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GROUP MEMBERS: Joshua Mutinda DWE 020/11

David Muranga DWE 002/11

Simon Munene DWE 054/11

Mike Ochieng DWE 035/11

Joseph Mwangangi DWE 059/10

Charles Kingori DWE/018/11

Juspar Kiprono DWE/006/11

Anthony Ireri DWE/019/11

Grace Kabucho DWE/036/11





Business Plan 2013 i


We declare that the project is our original work for the purpose of partial fulfillment of award of

Diploma in Water Engineering.


Business Plan 2013 ii

We wish to acknowledge and appreciate those who helped us to write this business plan. First

and foremost we thank almighty God for life and health, classmates for motivation, our parents

for financial support, and finally our supervisor.

Business Plan 2013 iii


The Jibana Building Construction Company Business is an enterprise that wants to involve itself

in building residential houses and other types of house for people usage, the business realized

that many people were in such of residential house which were affordable and modern.

The enterprise plans to build houses which will be affordable by all people from different walks

of life. This houses includes

 Low class houses

 Middle class houses

 High class houses

The business will have a good market share since it intends to have modern houses which are

affordable to all

This will be will be supported by the organization and the management team that has been put

into place. Its operation and production are also well organized to ensure that the business do not

suffer in future maybe by running out of products and If the issue is finances business tends to

use the entrepreneurs savings loans and many more sources

The business has also mechanisms to use in order to overcome any kind of risks that may arise

during its operation

Business Plan 2013 iv

We dedicate this project to our parents for their financial and moral support.

Not forgetting our colleagues who through their togetherness and encouragement have lead to

completion of this business plan. Mr. Kihara, the lecturer for his total cooperation and

guidelines throughout.

Business Plan 2013 v

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.0 Sponsor..................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Business name.......................................................................................................................1
1.2 Mission statement..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Business location...................................................................................................................2
1.4 Form of Business Ownership.................................................................................................2
1.5 Type of Business....................................................................................................................3
1.6 Products and services.............................................................................................................3
1.7 Justification of the Business Opportunities...........................................................................3
1.8 The industry...........................................................................................................................4
1.9 Business Objectives Mission and Visions.............................................................................9
1.10 Internal assessment............................................................................................................10
1.11 Growth and Entry Strategy................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................12
2.0 Marketing Objectives...........................................................................................................12
2.2 Target Customer..................................................................................................................12
2.3 Market Share........................................................................................................................13
2.4 Advertisement and Promotion Strategies............................................................................14
2.5 Pricing..................................................................................................................................15
2.6 Sale tactics...........................................................................................................................17
2.7 Distribution..........................................................................................................................17
2.8 Customer service.................................................................................................................17
2.9 Duties and Responsibility....................................................................................................19
2.10 Recruitment........................................................................................................................20
2.11 Training..............................................................................................................................20

Business Plan 2013 vi

2.12 Promotion.........................................................................................................................21
2.13 Remuneration and incentives.............................................................................................21
2.14 License and permits..........................................................................................................23
2.15 Supportive services............................................................................................................23
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................25
3.0 PRODUCTION AND OPERATION PLANNING.............................................................25
3.1 Production Objectives..........................................................................................................25
3.2 Production Facilities and Capacity......................................................................................25
3.3 Production strategy..............................................................................................................27
3.4 Monthly Overhead Expenses...............................................................................................28
3.5 Production process...............................................................................................................28
3.6 Regulations Affecting Operations.......................................................................................29
3.7 Operation table/production schedule...................................................................................29
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................30
4.0 FINANCIAL........................................................................................................................30
4.0.2 Working capital................................................................................................................32
4.1 Project Income Instatement.................................................................................................33
4.2 Projected statement of financial position.............................................................................34
CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................36
5.1 RISK MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................36
5.2 Definition of Risk................................................................................................................36
5.3 Risk Management Stages.....................................................................................................36
5.3.1 Risk Identification............................................................................................................36
5.3.2 Risk evaluation.............................................................................................................36
5.4 Types of Risk.......................................................................................................................37
5.4.1 Financial risks...............................................................................................................37
5.5 How to Handle Risk.............................................................................................................38

Business Plan 2013 vii


1.0 Sponsor
Every business has the owner and the owner of the Jibana Building Construction Company is a

partnership between several members holding various qualifications in this field and experience

in estate designing and house planning.

