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Special Thanks to: Treatment of

Patricia Gilliam, PhD, MEd, NP, AAHIVS

of West Coast Infectious Diseases in Safety Harbor, FL
Treatment Guideline Resources
HIV CareLink Newsletter • HIV Updates
Tuberculosis (TB)
for content development
Online Training Modules • Preceptorships in HIV/AIDS
F/C AETC - Project ECHO™ • Chart Reviews March 2012
Beata Casanas, DO, FACP Editors: Managing Editor:
of the Florida/Caribbean AETC Annual Conference • Specialty Conferences Theresa C. Skipper, MPH
Jeffrey Beal, MD, AAHIVS
Jose Eguia, MD Perinatal HIV Prevention Program Layout:
Joanne J. Orrick, PharmD, AAHIVE Maximo Lora, BA
of the National HIV/AIDS Clinicians’ Consultation Center
Routine HIV Testing Program Jerry Jean Stambaugh, PharmD Ashley Vandonkelaar, BFA
David Ashkin, MD Paid for in part by DHHS-HAB Grant No. H4AHA00049
of the Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center
for their review and contributions F/C AETC - Project ECHO™ This convenient pocket-sized guide is intended to assist clinicians in
managing HIV-infected patients (pts) with latent tuberculosis infection
(LTBI) and drug-susceptible tuberculosis infection (TB). This guide
To order additional copies or request summarizes the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment (tx) of
Clinical Consultation LTBI and TB and includes adult dosing, available dosage forms, drug-
an alternate format of this card: drug interactions, side effects, and important pt counseling points.
National Clinicians’ The information contained in this publication is intended
The up-to-date PDFs are available online: Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Hotline for medical professionals. If a serious adverse event occurs
please report the event to the FDA ( 888-HIV-4911 (448-4911) MedWatch/HowToReport/default.htm), to help increase pt
safety. Recognizing the rapid changes that occur in this field,
ALSO AVAILABLE FOR National HIV Telephone Consultation Service clinicians are encouraged to consult with their local experts or
800-933-3413 research the literature for the most up-to-date information to
ORDER AND DOWNLOAD: assist with individual tx decisions for their pt.
ARV Therapy in Adults & Adolescents National Perinatal HIV
In addition to the references listed below, consult
Consultation and Referral Service
ARV Therapy in Pediatrics and for up-to-date information on the
888-HIV-8765 (448-8765) diagnosis and tx of LTBI and/or active TB.
Hepatitis C in HIV/AIDS
Perinatal HIV Prevention Community • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for
Opportunistic Infections (OIs) in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV-
Infected Adults and Adolescents. MMWR 2009; 58(No. RR-
Oral Manifestations Associated with HIV/AIDS
4): [19-27, 145, 150, 167, 171, 179-182, 195-7]. Available at
Medication Patient
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) &
Assistance Programs Information • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommendations
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for Use of an Isoniazid-Rifapentine Regimen with Direct
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Observation to Treat Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis
in Pediatrics/Adolescents Infection. MMWR 2011; 60(No. 48): [1650-1653]. Available at
Treatment of STDs in HIV-Infected Patients • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Treatment of
Tuberculosis, American Thoracic Society, CDC, and Infectious
Diseases Society of America. MMWR 2003; 52(No. RR-11): [1-
77]. Available at
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated
Providing state-of-the-art HIV education, Guidelines for Using Interferon Gamma Release Assays to
consultation, and resource materials to Detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection-United States,
For more information about TB, contact the SNTC at: 2010. MMWR 2010; 59(No. RR-5):[1-24]. Available at http://
health care professionals throughout the region.
• Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents
For training opportunities in your local area: Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in HIV-1-infected adults and adolescents. Department of Health and Human
Services. October 14, 2011; 1–167. Available at http://www. 866-FLC-AETC (866-352-2382)
Accessed February 6, 2012

DIAGNOSIS OF LTBI: Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Contraindications to a TST1 Treatment for LTBI
Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) • Only contraindicated for persons with a severe reaction to prior • All pts with a (+) test (TST or IGRA) for TB infection should
• Pts with HIV are at extremely high risk (10% risk per yr) for TST (e.g., necrosis, blistering, anaphylactic shock or ulceration) have a CXR and clinical evaluation to rule out active TB
developing active TB if infected with TB 1. TST is NOT contraindicated in infants, children, pregnant women, disease prior to initiating LTBI tx
• Test all HIV-infected pts for LTBI at time of entry into care or persons previously vaccinated with BCG. Pts with prior (+) TST • Treat HIV-infected pts for LTBI if any of the following conditions
• All pts with (+) test for LTBI should be evaluated for active TB should not receive TST; chest x-ray (CXR) or symptomatic cough are met:
screen should be done annually ▫▫ (+) diagnostic test for LTBI or
(i.e. chest x-ray and clinical evaluation) before starting tx for LTBI
▫▫ Close contact of person with infectious pulmonary TB or
Tuberculin Skin Test Interferon (IFN)-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) ▫▫ Inadequately treated TB (e.g., old fibrotic changes on chest
• The Mantoux tuberculin skin test (TST) method is recommended • IGRAs are in vitro assays that detect IFN-gamma release in radiography)
and each step must be properly performed to increase accuracy response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific antigens. • LTBI regimens:
of results Specificity of IGRA ranges 92%-97%, compared to 56%-95% ▫▫ Isoniazid (INH) 5 mg/kg (max of 300 mg) daily for 9 mos
• Pts who will have repeat TST should have two-step testing for TST. Three FDA approved assays are available: (AII) or
done initially. Pts with (-) initial TST should have 2nd test 1-3 ▫▫ QuantiFERON® - TB Gold (Cellestis Limited) ▫▫ (INH 15 mg/kg [max of 900 mg] plus rifapentine [RPT]
wks later; a (+) 2nd test indicates prior infection (booster effect) ▫▫ QuantiFERON® -TB Gold In-Tube (Cellestis Limited) 900 mg [if ≥ 50 kg] or 750 mg [if 32.1-49.9 kg]) once weekly
▫▫ T-SPOT® TB Test (Oxford Immunotec Limited) via directly observed tx (DOT) for 12 wks only if pt is
• It is important that test samples be drawn, transported, otherwise healthy, is not pregnant, and is not on ART or
Administration of TST
processed, and interpreted according to each ▫▫ INH 15 mg/kg (max of 900 mg) twice weekly via DOT for
• Use ¼ to ½ inch 27-gauge needle and tuberculin syringe
manufacturer’s recommendations 9 mos (BII) or
• Inject 0.1 mL of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD)
intradermally into the inner surface of the forearm ▫▫ Blood samples must be processed within 8-16 hrs after ▫▫ Rifampin (RIF) 10 mg/kg (max 600 mg) daily for 4 mos (BIII)
• When done correctly, a wheal (pale elevation of skin), collection (time requirements differ among assays) so ▫▫ Due to increased risk of hepatotoxicity, 2 mos RIF/PZA
6-10 mm in diameter should be produced that the white blood cells remain viable regimen is not recommended (DI)
• If wheal not produced, repeat placement on opposite arm or • Additional information about IGRAs can be found online at
on same arm ≥ 2 inches from original site Monitoring Patients Treated for LTBI
• Monitor all pts clinically at least monthly including physical
Reading of TST Recommendations on the Use of IGRA exam and side effect assessment
• Reaction measured in 48 to 72 hrs (must be done by • IGRA can be used in place of a TST in all situations when a • Perform baseline LFTs (AST or ALT and total bilirubin)
properly trained health professional) TST is recommended with some preferences noted below. in all pts and check monthly in pts with risk factors for
▫▫ (+) reaction can be measured accurately for ≤ 7 days, • IGRA is preferred in: hepatotoxicity (e.g., liver disease, regular alcohol use,
(-) for ≤ 72 hrs ▫▫ Persons who have received BCG whether as a receiving ART)
▫▫ Schedule repeat TST or IGRA if pt does not return within vaccination or as cancer tx • Perform CBC with diff and platelets at baseline if rifampin
