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PART 1. Locate and label Rice and wheat growing areas



Part II. Define the following in one or two sentences only. 1X10=10
1. Agriculture

Agriculture describes the practice of growing crops or raising animals.

2.crop rotation

Crop rotation is  the practice of planting different crops sequentially on the same

plot of land to improve soil health, optimize nutrients in the soil, and combat pest

and weed pressure.

3. Intensive agriculture

intensive agriculture is an agricultural production system characterized by a low

fallow ratio and the high use of inputs such as capital, labour, or heavy use of

pesticides and chemical fertilizers relative to land area.

4.kharif season

Crops that are sown during the southwest monsoon season are called kharif or

monsoon crops. These crops are sown at the beginning of the season  around end

May to early June  and are harvested post the monsoon rains beginning October.

5.minimum support prize

The minimum support price is  an agricultural product price, set by the

Government of India to purchase directly from the farmer.

6. plantation Agriculture

Plantation agriculture is  a type of commercial farming in which a single crop is

grown for the entire year.  

7.rabi season

Rabi crops are the crops that are sown at the end of monsoon or at the beginning

of winter season, e.g between September and October

8.strip cropping

Strip cropping is  a method of cultivating crops to prevent soil erosion.

9.technological reforms

The technological and institutional changes initiated in India to  improve the

condition of farmers .

10. what is genetic engineering?

Genetic engineering is a  type of modern biotechnology used to modify the

genome or genetic material of living organisms.

Part.3. short answers 3 marks each 3X6=18

1. What is so unique about Indian agriculture

India is unique country for agriculture. It has a  vast area of leveled land,

rich soil, wide climate variations suited for various types of crops, ample

sunshine and a long growing season. Wide variety of crops like Rice,

Wheat, Tea, Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, etc. are grown in India.

2 .Distinguish between extensive farming and intensive farming

Intensive Farming Extensive Farming

Intensive Farming refers to an Extensive Farming is a farming system, in

agricultural system wherein there is which large farms are being cultivated,

high level use of labor and capital, in with moderately lower inputs, i.e. capital

comparison to the land area and labor.

It is followed in densely populated region. It is followed in moderately populated

Small and expensive farming methods Large and inexpensive farming methods

Located in prime location like near to the It is remotely located

Per hectare output is large Per hentare output is small

2. What is organic farming. explain with example

Organic farming is a technique, which involves the  cultivation of plants

and rearing of animals in natural ways. This process involves the use of
biological materials, avoiding synthetic substances to maintain soil
fertility and ecological balance thereby minimizing pollution and

4. What do you mean by globalization? Explain its use

Globalization is the word used to describe  the growing interdependence

of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by

cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of

investment, people, and information.

5. Explain jute cultivation

It grows well on well-drained fertile soils in the flood plains where soils are

renewed every year. Major jute producing states are West-Bengal, Bihar,

Assam, Odisha and Meghalaya. It is used in making gunny bags, mats, ropes,

yarn, carpets and other artefacts.

6. what is shifting cultivation

Shifting cultivation is an  agricultural method in which a person uses a piece of

land, just a short time later to abandon or change the initial use. This method also

involves clearing a piece of land before the soil loses fertility, followed by several

years of wood harvesting or farming.

Part 4. Long Answers (Five Marks) 5X4=20

1. What are the steps taken by the government to help farmers?

 Land reform was the main focus of the government in the

First Five Years’ Plan. It aimed at consolidation of land
holdings, abolition of the zamindari system etc.
 During the 1960’s and 1970’s, many agricultural reforms were
introduced in agriculture to enhance production. The Green
Revolution was such a measure.
 The government started many schemes to protect the crops
against droughts, fires, floods and other calamities.
 Various cooperative banks and societies were established to
provide farmers with loans at low rates of interests.
 The government also announced minimum support price and
procurement price for the important crops to check the
exploitation of farmers by middlemen. 

2. Give a complete idea of rice crop in India?

Rice crop is the staple food crop of India. Our country is the

second largest producer of rice crop in the world after china. It is a

kharif crop which requires high temperature, (above 25C) and high

humidity with annual rainfall above 100cm.

It is grown in the plains of north and north-eastern India, coastal

areas and the deltaic regions. Major rice producing states are West

Bengal, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu,

Orissa, Telangana, Assam and Chhattisgarh.

3. Give a complete idea of wheat crop in India

Wheat crop is the second most important cereal crop in India. It is

a main food crop, in north and north-western part of the country.

Wheat is a rabi crop which requires a cool growing season with 50

to 75cm of annual rainfall and a bright sunshine at the time of

ripening. Wheat growing regions are Ganga-Satluj plains in the

north-west and black soil region of the Deccan. Major wheat

producing states in India are  Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana,

Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Gujarat.

4. Give a complete idea of sugarcane crop in India.

Sugarcane is a tropical as well as subtropical crop. Major

sugarcane producing states are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,

Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and

Haryana. The sugarcane’s two-thirds is produced in India.It

is consumed for creating sugar and gur just one third is

used by sugar factories. A part of sugarcane can be used

as fodder. It is an extended duration crop and requires 10

to fifteen and even 18 months to mature, depending upon

the geographical conditions. Requirement of this crop is a

hot and humid climate with average temperature of 21°-

27°C and it requires 75-150 cm rainfall.

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