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▪ A nursing home is a residential aged care facility offering high level care for people who require a

lot of assistance with daily living activities such as feeding, dressing, cleaning and mobility. It
includes accommodation, meals, laundry, room cleaning and personal care.

▪ Low level care generally included accommodation and personal care, such as help with dressing
and showering, together with occasional nursing care often referred to as nursing homes.

▪ Residential aged care provides a range of care options and accommodation for older people who

are unable to continue living independently in their own homes. The type of care provided ranges
from personal care to assist with activities of daily living through to nursing care on a 24-hour

▪ The Home and Community Care program provides services to support older people

with care needs, younger people with disabilities, and their careers.

▪ A Community Aged Care Package is a package of personal care services and other personal

assistance that is delivered to you in your home. To access this service, you must first be assessed
by an Aged Care Assessment Service as needing low level care.

▪ Extended Aged Care at Home Dementia Packages are packages of care ... behavioural and

psychological difficulties associated with dementia.

a. An individual experience with natural process and nothing threaten or risky to be concern
about means normal aging.
A range of occurrence, feeling virtuous, improve health by preventing heart
strokes, avoiding diseases and maintaining healthy body are the layout of
Attitude and a healthy lifestyle.

b. Ageing in place belongs to an aged care residence that can continue to accommodate and
provide support to residents as their care needs increase, as long as the environment is
appropriate to meet their needs.

c. It helps the patient at end of life by providing relief from pain and distressing symptoms,
resources such as equipment needed to aid care at home,councelling and support for
emotional and social concern.

d. Older people discrimination that they experience is often multidimensional based not only
age but on other factors such as gender, ethnic origin, where they live and disability,
poverty and sexuality. Common misconception Older people are not interested in sex or

e. Different roles and responsibilities, norms, values, freedoms and limitations may be an
issue. Older women and men aged differently and the discrimination that they experience is
often multidimensional based not only age but on other factors such as gender, ethnic
origin, where they live and disability, poverty and sexuality.

a. I think and feel about certain issues, for instance those related to older people and
disabilities with them and will enable to understand how my personal values might impact
on my role being as a care worker. Be empathetic, unbiased and non- judgemental are
essential attributes if I work with clients of different values.

b. Stereotype is a simplified image that develops to grouping the people together based on a
similarity or characteristics. They create misconceptions and relates to sometime with false
beliefs such as dependent on others and being required services. Creating the barrier for
adequate care and sense of discrimination are the Negative stereotypes

c. The social model of disability identifies systemic barriers, negative attitudes and exclusion
by society (purposely or inadvertently) that mean society is the main contributory factor in
disabling people. It looks at ways of removing barriers that restrict life choices for disabled

a. A personal care worker is asked by a client about what she can expect now that she has
been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The PCW’s father had died of Parkinson’s so she
felt well qualified to tell her all about the disease and what she could expect. She told her
each of the stages that her father had gone through. The client seemed very overwhelmed
but the PCW was happy that she had been able to explain things clearly for her. Has the
PCW acted appropriately? Explain your answer.
No, for the personal care worker it should be priority seriously and confidentiality for her
personal matters. She should only assure the patient to make comfortable rather than
frightened by explaining any other patient’s disease experience. She should encourage the
patient face up to care and disease.

b. How does a worker know the role and responsibilities of their job?

Worker can know their roles and responsibility through job description, consulting with team
member and from policies of working organization.

c. Imagine a client asked you to do something that is not part of your job role. What would you

I will politely explain them that the task they have ask me to perform would be out of my
practice and I would advise them if there is any other way I can help them.
d. What are three workplace health and safety responsibilities of an employee?

Three workplace health and safety responsibility are listed below;

1. Wearing correct PPE
2. Following manual handling guides
3. Proper waste disposal

e. What is your duty of care as a personal care worker?

Duty of care as a personal care worker are to obey all lawful instructions and attend work
and to be punctual, give an honest day's work, observe confidentiality and privacy of
colleagues as well clients.

f. What is the purpose of a code of ethics?

Purposes of code of ethics are;
1. to provide guidance and set common ethical standards.
2. help in understanding of own commitment
3. provide knowledge about ethical obligation and duties.

a. What is the main purpose of privacy legislation?
The main purposes of privacy legislation (privacy act) is regulation and handling of
personal information of individual. It includes to keep all information confidential and do
not allow to disclose any information of an individual with any legal consent.

a. How does person-centred care assist a client to have control over their own care?
The main purposes of privacy legislation (privacy act) is regulation and handling of
personal information of individual. It includes to keep all information confidential and don’t
allow to disclose any information of an individual with any legal consent.

b. Why are older people commonly disempowered?

Older people are commonly disempowered because during old age their body system is
not well functioning due to different health issue such as hearing problems, physical
disability. They do not have enough energy as well their memory power is not good as
before which ultimately keeps them far from being socialization and make
c. Provide two strategies that can enable clients to be empowered in relation to their care.
Two strategies that can enable client to be empowered are;
1. assist people to gain their skills and own needs as well solve their problems and to
achieve the control over necessary resources.
2. to take a major part to help them to communicate with others.