72 hrs ▫▫ Groups that have low rates of return for TST read (e.g., used and repeat testing if results abnormal or pt has
• Measure area of induration (raised palpable, hardened homeless persons, drug-users, and those who failed to symptoms suggestive of hematologic adverse reaction
area), not areas of redness, across the forearm return within 72 hrs for TST read in the past) • Instruct pt to seek medical attention for the following: fever,
• Report results in mm (not as “positive” or “negative”) yellow eyes, dizziness, rash, or aches or > 1 day of nausea,
Repeat Testing for LTBI Recommended When: vomiting, weakness, abdominal pain, loss of appetite
Interpretation of TST Results • CD4 increases to > 200 cells/mm3 in response to ART • D/C INH-RPT if ALT ≥ 5x ULN (even if no symptoms) or
• Reaction of ≥ 5 mm is considered (+) in HIV-infected persons since may have false (-), TST or IGRA, when severely ALT ≥ 3x ULN with symptoms
• False (+) may result if: immunocompromised
▫▫ Infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria • Exposed to an active TB case; retest at the time of exposure ACTIVE TUBERCULOSIS
▫▫ Prior Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine (reactivity and again in 8-10 wks Initiating ART in HIV-infected Patients with Active TB
wanes over time; use of IGRA preferred) • Pt is identified to have a risk factor for infection with • All HIV-infected pts with active TB should start ART
▫▫ Improper admin and/or interpretation of results M. tuberculosis (incarcerated or lived in a congregate setting) • The DHHS Guidelines provide the following
• Possible reasons for false (-) (list is not all inclusive): • Abused IV drugs, been homeless, or living in a shelter recommendations regarding the timing of initiation of ART in
▫▫ Anergy (inability to react to TST due to immune suppression; • Traveled to a country where active TB disease is common pts with active TB:
anergy testing with “controls” is not recommended) (most countries in Latin American, the Caribbean, Africa, ▫▫ CD4 < 200 cells/mm3: start ART within 2-4 wks of starting
▫▫ Recent TB infection (2-8 wks after exposure) Asia, Eastern Europe and Russia) TB tx (AI)
▫▫ Extremes of age (newborns, elderly) • Worked in a migrant farm camp ▫▫ CD4 200-500 cells/mm3: start ART within 2-4 wks, or at
▫▫ Concurrent infections (certain bacterial, fungal, or viral) • Been in close contact with recent immigrants from high- least by 8 wks after initiation of TB tx (AIII)
▫▫ Overwhelming TB disease prevalence countries ▫▫ CD4 > 500 cells/mm3: start ART within 8 wks of starting
▫▫ Immune suppression due to meds, malignancy, or HIV • Had symptoms suggestive of active TB disease TB tx (recommended by most panel members) (BIII)
▫▫ Recent live virus vaccine (wait 4-6 wks to admin TST)
NOTE: Annual testing is recommended for pts who have NOTE: Recent data from CROI 2011 (
▫▫ Problem with tuberculin used (e.g., improper storage), poor
ongoing risks such as those listed. Pts with a hx of (+) TST or CROI/croi_138.htm) suggest that pts with CD4 < 50 cells/mm3
admin technique (e.g., giving subcutaneous instead of
IGRA should have annual CXR or symptomatic cough screen. should start ART within 2 wks of starting TB tx
intradermally), improper reading and/or interpretation of results
ACTIVE TUBERCULOSIS Monitoring Therapy for Pulmonary TB Monitoring for Adverse Drug Effects (ADE)
Diagnosis of Active Tuberculosis Infection • Monitoring pt clinically at least monthly (Continued)
• Evaluate all pts with a (+) TB test (TST or IGRA) for active TB • Sputum for smear and culture monthly until 2 consecutive (-) Periodically during tx: (continued)
• Test for TB in all pts suspected of having active TB; a (-) test does culture results • Consider therapeutic drug monitoring for TB, HIV (NNRTI,
not rule out active TB, particularly in immunocompromised pts ▫▫ If initially smear (+), test more frequently (e.g., every 2 PI, integrase inhibitor, maraviroc) and other interacting
• Symptoms of active pulmonary TB: wks) to assess tx response drugs if signs of ADE, renal or hepatic disease or possible
▫▫ Prolonged productive cough (usually > 3 wks), chest • Repeat CXR after 2 mos of tx [not essential if cultures (+) tx failure
pain, hemoptysis, fever/chills, night sweats, decreased at diagnosis but if (-) at diagnosis and CXR improving, • If severe reaction occurs, consult an TB/HIV expert, or call
appetite/weight loss, fatigue presumptive diagnosis of TB can be made]. End of tx CXR TB Hotline 1-800-4TB-INFO (1-800-482-4636) for assistance
• Pts with HIV are more likely to have extra-pulmonary TB recommended by most to document baseline.
