Vasudha Project: Theme-Smart Farming Aim

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Theme-Smart Farming
Aim-My aim with this project is to show all the benefits of smart farming and
how we can grow more food for less in vestments as per the required needs of
the growing population.

Abstract-Farming is an occupation which is playing the ultimate role

for survive of this world. It supplies maximum needs for the human
being to live in this world. But in the advancement of the
technologies with invention of Internet of Things, the Automation
(Smarter technologies) is replacing the traditional methodologies
which in cause resulting in wide range improvement of the Fields. Now
we are in the state of automation where the up gradation of
smarter technologies are improving day by day in maximum sectors
starting from smart homes, garbage, vehicles, industries, Farming,
health, grids and so on. In the field of Farming, the improvement with
the implementation of Automation is also taking place with the
invention of Internet of Things. The main idea of this project is focused
on the review of the improvement in the Smart farming sector. Also
this project will show us how we can use many kinds of different
technologies which help us in a lot of ways in growing crops faster and
of better quality and they also decrease the workload on all of the
people as machines work by themselves and no work is required to run
them. For eg a driverless tractor can disperse seeds and carry necessary
materials from one place to another aat any time. Many sensors can
detect when a crop is fully ready to be cut and therefore automatic
harvesters can harvest the crop, treat them with the required
chemicals, and automatically disperse new seeds.
Hypothesis-We can say that smart farming will lead to the betterment of
farming and betterment of the world consumption as the process can be fastened
and it can also be helpful to farmers who can disperse their workload onto

Personal Innovation-
1. We can use personal apps based on data to control growth rate pesticide
2. Tractor GPS and connected tools that use real time kinetics to appropriately
apply variable rates of inputs and accurately guide tractors
3. Autonomously operating machines (e.g. weeding and harvesting robots)
4. Drones which disperse seeds look over crops and act as scarecrows to keep
animals away also they can disperse seeds and send remote commands to
machines to harvest or water the crop
5. Solar powered self-irrigation system using IoT and sensors to disperse
water over the field
6. Drones can also use thermal imaging to check for any pests locusts insects

Methodology-The methodology will be that we use smart machines and

different apps based on those machines like tractors harvesters drone
irrigation systems etc to do smart farming.
It includes 7 phases:
1. phase 1: “exploring the status quo and engagement”
2. phase 2: “co-defining the innovation platform”
3. phase 3: “shared diagnosis”
4. phase 4: “identifying solutions”
5. phase 5: “experimenting solutions on the farm.”
6. phase 6: “assessment of the co-design process and disengagement.”
7. phase 7: “strategies for scaling out/up”.
Observations- This research work proposes an embedded framework based
farming field observing plan that create and execute the utilization of various
sensors embedded to an AVR micro-controller. The sensors joined are
temperature, soil moisture and rain detector sensors. In light of the state of the
soil detected by the soil moisture sensor and the state of rain, it turns ON/OFF the
siphon for flexibly of water to the field. LCD is utilized to show the state of field
gave by the different sensors and we use IoT and various sensors to complete all
the tasks depending on the weather and climate where no human strength or
mindset is required to do the task.

Result-With the help of this research we deduce that smart farming using IoT
various machines like driverless tractors harvesters, drones , smart irrigation
systems etc can be used to complete all the farming work and crops can be eaily
harvested which helps in growing a perfect crop and which can satisfy the
qualitative and quantitative needs using less resources and can satisfy all
population needs and wants.

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