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DE LEON BOOK • Fair and adequate

• Rights of the party interested:
- To present his case
• N and H are not essential to the validity - To know the claims of the opposing
of administrative action party and to meet them
• The person whose rights or property - To cross-examine witnesses
may be affected by the action is entitled - Submit rebuttal evidence
to notice and hearing – does not • Actual hearing is not always essential
connote full adversial proceedings (as - As long as the party was given the
long as able to explain the side) opportunity to be heard, he cannot
• Due process is fulfilled when a party was be said to have been denied due
given reasonable opportunity to be process of law.
Administrative Agency must consider the
• Deprivation of opportunity to be heard
evidence presented.
violative of due process.
• Right to hearing and prior notice – INVESTIGATION v. HEARING
usually granted by the statute if not by
Investigation – informal proceedings to obtain
due process clause of the Consti
info to govern future actions, have no parties,
• Those who do not avail themselves of
not proceedings.
the opportunities to answer cannot
complain denial of due process. Hearing – there are parties and issues of law and
of fact to be tried and at the conclusion of the
A party is entitled to notice to prepare his
hearing. Parties are entitled to present in person
or by counsel, participate in hearing and be
• Procedural rules governing service of furnished of the record of the proceedings.
summons are not strictly construed in QJ
In the exercise of quasi-judicial or adjudicatory
proceedings. Substantial compliance is
powers, administrative agencies may not
deprive, nor may a statute empower them to
Failure to comply with the requirements as to deprive a person of his constitutionally
notice and process may result to failure to protected rights of life, liberty, and property,
acquire jurisdiction. without notice and hearing which is adequate
and fair
• Personal notice is not required where it
is impossible to give such notice to all • Notice and hearing, as the fundamental
who may be interested in the matter. requirements of procedural due process,
are essential only when an
DENIAL OF DUE PROCESS MAY BE CURED. administrative body exercises its quasi-
• The law prohibits absolute absence of judicial function. In Exec or QL – no need
previous notice and lack of opportunity to comply
to be heard. Not the absence of previous Proceedings in which no hearing is required
• the presence of the parties is not always
ELEMENTS OR ESSENTIALS OF RIGHT TO the cornerstone of due process.



• Due process of law depends upon the • It is satisfied if it has reasonable

circumstances opportunity to explain their side of the
• Notice and hearing are needed if controversy at hand.
constitutional right is invaded and the
constitution does not require a trial-type
hearing in every conceivable case of govt
impairment of private rights. • The term admin bodies includes the
• If not personal right but a privilege – N subordinate officials upon whose hand
and H may not be essential. the body or agency delegates a portion
• It is not essential where the proceeding of its authority.
or power exercised is legislative, • It does not preclude the admin officer
executive, administrative, or ministerial from seeking aid from his subordinates
in nature and not judicial, quasi-judicial • Sufficient that the judgment be
or adjudicatory. exercised by the officer authorized by
• Prior notice and hearing are not required law.
in • Due process requirements must be
- Summary abatement of nuisance observed.
per se which affects the immediate • Proper officer acts on his judgment
safety of persons and property.
- Summary proceedings of distraint EVIDENCE IN ADMIN PROCEEDINGS
and levy upon the property of a • Not bound by strict rules.
delinquent taxpayer • The evidence must be substantial.
- Preventive suspension of a public • Substantial evidence is more than a
officer. mere scintilla. It means such relevant
• The right to a hearing may be waived. evidence as a reasonable mind might
- Failure to appear in a hearing even accept as adequate to support a
though there was notice effects conclusion
forfeiture of his right to be heard. • Where two conflicting occasions are
APPLICABILITY OF RULES GOVERNING JUDICIAL supported by substantial evidence, the
PROCEEDINGS administrative body may choose which
to uphold and for that reason even flip-
• Rules of court are suppletory in the flop on its actual findings without
absence of valid administrative thereby committing grave abuse of
provisions discretion.
• Strict legal rules are inapplicable. • hearsay evidence is generally held
• Rules on evidence need not be admissible in proceedings before
observed. Only fundamentals like on the administrative agencies, at least for
cross-examination. Hearsay evidence limited purposes, especially when not
may even be admitted. objected to. Can be used to supplement
• Courts must act within their jurisdiction. any direct evidence.
• No power to make conclusions of fact • The courts have generally held that it is
before hearing all the parties concerned. improper for an administrative agency in
• Due process does not require a trial-type a quasi-judicial or adjudicatory
of hearing. proceeding to base its decision or



findings upon facts gathered from its • The doctrine has been applied to admin
own files without introducing the files in action that has been characterized by
evidence. the court as adjudicatory, judicial or
• The findings of fact of administrative quasi-judicial. While to admin
agencies must be respected so long as determinations of admin, exec, legis, or
they are supported by substantial ministerial nature – rules of res judicata
evidence. have been held to be inapplicable.
• An administrative body may not require • Res judicata may not be invoked in labor
a degree of proof higher than substantial relations proceedings
evidence. • Admin decisions is a matter of
• A decision or order with absolutely interpreting the enabling statute.
nothing to support it is a nullity. The • If admin determination has been
decision must be based on the evidence reviewed by courts, res judicata, if any
presented at the hearing. attaches to the court’s judgment rather
• A judgment becomes final and executory than to the admin decision.
after the lapse of the period to appeal.
• There is no general principle that
mandates that all decisions of quasi- • Inheres in the relation of admin
judicial agencies are immediately superior to admin subordinate
executory. where determinations are made at
lower levels.
• Embraced in statutes which provide
for a determination to be made by a
• Subject to reconsiderations particular officer or body subject to
• administrative authorities have the appeal, review, or redetermination
power to modify their • A statute where it attempts to make
determinations on the ground of a court a part of the admin scheme
fraud of imposition, mistake, by providing in terms or effect that
surprise, inadvertence, or newly the court shall exercise powers of
discovered evidence, or to meet the such extent.
changed conditions, whether by • A statute provides that an order
reason of express statutory made by a division has the same
provision granting the power of force and effect as if made by the
revision or by reason of principles Commission subject to a rehearing
applied by courts. by the full Commission
• Where a statute provides for an
appeal to an officer on an
intermediate level
• A final judgment on the merits rendered • Statutes which provide for appeal at
by a court of competent jurisdiction is the highest like the President.
Action by admin appellate tribunal.
• Dependent upon type of determination
and proceedings. • Authority to reverse must be exercised
sparingly and upon a clear showing of



