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Lampiran 1.

Bahan Ajar


Name : _________________________________
Class : _________________________________


Activity 1. Study the expression

 I’d be happy to type the  If you like, I’ll type the letter
letter for you? for you.

 Can I type the letter for  Do you want me to type the

you? letter for you?

 I can type the letter for you  Let me know if you need
if you want? help with anything?

 If you don’t mind I can type  Shall I type the letter for you?
the letter for you
 Can I help you?  Perhaps I could assist you
with that?
 Let me help you?
Do you need help?  Could I assist you in some
 way?

 Would you like some help?  May I offer you assistance?

 Need help?
Activity 2. Read the dialog

Read the following dialog and then answer the questions!

Dialog 1.

Hana : Excuse me, sir.

Customer service officer : Yes, May I help you?

Hana : Yes, I need some information about the paticipants in this book fair.

Customer service officer : We have a map that you can take a look at. This map contains some

information about the publishers and their booths.

Hana : I see. Can I have it?

Customer service officer : of course. Here you are. It is free.

Hana : Thank you. By the way, do they offer any discount?

Customer service officer : Yes. They offer 20-80 percent discounts, especially on the last

two days. You can go direcly to their booths and ask for this


Hana : Wow, that’s very interesting. Besides the book exhibition, are there

Any other activities in this fair?

Customer service officer : Yes, we are holding some shows and art performances.
Hana : That sounds nice. Do you have the schedules?

Customer service officer : Yes, here you go.

Hana : Thanks for your help.

Customer service officer : You’re wellcome.


1. Where is Hana? Give evidence from the dialog.

2. What does the customer service officer say to respond to Hana’s first greeting?
3. What information does Hana ask the costomer service officer?
4. Is Hana looking forward to visiting the booths in the book fair? Give evidence.
5. Is the conversation in a formal or informal situation?

Dialog 2

Raisa : Good morning.

Customer service officer : Good morning. What can I do for you?

Raisa : I’m looking for a book on English grammar. I looked around but

I couldn’t find what I was looking for.

Customer service officer : Okay. Please wait for a moment. I’m going to check in the computer.

Raisa : Thanks.

Customer service officer : We have several titles at shelf 34.

Raisa : I see. Is that on the third floor?

Customer service officer : Yes, it is.

Raisa : How about stationaery? Which floor is it on?

Customer service officer : It’s on the second floor.

Raisa : Thanks for your information.

Customer service officer : You’re wellcome. Enjoy the book shopping.


1. Where is raisa? Give evidence from the dialog.

2. Why does the Customer service officer say “what can I do for you”?
3. What are the similarities between the Customer service officers in two dialogs?
4. Is Raisa satisfied with the service from the Customer service officer? Give eveidence.
5. Can you mention other expressions of offering services or help?
Task 3. Fill the blanks with the sentences in the box.

a. Excuse me. Are you looking for something, sir?

b. Would you like any help?
c. Let me help you with the books.
d. The radio is broken. I can’t hear anything but noises.
e. Excuse me. Can I give you a hand? It seems like you are lost.

1. A. : ____________________________________________________________

B. : Sure. The books are too heavy for me.

2. A. : ____________________________________________________________

B. : I have lost my watch. I think I put it on the desk.

A. : Let me help you find it.

3. A. : ____________________________________________________________

B. : Yes, I am new here. Could you show me the way to the post office, please?

A : Just go down this street and turn left at the first T-junction. Go straight ahead

and you will find the post office on your right.

B. : Thanks a lot.

4. A. : ____________________________________________________________

B. : Let me repair it. It may need some changed parts.

5. A. : ____________________________________________________________

B. : Yes, please. Could you decorate the room, please?

Task 4. Arrange the following sentences into a good dialogues

Samuel : I am good at graphic design. I prefer doing the designing part.

Samuel : Sure. I’m free on Friday.

Samuel : Would you like me to help you with your new project?

Samuel : I can send it to you soon.

Samuel : It’s OK, but I will ask others for some suggestions.

Andre : Excellent! You’ll be working alone on that part. Is it OK for you?

Andre : We will have the first meeting next Friday. Could you join us?

Andre : Alright. I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your week.

Andre : please send me your personal data before the meeting so I can look at it.
Andre : that would be great. Do you want to help with the designing or the mapping part?

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