Jeremy has dementia. He now ignores his personal hygiene and is incontinent. He will follow
simple instructions.
a. What personal care support does Jeremy need? As Jeremy’s personal care worker, how
would you encourage his participation and independence?
Jeremy needs full assistance in maintain his personal hygiene e.g. Showering, changing
clothes. As a personal care worker, I will encourage him to do his daily activity by
himself. For instance, I will assist him while showering and changing clothes but
encourage him to do it by himself and continue it for all day

b. Jaydia is very hard of hearing. He wears hearing aids that assist, but he still has difficulty
hearing. He finds his deafness very socially isolating and tends to withdraw.
As a personal care worker, how could you support Jaydia with this problem? As a personal
care worker, to support Jaydia, I will encourage him to participate in group games (games
like Chace, carrom) and group participation. I will encourage him to spend more time with
other people and share personal thinking. I will try to listen his problems and spend time
with him
c. Hamish is dying of cancer. There is a treatment available but he chooses not to go ahead
with it saying that he does not wish to prolong his life. He decides he is going to travel
and do some things he has always wanted to do but never has. He has planned a
tandem sky dive and white water rafting. He seems the happiest he has been since his

Participating in the community is important for many people. As people age, community
engagement can often become more difficult. Think of a person you know who is
elderly or imagine yourself as elderly and frail. What types of community participation
do you think is important so an aged person can engage socially and undertake their
tasks of daily living? What challenges are there?

Hamish's dignity of risk could bring positive influence to his remaining days. He appears
to be motivated to fulfill his wishes and remain happy for the remaining days.
As socialization is very important part of our daily lives we should arrange and engage
aged person in morning exercise programmed with the group of same aged people. So
that they get participate in community. Convincing and motivating elder people to take
part in exercise program is core challenge as well miss conception of people that
exercise make tired so that they can't perform whole day task is also challenges.
a. Choose one of the challenges that you identified above.
What support could be given to someone so they can continue their community
The main solution for this challenge is to raise awareness among the aged people that exercise
helps to energies our body and it’s beneficial for our health. We can also make exercise program
interesting by including different types of games because if people felt bored, they will not
participate in it.

a. List three indicators for each type of elder abuse in the table below. Type of elder abuse
Physical Abuse: Brushes in the skin, Cuts and Heating
Psychological: Depressed, Mood Swing and Anguish
Financial: Illegal taking, Not providing them what they deserve and
Sexual: Scared of touching, Unstable Psychology and consexual contact of any kind

b. If you suspected that a client was being abused, where would you find advice on how to
report it?
I would take following steps;
1. Encourage carer/client to discuss with their case manager
2. In form supervisor
3. Complete any documentation
4. Seek de-briefing session with the supervisor
Harry has a fall during one of his walks. You help him up and assist him back to his
room. He appears to be okay, but is shaken.
a. What should you do to report the incident (both verbally and in writing)?
I will notify to the RN and consult with related AIN. I will fill out incident form for both
me and resident

b. Why is it important to report this incident given that Harry does not appear to be
It is important to report this incident to make sure that these does not occur in
future. And also because it is workplace policy to report all the missed injury.
Elsie saw Harry fall. She comes up to you and starts asking questions about Harry.
‘Why did he fall?’, ‘Why does he walk so badly?’, ‘Did he have a hip replacement like I
c. How would you respond to Elsie? Why would you respond in this way?

I will tell her that harry is fine now and I will explain her that I cannot disclose any
details of harry medical conditions. I will respond like this because it falls under my
duty to maintain the confidentiality of my clients personal, medical and other
related information.


For each of the care approaches, provide an example of how this could be provided.
An example has been provided for you?

Person-centered approach

We discussed all the care options with Mrs. Brown and answered all the questions.
At the end of the discussion she decided that she would like assistance to shower
but she will continue to clean her teeth and dress herself unaided. She said that she
may need help with buttons sometimes.

Enabling approach
For the client who is able to have their meal themselves but are slow in the process.
We should encourage them to continue their independency and we should not feed
them to speed up the tasks. We could help them by setting up the meals if required

Rights based approach

For a client who is suspected of being abused in any forms. We should aware them
about their rights and the way to claim to their rights. We should also encourage
them to report any kinds of abuse and advocate for them when required.
Consumer-directed care
Various choices and flexibilities should be made available to the clients while they
choose what kind of cares they require. They should feel more oriented towards
their actions and should believe they could have control over their care options.


Research a best-practice aged care program (for example, you might choose the
Eden Alternative or Active Service Model). In one to two paragraphs describe the
program and why it is ‘best practice.’

Person-centred practice is one of the best aged care program. Person-centred care is
about ensuring client at the centred of everything we do with and for them, which
means we need to take account of their individual wishes and needs; their life
circumstances and their health choices. It involves caring for clients in the way they
want to. It relies on we getting to know them as an individual and finding out what
they need from their care, their goals and any preferences related to care. I found
this as a best practice because it gives priority to client's needs and client get
satisfied with care provided to them in this program. Clients also get proper care
according to their needs. In this way, person-centred program tends to be best
practice of aged care.
Mabel lives at home alone. She is a very independent woman and enjoys working as
a volunteer in the community and also runs an art class. Mabel fell and broke her
shoulder. She needed surgery and spent ten days in hospital. Once she was clinically
stable, she was worried about how she would manage at home as she had no family
close by. She was told that she would be dependent on support for activities of daily
living for up to two months while her shoulder repaired itself. Mabel was very
worried that she would have to remain in hospital for that time, however
arrangements were made for her to be discharged from hospital and receive
assistance at home until she was able to be independent once more. A care plan
was set up and was planned to go for six weeks at which time it would be re-
evaluated. Care included showering, dressing, cleaning, transport to physiotherapy,
occupational therapy, and meals on wheels. At her review after six weeks Mabel has
very happy with her progress. She was going back to volunteer work one day a week
and planning to restart her art classes next week. She had cancelled the meals on
wheels the previous week as she found she was able to cook for herself now. It was
agreed that she no longer needed home support.
Discuss the advantages that a enablement approach had for Mabel compared with
more traditional models of care

Advantages of enablement approach compared to traditional model of care are;

1. It allows them to maximize their level of independency.

2. It helps them to increase their self-esteem and courage.

3. It helps them to increase confidence, make psychologically stable and maintain
their quality of life.

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