1.1 Business name

The business name is Jibana Building Construction Company. This is because the company will

focus on a lot of construction in residential houses. The companies address is;

Jibana Building Construction Company

P.O Box 8222-00300


Telephone 0711759925

1.2 Mission statement

The business mission statement is standard houses for harmonious living. The company wants its

customers to have modern houses to live in and that’s why it came up with such a mission

1.3 Business location
This business is located along Uthiru near Kangemi Market.

The main reasons and factors that enhanced the location of the business are;

1. The security in the area is impressing due to the police station around

2. The roads are well built hence less traffic jam

3. The place is accessible by students from Kabete Campus

1.4 Form of Business Ownership

The Jibana Building Construction Company is owned up by 10 people forming a private limited

company which will enable the business to enjoy the following advantages in addition to limited

liability. The private limited company/business will enjoy tax advantages in addition to limited


The business will pay corporation tax on its taxable profits and tend to be exempt from higher

personnel income tax rates. The business will enjoy permanent succession because the business

is its own legal entity.

The employees and shareholders acts agents of the company and therefore do not affect the

company if they leave

In case of death or resignation the business article of association allocates the shares to the

remaining members

Business Plan 2013 2

1.5 Type of Business
The type of business is real estate. Under this business the construction of residential houses is

carried out for all types of people. The type of houses constructed are categorized into three


 Low class houses

 Middle class houses

 High class houses

1.6 Products and services

The main product in this kind of business is building all kind of houses ranging from residential

houses to social halls. The houses will be affordable to all people from different walks of people.

This includes low, middle and high class houses, the product will be for renting also for

purchasing according to the demand of the client.

The company will offer some services to the customers to show hospitality and also as a way of

showing gratitude to the customers for choosing our products/houses. The services will include;

Free transport-this will happen when they relocate to our houses.

Garget installation

1.7 Justification of the Business Opportunities

The main reason that led to implementation of this business is because there is high demand of

residential houses all over the country. Many people think ready built houses are easy to own as

compared to building one for you. This thought or perception made the company to come up

with the construction business. The aim of the business is to make and provide the customers

Business Plan 2013 3

with modern houses which are affordable and safe for their living. This is done by making sure

the company builds houses which are affordable to different kind of people from different walk

of life and also by making sure that the houses built are strong enough to withstand any kind of


1.8 The industry

The Jibana Building Construction Company falls under construction industry

Size of industry

The business is a fast growing sector, each day the growth is escalating due to high demands of

settlement for people all over the world. In the country the demand is the same as compared to

other parts of the country and the world at large. this industry is wide to the extent of covering all

real estate categories including single and multifamily residential dwellings commercial

dwellings, industrial and agricultural, land offices space, go-downs and ware houses, retail

outlets and shopping centers. Nairobi alone has more than 1753 farms as compared to almost

5376 farms all over the country.

The number in the region *100

Total number

1753 X100 =33%


According to the survey the industry is growing rapidly due to high demands of residential


Business Plan 2013 4

The Industrial Trends and Prospect

Kenya is the most developed country in east Africa region and the middle class is growing

rapidly creating opportunities for housing. Business in tourism has increased significantly in

Kenya creating the need for more accommodation facilities. These are a need for investment in

affordable hotel. Accommodation facilitates that are up to standard with the rest of the world.

Low cost project remains the eternal gap in the market as potential demand is huge. However

due to the absence of good infrastructure in many parts of the country the costs and therefore sale

prices of this projects are such that the homes are not really affordable for the target market.

The security issues also have created difficulties in leaving in some areas of the country due to

fears of attacks.

Technology has been a great challenge to the real estate sector too, technology is dynamic and as

we know it changes within a very short time as a matter of fact this technology has kept sector on

its toes since the sector is left with no choice but to change with the technology though it is very

expensive to go by.

