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Load Balancing in TrueSight OM

Sayan Banerjee
Lead Product Developer
Platinum Engineering
Date 27th February 2019

Ø Why and What is Load balancing

Ø Types of load balancing
Ø Advantages of load balancing
Ø Configuring Load Balancing in TSOM environment
Ø Questions
Why use Load Balancing?
• The enterprise server or the related website gets multiple hits on daily basis within short period
of time

• Makes the application heavy and on the verge of getting performance impacted.

• Wise idea to distribute the load across multiple servers in these kind of scenarios.

• The load balancer will actually distribute this load across multiple servers so that one single
server does not get heavily impacted.

• Ensures reliability , availability and efficiency of the application with respect to performance and

Why Use a LB for TSOM

• HA (High Availability across presentation servers )
• HA (High Availability across Infrastructure Management Servers)
• HA ISN (Routing the traffic from the Integration Service to TSIM)
Advantages of using a Load Balancer for TSOM
Ø Avoid SPOC (single point of failure) when primary crashed backup server takes up the job

Ø We make sure of abstraction since the real IP’s and physical machine hostname are kept internal
which makes it secured. LB normally gets connected to TSPS instead of the actual primary or
secondary TSIM

Ø High Availability for both TSIM and TSPS at application level

Ø Work Load reduction on any single server when used with Integration Services

Ø Efficient resource usage can be guaranteed based on LB algorithm implemented

Ø Inbuilt Health Monitor helps to do passive monitoring of the application

Types of Load Balancing
Ø Software Load Balancing
Ø Installed on the servers as software
Ø Consumes server CPU cycles and memory
Ø Typically implemented with multiple scheduling algorithms
Ø Weighted scheduling algorithms
Ø Round Robin Scheduling
Ø Least Connection First Scheduling

Ø Hardware Load Balancing

Ø Dedicated Routers and Switches places between server and client
Ø Implemented on Layer 4 and Layer 7 of the OSI model
Ø Layer 4 = Transport Layer
Ø Layer 7 = Application Layer
Terminologies used LB configuration
• A node is a logical object on the load balancer System that identifies the IP address of a physical
resource on the network.

Load Balancing Pool

• A load balancing pool is a logical set of devices, such as web servers, that you group together to
receive and process traffic.

Health Monitors
• Helps to keep the load balancer operate smoothly by routing the traffic only to the nodes that are
operating or functioning properly.

Virtual Server
• This is basically a load balancing instance represented by an IP address and a service.
Configuring Load Balancing

TrueSight Presentation Server

TrueSight Infrastructure Management Server Components

Load Balancing Terminologies

Configuring Load Balancer on TSPS and TSIM
Pictorial Representation of LB Placement in TSOM environment
How to achieve Load Balancing in TSPS
Ø Seamless transition between TSOM components when its configured for High Availability
Ø In a HA scenario the secondary must take over when primary is not working
Ø With LB single VIP to access the TSPS (be it primary or secondary)
Ø Acts as a proxy : receives the client requests and re-directs the same to the active TSPS
Configuring TSPS LB on F5
F5 the home page will look similar to this.
Next few slides will show how to configure the Nodes , Health Monitor , Pool , Virtual Server.
Creating Nodes , Health Monitor TSPS
• Home page click on Local Traffic à Nodes à Node List and click on Create. Please fill in the Name , Address/FQDN field and
Description (Optional)
• Click on Finish and new node is created. Follow similar step to create secondary or Standby_node

