Processing Questions

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Abulencia, Trixie D.

12 - ABM

Processing Questions:

1. Describe what you see from the illustration. Do you think the situation will merit an

Seeing the illustration given, the cops are arresting the mister who is being handcuffed
behind his back by the sheriff. Also, there is a store behind the police mobile which was
probably where the crime/suspicious act was made for the cops to arrest the mister. From
the scene, I guess that will lead to an investigation to prove what happened and to know
what he did and the form of unrighteousness he had made from the scene. From the
statement “…and any DNA you leave at the scene can be held against you,” I infer that
the mister stole something from the store which led the cops to arrest him and would
undergo a crime investigation to scrutinize the scene and the mister.

In my latter point of view, by observing how the mister is dressed, he was probably a
“wanted” person in crime who disguised into a different identity to hide from the
policemen. Also, without being too judgmental, the mister’s facial expression signifies
that he was not tensed by the presence of the police officers, and I can say he was aware
of the delinquency ha has done. And by re-reading the statement of the latter sheriff, they
would probe the marks left where the mister has been to prove his true identity from his

2. What do you think is the “issue” of the policemen?

From what I have answered from the previous question, the mister probably did a crime
that violates human rights and the legislation from the place where he was arrested. The
policemen looked so determined to arrest him not just because of how the mister dressed
but probably, they should catch him as a person of interest for further interrogation.
Given what the cop had stated, the mister could have had a previous offense on which he
has not paid for that is why he was being arrested.

3. How do you think an inquiry would be useful in the resolution of the above “issue”?
If I were at the scene, I may wonder what the mister did why he was being arrested. But
for the policemen, they would look for the possible evidence/s to know what happened.
They can ask the person/people from the crime scene for some information to allow them
to arrest the mister, and bring him to jail. Also, when knowing the mister, they could
record the suspect’s personal information before proceeding to the investigation to testify
the mister’s actions.
Abulencia, Trixie D.
12 - ABM

4. Suggest possible outcomes for this situation.

From undergoing an investigation, the person arrested could be judged to be guilty or not
guilty for his actions as the law applies from what is right and what should be right. As
per probing, the mister could come out of defending himself from the accusations but his
actions could be justified and make him pay inside a penitentiary. On the other hand,
officers could also be at fault once they’ve arrested the accused person before they
present the warrant of arrest of the mister.
Just from arresting the mister, it is also possible for him to escape and might have had a
shooting incident that could get the scene worse.

5. How immersion can be applied to the scenario?

It is for the mister to deal with what he has done and for the policemen in charge to know
if they did the right thing for everyone’s safety. The mister could undergo hearing
meetings to testify the issue and or the legislation to judge the actions of the mister.

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