Despite this technology having its demerits it has its merits too. It has propelled the sector to

great heights in terms of service rendering and products producing. According to the statistics

and if the statistic is something to go by then I can say the real estate sector has been growing

from year to year. Many forms have been created in Nairobi and in other parts of the country

giving the sector the privilege of being among the sectors that are rapidly growing in the country.

Business Plan 2013 5

In provinces in which real estate investments are situated, the survey shows that Nairobi has the

most popular investment destination having 43%companies while north eastern has the least

count of 1%the chart below illustrates this

r e a l e s t a t e f ir m s in e a c h c o u n t y

0 .9 , 1 %
1 0 .2 ,
10% n a ir o b i

r if t v a lle y
1 6 .7 ,
17% 4 2 .6 , c e n tra l
42% w e s te rn


coas t
4 .6 , 5 %
e a s te rn
3 .7 , 4 % n o rth e rn
e a s te rn
9 .3 , 9 %

This pie chart shows how the number of real estate companies are distributed all over the country

especially in the eight provinces. Among the 8 provinces Nairobi is the biggest with the number

of the real estate farm being 42.6% followed by coast which has 16.7% Central12% Eastern

10.2% Rift valley 9.3% Nyanza 4.6% Western 3.7% and finally 0.9 north eastern.

Business Plan 2013 6

r e a l e s ta te g r o w th r a te in k e n y a
fro m 2 0 0 8 to 2 0 1 2

30 fifth ye a r
fo u rth ye a r
25 50
th ire d ye a r
20 40 s e c o n d ye a r
15 30 firs t ye a r

10 20
5 10
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

The curve above shows that the farm is growing by at least 10% each year e.g. in 2008 the

business registered a growth of 10 percent. The curve shows the growth rate

Business Plan 2013 7

Key Characteristics of the Industry

Anyone setting up a company needs to start by investing money in the project you need to find

out how much you need to invest by planning capital requirement and that is what is the business

is putting much attention on as it prepares to venture into the market

Capital requirement is a key plan especially if the business is planning to or needs to apply for

government or assistance or for a bank loan. Real Estate Construction industry is planning to get

some of its funds from bank loans and government and that is why it has to do a lot of thorough

planning of the capital

The following are the cost which might accrue during the business preparation for the lunch

1) Consultancy costs

2) Notaries fee

3) Operational expenses for goods

4) Vehicle and offices expenses

5) Machines and buildings cost

6) Staff salary

Fixed costs- they are costs that you will incur in the operation whether you are creating the profit

or not they include;

Insurances, loans payment and lease or rent payment equipments inventory and owner income

are also included

Business Plan 2013 8

The business will incur variable costs-they are substantially from month to month and are based

on the usage, they include advertising delivering and shipping charges also utilities and

employment ways are included

1.9 Business Objectives Mission and Visions

Every company or business has objectives, mission and visions which helps the business to be

focused and have goals to achieve .objectives helps the company to move on track and it is easy

for the company to assess its success as per the achievement it has made


The business objective is to built a lot of residential and a social halls unto 40% 2013 by making

the house affordable and modern

The enterprise will strive employment opportunity to the owner and other members of the

community who will need work


To complete a quarter of the business intended project within the first 1 year to asses


To improve the number and quality of residential houses in the region

To built different types of houses that are affordable to its customers


To be the best company that can create and design attractive homes to our customers. This is by

having the best engineers and designers who are experienced to do the jobs

Business Plan 2013 9


The business wants to expand regionally and make itself popular in east Africa by marketing it

and building houses that are standard and modern

1.10 Internal assessment

I. Strength

The location where the business is taking place has good climatic history. It is not dry neither is

to wet, it is accessible with both electricity and water

The security is good since it is located near the police station

The technology has also boosted the project by making it simple and easy to be done.

The project has available market

II. Weakness

The big challenge facing the project is capital; capital is limited due to many requirements

involved in starting up the project also the limited human resources acts as a barrier to the

accomplishment of the project.

III. Opportunities

The project has numerous opportunities since it is entitled to expansion with the rising demands

of residential houses.

The government has also thrown weight behind the sector by encouraging the industry to

continue with its project

Business Plan 2013 10

IV. Threats

The field has numerous people and companies who bring about a lot of competition. This

competition can range from the quality of products to the price of the product

This has pushed many companies to deep dip into their pockets in order to attract the attention of

the customer and remain top.