Health Monitors
F5 à Local Traffic à Monitors , then click on Create. Fill in Name , Description and for Type select HTTPS. In the Send and
Receive string please enter below URL respectively
• GET /LogoutUser.jsp HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: <vip_name>\r\nConnection:Close\r\n\r\n (for 11.x onwards)
• GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: <vip_name>\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n (for 10.7 and below)
• HTTP/1.1 200
Creating Pool TSPS
Ø From F5 home page à Local Traffic à Pools à Pool List and click on Create.
Ø Enter the Name and select Health Monitor created in Previous Step
Ø For New Members please select Node List and from the list dropdown please select the 2 TSPS nodes that was
shown in the previous slide (primary and secondary)
Ø Default port number 443 for TSPS on Windows and 8043 for TSPS on Linux Click Add and then Click on Finish.
Creating Virtual Server TSPS
Ø F5 home page Local Traffic àVirtual Servers à Virtual Server List and click on Create. Under General properties fill in Name ,
Description (optional) , Type as ‘Standard’, source field as , destination field as IP address of the Virtual Server and
Service Port as HTTPS
Ø Under configuration , select http for HTTP Profile field, clientssl, serverssl for SSL Profile Client and Server , respectively. Auto-
Map for Source Address Translation Field and click on Finish.
Ø Under Resources Tab from the Default Pool dropdown list select the Pool we have created before and then click on Finished.
Command Line Configuration

Adding the Virtual Server Host as a referrer to the Presenation Server

• Navigate to TSPS Installation directory\truesightpserver\bin path on the TSPS machine and run the
below command
• tssh properties list (to check if any proxyHosts are present)
• tssh properties set tspsProxyHosts <LB_VIP_FQDN_host_name> , <hosts list from the above
command> [ if there are any any ]
• tssh properties set loadbalancername <name of the loadbalancer>
• tssh properties reload
• Please note the above name should be in FQDN format , recommended.
Create Nodes and Health Monitor (TSIM)
Ø For Nodes creation the steps are almost identical as done for TSPS . Repeat same steps for both Primary and
Standby node.
Ø Health Monitors slight difference in the URL
Ø F5 à Local Traffic à Monitors , then click on Create. Fill in Name , Description and for Type select HTTPS. In the
Send and Receive string please enter below URL respectively
Ø HEAD /jsp/ShowError.jsp HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: <vip_name>\r\nConnection:Close\r\n\r\n(for 11.x onwards)
Ø GET /jsp/Login.jsp HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: <vip_name>\r\nConnection: Close\r\n\r\n (for 10.7 and below)
Ø HTTP/1.1 200
Creating Pool (TSIM)
Ø From F5 home page à Local Traffic à Pools à Pool List and click on Create.
Ø Enter the Name and select Health Monitor created in Previous Step
Ø For New Members please select Node List and from the list dropdown please select the 2 TSIM nodes that was
shown in the previous slide (primary and secondary)
Ø Default port 443 for TSIM on Windows and 8043 for TSIM on Linux. Click Add and then Click on Finish.
Creating Virtual Server (TSIM)
Ø F5 home page Local Traffic àVirtual Servers à Virtual Server List and click on Create. Under General properties
fill in Name , Description (optional) , Type as ‘Performance (Layer 4)’, source field as , destination field as
IP address of the Virtual Server and Service Port as * All Ports with 0 Port
Ø Under configuration , in the Protocol Profile (Client) field choose fastL4. Auto-Map for Source Address Translation
Field and click on Finish.
Ø Under Resources Tab from the Default Pool dropdown list select the Pool we have created before and then click
on Finished.
Command Line Configuration (TSIM)

Adding the Virtual Server Host as a referrer to the Infrastructure Management Server
If pw ha enable is already executed
• Open the <TSIM Installation path>\pw\custom\conf\pronet.conf file on the TSIM machine
• Append Virtual Server name of TSIM in FQDN format to the pronet.conf file for the below property
• pronet.tsim.proxy.hosts=<existing hosts , if any>,<F5_VIP_FQDN_host_name>
•<F5_VIP_FQDN_host_name> [ under ha.conf in the same directory]
• Save the file
• Restart TSIM
If pw ha enable has not been executed
• Running this command will ask for the LB name an update the above files
Loadbalancing in TrueSight Integration Service

Ø Having the TSIS in behind the LB

Ø Requests comes to LB and then gets distributed depending on the LB algorithm that we select.
Ø With large customer base have observed 750-800 connection per active TSIS process. Here the
connections are for Patrol Agents

Ø Health Monitor for TSIS

Ø Create based on Port check

Ø Default Port for TSIS is 3183 , it would check if TSIS is running on this port
Ø The TSIS variable on PA end should have the Virtual hostname for TSIS
Thank You
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