Grade Boundary Policy - Draft

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Code of Governance


Category Policy no. Policy Version Policy Next Review
IB Diploma Predicted Grade

1. Purpose
□ to demonstrate the practice of predicting grade by following IB guidelines.
□ to ensure an equal playing field for all our IB Diploma students so that the
process of creating predicted grades does not disadvantage or advantage any
group of students or individuals
□ to uphold the reputation of the school.

2. Scope
The policy is applicable for all the IBDP facilitators and IBDP Coordinator. Predicted
grades are given by each subject teachers based on subject wise IB DP grade
descriptors. DP coordinator has to ensure the practice of following IB guidelines

3. Predicted grades
The Predicted Grade (PG) is the subject teacher’s prediction of the grade the
candidate is expected to achieve in the subject, based on all of the evidence of the
candidate’s work and the teacher’s knowledge of the IB standards.
Predicted Grade’s may be used:
□ by universities as an evaluation tool in determining the suitability of an
applicant and as a basis for making conditional offers by the IBO in grade
award meetings when considering a subject’s grade distributions and the
performance of individual candidates.
□ by the IBO as a basis for review of student work, if the awarded grade varies
significantly from the predicted grade.

4. Procedure
Predicted Grades are given by subject teachers based on candidate’s
consistency in academics, submission of assignments according to timeline,
discipline and it has to be mapped with the subject wise board thresholds of
the past three years of IB DP board examinations which will be shared by the
DPC. Subject wise grade boundaries will be different for each subject and it
varies with IB DP world average every year.
4.1 Predicted grade for IBIS
Component Year 1 Semester 3 Mock 1 Internal
s aggregate Exam Exam Assessments
Weightage 20% 20% 40 % 20%
Teachers should enter the predicted grades in IBIS portal as per the deadline
given by IBO and/or timeline given by DPC
4.2 Predicted grade for universities (for early applications)
Components Year 1 aggregate Semester 3 Exam Internal
Exam Assessments
Weightage 40% 40% 20%

IB guidance states that the predicted grade should be based on:

□ All evidence of the candidate's work;
□ The teacher’s knowledge of their IB standards.
It is important that each prediction is made as accurately as possible, based on the
IB published grade descriptors. Teachers should base their predicted grades on the
expected overall performance of an individual in a subject. The predicted grade
should reflect a candidate’s overall understanding and their likely performance in the
subject as a whole, not just on coursework tasks(s). Counsellor will collaborate with
the subject teachers to assign the predicted scores.
5. Expectations of students
Students need to engage positively and proactively with the process for creating
predicted grades, and listen carefully to the advice of their subject facilitator.
Students should speak to the IBDP Coordinator if they have any questions or
concerns related to the predicted grades in any of their subjects and not to the
subject teachers.
6. Expectations of teachers
Subject teachers must discuss how their predicted grades will be generated with
students taking their subject, and be available for advice on a one-to-one basis. They
should be able to offer concrete evidences for all of their data points. Subject
teachers shall reveal the predicted grades to students only after the approval from
the DPC and HOS. Teachers must make a fair judgement and should ensure the
scores are not over/under predicted.
7. Expectation of IBDP Coordinator
IBDP Coordinator should ensure that the IB grade allocation is based on subject
wise IBDP grade descriptors. The predicted grade for the core components must be
collected from the respective Coordinators/Supervisors.
N.B.: Please find the IB grade descriptors document from IBO using the following

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