1.11 Growth and Entry Strategy

Entry strategy

Entry strategy is very important for any business which wan to venture into the market, the

strategy helps the developer to have some tactics that will guide him in monitoring how the

business is doing and how to enter the market the enterprise will begin operating in the month of

January 2013.this are some of the business strategies

The advertising methods during this period and other subsequent periods will be through posters,

stickers, journals and use of employees and customers as sales representatives


For an enterprise to expand there must be growth in the business. A business is termed successful

when it grows in terms of size and profit income

Business Plan 2013 11


2.0 Marketing Objectives

Jibana Building Construction Company will have many customers to sell its products to. The

business is targeting the customers around the location and others from far. The houses built

along the Uthiru are targeting customers from Kabete Campus. This are students who are the

country or outside the country and want to reside around the university area

The business is expected to hold a market share of 15%initially but his is expected to rise to

25%as operations and construction continues.

Jibana Building Construction Company Construction Industry will rely on the use of radios

television set, magazines and stickers as well as billboards and newspapers to have a big market

share. It is interested to note that both locals and international media will be used to advertise for

the presence of our products

The business will strive to have a competitive pricing system whereby only high and moderate

prices will be offered to the customers, the business will ensure this by making sure it deals with

the customers directly without using middlemen

2.2 Target Customer

The business will have both commercial and individual and as a matter of facts the Jibana

Building Construction Company estate plans to build low, middle and high class houses,

conferences hall, and many more types of houses. The business decided to do business with both

individuals and commercials so that no one should feel left out; this will also increase the market

share of the business. if the enterprise serves a number of customers in the forms of individual

,groups of individuals institution government departments and other social organization

Business Plan 2013 12

2.3 Market Share
The business intention is to grow by 15% and later to have an increase in market share of up to

25%.despite all this plans the business has got a lot of competition. the competitions are both

from within the region and outside the region


The following enterprises will be expected to compete alongside Jibana Building Construction

Company Construction Company

1. Shah and sons Construction Company

This is a construction company situated next to Kabete Campus . It was opened in the year 2010

and has been in operation for quite some time now. it offers high quality products and services

and has expertise management who are capable of making sound decisions. it has the most

modern machines and equipments for construction

2. Classic Homes Company

This construction company is situated along think road it is famous and therefore has a lot of

market and labor force it has been in operation for over five years. Though it is famous the

enterprise charges are very high and their products are of high quality

3. Patel house dealers

The company is owned by patels family. It does not build any houses but offers services in

repairing a doing other house related productions. It has a very special financial base and has

large and loyal customers who are ready to abide by its standards of operation .it offers moderate

prices for its services but suffers from employee dissatisfaction credibility

Business Plan 2013 13

Competition analysis table

Competitor strength weakness

Patel house dealers  They have special  They suffer the

finance base weakness of

 The have loyal
 Their products are

of moderate prices

Shah and sons construction  Offers quality  It have poor

products customer and public

 Good expertise


 It has all the

modern equipments

2.4 Advertisement and Promotion Strategies

Advertising is trying to persuade people to buy a product or a service by announcing on the

internet, on the television and in news papers. The business needs to be advertised to attract the

customers and to be recognized by the public which help the business to be much known to


The Jibana Building Construction Company will use a host of media to advertise and promote its

products and services to the customers. The use of a radio as mean of advertising and promotion

Business Plan 2013 14

will be of great use to the company. Both the locals and international broadcasting Medias will

be asked to assist in the advertising and promoting the activities of the business.

The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), the citizen radio station and the nation radio station

will be used. Also the use of newspaper and magazines will be maximized in advertising and

promoting the products of the business. The specific newspapers that the enterprise intends to

use are; the standard, the daily nation and the parents magazine

Posters stickers and letters will be also used to advertise the goods and services of Jibana

Building Construction Company. The posters will be printed and posted at all strategic points in

Nairobi town and other places.

On other hand the stickers will also be produced and distributed to as many vehicles as possible,

the car owners will have them free of charge.

