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The idea that our bodies belong to god and have been set apart to be holy and

used according to His plan and purposes as defined by His Holy Word has been
roundly rejected by American culture. Any person who reads the above scripture
passages will instantly feel the pang of conscience because all of us have violated
the Sixth Commandment, if not physically, in our minds and hearts.
Do the passages above mean there is no hope of salvation for any of us regarding
this commandment that we so often break? Not at all, as long as we understand
and believe in the Word of God given to us baptism, that we are baptized into the
death and live of Jesus Christ and are saved. As baptized believers, God calls us to
be holy, to practice a sanctified life, being set apart as different from those who
deny their sin or refuse to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Our sexual sins of all kinds are forgiven by Jesus on the cross. But as we live out
our lives, we have to use our baptism. God’s Word, worship, fellowship and love
for others to resist the temptations of Satan to satisfy our sexual desires, harming
ourselves and others in the process.

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