error. Lacking such flaw, the decision • Where review not provided by statute –
must be sustained. There is no inherent right to judicial
• The review must not be arbitrary. review of the action of an admin agency.
• The reviewing officer must be other than - The Consti requires judicial review
the officer whose decision is under even though there is no statute. To
review. prevent executive or administrative
• Final and executory decisions not officials from exceeding their
subject to review jurisdiction or taking arbitrary
Enforcement of Admin determinations - Political questions need not be
• Enforceable in the manner provided submitted to a court for review and
by statute. If no remedy for do not ordinarily fall within the
enforcement, unenforceable. scope of the judicial power.
• In the absence of statute, admin - Admin decision or action shall be
authorities may not enforce their subject only to preclude judicial
own determinations review where no consti right was
• Judicial enforcement p if admin involved.
bodies have no power to enforce - Judicial power, under the
decisions, such orders can be Constitution, includes not only the
enforced by the courts. duty of courts to settle actual
• Execution takes place only when controversies, but also the duty "to
they become final and executory. determine whether or not there has
been a grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of any
branch or instrumentality of the
Judicial review – any form of judicial scrutiny.
There is re judicata when the following
Judicial review – questions of law or validity are requisites are present:
for the court.
(a) final judgment or order;
Questions of fact, policy, or discretion are
(b) jurisdiction of the court (or agency)
determinable by the administrative agency.
over the subject matter and the parties;
Courts should not intervene with the actions of and
government agencies unless there is grave abuse
(c) identity of parties, identity of subject
matter, and identity of cause of action.
Right to judicial review
They are still subject to judicial review if
• Where granted by statute - they fail the test of arbitrariness.
• Where legislation provides for an equal
Courts will not disturb on appeal the
appeal from decisions of certain admin
factual findings of administrative
bodies to the CA, it means that such
agencies. As long as supported by
bodies are co-equal with the RTC.
substantial evidence.



If the administrative findings of facts are not Involves cases specialized disputes
supported by substantial evidence, the same are which are referred to an administrative agency
not binding on the courts. of special competence to resolve the same.

To guide a court in determining whether

it should refrain or not from exercising its
Courts will not intervene with
• The petitioner filed an appeal but was
controversy involving a question within the
dismissed because it did not seek the
jurisdiction of an admin tribunal – if it demands
remedy from the Commission en banc as
the exercise of sound administrative discretion
required by its rules and regulations
requiring special knowledge, experience, and
• Judicial relief or review is often denied services of the tribunal to determine technical
for lack of finality where action of the and intricate matters of fact.
admin agency is only anticipated where
the action is still pending without final This is to take full advantage of admin
disposition. expertness and to attain uniformity of
• An order required to be submitted to a application of regulatory laws which can be
superior for approval is not final for secured only if determination of the issue is left
purposes of review. to the admin body.
• The pendency of an application for a
Doctrine requires litigants to address
rehearing within the time prescribed by
their complaints initially to admin tribunals
law or regulations deprives the original
rather than courts for relief.
order of finality.
The operation of the doctrine is to
Exceptions to doctrine of finality.
determine whether initial consideration of the
a. Interlocutory order affecting merits of a matter should be by a court or by an agency.
b. Grant relief to preserve the status quo
pending further action by the whether or not the requirement of prior
administrative agency resort should be imposed is said to depend on
c. Where it is essential to the protection of the court's determination whether Congress
the rights asserted from the injury intended the issues to be left to the
threatened administrative agency for initial determination.
d. Where an admin officer assumes to act
• prior resort to an agency should be
in violation of Consti and other laws.
limited to questions of fact and
e. Where such order is not reviewable in
questions requiring the skills of
any other way and the complainant
administrative specialists.
suffers damage
• Questions of law may appropriately be
f. An order was made in excess of power
determined in the first instance by
Review allowed by statutory provisions… courts

Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction



Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative


where a remedy within an administrative agency

is provided or available against the action of an
administrative board, body, or officer, and can
still be resorted to by giving the said agency
every opportunity to decide correctly a given
matter that comes within its jurisdiction, relief
must be first sought by availing this remedy
before bringing an action in or elevating it to the
courts of justice for review.

• The premature invocation of a court’s

intervention is fatal to one’s cause of

Legal and practical reasons for doctrine

It determines at what stage a person may secure

review of administrative action.

Application of doctrine

- It is a prerequisite of judicial review.



NACHURA The principle of exhaustion of administrative

remedies must yield in order to protect
Whenever there is an available administrative Where there is competence or jurisdiction
remedy provided by law, no judicial recourse can vested upon an administrative body to act upon
be made until all such remedies have been a matter, no resort to the courts may be made
availed of and exhausted. before such administrative body shall have acted
upon the matter.
Before going to court, avail first all of the means
of administrative processes. The doctrine prevents the court from arrogating
Reasons: unto itself the authority to resolve a controversy
which falls under the jurisdiction of a tribunal
a. If relief is first sought from a superior possessed with special competence.
administrative agency, resort to the
courts may be unnecessary The court give much weight to the government
b. The administrative agency should be agency or officials charged with the
implementation of the law, considering their
given a chance to correct its error
c. Principles of comity and convenience competence, expertise, experience and
require that the courts stay their hand informed judgment and the fact that they
until the administrative processes are frequently are the drafter of the law they
completed interpret.
d. The proceedings will not normally Under the doctrine, courts cannot take
prosper if there is another plain speedy cognizance of cases pending before
and adequate remedy in the ordinary administrative agencies of special competence.
course of law.
When the issues presented do not require the
The rule must be observed in order to prevent expertise, specialized skill and knowledge of the
unnecessary and premature resort to courts. administrative body, but are purely legal
Courts must allow administrative agencies to questions – the doctrine should not be applied.
carry out their functions and their DOCTRINE OF FINALITY OF ADMINISTRATIVE
responsibilities within the specialized areas of ACTION
their respective competence.
No resort to the courts will be allowed unless the
Only those decisions of administrative agencies administrative action has been completed and
made in the exercise of quasi-judicial powers are there is nothing left to be done in the
subject to the rule on exhaustion of admin administrative structure.
The Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction applies only
to administrative agencies that exercises its 1. Alter-ego Doctrine
quasi-judicial or adjudicatory powers. 2. Where the administrative remedy is
3. Estoppel on the part of the
administrative agency



4. Where the issue involved is purely a legal Questions that may be subject of judicial review:
1. Questions of law
5. Where the administrative action is illegal
2. Questions of fact: the factual findings of
amounting to lack or excess of
administrative agencies are generally
conclusive upon the courts if there is
6. Where there is unreasonable delay or
substantial evidence. Courts are
official inaction.
precluded to review questions of fact.
7. Where there is irreparable or threat
thereof, unless judicial recourse is
a. When expressly allowed by statute
immediately made.
b. Fraud, imposition or mistake other
8. Where the subject matter is a private
than error of judgment in evaluating
the evidence.
9. Where the law does not make
c. Error in appreciating the pleadings
exhaustion a condition precedent to
and in the interpretation of
judicial recourse, or where no
documentary evidence presented by
administrative review is provided by law.
the parties.
10. Where observance of the doctrine will
3. Mixed Questions of law and fact.
result in the nullification of the claim.
11. Where there are special reasons or Guidelines for the exercise of the power
circumstances demanding immediate
court action. 1. Findings of fact are respected as they are
12. When due process of law is violated supported by substantial evidence
13. When the rule does not provide plain, 2. It is not for the reviewing court to weigh
speedy and adequate remedy. the conflicting evidence
3. The administrative decision in matters
JUDICIAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE within the executive jurisdiction can only
DECISIONS be set aside on proof of grave abuse of
discretion, fraud, collusion or error of
• Article VIII, Sec 1 of 1987 Constitution
There is an underlying power in the courts to
scrutinize the acts of administrative agencies on
questions of law and jurisdiction although no
right of review is given by statute.