Promotion- This is a process of attracting people’s attention to your event, product etc

It can be done through reduction of prices or giving free product after the customer has bought

either one or more products

2.5 Pricing
At the beginning of the business operations the business will have to operate with normal prices

despite the high start up costs and operation

The nature of the pricing will depend on fundamental business factors, the cost of service, the

quality of the product and services and the nature of product to be solved will be the main

determinants. With high cost of services and products the price might be forced to hike, while

with the low price of the product the price will be low

Business Plan 2013 15

The market price at which the goals and services are currently charged will also be another

determinant that is if the products in the market are expensive then the price will rise but if the

prices of the product are low then the price will lower

The table 2.1 below is for price list of individual customers

Products Price per product (ksh)

Single room 3500

Self contained house 5000

Family living house 11500

Social hall 20000

Table 2.1 The price able for commercial customers

Product price Discount % Price per product(ksh)

Social hall 20000 20% (80*20000) / 100=1600

Single rooms 3500 10% (90*3500) / 100=3150

Self contained 5000 25% (75*5000) / 100=3750

Family house 11500 30% (70*11500) /100=8050

2.6 Sale tactics

The business will use a host of instrument to sell itself and its products

There will be advertisement placed in newspapers journals and poster. In addition the employees

and customers will be used as sales representatives. The enterprise will also engage a public

relation firms as means of promoting its activities and familiarizing itself with the public

Business Plan 2013 16

The use of stickers and other publications to sell the business and its product will be undertaken

as a very large scale. Therefore inured to sell itself and the products Jibana Building

Construction Company will use advertisements personal selling and public relation and also


2.7 Distribution
In order to deal with its customers properly, the business will try to deal directly with customers.

This means there will be no middlemen to connect the business with the customers. This kind of

strategy will ensure direct assessment of the needs and aspirations of the customers by the

proprietor. As well it has the potential to limit communication expenses and other core problems

associated with consumers’ relationship management

The business will encourage scenario where customers are free to contact the owner at any time

and vice versa.

2.8 Customer service

The business intends to attract its customers by providing quality products better than those of

our competitors. We shall advertise our services and products to make the well known to


Customers will be given different services ranging from house repair, free delivery of their goods

to their new homes and also installation of their home applications will be done free of charge.

The management team will consist of the general manager marketing managers and chief

engineer manager they will ensure all their departments are in order and running efficiently as

required to enable smooth operation of the business activities

This management team will be highlighted as

Business Plan 2013 17

1. General Manager

2. Marketing manager

3. Chief engineer manager

Business Plan 2013 18

2.9 Duties and Responsibility
Job title Qualification Duties Responsibility

General  Holder of degree in civil  To evaluate employees  Provides funds for

manager engineering and Business  He controls and running business
Administration oversees all the business  He manages the affairs
 Proper knowledge to make activities of the business
sound decision  He undertakes all  Evaluates the business
 Should have general matters to do with the growth and
business management skills administration performance
 Should be of age 30 and  Organizes and
above coordinates the
operation of the

Chief  Should have a degree in  To come up with best  Assigning work to

engineer both construction engineer designs and plans other employees
and information  Ensure the products of  He will be inspecting
communication technology the company are up to the projects started by
from a recognized required standard the business for safety
university in Kenya reasons
 Should have ability to  He will also be
make complex decision expected to inspect his
 Should be of age 25 and junior engineers

architectur  Holder of diploma in  Drawing well designed  Can undertake any

e drawings and designs house plans other duty as many be
 2 years working experience  Explaining all the assigned
 Ability to work long hours drawing details to the  Be able to cope with all
 Can draw 2-3 plans a day aimed patties kinds of drawings and
 Shaping drawings into designs demanded by
different sizes and his employees

Marketing  Holder of a diploma in  Planning the enterprises  Communicating with

manager sales and marketing operations and activities the customers
 Publicizing the
business products

Land - Diploma in civil engineering

- Advertise the company on - Undertakes the services
surveyor the sites of construction of repair and maintenance
- Three years experience of the land
- Check whether the site has
- Ability to attend and work all the important features for
long hours construction he inspects the

Business Plan 2013 19


constructor - Should have 6 months of - Commitment during - To carry out the work as
experience working hours provided by your seniors
- Ability to work for long hours

