EIA Project Info Checklist

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Doc ID : GB-EIA-CKL-002

Version : 1.1
Issue : 01-10-2018

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Checklist

Project Title
Contact Person
(Name & Designation)
Contact No W/O No

S/ Part-A: Project Description

01 Factory Establishment Date
02 What about land before factory?
Production capacity
04 Type of Products in details
05 Production Flowchart
06 Factory Organogram Attachment Required
07 EMS Organogram Attachment Required
No of building & sheds inside the
08 Fac
tor premises
09 y Factory Trade license Attachment Required
10 Pro No of production floor & section
11 file Greenery Space (sq. ft.)
12 Total Project/Land area
13 Total Floor area
☐Local ☐Foreign ☐Partial
14 Investment
15 Total Project value
16 Factory layout plan
17 Building layout plan Attachment Required
18 Drainage layout plan Attachment Required
19 Buyer list
20 International Certifications
21 Updated Project Profile Attachment Required
22 Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) Attachment Required
23 No Objection Certificate (NOC) certificate Attachment Required
24 Applicable Policy
25 Applicable laws
26 Fire license Attachment Required
27 Soil test report Attachment Required
28 Agreement with Hospital Attachment Required
Agreement with 3rd party waste/sludge
29 Attachment Required
30 Agreement with medical waste collector Attachment Required
31 Total manpower 1. Worker

Inspector Name: Factory Concern :

Signature: Signature:
Doc ID : GB-EIA-CKL-002
Version : 1.1
Issue : 01-10-2018

2. Administration
3. EMS

32 Factory full address

33 Nearest factories
☐Knitting ☐Printing ☐Washing ☐Dyeing
☐Finishing ☐Garments ☐Sweater ☐Textile ☐Cut to
34 Type of Factory
finish ☐Woven ☐Cement ☐Edible oil
☐Paper ☐Packaging ☐Other
35 Project Category ☐Green ☐Orange-A ☐Orange-B ☐Red
36 Nearest Bazar (if any)
37 Nearest River (if any)
Part B: Resource Consumption
(Fill up the Utility Information
38 Generator Information
(Fill up the Utility Information
39 Boiler Information
(Fill up the Utility Information
40 Air Compressor Information
41 Machinery list Attachment Required
42 No of Vehicles used by project
Cover van:
43 Worker Safety Equipment List Attachment Required
44 Firefighting Equipment List Attachment Required
Part C: Resource Consumption
45 Production Chemical List Attachment Required
46 Utility chemical list Attachment Required
47 ETP chemical list Attachment Required (If applicable)
48 Vehicles Fuel consumption (liter/day) (Fill up the GHG Information checklist)
49 Gas consumption (m3/day) (Fill up the GHG Information checklist)
50 Type & Source of Gas
51 Diesel consumption (liter/day) (Fill up the GHG Information checklist)
52 Water consumption (m /day)
☐Surface water  ☐Ground water
53 Sources of water
☐Recycled water ☐Supply
54 Method of water extraction
55 Water Treatment Plant (WTP) ☐Yes  ☐No
56 WTP Capacity (m /hr)
57 Sources of Electricity
58 Electricity consumption (kw/day) (Fill up the GHG Information checklist)
Inspector Name: Factory Concern :

Signature: Signature:
Doc ID : GB-EIA-CKL-002
Version : 1.1
Issue : 01-10-2018

59 Ground/Drinking water test report Attachment Required

60 List of Raw material Attachment Required
Part D: Waste Management
61 Waste water generation (m3/day)
62 Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) ☐Yes  ☐No
63 ETP capacity (m3/hr)
64 ETP layout diagram Attachment Required (If applicable)
65 ETP flow chart Attachment Required (If applicable)
66 ETP Manual Attachment Required (If applicable)
67 Reuse/Recycle ETP water ☐Yes  ☐No
68 Reuse/Recycle scope
69 ETP waste water test report Attachment Required (If applicable)
70 Sludge management procedure Attachment Required (If applicable)
71 Solid waste generation (kg/day)
72 Solid waste storage facility ☐Temporary ☐Permanent
73 Condition of storage area
74 Reuse/Recycle of solid waste ☐Yes  ☐No
75 Reuse/Recycle scope
76 Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP)  ☐Yes  ☐No
77 STP Capacity (m3/hr)
78 STP layout diagram
79 STP Flow chart Attachment Required (If applicable)
80 No of Septic tank & Capacity Attachment Required (If applicable)
81 Septic tank diagram Attachment Required (If applicable)
82 Septic tank desludge frequency
83 Septic sludge disposal procedure Attachment Required (If applicable)
84 Canopy on Generator ☐Yes  ☐No
85 Solar Panel ☐Yes  ☐No
Electricity generated by solar
87 Condensate Recovery system ☐Yes  ☐No
88 Flash steam recovery system ☐Yes  ☐No
89 Rain Water Harvesting System ☐Yes  ☐No
Rain water harvesting capacity
91 No of water flow meter & location
92 Steam flow meter (No if available) ☐Yes  ☐No
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) on
93 ☐Yes  ☐No
94 Emergency Response diagram Attachment Required (If available)

Inspector Name: Factory Concern :

Signature: Signature:

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