Methods of obtaining Judicial Review:

a. Statutory – pursuant to specific

statutory provision
b. Non-statutory – obtained by means of
the common law remedies, writ of
certiorari, madamus, habeas corpus

Direct – lack of jurisdiction or grave abuse

Collateral – relief other than setting aside of the





Public Office – right, authority or duty, created a. Endowments, qualities or attributes

and conferred by law, by which for a given which makes an individual eligible for
period, either fixed by law or enduring at the public service
pleasure of the creating power, an individual is b. Refer the act of entering into the
invested with some sovereign power of performance of the functions of a public
government to be exercised by him for the office – ex: taking an oath
benefit of the public.
Case of Frivaldo
Case Maquira v. Borra
a. Created by law or authority of law
– requiring a candidate to post a bond is
b. Possess a delegation of a portion of the
sovereign powers of government, to be
exercised for the benefit of the public Loss of any of the qualifications during the
c. Powers conferred and duties imposed incumbency will be a ground for termination
must be defined, directly or impliedly, by
the legislature or by legislative authority. Failure of an officer to perform an act required
d. Duties must be performed by law could affect the officer’s title to the given
independently and without the control office.
of a superior power other than law, Oath of office – qualifying requirement for a
unless they be those of an inferior or public office. When an officer takes his oath, he
subordinate office created or authorized has the right to enter into the position and be
by the legislature, and by it b=placed considered complete and plenary.
under the general control of a superior
office or body The pendency of an election protest is not
e. Must have permanence or continuity. sufficient basis to enjoin him from assuming
office or from discharging his functions.
Public Officer – one who holds public office
Authority to prescribe qualifications.
Art 203, RPC – by direct provision of law, elected
or appointed by competent authority, take part • If prescribed by the Constitution –
in the performance of public functions in the generally exclusive
government of the Ph Islands, as an employee, • If created by statute – the Congress has
agent or subordinate official of any rank or class. plenary powers to prescribe provided
that (i) the qualifications are germane to
- Can be temporary or permanent the objectives for which the public office
- Career or Non-Career was created (ii) the qualifications are not
- Receiving compensation too specific as to fit a particular and
Clerk – person clerical/manual nature. Does not identifiable person.
involve discretion The qualifications are considered as a continuing
Officer – not clerical. Involves exercise of qualification and be possessed at the time of the
discretion in the performance of functions of appointment.



DISQUALIFICATIONS Sec 12, Art VIII - The Members of the Supreme

Court and of other courts established by law
Can be prescribed by the Constitution, Statute,
shall not be designated to any agency
and Authority by law.
performing quasi-judicial or administrative
In DUMLAO v COMELEC, mere filing of criminal functions
information deemed as a prima facie proof of
No Member of a Constitutional Commission
guilt is considered to be unconstitutional.
shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or
General Disqualifications under the employment [Sec. 2, Art. IX-A]. The same
Constitution disqualification applies to the Ombudsman and
his Deputies [Sec. 8, Art. XI]
Sec. 6, Article IX-B – no candidate who lost in an
election shall, within one year after such The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall not be
election, be appointed to any office in qualified to run for any office in the election
Government immediately succeeding their cessation from
office [Sec. 11, Art. XI],
Sec. 7 (1), Art. IX-B – No elective official shall be
eligible for appointment or designation in any Members of Constitutional Commissions, the
capacity to any public office or position during Ombudsman and his Deputies must not have
his tenure. been candidates for any elective position in the
elections immediately preceding their
Sec 7 (2) Art IX-B – no appointive official shall appointment. [Sec. 1, Art. IX-B' Sec. 1 Art. IX-C;
hold any other position in Government Sec. 1, Art. IX-D; Sec. 8, Art. XI]
Check National Amnesty Commission v. Members of Constitutional Commissions, the
COA in page 535 of Nachura Ombudsman and his Deputies are appointed to
Specific Disqualifications under the a term of seven (7) years, without
Constitution reappointment [Sec. 1(2), Art. IX-B; Sec. 1 (2),
Art. IX-C; Sec. 1 (2), Art. IX-D; Sec. 11, Art
Sec 13, Art. VII - The President, Vice President,
the Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or
or assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided affinity within the fourth civil degree of the
in the Constitution, hold any other office or President shall not during his tenure be
employment during their tenure appointed as Members of the Constitutional
Commissions, or the Office of the Ombudsman,
Sec. 13, Art. VI - No Senator or Member of the or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or
House of Representatives may hold any other heads of bureaus or offices, including
office or employment in the Government, or any government-owned or controlled corporations
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, [Sec. 13, Art. VII],
including government-owned or controlled
corporations or their subsidiaries, during his DE FACTO OFFICERS
term without forfeiting his seat. Neither shall he One who has the reputation of being the
be appointed to any office which may have been officer that he assumes to be and yet is not a
created or the emoluments thereof increased good officer in point of law
during the term for which he was elected
Their acts are valid, binding and with
legal effect.



Elements: Permanent Appointment – extended to a

person possessing the requisite qualifications,
1. A validly existing public office
including the eligibility required for the position,
2. Actual physical possession of said office
and protected by the constitutional guaranty of
3. Color of title to the office –
security of tenure.
a. By reputation or acquiescence – the
individual has acted as the officer for Acting Appointment or Temporary – revocable
a period of time and the public in character. The acquisition of the appropriate
believes that he is the public officer civil service eligibility will not ipso facto convert
that he assumes to be the temporary appointment into a permanent
b. Under a known and valid one.
appointment but the officer failed to
- A new appointment is necessary
conform to a requirement by law.
(oath of office) • A contractual appointment is in the
c. Under a known appointment but nature of temporary appointment.
void because of the ineligibility of
officer, or want of authority of the If the contract is not renewed, it is not a
appointing or electing authority. dismissal but an expiration of term.
Irregularity in his appointment. When the appointee does not possess the
d. Under a known appointment qualifications for the position, the appointment
pursuant to an UNCONSTITUTIONAL is temporary and may be terminated at will.
LAW, before the law is declared
unconstitutional. If the position belongs to the career service, it
does not automatically confer security of tenure.
Entitlement to Salaries
A person who does not have the requisite
The rightful incumbent of a public office may qualifications – it is only in an acting capacity. He
recover from an officer de facto the salary could be transferred or reassigned without
received during the wrongful tenure. violating the constitutional guarantee of security
When there is no de jure public officer, the of tenure.
officer de facto who in good faith has had A mere designation does not confer security of
possession of the office and has discharged the tenure as the person designated
duties – entitled to emoluments.
Where the appointment is subject to conditions
Official relations are commenced: If it is a temporary appointment and is fixed for
(1) by appointment a period – may be revoked only at the expiration
(2) by election of the period. If before such expiration – it has to
be for a valid and just cause
Appointment – selection by the authority vested
with the power of an individual who is to Regular v Ad Interim appointment
perform the functions of a given office. Regular Appointment – made by the President
Appointment can be permanent or while the Congress is in session, after
temporary. nomination is confirmed by the Commission on



