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Project Presentation
Online Bus Booking System

Submitted By

Barot Alok T. 13084231001

Dayani Yash K. 13084231033

M.Sc. (CA & IT) Semester-III

Internal Guided By
Amit B. Suthar

Submitted to
Department of Computer Science,
Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar - 384012
Group no:-07 1

Sr. No Title
1 Project Profile
2 Existing System
3 Need for New System
4 Function Specification
5 Hardware &Software Requirements
7 System Flowchart
8 Timeline Chart
9 E-R- Diagram
10 Use case Diagram
11 Activity Diagram
12 Class Diagram
13 Sequence Diagram
14 Collaboration Diagram
15 Data Dictionary
Sr. No Title
16 Input design
17 Out put design
18 Testing
19 Post implementation review
20 Future enhancement
21 Bibliography
Project title:- Online Bus Booking System

Objectives:- Customer can easy book their Tickets And Cancel

Choice and provide Information about Bus.

Front End Tool:- with c# Framework3.5

Back End Tool:- Sql Server 2005

Type Of Application:- Web Application

Internal Guide : Mr. Amit B. Suthar

Time Duration:- 90 days

Group no:- 07
Existing System
• The work is done manually.

• Those who are interested in inquiring about the Bus Type, its Tickets
Price, available seats, facility of the bus etc. has to walk to the
Booking office.

• This creates a huge Relief for the Customer of the Office on

weekends to save their time.
Need For New System

• A new system is helpful to both employees as well as the


• New system provides help to the customer as they can inquire

about the Bus model, its Ticket price, available Seats, facility of
the bus etc. and they don’t need to walk to the office.

• There is login and password service for employee and Regular

customers to use this system .

• This Project basically provides a Bus information and

regarding bus information .

• First of all, in our website any user or visitor are view our
system and also search the bus and how many seats are
available in our buses.

• user can also registered its own seats in bus this website .
User can post a comment on different Bus Services.
But user can compulsory registered first in the system.

• Search Bus category wise .


• In this system admin can maintain all the Bus information and
also maintain Bus category , comments etc.

• In this system admin can maintain the registered users ,

manage news ,and also admin can generates a reports and
manage the whole system .
Login Module includes various utilities like User
Authentication, Change Password and Forgot Password.

In this website provide a some facility user can Registered in
this website. user can use this facility so user can make a

Book the Ticket:

In this module admin can add new bus category using this
module. Bus Category contains like Volvo, Slipper coach, Ac
Coach etc.
Update Bus Information:
In this module admin can add or Update Bus using this module.
It contains the information about the Bus type , photo,
description, Location of tour, Available Seats in Bus etc.

Cancel the Booking Ticket:

In this Module User can Cancel the booking Ticket.

In this Module User can Post the Comment on a particular Bus .

Report Generation:
This module is used to generate a reports.
Hardware Requirement(Minimum)

 Minimum Server Requirement :

Processor 1 GHZ
Disk Space 10 GB Of Free Space

 Minimum Client Requirement :

Processor 2 GHZ
Disk Space 20 GB Of Free Space
Software Requirement(Minimum)
 Server Software Requirement :

Operating System Windows server 2003

Web Server IIS 6.0

Front End ASP.NET with c#

Back End SQL Server 2005

 Client Software Requirement :

Operating System Windows Xp or Any
equivalent OS
Web browser Internet Explorer 6.0 or
Any compatible Browser
System Flow Chart
System Flow Chart

View Website

no Registration
If Register ?



Valid UserId &


Is Admin ?



Update Bus Information

View Bus information

View Booking details

Book the Ticket

Receive Payment
Cancel the Booking
Manage comment

Post comment

Generate Reports

Log out

Timeline Chart

A 12 Preliminary Investigation
TI Req. Gathering & System Analysis
Y 18 System Designing

25 Coding

11 Testing

9 &

0 15 30 45 60 75 90
ER Diagram


Admin Book_id
1 1
1 M

View Manage Booking_Master

City M
Reg_id M Mobileno
M Manage Bus_Master Select
Feedback M
Bus_id price
1 1
Can User View
Use-case Diagram for Admin
Use-case Diagram for User
Activity Diagram for User
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagram for Admin
Sequence Diagram for User
Collaboration Diagram for Admin
Collaboration Diagram for User
Data Dictionary
Primary Key : Reg_id
Foreign Key : -
Description: The information about Registration of costumer

No Field Name Data type Constraint Description

1 Reg_id Int Primary Key It store Registration id.

2 First_Name Nvarchar(30) Not Null It store Customer First Name.

3 Last_Name Nvarchar(30) Not Null It store Customer Last name.
4 Email_id Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store the Email_id.

5 Address Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store customer Address.

6 City Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store customer city.

7 Pincode Nvarchar(6) Not Null It store customer Pincode.

8 ContactNo Numeric(10) Not Null It store customer Contactno

Primary Key : U_id

Foreign Key : ---
Description: The information about Login.

No Field Name Data type Constraint Description

1 u_id Int Primary Key It is store User ID

2 Username Nvarchar(30 ) Not Null It store Username.

3 Password Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store Password.

4 Type Nvarchar(10) Not Null It store Type of admin or user.

Primary Key : Book_id
Foreign Key : Reg_id , Bus_Id
Description: The information about Booking Ticket detail
No Field Name Data type Constraint Description

1 Book_id Int Primary Key It store Booking id

2 Reg_id Int Foreign Key Give references to Reg_master

3 Bus_id Int Foreign Key Give references to Bus_master

3 Fname Nvarchar(20) Not null It store First Name .

4 Lname Nvarchar(20) Not null It store Last Name

5 Email Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store E-mail id.

6 Contactno Numeric(10) Not Null It store Mobile no.

7 Address Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store customer Address.

8 City Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store City.

9 SeatNO Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store Bus seat no.

10 Date Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store Travelling date.


Primary Key : Bus_id

Foreign Key : -
Description: The information about Bus Ticket price.

