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White Paper

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Notice 3
Product Description 4
Marketing Material 7
Addendum 1 information 7
Addendum 2 information 7
Addendum 3 information 7
Service Excellence 8
Download and onboarding 8
Usage of the app thereon 8
Complaints and Support 9
Feedback 9
SWOT Analysis 10
Strengths 10
Weaknesses 10
Opportunities 11
Threats 11
Market Research 12
Target market demographics 12
Conducting research 12
Addendum 1 13
Addendum 2 14
Addendum 3 15

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

The details mentioned below relate to a nature reserve located in Pretoria, South Africa.
The application has elements that relate to a business named Rietvlei Nature Reserve. This
is an example to illustrate a real life scenario of the application. Please ignore this, as
“AccessNature” application can work for any outdoor nature business.

Below mentioned examples include the application name “Rietvlei Nature,” this was used
purely for this example, and the universal name of the application is “AccessNature”.

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Product Description
After a detailed analysis of Rietvlei Nature Reserve, it is apparent that there is limited
attention and development in technology, accessibility, and the manner in which information
is displayed. With these 3 aspects in mind, I have designed the app “Rietvlei Nature,” which
consolidates all these aspects in a modern, user-friendly manner, which is accessible to an
even larger collective of visitors.

“Rietvlei Nature” combines Technology, Accessibility, and the

display of Information all into one.

Modern day businesses need to adapt to an ever-changing world in order to grow and stay
relevant. That is why the integration of technology is essential. Technological
advancements allow for a host of new opportunities for businesses, by putting the control
and convenience directly into the hands of the consumer. Rietvlei Nature Reserve handles
administration and visitor management in a dated fashion, with their new app, simple
algorithms will make those tedious tasks effortless, and may even eliminate the need for
them completely, so staff can focus on more important tasks at hand.

“Rietvlei Nature” allows visitors to book, pay, and confirm their visits, hikes, guided tours
and more, before they’ve even reached the reserve. The app handles all work, collects all
the relevant data, stores and encrypts it for later auditing. Payments are secure, and
instant, just as if they were done in person.

15% of the worlds population (The World Bank, 2021) experiences some sort of disability.
Currently, Rietvlei has limited amenities for the disabled community, and those that are
available require special arrangements to be made in advance. The “Rietvlei Nature” app is
designed with accessibility in mind, and works perfectly with the accessibility features built
into your iPhone. It starts with a simple, user-friendly design, that users are used to.

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

For users who are visually impaired, the app uses VoiceOver, a built-in feature on iOS
devices, which allows users to hear what is happening on their screen. “Auditory
descriptions of onscreen elements help you easily navigate your screen through a Bluetooth
keyboard or simple gestures on a touchscreen or trackpad.” (Apple, 2021) The app uses
numerous other features, such as Magnifier, Spoken Content, Zoom, Audio Descriptions,
Text Size, Dark Mode, Dictation, and Siri.

Have your iPhone read Use your voice to see Use your voice to tap, hold,
what’s on screen. button labels. or swipe buttons.

For users who are deaf, or hard of hearing, I have created

scannable QR codes, which — when scanned, shows the
corresponding message or visual, directly on the users
device. Within the app, along the bottom tab bar, users can
find the “ Scan” button. Once clicked, the app will open
the devices camera, and start searching for a nearby QR
code to scan. Once scanned, an information page will
appear with the relevant visuals. All text will be large
enough to increase legibility, and an option will be available
to play audio through any connected hearing aids, or
AirPods, for those hard of hearing. The message, and audio,
will be the exact same as that of which the guide is
presenting, so each individual is equally catered to.

For users who have mobility disorders, or have motor

disabilities, the app has a host of features to allow users to
control and interact with the app without lifting a finger.
Using Voice Control, allows users to make use of built-in
iOS features. Commands like click, swipe, and tap help you
easily interact. You can precisely select, drag, and zoom by
showing numbers alongside clickable items or by
superimposing a grid on the screen. The app also works
well with Assistive Touch, Switch Control, Accessibility After tapping “ Scan”
Keyboard, and Dictation. users will see this screen.

The manner in which information is displayed, affects the

visitors experience. Whether it be a navigation board, wildlife
or plant information, or a general point of information. Visitors

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

expect a clear, consistent message throughout their visit. Ensuring customers are well-
informed avoids possible dangers that are present at a nature reserve. Within the app,
visitors will be able to see their location, and if in an activity, they will see their entire route.