Ad interim – made by the President while the In Aquino v. CSC – when the appointing authority
Congress is not in session, before confirmation has already exercised his power of appointment,
by the CA is made. Ceases to be valid if the Commission cannot revoke the same on the
disapproved or bypassed by the Commission on ground that the other employee is better
Appointments upon the next adjournment of qualified.
Congress. It is a permanent appointment. Being
It is not mandatory that the appointing authority
subject to confirmation does not alter its
fill a vacancy by promotion. He should be
permanent character.
allowed to have the choice of men of his
Classification of appointments: confidence provided they are qualified and
a. Heads of executive department
b. Ambassadors Appointing authority can also decide whether
c. Officers of the AFP the appointment is permanent or temporary.
d. Officers whose appointment is vested in
An appointment is a political question as long as
the President under the Constitution
the appointee has the minimum qualifications.
Other appointments – no need for Commission The question of the competence of the public
on Appointments confirmation officer is beyond the pale of judicial inquiry.

Appointing Process for Regular The Civil Service Commission has the exclusive
jurisdiction in disciplinary cases and cases
i. Nomination by the President
involving personnel action affecting employees
ii. Confirmation by the CA
in the Civil Service.
iii. Issuance of the Commission
iv. Acceptance by the appointee CSC has the power to recall an appointment.

For appointments which do not require - But it is not a co-manager, or

confirmation: surrogate administrator of
government offices and agencies.
i. Appointment by the appointing
- Limited only to approving or
reviewing appointments whether
ii. Issuance of the commission
there is compliance with the Civil
iii. Acceptance by the appointee
Service Law.
A person cannot be compelled to accept an - It cannot terminate employees on its
appointment to public office – or else violation own.
of the constitutional right against involuntary
Scope of the Civil Service: all branches of the
If the appointment is to the career service, Civil
Service attestation is required.
a. Career Service – entrance is based on
An appointment is complete when the last act
merit n=and fitness.
required is performed – acceptance by the
appointee. The positions included are:

For an appointment to be valid, it must be - Open career positions

vacant. - Closed career positions



- Career Executive Service (CESO) Exempted from he competitive examination

- Career officers requirement:
- Positions in the armed forces
a. Policy Determining – formulates a
- Personnel of GOCCs
method of action for govt
- Permanent laborers
b. Primary confidential
The are two instances when a position may be
i. Pass the career executive service considered as primary confidential –
i. When the President, upon
ii. Be conferred CES eligibility
recommendation of the CSC has
iii. Comply with other requirements
declared it to be confidential
prescribed by CES Board
ii. In the absence of such declaration,
iv. Appointed to a CES rank by the
when from the nature of the
functions of the office, there exists
2 requisites to attain security of tenure in CESO an intimacy between the appointee
and the appointing authority
i. CES Eligibility
c. Highly technical – requires possession of
ii. Appointment to the appropriate CES
technical skills.
Other Personnel Actions
b. Non-career service – characterized by
Promotion – movement from one position to
entrance on bases other than those of
another with increase in duties and
the usual tests utilized for the career
responsibilities as authorized by law and usually
accompanied by an increase in pay
a. Next in rank rule
i. Elective officials
When a vacancy occurs employee next-in-
ii. Department heads
rank should be considered for promotion
iii. Chairmen and members of the
commissions and boards with fixed The person next in rank shall be given
terms of office preference in promotion when the position
immediately above his is vacated
In Orcullo v. CSC, the co-terminous status of
an officer or employee may be classified as Appointing authority still exercises
follows: discretion and is not bound by this rule.
a. Co-terminous with project b. Automatic Reversion Rule
b. Co-terminous with the appointing
authority All appointments involved in a chain of
c. Co-terminous with the incumbent promotions must be submitted
d. Co-terminous with a specific period simultaneously for approval by the
Commission. If disapproved, automatically
In a department, appointing power is vested in restored to their former positions. It also
the Dept. Secretary invalidates the promotion of those in lower



For the rule to apply, the ff must concur: a. Acquisition of civil service eligibility is
not a sole factor for reappointment,
a. There must be series of promotions
b. It is technically the issuance of a new
b. All promotional appointments are
appointment which is essentially
simultaneously submitted to the
discretionary exercised by the
Commission for approval
appointing authority.
c. The Commission disapproves the
c. A pardon cannot also be a basis for the
appointment of a person to a higher
reinstatement. But it is different in the
case of Sabello… invoking justice and
Appointment through certification – a person is equity.
selected from a list of qualified persons certified d. When a pardon is given because of not
by CSC committing the offense, the pardon
relieves a person from all punitive
Transfer – movement from one position to consequences of his criminal act.
another which is of EQUIVALENT RANK without
break in service. Detail – movement of an employee from one
agency to another without the issuance of an
a. An unconsented transfer violates the appointment. Allowed only for a limited period
security of tenure. A transfer without in the case of employees occupying professional,
the employee’s consent is not valid for technical, and scientific positions.
that would constitute removal from
office. No permanent transfer can take Reassignment – movement of an employee from
place unless the officer or employee is one organizational unit to another in the same
first removed and then appointed to department or agency. Does not involve a
another position. reduction in rank, status or salary. A
b. The holder of a temporary appointment management prerogative
cannot claim a vested right to the station
a. The lack of specific duration of the
to which assigned, nor to security of
reassignment was tantamount to a
tenure thereat
floating assignment, thus a diminution in
c. Career Executive Service can be shifted
status or rank.
from one office to another without
violation of security of tenure because Reemployment - Names of persons who have
their status and salaries are based on been appointed permanently to positions in the
their ranks and not on the position. career service and who have been separated as
d. The transfer or detail of govt officials or a result of reduction in force and/or
employee during election period reorganization, shall be entered in a list from
without the consent of COMELEC is which selection for reemployment shall be
prohibited and constitutes an election made.
Authority of Public Officers.
Reinstatement – a person who has been
consists of those powers which are:
permanently appointed to a position in the
career service, although no misconduct or no (a)Expressly conferred upon him by the act
delinquency, been separated therefrom, may be appointing him;
reinstated to a position in the same level for
which he is qualified.