2.10 Recruitment
This is the process to get someone to work in the company or join an organization

The function of recruitment at the centre will be undertaken by the manager with the assistance

of the marketing manager, the potential candidates will have to be identified and then contacted

through either the existing employees, customers or the advertisement

The reasons we use advertisement is because it is

1) Cheap. It is not costly as compared to other methods

2) It is popular-the adverts are accessed by many people

3) It can take long before it gets invalid. Depending on the customer

The candidates will then be invited for selection where the testing method will be the most

preferred means

The management of the enterprise will have to get employees from existing construction firms

around and outside the region that will have had the experience needed to work effectively .these

will then be converted to proper workers with the very great perquisites that can make them work

t the center

2.11 Training
Training is the process of teaching someone to do a particular job or activity
Business Plan 2013 20
The enterprise will offer short courses for the employees and other stake holders who may be in

need of the information about the various features in our firm

Specifically the employees will be encouraged to undertake courses in construction machine

maintenance and embracing of the new technology in the construction sectors and workshop

management practices

2.12 Promotion
Promotion is a process of attracting people’s attention to an event

All the positions with the exception of the general manager will be held on temporary basis. This

therefore means that promotion opportunities for all the employees

In this regard the enterprise will strive to make the employees conformed through the use of

other means and instruments like providing meaningful work, allowing the employees the

freedom to undertake their own activities without unnecessary hindrance

2.13 Remuneration and incentives

2.13.1 Remuneration

Is increasing the employee’s salary to improve their working morale

There will be straight salary of all in the position of the employees in the business; the skills

being possessed by the employee and the nature of duties undertaken by the employee at any

single time in the workplace

For instance the chief engineer will earn more than all other employees, by this position of being

second in the business hierarchy, while the constructors will earn less than any other employees

in the center.

Business Plan 2013 21

2.13.2 Incentives

In attempts to improve the performance of employees, the business will install a range of

strategies. There will be a piece work system of servicing whereby the employees will be

enumerated according to the piece of work they produced within a given rate of payment

The profits and other gains made by the centre will also be shared between the manager and the

other employees

The various welfare services and other benefits will equally be provided by the business in

pursuit of the comfort of its employees. The employees will also be given the chances to

participate in the decision making process within the business. This will likely inspire the

performance of the employees in terms of productivity efficiency and effectiveness.

Category of Basic salary Allowances Total

employee remunerations

General manager 100,000 20,000 120,000

Chief engineer 85,000 20,000 105,000

architectures 70,000 15,000 85,000

Marketing manager 70,000 10,000 80,000

Land surveyor 70,000 10,000 80,000

instructor 50,000 8,000 58,000

constructor 20,500 5,000 30,000

Business Plan 2013 22

2.14 License and permits
Before the beginning of its operation the enterprise will quire the permit from the Ministry of

Trade and a license from the City Council of Nairobi.

These documents will be renewed when required, for instance by laws of the city council in

regards to working hours, hours will have to be adhered to and worked upon as the basis on

which the operation of the business will be enhanced.

Waste disposal by laws as formulated by the city council of equally determine the operation of

the enterprise.

2.15 Supportive services

In its operations the business will need several services so as to effectively undertake its key and

subsidiary objectives

The following services will be sourced from outside firms

2.15.1 Banking services

These will be needed to keep excess funds and advices on the best way of undertaking future


The enterprise will be in liaison with the Kenya commercial bank

Coop Bank,

P.o Box 7789, Nairobi.

Tom mboya avenue branch

Telephone 0720345555

Business Plan 2013 23

2.15.2 Insurance services

The business will have to source for insurance services from the Madison insurance company,

Nairobi branch. both the business premises products and personnel will be in insured against any

risks or dangers

Madison insurance co.

P.o Box 0007211,


Telephone 0012770774


2.15.3 Legal services

The business will have to prepare legal document and at time seek to be represented in a court
when there is a case of whatever nature especially when entering into business contracts, the
finer details required in the execution of contractual obligations and the consequences associated
with the non compliances of work with Rotich and company advocates that will help it transact
its business in the region
Rotich and company

P.o Box 459980


Telephone; 0722613791


Business Plan 2013 24



3.1 Production Objectives

Jibana Building Construction Company has some objectives related to producing products

First the business has a plan to produce more goods or products as compared to the customers

demand. The business also has a plan to build houses that can withstand any kind of catastrophe.