At all important landmarks, special plant-life and animal sightings, visitors will find an
Information Post. An Information Post will contain all the necessary information to share
with curious visitors. Designed with accessibility in mind, each post has English copy,
Braille, and a scannable QR code. Visitors who do not speak English can use the translator
built into the app under the “ Accessibility” tab.

Front and Side view of Information Post. Simplified view of Information Post view.

The reserve is a large space of scenic beauty, but with all that space comes the risk of
getting lost. To ensure that no visitors get lost on guide-less tours, I have designed a
Location Tracking Beacon. This small, disc shaped device will be placed along all path ways
around the reserve. The beacon connects to your device automatically once the “Rietvlei
Nature” app is installed, and transmits signals from the beacon to nearby devices, and back
to the beacon. The location is then sent back to the main office, and to the visitors device.
This happens seamlessly in the background, and can be found under “ Storage and
Data,” under the “ Profile” tab. The signal waves are transmitted via a bluetooth signal,
therefore even when your device is offline, you can always be found, this to ensure your
safety and the safety of the reserve, and in cases of emergency.

Image of the Beacon, this can Using Bluetooth signal waves More information can be
be found across the reserve in to transmit your location. found under “ Storage
a water-tight box. and Data”

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Marketing Material

Addendum 1 information
The ad is a paperback, large poster board that can be
placed around the reserve to inform new visitors. The aim
of the ad is to inform and entice visitors to download the
reserves app “Rietvlei Nature”. The use of minimalism, soft
colours, and strong imagery creates a professional and
trustworthy notion. The call to action placed in the centre
of the advert draws in attention and creates an impulse in
the viewer to follow through.

Addendum 1

Addendum 2 information
The ad is a paperback, large poster board that can be
placed around the reserve to inform new visitors. Text is
printed in English, however beveled ridges form the
lettering of Braille for visually disabled visitors to read the
advert. The aim of the ad is to inform and entice visitors to
download the reserves app “Rietvlei Nature,” and to inform
the visitors of the apps accessibility support, features, and
new updates. The use of minimalism, soft colours, and
strong imagery creates a professional and trustworthy
notion. The call to action placed in the centre of the advert
draws in attention and creates an impulse in the viewer to
follow through.
Addendum 2

Addendum 3 information
The ad is a paperback, large poster board that can be
placed around the reserve to inform new visitors. The aim
of the ad is to inform visitors of the new Information Posts
that have been placed around the reserve. The use of
minimalism, a strong colourful gradient, and large imagery
creates a professional and trustworthy notion.

AccessNature Application White Paper Addendum 3

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Service Excellence
An app is a product that continuously provides a service, providing that the visitor is using
the app. The periods at which a service is offered can be divided into 4 sections: download
and onboarding; the overall usage of the app thereon; customer support; and feedback/

Download and onboarding

The app “Rietvlei Nature” is an iOS based app, which makes use of the Apple App
Store as a marketplace. The App Store is the worlds most trusted, and secure app
marketplace, and is home to 1.8 million apps from across the globe. When
developers submit their app to the App Store for placement, a range of criteria need
to be met, to ensure all apps/games are of a high standard, and do not pose risk to
users. This meaning visitors to the App Store are aware that all the apps available are
trustworthy, and secure. The onboarding process is simple and requires a 26mb free
download, of which is smaller in comparison to other apps of a similar nature.

Example of “Back”

“Rietvlei Nature” download View of tab bar and glyphs.

page on the App Store.

Usage of the app thereon

The app is designed to feel natural and responsive, and offers a range of features.
Navigation is made simple with a fixed tab bar on the bottom of the screen, and
making use of colour, glyphs, symbols and context clues. Within the Home tab, users
can explore featured news, COVID-19 information and recommended activities.
Within the Guides tab, users can explore, find, start, and join guides, as well as see
information and a map view of their current guide. The Scan tab is designed to be
used by those with hearing disabilities to find and scan nearby QR codes. The
Accessibility tab showcases news and updates, a built-in translator, and additional
information. Under the Profile tab, users can find settings and preferences, as well as
account settings.

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Complaints and Support

Ensuring that the app is working efficiently is an important factor to maintaining
excellent service delivery. Ratings and Reviews is a great way for users to
communicate directly to the developer in order for improvements and optimisations
to be made. The app will randomly ask each user to review their experience on a
scale of 1-5 stars. Those users who give a rating lower than 3 stars will be asked for
feedback on how the app can be improved.

“Rietvlei Nature” download Call to action pop up that If users give a low rating,
page on the App Store. allows users to rate the app. the app will ask them for
feedback for improvements.