(b) Expressly annexed to the office by law; and responsibility, integrity, loyalty and
(c) Attached to the office by common law as efficiency; to act with patriotism and justice;
incidents to it. Under the doctrine of necessary and to lead modest lives [Sec. 1, Art. XI].
implication, all powers necessary for the
b) SALN. To submit a declaration under oath
effective exercise of the express powers are
of his assets, liabilities and net worth upon
deemed impliedly granted.
assumption of office and as often thereafter
The authority can be exercised only during the as may be required by law [Sec. 17, Art. XI]
term when the public officer is, by law, invested
c) ALLEGIANCE – State and Constitution
with the rights and duties of the office.
2. Specific cases:
Take note of the case Lao v. To Chip – CA Justices
decided a case on which two of the Justices a) The Solicitor General’s duty to represent
resigned from their post. The decision is null and the government, its offices and
void. instrumentalities and its officials and agents
— except in criminal cases or civil cases for
Ministerial and discretionary powers.
damages arising from felony — is
Ministerial: one the discharge of which by the mandatory.
officer concerned is imperative and requires
b) The government is not estopped from
neither judgment nor discretion
questioning the acts of its officials, more so
One imposed by law upon a public officer if they are erroneous or irregular
wherein the officer has the right to decide how
and when the duty shall be performed.
1. Partisan Political Activity. – directly or
Mandamus will not lie to compel the
performance of a discretionary power.

Judgment v. Discretion. a. AFP – only active members not

those in reserve force
Judgment is a judicial function, the
b. The prohibition does not prevent
determination of a question of law. There is only
expression of views on current
one way to be right. Discretion is the faculty
political problems or issues
conferred upon a court or other officer by which
c. Exempt from this prohibition are
he may decide the question either way and still
those holding political offices, but it
be right.
shall be unlawful for them to solicit
Discretion, as exercised, is limited to the evident contributions from their
purpose of the act, i.e., sound and legal subordinates.
discretion, not arbitrary, capricious or
oppressive proceedings. 2. Additional or double compensation

DUTIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS a) But note that pensions or gratuities shall

1. General (Constitutional) duties of public not be considered as additional, double
officers: or indirect compensation.

a) To be accountable to the people; to serve

them with utmost



3. Prohibition against loans. - “No loan, No subordinate officer or employee shall be

guaranty, or other form of financial civilly liable for acts done by him in good faith in
accommodation for any business the performance of his duties. If contrary of law,
purpose may be granted, directly or morals, etc – he is liable.
indirectly, by any government-owned or
B. Statutory Liability
controlled bank or financial institution to
the President, the Vice President, the 1. Art. 27, Civil Code: Any person suffering moral
Members of the Cabinet, the Congress, or material loss because a public officer refuses
the Supreme Court, the Constitutional or neglects, without just cause, to perform his
Commissions, and the Ombudsman, or official duty, may file an action for damages and
to any firm or entity in which they have other relief against the public officer. This is
controlling interest, during their without prejudice to administrative disciplinary
tenure”. action against the officer.

4. Limitation on Laborers. Shall not be 2. Art. 32, Civil Code: Liability of public officer for
assigned to perform clerical duties. violation of constitutional rights of individuals.

Chato v. Fortune – there are two kinds of duties

5. Detail or reassignment. No detail or exercised by public officers:
reassignment shall be made within three
months before any election without the a. the duty owing to the public collectively
approval of the Comelec. b. duty owing to the individuals

failure to perform a public duty can constitute an

individual wrong only when a person can show
6. Nepotism - All appointments made in that, in the public duty, a duty to himself as an
favor of a relative of the appointing or individual is also involved, and that he has
recommending authority, or of the chief suffered a special and peculiar injury.
of the bureau or office, or of the persons
exercising immediate supervision over 3. Art. 34, Civil Code: Liability of peace officers
him, are prohibited. who fail to respond or give assistance to persons
in danger of injury to life or property. [Note: The
Take note of the case of Dacoycoy municipal corporation is subsidiarily liable.]

4. Sec. 38(2), Chapter 9, Book I, Administrative

Code: Any public officer who, without just cause,
A public officer is not liable for injuries sustained neglects to perform a duty within a period fixed
by another as a consequence of official acts done by law or regulation, or within a reasonable
within the scope of his official authority, except period if none is fixed, shall be liable for damages
as otherwise provided by law. to the private party concerned without prejudice
to such other liability as may be prescribed by
Public officer shall not be civilly liable for acts law.
done in the performance of his duties.
C. Liability on Contracts. The public officer shall
XPN: there is a clear showing of bad be personally liable on contracts he enters into if
faith, malice or negligence. he acted without, or exceeded his, authority.



D. Liability for Tort. The public officer shall be 3. Malfeasance: The doing, through ignorance,
personally liable if he goes beyond the scope of inattention or malice, of an act which he had no
his authority, or exceeds the powers conferred legal right to perform.
upon him by law.

Chavez v. Sandiganbayan - Public officials can be

held personally accountable for acts claimed to
be performed in connection with official duties A. Right to Office. The just and legal claim to
where their actions are ultra vires or where there exercise the powers and the responsibilities of
is a showing of bad faith. the public office.
In Shaufv. Court of Appeals, 191 SCRA 713, it Term is the period during which the
was held that unauthorized acts of government officer may claim to hold the office as of right;
officials are not acts of State, and so the public while tenure is the period during which the
officer may be held personally liable in damages officer actually holds office.
for such unauthorized acts.
B. Right to Salary.
In Alinsugay v. Court of Appeals, 148 SCRA 521,
it was held that in the absence of malice, Salary is the personal compensation to be paid
provincial board members who disapproved the to the public officer for his services, and it is
appointments of laborers are not personally generally a fixed annual or periodical payment
liable. depending on the time and not on the amount of
the services he may render.
Threefold Liability Rule. The wrongful acts or
omissions of a public officer may give rise to civil, Wages, in that salary is given to officers of higher
criminal and administrative liability. degree of employment than those to whom
wages are given; salary is regarded as
1. An action for each can proceed compensation per annum, while wages are paid
independently of the others. Dismissal day by day or week by week.
of the criminal action does not foreclose
the institution of an administrative Legal title to the office and the fact that
action [Office of the Court Administrator the law attaches compensation to the office is
v. Enriquez, 218 SCRA 1] the basis.
2. Relief from criminal liability does not Right of a de facto officer to salary: Where there
carry with it relief from administrative is no de jure officer, a de facto officer who, in
liability [Police Commission v. Lood, 96 good faith, has possession of the office and has
SCRA 819]. discharged the duties thereof, is entitled to
Liability of Ministerial Officers. salary.