This includes earthquakes and thunderstorms. The main reason to build such strong houses is to

ensure our customers are safe in all kinds of weather an avoiding any fatal case of the above to


3.2 Production Facilities and Capacity

Facilities will be provided in abundant to enable smooth running of the business. The business is

also planning to offer facilities for young children and people with special needs and many more.

By doing so Jibana Building Construction Company will be more famous and considered to be

serving every member of the community or people from different walks of life irrespective of

their disabilities ,status and gender.

Business Plan 2013 25

Bill of Quantity

items quantity description Supplier Unit price Total cost

Bricks and 200 lorries No 1 Block miners 50 000 10,000 000


Building 150 piles any Insulator 5000 750000

insulations manufactures

Plywood 115 piles Wood Woodcutters 500 57500


Switches 300 sachets Smart switch 50 15000

Metal 20 tins Metal care 200 4000


Electric 500 meters any Any 45 22500


metals 700 rods 150 105000

Structural 200 pieces any Any 50 20000


Wood 15 tins Kingston 30 450

finishing finisher

Plastic 200 pipes teepee Teepee 70 14000

pipes and

fire stop

aggregates 25 lorries any Any 10000 250000

sandstone 15 lorries 7000 105 000

Window 700 Jua kali 200 140000

Business Plan 2013 26

frames framers

cement 100 bags Bamburi 500 50000


3.3 Production strategy

The production strategy will be put in place to make sure the business does not run out of

products or stock. The strategy will be effective as soon as the business products are introduces

into the market

To make sure the stock lasts ,Jibana Building Construction Company will ensure construction of

all sorts of houses will be taking place everyday as long as our products are having a good share

in the market and attractive to the customers all over

Jibana Building Construction Company will also buy more land to make sure it has enough sites

of construction in future. This will prevent the business from reducing its pace of construction of

houses due to lack of enough land

3.4 Monthly Overhead Expenses

item Monthly cost
water 12,000

electricity 27,000

security 10,000

Garbage collectors 2,000

internet 7,000

DSTV 8,400

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maintenance 5,000

Total 134,400

3.5 Production process

The product production will be carried out only after the product has been well analyzed by the

business analyzing team and have met the required standard to be now introduced to the market.

The production process itself shows how our products are being processed these are the houses

that will be taking a period of 7 months to be built and 3 months to do all the required finishing

before they are ready to be used by the customer both for renting and buying process .this

includes safety measures.

3.6 Regulations Affecting Operations

The servicing and operation function at the Jibana Building Construction Company will be

affected or constrained by a number of factors which will comprise of a

3.7 Operation table/production schedule

activity When to be Who is to do What to be Duration of

done it done the action

Recruitment of It will be done manager Interview short 2 weeks

the staff after six listing


Training It will be Civil engineer Learning the 2 weeks

taking place new

after every 2 technology

Business Plan 2013 28



Jibana Building Construction Company will have to draw up financial statements after every

year end. The statistic from this financial document will be of help especially when the business

wants to determine the effectiveness of the business operations. The profit obtained from the

business operation will be invested in other more important activities for the benefit of the owner

and others in the business

In addition the most important areas will be much more looked into and these are significant

documents to be constructed after every trading period, they include balance sheets income

statement working capital and cash flows among other

4.0.1 Pre-operation cost

Business Plan 2013 29

Items Cost

Business registration 30000

License fee 25000

Electricity connection 30000

Water installation 10000

Machines and equipments 1000000

Feasibility analysis fee 50000

Stationary 15000

Traveling and transport 27000

Communication 7000

Fixed assets and acquisition 700000

Repairs and maintenance 19000

Office computer 150000

Office stamps 320

Reception seats 38000

Tractors 3700000

Security 16000

Insurance 20000

Salary and wages 400000

Padlocks 16000

Total 5 005 768 920

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4.0.2 Working capital

items 1st year 2nd year (4%) 3rd year (6%)

