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1. Read the passage given below.

1. There are two types of diabetes, insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent. Between
90-95% of the estimated 13-14 million people in the United States with diabetes have
non-insulin-dependent, or Type 2 diabetes. Because this form of diabetes usually begins in
adults over the age of 40, it used to be called adult-onset diabetes. Its symptoms often
develop gradually and are hard to identify at first; therefore, nearly half of all people with
diabetes do not know they have it. This can be particularly dangerous because untreated
diabetes can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. While the
causes, short-term effects and treatments of the two types of diabetes differ, both types can
cause the same long-term health problems.
What causes type 2 diabetes? There is no simple answer to this question. While eating sugar,
1or instance, doesn't cause diabetes, eating large amounts of sugar and other rich, fatty foods

can cause weight gain. Scientists do not fully understand why obesity increases someone's
Chances of developing diabetes, but they believe obesity is a major factor leading to type 2
Age, sex, weight, physical activity, diet, lifestyle and family health history, all affect
neone's chances of developing type 2 diabetes. The chances that someone will develop
taDetes increase if the person's parents or siblings have the disease. Experts now know that
laDetes is more common in African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Native
Hawaiians than in
whites. They believe the result of both hereds heredity and
environmental factors, such as diet and lifestyle. hile the chances of develo
isn't a risk although African AP
diabetes increase with age, gender
women are more likely to develop
diabetes than African American men. American
Both types affect the body's ability to use digested food for energy. Diabetes doa
interfere with digestion, but it does prevent the body from using glucose (com
known as sugar), for energy. After a meal, the normal digestive system breake
down into glucose. The blood carries the glucose or sugar throughout the ho
causing blood glucose levels to rise. In response to this rise, the hormone insulin
released into the bloodstream and signals the body tissues to burn the glucose nis
fuel, which causes blood glucose levels to return to normal. The glucose that the body
does not use right away is stored in thé liver, muscle or fat.
5.In both types of diabetes, however, this normal process malfunctions. A gland calle
the pancreas. found just behind the stomach, makes insulin. In people with
insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreas does not produce insulin at all so they take
daily insulin injections to survive. This condition usually begins in childhood andis
known as Type 1 diabetes.
6. In some cases people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes usually produce some
insulin in their pancreas, but their bodies' tissues do not respond well to the insulin
signal and therefore do not metabolise the glucose properly, a condition known a
insulin resistance. Scientists have identified two causes of insulin resistance.
The first is that there could be a defect in the insulin
receptors on cells. Like an
appliance that needs to be plugged into an electrical outlet, insulin has to bind to
receptor in order to function. Several things can go wrong with receptors. For
example, there may not be enough receptors to which insulin may bind, or a defect in
the receptors may prevent insulin from
binding. The second possible cause is that.
although insulin may bind to the receptors, the cells do not read the signal te
metabolise the glucose.
7. There's no cure for diabetes yet. However, there are
In 1986, a National Institute of Health
ways to alleviate its symptoms.
panel experts recommended that the best
treatment for
normal weight and pays
diabetes is a diet that helps one
particular attention to a proper balance of the different food
groups. Many experts, including those in the American
recommend that 50-60% of daily calories come
Diabetes Association
from carbohydrates, 12-20% from
protein, and no more than 30% from fat. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates, such as
breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables, break down into
causing blood glucose to rise. Additionally, studies have glucose
during digestion
raise blood cooked foods
glucose higher than raw, unpeeled foods.
On the basis of the
understanding of the pasSage, answer any ten of the
given below with the help of the options that follow. questions
(1x 10 =10
i) What form of diabetes usually begins in adults over the age of 40?
(a) Type 1 diabetes
(b) Type 2 diabetes
(c) Both of the above
(d) Neither of the above
2) Out of the
followinq types of persons who have the least chance of developing
diabetes? develr.-
(a) Whites (b) Native Hawaiians
(c) African Americans (d) Hispanics
statements is truo?
it Wih of ability
diabetes attert the body's to u digled food t
h tVpesot
not make insulin.
b n e r e u sdoes
nmore common.
diabetes 18
e t
t exists a cure tor
trom Type 1 diabetes muIst have insulin injtion%
iv! People suffering

a) weekly (b)monthly
(c) daily (d) yearly
the body is stored in
(vThe unused glucose in
. . . . .

a) muscles (b) lat

c) liver (od) All of these
v What do experts recommend regarding the percentage of daily calories whirh
should come from fat?
(a) 12 to 20% (b) 50 to 60%
(c) More than 30% (d) Less than 30%
(vii) What is the major function of Insulin?
a) To absorb the nutrients present in the body.
b) To signal the body tissues to burn the glucose for fuel.
c) To makes sure that the thyroid functions properly.
(d) All of the above
(vil The word.... in para 6 means the same as 'way out'.
(al Outlet (b) Metabolise
(c) Malfunctions (d) Signal
(ix) Based on your reading of the passage, arrange the
occurrence in the passage.
following statements as per their
1. What causes type 2 diabetes?
2. There are two
types of diabetes.
3. There's no cure for diabetes
4. Age, sex, weight, physical activity, diet, lifestyle and family wealth
someone's chances of history all affect
developing type 2 diabetes.
(a) 2,1,3,4
(c) 1,2,3,4
(b) 2, 1, 4,3
(d) 4,3, 2, 1
(x) Which option
represents the correct ratio of daily calorie intake?

