Front - End Development

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The front-end is built using a combination of

technologies such as Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML), JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS). This is performed by professionals called
Front - End Developers.
Front-end developers design and construct
the user experience elements on the web page or
app including buttons, menus, pages, links,
graphics and more.

Front- End development refers to that area of web

development that focuses on what the users see on
their end. It involves transforming the code built
by backend developers into a graphical interface,
making sure that the data is presented in an easy-
to-read and -understand format.

The back-end, also called the server side, consists of the server
which provides data on request, the application which channels
it, and the database which organizes the information.

For example, when a customer browses shoes on a website, they

are interacting with the front end.

After they select the item they want, put it in the shopping cart,
and authorize the purchase, the information is kept inside the
database which resides on the server.

A few days later when the client checks on the status of their
delivery, the server pulls the relevant information, updates it
with tracking data, and presents it through the front-end.

The core concern of back-end developers is creating

applications that can find and deliver data to the front end.

Back - end deals with C.U.R.D ( Create, Update , Read &


"Full-stack development" is a more specific term that

refers to something who includes both front-end and
back-end coding languages. This is performed by
professional called Full- stack developers.

A full-stack developer is someone who can build both

the front end (the visible features that users interact
with) and the back end (the behind-the-scenes
processes and data storage) of a website.

Typically when a job posting or job title uses the word

“full stack,” they are referring to someone who has both
“front end” and “back end” development knowledge.
Taken more generally, it can refer to someone who
knows how to handle everything from project
management to installing the correct operating system
on a server. In other words, it is a programmer who can
deal with the complete implementation of a website.

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