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Discussion Questions

1. Why is inter-functional cooperation necessary for new product design? What are
the symptoms of a possible lack of inter-functional cooperation?

Inter-functional cooperation can be defined as the coordination of different

internal business functions to attain the overall goals and objectives of the company. It
ensures responsiveness to external environment changes. The symptoms of a possible
lack of inter-functional cooperation are failure of a product shows incorrect designing of
the product. This could occur when the functional groups do not effective in the
designing of the process. And poor quality of products due to lack of communication,
planning, and management between the functional groups can cause poor-quality

2. In what circumstances might a market-pull approach or a technology-push

approach to new-product design be the best approach?

Consumer foods, for example, are a good illustration of where a market-pull

approach might be effective when the process is basic and pretty well standardized. Still,
competition is exceptionally strong (as in the case of consumer foods), or when the
present method is particularly flexible. In the opposite case, a technology-push approach
would be the most effective. For instance, in industrial industries, where processes are
frequently complex, and clients need technological sophistication, a good example would
be to consider.

3. Describe the steps that might be required in writing and producing a play.
Compare these steps to the three steps for NPD described in Section 3.2. Is there
a correspondence?

Step 1: Concept Development

The story and theme development phase of a play is much like the concept development
phase of a new product. The ideas are tossed around until a storyline and characters
that are appealing are created.

Step 2: Product Design

The product design phase is much like the phase of choosing the actors or casting
begins. During this phase, the actors and directors see how the play feels and make
necessary adjustments. The product is designed and tested.

Step 3: Final testing

The final nights of rehearsal of a play are much like the pilot product and testing phase,
where the trained actors and actresses dress up for dress rehearsals. The final process
is at where the final product is tested. The entire life cycle of products ends here before
their releases.

4. Why has there been an increase in product variety in our economy?

As the days pass by, consumers' tastes vary by a huge mark because
companies have to alter the way they service customers. As the taste keeps varying, the
number of products will keep increasing. A number of products are waiting to get a place
on shelves but aren't feasible yet because of production costs and other involved things.

5. How can the modular design concept control production variety and at the same
time allow product variety?

Modular design is the process of breaking down complex systems into simple
modules in order to design products more efficiently. Because only the modules need to
be manufactured, the product variety is reduced. Because the modules can theoretically
be assembled in any combination, product variety will be greatly increased. Even if some
combinations are impossible or impractical, there will be a large number of potential

6. What is the proper role of the operations function in product design?

During the product design phase, it is the job of the operation to use its engineers
and writers to create specifications and documentation about the product. At the same
time, the prototypes have to be built by some part of the company's manufacturing
operations. The operation department does the actual design and converting it into a
tangible product; the product design and the product decision should coordinate with the
process. Thus, it makes the product as per the designed prototype. The proper role of an
operation is to produce the product as per the design.

7. What form does the product specification take for the following firms: a travel
agency, a beer company, and a consulting firm?

Travel Agency:
The product specification may include where to place offices and what systems to put in
place and what travel areas to arrange for. It should also specify the rates per the
distance, range of products, mode of travel, food, beverages, and other services.
Nowadays, travel agencies along with the hotels also offer accommodation and local cab

Beer Company:
The product specification phase may include taste, look, and price range for the new
beer. The package, perishability as well flavor play a vital role.

Consulting Firm:
The product specification phase may include areas of specialty, licensing, and the price
range of services offered.

8. Find examples of the modular design of products in everyday life.

Modular products can be found in everyday life. Some examples include utensils, cell
phones, televisions, children's toys, and exercise equipment. A product like toys, cell phones,
exercise equipment, or knives has a relatively high product variety and low component
variable at the same time. For example, the cell phone has features like an 8mp camera, 5-
inch display. If the manufacturers alter the values of the features, then the variation in
production differs. While the toy has the size or the attractive features like the sponges,
glittering objects, and lights can be considered as component variety.

9. An entrepreneur is designing a sub sandwich shop that would be located on

campus. Define the CAs that you would like to see for the service (not the
product) delivered at this location. Then specify some ECs that can be used for
measurement of the service.

The Customer attributes for the submarine sandwich shop are:

 Greeting the customers in a friendly manner

 Simple Order Process
 Fast Sandwich Making Process
 Sandwiches Delivery Time

The engineering characteristics for the submarine sandwich shop are:

 Efficient store design

 Cost of making the sandwich
 Cost of the Ingredients

10. Suppose a car you want to buy has five choices for interior colors, three types of
radios, three engine choices, two battery types (regular and heavy-duty), exterior
colors, two transmission choices, and four types of wheel covers. How many
possible combinations of the car are possible for the manufacturer? What can be
done to limit the number of combinations without limiting customer choice?

Modular design combinations show an infinite number of possible combinations for a car
that has a choice of five colors and three radios, and three engines. There are ten
exterior colors, two options for a transaction, and four different types of wheel covers.
5 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 10 x 2 x 4 = 7,200

There are 7,200 possible combinations for this car.

One way to limit the number of combinations without limiting customers choice
 The least desirable combinations should be made costly.
 Certain standard packages should be made, which include different combinations.

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