1. Nonfeasance: Neglect or refusal to perform an Salary cannot be garnished.

act which is the officer’s legal obligation to On account of reorganization, the position is
perform. abolished, the incumbent thereof requests
2. Misfeasance: Failure to use that degree of retention and even accepts an appointment to a
care, skill and diligence required in the lower position, she cannot demand that she be
performance of official duty. paid the salary equivalent to that of her former



Compensation, allowances and other benefits - rice subsidies

received by government officials and employees
C. Right to Preference in Promotion
without the requisite approval or authority of
the Department of Budget and Management - right does not prevail over the discretion of the
(DBM) are unauthorized and irregular. appointing authority.
In the case of Gloria, the Supreme Court clarified D. Right to vacation and sick leave.
that there are two kinds of preventive
suspension of civil service employees who are the Supreme Court ruled that government
charged with offenses punishable by removal or employees, whether or not they have
suspension: accumulated leave credits, are not required by
law to work on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays,
(a) preventive suspension pending and thus cannot be declared absent on such non-
investigation working days.
(b) preventive suspension pending appeal if
the penalty imposed by the disciplining E. Right to Maternity Leave.
authority is dismissal and, after review, F. Right to Retirement Pay.
the respondent is exonerated under Sec.
47 of the same Code. 1. Retirement laws are liberally construed in
favor of the retiree
No right to compensation – during preventive
suspension during preventive suspension 2. The well-settled ruled is that the money value
pending investigation. of the terminal leave of a retiring government
official shall be computed at the retiree’s highest
If the penalty imposed by the disciplining monthly salary.
authority is suspension or dismissal and, after
review, the respondent is exonerated, the civil G. Others.
service officer or employee is entitled not only to 1. Right to reimbursement for expenses incurred
reinstatement but also to back salaries for the in the due performance of his duty.
period of preventive suspension pending appeal
2. Right to be indemnified against any liability
Right to back salaries of illegal dismissed which they may incur in the bona fide discharge
employee - an illegally dismissed government of their duties.
employee who is later ordered reinstated is
entitled to back wages and other monetary 3. Right to longevity pay
benefits from the time of his illegal dismissal up
- loyalty award
to his reinstatement. No work no pay is

No right to back wages if they were neither

exonerated nor unjustifiably suspended.

Right to additional allowances and benefits. –

- RATA is different from salary. It is only paid to

certain officials who incur representation and
transportation expenses.



TERMINATION OF OFFICIAL RELATIONSHIP appointive office, or from the date of election, in

case of an elective office.
A. Modes of terminating official relationship: -
c) Where the law fixing the term of a public office
1. Expiration of term or tenure.
is ambiguous, the one that fixes the term at the
2. Reaching the age limit. shortest period should be followed.

3. Resignation. d) Where both the duration of the term of office

and the time of its commencement or
4. Recall termination are fixed by constitutional or
5. Removal. statutory provisions, a person elected or
appointed to fill the vacancy in such office shall
6. Abandonment. hold the same only for the unexpired portion of
7. Acceptance of an incompatible office. the term.

8. Abolition of office e) Where only the duration of the term is fixed,

but no time is established for the beginning or
9. Prescription of the right to office. end of the term, the person selected to fill the
vacancy in such office may serve the full term
10. Impeachment
and not merely the unexpired balance of the
11. Death prior incumbent’s term. -
12. Failure to assume elective office within six f) Where an office is created, or an officer is
months from proclamation appointed, for the purpose of performing a
single act or the accomplishment of a given
13. Conviction of a crime.
result, the office terminates and the officer’s
14. Filing of a certificate of candidacy authority ceases with the accomplishment of the
purposes which called it into being.

1. Expiration of term or tenure The Principle of Hold-Over - In the absence of

any express or implied constitutional or
When a public officer holds office at the pleasure statutory provision to the contrary, the public
of the appointing authority, his being replaced officer is entitled to hold his office until his
shall be regarded as termination through successor shall have been duly chosen and shall
expiration of term, not removal. have qualified.
Termination presupposes an overt act
2. Reaching the Age Limit.
Commencement of the term of office:
a. Compulsory retirement age: 70 for Judiciary,
a) Where the statute fixes a period within which 65 for other government officers and
a chosen officer may arrange his affairs and employees.
qualify for the office in a prescribed manner, his
term begins upon qualification.

b) Where no time is fixed by law for the

commencement of his official term, it begins
from the date of appointment in cases of an



3. Resignation Unconsented transfer resulting in

demotion in rank or salary is tantamount to
The act of giving up or the act of a public officer
removal without just cause.
by which he declines his office and renounces
the further right to use it A transfer that results in promotion or
demotion, advancement or reduction, or a
transfer that aims to lure the employee away
1. Voluntariness from his permanent position, cannot be done
when procured by fraud or duress the without the employee’s consent, for that would
resignation may be repudiated. constitute removal from office. Indeed, no
2. Need for acceptance by competent permanent transfer can take place unless the
authority officer or employee is first removed from the
position held, and then appointed to another
Mere tender of resignation, without position.
acceptance by competent authority does not
create a vacancy in public office 6. Abandonment.

3. Accepting Authority The voluntary relinquishment of an office by the

4. Effective date of resignation holder, with the intention of terminating his
possession and control thereof.

4. Recall Abandonment of office is a species of

resignation. non-performance of the duties of an
The termination of official relationship of an office does not constitute abandonment where
elective official for loss of confidence prior to such non-performance results from temporary
the expiration of his term through the will of disability or from involuntary failure to perform.
the electorate. Only done to elective officials. Abandonment may also result from
Who: by registered voters of LGU acquiescence by the officer in his wrongful
removal or discharge.
Petition by 25%
7. Acceptance of an Incompatible Office.
Started by a written petition
Acceptance of incompatible office ipso facto
5. Removal vacates the other. There is no necessity for any
Constitutional guarantee of security of tenure: proceeding to declare or complete the vacation
No officer or employee of the civil service shall of the first office.
be removed or suspended except for cause Exception: Where the public officer is authorized
provided by law. by law to accept the other office, e.g., the
Removal not for a just cause, or non- Secretary of Justice who is, by express provision
compliance with the prescribed procedure of the Constitution, a member of the Judicial and
constitutes a reversible error, and entitles the Bar Council.
officer or employee to reinstatement with back 8. Abolition of Office.
salaries and without loss of seniority rights.
Power of Legislature to abolish an office. Except
Demotion is tantamount to unlawful when restrained by the
removal if no cause is shown for it, or if it is not
part of any disciplinary action.



Constitution, Congress has the right to abolish an office upon the filing of his certificate of
office, even during the term for which an existing candidacy.”
incumbent may have been elected.

Constitutional offices cannot be abolished by



1. The abolition must be made in

goodfaith, with the clear intent to do
away with the office, not for personal or
political reasons, and
2. cannot be implemented in a manner
contrary to law

9. Prescription of the right to office.

The Rules of Court provide that a petition for

reinstatement (after illegal ouster or dismissal),
or the recovery of the public office, must be
instituted within one (1) year from the date the
petitioner is unlawfully ousted from his office.

Unless there are strong, compelling and special

circumstances to warrant a different course,
courts will not entertain a petition for
reinstatement filed beyond the one-year period.