Stock 500000 52000 530400

Debtors 200000 208000 212000

Cash at bank 1000000 1040000 106000

Cash in hand 100000 104000 106080

Prepayment 20000 20800 21216

Total current 1820000 1892800 1930496

4.1 Project Income Instatement

IN (2013-2014-2015)
For the year ending 31st

items 1st year 2013 2nd year 2014 3rd year 2015
Sales 7000 890 10000990 15000000

Business Plan 2013 31

Cost of sales 3000043 6874992 4010735

Gross profit 4000847 3125998 10989265

Salary and wages 500000 600000 630000

Water 100000 100000 100000

Electricity 360000 360000 360000

Insurance 240000 240000 240000

Communication 84000 84000 84000

Repair and maintenance 228000 228000 228000

Transport 324000 200000 300000

Stationery 18000 180000 180000

Total overhead expenses 1516000 1392000 1492000

Net profit 2484847 1733998 9497265

4.2 Projected statement of financial position

Jibana Building Construction Company projected statement of financial position as at year

1, year 2, and year 3.

1st year 2nd year 3rd year

Fixed assets

Premises 10000900 23635520 47691339

Vehicles and tractors 50000112 6977100 200100000

Business Plan 2013 32

Machinery 73000000 100000000 110000

Current assets 133001012 130612620 247901339

Stock 500000 520000 530000

Debtors 200000 208000 212000

Cash at hand 1010000 900000 200000

Cash at bank 50000000 60000000 79000000

Total assets 51710000 61628000 799420000

Current liabilities

Trade creditors 900000 30000 70000

Bank overdraft 1000000 700000 1500000

Long term liabilities

Long term loan 110000000 70000000 99000000

Owner contribution 273000000 150000000 350000000

Total liability 384900000 220730000 449000000

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This is the identification assessment and prioritization of the risks. It aims to generate ideas and

promote good practice for the betterment of the business and managing risks through the

exchange of information

5.2 Definition of Risk

It is also known as hazard perit, jeopardy, danger, venture chances. Risk is a situation involving

exposure to danger. It can also be defined as a probability or threat of damage, liability loss or

other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerability

5.3 Risk Management Stages

5.3.1 Risk Identification

Here the business risks are identified. In Jibana Building Construction Company some of the

most feared risks are earthquake, building collapsing and many more

5.3.2 Risk evaluation

Risk evaluation is concerned with assessing probability and impact of individual risks taking into

account any factors outside the immediate scope under investigation

In Jibana Building Construction Company there is probability that some risks may arise.

probability is the evaluated likelihood of particular outcome actually happening including a

consideration of the frequency with which the outcome may arises for example major damage to

building is relatively unlikely to happen but would have enormous impact on business continuity.

Business Plan 2013 35

5.3.3 Choosing device of handling

Risks are many and occur differently however there are some devices that can be used to handle

the risks when they occur

Jibana Building Construction Company business will ensure the following things are put into

consideration to avoid risks

All construction will be provided with helmet for protection in case of bricks failings

Strong functions will be put in place to withstand earthquake

Fire extinguisher will be provided in the buildings incase of inferno

Emerging exit will be availing incase of any pending danger

5.4 Types of Risk

5.4.1 Financial risks

Financial support is very crucial to any business to function however lack of it can cause the

business to fail drastically and stop functioning.

Debts can also cause the business fail since the business needs many top function and when debts

are incurred it means there is no many and businesses don’t run in absence of money to cater for

its expenses

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5.4.2 Economic Risk

Economy is crucial for a business to function regarded that in real estate materials price do

change with economy changes. The business will face risks in terms of economy when there is

inflation, this may affect the budget and plans of the business to carry out its activity.

5.5 How to Handle Risk

Jibana Building Construction Company will put in place mechanism to overcome this risk. In

terms of financial risks the business will put in place some measures to make sure it gets its

financial plans in order through;

a) Borrowing loans from banks

b) Using the savings to boost the business

c) Contribution from friends

To overcome economic risks the business ensure that

a) Its budget is not fixed

b) It will purchase many of its material to avoid later rush when there is inflation

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