compared to those without HIV. Symptoms and clinical • Repeat drug susceptibility testing if culture (+) after 3 mos of Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS)
presentation depend on the site of infection tx. Consider tx failure if (+) culture at 4 mos. Consult a TB/ • Pts may have worsening or new onset symptoms of active
• CXR: Abnormalities usually seen in upper lobe. Pts with HIV HIV specialist for pts who fail tx and/or have drug resistance. TB following initiation (more common in pts with CD4
may have atypical CXR appearance
< 50 cells/mm3 and pts with higher pre-ART HIV viral load)
• Sputum smear and culture:
Monitoring for Adverse Drug Effects (ADE) • Continue both ART and anti-TB tx while managing IRIS
▫▫ 3 sputum specimens (8-12 hrs apart) should be sent
Baseline: • Mild cases can be treated with NSAIDs while more severe
for smear examination (AFB stain and nucleic acid
• Obtain hx for risk factors for ADEs (diabetes, renal failure, cases may require corticosteroid tx
amplification test [NAAT]) and culture (even if smear is [-])
hepatitis, alcohol use) and concurrent medications
NOTE: In extra-pulmonary TB, sputum smear and culture • Obtain baseline labs - LFTs, TBili, uric acid, BUN/Cr, CBC
are usually (-) until late in disease Drug-drug Interactions
with differential
• If pt is to be on EMB, obtain baseline eye exam for both with Rifamycins and ARVs
Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Active Pulmonary acuity and color discrimination Rifampin (RIF)4-based Regimen with ARVs
TB in HIV-infected patients • Educate pt on the signs and symptoms of hepatitis
*Consult a TB/HIV expert for the management of extra- • Encourage pt to immediately report symptoms of hepatitis or NNRTIs
pulmonary and/or drug resistant TB changes in vision Efavirenz 600 mg every night (standard) or consider ↑ to
• All HIV pts should receive directly observed tx (DOT) 800 mg every night (pts > 60 kg)
• All pts with presumed or confirmed active TB should be started Monthly:
on a 4-drug regimen of isoniazid (INH), (rifampin [RIF] or • Interview pt for ADEs, changes in medications, and screen Do not use RIF with etravirine, nevirapine, or rilpivirine
rifabutin [RBT]), pyrazinamide (PZA), and ethambutol (EMB) for possible drug interactions
▫▫ Rifabutin is often substituted for rifampin in HIV-infected Protease Inhibitors
▫▫ Vomiting - (increases risk for drug resistance)
pts since it is a less potent inducer of drug metabolism and ▪▪ Change time of TB Rx dose, have pt eat 2 hrs before Due to significant interactions and/or need for high doses
can be used with most ARVs (see drug interaction table) dosing of ritonavir to overcome the interactions, it is impractical
▫▫ Rifapentine is a long-acting rifamycin that is dosed once ▪▪ Add metoclopramide 5 to 10 mg or promethazine to use RIF with a PI-containing regimen (boosted or
