Cosmozoic Theory

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Cosmozoic theory

According to this theory, life did not arise in our planet. But life was descended from other
planet where life existed previously. Helmholtz (1884) said that micro-organisms from space
came on earth along with meteorites and comets and then evolved into higher organisms in
water. Recently a piece of Martian rock has been recovered from Antarctica. NASA has
discovered fossils of bacteria-like organisms on this rock, suggesting that life could have come
on earth from outer space. Francis Crick and Laslie Orgel argued that all organisms have
molybdenum in their bodies. Plants require it in nitrogen metabolism as the enzymes nitrogenase
and nitrogen reductase are catalysed by molybdenum. But molybdenum is a rare element on
earth, amounting to only 0.2% of all elements. Cosmozoic theory has recently been extended to
include the concept that some planet with primitive life must have collided with earth and seeded
it with life. Proponents of this theory are Richter (1865), Helmholtz (1884) and Arrhenius
(1908). Explorers like Eric von Daniken and Zecharia Sitchin go a step forward in proposing that
the universe has several planets having intelligent life that is capable of space travel and that they
have landed on earth in the past and seeded it with life. They provide evidences of extraterrestrial
visitations of earth in the past from the writings on clay tablets recovered from Mesopotamia,
which carry accounts of extraterrestrial visitations and details of solar system, galaxies etc.

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