No Field Name Data type Constraint Description

1 Bus_id Int Primary key It store Bus id.

2 BusNumber Nvarchar(20 ) Not null It store Bus Number.

3 BusType Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store Bus Type.

4 TotalSeat int Not Null It store Total Seat of Bus.

TABLE NAME :- Feedback

Primary Key : -F_id

Foreign Key : Reg_id
Description: The information about Feedback.

No Field Name Data type Constraint Description

1 F_id Int Primary Key It is store Feedback ID

2 Username Nvarchar(30) Not Null It is store Username

3 Feedback Nvarchar(30 ) Not Null It store Feedback.

4 Date Nvarchar(20) Not Null It store Date of given Feedback

Input output design
Home page

Description:- This is the Home page of user ,Admin and Visitor.

Visitor search page

Description:- in this page visitor serch the bus details

Login page

Description:- This is the login page for user and Admin

Login page

Description:- when user enter wrong password then the error occur.
Registration page

Description:- This is the the Registration page .

Reset Password page

Description:- User & Admin Forget Password Then Reset Password.

Admin side
Login page

Description:- This is the login page for Admin side and user side
Admin home page

Description:- This is the home page for Admin

Bus schedule

Description:- This is the Admin can Add bus schedule.

Add Bus

Description:- This is the Admin can Add Bus .

Pickup stand

Description:- This is the Admin can Add the pickup stand.

News update

Description:- This is the page news update by Admin.

Change password

Description:- Admin can change the password.

View user details

Description:- Admin can manage User details.

View feedback

Description:- Admin can manage feedback

View report

Description:- Admin can view report

User side
Home page for user

Description:- This is the Home page of user.

Change password page

Description:- Use can change the password.

Search bus page

Description:- user can search the bus and see time schedule .
Reservation page

Description:- user can select the seat and pickup stand.

Reservation confirm page

Description:- Reservation confirm page .

PayPal page

Description:- user conform ticket when user pay a payment via PayPal .
Ticket print

Description:- User can print the ticket

Feed back page

Description:- user can give feedback

Out put Design
Update password

Description :- Admin can update password

View report

Description :- Admin can view Bookreport

View report

Description - Admin can view registration report

Unit Testing:-

This is the testing process which we can do manually

because in this testing program is a tested individually using
dummy record to see whether that program produce satisfied
output as the company and validation also.
Validation Testing:-

In this requirements established as part of software

requirements analysisare validated against the software that
has been constructed. Validation testing provides
finalnAssurance that software meets all functional, behavioural
and performance requirements. Validation can be define in
many ways but a simple definition is that validation succeeds
when software Function in a manner that can be reasonably by
the customer.

1. Validation test criteria

2. Configuration review
3. Alpha and Beta testing(conducted by end user)
System Testing:-

System testing is actually a series different test whose

primary purpose is to full exercise the computer base system
.Where the software and other system elements are tested as
whole .To test computer software ,we spiral out along
streamlines that broadens the scope of testing with each turn.

The last higher-order testing step falls outside the

boundry of software Engineering and in to the broader context
of computer system engineering.Software,once validated,must
be combining with order system
Elements(e.g.hardware,people,databases).System testing
verifies that all the elements Mesh properly and that overall
system function/performance is achieved.

1.Recovery Testing
2.Security Testing
3.Stress Testing
Admin Cases:
Case ID Test case Expected Output Actual Output Pass/Fail Remarks

Login with proper details

01 Login Test Successfully Pass Good
and role.

Managing Manage information

02 successfully Pass Good
details properly stored

Add &update
Add &update Bus info
03 Bus successfully pass Good

Exception Proper error message

04 Not Successfully Fail Poor
Handling should display.

View tickets
05 booking View booking info properly Successfully pass Good

View Payment View payment request

06 successfully pass Good
information properly
Register Customer Test Cases:
Case ID Test case Expected Output Actual Output Pass/Fail Remarks

01 Login Test Login with proper details Successfully Pass Good

Register Proper Register with

02 Successfully Pass Good
Information exception handling

View bus
03 Proper Bus Information Successfully Pass Good

search Search information

04 Successfully Pass Good
information Properly

Book Ticket Book bus tickets

05 Successfully Pass Good
Information Properly
Post Implementation Review

After the system is implemented and conversion is

completed a review of system is usually conducted by user and
analyst. This is called post implementation review.

The most fundamental concern post implementation

review to determining whether the system has met its
objective; that is analysts want to know if the performance the
performance level of improved and if the system is producing
the result intended .If neither is happening ,one may question
whether the system can be considered successful

The new system needs less manpower, provide facility

for Book Tickets and Latest News for bus information.
Future Enhancement

We think that not a single project is ever considered as

complete forever.Because our mind is always thinking
something new and our necessities also are growing day by
day.We always want something more than what we have.Our
application also ,
If you see at the first glance then you find it to
be complete but we want to make it still mature and fully
The future perspective of our project can
linking our booking system with other centralized bus services
so that user has an ease of booking and travelling. Other then
this for long route journeys food facility and its variety can be
With the use of GPS every traveler can get advance map of
route to be followed during journey.
Making a mobile app for the user is also a first
step development.

During the development of our system, we have taken the

reference from Books and journals, which we would like to
mention in this section.
These books acted as our tutors during the system

•ASP.NET UNLEASHED Stephen Walther

• ASP.NET WITH C# Shyam N. Chawda

Besides these we were referring the online manuals from the sites.

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