weekly, but should not be used in HIV-infected pts due to 25 mg 30 min before TB drugs unboosted) and it is not recommended
higher rates of relapse and resistance ▪▪ Persistent cases may require lorazepam 0.5 to 1 mg
• Initial phase: INH + (RIF or RBT) + PZA + EMB daily for Integrase Inhibitor
30 min before TB meds
2 mos (discontinue EMB prior to 2 mos if susceptible to ▫▫ Peripheral neuropathy (INH) - Ensure pt is receiving Increase raltegravir (RAL) to 800 mg bid
INH, RIF/RBT, PZA) vitamin B6 25-50 mg po once daily
• Continuation phase: INH + (RIF or RBT) 3x/wk via DOT CCR5 inhibitor
▫▫ Itching - add antihistamine 30 min before TB Rx and prn
for 4-7 mos • If on EMB, do eye exam for acuity and color. If decreased, Not recommended, but if used: maraviroc (MVC) 300 mg bid
▫▫ Extend the continuation phase from 4-7 mos if the sputum
stop the EMB. Check dose, renal fx, serum drug levels, refer (with potent CYP3A inhibitor);
culture remains (+) at 2 mos (send repeat sputum for
to ophthalmologist. Consult TB/HIV expert for TB regimen MVC 600 mg bid (without potent CYP3A inhibitor)
susceptibility testing and consult an expert if resistant to
INH and/or RIF) Rifabutin (RBT)-based Regimen with ARVs
• LFTs, TBili (INH,RIF/RBT,PZA) - Continue Rx unless
AST > 3x ULN and symptomatic , AST ≥ 5x ULN and NNRTIs
Adult Dose of Agents for Active TB asymptomatic, or significant increases in bilirubin and/
or alkaline phosphatase. Consult a TB/HIV expert for NNRTI RBT
management of these cases. Efavirenz 450-600 mg daily or 600 mg
mg/kg 5 10 5 15-30 15-25 (standard dose) 3x/wk if no PI in the regimen5
max 300 600 300 2000 1600 Periodically during tx: Etravirine
mg/kg 15 10 5 50-70 30 • Uric acid levels do not need to be followed unless standard dose
3x/wk symptomatic. (e.g., gouty arthritis). If symptomatic may add (do not combine 300 mg daily or 3x/wk
max 900 600 300 3000 2400 allopurinol, NSAIDS. with RBT if (standard dose)
2. See Drug Interactions table for interactions and dosing • If at risk or otherwise indicated, do lab work for renal used with
recommendations with ART function, CBC with differential RTV-boosted PI)
Nevirapine 300 mg daily or 3x/wk
Drugs Used for Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Active TB and LTBI (standard dose) (standard dose)
Drug Dosage Form Hepatic/Renal Food Restrictions Important Points Rilpivirine Do not use RBT with rilpivirine
Isoniazid (INH) 100, 300 mg tab; • Do not use in pts with Empty stomach • Avoid antacids for 2 hrs before Protease Inhibitors
50 mg/5 mL oral acute hepatic disease (30 mins before or and after INH
Ritonavir-boosted PIs
soln; injection • Consider dosage ↓ in pts 2 hrs after a meal) • Most common/severe AEs:
(100 mg/mL) with CrCl < 10 mL/min hepatotoxicity, peripheral ATV/r
neuropathy, optic neuritis, rare RBT 150 mg every other day or
hematologic or dermatologic DRV/r
3x/wk. Some recommend
FPV/r RBT 150 mg daily or 300 mg 3x/wk.