Carbohy Fats Protein

drate Fats
Protein Carbohy

(Protein Protein
Carbohy Carboh
or tUE given passaq
of the wTiter
the purpose
x ) Pick the option that correctly lists 2. To inform

1. To warn To make a n
4 conversation

3. To show concern start

6. To
5. To show a research 4
(b) 2 and
(a) 3 and 5 (d Only1
(c) Only 6
2. Read the passage given below. young
among the
media addiction is anemerging health problem in India, especially adolescents have
socioeconomic background.
Nowadays, irrespective of their The
population. like smartphones at a much younger age.
to electronic gadgets put India
greater exposure
the launch of low-cost data packages in 2016/2017 has
introduction of internet and media users
data with active social
for large-scale consumption of mobile
on t h e global map
197 million (1496 of the population).
going up to to maintain their social
c o m m u n i c a t i o n is an important way
For a d o l e s c e n t s . phone-based common activities
social media websites then is one of the most
relationships. The u s e
them more prone to
integral part of their day-to-day lives. Hence, making
that has become an
which may have a effect on the physical, an
or addiction
social media overuse

important to study the pattern

of social media usage
health. Hence, it became (PU) colleg
issues among Pre-University
and mental health

they are the vulnerable group.

students as
in and Private PU colleges situated
was conducted
A c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l study December 2016.The objectives ofthe
Karnataka, India, during July to in different
Urban Bengaluru city, of social media addiction
the prevalence
study w e r e to a s s e s s
and compare and to assess the
related to social media usage,
the health problems
organisations, to a s s e s s addiction.
Various factors associated
with social media
and Private P
w e r e recruited
from both Government
A total of 1870 study
administered a and semi-structured questionnaire
Colleges. Each participant was
about the non-academic usage of social meda
asked to answer

from 0 to 4 (0-never, 1-seldo

study tool.
each given a score ranging
SCale Comprised 10 questions, s c o r e of 0 and
à maximum SCore
with a minimum
and 4-always),
2-0CCasiOnally, 3-often,
the s c o e s as: Normal
(<12), mild addict
classified based on
40. Participants w e r e
severe àddiction (233).
13-20), moderale addiction (21-32) and
Social Media Addiction
Distribution of Study Subjects According to Grading of

Government Private Total

191 (00 3) 373 (72 )
Mild 182 (80 6)
Moderale 3917 3) 93 (32 2) 132 (25
Severe 4(19 4(15 8(10
26800) 513 (100)
indicate percentages
Figures in parenthesis
nodifference in the prevalence of Social Media Addiction betweren Gve a
and Private PU college study sulbjects contrary to th assumption thal P'rivale t,ollege subjrr
l he more prone to social media addiction due to higlher soc ial slatus, and pirehasing

On the basis of the understanding of the passage, answer any ten of the questions qiven
below with the help of the options that follow (1 1010
t What are the probable reasons for the increasing rate of Sorial Merdia Arldir tion?
(a) Increasing social media apps
b) Low rate data package availability.
c) Decreasing price range of gadgets.
d) Increasing desire to be a pat of a social group.

i) What do people generally assume regarding social media?

a) Social media has more advantages than disadvantages
b) Students of private schools are more addicted to social media
c) Students of higher social status are not generally addicted to social media
d None of the above
ui) Why were the Pre-University college students selected for the survey?
(a) They are more vulnerable.
b) They are more addicted to social media.
c) They suffer from more mental and physical problems.
d) All of the above
(v)Based on the table given in the passage, choose the option that correctly states the
depiction of distribution of study subjects.

O Miad O Mild Mild O Mld

Moderate Moderate Moder Moderate
Severe Severe Severe Severe
(1) (2) (3) (4)

a) Option 1 (b) Option 2 (c) Option 3 (d) Option 4

v) The objectives of study conducted are
(aj to assess and compare the prevalence of social media addiction in different
to assess the health problems related to social media usage.
c) to assess the various factors associated with social media addiction.
d) All of the above
v) What make social media addiction an
important topic
of study today?
(a) Increasing physical and
psychological problems
(b) Increasing juvenial crimes
c) Increasing cyber crimes
(d) Increasing vulnerability
v The students were classified into 4 categories based on their
lal habits

(b) scores
c) bebaviour
d) netiquettes
vi) The score for students
who were found to be normal
la) less than or equal to 12
(b) less than or equal to 15
c) between 12 to 15
(d) between 13 to 20
(ix) The study tool used in the
(a) yes-no questions
survev comprised ot
d questionnaire
based aiestionnaire
(b) a scale
(c) some physical and IQ based tests
(d) Both (b) and (c)
the compdisOn
Lng O the survey, which is the option that correctly displays
or social media addiction between government and private schools.


Sociail Media addiction

C Private

Social Media addiction

EE Governmet

Social Media addiction

Social Media addiction

1. 2. 3. 4.
(a) Option 1 (b) Option 2 (c) Option 3 (d) Option 4
(xi) Which of the following statements be concluded from the
can given data?
a) Almost every student is addicted to social media.
to social media.
(b There are students who are not addicted of
rate addiction.
(c} Private schools have relatively higher
(d) More than 70% of the students are only mildly addicted to social dia.

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