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Mystic of the Three Moons

D&D 3e (3.0/3.5) Rules

by Henrad

After the Chaos Wars, when the gods were thought to have been gone, mysticism
arrived. All mystics used the power within themselves to perform feats of divine
magic. Certain mystics focused their abilities into the realms of interests and
fields of study attributed to the former Gods of Magic.

Each of the three Gods of Magic, in addition to sponsoring their Orders of High
Sorcery, also embodies and encourages certain ideals. Solinari the White, believes
in using magic to protect (protection) and maintain vigilance(knowledge). Nuitari
the Black uses magic to control beings both alive (charm) and dead (necromancy).
Lunitari the Red, views magic through eyes of illusion (trickery) and freedom

When the gods returned, some mystics being radiated power in one of the Moon Gods
lesser realms of concern often found themselves being pulled by and drawn to the
Moons. Some have even unlocked previously unknown power of mysticism by focusing on
the ideals and core values of the individual God of Magic. These mystics became the
Mystics of the Three Moons.

Mystics of the Three Moons devote themselves to channeling the example of a God of
Magic to unlock new powers with in themselves. A mystic of Protection might use
Solinari's teachings as a path towards new found powers of protection. A mystic of
Liberation might use Lunitari's support of free will as an example of how to unlock
new personal power. A mystic of Charm might emulate Nuitari's beguiling nature in
order to coax new powers and abilities from his soul.

While no organization of Mystics of the Three Moons exist, mystic followers of the
same God of Magic have been known to cooperate. There numbers are small and have
thus far not drawn the attention of the Wizards of High Sorcery, nor the Citadel of
Light. Whether this is happenstance, or the will of the Gods of Magic is not known.

Mystics are the most likely to take the Mystic of the Three Moons prestige class.
Rogues, bards, masters and nobles are the most common multiclass option.
Mystic/sorcerers are rare in the extreme.
Hit Die: d6.

Base Save: Will +4

Skills: Concentration 9, Knowledge (arcana) 9, Knowledge (religion) 9, Spellcraft 9
Feats: any two metamagic or item creation feats.
Spellcasting: Able to spontaneously cast 3rd-level divine spells.
Patron: Solinari, Lunitari, Nuitari
Alignment: Dependent on Patron choice. (LG, NG, CG for Solinari; LN, N, CN for
Lunitari; LE, NE, CE for Nuitari)
Domain: Must have chosen Protection, Knowledge, Trickery, Liberation, Charm, or
Necromancy as 1st level domain choice.
Trait: Moonstruck
Class Skills

The Mystic of the Three Moons class skills are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int),
Decipher Script (Int), Knowledge (all) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device
(Cha). Additionally, a Mystic of the Three Moons gains one more class skill
dependent on her choice of patron deity. (see chart below).

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Mystic of the Three Moons prestige

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Mystic of the Three Moons gains no proficiency with
any weapon, armor, or shield.

Magic Domain(su): At 1st Level Mystics of the Three Moons gain the Magic Domain, as
a bonus domain.

Lesser Spell Choice: At 3rd level a Mystic of the Three Moon learns to harness the
Power of the Heart in new ways. Effectively her class list expands to include all
spells from the Wizard class list of level 2 or below. She may now choose any of
these spells whenever she gains a new spell known of an appropriate level. She can
also at the appropriate times (per the mystic class) swap an existing spell known
for a new one from this expanded list.The spell is cast as a divine spell and
Mystics of the Three Moon uses her Wisdom score for all spellcasting purposes.
Patron Deity Bonus Class Skill Bonus Domain
Solinari Sense Motive Abjuration, Divination
Lunitari Bluff Illusion, transmutation
Nuitari Intimidate Enchantment, necromancy

Bonus Spell Known: At 4th level a Mystic of the Three Moons gains a bonus spell
known. This spell must be at least one spell level below the highest she can
currently cast. A Mystic of the Three Moons gains this ability again at 7th and
10th level.

Trial of Magic: After obtaining 5th level and before obtaining 6th level. A Mystic
of the Three Moons must go through a Trial of Magic. A Trial of Magic is a week
long period of fasting, abstinence, purification, and meditation, culminating in a
ritualistic dance on the when her particular moon is at High Sanction. During this
week a Mystic may not perform any other function other than brief periods for sleep
and water consumption. At the height of the Trial, when her patron moon reaches its
zenith, the Mystic of the Three Moons complete an archaic ritual sacrificing at
least 5,000stp worth of precious stones. Followers of Solinari typically use pearls
and ivory. Lunitari's adherents usually receives rubies and garnets. Those who
honor Nuitari use onyx and/or black pearls.

If the mystic makes a DC 20 Knowledge (arcana) check followed by a DC 25 Knowledge

(religion) the Mystic of the Three Moons may continue to progress in the PrC. If
the mystic fails either check she may try again starting a new Trial of Magic the
next time her moon is in High Sanction (one lunar cycle later). The precious stones
are destroyed on a failed check. The character cannot take 20 on this check, but if
the mystic makes a DC 15 Concentration check, they may take 10 on both knowledge
checks. Mystics of the Three Moons who progress on to 6th level and beyond adopt
the name Pearl Mystic if a follower of Solinari, Ruby Mystic if a follower of
Lunitari, and Onyx Mystic if a devotee of Nuitari.

Spell Choice: At 6th level a Mystic of the Three Moon learns to harness the Power
of the Heart in new ways. Effectively her class list expands to include all spells
from the Wizard class of the schools his patron prefers (see chart below) up to 5th
level . She may now choose any of these spells as when ever she gains a new spell
known of an appropriate level. She can also at the appropriate times (per the
mystic class) swap an existing spell known for a new one from this expanded list.
The spell is cast as a divine spell and Mystic of the Three Moon uses her Wisdom
score for all spellcasting purposes.

Order Secret: Starting at 7th level, a Mystic of the Three Moon chooses an Order
Secret appropriate to her patron from the list available to members of the Wizard
of High Sorcery Prestige Class. This order secret functions exactly like it would
for a WoHS except that Intelligence is replaced with Wisdom for purposes of the
Order Secrets and that mystic levels are considered to be wizard levels and Mystic
of the Three Moon levels are considered to be WoHS levels where appropriate. A
Mystic of the Three Moon gains another order secret at 10th level.

Greater Spell Choice: At 9th level a Mystic of the Three Moon learns to harness the
Power of the Heart in new ways. Effectively her class list expands to include all
spells from the Wizard class of the schools his patron prefers (see chart below) up
to 7th level . She may now choose any of these spells as when ever she gains a new
spell know of an appropriate level. She can also at the appropriate times (per the
mystic class) swap an existing spell known for a new one from this expanded list.
The spell is cast as a divine spell and Mystic of the Three Moon uses her Wisdom
score for all spellcasting purposes.

Moon Magic: At 10th level a Mystic of the Three Moon has become so attuned with her
patron that she now feels the waxing and waning of her patron's moon. She gains the
Moon Magic ability from the WoHS prestige class.
Mystic of the Three Moons
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
Spells per Day
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Magic Domain -
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 - +1 level of existing class
3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Lesser spell choice +1 level of existing class
4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Bonus spell known +1 level of existing class
5th +2 +4 +1 +4 - +1 level of existing class
6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Spell choice +1 level of existing class
7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Order secret, bonus spell known +1 level of
existing class
8th +4 +6 +2 +6 - +1 level of existing class
9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Greater spell choice +1 level of existing class
10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Moon magic, order secret, bonus spell known -

* From Complete Divine

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