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Calculation Sheet for River and Onshore Protection

Sulut-1 CFSPP 2 X 50 MW Project

Issued 05/08/2020 Project Document No: S1-PP-000-CVL-CAL-00021 REV. 2

Variation of net pressure diagram and variation of moment versus

q depth of a cantilevered sheet pile wall is shown below:

ground existing

Total Depth of L = 3 m

Unit weight of soil g1 = 20.00 KN/m3

Angle of internal friction ф = 35.00 deg
Surcharge load q = 10 kN/m2
Cohesi of soil c = 0 kN/m2


3.1.1 Ka and Kp (active and passive earth pressure)

Calculate Ka and Kp (active and passive earth pressure), based on Rankine's method ;

Coefficient of active soil pressure Ka = 2 ф

tan ( 45 deg - )
tan ( 45 deg - )
Ka = 0.271

Coefficient of passive soil pressure Kp = 2 ф

tan ( 45 deg + )
tan ( 45 deg + )
Kp = 3.690
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Calculation Sheet for River and Onshore Protection

Sulut-1 CFSPP 2 X 50 MW Project

Issued 05/08/2020 Project Document No: S1-PP-000-CVL-CAL-00021 REV. 2
3.1.2 Calculate s2'

- Lateral Load due to seismic Load

Mononobe-Okabe develop the basis of a pseudo static analysis of seismic earth pressure on wall structures,
And the Mononobe-Okabe method will be applied for the ditch structure as :

Kae = cos ( f - q - y )
2 1/2 2
cos y cos q cos ( d + q + y ) 1 + sin ( d + f ) sin ( f - b - y)
cos ( d + q + y ) cos ( b - q )

KAE = Soil active pressure coefficient due to seismic, = 0.45
ø = Angle of internal friction = 35.00
β = Inclanation of wall to vertical = 0.0
kh o
θ = = 15.1
(1-kv ) (AASHTO, 2012 Sec

kh = Seismic horizontal accelaration coefficient = 0.27 g

Methods for determination of kh coefficient are as follows
kh = ah max / 2g (Marcuson, 1981)
ah max = Peak Surface Acceleration (PSA) following Final Soil Investigation = 0.54 g
kv = Seismic vertical accelaration coefficient
kv coefficient following Final Soil Investigation Report = 0.0 g

δ = Wall backfill interface friction angle = 0.0 o

i = Backfill slope angle = 0.0 o
γ' = Unit weight of soil = 20.00 kN/m³

Pae = Lateral load due to seismic

= [ gs x L x Kae]
= 27.00 kN/m2

Calculate s2' respectively as:

P1 = g1 L Ka + q Ka = 18.969 kN/m2

= P1 - (2 c (Ka^0.5)) + Pae
= 45.97 kN/m2

3.1.3 Calculate L3

= 0.672 m
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Calculation Sheet for River and Onshore Protection

Sulut-1 CFSPP 2 X 50 MW Project

Issued 05/08/2020 Project Document No: S1-PP-000-CVL-CAL-00021 REV. 2

3.1.4 Calculate P

P = (0.5 x 45.969 x 3) + (0.5 x 45.969 x 0.672)

= 84.405 kN/m

3.1.5 Calculate Ž

Ž = 0.672 + 3 = 1.672 m

3.1.6 Calculate L4

= P5 = (20 x 3 x 3.69) + (20 x 0.672 x (3.69 - 0.271) )

= 267.380 kN/m2

- -

A1 = P5 /(g1(Kp - Ka)) A2 = 8P/(g1(Kp - Ka))

= 3.91 = 9.874

2 2
A3 = 6P(2Žg1(Kp - Ka) + p5)/(g1 (Kp - Ka) )
= 53.724

2 2
A4 = P(6Žp5+ 4P) /(g1 (Kp - Ka) )
= 54.515

Solve the following equation to get L4

trial & error method => L 4 4 + A1 L 4 3 - A 2 L 4 2 - A 3 L 4 - A 4 = 0

L4 = 3.710 m
Page 28 of 69 .
Calculation Sheet for River and Onshore Protection

Sulut-1 CFSPP 2 X 50 MW Project

Issued 05/08/2020 Project Document No: S1-PP-000-CVL-CAL-00021 REV. 2
3.71^4 + 3.91 x 3.71^3 - 9.874 x 3.71^2 - 53.724 x 3.71 - 54.515 = -0.6 O.K

Because the results of the trial and error equation = 0 then L4 = 3.710 m

3.1.7 Depth of sheetpile (D)

Theoretical depth of sheetpile

D = 0.672 + 3.71
= 4.382 m

Sheet pile design depth D = 1,2(L3 + L4)

D = 1,3 x (0.672 + 3.71)

= 5.6969 m

Total sheet pile length Ltotal = L + Ddesain

Ltotal = 3 + 5.697
= 8.6969 m

3.1.8 Moment Maximum

z' = (2P/g1(Kp - Ka))1/2 = 1.571 m

Mmax = P(Ž + z') - 1/2 g1 z' 2(Kp - Ka)(1/3 z') = 229.55 kN.m/m

Mmax = 22.955 ton.m/m


From the moment of the maximum value used sheet pile steel with Type II (400x100) with 257.8 kN. m/m Max.
Bending Momen, cracking moment sheet pile value is greater than the maximum moment value so it is considered
to be used as reinforcement on the cliff wall

Sheet pile design

Mmax = 22.955 ton.m/m

Mmax = 224.962 kn.m/m

Sheet pile Steel Type II (400x100)

Mcrack = 257.8 kN.m/m OK, Mmax < Mcrack

Total length of sheet pile design

Ldesign = 8.7 m

Total length of sheet pile used

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Calculation Sheet for River and Onshore Protection

Sulut-1 CFSPP 2 X 50 MW Project

Issued 05/08/2020 Project Document No: S1-PP-000-CVL-CAL-00021 REV. 2

Lused = 12.0 m OK, L design < L used

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