• Co-admin pyridoxine (vitamin
B6) 25-50 mg once daily to TDM recommended since LPV/r with
LPV/r RBT 150 mg 3x/wk has been shown to
prevent neuropathy
result in sub-therapeutic RBT levels in
Rifabutin (RBT) 150 mg cap • No dosage adjustments With or without • Most common/severe AEs: SQV/r
some pts.
appear to be necessary food, may open red-orange discoloration of
in pts with hepatic cap and mix in food body fluids (e.g., urine, sweat, TPV/r
impairment (applesauce) tears), rash, arthralgias, Unboosted PIs
• CrCl < 30 mL/min: hematologic reactions
↓ RBT dose by 50% (anemia, neutropenia, ATV RBT 150 mg every other day or 3x/wk
thrombocytopenia), uveitis
(dose-related), hepatotoxicity FPV RBT 150 mg daily or 300 mg 3x/wk
Rifampin (RIF) 150, 300 mg cap; • Do not exceed 8 mg/kg/day Empty stomach • Most common/severe AEs: Integrase Inhibitor
injection in pts with hepatic (1 hr prior to or GI disturbances, red-orange
No dosage adjustments recommended for RAL or RBT
(600 mg vial) impairment 2 hrs after meal); discoloration of body fluids
• CrCl < 10 mL/min: may open cap (e.g., urine, sweat, tears), rash, CCR5 inhibitor
↓ RIF dose by 50% and mix in food flu-like syndrome, hematologic
(applesauce) reactions (hemolytic anemia, MVC 150 mg bid (with potent CYP3A inhibitor);
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), MVC 300 mg bid (without potent CYP3A inhibitor or inducer);
hepatotoxicity, hypersensitivity Dose RBT based on other drugs in regimen (consider TDM)
reaction (dermatologic 4. All are with RIF standard dose
manifestations including 5. Some experts recommend 450 mg 3x/wk;
urticaria, rash, and possible Hollender E, Stambaugh J, Ashkin D, Akinlabi O, Narita M.
serious reactions; renal (2003). The Concomitant Use of Rifabutin and Efavirenz in HIV/
manifestations including ↑ BUN, TB Co-infected Patients. 10th Conference on Retroviruses and
↑ uric acid, acute renal failure) Opportunistic Infections, abstract 785.
Rifapentine (RPT)3 150 mg tab • No dosage adjustments Take with food • Most common/severe AEs: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
appear to be necessary red-orange discoloration of • Interactions can be complex and difficult to predict in
in pts with hepatic body fluids (e.g., urine, sweat, individual pts
impairment tears), rash, pyuria, hematologic
• Consider therapeutic drug monitoring in pts who are slow to
• Not studied in renal reactions (anemia, neutropenia,
impairment (17% renal thrombocytopenia), respond to tx or have complex drug-drug interactions
elimination) hepatotoxicity • TDM should be considered for most pts with renal
insufficiency or on dialysis
Ethambutol (EMB) 100, 400 mg tab • Use with caution in pts Take with food to • Most common/severe AEs: • Consider TDM in pts on cycloserine
with hepatic disease ↓ GI upset GI upset (nausea, vomiting, • Consult an TB/HIV expert for assistance in managing these pts
• CrCl < 30 mL/min or HD: anorexia), optic neuritis, • HIV and TB drug levels are available through many
15-25 mg/kg per dose peripheral neuropathy, commercial labs as well as the Infectious Disease
3x/week arthralgias, hepatotoxicity,
Pharmacokinetic Laboratory at the University of Florida in
hyperuricemia, rash,
hypersensitivity reaction Gainesville (

Pyrazinamide (PZA) 500 mg tab • Contraindicated in pts With or without • Most common/severe AEs:
with hepatic disease food hepatotoxicity, arthralgias/ To Request Online Clinical Consultation
• CrCl < 30 mL/min or HD: myalgias, ↑ uric acid, rare
25-35 mg/kg 3x/week hematologic reactions Visit the Florida/Caribbean AETC consultation web page at:
(thrombocytopenia, porphyria,
sideroblastic anemia)
Serving clinicians in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
3. Priftin® [package insert]. Bridgewater, NJ: Sanofi-Aventis; 2010.

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