DUP345 Case-Study Zappos VFINAL

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A case study in
work environment
A case study in work environment redesign

A case study in work environment redesign

Can the way the workplace is constructed—physically, virtually, and

managerially—affect employee performance? The Deloitte LLP Center for the
Edge report Work environment redesign, based on a study of more than 75
organizations, argues that the work environment can have a critical impact on
employee productivity, passion, and innovation. The study outlines nine design
principles that can help employers gain more value from their people.

This case study explores ways that online retailer Zappos is applying
these design principles to enhance its own corporate environment.

Company background
let Zappos retain its unique culture. Though
and results Amazon does not separately report revenue for
Zappos.com (Zappos), the top online Zappos, Zappos’ sales exceeded $1.2 billion
shoe retailer,1 is ranked 31 on Fortune in 2009.3
magazine’s 2013 “Best compa-
nies to work for” list,2 on P
I N Meaningful
which it has been for I
five years. It E
I P challenges
has grown 9 connections E
S “Pursue
sales year Challenge-specific “Chance” growth and
over year teaming encounters learning”
since Strengthen is one of

1999. The high-impact Zappos’


Real-time connections
company is feedback and Adaptable core

known and reflection Define 3 space values,

routinely GOALS and the
high- Amplify
recognized impact impact company
for its Smart actively
excellent capture and seeks to
customer share help its
service. Meaningful Mutual employees
In 2009, P
R challenges ownership build new
I N and impact N
Amazon C I
G skills and
acquired Zappos L E rewards them
through an all-stock S for it. For example,
transaction, leaving the com- call center representatives in
pany independent with a promise to the customer loyalty team (CLT)

Figure 1. Work environment design principles used at Zappos


can increase their wages from $11/hour to professional life of each participant because the
$16/hour within a year by learning the skills accountability, confidence, and planning skills
required to work at the resource desk (Rdesk), employees learn are also crucial to their profes-
where complex calls get escalated. The main sional development. Almost half of the partici-
steps for this kind of raise are: pants coached between 2010 and 2011 attained
promotion or progression toward a meaning-
1. Shadowing a colleague with a ful challenge. Their impact is recorded on the
particular skill Goals Club wall and celebrated throughout the
organization, encouraging new participants as
2. Demonstrating the skill successfully for well as continued goal-setting and attainment.5
30 days
Real-time feedback
3. Passing a technical skills test
and reflection
Most skills translate into an incremental Zappos is known as one of the few com-
$0.25 to $1/hour increase in hourly wage. For panies that has replaced annual performance
example, developing email or live chat skills evaluations with more frequent performance
translates to a $1/hour raise. However, if both feedback. Managers are encouraged to sit with
of these skills are attained within a year, the their team members on a more real-time basis,
wage increases from $11/hour to $13/hour. meeting at frequencies ranging from daily to
Even if a CLT member chooses to return from monthly. They can choose to discuss specific
a new role (for example, at the Rdesk) to his or areas of improvement and/or scores on four
her original role, he or she keeps the pay raise, dimensions during a “culture review”:
because he or she will continue to encounter
new challenges in the original role that lever- • Core values
age his or her new skills. With this structure,
no one receives pay raises simply because of • Performance
tenure. Rather, raises are awarded for accom-
plishment, improving Zappos’ margins and • Leadership
motivating people to continue to learn in order
to improve their compensation.4 • Growth potential
All Zappos employees have access to the
“goals department,” which is staffed by a “head While most companies’ reviews revolve
coach,” Augusta Scott. Employees can meet around performance metrics, Zappos’ cul-
with Augusta to set goals, which are typically ture reviews also emphasize adoption of the
30-day challenges. Augusta helps participants company’s core values. These discussions focus
set both personal and professional goals, since on how the worker can improve: for example,
Zappos believes that helping its employees on how well he or she exhibited a core value
accomplish their personal goals actually drives such as “embrace and drive change.” Because
better customer service. For example, a CLT pay raises are based on skills tests and not on
member with the goal of starting a career in tenure or annual performance ratings, cultural
marketing can shadow a colleague within mar- fit adds another important layer of context
keting for a few months and continue to see from which a worker can draw performance
a meaningful challenge ahead. Goal-setting, improvement ideas.6
even within the personal realm, benefits the