10. Impeachment

11. Death

12. Failure to assume office

13. Conviction of a crime

When the penalty imposed, upon conviction,

carries with it the accessory penalty of
disqualification, conviction by final judgment
automatically terminates official relationship.

14. Filing of certificate of candidacy

Sec. 66, B.P.881 provides: “Any person holding a

public appointive office or position, including
active members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, and officers and employees in
government-owned or controlled corporations,
shall be considered ipso facto resigned from his



ELECTION LAW 3. Rule-making power

4. Quasi-legislative function
Election Period: Unless otherwise fixed by the
5. Power of contempt and subpoena
Comelec in special cases, the election period
6. Issue auxiliary writs and processes
shall commence 90 days before the day of the
election and shall end 30 days thereafter [Sec. 9, They are general, they can be basis for further
Art. IX-C, Constitution] powers

It cannot be changed unless otherwise there is SPECIFIC POWERS:

an amendment in the Consti. But there are
1. Power to declare failure of election.
special cases:
Two conditions must concur: no voting
1. Emergency – as to health, war, etc. took place in the precints or the election
resulted in the failure of election and the
Election Period is not the same with the
votes not cast would affect the results of
campaign period:
the election.
Campaign period – actual act of candidates of 2. The power to call special election
making themselves known to the people. Why
In fixing the date,
should they be voted?
Not later than 30 days after the
When is the campaign period?
cessation of the cause.
Presidential Election – 90 days before election
Reasonably close to the date
Local – 45 days
3. The power to postpone election
Barangay – 15
Consider the budget, emergency in health,
Special election – 45 day public order.

The campaign period does not include the actual 4. Power to correct manifest errors in
day of election. election documents

The law does not prohibit the extension for some Examples: error in computation of votes.
5. Power to re-order canvass of votes

After all of the votes are in and there is a petition.

6. Power to annul proclamation
- One of the Constitutionally created 7. Power to annul illegal canvass
commission 8. Power to transfer of polling places – in
- They can authorize people to help case of security or terrorism
them 9. Power to transfer venue of canvassing
10. Power to order of ballot boxes
POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF COMELEC 11. Conduct initiative and plebiscite
1. Enforce and minister of election laws 1. Deputization of officers
2. Ensure free and order elections 2. Investigatory and prosecutorial



3. Endorsement to prosecution

Last two powers are in connection to the Illiterate and disable voters:
violation of election code
Any illiterate person may register with the
Cases involving elections – before assistance of the Election Officer or any member
proclamation… it has jurisdiction. of an accredited citizen’s arms. The application
for registration of a physically disabled person
As a GR: Abad v. COMELEC all cases must be first
may be prepared by any relative within the
heard by a division before en banc.
fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity or
XPN: Case is purely administrative. Petition for by the Election Officer or any member of an
postponement. Power to prosecute cases. accredited citizen’s arm using the data supplied
by the applicant.
You must indicate in the records that you are
1. Calendar of activities – disabled or illiterate.
When are elections actually held? Election Registration Board
National and local elections – second Monday of There shall be in each city and municipality as
May every three years. Started on 1992. many Election Registration Boards as there are
Next Brgy Elections – Dec 2022 election officers therein. The Board shall be
composed of the Election Officer as chairman,
POWERS NOT GRANTED and as members, the public school official most
1. Power to decide the questions on right senior in rank and the local civil registrar, or in
to vote. Court has jurisdiction his absence, the city or municipal treasurer. No
2. Power to include and exclude voters. member of the Board shall be related to each
MTC has jurisdiction other or to any incumbent city or municipal
elective official within the fourth civil degree of
consanguinity or affinity. Every registered party
VOTERS: QUALIFICATION AND REGISTRATION and such organizations as may be authorized by
the Commission shall be entitled to a watcher in
Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the
every registration board.
Philippines not otherwise disqualified by law,
who are at least eighteen years of age, and who
shall have resided in the Philippines for at least
one year and in the place wherein they propose CANDIDATES
to vote for at least six months immediately Discussed qualifications of Pres and VP
preceding the election. No literacy, property, or
other substantive requirement shall be - Natural Born
imposed on the exercise of suffrage [Sec. 1, Art. - Registered Voter
V, Constitution]. - Read and Write
- At least 40 years
To vote, you must register. - Residency: 10 years
Registration is not allowed within 120 days of Senators (check qualifications)
national and local elections.



District Reps – voted by the place or area of his g) Those who are insane or feebleminded.

Sectoral Reps – Voted upon by virtue of party- 3. Additional grounds for disqualification [Sec.
list 68, B.P. 881]


1. Under the Omnibus Election Code [B.P. 881]: a) One who has given money or other material
consideration to influence, induce or corrupt the
a) Declared as incompetent or insane by
voters or public officials performing electoral
competent authority.
b) Sentenced by final judgment for subversion,
b) One who committed acts of terrorism to
insurrection, rebellion or any offense for which
enhance his candidacy.
he has been sentenced to a penalty of more
than 18 months imprisonment. c) One who spent in his election campaign an
amount in excess of that allowed by the Code.
c) Sentenced by final judgment for a crime
involving moral turpitude d) One who has solicited, received or made
contributions prohibited under Sec. 89
d) Any person who is a permanent resident of
(transportation, food and drinks), Sec. 95 (public
or an immigrant to a foreign country
or private financial institutions, public utilities or
2. Under the Local Government Code [Sec. 40, exploitation of natural resources, contractors of
R.A. 7160]: public works or other government contracts

a) Those sentenced bv final judgment for an e) One who has violated the provisions of Sec. 80
offense punishable bv one year or more of (campaign period), Sec. 83 (removal, destruction
imprisonment, within two years after serving of lawful election propaganda), Sec. 85
sentence. (prohibited forms of propaganda). Sec. 86
(regulation of propaganda through mass media).
b) Those removed from office as a result of an
administrative case. f) One who has violated the provisions of Sec.
261 (election offenses)
c) Those convicted by final judgment for violating
the oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Nuisance candidates - The Comelec may, motu
Philippines. propio, or upon verified petition of an interested
party, refuse to give due course to or cancel a
d) Those with dual citizenship. certificate of candidacy, if it is shown:
e) Fugitives from justice in criminal and non- (i) To put the election process in
political case here and abroad. mockery or disrepute;
f) Permanent residents in a foreign country or (ii) To cause confusion among the
those who have acquired the right to reside voters by the similarity of the names
abroad and continue to avail of the same right of the registered candidates; or
after the effectivitv of the Local Government (iii) By other circumstances or acts
Code. which clearly demonstrate that the
candidate has no bona fide intention
to run for the office for which the