Bad or unpleasant experiences are destined to happen, however how you approach
the situation will affect the customers sense of trust in the business. It is important
to take every user suggestion to heart because the customer is the end user of the
app, and if they do not enjoy the experience the chance of them using it is low. Under
the “ Profile tab” users will be able to address any of their concerns by filling out
an interactive survey, in which they can highlight their areas of concern.

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis is an essential tool that businesses can use to identify possible strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in different areas of their business. Conducting
regular SWOT analysis is important to ensure that businesses are confident that they are
operating to their full potential, and is great when introducing new products or services, to
ensure they are feasible and practical benefactors or solutions to current challenges.

Making use of new, innovative businesses mechanisms aims to strengthen the
businesses core values, build closer relationships with customers, and provide an
excellent service to the customer. Through expanding into the ever-growing
technology sector, Rietvlei will cover all these goals with the introduction of their new
app. The app allows the reserve to cater to an ever larger population, including those
with visual, hearing, and motor disabilities. The app expands on the reserves values
of providing insightful experiences, by putting information and resources directly into
the hands of the customer. The app takes advantage of the many benefits of modern
technology with the introduction of contactless payments, bookings, and more, all
provided within a free 26mb application from the worlds most trusted app
marketplace, the App Store.

Photo of a person with a mobility disorder experiencing nature, with

the help of modern technology.

Technological advancements are great, however in a 3rd world country we cannot
expect every visitor to have a device capable of taking advantage of these new
features. The app is also an iOS based app, which means it is only available on
iPhone and iPad. However, Rietvlei developers are currently in the process of
designing an Android enabled version, and an Apple Watch version of the app which
will be available later in the year. Also, in coming months, Rietvlei is preparing to
extend their staff count by 20, and will be providing additional training and resources
to on-site staff on app training and usage, as well as an all-new website which will
offer many of the apps functionality, such as bookings and browsing.

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Applications are adaptable and configurable for change, which allows the
opportunity for updates and new features at any given time. Keeping users engaged
and interactive with the app is a crucial factor to ensure the app stays relevant.
Rietvlei can introduce new trails, hikes, and guides into their app. They could also
create an area, such as a “For You” page, where users can share with each other
their latest activities. The opportunities for expansion and improvement is limitless,
which creates a unique business model, which is ideal for longevity.

Privacy nutrition label for “Rietvlei Nature”.

Any application or website where sensitive information such as card details,
addresses, contacts, or even their current location is collected, is frightening to
some users. The “Rietvlei Nature” app was designed with security and privacy in
mind. Currently, contactless payments are only transacted through Apple Pay, and
general credit/debit card transactions through leading banks in South Africa. Apple
Pay is the worlds leading mobile payment and digital wallet service, and has built
trust through years of secure processing and payments. Privacy has been a concern
in the media recently, especially how apps track your activity across apps and
websites in order to feed specialised ads to users (this being done without their
knowledge or permission), Apple in June, released a new app requirement, known as
App Tracking and Transparency, which requires app developers to notify the public
on what data their app uses and has access to, as well as a requirement to provide
users a choice to allow the app to track, or to ask the app not to. These are standard
practises built into every app on iOS, and Rietvlei is in full support of user
transparency. We hope that through our concerning efforts to minimise and eliminate
as many threats as possible, and using only the best tools and resources, users who
use our app will rest assured that we have done everything possible to make their
security and privacy our top priority.

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Market Research
Identifying and understanding the end user of your product/service is especially important
because it gives you insights into the demographics of your audience which will allow for
refined design and purposes that meet the expectations of your user.

Target market demographics

Multi-race persons aged 8 to 65 years.

Financial position:
Low to high income earners.

Visual, Hearing, and Motor.

Interests and hobbies:

Strong interest in hiking, nature, the outdoors, and local South African experiences.

Person/s who have an iPhone, or iPad, an iCloud account, and a stable internet connection.

Person/s who have access to transport in order to get to the reserve.

Technological knowledge:
Person/s who have used an app before, and understand the basic concepts of navigation
and interaction, although basic concepts are self explanatory.

Conducting research
Once users have the app installed, the app will be able
to identify user ages, and additional information that
allows developers to see if market research conducted
meets the actual results and findings, and if not
adjustments can be made.

Pop-up that will show up on

users devices to allow them to
AccessNature Application White Paper become market research
Compiled by Matthew Norris candidates.

Addendum 1

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Addendum 2

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

Addendum 3

AccessNature Application White Paper

Compiled by Matthew Norris

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