A case study in work environment redesign

Another way in which Zappos encourages teams come together to discuss lessons learned
real-time feedback is through the weekly team and share frequently encountered problems
huddle meetings, or “Zuddles,” to help indi- and common solutions.9
viduals reflect on what went well or what went Zappos also records the strength of rela-
wrong. In addition to these meetings, groups of tionships and networks within the organiza-
employees listen to their recent conversations tion. As an employee logs on to his or her PC,
with customers—as uncomfortable as that a randomized series of photos of colleagues
may be—to pinpoint specific areas of improve- in other departments will flash by. The screen
ment for the next call. Within the Zuddles, enables a worker to rate his or her familiarity
team members also reflect on the core values, with a colleague. The short exercise helps to
often testing each other for knowledge of the capture the strength of interdepartmental rela-
10 values.7 tionships. Management uses this information
Zappos has also developed a practice of to understand if silos are forming and/or deep-
soliciting real-time feedback from customers. ening and to address the emergence of silos, if
For example, a buyer at Zappos recently asked needed, through increased collaboration.10
a caller why he liked a particular shoe so much Within the office, flyers, posters, LCDs, and
and what other shoes made sense to add to even T-shirts are used to help employees focus
Zappos’ inventory. From there, the buyer was on and share the most important announce-
able to increase Zappos’ inventory of popular ments to help cut through email clutter. For
items. A marketing lead also asked a caller example, crowdsourced tips for keeping orders
about factors that impact purchase decision, from escalating (called “Top Hug” alerts),
including recent advertisements. This meant advertisements for veteran employees to sign
that the marketing lead could quickly adjust up as mentors to junior members, and other
marketing campaigns according to customer pieces of information flash by in a commer-
feedback. Because every employee is required cial-like fashion. Without these important
to staff the call center at least once a year, every announcements, employees may not notice
member of every department obtains valuable the need to take action in certain areas of
real-time feedback from the customer.8 office life.11

Smart capture and share Rapid experimentation

Zappos uses internal wikis and blogs to Process improvement at Zappos is almost
help employees solve problems together. After entirely employee-driven, and Zappos has
Amazon acquired Zappos, the fulfillment created an environment where employees feel
center encountered issues as it began merg- comfortable participating in the process. The
ing with Amazon’s fulfillment organization. open acceptance of mistakes—even very costly
To highlight specific problems and solutions, ones, such as a pricing mistake that cost the
employees used a simple wiki. Everyone could company $1.6 million—increases the level of
learn what was needed to solve the next prob- risk-taking and experimentation across the
lem. Similarly, quarterly all-hands meetings are organization. Many projects, including Zappos’
filmed, live-streamed, and captured for future annual Culture Book (its core values bible), are
reference so that all employees can watch and made from information that is crowdsourced
refer back to them. During these meetings, and then rapidly iterated. One employee


emphasizes the improvements to be made in highly visible plates help new team members
the 2011 Culture Book: make relevant connections and find veterans
Ninety percent of the company is amazing,
to query about resolving a customer issue or
and 10 percent needs some work . . . What researching a new problem. All executives can
is important is that Zappos is such a work be found quickly using the same license plates;
in progress that I truly believe the 10 per- consequently, employees frequently approach
cent is probably on the drawing boards of them with questions or suggestions to more
people here, to be tweaked and improved thoroughly solve problems.13
upon. I hope next year to be moving the 10
percent down, and the 90 percent higher.
I’m prepared to roll up my sleeves and pitch Lessons learned
in with the rest of the team to focus on our
continued growth and improvement.12 • Encouraging employees to shadow other
roles and apprentice with each other accel-
erates cross-functional learning.
Relevant connections
In addition to connecting through all- • Pursuing and setting goals for both work
hands meetings, employees can easily find and personal endeavors help employees
one another through low-tech paper “license develop behaviors that help them and
plates” hanging over each cubicle, with cubicles the company.
aligned to a grid of “city streets.” Each license
plate includes “registration stickers” showing • An open, egalitarian culture can be created
the number of years a team member has spent both through policies on physical space
at Zappos. For example, “13” is appended to (e.g., open floor plan and décor) as well as
the license plate of the CEO, Tony Hsieh, who through management systems (e.g., pegging
founded the company 13 years ago. These wages to skill development).

A case study in work environment redesign

1. Hoover’s, “Company profile,” http://www. 6. Joseph Michelli, The Zappos Experience:
hoovers.com, accessed December 2, 2012. 5 Principles to Inspire, Engage, and WOW
2. Robert Levering and Milton Moskowitz, “100 (United States: McGraw-Hill, 2012), pp. 64-78.
best companies to work for,” CNNMoney, 7. Zappos tour.
January 2013, http://money.cnn.com/ 8. Ibid.
snapshots/11.html, accessed March 7, 2013. 9. Ibid.
3. Hoover’s, “Company profile.” 10. Ibid.
4. Zappos tour, January 9, 2013. 11. Ibid.
5. Ibid. 12. Zappos.com, “2011 Culture Book.”
13. Zappos tour.

About the author

Kelly Cheng Deloitte Consulting LLP
Kelly Cheng is a consultant in Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Strategy & Operations practice. She
focuses primarily on growth strategy work in the health care, financial services, and technology
sectors. Many of her clients look to emerging technologies to drive growth opportunities. Her work
at the Center includes conducting primary and secondary research on talent development and
helping to develop the launch strategy for “Pragmatic Pathways,” a framework to help companies
scale change.

For more information about this report or about the Center for the Edge, please contact:

Blythe Aronowitz

Chief of Staff, Center for the Edge

Deloitte Services LP
+1 408 704 2483

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