in trouble. But first, they’d have to
catch you - and in order to catch you, they’d have to ever know you were there.
Appearance, Stats, and Powers
● Your ordinary appearance is unchanged
● Stat Modifications: Strangeness + 1, Manipulation +1, Guts -1, Empathy -1
● Additional Abilities (choose two): throwing weapons (knives, shuriken, etc.),
shadow clones, a grappling hook, ventriloquism and vocal mimicry, shadow
manipulation, phasing, limited teleportation
What’s Your Deal?
● Mundane: Your stealthy abilities are the result of nothing more than a life spent
training in the art. When you’re attempting to avoid otherworldly means of
detection (magic, technology, psychic powers, monster senses, etc.), you roll with
● Digital Ghost: You use an array of gadgets and technology to hide yourself. Once
per session, when you’re up against a security measure or a means of
detection, you may declare that you have just the tool to disable it. Whether you
need to act to disable it or if it’s a passive ability is up to the Lead Writer.
● Youkai: You’re a creature of mist and magic - tengu, kitsune, or something else -
and you’re having a blast running circles around these humans. You have a “true”
form, and can switch between your forms at will. While in your true form, you
have access to a power of your choice relating to this form (such as flight for a
tengu); additionally, increase your Strangeness by 1 and reduce a stat of your
choice by 1.
Stealth Moves
● Where Are They?: You’re stealthy to the point that you not being on-screen
doesn’t mean you’re not in the scene. When another person at the table asks
where you are during a scene that you’re not noticeably present in, you may
choose to roll +Strangeness to declare if you’re present or not; when someone
in a scene actively searches for your presence, they may force this roll. On a
in a scene actively searches for your presence, they may force this roll. OnHigh
Oddity a
hit, you may answer however you like: if you’re stealthily present in the scene,
you can declare who notices you and who doesn’t. On a 10+, you can change
your answer at will, entering or leaving in a puff of smoke with no cost to
yourself. On a miss, whoever is asking declares where you are instead: if this
introduces you to the scene, you roll with Friction for the rest of the scene.
● “And Just Like That, I’m Gone”: You have an additional trigger for when you can
make a break for it:
○ If you’re escaping using guile or social engineering, roll +
Whenever you would roll to make a break for it, you have +1 to your rolls.
● Stealth Hi Bye: When you are not the focus of attention, you may declare that
you have entered or left the scene while nobody was looking at you. If your
entrance or exit is infeasible given the situation or your surroundings, you
would need to unleash your true power to enter the scene, and make a break for it
if you’re leaving.
Custom Moves
(Choose one)
● “Boo!”: When you use your stealth and trickery to trick, prank or mess with
someone (including members of the Gang) for your own amusement, you
may mark Experience or clear a Condition (as if you were indulging a comfort) if
your attempts are successful. You may only do this once per session.
● A Little Too Stealthy: Whenever another character would be hit by a ranged
attack or other such blow during a scene that you’re hidden or not present
in, you may declare that you are in the scene and were cunning (or unlucky)
enough to get between the danger and the target. If you do this, you mark
Experience and take the blow instead of them.
● Predator: When you’re hunting a group of foes from the shadows, roll +
Brainpower: if they’re already on alert for an unseen threat, you roll with
Friction. On a hit, you may immediately take one of them out, only revealing
yourself if you want to. On a 10+, you may choose to either take out an
additional foe, or have the rest of them not notice that their comrade is missing.
● Shroud of Darkness: You can extend any of your Stealth Moves to another
member of the Gang, letting them enter and exit the darkness alongside you.
This only works for one other member of the Gang at the time unless they are
particularly small.
● Substitution: Once per scene, when you are hit by an attack powerful enough
to wound you, you may roll + Strangeness. On a hit, your opponent hits a decoy
(a log, a pillow, a shadow clone, etc.) instead. On a 10+, you may immediately

Oddity High
(a log, a pillow, a shadow clone, etc.) instead. On a 10+, you may immediately
leave the scene or strike back against them.
● Superhuman Reflexes: You’ve got an insanely fast reaction time and even faster
moves. When someone attacks you while you’re unaware of their presence
or intentions, you immediately catch their fist, snatch the arrow centimeters
from your head, dodge the bullet, etc. This only works for their first strike, and it
only tells you the direction a ranged attack came from (if the target isn’t
obviously visible).
(When you achieve one of the following, mark your Experience track. When the
track is full, clear it and take an Advancement)
● Get a miss on Where Are They?
● Solve a problem or end a conflict without your opposition knowing you’re even
(When you take your fifth Advancement, you may take it from the Finale
Advancements list instead)
● Take your other Angle Move ☐
○ Take a Flexible Move from your Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take a move from a different Real-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Take another Custom Move from your Other-Life Playbook ☐☐
○ Improve a Stat by 1 (Max +3) ☐☐☐
● Choose an additional Comfort from any Real-Life Playbook ☐
○ Get a +1 when using a move within or augmented by your Stealth Moves ☐
○ Gain two of the Shadow’s Additional Abilities ☐
○ Switch Angles ☐
(Answer at least two)
● Where did you learn to be so sneaky?
● What past problem do you regret running away from?
● Who, outside of the Gang, do you lack the confidence to deal with openly?


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