27SystemProgramming MayJ Une 2019

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IffiililililtlllililI]lil itilffl

vI semester B.c.A. Examination, May/June 2oL9
(CBCS - FtR) (2016-17 & onwards)
BCA 6o2 : System Programming
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 1OO
Insttttction : Answer all sections.
I- Answer any ten questions. Each question carries two marks. LOxl2=2O
1. Define System Programming.
2. Mention the functions of loader.
3. Explain BCT and LTDRG pseudo-ops.
4. Define DC and DS.
5. What is Macro ? Write down its syntax.
6. Define open and closed subroutine.
7. Define PSW.
8. Define local and global Optimization.
9. What is MDT and MNT ?
10. What is sorting ?
11. Differentiate between compiler and assembler
L2. Mention aurLy 4 components of Sp.
U. Answer any five
questions, Each question carries five marks. SxS=25
13, Explain Data formats of IBM 360 IBTO machine.
L4. Explain Long-Way-No-Looping with example.
15. Sort following array using Radix exchange Sort
21, 14, 19, 11 ,7, 12
16. Explain Macro definition with arguments with an example.
L7. Write specification of databases used in pass 1 and pass 2 Assembler.
ifg. Explain General Loader Scheme.
19. Explain Machine independent optimisation.
20. Explain databases used in lexical analysis phase of a compiler.

ur' Answer any three questions. Each question
carries fifteen marks. Bxrs=4s
2l' (a) Explain General Machine structure of IBM
diagram. 360/3To with a neat
(b) Explain instruction formats of IBM 360
/37owith syntax and example.
22. (a) Draw detailed pass 2 frow chart of an
(b) Give format of all five tables ,".J-i., assembler.

23. (a) Give specification of databases used. in pass

Macroprocessor. 1 and pass 2 of
(b) Exprain Macro instructions defining Macros
with an example.
24' (a) Explain design of an absorute roader with
(b) Give specification of databas." ,*.J
a neat diagram.
,., pass 1 and pass 2 of Direct
Linking Loader.
25' (a) ExRJain different phases of a compiler
with a neat diagram.
(b) Explain syntax phase of a Compiler.

Iv' Answer anv ol! question. #"fT"".i# .*ri.s ten marks.

26' (a) Explain the terms *u..o a"fi"lai"r" macro rxlo=lo
with syntax and example. cau, macro expansion s
(b) Draw Micro_flow chart for ADD instruction.
27' (a) Explain dilrerent types of cards used in Direct
(b) Write a note on compile and go loader. Linking loader. s


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