certificate has been filed, and thus be considered as election campaign or partisan
prevent a faithful determination of political activity.
the true will of the electorate.
Example: PDP Laban: parties are vying to
Petition to deny due course or to cancel a be representative of the party: Pacquiao or
certificate of candidacy. - A verified petition may Duterte.
be filed exclusively on the ground that any
FAIR ELECTIONS ACT – provides how campaign
material representation contained in the
and propaganda are done.
certificate as required under Sec. 74 is false.
Lawful Election Propaganda
Jurisdiction over a petition to cancel a certificate
of candidacy lies with the Comelec in division, 1. Written or printed materials 8 ½ x 14
not with the Comelec en banc. inches
2. Handwritten or printed letters – no
Effect of disqualification case. Any candidate
specific dimensions
who has been declared by final judgment to be
3. Posters – 2x3 ft 3x8 are allowed in rally.
disqualified shall not be voted for, and the votes
4. Print ads – like written
cast for him shall not be counted. If for any
5. Broad sheets/tabloids – ¼ in the BS and
reason a candidate is not declared by final
½ tabloid
judgment before an election to be disqualified
6. Broadcast media – tv and radio
and he is voted for and receives the winning
number of votes in such election, the Court or Limits depend on position. For national – 120
Commission shall continue with the trial and mins for TV, 180 mins for radio
hearing of the action, inquiry or protest and,
upon motion of the complainant or any Local 60 tv, 90 radio
intervenor, may during the pendency thereof Prohibited forms of propaganda
order the suspension of the proclamation of
such candidate whenever the evidence of his (a) To print, publish, post or distribute any
guilt is strong. poster, pamphlet, circular, handbill, or printed
matter urging voters to vote for or against any
CAMPAIGN; ELECTION PROPAGANDA; candidate unless they bear the names and
CONTRIBUTIONS AND EXPENSES addresses of the printer and payor as required in
Election campaign or partisan political activity Section 84 hereof;
refers to an act designed to promote the election (b) To erect, put up, make use of, attach, float or
or defeat of a particular candidate or candidates display any billboard, tinplate-poster, balloons
to public office. and the like, of whatever size, shape, form or
It shall be unlawful for any person or any party kind, advertising for or against any candidate or
to engage in election campaign or partisan political party;
political activity except during the campaign (c) To purchase, manufacture, request,
period distribute or accept electoral propaganda
If done for the purpose of enhancing the chances gadgets, such as pens, lighters, fans of whatever
of aspirants for nomination for candidacy to a nature, flashlights, athletic goods or materials,
public office by a political party, etc., it shall not wallets, shirts, hats, bandanas, matches,
cigarettes and the like, except that campaign
supporters accompanying a candidate shall be



allowed to wear hats and/or shirts or T-shirts not legally enforceable, made for the purpose of
advertising a candidate; influencing the results of the elections but shall
not include services rendered without
(d) To show or display publicly any
compensation by individuals volunteering a
advertisement or propaganda for or against any
portion or all of their time in behalf of a
candidate by means of cinematography, audio-
candidate or political party. It shall also include
visual units or other screen projections except
the use of facilities voluntarily donated by other
telecasts which may be allowed as hereinafter
persons, the money value of which can be
provided; and
assessed based on the rates prevailing in the
(e) For any radio broadcasting or television area.
station to sell or give free of charge air time for
Prohibited contributions. - No contribution for
campaign and other political purposes except as
purposes of partisan political activity shall be
authorized in this Code under the rules and
made directly or indirectly by any of the
regulations promulgated by the Commission
pursuant thereto.
(a) Public or private financial institutions:
Any prohibited election propaganda gadget or
Provided, however, That nothing herein shall
advertisement shall be stopped, confiscated or
prevent the making of any loan to a candidate or
torn down by the representative of the
political party by any such public or private
Commission upon specific authority of the
financial institutions legally in the business of
lending money, and that the loan is made in
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX accordance with laws and regulations and in the
ordinary course of business;
Election surveys are allowed.
(b) Natural and juridical persons operating a
15 days before national, 7 days before local – it public utility or in possession of or exploiting any
is not allowed anymore. natural resources of the nation;
COMELEC should also be given space time (c) Natural and juridical persons who hold
Procure print space upon payment of just contracts or sub-contracts to supply the
compensation in at least 3 national newspapers. government or any of its divisions, subdivisions
For candidates. (for those especially who don’t or instrumentalities, with goods or services or to
have the capacity to pay) perform construction or other works;

COMELEC Time (d) Natural and juridical persons who have been
granted franchises, incentives, exemptions,
3 television networks allocations or similar privileges or concessions by
Each candidate should be given equal time the government or any of its divisions,
subdivisions or instrumentalities, including
Who may file a case: any taxpayer. government-owned or controlled corporations;
Electoral Contributions (e) Natural and juridical persons who, within one
year prior to the date of the election, have been
The term "contribution" includes a gift,
granted loans or other accommodations in
donation, subscription, loan, advance or deposit
excess of P100,000 by the government or any of
of money or anything of value, or a contract,
its divisions, subdivisions or instrumentalities
promise or agreement to contribute, whether or



including government-owned or controlled Limitations on expenses; lawful expenditures

a) For candidates: P10 for President and Vice
(f) Educational institutions which have received President; and for other candidates P3.00 for
grants of public funds amounting to no less than every voter currently registered in the
P100,000.00; constituency where he filed his certificate of
candidacy; Provided, that a candidate without
(g) Officials or employees in the Civil Service, or
any political party and without support from any
members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines;
political party may be allowed to spend P5.00 for
every such voter; and
(h) Foreigners and foreign corporations.
b) For political parties: P5.00 for every voter
Soliciting or receiving contributions from currently registered in the constituency or
foreign sources. - It shall be unlawful for any constituencies where it has official candidates.
person, including a political party or public or
Statement of contributions and expenses
private entity to solicit or receive, directly or
indirectly, any aid or contribution of whatever - File within 30 days after the day of
form or nature from any foreign national, election.
government or entity for the purposes of
Failure to file:
influencing the results of the election.
a. Prohibit the person from entering the
Prohibited raising of funds. - It shall be unlawful
duties of his office
for any person to hold dances, lotteries,
b. Administrative fines
cockfights, games, boxing bouts, bingo, beauty
contests, entertainments, or cinematographic, AUTOMATED ELECTIONS ACT
theatrical or other performances for the purpose
of raising funds for an election campaign or for Automated election system - a system using
the support of any candidate from the appropriate technology for voting and electronic
commencement of the election period up to and devices to count votes and canvass/consolidate
including election day; or for any person or results;
organization, whether civic or religious, directly • Concept of election transmission: to
or indirectly, to solicit and/or accept from any hasten the conduct of elections and the
candidate for public office, or from his campaign release of the results.
manager, agent or representative, or any person
acting in their behalf, any gift, food,
transportation, contribution or donation in cash - END -
or in kind from the commencement of the
election period up to and including election day;
Provided, That normal and customary religious
stipends, tithes, or collections on Sundays
and/or other designated collection days, are
excluded from this prohibition.



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